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Cost Accounting Notes

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ACCOUNTING: Meaning of Accounting: Accounting, as an information system is the process of identifying, measuring and communicating the economic information of an organization to its users who need the information for decision making. It identifies transactions and events of a specific entity. A transaction is an exchange in which each participant receives or sacrifices value (e.g. purchase of raw material). An event (whether internal or external) is a happening of consequence to an entity (e.g. use of raw material for production). An entity means an economic unit that performs economic activities. Definition of Accounting: American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) which defines accounting as the art of recording, classifying and summarizing in a significant manner and in terms of money, transactions and events, which are, in part at least, of a financial character and interpreting the results thereof. Branches of accounting

Branches of accounting Management accounting

Financial accounting

Cost accounting

Financial Accounting: The accounting system concerned only with the financial state of affairs and financial results of operations is known as Financial Accounting. It is the original from of accounting. It is mainly concerned with the preparation of financial statements for the use of outsiders like creditors, debenture holders, investors and financial institutions. The financial statements i.e., the profit and loss account and the balance sheet, show them the manner in which operations of the business have been conducted during a specified period.

Cost Accounting: In view of the limitations of financial accounting in respect of information relating to the cost of individual products, cost accounting was developed. It is that branch of accounting which is concerned with the accumulation and assignment of historical costs to units of product and department, primarily for the purpose of valuation of stock and measurement of profits. Cost accounting seeks to ascertain the cost of unit produced and sold or the services rendered by the business unit with a view to exercising control over these costs to assess profitability and efficiency of the enterprise. It generally relates to the future and involves an estimation of future costs to be incurred. The process of cost accounting based on the data provided by the financial accounting. Management Accounting: It is an accounting for the management i.e., accounting which provides necessary information to the management for discharging its functions. According to t h e A n g l o-American Council on productivity, Management accounting is the presentation of accounting information is such a way as to assist management in t h e creation of policy and the day-to-day operation of an undertaking. It covers all arrangements and combinations or adjustments of the orthodox information to provide the Chief Executive with the information from which he can control the business e.g. Information about funds, costs, profits etc. Management accounting is not only confined to the area of cost accounting but also covers other areas (such as capital expenditure decisions, capital structure decisions, and dividend decisions) as well

The Limitation of Financial Accounting. The following are the important limitations of financial accounting: No detailed cost information: Financial accounting does not provide detailed information for each product, process, job or operation.It only provides information regarding income and expenditure, assets an liability of the organization on a particular date. No classification of cost: Financial accounting does not classify cost into direct and indirect, fixed & variable, controllable, uncontrollable, normal and abnormal cost etc. It only divides expenditure in to two categories as Capital and Revenue. No helpful in price fixation: Financial accounting does not provide adequate information for fixation of selling prices of the product produced or services rendered by the business. It is not also able to prepare tender or quotations. No control on cost: Financial accounting does not provide proper system of controlling to various elements of cost, that is material labor and expenses. Cost control procedure can be adopted by setting standards, but it lacks in financial accounting. DEFINITION OF COST, COSTING, COST ACCOUNTING AND COST ACCOUNTANCY: Cost: The term cost has to be studied in relation to its purpose and conditions. As per the definition by Institute of Cost and Management Accountants (I.C.M.A.), now known as Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (C.I.M.A.), London cost is the amount of: actual expenditure incurred on a given thing. Costing: The I.C.M.A., London has defined costing as the ascertainment of costs. It refers to the techniques and processes of ascertaining costs and studies the principles and rules concerning the determination of cost of products and services. Cost Accounting: It is the method of accounting for cost. The process of recording and accounting for all the elements of cost is called cost accounting. I.C.M.A. has defined cost accounting as follows: The process of accounting for cost from the point at which expenditure is incurred or committed to the establishment of its ultimate relationship with cost centers and cost units. In its widest usage it embraces the preparation of statistical data, the application of cost control methods and the ascertainment of the profitability of activities carried out or planned.

Cost Accountancy: It is an aid to management for decision making. I.C.M.A., has defined cost accountancy as follows: The application of costing and cost accounting principles, methods and techniques to the science, art and practice of cost control and the ascertainment of profitability. It includes the presentation of information derived there from for the purpose of managerial decision making. Cost accountancy: Meaning and definition: The terminology of cost accountancy published by the Institute of Cost and Management Accountants, London defines cost accountancy as the application of costing and cost accounting principles, methods and techniques to the science, art and practice of cost control and the ascertainment of profitability. It includes the presentation of information derived there from for the managerial decision-making. On analysis of the above definition, the following features of cost accountancy become evident: (a) Cost accountancy is used in the broadest sense when compared to cost accounting and costing. This is so because cost accountancy is concerned with the formulation of principles, methods and techniques to be applied for ascertaining cost and profit. (b) Having ascertained cost and profit, cost accountancy is concerned with presentation of information to management. To enable management to carry out its functions, reports must be promptly made available at the right time, to the right person and in a proper from. (c) The information so provided is to serve the purpose of managerial decision making such as introducing a new line of product, replacement of manual labour by machines, make or buy, decisions, etc. Cost accounting:. Meaning of Cost Accounting: Previously, cost accounting was merely considered to be a technique for the ascertainment of costs of products or services on the basis of historical data. In course of time, due to competitive nature of the market, it was realized that ascertaining of cost is not so important as controlling costs. Hence, cost accounting started to be considered more as a technique for cost control as compared to cost ascertainment. Due to the technological developments in all fields, cost reduction has also come within the ambit of cost accounting. Cost accounting is, thus, concerned with recording, classifying and summarizing costs for determination of costs of products or services, planning,

controlling and reducing such costs and furnishing of information to management for decision making. According to Charles T. Horngren, cost accounting is a quantitative method that accumulates, classifies, summarizes and interprets information for the following three major purposes: Operational planning and control Special decisions Product decisions According to the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants, London, cost accounting is the process of accounting for costs from the point at which its expenditure is incurred or committed to the establishment of the ultimate relationship with cost units. In its widest sense, it embraces the preparation of statistical data, the application of cost control methods and the ascertainment of the profitability of the activities carried out or planned. Cost accounting, thus, provides various information to management for all sorts of decisions. It serves multiple purposes on account of which it is generally indistinguishable from management accounting or so-called internal accounting. Wilmot has summarized the nature of cost accounting as the analyzing, recording, standardizing, forecasting, comparing, reporting and recommending and the role of a cost accountant as a historian, news agent and prophet. As a historian, he should be meticulously accurate and sedulously impartial. As a news agent, he should be up to date, selective and pithy. As a prophet, he should combine knowledge and experience with foresight and courage. NATURE OF COST ACCOUNTING: The nature of cost accounting can be brought out under the following headings : 1. Cost accounting is a branch of knowledge : Though considered as a branch of financial accounts, cost accounting is one of the important branch of knowledge, i.e., a discipline by itself. It is an organised body of knowledge consisting of its own principles, concepts and conventions. These principles and rules of course vary from industry to industry. 2. Cost accounting is a science : Cost accounting is a science as it is a body of systematic knowledge relating to not only cost accounting but relating to a wide variety of subjects such as law, office practice and procedure, data processing, production and material control, etc. It is necessary for a cost accountant to have intimate knowledge of all these field of study in order to carry on his day-to-day activities. But it is to be admitted that it is not a

perfect science as in the case of natural science.

3. Cost accounting is an art : Cost accounting is an art in the sense it requires the ability and skill on the part of cost accountant in applying the principles, methods and techniques of cost accountancy to various management problems. These problems include the ascertainment of cost, control of costs, ascertainment of profitability, etc 4.Cost accounting is a profession : In recent years cost accounting has become one of the important professions which has become more challenging. This view is evident from two facts. First, the setting up of various professional bodies such as National Association of Accountants (NAA) in USA. The Institute of Cost and Management Accountants in UK, the Institute of Cost and Works Accountants in India and such other professional bodies both in developed and developing countries have increased the growing awareness of costing profession among the people. Secondly, a large number of students have enrolled in these institutes to obtain costing degrees and memberships for earning their livelihood. Scope of Cost Accounting: The terms costing and cost accounting are many times used interchangeably. However, the scope of cost accounting is broader than that of costing. Following functional activities are included in the scope of cost accounting: 1. Cost book-keeping: It involves maintaining complete record of all costs Incurred from their incurrence to their charge to departments, products And services. Such recording is preferably done on the basis of double Entry system. 2. Cost system: Systems and procedures are devised for proper accounting for costs. 3. Cost ascertainment: Ascertaining cost of products, processes, jobs, services, etc., is the important function of cost accounting. Cost ascertainment becomes the basis of managerial decision making such as pricing, planning and control. 4. Cost Analysis: It involves the process of finding out the causal factors of actual costs varying from the budgeted costs and fixation of responsibility for cost increases.

5. Cost comparisons: Cost accounting also includes comparisons between cost from alternative courses of action such as use of technology for production, cost of making different products and activities, and cost of same product/ service over a period of time. 6. Cost Control: Cost accounting is the utilisation of cost information for exercising control. It involves a detailed examination of each cost in the light of benefit derived from the incurrence of the cost. Thus, we can state that cost is analysed to know whether the current level of costs is satisfactory in the light of standards set in advance. 7. Cost Reports: Presentation of cost is the ultimate function of cost accounting. These reports are primarily for use by the management at different levels. Cost Reports form the basis for planning and control, performance appraisal and managerial decision making. CHARACTERISTICS OF A GOOD COSTING SYSTEM : An ideal system of cost accounting must possess some characteristics which bring all the advantages, discussed above; to the business, in order to be ideal and objective. The main characteristics are: Simplicity: It must be simple, flexible and adaptable to the changing conditions. And it must be easily understandable to the personnel. The information provided must be in the proper order, in right time and to the right persons so as to be utilized fully. Flexibility and Adaptability: The costing system must be flexible to accommodate the changing conditions and circumstances. The expansion, contraction of changes must be adopted in the existing system with minimum changes. Economy: The costing system must suit the finance available. The expenditure must be less than the benefits derived from the system adopted. This watermark does not appear in The management must be able to make comparison of the facts and figures with the past figures, figures of other concerns, or other departments of the same concern. Suitability to the Firms: Before accepting a costing system, the nature, requirements, size, conditions of the business etc., must be carefully considered. The system must be capable of prompt and accurate reporting to different levels of management according to their requirements. Minimum Changes to the Existing one:

When introducing a costing system, it may cause minimum disturbance to the existing set up of the business. Uniformity of Forms: Forms of different colours can be used to distinguish them. Forms must be uniform in size and quality. Form should contain instructions to fill, to use and for disposal. Less Clerical Work: Printed forms will involve less labour to fill in, as the workers may be a little educated. They may not like to spend much time in filling the forms. Efficient Material Control and Wage System: There must be a proper procedure for recording the time spent on different jobs, by workers for the payment of wages. A systematic method of wage system will help in the control of labour cost. Since the cost of material forms a great proportion to the total cost, there must be an efficient system of stores control. A Sound Plan: There must be proper and sound plans to collect, to allocate and to apportion overhead expenses on each job or each product in order to find out the cost accurately. Reconciliation: The systems of costing and financial accounting must be facilitated to reconcile in the easiest manner. Overall Efficiency of Cost Accountant: The work of the cost accountant under a good system of costing must be clearly defined as to his duties and responsibilities to the firm are very essential.

