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Preface Introduction Scope of the study Hospitality industry Training and development Objectives of study Research methodology Findings and analysis Conclusion Limitations Suggestions Recommendations Questionnaire Bibliography Student declaration Acknowledgement


I RICHA SINGH student of MBA IV from ADHARSHILA COLLEGE OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES, Meerut, Here by declares that the project report titled COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT PROCESS IN HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY is completed and submitted under the valuable guidance of Ms. ANJALI SHARMA Faculty of Management, it is my original work.

The imperial finding in this report is based on the data collected by me. This project has not been submitted to Mahamaya Technical University, Noida or any other university for the purpose of compliance of any requirement of any examination or degree.


RICHA SINGH M.B.A. (IV Sem) Roll No. - 1056070026

It is my pleasant duty to offer my service acknowledgement to those honorable personalities of the department who have been a constant source of help and encouragement in carrying out this project. First of all I wish to express my indebtness to Ms. ANJALI SHARMA (Faculty, Management) for her valuable suggestions and guidance throughout the project. This research would not have been completed without friendly efforts of the all the concerned authorities. Also this project enables me to have the know-how of the effectiveness & working of the team spirit. Its web like structure helps me to have added potential in myself to adjust easily to the tense & result oriented environment of the organization.

The project report on TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME IN HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY has been successfully done in HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY, . It helped me to gain lots of experience to motivate, to bring out the maximum efficiency of the various Department of Human Resources. This report enlightens the management skills used for the advancement of the employees. It brings out the lowest input and maximum output to give maximum efficiency. Further motivations and ideas come from the various reference books. Specially, I would be thankful to the books, Evaluation of Control of training, Mc Grawhill, Training Methodology and Development. I would also like to remember the names of the persons who efficiently affected me in my training period to gain new experiences. My efforts in presenting this project report will by ably rewarded if the invigilator and my senior members satisfy with my project report. I would gratefully acknowledge the contribution of the faculty members by way of bringing to my attention the errors and printing mistakes that might have inadvertently crept into the report.

Human resource development has in recent years become the focus of attention of planners policy makers and administrators: Human resource development is the process of increasing the knowledge, skills and capacities of people. It is important riot only tar an enterprise but for a nation to develop its human resources. Human resource development encompasses two main components, which are significant in every organisation. (1) TRAINING AND EDUCATION:

The training in any organisation is a process employees are increased to perform specific, jobs. On the other hand education has wider scope and it is the process of increasing the basic knowledge and under training of employees. (2) TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT:

Training and development of the employees go hand in hand. The development of any organisation depends on better training of the employees. Development is a long term educational process utilizes a systematic and organized procedure by which the managerial personnel learn conceptual and theoretical knowledge for general purpose. Training is present for non-manager whereas development is provided to the managerial professionals. In every organisation appropriate training programme is very necessary to achieve the training objective training policy represents the commitment of top management to employee training. It consists to rules and procedure concerning training.

The efficiency of, any programme depends on best training policy in the company. Hence we can say that an ideal training programme Indicate the intention of., the Company to develop its employee; provide appropriate opportunities to employees for their own betterment, and identify critical areas where training is to be given on a priority basis. A good training policy therefore should he conducted to accelerate the growth of employees in the organization.


HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY, as a massive organisation is a public company with a huge manpower strength. This organisation deems to have the aggregate of about 48000 employees in which HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY handles the overall manpower capacity of about 9360

approximately. In the total, schedule caste and schedule tribe constitute to 18.05% and 3.66% respectively of the total strength. This it self proves the significance of training and development and its necessity in the organisation. The training, and development programme at HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY, is conducted mainly by HRDC and HRDI. Both these agencies nominate the employees of HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY for the training programmes conducted for the development of the skills of the employees. Besides this, more than 4000 trade apprentices are provided Ill trade facilities and l the Apprentices Act. IMPORTANCE OF THE STUDY The project encompasses the entire training and development of the HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY employees and acknowledges with proper information pertaining to the socio-economic development that the employees avail by obtaining suitable training assistance from the organization.




