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R3 Connection To BW

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R/3 BW Connection To answer you question regarding how the knowledge was obtained, I would have to say 40%

% from OSS Notes and 30% trial & error and 30% from our BASIS guys. I would suggest you get an overview of the basic BASIS functions as I did. It is very helpful when explaining problems to our BASIS guys. You might be able to attend a SAP class on this. I know they had one some time ago. I myself am a SAP Certified BW Consultant and you do not cover this information in class. First I will list the pertinent Transactions, Tables etc. Then we will go through the steps. Remember this procedure needs to be done on the ALL systems, (BW, R/3 ,CRM, SEM etc) and for each layer (Production, QA, Development). A suggestion would be to create a checklist for each System & Layer. It makes it easier to keep track of things. Transactions : SM30 - Maintain Table Views WE30 - Develop IDoc Types SM59 - Display and Maintain RFC destinations WE21 - Port Settings WE20 -Partner Profiles

Tables : RSBASIDOC - Assignment of Source Systems to BW T000 - Clients EDIMSG - Message Types and Assignment to IDoc Types

Functions : RSAP_BIW_CONNECT_40 (new version of function from notes 93821 & 184322) RSAP_BIW_DISCONNECT_40 (new version of function from notes 93821 & 184322) OSS Notes (w/my personal opinions) 325525 - Good Overview, Check Scenario #2 93821 - Very Useful (older note but still applies) 184322 - Very Useful (older note but still applies) 325470 - Very Useful 301192 - Very Useful 524554 - OK 121163 - Not Very Useful 170539 - Does Not Exist (OSS refers to this note in 325525)

The procedure below should be used for all systems (BW ,R/3 etc.). Below steps assume you are working with your Business Warehouse system. Repeat steps for source system (R/3, CRM etc). **** SEE NOTE BELOW REGARDING ADDITIONAL STEPS FOR SOURCE SYSTEM **** 1.) Type Transaction WE30. a.) Enter 'RSSEND' in the Obj. Name field. You will see an entry similar to the one below: RSSEND Data transfer from the source system (template) [-] E1RSSH Data transfer IDoc: Header information [+] E1RSHIE Data transfer Idoc: Hierarchy header information E1RSTXT Data transfer IDoc: Texts b.) Enter RSREQUST in the Obj. Name field. You will see an entry similar to the one below: RSREQUST Data request to the source system [-] E1RSRH Data request IDoc: Header segment [+] E1RSRHI Data request IDoc: Hierarchy [+] E1RSRTX Data request IDoc: Texts [+] E1RSRMD Data request IDoc: Master data [+] E1RSRIS Data request IDoc: InfoSource c.) Enter RSINFO in the Obj. Name field. You will see an entry similar to the one below: RSINFO Info IDoc [-] E1RSHIN InfoIDoc: Status segment E1RSPIN InfoIDoc: Data packet segment E1RSEIN InfoIDoc: Error segment d.) If any of the above do not exist, contact you BASIS Team.

2.) Type Transaction SM59. a.) Open the RFC Destinations. b.) Find your Source System and double click on it. c.) Technical setting should contain information regarding your source system d.) Logon Information should contain source system client and name & password for you remote logon. **Suggestion: our remote name for our R/3 was ALEREMOTE. We use BWREMOTE so that we can monitor without confusion. e.) Execute your 'Test Connection' & 'Remote Logon'. You connection should be You should NOT be prompted for a password.

f.) Repeat above to verify RFCs for other systems (CRM etc)

3.) Type Transaction WE21. a.) Select 'Ports' and then 'Transactional RFC'. b.) Click on the Port # for you source system. c.) Verify description & SAP R/3 version.(BW 2.1C should be release 4.x) d.) RFC Destination should be one created in SM59.

4.) Type Transaction SE16. Enter RSBASIDOC a.) Print out copy of all entries in table. The critical fields are : Source system - Name of Source from RFC DWH System - Name of Data Warehouse (BW Client Name) Object Status - Should be 'INA' until you replicate then status will change to 'ACT' Basic type - Must match setting in EDIMSG table Tran Structure Prefix - see below: Source Systems Transfer Structure Prefix Flat File AA Business Warehouse AB SAP R/3 BA CRM BB Source System - see below: 3 - SAP R/3 from version 3.0D onwards B - External system, data and meta data trns. with staging BAPIs F - External system, meta data manually, data with file interf. M - Myself , Data Marts b.) You should have one entry for each source system(SAP R/3, Flat File, CRM, etc)

5.) Type Transaction SM30. a.) Enter 'EDIMSG' in the Table/View field. b.) Click on the 'Enter Conditions' option for Restrict Data Range. c.) Click 'Maintain'. d.) Select Message Type. Then enter 'RSSEND' in "From' field. e.) Verify that the Basic Type matches what is in your RSBASIDOC table for each of your connections. f.) If any are missing any entries you must create them. f1.) Create another session and type Transaction WE30. f2.) Enter IDoc Type (ZSBAXXX) in Obj. Name field (Suggestion: Start new type with 'ZS' + Transfer

Structure Prefix + (3)#'s) f3.) Select Create. f4.) Select "Create from Copy'. f5.) Enter 'RSSEND" in 'Copy From' field f6.) Enter Description (i.e. IDoc Type for BW Development) f7.) Execute (Green Check). Repeat for other missing entries. g.) Go to the SM30 main screen. a.) Enter 'T000' in the Table/View field. Click 'Maintain'. b.) Verify correct Client and Description. If incorrect enter.