INSTALLATION OF A COSTING SYSTEM : The costing system of an organization should be carefully planned in order to achieve its objectives. The important steps for the installation of a costing system are discussed below: Determination of objectives: The first and foremost stop is to clearly lay down the objectives of the costing System. If the objective is only to ascertain the cost, a simple system will be sufficient. However, if the objective is to get information for decision

making, planning and control, a more elaborate system of costing is necessary. . Study of the nature of business: The nature of the business and other technical aspects like nature of the products, methods and stages of production cycle should be carefully analyzed. Such an analysis is necessary to decide the method of costing to be adopted. For example, contract costing is suitable for large construction projects. Operating costing is adopted by service industries like transport. Study of the nature of the organization: The costing system should be designed to meet the requirements of the organization. Hence, it is necessary to study the nature, size and layout of the organization. The factors to be considered are: Size of the organization and the size of the departments. The physical layout of the organization. The different levels of management. The extent of decentralization of authority. The nature of authority relationships. Deciding the structure of cost accounts : A suitable costing system can be developed on the basis of the study of the nature of business and organization. The structure of cost accounts should be simple and in accordance with the natural production process. Determination of cost rates: This step involves a thorough study of the following points for developing an integrated costing system. Classification of costs into direct and indirect cots. Grouping of indirect costs (overheads) into production, administration, selling and distribution etc. Methods of pricing issues. Treatment of wastes of all types. Absorption of overheads. Calculation of overhead rates. Organization of the cost office : The cost office is responsible for the efficient operation of the costing system. The cost office, with adequate staff must be located a close as possible to the factory. The following are the major functions of the cots office. Stores accounts. Labour accounting Recording of cost data and

Cost control. Further, the role and duties and responsibilities of the cost accountant must be clearly defined. He must have the necessary authority to discharge his duties effectively. Introducing the system: After completion of the above steps, the costing system may be formally introduced. Introduction of the system in an existing organization should be done gradually. Before introduction, the feature of the systems, its working and advantages must be explained to the concerned employees to secure their co-operation Objectives of cost accounting: There is a relationship among information needs of management, cost Accounting objectives, and techniques and tools used for analysis in cost accounting. Cost accounting has the following main objectives to serve: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Determining selling price, Controlling cost Providing information for decision-making Ascertaining costing profit Facilitating preparation of financial and other statements.

1. Determining selling price: The objective of determining the cost of products is of main importance in cost accounting. The total product cost and cost per unit of product are important in deciding selling price of product. Cost accounting provides information regarding the cost to make and sell product or services. Other factors such as the quality of product, the condition of the market, the area of distribution, the quantity which can be supplied etc., are also to be given consideration by the management before deciding the selling price, but the cost of product plays a major role. 2. Controlling cost: Cost accounting helps in attaining aim of controlling cost by using various techniques such as Budgetary Control, Standard costing, and inventory control. Each item of cost [viz. material, labour, and expense] is budgeted at the beginning of the period and actual expenses incurred are compared with the budget. This increases the efficiency of the enterprise. 3. Providing information for decision-making:

Cost accounting helps the management in providing information for managerial decisions for formulating operative policies. These policies relate to the following matters: (i) Determination of cost-volume-profit relationship. (ii) Make or buy a component (iii) Shut down or continue operation at a loss (iv) Continuing with the existing machinery or replacing them by improved and Economical machines. 4. Ascertaining costing profit: Cost accounting helps in ascertaining the costing profit or loss of any activity on an objective basis by matching cost with the revenue of the activity . 5. Facilitating preparation of financial and other statements: Cost accounting helps to produce statements at short intervals as the management may require. The financial statements are prepared generally once a year or half year to meet the needs of the management. In order to operate the business at high efficiency, it is essential for management to have a review of production, sales and operating results. Cost accounting provides daily, weekly or monthly statements of units produced, accumulated cost with analysis. Cost accounting system provides immediate information regarding stock of raw material, semi finished and finished goods. This helps in preparation of financial statements. Importance of Cost accounting: The limitation of financial accounting has made the management to realise the importance of cost accounting. The importance of cost accounting are as follows: 1. Importance to Management : Cost accounting provides invaluable help to management. It is difficult to indicate where the work of cost accountant ends and managerial control begins. The advantages are as follows : Helps in ascertainment of cost Cost accounting helps the management in the ascertainment of cost of process, product, Job, contract, activity, etc., by using different techniques such as Job costing and Process costing. Aids in Price fixation By using demand and supply, activities of competitors, market condition to a great extent, also determine the price of product and cost to the producer does play an important role. The producer can take necessary help from his costing records.

Helps in Cost reduction Cost can be reduced in the long-run when cost reduction programme and improved methods are tried to reduce costs. Elimination of wastage As it is possible to know the cost of product at every stage, it becomes possible to check the forms of waste, such as time and expenses etc., are in the use of machine equipment and material. Helps in identifying unprofitable activities With the help of cost accounting the unprofitable activities are identified, so that the necessary correct action may be taken. Helps in checking the accuracy of financial account Cost accounting helps in checking the accuracy of financial account with the help of reconciliation of the profit as per financial accounts with the profit as per cost account. Helps in fixing selling Prices It helps the management in fixing selling prices of product by providing detailed cost information. Helps in Inventory Control Cost furnishes control which management requires in respect of stock of material, work in progress and finished goods. Helps in estimate Costing records provide a reliable basis upon which tender and estimates may be prepared. 2. Importance to Employees: Worker and employees have an interest in which they are employed. An efficient costing system benefits employees through incentives plan in their enterprise, etc. As a result both the productivity and earning capacity increases. 3. Cost accounting and creditors : Suppliers, investors financial institution and other moneylenders have a stake in the success of the business concern and therefore are benefited by installation of an efficient costing system. They can base their judgement about the profitability and prospects of the enterprise upon the studies and reports submitted by the cost accountant.

4. Importance to National Economy: An efficient costing system benefits national economy by stepping up the government revenue by achieving higher production. The overall economic developments of a country take place due to efficiency of production. 5. Data Base for operating policy: Cost Accounting offers a thoroughly analysed cost data which forms the basis of formulating policy regarding day to day business, such as: DIFFERENCE BETWEEN FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING AND COST ACCOUNTING: Basis (i) Objective Financial Accounting It provides information about the financial performance and financial position of the business. (ii) Nature It classifies records, presents and interprets transactions in terms of money. Cost accounting It provides information of ascertainment of cost to control cost and for decision making about the cost. It classifies, records, presents, and interprets in a significant manner the material, labour and overheads cost. It also records and presents the estimated/budgeted data. It makes use of both the historical costs and pre-determined costs.. The cost accounting information is used by internal management at different levels.

(iii) Recording Of data

It records Historical data.

(iv) Users of information

The users of financial accounting statements are shareholders, creditors, financial analysts and government and its agencies, etc. It shows the profit/ loss of

(v) Analysis of

It provides the details of

the costs and profits (vi) Time period organisation.

cost and profit of each product, process, job, contracts, etc. Its reports and statements are prepared as and when required. There are not any set formats for presenting cost information.

Financial Statements are prepared for a definite period, usually a year. A set format is used for presenting financial information.

(vii) Presentation Of information

DIFFERENCES BETWEEN COST AND MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING: The American Accounting Association 1958, committee on management accounting defines management accounting as the application of appropriate techniques and concepts in processing the historical and projected economic data of an entity to assist management in establishing a plan for reasonable economic objectives and in the making of rational decisions with a view towards achieving these objectives. It includes the methods and concepts necessary for effective planning for choosing among alternative business actions, and for control through the evaluation and interpretation of performance. Its study involves consideration of ways in which accounting information may be accumulated, synthesised, analysed and presented in relation to specific problems, decisions and day-to-day tasks of business management The terminology published by ICMA, London, defines management accounting as the application of professional knowledge and skill in the preparation and presentation of accounting information in such a way as to assist management in the formulation of policies and in the planning and control of the operation of the undertaking. If we examine the above two definitions of management accounting it appears that both the systems of accounts serve the same purpose. However, they differ from one another in respect of the following :

Points of differences

Cost Accounting

Management Accounting

The history of cost accounting 1. Growth of dates back Accountin g to fourteenth century. The main objects of cost accounts is to ascertain and control cost. It is based on both present and 3. Basis of future transactions for cost recording ascertainment. Cost accounts has narrow scope 4. Scope as it covers matters relating to ascertainment and control of cost. Cost accounts serves the needs of 5. Utility both internal management and external parties. It deals only with monetary 6. Types of transactions. transactio i.e., it covers only quantitative ns aspect. dealt with Observati Cost accounts follow a definite 7. on principle of principles for ascertaining cost and a format and format for recording.

This system of accounting evolved in the middle of 20th century. Hence it is of recent origin where compared to cost accounting. The main objective of management accounting is to provide useful information to management for decision-making. It is concerned purely with the transactions relating to future. It has a wide scope in as much as it covers the areas of financial accounts, cost accounts, taxation, etc. Management accounting serves the needs of only internal management. It deals with both monetary and nonmonetary transactions, i.e., both quantitative and qualitative aspects. It does not follow a definite principle and format. Instead, the data to be presented depends up on the need of the management.

2. Object

LIMITATIONS OF COST ACCOUNTING: an exact science but is an art which has developed through theories and accounting practices based on reasoning and common sense. These practices are not static but changing with time. Cost accounting lacks a uniform procedure. There is no stereotyped system of cost accounting applicable to all industries. There are Like other branches of accounting, cost accounting is not

widely recognised cost concepts but understood and applied differently by different industries. Cost accounting can be used only by big enterprises. The limitations of cost accounting are as follows: It is expensive because analysis, allocation and absorption of overheads require considerable amount of additional work. The results shown by cost accounts differ from those shown by financial accounts. Preparation of reconciliation statements frequently is necessary to verify their accuracy. This leads to unnecessary increase in workload . It is unnecessary because it involves duplication of work. Some industrial units are functioning efficiently without any costing system. Costing system itself does not control costs. If the management is alert and efficient, it can control cost without the help of the cost accounting. Therefore it is unnecessary.