The tourism and recreation industry is increasingly recognized as an important economic, environmental and social force, which can bring both benefit and adversity. A key element of a successful tourism industry is the ability to recognize and deal with change across a wide range of behavioral and technological factors and the way they interact. THE NEW TOURISM AND LEISURE ENVIRONMENT
TURNING AWAY TURNING AWAY Old travel patterns Old travel patterns Established destinations Established destinations Old products Old products Fragmented tourism industry Fragmented tourism industry Passive consumers Passive consumers Mass markets Mass markets Mass marketing Mass marketing TURNING TOWARDS TURNING TOWARDS New travel patterns New travel patterns Emerging destinations Emerging destinations New products New products Economic development tool Economic development tool Involved participants Involved participants Speciality markets Speciality markets Direct customer communications Direct customer communications

India as A Product India has vast bounties of nature Majestic mountains, beautiful beaches, wonderful wildlife and enchanting bird sanctuaries. It has great treasures of art, architecture and philosophical thought It has 572 nature endowed areas 89 national parks 483 wildlife sanctuaries 3606 protected monuments




The Indian tourism industry is built on the backbone of Government support and the industry cannot sustain itself without it. The various archaeological sites and the places of historical importance, the roads and the railways are all in the hands of the Government.

All the support services like the hotel industry; the airlines industry and the tourist operators to name some are heavily dependent on the support and the cooperation of the Government. The major reason as to why the tourist visits India is for the vast and rich heritage that the country has.

That is under the control of the Government, through the Archaeological Survey of India. Any policy change that comes into force can have dramatic effect on the way the industry players perform. For example, the Government charges a high rates of taxes on the luxury and the star category hotels and this has always been a cause of disagreement between the hotel associations and the Government.



The tourism industry not unlike the other industries grows with the increase in the spending of the people. The more the people spend the more the industry grows. The spending power of the people has been increasing in the country and all over the world.

Since India is concentrating on the international tourists, the large increase in the spending power in most developed countries has left a large amount of idle cash in their hands. This has lead to the tourism boom the world over and India has been no exception.


Tourism was always looked upon as something that always leads to the destruction of the social fabric of a place. The more the amount of outside people coming into a place, the more the risk of that places loosing its identity. Those places that have been able to strike a balance between their own culture and the demands of the international tourist have profited handsomely. The examples are Kerala and Rajasthan.

People are now adopting themselves to the fact that tourism pays and it can be a major source of income for them. Even people themselves have started travelling. In addition, tourism as a form of recreation has really caught on. People are willing to travel to a place that is out of way and exotic. When previously travelling on a holiday meant going to a hill stations and beach, now people are willing to go in for adventure tourism as well as visit places that cannot be really be called hospitable.



Technology although does not seem to be a major influence at the first glance, still it plays a major part in the promotion of a place. Better communication facilities are one of the first prerequisites for growth in the inflow of tourists.

This has been made possible with technology. Better technology in the field of communication with cheaper costs have seen many remote and inaccessible areas of the country get connected to the rest of the world. This connectivity has made these places visible to the world. Better communication means access to media.

Similarly better transportation facilities have lead to a dramatic increase in the number of tourists visiting any particular place. The presence of an airport and the availability of frequent flights are a great convenience to any traveller.




weaknesses geographical of location. A

Lack of adequate infrastructure. A xenophobic attitude among certain




mountains, and beaches.


sections of people.

of culture i.e. a blend of

No proper marketing of India's

various civilizations and their traditions.


tourism abroad. Foreigners still think of India as a land of snake charmers.

wealth of archeological sites and

historical monuments.


threats role from the


Economic conditions and political in other countries affects

government of India in terms of framing policies.

turmoil tourism.

Allowing entry of more multinational companies into the country giving us a global perspective.

Aggressive strategies adopted by

other countries like Australia, Singapore in promoting tourism.

Growth of domestic tourism.



Major industries that support tourism industry are depicted in the diagram below. These facilities decide the status of a place in a tourist's portfolio. They on one hand attract tourists to a particular destination and on the other act as a major demotivating factor if they are unable to fulfill the expectations of the visitors.






A three-point plan may be considered to realize the full potential of tourism. In a word the strategy for effectively tackling the cause of tourism is AIM.



GOVERNMENT The government is the most important player in this industry and all the other players have to follow the lead taken by it. However, the actions of the government have not been proactive. Rather it has been late in rising to the opportunity that the tourism industry offers. There are not enough incentives been offered to the other players like Hotels and the travel agencies. The government should be taking the lead and attracting the industry to places that have vast tourist potential but have still not fully developed. There are various restrictions in areas like Sikkim and the Northeast that should be relaxed so that more people can visit those places.

POOR INFRASTRUCTURE Delayed or absence of connectivity to different locations, lack of proper accommodation facilities, bad roads and no communication facilities are some of the factors that are stopping people from visiting many places. Unless the infrastructure is properly developed, a large majority of tourists will give the country a skip.

