Daily Digest
Daily Digest
Daily Digest
Both American League series play game Cigarette suit first up in new court term
4 today Monday
CHICAGO (AP) – The American League Division WASHINGTON (AP) – The Supreme Court opened
Series resume today with the Tampa Bay Rays playing its new term Monday suggesting it would side with to-
the White Sox in Chicago and the Los Angeles Angels bacco companies in their fight to block lawsuits over
facing the Red Sox in Boston. Both are game 4 in the deceptive marketing of ”light” cigarettes....
best-of-5 series with the Rays and Red Sox leading 2
games to 1. The National League Championship Series
between the Los Angeles Dodgers and the Philadelphia
Phillies begins on Thursday.... Bus driver in fatal California crash is
steered millions to departing executives even while plead-
ing for a federal rescue, Congress was told Monday....