Elements of cost accounting:

The term elements means essential components or parts of anything. The term element of cost means the essential components or parts of the total cost of a product, service or job. In short, element of cost mean the main items of expenditures incurred on a product, service or job. Cost of production/manufacturing consists of various expenses incurred on production/manufacturing of goods or services. These are the elements of cost which can be divided into three groups : Material, Labour and Expenses.

Elements of cost




Material: To produce or manufacture material is required. For example to manufacture shirts cloth is required and to produce flour wheat is required. All material which becomes an integral part of finished product and which can be conveniently assigned to specific physical unit is termed as

Direct Material. It is described as raw material, process material, prime material, production material, stores material, etc. The substance from which the product is made is known as material. It may be in a raw or manufactured state. Material is classified into two categories:


Direct material
Direct Material Indirect Material

Indirect material

Direct Material is that material which can be easily identified and related with specific product, job, and process. Timber is a raw material for making furniture, cloth for making garments, sugarcane for making sugar, and Gold/ silver for making jewellery, etc are some examples of direct material. Indirect material

Direct material

Indirect Material is that material which cannot be easily and conveniently identified and related with a particular product, job, process, and activity. Consumable stores, oil and waste, printing and stationery etc, are some examples of indirect material. Indirect materials are used in the factory, the office, or the selling and distribution department. Labour: Labour is the main factor of production. For conversion of raw material into finished goods, human resource is needed, and such human resource is termed as labour. Labour cost is the main element of cost in a product or service. Labour can be classified into two categories:

Labour Direct labour

_ Direct labour: Labour which takes active and direct part in the production of a commodity. Direct labour is that labour which can be easily identified and related with specific product, job, process, and activity. Direct labour cost is easily traceable to specific products. Direct labour costs are specially and conveniently traceable to specific products. Direct labour varies directly with the volume of output. Direct labour is also known as process labour, productive labour, operating labour, direct wages, manufacturing wages, etc. Cost of wages paid to carpenter for making furniture, cost of a tailor in producing readymade garments, cost of washer in dry cleaning unit are some examples of direct labour. Indirect labour: Indirect labour is that labour which can not be easily identified and related with specific product, job, process, and activity. It includes all labour not directly engaged in converting raw material into finished product. It may or may not vary directly with the volume of output. Labour employed for the purpose of carrying out tasks incidental to goods or services provided is indirect labour. Indirect labour is used in the factory, the office, or the selling and distribution department. Wages of storekeepers, time-keepers, salary of works manager, salary of salesmen, etc, are all examples of indirect labour cost. Expenses: All cost incurred in the production of finished goods other than material cost and labour cost are termed as expenses. Expenses are classified into two categories:

Indirect labour

Expenses Indirect expenses


Direct expenses
Direct expenses:

item of overheads)

These are expenses which are directly, easily, and wholly allocated to specific cost center or cost units. All direct cost other than direct material and direct labour are termed as direct expenses. Direct expenses are also termed as chargeable expenses. Some examples of the direct expenses are hire of special machinery, cost of special designs, moulds or patterns, feed paid to architects, surveyors and other consultants, inward carriage and freight charges on special material, Cost of patents and royalties. 1. Cost center means a location, person, or item of equipment or group of these for which costs may be ascertained and used for the purpose of cost control. 2. Cost object is anything for which a separate measurement of cost is desired. It may be a product, service, project, or a customer.

Indirect expenses: These expenses cannot be directly, easily, and wholly allocated to specific cost center or cost units. All indirect costs other than indirect material and indirect labour are termed as indirect expenses. Thus, Indirect Expenses = Indirect cost Indirect material Indirect labour. Indirect expenses are treated as part of overheads. Rent, rates and taxes of building, repair, insurance and depreciation on fixed assets, etc, are some examples of indirect expenses. OVER HEADS : The term overhead has a wider meaning than the term indirect expenses. Overheads include the cost of indirect material, indirect labour and indirect expenses. This is the aggregate sum of indirect material, indirect labour and indirect expenses.

Overhead = Indirect material + Indirect labour + Indirect expenses

Overheads are classified into following three categories:


Factory overhead

Office and administrative overhead

Selling and distribution overhead

_ Factory/works overheads All indirect costs incurred in the factory for production of goods is termed as factory/works overheads. Such costs are concerned with the running of the factory or plant. These include indirect material, indirect labour and indirect expenses incurred in the factory. Some examples are as follows: Indirect materials: (i) Grease, oil, lubricants, cotton waste etc. (ii) Small tools, brushes for sweeping, sundry supplies etc. (iii) Cost of threads, gum, nails, etc. (iv) Consumable stores (v) Factory printing and stationery Indirect wages: (i) Salary of factory manager, foremen, supervisors, clerks etc. (ii) Salary of storekeeper (iii) Salary and fee of factory directors and technical directors (iv) Contribution to ESI, PF., Leave pay etc. of factory employee. Indirect expenses: Rent of factory buildings and land Insurance of factory building, plant, and machinery Municipal taxes of factory building Depreciation of factory building, plant and machinery, and their repairs and maintenance charges Power and fuel used in factory Factory telephone expenses.

Office and administrative overheads: These expenses are related to the management and administration of the business. They are incurred for the direction and control of an undertaking. These represent the aggregate of the cost of indirect material, indirect labour, and indirect expenses incurred by the office and administration department of an organisation. Some examples are as follows: Office printing and stationery, Cost of brushes, dusters etc. for cleaning office building and equipments, Postage and stamps. Salary of office manager, clerks, and other employees, Salary of administrative directors, Salaries of legal adviser, Salaries of cost accountants and financial accountants, Salary of computer operator. Rent, insurance, rates and taxes of office building, Office lighting, heating and cleaning, Depreciation and repair of office building, furniture, and Equipment etc., Legal charges, Bank charges, Trade subscriptions, Telephone charges, Audit fee etc.

Selling and distribution overheads: Selling and distribution overheads are incurred for the marketing of a commodity, for securing order for the articles, dispatching goods sold or for making efforts to find and retain customers. These expenses represent the aggregate of indirect material, indirect labour, and indirect expenses incurred by the selling and distribution department of the organisation. These overheads have two aspects (i) procuring orders (ii) executing the order. Based upon this concept the selling and distributions are studied separately. I. Selling overheads: Indirect costs incurred in relation to the procurement of sale orders are termed as selling overheads. Some of the examples of selling overheads are as follows: Indirect material Catalogues, price list Printing and stationery Postage and stamps cost of sample Indirect wages:

Salaries of sales managers, clerks and other employee Salaries and commission of salesmen and technical representatives Fees of sales directors Indirect expenses: Advertising Bad debts Rent and insurance of showroom Market research

II. Distribution overheads: Indirect costs incurred in relation to the execution of the sales order is termed as distribution overheads. Some of the examples of distribution overheads are as follows: Indirect material: Cost of packing material oil, grease, spare parts etc. for maintaining delivery vans Indirect wages: Salaries of godown employe Wages of drivers of deliver Wages of packers and dispatch staff. Indirect expenses:

Packing expenses Godown rent, insurance, depreciation, and repair etc. Freight carriage outwards and other transport charges. Running expenses of delivery vans, repair, and depreciation. Insurance in transit etc.

Cost sheet : Cost sheet is a statement, which shows various components of total cost of a product. It classifies and analyses the components of cost of a product. Previous periods data is given in the cost sheet for comparative study. It is a statement which shows per unit cost in addition to Total Cost. Selling price is ascertained with the help of cost sheet. The details of total cost presented in the form of a statement is termed as Cost sheet. Cost sheet is prepared on the basis of : 1. Historical Cost 2.Estimated cost

Estimated cost sheet is prepared on the basis of estimated cost. The statement prepared before the commencement of production is called Estimated cost sheet. Such cost sheet is useful in quoting the tender price of a job or a contract.

The importance of cost sheet is as follows: The main objective of the cost sheet is to ascertain the cost of a product. Cost sheet helps in ascertainment of cost for the purpose of determining cost after they are incurred. It also helps to ascertain the actual cost or estimated cost of a Job.

Cost ascertainment: The main objective of the cost sheet is to ascertain the cost of a product. Cost sheet helps in ascertainment of cost for the purpose of determining cost after they are incurred. It also helps to ascertain the actual cost or estimated cost of a Job. Fixation of selling price: To fix the selling price of a product or service, it is essential to prepare the cost sheet. It helps in fixing selling price of a product or service by providing detailed information of the cost. Help in cost control: It helps in taking important decisions by the management such as: whether to produce or buy a component, what prices of goods are to be quoted in For controlling the cost of a product it is necessary for every manufacturing unit to prepare a cost sheet. Estimated cost sheet helps in the control of material cost, labour cost and overheads cost at every point of production. Facilitates managerial decisions:

Components of total cost: The Components of cost are shown in the classified and analytical form in the cost sheet. Components of total cost are as follows: Prime cost: This is also called direct cost. It is the aggregate of direct materials direct labour and direct expenses, which are easily identifiable with the product. Work cost : It consists of the total of all items of expenses incurred in the manufacturing of a product, viz., prime cost plus factory expenses. It is also known as factory cost or manufacturing cost. Cost of Production: This includes work cost and administration expenses. Production is not deemed to be complete without the managerial and facilitating costs. Cost of Sales: It represents cost of production plus selling and distribution cost incurred. Thus, the cost of sales is the aggregate of all the direct and indirect costs Connected to the goods sold. When profit is added to the cost of sales, sales can be found. Usually, selling Prices are fixed on the basis of the cost of sales. It ensures that all the costs are Recovered and any desired profit is also obtained. COST SHEET FORMAT Particulars Opening Stock of Raw Material Add: Purchase of Raw materials Add: Purchase Expenses Less: Closing stock of Raw Materials Raw Materials Consumed Direct Wages (Labour) Direct Charges Prime cost (1) Add :- Factory Over Heads: Factory Rent Factory Power Indirect Material Indirect Wages Supervisor Salary Drawing Office Salary Amoun Amoun t t *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***

Factory Insurance Factory Asset Depreciation Works cost Incurred Add: Opening Stock of WIP Less: Closing Stock of WIP Works cost (2) Add:- Administration Over Heads:Office Rent Asset Depreciation General Charges Audit Fees Bank Charges Counting house Salary Other Office Expenses Cost of Production (3) Add: Opening stock of Finished Goods Less: Closing stock of Finished Goods Cost of Goods Sold Add:- Selling and Distribution OH:Sales man Commission Sales man salary Traveling Expenses Advertisement Delivery man expenses Sales Tax Bad Debts Cost of Sales (5) Profit (balancing figure) Sales