APPREHENSIONS ABOUT THE LAW AND ORDER SITUATIONS The lack of security that is faced by a lot of tourist is also a major cause for concern. There have been many instances where tourist have been physically assaulted, robbed and sexually harassed. Any such incident reflects badly on the country and creates a negative image


MISCONCEPTION ABOUT THE COUNTRY The image of the country has taken a long time for the change from the old image of the land of snake charmers. There are many places where the image of India is one of poverty, superstition, and diseases. One of the main reasons why tourist do not visit the country has been the fear of been infected by some exotic disease. The case of Plague in Surat in 1994 led to a decrease of 36% in arrival of foreign tourists in India All these misconceptions unless addresses immediately will create a problem for the growth of the industry.


END-USER: Travel and tourism is a Consumer based industry. In some cases, when there is a tie-up between travel operators & accommodation industry the end user in this case is also a consumer, the travel agent acts as an intermediary.


Most Goods

Most Services




Travel & tourism consists of both tangible & intangible factors. Tangible


being the destination & intangible factors like experience, feel etc., hence in the service product continuum the travel & tourism comes in between the credence & search qualities i.e. experience qualities.


In Travel & tourism, the destination is the product which is tangible & efforts made by tour operators in offering the tour package i.e. accommodation, entertainment, is the intangible element. Both the elements are equally important in travel & tourism.



Airports are the primary infrastructure facility that a country has to offer to the international tourists. It would be surprising to note that renowned tourists destinations like Jaipur and Goa do not have an international airport.

Foreign guests, who constitute more than 60% of the tourists destined for these cities, currently have to travel via Mumbai, unless they are ready to charter a flight. This makes things cumbersome and time consuming, thus discouraging many time conscious tourists from visiting these places. Similar is the case of cities like Agra, Udaipur and Varanasi where foreign tourists account for approximately 50% of the total tourists arrival. SWOT ANALYSIS STRENGTH WEAKNESSES

Airline is the most preferred mode of transportation by the foreign tourists as the convenience provided by the airlines is higher.

Inefficiency of the domestic airlinesthere are number of instances of flight being cancelled or delayed. Lack of basic facilities at the airport. Government does not allow the capacity of existing airports to increase private and foreign operators are not given

The savings in time that this mode of transport offers is immense.


clearances to operate in the country. THREATS 21

As the tourism industry expands the airline industry is also in for a boom.

Domestic airlines (Air India and Indian Airlines) face major competition from other transnational airlines.

Development and up gradation of the present airports

India's geographic location makes it an ideal location to serve as a link between the East and the West.


Managing moments of truth at Jet Airways:

Reservation / tele check in Arrival lounge In flight service Arrival ramp Security Departure ramp Departure lounge City side ticketing Baggage screening

Customer Experience

Queue management Check in CP lounge

At the core of the Jet quality focus are standards backed by quality processes: there are norms laid out for all areas of customer experience, from reservation to check in, departure, in flight services, arrival and post flight. Whenever there is negative customer feedback, or there are in- house service detractors, the feedback is mapped against set process to check where the non-compliance happened. This is then remedied by communication and training where needed. If the processes are complied with and there is still customer dissatisfaction, or where standards are loose cross functioning teams are set up to tighten them and redraw the processes.

Underpinning the whole system is the foolproof way in which Jet monitors quality. It happens at three levels: Formal customer feedback through Service Monitor Questionnaire Internal feedback and critical comments from detractors 23

Direct quality audits at periodic intervals. A jet airways audit at periodic interval .It has

For example, at Mumbai airport, service quality is physically verified from 4.30 am to 10 pm by two people working shifts. Their job is to move X-rays to passenger queues and other areas of customer interaction to check for problem areas and take correctives. The overall quality is audited at the six metro airports every quarter, and twice a year at airports with four flights a day. For the remaining airports, audits are done on an ad hoc basis.

a system in place for auditing service on a continuous basis.

Plans are a foot to increase the frequency of audits to iron out quality discrepancies between various airports. The audits tend to be detailed, for example, when check in counters are audited, the audit checks at least 26 parameters for compliance with and signage, and going to staff grooming, greeting passengers by name, and the total time taken to process passengers waiting in a queue. In a service industry, quality is subjective and that has to be improved upon constantly. A number of different departments have to mesh together and service delivery has to live up to perceived customer expectation. And an airline only flies passengers, while the rest of the countless functions are outsourced. At Jet the service quality wing steps in to figure out problem areas before they become major customer irritants. They take the role of a critical customer .Its a case of challenging the organization and the environment. Quality cannot be checked in a service industry, the departments have to know the standards.


