Avr Esd
Avr Esd
Avr Esd
This application note covers the most common EMC problems designers encounter when using microcontrollers. It will briefly discuss the various phenomena. The reference literature covers EMC design in more detail, and for designers who are going to build products that need to be EMC compliant, further study is highly recommended. A good EMC design requires more knowledge than what can be put into a short application note. Unlike many other design issues, EMC is not an area where it is possible to list a set of rules. EMC compliance cannot be guaranteed by design; it has to be tested. It is recommended that readers unfamiliar with EMC design read this document more than once, as some of the subjects described early in this document are more easily understood if the reader has already read the rest of the document.
1 Introduction
Electromagnetic compatibility is a subject most designers did not have to worry about a few years ago. Today, every designer putting a product on the global market has to consider this. There are two main reasons for this: The electromagnetic environment is getting tougher. High-frequency radio transmitters, like mobile telephones, are found everywhere. More and more systems are using switching power supplies in the power circuit, and the overall number of electronic appliances is increasing every year. Electronic circuits are becoming more and more sensitive. Power supply voltages are decreasing, reducing the noise margin of input pins. Circuit geometries get smaller and smaller, reducing the amount of energy required to change a logic level, and at the same time reducing the amount of noise required to alter the logic values of signals. From a designers point of view, EMC phenomena have to be considered in two different ways: How the environment may affect the design (immunity). How the design may affect the environment (emission). Traditionally, the only government regulations have been on the emission side: An electronic device is not allowed to emit more than a certain amount of radio frequency energy to avoid disturbing radio communication or operation of other electronic equipment. Most countries in the world have regulations on this topic.
Rev. 1619D-AVR-06/06
Additional demands on noise immunity earlier were found only for special applications, like medical equipment, avionics and military applications. From 1995, Europe introduced regulations on immunity for all electronic products, known as the EMC directive. The purpose of this directive is: To ensure that no product emits or radiates any disturbances that may interfere with the function of other equipment. To ensure that all products withstand the disturbances present in their operating environment. At the same time, enforcement of EMC requirements was strengthened: every product made in or imported to Europe must prove to fulfill both emission and immunity requirements before it can be put on the market. Countries in other parts of the world are also about to introduce similar legal requirements. The limits for acceptable emission and immunity levels for different product classes and environments are given in various international standards. A more detailed description of these is found in the reference literature. The EMC directive applies to finished products, but not to components. As a component will not work without being put into a system, the demands are put on the finished system. How the problems are solved internally is left to the designer. As a result of this, the test procedures required for CE-marking are well suited for testing finished products, but they cannot be used directly for testing components like microcontrollers. The same applies for the test procedures required for FCC approval. The test boards the components are mounted on during test will influence EMC test data for components. These results should therefore only be regarded as informative. On the other hand, there are test standards (military, automotive and others) that are made to test components directly. These standards specify standardized test boards to make sure that measurements on different manufacturers components can be compared. These tests are not a requirement according to the EMC directive.