*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***

Notes:1) Factory Over Heads are recovered as a percentage of direct wages 2) Administration Over Heads, Selling and Distribution Overheads are recovered as a percentage of works cost. Unit 2. Material: Introduction: Material is one of the important element of cost and it has been observed that in the total cost structure of a product, material content is about 60 to 65%. The substantial proportion of material cost in the total cost demands more and more attention of the management towards this element. The term material generally used in manufacturing concerns, refers to raw materials used for production, sub-assemblies and fabricated parts. The terms materials and stores are sometimes used interchangeably. However, both the terms differ. Stores is wider in

meaning and comprises many other items besides raw materials, such as tools, equipments, maintenance and repair items, factory supplies, components, jigs, fixtures. Sometimes, finished goods and partly finished goods are also included within the scope of this item. This chapter aims at discussing various aspects of material control such as purchasing, storekeeping, issuing and other aspects like material losses etc. Concept and objectives of Materials Control: Material cost constitutes a prime part of the total cost of production of manufacturing firm. Proper accounting, therefore is required for controlling the material through purchase control, stores control, issue control and control over various losses. Material control basically aims at efficient purchasing of materials, their efficient storing and efficient use or consumption. The following are the objectives of material control. Material of desired quality should be available when needed for efficient and uninterrupted production. Material should be purchased only when it is needed and in most economic quantities. Investment in material is maintained at minimum level consistent with the operating requirement. Purchasing of material will be made at the most favourable prices under the best possible terms. Material is stored in such a way that the objective of protection is met fully and at the same time material is made available easily. Issues of materials are authorized properly and are accounted for properly. Materials are, at all the time, charged as the responsibility of some individual. Steps in Material Control: The material control is ensured by laying down proper procedures for Purchasing, Storing, Issuing and minimizing material losses by identifying slow moving, obsolete, dormant material and also by minimizing scrap, wastages, defectives and spoilages. These steps are discussed below. Purchasing and Receiving : Purchase procedure differs from business to business, but all of them follow a general pattern or procedure. There should be proper Purchase Procedure to ensure that right type of material is purchased at right time, in right quantity, at right prices and at right place. All these things require a well-defined procedure of purchasing. The steps in Purchase Procedure are explained below.

Purchase Requisition: A form known as Purchase Requisition is commonly used as a format requesting the purchase department to purchase the required material. Normally the purchase requisition is issued by the Stores Department when the quantity of the concerned material reaches the minimum level. Only in the cases of materials, which is not kept in the stores on regular basis, the requisition is issued by the concerned department. Purchase requisition has information like the quantity required, the expected date of receipt, the department in which the material is required, description of material etc. Copies of the purchase requisition are sent to the Accounts department and the concerned department who is in need of the material. [ Format of this document is given at the end of the point A ] Purchase Order: After the receipt of purchase requisition, the purchase department places an order with a supplier, offering to buy certain material at stated price and terms. However before issuing the purchase order, quotations may be invited from various suppliers for arriving at the best deal. The purchase department usually keeps a list of suppliers from whom the quotations are invited. The quotations received are examined on various parameters like price, delivery period, terms and conditions, quality of material etc. After this, purchase order is issued to the selected supplier. It should be remembered that a purchase order is a legal document and it results into a contract between the company and the supplier. Hence the terms and conditions in the purchase order should be drafted clearly without any ambiguity Receiving the Materials: The receiving department performs the function of unloading and unpacking materials which are received by an organization. This will need an inspection report which is sometimes incorporated in the receiving report, indicating the items accepted and rejected with reasons. Copies of the receiving report along with the inspection report are sent to various departments like purchase, stores, concerned department, accounts department and costing department. Approval of invoice: Approval of invoice indicates that goods according to the purchase order have been received and payments can be made for the same. However if the goods are not according to the quality ordered or are in excess of the quantity specified or are damaged or are of inferior quality, payment is withheld. Making the Payment: After the invoice is approved the payment is made to the supplier. The purchase procedure is completed with the payment released.



PURCHASES REQUISITION Department: Requisition No: Delivery Required: Date: Item quantity no.

Particulars of material

Grade or quality


Requested By: Approved By:

Checked By:

PURCHASE ORDER: Date: Order No. Supplier : No. nt No. Purchase Requisition Departme Date Please supply the following items on the terms and conditions mentioned herewith, Item no. quantity Particulars of material Rate per unit Total amount remarks

rchase Manager Terms and Conditions: 1. 2. 3. 4 Important Issues in Material Procurement:


Economic Order Quantity: One important question that is to be answered by the Purchase Manager is how much to purchase at any one time? In other words, how much quantity is to be ordered at any one point of time? Whether there are any costs associated with the ordering quantity apart from the purchase price? It will be noticed that there are costs attached to the ordering quantity. These costs are of two types, the first is the ordering cost and the other one is the carrying cost. We will discuss about these costs. Ordering cost is the cost of placing an order. In other words, it can be said that when an order is placed, the company has to incur certain costs at the time of order. These costs include costs like handling and transportation costs, stationery costs, costs incurred for inviting quotations and tenders etc. The more is the frequency of order, the more are these costs. On the other hand, there are certain costs that are called as carrying costs. The cost of carrying the inventory is the real out of pocket cost associated with having inventory on hand, such as warehouse charges, insurance, lighting, losses due to handling, spoilage, breakage etc, and another important component of carrying cost is the amount of interest lost due to the investment in the inventory. Carrying costs will go on increasing if the quantity of material in inventory goes on increasing. Both, the carrying costs and the ordering costs are variable costs, however their behaviour is exactly opposite of each other. If orders are more frequent, ordering costs will go on increasing but as the material ordered will be in less quantity, the carrying costs will decrease. On the other hand, if number of orders are reduced, the quantity per order will increase and the carrying cost will increase. The ordering cost will come down due to reduction of number of orders. In this situation, the most desirable quantity to be ordered is that quantity at which both, the ordering costs and carrying costs will be minimum. This quantity is called as Economic Order Quantity. This quantity can be calculated with the help of the following formula. Economic Order Quantity = 2XUXO IC U = Annual demand / annual consumption in units O = Cost of placing and receiving an order IC = Carrying cost per unit per annum

The Economic Order Quantity is an important concept as it guides the Purchase Manager regarding the quantity to be purchased of a particular material. However, this concept is based on some assumptions. These assumptions are as follows. The concerned material will be available all the time without any difficulty. The price of the material will remain constant. Ordering cost and carrying costs are variable. Impact of quantity discounts on the prices is negligible.

Fixation of Level : Another important aspect of material procurement is not to purchase too much or too little. Similarly the timing of the purchase is also important. Fixation of levels of materials is done precisely with these objectives in mind. The following levels of materials are fi xed for achieving objectives like avoiding overstocking, ensuring that the material is ordered at right time and also avoiding shortage of materials. Maximum Level : This is the highest level of material beyond which the inventory of material is not allowed to rise. Obviously this level is fixed with the objective of avoiding overstocking. This level is fixed after taking into consideration the consumption of material and the re-order period. Mathematically the level is fixed as under. Maximum Level = Re-order Level + Re-order Quantity [Minimum Consumption X Minimum Reorder period]

Minimum Level : This level is fixed with the objective of avoiding shortage of material. If production is held up due to shortage of material, there will be huge loss to the company. In order to avoid this, the minimum level is fixed. Care is taken that the stock do not fall below this level. The minimum level is fixed in the following manner.

Minimum Level = Ordering Level [Average rate of consumption X Re-order period]

Re-order Level : This level is fi xed for deciding the time of placing an order. If the stock of materials reaches this level, fresh order is placed

so that by the time the material is procured, the level of material may fall up to minimum level but not below that. This level is fi xed in the following manner. Re-order Level = Maximum Usage per Period X Maximum Reorder Period Average Level : This level is the average of the maximum and minimum level and computed in the following manner. Average Level = Maximum Level + Minimum Level / 2

Danger Level : Generally the danger level of stock is indicated below the safety or minimum stock level. Sometimes, depending on the practices of the firm and circumstances prevailing, the danger level is determined between the re-order level and minimum level. Storing of Materials : Material purchased by the purchase department is sent to stores before it is issued for production. Thus storing of material can be called as an intermediate step in the material control. If an organization practices Just in Time inventory system, there is no need for storing the materials, but otherwise there is a need that there is a well-planned stores department in the company that will take care of the storing material. A storekeeper is a person who is in charge of the stores department. He has to perform important functions. Though these functions may vary from organization to organization, the following functions are usually performed by a storekeeper. Acting as a buffer or protection against the consequences of non-availability of material. Protecting the material Avoiding overstocking and under stocking Establishing a proper system for ensuring control over usage, through streamlining issues and receipts. Keeping proper records of usage, wastages etc. Minimizing material losses occurring due to mishandling, evaporation, breakage etc. Preparing proper documentation regarding the receipts and issues. Aspects of Stores Control: The following are the aspects of stores control. Stores Layout: Storage layout, i.e. careful designing and arrangement of storerooms is desirable for savings in cost. The layout should take care of proper ventilation, lighting, temperature control

and easy handling. There can be a centralized stores system or decentralized stores system. Both the systems have their own merits and demerits. It can be said that the stores system should be such as it is most convenient for the company. Classification and Codification of Materials: For proper identification of materials, there should be proper classification and codification of materials. Materials can be classified according to their types. Codification can be done for simplification of identification. Codification can be on the basis of alphabets or numbers or a combination of both. Whatever system of codification is used, it should be ensured that the system is simple to understand and easy to operate. Stores Records: For streamlining the stores function, it is essential to keep records properly. The most important record in the stores is the Bin Card. It is the quantitative record of all receipt of materials, issue of materials and the balance of materials on a particular day. This record is kept for each and every material and entries are made daily after every receipt and issue. Bin Card do not record the amount of receipt or issue, it records only the quantity. Care is to be taken to physically verify the material quantity and reconcile the same with the quantity shown in the Bin Card. This periodic verification will serve as a moral check on the staff and the chances of errors and frauds will be minimized. Inventory Control: One of the important aspects of the overall material management is the inventory control. It is necessary to avoid the overstocking as well as under stocking. For ensuring this, maximum level, minimum level, re-order level are fi xed. Besides this it is essential to take care of the material lying in the stock. There is huge investment made in the materials and if proper care is not taken, there will be severe loss. Even though records are maintained in the stores regarding the receipts and issues, they should be periodically verifi ed with the physical stock so that chances of errors and frauds are minimized. For inventory control, the following methods are used. A. Perpetual Inventory System: Perpetual Inventory system means continuous stock taking. CIMA defi nes perpetual inventory system as the recording as they occur of receipts, issues and the resulting balances of individual items of stock in either quantity or quantity and value. Under this system, a continuous record of receipt and issue of materials is maintained by the stores department and the information about the stock of materials is always available. Entries in the Bin Card and the Stores Ledger are made after every receipt and issue and the balance is reconciled on regular basis with the physical stock. The main advantage of this system is that it avoids disruptions in the production caused by periodic stock taking. Similarly it helps in having a detailed and more reliable check on the