Gap analysis: Flawless quality all the time is also a near impossibility in the service industry. There is always a gap between what a customer expects and what can be delivered .The trick, though, is to keep the gap as narrow as possible, so that the gap between customer perception and the companys perception about what needs to be delivered is constantly narrowed. Three years ago, the quality department adopted a gap analysis model to analyze quality of service issues at different levels. With two vice presidents overseeing the exercise, about five departments came under the quality/service purview. These included airport service, in-flight service, catering, marketing and sales. The gap analysis is done from the points of view of both the customer (the user) and the airline (the provider). It takes into account both the internal customer (people within the organization) and the external customer (the traveler). With role playing exercises Jet identified the expectations gap that exists between customer and provider, and those that could crop up in future. This helped the quality department chart out the service quality specifications to aid service delivery. The largest gap not expectedly lies between customer expectations and management perceptions about these expectations(see gap 1 in chart).The key to narrowing this gap lies in reducing four others: the gap between management perceptions of customer expectations and service quality specifications (gap 2),the difference between these specifications and actual service delivery (gap 3), the effective communication of this service delivery to customers (gap 4), and the difference between what customers expect and what they perceive they are getting (gap 5).



Hotels form one of the most important support service that affect the arrival of tourist to a country. The major players in the industry are Indian Hotels Company Ltd (IHCL) operating under the Taj brand, the Oberoi, Oriental Hotels, Hotel Leela Venture and the Ashoka chain of hotels, owned and operated by the Indian Tourism Development Corporation (ITDC).






A very wide variety of hotels is present in .The cost of land in India is high at 50% of the country that can fulfill the demand of the tourists. total project cost as against 15% abroad. This acts as a major deterrent to the Indian hotel industry.

There are international players in the market

such as Taj and Oberoi. Thus, the needs of The hotel industry in India is heavily staffed. the international tourists travellers are seen to while they are on a visit to India.

Indian hotel companies have a staff to room ratio of 3:1, this ratio is 1:1 for international hotel companies.

Manpower costs in the Indian hotel industry

is one of the lowest in the world. This In India the expenditure tax, luxury tax and provides better margins for Indian hotel industry.

sales tax inflate the hotel bill by over 30%. Effective tax in the South East Asian countries works out to only 4-5%.

India offers a readymade tourist destination

with the resources it has. Thus the magnet to Only 58,000 hotel rooms are available in pull customers already exists. India today, which is less than the Bangkok hotel capacity.

The services currently offered by the hotels in India are only limited value added services.



Demand between the national and the Guesthouses replace the hotels. This is a inbound tourists can be easily managed due to difference in the period of holidays. For international tourists the peak season for growing trend in the west and is now catching up in India also, thus diverting the hotel traffic.

arrival is between September to March Political turbulence in the area reduces tourist when the climatic conditions are suitable where as the national tourist waits for school holidays, generally the summer months.

traffic and thus the business of the hotels. In India examples of the same are Insurgency in 28 Jammu Kashmir and the Kargil war.

In the long-term the hotel industry in India The economic conditions of a country have a


The Customers of Hotel industry The customers are the users of the services in the hotel industry. These users belong to different categories visiting hotels with diverse aims and objectives. Thus, it becomes very important for the hotel marketer to be aware of these different categories and also to know which categories of users form their major potential customer group. The users of the hotels can be categorized as follows:

Users of Hotels

Domestic Tourists Students Officials Trade Representatives Political Representatives Film Stars Medical representatives Sportsmen

Foreign Political Representatives Trade Representatives Sportsmen Tourists Cultural Representatives Officials Film Stars Medical representatives






Most organizations undergo five different phases in their struggle for existence and growth. These five phases form the organizational cycle. Each phase of an organization exhibits special characteristics, which differ from the characteristics of other phases of the organizational cycle. What makes an organization Successful or uII1SuICcessful depends upon the efforts put in to mobiles human resources most appropriately to meet its dire need. In this context, training functions as one of the integrating forces for building up an organization and guiding its activities for its continuous growth. When an organization is in its first phase, that of concept and development of business, greater emphasis is given to manpower planning and role clarity. Training plays a vital role at this stage. During the next phase, one of rapid growth and expansion of the organization, training explores more avenues for its growth and takes care of human resources development. When it reaches the third phase, of it and stability there is a tendency to reach a state of plateau. This stage is a very critical stage for the organization. If the plateauing continues for a longer time, it may lead the organization to its fourth phase one of decline. Efforts are needed to turn the organization around either through diversification or by enlarging expanding the product range. Training is the highest resource builder at the time of crisis of this nature.