another grounded object. What happens is that your body has been charged with a small electrostatic charge (easily achieved by walking on synthetic fiber carpets). This charge is released when you touch an object with a different charge or an object connected to ground. For a human being to actually feel the discharge, the voltage must be about 4 kV or more, and it is not difficult to achieve tens of kV. Figure 2-1. ESD Test Generator
Rc S Rd To Discharge Tip
To Ground Return
A simple way of modeling this phenomenon is to use a capacitor that will hold the same charge as the body and a series resistor that will release this charge the same way the body does. Figure 2-1 shows a principle schematic of this setup. CS is the storage capacitor that equals the capacitance of the human body, RD is the discharge resistance that equals the resistance of the human body. VS is a high-voltage power supply, and RC the series resistance of this power supply. When the switch S is connected to RC, the capacitor is charged. When the switch S is connected to RD, the capacitor is discharged through RD and the device under test, which is connected to or placed near the discharge tip. The value of RC is of no practical value for what amount of energy is stored in the capacitor or for how this is transferred to the device under test. Integrated circuits are usually tested according to MILSTD-883. Here RC is 1 - 10 M, RD is 1.5 k and CS is 100 pF. This is the so-called Human Body Model, which tries to emulate the ESD an integrated circuit may experience as a result of manual handling during board production. The traditional test voltage VS a CMOS device is expected to handle is 2 kV. Newer devices like AVR microcontrollers are often rated to 4 kV or more. Another model, the Machine Model, tries to emulate the ESD an integrated circuit will experience from automatic handlers. Here CS is twice as big, 200 pF. The current limiting resistor RD is zero (!), but an inductor up to 500 nH may be inserted instead. RC is 100 M. In this model, the rise time of the current is much higher, and most devices fail at voltages higher than 500V. ESD compliance according to the EMC directive is based on IEC 1000-4-2. This standard specifies a Human Body model that tries to emulate the ESD a product will experience as a result of normal use. The component values are therefore slightly tougher here than in MIL-STD-883: RC is 100 M, RD is 330 and CS is 150 pF. This means that a product built by circuits rated at 4 kV may not necessarily pass IEC 1000-4-2 at 4 kV without adding some kind of external protection. Another important difference here: MIL-STD-883 only requires that the device is not damaged by the test. The demand of the EMC directive is stronger: the product shall continue to operate as intended, without being disturbed by the ESD pulse. This requirement is tough, as a high-voltage ESD transient on an input pin may easily change the logic value of the pin. This means that the designer of a microcontrollerbased system must either design hardware to make sure that ESD transient never 3
reaches the I/O pins, or write software that detects and handles such incorrect readings.
15ms Burst Duration 300ms Burst Period
200 s (0.25-2.0 kV) or 400 s (4.0 kV) Repetition Period
Figure 2-2 shows the fast transient burst pulse train used for EMC testing. Figure 2-3 shows a close-up of a burst. Note that the pulse is only about 50 ns wide, this is much smaller than the figure indicates. See IEC 1000-4-4 for details of the pulses and the test setup. Test voltages on power supply lines are typically 1 kV for protected environment, 2 kV for industrial environment. Severe industrial environments may require up to 4 kV transient testing. Test voltages on I/O lines are half the values used for power supply lines. On an I/O line, the pulse may seem similar to an ESD pulse, but there are some very important differences: The energy of a single transient pulse may be higher than an ESD pulse at the same voltage, depending on the coupling path into the system. ESD testing is performed once or only a few times, with several seconds cooldown time between each pulse. The fast transient pulse is repeated at 5 kHz (2.5 kHz @ 4 kV) for 15 ms: this is one burst. The burst is repeated every 300 ms. 4
2.3 Surge Immunity Test
This is the mother of all transient tests. It tries to emulate what happens when lightning hits (near) the power network, and the energies involved are high. The capacitance of the energy storage capacitor is up to 20 F, 200,000 times bigger than the 100 pF used in an ESD test. The test setup is not identical to the one shown in Figure 2-1, a few pulse-shaping components are added, but the basic principle is the same. See IEC 1000-4-5 for details of this test setup. The surge test is performed only on power supply lines, so this is typically a power supply design issue. However, note that if the design is made to operate on DC power, powered from any approved DC power supply, the designer may still have to incorporate surge protectors on the DC input. The protection of a commercial power supply may be limited to only protecting the power supply itself, resulting in heavy surges on its DC output. Dont get confused by the similarities between 4 kV ESD testing, 4 kV fast transient burst testing and 4 kV surge. The voltages are the same, but the energy behind them is totally different. Dropping a small rock on your foot may hurt, but you will still be able to walk. Dropping a large rock from the same height will most likely cause severe damage to your foot. Doing this 250 times per second will reduce your shoe size permanently. When the surge boulder falls, you'd rather be somewhere else.
Similarly, conducted HF noise on the cables will show in the radiated emission test. If the noise is sufficiently damped to be below the limit for radiated emission, the conducted noise on the cable will be negligible. Test setups and limits for different applications are given in various standards issued by the International Special Committee on Radio Interference (CISPR). CISPR 22, for instance, covers information technology equipment.
components and system solutions to reduce design time. For a high-volume, low-cost application, it may be better to spend more time and resources on the design to reduce the overall cost of the final product.