stocks. The stock records are more reliable and stock discrepancies are investigated and appropriate action is taken immediately. B. ABC System: In this technique, the items of inventory are classifi ed according to the value of usage. Materials are classifi ed as A, B and C according to their value. Items in class A constitute the most important class of inventories so far as the proportion in the total value of inventory is concerned. The A items constitute roughly about 5-10% of the total items while its value may be about 80% of the total value of the inventory. Items in class B constitute intermediate position. These items may be about 20-25% of the total items while the usage value may be about 15% of the total value. Items in class C are the most negligible in value, about 6575% of the total quantity but the value may be about 5% of the total usage value of the inventory. The numbers given above are just indicative, actual numbers may vary from situation to situation. The principle to be followed is that the high value items should be controlled more carefully while items having small value though large in numbers can be controlled periodically. C. Just in Time Inventory: This is the latest trend in inventory management. This principle envisages that there should not be any intermediate stage like storekeeping. Material purchased from supplier should directly go the assembly line, i.e. to the production department. There should not be any need of storing the material. The storing cost can be saved to a great extent by using this technique. However the practicality of this technique in Indian conditions should be verifi ed before practicing the same. The benefits of Just in time system are as follows, Right quantities are purchased or produced at right time. Cost effective production or operation of correct services is possible. Inventory carrying costs are eliminated totally. The stores function is eliminated and hence there is a considerable saving in the stores cost. Losses due to breakage, wastage, pilferage etc are avoided. D. VED Analysis: This analysis divides items into three categories in the descending order of their criticality as follows. V stands for vital items and their stock analysis requires more attention. The reason is that if these items are not available, the resulting stock outs will cause heavy losses due to stoppage of production. Thus these items are required to be stored adequately to ensure smooth operation of the plant. E means essential items. Such items are considered essential for effi cient running but without these items, the system will not fail. Care must be taken to see that they are always in stock.

D stands for desirable items, which do not affect production immediately but availability of these items will lead to more effi ciency and less fatigue.

Thus VED analysis can be very useful to capital intensive process industries. As it analyses items based on their importance and it can be used for those special raw materials which are diffi cult to procure. E. FSND Analysis: Age of the inventory indicates the duration of inventory in the organization. It shows the moving position of inventory during the year. This analysis divides the items of inventory into four categories in the descending order of their usage rate as follows. F stands for fast moving items and stocks of such items are consumed in a short span of time. Stock of fast moving items must be observed constantly and replenishment orders be placed in time to avoid stock out position. N means normal moving items and such items are exhausted over a period of time, i.e. say one year. The order levels and quantities for such items should be on the basis of a new estimate of future demand to minimize the risks of a surplus stock. S indicates slow moving items, existing stock of which would last for two years or so. These items must be reviewed carefully before eliminating them. D stands for dead stock which means that there will not be any further demand for the same. It is necessary to identify these items and if there cannot be any alternative use for the same, should be eliminated. C. Issue Control : Another important aspect of material control is the issue control. Material is issued to production and utmost care is to be taken while issuing the material. The fi rst thing is that without authorization material should not be issued to any department. A Material Requisition Note is prepared by the department that is in need of the material and sent to the stores department. It is a written request made to the stores department for sending the material. In the Material Requisition Note, the details of the material required such as the quantity, quality, date by which it is required etc. It is signed by the authorized signatory of the concerned department. On the receipt of this requisition, the stores department takes action of supplying the required material to the department. While issuing material care should be taken that exact quantity as per the requirement should be supplied. If there is surplus material remaining after satisfying the needs of the concerned department, it should be returned to the stores department. In such case, Material Return Note should be prepared and sent along with

the material. Similarly if material is transferred from one site to other site without being returned to the store, it is necessary to prepare Material Transfer Note for recording the same. Properdocumentation is extremely necessary for minimizing the chances of errors and frauds. Pricing of Issues One of the important aspects of issue control is of pricing of the issues. Material is issued to production and it is necessary to fi nd out the consumption value of the material. However the question is that at what price the issue is to be charged. Obviously the answer is that the issues should be priced at the same price at which they are purchased. But it is not practical as it is virtually impossible to identify the material issued. Hence it is necessary to price the issues by using certain methods. The various methods of pricing of issues are given below. 1. First In First Out:As per this method, material received fi rst is issued fi rst. Thus the material in stock at the beginning of a period is issued fi rstly and then the issues are made according to the dates of purchases made. This method is quite logical as the sequence of issue is as per the dates of purchases. However the consumption value will be as per the purchases made earlier and hence the latest price may not be charged to the consumption. In case of rising prices it will result in charging lower prices while in case of falling price it will result in charging higher prices to the material consumption. The closing stock will be shown at the latest prices as the material purchased towards the end of the period will remain the stock. 2. Last In First Out [LIFO]:- The assumption under this method is that the material which is purchased last is issued fi rst to the production. Therefore the issue should be charged at the latest prices. The main advantage of this method is that the issues are priced at the latest prices and hence consumption value is also the latest. This will make the product cost more realistic. However, the inventory valuation will be at the older price as material in balance will be from the earlier batches of purchases. Valuation of inventory according to this method is not accepted for inventory valuation in the preparation of financial statements. 3. Highest In First Out [HIFO]:- Under this method, the materials with highest prices are issued fi rst, irrespective of the date upon which they are purchased. The basic assumption is that in fl uctuating and infl ationary market, the cost of material are quickly absorbed into product cost to hedge against risk of infl ation. As the issues are shown at highest prices, the product costs tend to be on the higher side and hence this method is not suitable in competitive environment. 4. Simple Average Cost Method:- Under this method, the issues are charged at the average price of the material purchased without taking into consideration the quantities involved in the same. For example, if materials are purchased in three batches at prices of Rs.18, Rs.19 and Rs.23, the issue will be charged at the average price of the three prices, i.e. Rs.18 + Rs.19 +

Rs.23 = Rs.60/3 = Rs.20. This method is not very popular because it takes into consideration the prices of different batches but not the quantities purchased in different batches. In the periods of price fl uctuations this method is useful but if fl uctuations are too wide, the method may not be useful. 5. Weighted Average Method:- This method takes into consideration the prices as well as the quantities of materials purchased. Thus weighted average is computed after each receipt by dividing the total amount by the total quantity. The issue is charged at prices arrived at according to this calculation. 6. Periodic Average Cost Method:- Under this method, instead of recalculating the simple or weighted average cost every time there is a receipt, periodic average is computed. The average may be calculated for the entire period. The price may be calculated as given below.
Cost of Opening Stock + Total Cost of all receipts / Units in Opening Stock + Total Units received

during the period . 7. Standard Cost Method:- Under this method, material issues are priced at a predetermined standard issue price. Any difference between the actual purchase price and the standard price is written off to the Costing Profi t and Loss Account. Standard Cost is a predetermined cost and if it is set accurately, it can be very effective. However revision of standard cost at regular intervals is required. 8. Replacement Cost [Market Price]:- The replacement cost is the cost at which material identical to that is to be replaced could be purchased at the date of pricing of the issues as distinct from the actual cost price at the date of purchase. The replacement price is the price of replacing the material at the time of the issue of materials or on the date of valuation of closing stock. This method is not acceptable for standard accounting practices as it refl ects the price, which has not been paid actually. 9. Next In First Method:- Under this method, the price quoted on the latest purchase order or contract is used for all issues until a new order is placed. Thus this method is a variation of the ReplacementCost Method. 10. Base Stock Method:- Under this method, a certain quantity of materials is always held in stock and any material over and above this quantity is priced according to any other pricing method like First In First Out or Last In First Out or any other method. For example, it may be decided that 500 units will be held in stock and for materials over and above this FIFO method may be followed. However, this method is not popular and also not accepted under standard accounting practices as it would result in stock valuation totally unrealistic. Thus it will be observed that there are several methods of pricing of issues. Any one of these can be selected. However care should be taken that once a particular method is selected, it should be

followed consistently year after year because if frequent changes are made, the results will be not comparable. The following points should be taken into consideration before selecting a particular method. _ Method of production or process _ Nature of material used _ Frequency of purchases and issues _ Economic Batch Quantity _ Tendency of infl ation or defl ation _ Rate of stock turnover _ Accounting practices acceptable in valuation of inventory _ Normal losses due to evaporation _ System of costing prevailing in the organization _ Objective of charging material cost to production on consistent and realistic basis. D. Material Losses: One of the main reason of rising material costs is the loss of material in the production process. It is of paramount importance that there should be rigid control over the material losses failing which it will be very diffi cult to keep the material costs in check. The material losses can be categorized as given below. Waste:- Waste is a loss of material either in stores or in production due to reasons like evaporation, chemical reaction, shrinkage, unrecoverable residue etc. Wastages may be visible or invisible. It is necessary to take steps to control the material wastage. In cost accounting, the wastage is divided into the following categories. Normal Wastage:- This wastage is such that it cannot be avoided. It is inherent in any production process. The normal wastage is normally estimated in advance and included in the material cost. In other words, the good units should bear the cost of normal wastage.

Abnormal Wastage:- Any wastage over and above the normal wastage is the abnormal wastage. In other words it is more than the standard wastage. The cost of the abnormal wastage is not charged to the production, but it is written off to the Costing Profi t and Loss Account.Wastage can be controlled by adopting strict quality control measures. Normal allowance of waste can be fi xed with technical assessment and past experience as well as by identifying the special features of materials. The causes for abnormal wastages should be studied in detail and responsibility should be fi xed for wastage. Better material handling system will also help in controlling the wastage.