Training is defined as the process of enhancing efficiency and effectiveness- of persons at work by improving and developing sills relevant to work. It is clone by cultivating appropriate attitude and behavior towards work and people. It helps people to improve their present capabilities at work and prepares them to assume greater responsibilities in future training aims essentially at increasing knowledge, stimulating aptitude and imparting skills related to a specific, job or people. In this endeavor, training is a continuous and life long process. As an organized effort, it is designed with certain objectives to help participants be informed of the subject mater which they have to apply in their day-to-day work situations. Apart from change of attitudes, their skills have to be improved and knowledge or information has to be imparted through effective methods. In other words, training provides an atmosphere of sharing and synthesizing with the help or trainers. Employees who take training learn faster than those who take not training. Average participants reach the Experienced Worker Standard (EWS) in less time as compared to others who learn through trial and error. According to learning theory people who attain the plateau state continue to dwell there, without which improvement in their performance. Training helps them to reach a higher plateau through acquisition of new skills, knowledge and attitude.


APPROACHES TO TRAINING Very often, training faces a great dilemma between theory and practice. Some trainers insist on theory, giving very little importance to practice and some avoid theory clue to their strop. Faith only in practice theory and practice has to be balanced. For the accomplishment of training, theory contributes more towards total perspective and practice towards acquisition of task-oriented sills. Use of both have to be encouraged for effective training and transfer of learning.

Another difficult option with training is whether to focus on the trainee himself or the task lie has to perform in the field. Here again, a balance has to be struck between the task and the trainee. Tasks have to be focused so that trainees can comprehend the actual situation and develop themselves to perform a task successfully.



Human resource is the most important resource in any organization and the organization hires such managers who can manage their issues efficiently. The duties of HR manager include

Recruitment and Selection- HR manager has to make sure that the organization

has the right person at the right job at the right time. That is why, he has to recruit the staff whenever there is a vacancy. For this purpose, he has to deal with various sources of recruitment. External sources can be employment exchange, employment agencies, colleges, labor contractors & other institutions and internal sources like promotion, transfer etc. They make arrangements for interviews and tests and as per the result they have to select the best candidate at the least possible salary. Thus, they have to make salary negotiation and once the negotiation is done, they have to complete the documentation and get the offer letter ready and signed.

Training and Development- They make arrangement for training of the

employees at various levels. It may be induction training for the fresh employees or regular training for the existing employees for specific skills. Often development programme like internet browsing training, M. S. Excel training, Communication training, Outbound training are provided to develop the employee. Vodafone has a sales academy at Agra that imparts training all the year round.

HR Operations1. 2. 3. 4. Attendance maintenance; Leave maintenance; Processing loan applications; Claim settlement for the staff like food, lodging and traveling charges. 34


Legal compliance: HR managers have to file employment exchange

returns regularly. They also have to ensure that various forms under the industrial regulations are affixed at the factory gate or office gate. They must ensure that gender neutrality policy is being followed by the orfanization. They have to get clear the matters regarding gratuity and provident fund payments of the staff. 6. Mediclaim policies: At Vodafone there are several options for the staff

regarding the medical facilities. Every individual gets medical insurance starting from 1.5 lakh rupees. It also covers his spouse and children upto Rs.75000/-. He can get a cover up to 1.5 lakh rupees for his parents upon personal payment of premium. There are cash free medical facility options where the HR manager arranges for his cash free treatment at any hospital in the country. Vodafone does also have a tie up several medical colleges for heath care of its employees. 7. Appraisal: The HR managers make appraisal of the staff every year which

includes special appraisal of Heroes and StaRRRs. These Heroes and StaRRRs are provided with special incentive as per their performance. 8. Grievance handling: The HR managers have to handle various issues

regarding the salary of the staff, his incentive, his location or other issues. 9. Exit interviews: Whenever a staff member decides to leave the job, his

exit interview is taken to understand the reasons and the circumstances for his leaving the organization so that the organization may understand its draw backs and may control turnover in future.


LEGAL AND NODAL LEGAL FUNCTION It basically deals with 3 types of situations

Contract Litigation Site Validation


CONTRACT It includes any type of contract with vendors and contractors. Generally, some standard forms of agreement and conditions are used in Vodafone, which are centrally approved. But there can be two conditions in which this is not possible

When the vendor adds his own conditions and terms to the existing form of

contract. Then the legal department has to consider the case and modify the contract to suit the existing conditions.