This concludes our prep work. We have created all the necessary pieces to create our Partner Profile. To review: 1. ) Verified existence of all message types. 2. ) We have an RFC for all of our Source Systems. 3. ) We have a Port setting for our Transactional RFC 4. ) All source systems are assigned with entries in the RSBASIDOC table. 5. ) We have our RSSEND / Idoc Type (ZSBAXXX) entry exists in the EDIMSG table 6. ) We have ensured our BW client is set up.

6. ) Type Transaction WE20. a.) Click on 'Partner Profile' and then 'Partner Type LS' . b.) Click on your Source system profile to verify settings. c.) If Source System does not exist: c1.) Click on 'Partner Type LS' then Create. d.) In your Outbound Parameter should be 'RSREQUST' . Double click. Outbound Options Tab d1.) Receiver Port : select RFC from above step #3. d2.) Packet Size: 1. d2.) Output Mode: 'Transfer IDocs Immediately. d4.) IDoc Type : RSREQUST. d5.) Syntax Check : 'X' Post Processing Tab d6.) Type : 'US' d7.) User : Remote User (BWREMOTE) d8.) Language : EN e.) In your Inbound Parameters should be 'RSINFO'. Double click. Inbound Options Tab e1.) Process Code : 'RSIN'. e2.) Syntax Check : 'X' e3.) Process By Function Module: 'Trigger Immediately Post Processing Tab e4.) Type : 'US' e5.) User : Remote User (BWREMOTE)

e6.) Language : EN f.) In your Inbound Parameters should be 'RSSEND'. Double click. Inbound Options Tab f1.) Process Code : 'RSDR'. f2.) Syntax Check : 'X' f3.) Process By Function Module: 'Trigger Immediately Post Processing Tab f4.) Type : 'US' f5.) User : Remote User (BWREMOTE) f6.) Language : EN The way I remember which message type goes where... outbound or inbound : From the BW perspective : "BW is making a request out of BW to a source system to have information to be sent back into BW." Key words being (BW, Request , Out) - Outbound in BW (RSREQUST) (Information, Sent, In) - Inbound in BW (RSINFO, RSSEND) From the Source System perspective : "The Source is sending information out from a request made into the source system." Key words being (Source, Send, Info, Out) - Outbound in Source (RSINFO, RSSEND) (Request, In) - Inbound in Source (RSREQUST) ***Note: Source has Inbound/Outbound parameters opposite of BW

7.) To check that everything is now set up correctly, we start back to the Partner Profiles main screen. a.) Find your source system b.) Double click on RSREQUST from Outbound Parameters. c.) Double click on receiver port. Should bring you into Port Settings / RFC. d.) Double click on Port (Right side of split screen). This should bring you into the RFC Destination. e.) Execute your 'Test Connection' & 'Remote Logon'. You should NOT be prompted for a password.

This concludes your set up in Business Warehouse. Now time to check you source system. **** ADDITIONAL STEPS FOR SOURCE SYSTEMS ****

Before you proceed, you must run two (2) functions. WARNING **** DO NOT RUN THESE FUNCTIONS IN BW **** **** RUN ONLY ON SOURCE SYSTEM **** First we need to some information. Open another session. 1.) Type Transaction SE16. Enter RSBASIDOC a.) Print out copy of all entries in table. The critical fields are : Source system - Name of Source from RFC DWH System - Name of Data Warehouse (BW Client Name) Object Status - Should be 'INA' until you replicate then status will change to 'ACT' Basic type - Must match setting in EDIMSG table TranStructure Prefix - see below: Source Systems Transfer Structure Prefix Flat File AA Business Warehouse AB SAP R/3 BA CRM BB Source System - see below: 3 - SAP R/3 from version 3.0D onwards B - External system, data and meta data trns. with staging BAPIs F - External system, meta data manually, data with file interf. M - Myself , Data Marts b.) You should have one entry for each source system(SAP R/3, Flat File, CRM, etc)

2. ) Type Transaction SE37. a.) Execute RSAP_BIW_DISCONNECT_40 using Single Test . b.) Use the following parameters matching information from Step #1. I_BIW_LOGSYS = BW system (RLOGSYS from RSBASIDOC in BW) I_OLTP_LOGSYS = OLTP Source system (SLOGSYS from RSBASIDOC in BW) I_FORCE_DELETE = 'X'. c.) Repeat this for all entries in table RSBASIDOC

3. ) Type Transaction SE37. a.) Execute RSAP_BIW_CONNECT_40 using Single Test . b.) Use the following parameters matching information from Step #1. I_LANGU Language of the destination to BW I_SLOGSYS OLTP Source system (SLOGSYS from RSBASIDOC in BW)

I_LOGSYS BW system (RLOGSYS from RSBASIDOC in BW) I_STEXT 20 times second byte of TSPREFIX from RSBASIDOC in BW (Example TSPREFIX = 'BA', then I_PREFIXE 'AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA') I_BASIC_IDOC BIDOCTYP of RSBASIDOC in BW I_TSPREFIX TSPREFIX of RSBASIDOC in BW I_SAPRL SAPREL of RSBASIDOC in BW I_RESTORE **** Reference OSS Notes 93821 & 184322 **** 4.) Execute Steps #1 - #7 above. 5.) Go into BW and Select your source systems tab. a.) Right click on source system and select 'Replicate Datasources' b.) Right click on source system and select 'Activate' c.) Right click on source system and select 'Restore'. If asked for password use Userid and Password for Admin. It will prompt you that profiles exist, select 'USE'. It will ask to delete then restore connections select 'Delete'. d.) Right click on source system and select 'Check'. Message should show on bottom left 'Check Source System OK'

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