Scrap:- Scrap is a residual material resulting from a manufacturing process. It has a recovery value and is measurable. The treatment of scrap in cost accounts is normally as per the following details. If the value of scrap is negligible, the good units should bear the cost of scrap and any income collected will be treated as other income. If the value of scrap is considerable and identifi able with the process or job, the cost of job will be transferred to scrap account and any realization from sale of such scrap will be credited to the job or process account and any unrecovered balance in the scrap account will be transferred to the Costing Profi t and Loss Account. If scrap value is quite substantial and it is not identifi able with a particular job or process, the amount will be transferred to factory overhead account after deducting the selling cost. This will reduce the cost of production to the extent of the scrap value. MATERIAL 1) Reorder level = Maximum usage * Maximum lead time (Or) Minimum level + (Average usage * Average Lead time) 2) Minimum level = Reorder level (Average usage * Average lead time) 3) Maximum level = Reorder level + Reorder quantity (Minimum usage * Minimum lead time) 4) Average level = Minimum level +Maximum level (or) 2 Minimum level + Reorder quantity 5) Danger level (or) safety stock level =Minimum usage * Minimum lead time (preferred) (or) Average usage * Average lead time (or) Average usage * Lead time for emergency purposes 6) EOQ (Economic Order Quantity - Wilsons Formula) = 2AO/C Where A = Annual usage units O = Ordering cost per unit C = Annual carrying cost of one unit i.e. Carrying cast % * Carrying cost of unit 7) Associated cost = Buying cost pa + Carrying cost pa 8) Under EOQ Buying cost = Carrying cost 9) Carrying Cost = Average inventory * Carrying cost per unit pa * Carrying cost % (Or) Average Inventory * Carrying cost per order pa

10) Average inventory = EOQ/2 11) Buying cost = Number of Orders * ordering cost 12) Number of Orders = Annual Demand / EOQ 13) Inventory Turnover (T.O) Ratio = Material consumed Average Inventory 14) Inventory T.O Period = 365 . Inventory Turn over Ratio 15) safety stock = Annual Demand *(Maximum lead time - Average lead time) 365 16) Total Inventory cost = Ordering cost + Carrying cost of inventory +Purchase cost 17) Input Output Ratio = Quantity of input of material to production Standard material content of actual output Remarks :1) High Inventory T.O Ratio indicates that the material in the question is fast moving 2) Low Inventory T.O Ratio indicates over investment and locking up of working Capital in inventories Pricing of material Issues:1) Cost price method:a) Specific price method b) First in First Out method (FIFO) c) Last in First Out method (LIFO) d) Base stock method 2) Average price method:a) Simple average price method = Total unit price Total No. of purchases

b) Weighted average price method = Total cost Total No. of units c) Periodic simple average price method = Total unit price of certain period Total Number of purchases of that period (This rate is used for all issues for that period. Period means a month (or) week (or) year)

d) Periodic weighted average price method = Total cost of certain period Total Number of units of that period e) Moving simple average price method = Total of periodic simple average of certain number of periods Number of periods

f) Moving weighted average price method = Total of periodic weighted average of certain number of periods Number of periods 3) Market price method:a) Replacement price method = Issues are valued as if it was purchased now at current market price b) Realizable price method = Issues are valued at price if it is sold now 4) Notional price method:a) Standard price method = Materials are priced at pre determined rate (or) Standa rd rate b) Inflated price method = The issue price is inflated to cover the losses incurred due to natural(or)climatic losses 5) Re use price method = When materials are returned (or) rejected it is valued at different price. There is no final procedure for this method. ABC Analysis (or) Pareto Analysis :- In this materials are categorized into Particulars Quantity A Important material 10% B Neither important nor unimportant 20% C UN Important 70% Note:1) Material received as replacement from supplier is treated as fresh supply 2) If any material is returned from Department after issue, it has to be first Value 70% 20% 10%

disposed in the next issue of material 3) loss in the book balance of stock and actual is to be transferred to Inventory adjustment a/c and from there if the loss is normal it is transferred to Over Head control a/c. If it is abnormal it is transferred to costing profit and loss a/c. 4) CIF = Cost Insurance and Freight (This consignment is inclusive of prepaid insurance and freight) 5) FOB = Free on Board (Materials moving by sea insurance premium is not paid) 6) FOR = Free on Rail (Insurance and freight is not borne by the supplier but paid by the company or purchase) 7) For each receipt of goods = Goods Receipt note 8) For each issue of goods = Materials Requisition note (or) Material Issue note Accounting Treatment :1) Normal Wastage = It should be distributed over goods output increasing per unit cost 2) Abnormal Wastage= It will be charged to costing profit and loss a/c 3) Sale value of scrap is credited to costing profit and loss a/c as an abnormal gain. 4) Sale proceeds of the scrap can be deducted from material cost or factory overheads. 5) Sale proceeds of scrap may be credited to particular job. 6) Normal Defectives = cost of rectification of defectives should be charged to specific 7) Abnormal Defectives = This should be charged to costing profit and loss a/c 8) Cost of Normal spoilage is to borne by good units 9) Abnormal spoilage should be charged to costing profit and loss a/c.

Labor Cost-Computation and Control 3.1 Introduction In the previous chapter, we have seen the material control and various aspects involved in the same like purchasing, store keeping and issuing. Like material, labor is another important element of cost and for overall cost control and cost reduction, of labor cost is of paramount importance. However, for control and reduction of labor cost, it is essential to compute the labor cost in a scientifi c manner and hence there should be proper systems of systems and processes and documentation, which will help computation of labor cost in a scientifi c manner. It should be remembered that labor is not like material as there is a human aspect involved in it. Therefore, there should be a comprehensive study of all related aspects of labor cost and then only computation and control over the same will be possible. Attention should also be paid to the productivity aspect. Low productivity results in higher labor cost per unit while higher productivity will reduce the labor cost per unit. All these aspects of labor cost are discussed in detail in this chapter. 3.2 Various aspects of labor cost control In the modern competitive environment, it is essential to make all out efforts for controlling and reducing the labor cost. Systematic efforts are required in order to achieve this target. The following steps will be useful in controlling and reducing the labor cost. A. Classifi cation of labor cost: The fi rst step in the direction of controlling and reducing the labor cost is proper classifi cation of the same. The labor cost is classifi ed into direct cost and indirect cost. Direct labor cost is the cost that can be identifi ed with a product unit. It can also bedescribed as cost of all labor incurred for altering the construction, composition or condition of the product. Indirect labor cost is the cost, which cannot be identifi ed with a product unit. It represents the amount of wages which is paid to the workers who are not directly engaged on the production but it includes wages paid to the workers and assistants working in departments like purchasing, store keeping, time office, maintenance, and other service and production departments. In other words, indirect wages are the wages paid to the workers who facilitate the production rather than actually engaged in production. The direct labor cost can be charged directly to the job or product units and is included in the prime cost. Indirect labor cost is included in the overhead cost. Direct labor cost is variable in nature and can be controlled by strictly adhering to the norms and standards set by the management. Indirect labor cost can be controlled by establishing labor budgets and comparing the actual indirect labor cost with the budgeted labor cost. Any difference between the two is analysed carefully and suitable corrective action is taken. B. Production Planning: Effective control over the labor cost can be achieved through proper productionplanning. Production planning includes

activities like planning, scheduling, routing, machine loading, product and process engineering, work study etc. With the help of work study, time and motion study can be conducted which will help in fi xation of standard time for a particular job. A comparison between the standard time and actual time is constantly made to find out the difference between the two. Suitable corrective action can be taken if it is noted that the actual time taken is constantly more than the standard time allowed for the job . C. Labor Budget: Budget and budgetary control are effective tools for cost control and cost reduction. A labor budget can be prepared which will set the target for the labor cost which will again facilitate comparison between the budgeted labor cost and the actual labor cost. D. Labor Standards: Standards can be set for labor cost against which the actual labor cost can be compared. Standard labor cost is the cost, which should have been incurred for producing a particular quantity of production. While fi xing the standard labor cost, use of time and motion study is made to fi x up the standard time that should be taken for the actual production. E. Labor Performance Report: There should be a system of periodic labor effi ciency and utilisation reports. These reports will give an idea about the effi ciency and productivity of the labor. F. Incentive Schemes: Improving the labor productivity is one of the important ways to reduce the labor cost per unit. Productivity can be improved by motivating the workers. Offering monetary and nonmonetary incentives can help to improve the productivity substantially. However, there should be a periodic review of the incentive schemes and therefore incentive schemes report should be prepared at periodic intervals. G. Labor Cost Accounting: There should be a proper cost accounting system, which will identify the direct and indirect labor cost. Similarly the cost accounting department should be able to generate and maintain records for time keeping, time booking, idle and overtime, impact of incentive schemes, per unit of labor, cost due to labor turnover and other relevant records. Thus from the above mentioned points, it will be clear that there is a need to control the labor cost and it can be done by the combined efforts of various departments. The following departments play a crucial role in doing this job and hence the activities of those departments are discussed in detail in the subsequent paragraphs. Departments involved in labor cost control and reduction: The following departments play an important role in labor cost control and reduction. There is a need that a proper co-ordination exists between these departments and all activities are directed towards the goal of labor cost control and reduction. The activities of these departments are discussed in detail in the subsequent paragraphs.

I. Personnel Department II. Time Keeping III. Work Study IV. Payroll and V. Cost Accounting Activities performed in these departments are discussed in the following paragraphs. Personnel Department: The personnel department is responsible for various activities like recruitment, training, transfer, termination, implementation of incentive schemes and maintaining records regarding the labor force. Actually the labor cost control starts from the recruitment of labor force. Care should be taken that recruitment is done at right time and there is a right man for the right job. Square pegs in round hole should be avoided; otherwise there will be dissatisfaction amongst the workers. Recruitment should be made only when a Labor Requisition [format given below] is received from the concerned department. Firstly, records should be checked to verify whether a person is available in other departments or not and only when it is ensured that the required type of persons is not available, recruitment should be made from outside sources like educational institutes, technical institutions, newspaper advertisements, employment exchanges etc. After the recruitment of worker, his detailed personal record is prepared which includes details regarding his date of joining, previous experience if any, family history, educational qualifi cations and so on. His other details like department, scale of pay, clock number, various deductions to be made etc. are informed to the pay roll department for arranging his payment. The personnel department prepares a Personal Record Card for each employee. In this card the entire information about the employee is given. Personnel department also performs other important functions like maintenance of statutory records required under various labor laws, recording of absenteeism, labor turnover, disciplinary action etc. Labor Turnover: Labor turnover, which is also called as attrition is a major problem in the modern times. Labor turnover can be defi ned as, a change in the labor force as compared to the total labor force. Labor turnover is prevalent in every industry, however, the proportion of the same changes from industry to industry. For example, turnover in information technology sector is the highest today due to ample job opportunities due to the rapid growth of this sector. Labor turnover should not be very high as it will result into double loss to the organisation, the fi rst one is that an experienced employee will be lost and secondly new person who is replacing the old one, may not have same qualifi cations and experience and till he is accustomed to the new job, his productivity is bound to be low. Similarly suitable training will have to be given to him in order to acquaint him with the environment, which will also result in additional expenditure. Due to these reasons, every organisation tries to minimise the labor turnover. However, some proportion of labor turnover is actually necessary, as it will bring in fresh ideas in the organisation. If labor turnover is reduced to zero, it will indicate that the employees do not have any opportunity outside and