4 Design Rules
4.1 Identify the Noise Sources
A very important general rule is that all types of noise should be handled as close to the source as possible, and as far away from the sensitive parts of a circuit as possible. This, of course, means that the task of identifying these sources is very important. 4.1.1 Transmitted Noise In many microcontroller systems, the microcontroller is the only fast digital circuit. In such systems, the most important internal noise source is the microcontroller itself, and the resources used for preventing conducted and emitted RF are best used close to the microcontroller. This will reduce the amount of RF energy that reaches I/O cables and other parts of the system that may act as transmitting antennas. 4.1.2 Received Noise The sources of received noise are usually outside the system, and therefore out of reach for the system designer. The environment is what it is, and the first possibility for the system designer to do something about the noise is on the system inputs and on the power cables. For a system delivered with dedicated cables, it is even possible to start on the cable itself. A good example here is a computer monitor, where you quite often see a filter put next to the VGA plug you connect to your computer. On other systems, the first chance comes with the I/O connectors. For a hand-held, battery-powered application without any cables, this is not applicable, but then this problem is similarly smaller. If external noise can be prevented from entering the system at all, there will be no immunity problems.
is away from signals and circuits that may be disturbed. For transmitted noise, this means making sure that the noise will find a path to ground before it leaves the system. For received noise, it means making sure that the noise will find a path to ground before it reaches sensitive parts of the system.
4.4 RF Immunity
Long I/O and power cables usually act as good antennas, picking up noise from the outside world and conducting this into the system. For unshielded systems, long PCB tracks may also act as antennas. Once inside the system, the noise may be coupled into other, more sensitive signal lines. It is therefore vital that the amount of RF energy allowed into the system be kept as low as possible, even if the input lines themselves are not connected to any sensitive circuit. This can be done by adding one or more of the following: Series inductors or ferrite beads will reduce the amount of HF noise that reaches the microcontroller pin. They will have high impedance for HF, while having low impedance for low-frequency signals. Decoupling capacitors on the input lines will short the HF noise to ground. The capacitors should have low ESR (equivalent series resistance). This is more important than high capacitance values. In combination with resistors or inductors, 8
the capacitors will form low-pass filters. If the system is shielded, the capacitors should be connected directly to the shield. This will prevent the noise from entering the system at all. Special feed-through capacitors are designed for this purpose, but these may be expensive. Special EMC filters combining inductors and capacitors in the same package are now delivered from many manufacturers in many different shapes and component values.
The current pulses on the power supply lines can be several hundred mA if all eight I/O lines of an I/O port changes value at the same time. If the I/O lines are not loaded, the pulse will only be a few ns. This kind of current spike cannot be delivered over long power supply lines; the main source is (or should be) the decoupling capacitor. Figure 4-1. Incorrect Decoupling
Vcc Power Plane
I= Vcc C
High Current Loop
V= Out
Figure 4-1 shows an example of insufficient decoupling. The capacitor is placed too far away from the microcontroller, creating a large high current loop. The power and ground planes here are parts of the high current loop. As a result of this, noise is spread more easily to other devices on the board, and radiated emission from the board is increased even further. The whole ground plane will act as an antenna for the noise, instead of only the high current loop. This will be the case if the power and ground pins are connected directly to the planes (typical for hole-mounted components) and the decoupling capacitor is connected the same way. The same is often seen for boards with surface-mount components if the integrated circuits are placed on one side of the board and the decoupling capacitors are placed on the other. Figure 4-2. Correct Placement of Decoupling Capacitor
Vcc Power Plane
I= C
I= Vcc
High Current Loop
V= Out
Figure 4-2 shows a better placement of the capacitor. The lines that are part of the high current loop are not part of the power or ground planes. This is important, as the power and ground planes otherwise will spread a lot of noise. Figure 4-3 shows another improvement of the decoupling. A series inductor is inserted to reduce the switching noise on the power plane. The series resistance of the inductor must, of course, be low enough to ensure that there will be no significant DC voltage drop. 10