hence they are surviving. Therefore some degree of labor turnover is always desirable. Measurement of Labor Turnover: It is essential for any organisation to measure the labor turnover. This is necessary for having an idea about the turnover in the organisation and also to compare the labor turnover of the previous period with the current one. The following methods are available for measurement of the labor turnover. Additions Method: Under this method, number of employees added during a particular period istaken into consideration for computing the labor Labor Turnover = Number of additions/Average number of workers during the period _ 100 Separations Method: In this method, instead of taking the number of employees added, number of employees left during the period is taken into consideration. The method of computation is as follows. Labor Turnover = Number of separations/Average number of workers during the period_100 Replacement Method: In this method neither the additions nor the separations are taken into consideration. The number of employees replaced is taken into consideration for computing the labor turnover. Labor Turnover = Number of replacements/Average number of workers during the period _ 100 Flux Method: Under this method labor turnover is computed by taking into consideration the additions as well as separations. The turnover can also be computed by taking replacements and separations also. Computation is done as per the following methods. Labor Turnover = [Number of additions + Number of separations] /Average number of workers during the period _ 100 Labor Turnover = [Number of replacements + Number of separations] /Average number of workers during the period _ 100

Causes of Labor Turnover: Computation of labor turnover and a

report of the same help the management in taking action for minimising the labor turnover. It will also be useful if the management fi nds out the reasons for the labor turnover. Broadly, causes of labor turnover can be divided into two categories, avoidable and unavoidable. Avoidable Causes: These causes include the following. Dissatisfaction with the job Dissatisfaction with the working hours Dissatisfaction with the working environment Relationship with colleagues

Relationship with the superiors like supervisors Dissatisfaction with monetary and non monetary incentives Other reasons such as lack of facilities like insurance, absence of promotion chances, lack ofproper training etc. Unavoidable Causes: These causes include the following. Personal betterment Retirement Death Illness or accident Change in locality Termination Marriage National service Other reasons like lack of residential facilities, family commitments, attitude etc. Cost of Labor Turnover: For an organisation, labor turnover results into a cost. If labor turnover is very high, it will result in high cost and hence efforts should be made to prevent the same. The costs of the labor turnover can be grouped into the following categories, preventive and replacement. These are explained below. Preventive Costs: It is said that preventions is always better than cure. Same thing is applicable in case of labor turnover. It is always better to prevent the labor turnover rather than taking action after it has taken place. The costs incurred for preventing the labor turnover are known as preventive costs. These costs are as follows. Cost of personnel administration which includes expenditure incurred in maintaining good relationships between the management and the workers. Cost of medical services incurred for improvement in medical facilities and also for motivating the employees. Expenditure incurred on welfare measures like sports facilities, transport, housing, cultural activities, canteens etc. Certain schemes like pension, gratuity schemes and other post retirement benefi ts. Replacement Costs: These costs are incurred for removing the effect of the labor turnover and include the following costs. Cost of recruitment and training of new workers Loss of output due to delay in recruiting new workers Loss due to ineffi ciency of new workers. Cost of increased spoilage

Cost of tool and machine breakage.

The preventive costs should be collected under different standing order numbers and are apportioned to different departments in proportion to the number of persons engaged in each department. Replacement costs arising on account of fault of a particular department, such replacement costs may be charged directly to that department. If however, the labor turnover is due to shortsighted policy of the management the cost is collected as an overhead item and is apportioned to departments on the basis of number of persons engaged in each department.

an important role in labor cost control through maintaining record of each workers time in and time out during regular working period and reporting the time of each worker for each department, operation or production order. Thus this department is responsible for recording the attendance time of each worker accurately. This will ensure punctuality and discipline in the company and will have a positive impact on the morale of each worker. Time keeping is a statutory requirement also and therefore accurate recording of time should be ensured. The important role of time keeping from the point of view of labor costing and control can be summarized as given below. 1) It shows the total number of hours worked by each workman and so the calculation of his wages becomes possible. This is applicable where the workers are paid wages as per the time rate.

Time Keeping: Like personnel department, this department also plays

2) Time keeping promotes punctuality and discipline amongst the workers. In the absence of the time keeping system, there will be not only indiscipline amongst them but the workers who are otherwise punctual and disciplined will be frustrated. 3) Certain benefi ts like pension, gratuity, leave with pay, provident fund, promotion, and salary scale are linked with the continuity of service. Attendance records in this regard, can be helpful in computation of these benefi ts. 4) Computation of labor hours becomes possible through time keeping records. This will be useful in overhead apportionment and absorption, which may be made on the basis of labor hours. 5) Time keeping is a statutory requirement under labor laws. 6) The time keeping records can be used for further analysis like for fixation of standard time and fi nding out idle time as well as the effi ciency of labor. It can be used by researchers as well as by Government Authorities for various purposes.

Methods of time keeping : The above-mentioned points highlight the importance of the time keeping. The question that we have to answer now is that what are the methods of time keeping? The answer to this is given in the following paragraphs. The methods of time keeping are explained below. 1. Time Recording Clocks or Clock Cards: This is mechanized method of time recording. Each worker punches the card given to him when he comes in and goes out. The time and date is automatically recorded in the card. Each week a new card is prepared and given to the worker so that weekly calculation of wages will be possible. If wages are paid on monthly basis, a new card may be given in each month. Due to advancement of technology, giving a new card each month is also not required as the same card continued till the worker either leaves the service or retires from the service. The only limitation of this method, [in fact it is the limitation of all the methods of time keeping] is that though the time in and time out are recorded, the records do not show the productive time of the worker, i.e. how he has spent the time in the factory. Thus if a worker comes in at 8 am and leaves at 5 pm, he has spent 9 hours in the company, which can be ascertained from the time keeping records. However, how he has spent this time, will not be shown by these records. For showing the productive time, separate records showing time booking are to be prepared. The time booking records can also be combined with time keeping records so that there is no need to keep dual records. 2. Disc Method: This is one of the older methods of recording time. A disc, which bears the identifi cation number of each worker, is given to each one. When the worker comes in, he picks up his disc from the tray kept near the gate of the factory and drops in the box or hooks it on a board against his number. Same procedure is followed at the time of leaving the factory. The box is removed at starting time, and the time keeper becomes aware of late arrivals by requiring the workers concerned to report him before starting. The time keeper will record in an Attendance Register any late arrivals and workers leaving early. He will also enter about the absentees in the register on daily basis. The main limitation of this method is that there is a possibility of marking the attendance of a worker by his friend i.e. by a proxy. Secondly if the number of workers is large, there will be a delay in recording time due to manual operation of this system. 3. Attendance Records: This is the simplest and the oldest method of marking attendance of workers. In this method, every worker signs in an attendance register against his name. Leaves taken by workers as well as late reporting is marked on the attendance register itself. The main limitation of this system is that in case there is large number of workers, there may be large queues for signing the muster. Similarly there is little control over marking the attendance time and hence there may be irregularities in time recording. II.II Time Booking: In time keeping we have seen that the basic objective of time keeping is to mark the attendance time, i.e. time in and time out.

Time keeping aims at keeping a check on the number of hours spent by a worker in the factory. However, it do not record the productive time of the workers. It means the time keeping methods do not provide information about how the time is spent by the workers in the factory. For example, the time keeping record will show that the worker has reported for duty at 8 am and left at 6 pm, thus, he has spent 10 hours in the company. But the analysis of these 10 hours is not provided by the time keeping. In view of this there is a need to have a system, which will tell about the productive time spent by the workers in the factory. The method, which supplies this information, is known as Time Booking Methods and the recording the time spent by a worker in each job, process or operation is known as Time Booking. The objects of time booking are as follows. i. ii. iii. iv. To determine the productive time spent by the worker on the job or operation. This helps in finding out the idle time and control the same. To determine the quantity and value of work done. To determine earnings like wages and bonus, which depend on the time taken by a worker in performing job or jobs in a factory. To determine the effi ciency of workers

II.III Time Booking Methods : The following methods are used for time booking. 1) Daily Time Sheet: In this method, each worker records the time spent by him on the work during the day, for which a sheet is provided to each worker. The time is recorded daily and hence accuracy is maintained. However, the main limitation of this method is lot of paper work is involved as daily sheets are maintained on daily basis by each worker. 2) Weekly Time Sheets: The only difference between the daily time sheet and weekly time sheet is that these time sheets are maintained on weekly basis. This means that each worker prepares these sheets weekly rather than daily. This helps in reducing the paper work to a great extent. The only care to be taken is that since the information is fi lled up on daily basis, there may be inaccuracies and hence fi lling the information should be done on daily basis only. 3) Job Ticket: Job tickets are given to all workers where time for commencing the job is recorded as well as the time when the job is completed. The job tickets are given for each job and the recording of the time as mentioned above helps to ascertain the time taken for each job. After completing one job, the worker is given another job. 4) Labor Cost Card: This card is meant for a job, which involves several operations or stages of completion. Instead of giving one card to each worker, only one card is passed on to all workers and time taken on the job is recorded by each one of them. This card shows the aggregate labor cost of the job or the product.