Generally, the AVR devices where power and ground lines are placed close together (like the AT90S8535) will get better decoupling than devices with industry standard pinout (like the AT90S8515), where the power and ground pins are placed in opposite corners of the DIP package. This disadvantage can be overcome by using the TQFP package, which allows decoupling capacitors to be placed very close to the die. For devices with multiple pairs of power and ground pins, it is essential that every pair of pins get its own decoupling capacitor. Figure 4-3. Decoupling with Series Inductor
Vcc Power Plane
I= Vcc
High Current Loop
V= Out
4.7.3 Board Zoning System zoning, as described on System Zones can also be applied to a single PCB. Noisy parts of a system, like a digital circuit or a switch mode power supply, should be made as small as possible, reducing the size of current loops that will act as emitting antennas. Similarly, sensitive parts of a system, like an analog measurement circuit, should be made as small as possible, reducing the size of current loops that will act as receiving antennas. And of course, the noisy part of a system should be kept as far away from the sensitive ones as possible. Remember that in both cases the important part is reducing the size of the current loops, not the physical board area. Routing in ground planes to save space should therefore be avoided, unless thorough analysis shows that the ground return paths of other signals will not be affected. 4.7.4 Single-layer Boards Single-layer boards are used in many commercial applications due to their low cost. However, from an EMC point of view they are the most demanding boards to work with, as it is not possible to incorporate a ground layer on the board. This may increase the need for external components or shielding to achieve EMC compatibility, especially at high clock speeds. The layout of a single-layer board will require very good EMC design skills from the designer, as the layout very easily ends up having large loops that will act as antennas. It is always a good idea to use wires and straps to overcome some of the worst routing problems, but the task is still demanding. 4.7.5 Two-layer Boards If possible, one of the layers should be used as a dedicated ground plane and only that. If signals are routed in the ground plane, this may interfere with the return paths of the track on the other side. This kind of routing will therefore require detailed analysis of every track on the board, otherwise the whole ground plane may be wasted. Figure 4-4. Ground Grid
One way of designing a ground plane on a two-layer board and still allow routing on both layers, is to design a ground grid as shown in Figure 4-4. Here every path will have a ground return nearby, creating a relatively small loop. How large the cells and how wide the tracks should be will depend on the application. Higher currents and higher frequencies will require wider tracks and smaller cells.
It is very important to first put the ground grid in place, as it will be very difficult to make room for it after all other tracks have been placed. If required, a segment of the ground grid can be moved to the opposite side of the board to make routing easier or to make room for components. But it is illegal to delete segments. If a via or a track has to be moved, put an extra one in the grid to make sure that no cells are larger than the others. A ground grid is not as good as a complete, unbroken ground plane, but it is better than routing ground just like any other signal. Another way of designing a similar ground plane is to fill all unused space on both sides of the board and connect the ground planes together with vias wherever needed. It is very important to make sure that the ground plane at every part of the board covers at least one layer and that enough vias are used so the total ground area becomes as complete as possible. This way of creating a ground plane can also be combined with the ground grid described above. Start with a ground grid, then route the rest of the board and fill all unused areas with ground planes. Some of the vias in the ground grid may, in this case, be removed afterwards. For a mixed signal board with both analog and digital circuits, it is recommended to use an unbroken ground plane for the analog part of the board, as this will provide better noise immunity for sensitive analog circuits. 4.7.6 Multi-layer Boards When three or more layers are used, it is essential that one plane is used as a ground plane. It is also recommended to use one layer as a power plane if four or more layers are used. These two planes should then be placed next to each other in the middle of the board, to reduce power supply impedance and loop area. It is not a good idea to place the power and ground planes as the outer layers to act as shields. It does not work as intended, as high currents are running in the ground plane. A shield layer would have to be a second pair of ground layers.