5) Time and Job Card: This card is a combined record, which shows both, the time taken for completion of the job as well as the attendance time. Therefore there is no need to keep separate record of both, time taken and attendance time. III. Work Study : In order to motivate workers, it is necessary to design a proper incentive system of payment of wages. Money is the strongest motivating factor and hence monetary incentive system become essential. In any incentive system, the bonus is paid by comparing the standard performance/production with the actual performance, i.e. actual production. Bonus is paid if the actual performance is higher than the standard one. However, for deciding the standard performance, standard time, i.e. time that is allowed to do a particular job should be fi xed against which the actual time taken should be compared. The Work Study which includes, the job study, and the method study ensures the fi xation of standard time to do a particular job and thus has become extremely important in the designing of the incentive system. Work Study components are discussed below. III.I Method Study: Method Study is done to improve the methods of production and to achieve the most effi cient use of the resources like, manpower, machines and materials. Method Study has the following stages. A. Method Study is generally conducted for the jobs, which involve complex operations as well as costly operations. Hence the fi rst step is to select jobs, which are having complexity of operations. B. There should be a detailed of related aspect of the selected job. Information about the job like, purpose, location, sequence, relationship with other work, methods of working, operators, requirement of skilled workers, facilities required etc. should be collected. C. The crucial step is that after studying the relevant aspects of the job, there should be development of the improved method of doing the job. An improved method of job might change the location and sequence of the work, methods of production and the layout for the job. The improved method will result in more effi ciency, more simplicity and effectiveness and job will be done in a better manner. D. The developed method should be applied in doing the job. E. For any new method, a follow up is always required. For Method Study also a constant follow up is necessary to ensure that the method selected is implemented properly. Thus Method Study ensures effi cient use of resources by reducing unnecessary work and helps to achieve highest production. III.II Work Measurement: The Work Measurement aims at determining the effective time required to perform a job. The ineffective, wasteful or avoidable time is separated from effective required time to complete the

work. The effective time so established in work measurement can be used for the following purposes. A. Incentive wage schemes which require data about the time allowed and time taken for a particular job. B. Improving utilization of men, machines and materials. C. Assisting in production control D. Assist in setting labor standards E. Cost control and reduction. The following stages are involved in work measurement. A. Selection of work B. Measuring the actual time taken in the work done C. Making comparison between the standard time and the actual time. III.III Job Evaluation: It is necessary for the management of any organization to establish proper wage and salary structure for various jobs. For doing this in a scientifi c manner, it is necessary to determine the relative value of jobs and hence a job evaluation is done. Job evaluation is a technique of analysis and assessment of jobs to determine their relative value within the fi rm. It aims at providing a rational and equitable basis for differential salaries and wages for different classes of workers. Job evaluation has the following objectives. It helps in developing a systematic and rational wage structure as well as job structure. Job evaluation aims at removing the controversies and disputes relating to salary between the employers and employees. Thus the employees and also the employer remain satisfi ed. Another important objective of job evaluation is to bring fairness and stability in the wage and salary structure so as to ensure full cooperation of workers in implementing various policies of the employers. Job evaluation discloses characteristics and conditions relating to different jobs. This is very useful at the time of recruiting of workersas only suitable workers can be recruited This avoids square pegs in round holes. III.IV Methods of Job Evaluation: Methods of job evaluation are as follows. Point Ranking Method: In this method each job is analyzed in terms of various job factors or characteristics. The characteristics are skills

required, efforts involved, working conditions, hazards, responsibility and so on. In other words the job factors are the requirements needed for performing the job effectively. Each job factor is given weightage or points depending upon its value for the job. For example, for certain jobs, maximum value is assigned to experience while for some jobs, education may be the most crucial factor. Finally each job is ranked in the order of points or weights secured by them. The wage structure can be suitably designed according to the points assigned to each job. The method is quite sound in principle but diffi culties may be faced in assigning the weights to each job. Ranking Method: In this method, jobs are ranked in order of importance on the basis of skills required, experience requirements, working conditions etc. Jobs are rearranged in an order, which can be either from the lowest to the highest or in the reverse. Wage scales are determined in terms of ranks. Though this method is quite simple to operate and less costly as well as easy for understanding, it is suitable when the size of the organization is small and jobs are few and well defi ned. In a large organization, where jobs are quite complex, this method is not benefi cial. Grading Method: This method is an improvement over the ranking method. Under this method, each job is analyzed in terms of a predetermined grade and then assigned a grade or class. Grades are established after making an investigation of job factors, such as complexity in the job, supervision, responsibility, education etc. III.V Merit Rating: Job evaluation is the rating of the job in order to bring rationality in the wage and salary structure in the organization. On the other hand merit rating is the comparative evaluation and analysis of individual merits of the employees. The merit rating aims at evaluation and ranking the individual employees in order to plan and implement rational promotional policies in the organization. Merit rating has the following objectives. To evaluate the merit of an employee for the purpose of promotion, increment, rewardand other benefi ts. To establish and develop a wage system and incentive scheme. To determine the suitability of an employee for a particular job. To analyze the merits or limitations of a worker and help him to develop his capability and competence for a job. To examine characteristics like cooperation, quality of work done, attendance and regularity, education, skill, experience, character and integrity and initiative. Thus it can be understood that merit rating is extremely useful for organizations for evaluating the employees. However the main limitations are that the rating can be subjective which will give rise to the disputes and there is a possibility that past performance of an employee may be given too much importance.

III.VII Time And Motion Study: The study of time and motion is essential for designing an incentive system. Time study determines the time to be spent on the job. Standard time is the time that should be taken for completing a particular job under standard or normal working conditions. For fi xation of standard time, motion study is necessary. Thus, the motion study precedes the time study. Motion study means dividing the job into fundamental elements or basic operations of the job or process and studying them in detail to eliminate the unnecessary elements or motions. After investigation all movements in a job, process or operation, the motion study aims at fi nding out the most scientifi c and systematic way of performing the job. After eliminating unnecessary motions, the time that should be taken to perform these motions is decided with the help of a stop-watch. In the time so fi xed, some allowance is added in the same for normal idle time, which is due to fatigue, change of job, change of tools, preventive maintenance of machines and so on. Thus standard time for a job or process is arrived at. The time and motion study aims at, Eliminating unnecessary motions, thereby reducing ineffi ciency Improving methods, procedures, techniques, and processes relating to a job. Effective utilization of men, material, machines and time. Improving working environment, layout and design of plant and equipment. The following are the benefi ts of Time and Motion study. Effective utilization of resources like men, material, machine and time. Helps in assessment of labor Helps in designing incentive system as many of the incentive systems are based on standard time. Preparation of labor budget Proper planning of production for preparation of production budget Helps in improving labor productivity by designing best method for performing a job or process. Improvement of work methods. V. Payroll Department: Roll of Payroll Department is of crucial importance in overall labor cost computation and control. The main responsibilities of this department are preparation of payroll from clock cards, job or time tickets, or time sheet. The payroll shows the amount of wages payable to each worker showing the gross wages payable, the deductions and the net wages payable. For doing this calculation, they have to work in collaboration with the time offi ce, personnel department, cost accounting department and with the concerned department in which the worker is working.

The functions of this department are given below. To compute the wages of the employees To prepare a detailed wages sheet showing the gross wages payable, various deductions and other payroll liabilities. To maintain individual employee payroll records To prepare department wise summaries of wages Compilation of labor statistics for management. To install and implement an effective internal check system for preventing frauds and irregularities in payment of wages. To detect and prevent ghost workers. VI. Cost Accounting Department: The Cost Accounting department is responsible for analyzing the labor cost for the purpose of computation and control of the same. It is responsible for the accumulation and classifi cation of all cost data of which labor cost is one of the important component. The cost accounting department classifi es the labor cost into direct and indirect, compares the actual labor cost with the budgeted cost, compute unit labor cost and compiles the data for further analysis of the labor cost. The data generated can be useful for various purposes including decision making by the management. 3.4 Methods of Wages Payment: One of the important components of labor cost control is the wages system. A system of wage payment, which takes care of both, i.e. providing guarantee of minimum wages as well as offering incentive to effi cient workers helps to motivate the workers to a great extent. It should also be remembered that high wages do not necessarily mean high labor cost because it may be observed that due to high wages the productivity of workers is also high and hence the per unit cost of production is actually decreased. On the other hand, if low wages are paid, it may result in lower productivity and hence higher wages do not necessarily mean high cost. The following are the various methods of payment of wages. I] Time Rate System A] At ordinary levels. B] At high wage levels and C] Graduated time rate II] Piece Rate A] Straight piece rate B] Piece rate with guaranteed day rates and C] Differential piece rates III] Bonus Systems A] Individual Bonus for Direct Workers B] Group Bonus for Direct Workers

C] Bonus for Indirect Workers IV] Indirect Monetary Incentives A] Profi t Sharing B] Co-partnerships V] Non monetary incentives like job security, social and general welfare, sports, medical facilities etc. These methods are discussed in the following paragraphs. A] Time Rate at Ordinary Levels: Under this method, rate of payment of wages per hour is fi xed and payment is made accordingly on the basis of time worked irrespective of the output produced. However, overtime is paid as per the statutory provisions. The main benefi t of this method for the workers is that they get guarantee of minimum income irrespective of the output produced by them. If a worker is not able to work due to genuine reasons like illness or physical disability, he will continue to get the wages on the basis of time taken for a particular job. This method is used in the following situation. Where the work requires high skill and quality is more important than the quantity. Where the output/services is not quantifi able, i.e. where the output/services cannot be measured. Where the work done by one person is dependent upon other person, in other words wherea individual worker has no control over the work Where the speed of production is governed by time in process or speed of a machine. Where the workers are learners or inexperienced. Where continuous supervision is not possible The main advantage of this method is that the worker is assured of minimum income irrespective of the output produced. He can focus on quality as there is no monetary incentive for producing more output. However, the main limitation of this method is that it does not offer any incentive to the effi cient workers. Effi cient and ineffi cient workers are paid at the same rate of wages and hence there is a possibility that even an effi cient worker may become ineffi cient due to lack of incentive. B] Time Rate at High Wage Levels: This system is a variation of time rate at ordinary levels in the sense that in this system, workers are paid at time rate but the rate is much higher than that is normally paid in the industry or area. In this method, the workers are paid according to the time taken and overtime is not normally allowed. This method offers a very strong incentive to workers and it can attract talented workers in the industry. However, care should be taken that productivity also increases, otherwise the cost will go on increasing.

C] Graduated Time Rate: Under this method payment is made at time rate, which varies according to personal qualities of the workers. The rate also changes with the offi cial cost of living index. Thus this method is suitable for both employer and employees. II] Piece Rate Method: This method is also called as payment by results where the workers are paid as per the production achieved by them. Thus if a worker produces higher output, he can earn higher wages. The following are the variations of this method. A] Straight Piece Rate: In this method, rate per unit is fi xed and the worker is paid according to this rate. For example, if the rate per unit is fi xed at Rs.10, and the output produced is 300 units, the remuneration to the worker will be Rs.10 X 300 units = Rs.3,000. This method thus offers a very strong incentive to the workers and is particularly suitable where the work is repetitive. The benefi ts of this method are as follows. _ The method is simple and provides a very strong incentive to the workers by linking the monetary reward directly to the results. _ Productivity can be increased substantially if the rate of pay includes a really adequate incentive. _ Higher productivity will result in lowering the cost per unit. However, the main limitation of this method is that if a worker is not able to work effi ciently due to reasons beyond his control, he will be penalized in the form of lower wages.

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