4.8 Shielding
In some cases it is not possible to get the noise levels of a system low enough without adding a shield. In other applications a shield may be used because it is easier to use a shield than to achieve low noise levels by other means. Depending on the application, the shield may cover the whole system or only the parts of the system that need it most. If the zone system is used in the design, it is easy to determine which zone(s) that need to be shielded. In either case, the shield must be completely closed. A shield is like a pressurized container: almost good enough is as bad as nothing at all. As described earlier, all lines entering or leaving a zone need to be filtered. A single line that is not filtered will act like a single hole in a bucket of water. It will cause a leak. A semi-closed shield, connected to ground, may still reduce noise. It will act as a ground plane, reducing the size of the loop antennas. A common rule of thumb says that the maximum dimension of any mechanical slit or hole in the shield should be less than 1/10th of the minimum wavelength of the noise. In a system where the maximum significant noise frequency is 200 MHz, this wavelength is 150 cm, and the slits should be less than 15 cm. But such a hole will still cause some reduction of the effectiveness of the shield. A hole that does not
affect the effectiveness of the shield has to be less than 1% of the minimum wavelength, in this case 1.5 cm. It may turn out that a 100%-effective shield is not required, though. The filters on the I/O and power lines are usually more important. In many applications, where highfrequency noise (>30 MHz) is dominant, it may not even be necessary to use a metal shield. A conductive layer on the inside of a plastic housing will, in some cases, be sufficient.
I/O Module
I/O Pin
4.9.2 Reset Pin Protection During parallel programming, a 12V signal is connected to the Reset pin. There is therefore no internal protection diode from Reset to VCC; there is only one from GND to Reset. See Figure 4-6.
Figure 4-6. Reset Pin Input Protection
Reset Module
To achieve the same protection on Reset as on other I/O pins, an external diode should be connected from Reset to VCC. A normal small-signal diode will do. In addition, a pull-up resistor (10K typical) and a small filter capacitor (4.7 nF) should be connected as shown in Figure 4-7. All this, of course, is not needed if Reset is connected directly to VCC, but then external reset and In-System Programming (ISP) is disabled, too. If high ESD protection of Reset is not required, or is achieved by other components, the diode may be omitted. The resistor and capacitor are still recommended for optimum Reset behavior. The diode must also be omitted if In-System Programming of devices like ATtiny11, which can only be programmed using 12V, is required. Then one of the ESD protection methods described earlier may be used instead. Figure 4-7. Recommended Reset Pin Connection
Vcc R
External Reset C
Reset Module
4.9.3 Oscillators As the AVR microcontroller family is running directly on the clock Oscillator, the Oscillator frequency for a specific throughput is relatively low compared to devices that divide the clock by 4, 8, or 12. This reduces the emitted noise from the Oscillator, but the Oscillator still will be among the noisiest parts of the chip. High-frequency Oscillators are quite delicate devices and are, therefore, sensitive to external noise. 15
In addition, the Oscillator pins are generally more sensitive to ESD than other I/O pins. Fortunately, it is easy to avoid these problems. Keep the Oscillator loop as tight as possible. Place the crystal/resonator as close to the pins as possible. Connect the decoupling capacitors (or the ground terminal of the resonator) directly to the ground plane. Even boards without ground plane should have a local plane under the oscillator. This plane must be connected directly to the ground pin of the microcontroller. Care should also be taken when using an external clock to drive the AVR. If the clock source is far away from the AVR, the clock line will be a strong noise emitter and may also act as a receiving antenna for transients (and other types of noise) that may cause incorrect clocking of the AVR. A buffer should therefore be placed on the clock line. A filter in front of the buffer will help remove incoming noise.
5 References
Tim Williams: EMC for Product Designers, 2nd edition Newnes, Oxford, 1996 ISBN 0 7506 2466 3 The EMC directive 89/336/EEC and 92/31/EEC IEC Standards: IEC 1000 series and 61000 series CISPR standards: All
6 Useful Links
6.1 Vendors
Murata Home page: http://www.murata.com Harris Suppression Products Group (now a business unit of Littelfuse, Inc) Home page: http://www.intersil.com/tvs/tvs.asp TDK Home page: http://www.tdk.com EMC components: http://www.component.tdk.com/components/emc.html
6.2 Organizations
IEC The International Electrotechnical Commission Home page: http://www.iec.ch 16
CENELEC European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization Home page: http://www.cenelec.be JEDEC Joint Electron Device Engineering Council Home page: http://www.jedec.org SAE Society of Automotive Engineers Home page: http://www.sae.org FCC Federal Communications Commission Home page: http://www.fcc.gov/ EIA Electronic Industries Alliance Home page: http://www.eia.org/
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