When the vendor insists on using the agreement that he himself has got typed.

Here the legal team checks the agreement in reference to similarity of its terms to the standard form. And consider the modifications as to the situation. And finally approves or modifies the contract.


LITIGATION Litigation means court cases. The legal department takes care of all the cases instituted for or against the company.

Court case against the company include many kinds of cases but mainly there arte

two types of casesConsumer cases in consumer courts or civil courts whenm customer is niot

satisfied by the services or the bills received, or any other issues which could not be resolved through any other means.

Vendor Disputes, where the vendor feels that any terms or conditions of

the contract have not been followed or the contract has been broken.eg. if Vodafone establishes a BTS anywhere and the land is rented from someone, owner of the land is not satisfied.

Court cases for the organization include any case where company feels that any

vendor is not carrying out terms and conditions properly or any other dispute.


SITE VALIDATION Site validation was previously a part of duties of the legal department in Vodafone where title of the vendor of the site or land is validated and if everything is in order, company rents or buys the site. Now this work is outsourced to INDUS. NODAL FUNCTION It includes the regulatory functions for each of which, particular node has been established. A telecommunications company has to get a license from the Ministry of Telecommunications. This can be

CMTS- A Company desiring to provide services of local and SRD call through

GSM Service requires CMTS License from Ministry of Telecommunication.

UASL- Those companies which plan to provide GSM, CDMA and Internet

services etc. require USL License from the Ministry of Telecommunication.

ISPL- Internet service provider license is provided to those companies which deal

exclusively with providing internet service, for example, CIFY. After getting the license, the company must follow some license conditions; hence, regulatory department is formed in the company to assure that the conditions of the license are complied with. These conditions includeSecurity compliance: The Telegraph Act states such terms where

telecom companies have to ensure national security. They have to give complete support to the six Government Agencies that handle security- (1) Police, (2) Central Bureau of Investigation, (3) Intelligence Bureau, (4) Central Board of Direct Taxes, (5) Enforcement Department, and (6) Department of Revenue 39

Intelligence. Whenever any kind of subscriber information is needed by these agencies, the Telecom Company should help them. A node has been developed in the company for this purpose. A team of people continuously works on the queries of these Government agencies.

Customer compliance: The Telegraph Act gives the list of the

documents, which are required from the customer at the time of buying the connection, what documents are acceptable and what formalities have to be completed. The regulatory department must ensure that all documents are complete. A node has been developed in the organization for this specific purpose. The new subscriber database is sent monthly to the department of Telecommunication. The department chooses some sample customers and the list of the same is sent to the regulatory department and they must call all the documents of the list of the customers from Intex, (the Company that manages the documents for Vodafone). These documents are forwarded to the department of Telecommunication for verification. Any non-compliance cam lead to legal action by the Department.

Technical Compliance: Multiple switching centers and basic switching

centers have to be regulated by the company. They are constantly checked by the Department of Telecommunication for finding out the possible problems regarding (1) Security leakage, (2) Call congestion, (3) Call quality, (4) Call drop rate and (5) Call completion rate.

Vigilance: Regulatory department is also required to attend to the

reported cases of non-compliance.


In India Mr. Deepak Gupta is the Senior Manager of Legal and Regulatory Department of Vodafone. Mr. Sachin Kalra (Senior Executive, Legal Department, U.P. West) and Mr. Nishant Prakash (Senior Executive, Regulatory Department, U,.P


BASIC CONSIDERATIONS In order to be effective, the following basic consideration has to be taken care of, while conducting training programmes. Training has to be viewed as all organic process Of growth, corresponding to dynamics of the held and the body of experiences constantly being generated. Training programme has to be flexible multidimensional in its formal as well as substantive aspects in order to fully utilize the feedback from the resource. Training is no longer considered HIS an auxiliary or subsidiary component of development as the role 01 human factor in development has been well recognized.


TRAINING CYCLE Training is the most important component of Human Resources Development (HRD) philosophy of modern organizations, which rely oil training. It helps them to find solutions to their day-to-day problems by identifying their problems and guiding them in the right direction. It functions as a cycle from identification of the needs to evaluation and feedback. Training as a constructive cycle mobilizes all available resources in organizations and moves them towards attainment of human goals. The training cycle has seven steps, which, in a sequence, form a constructive cycle. The seven steps are: 1. Identification of training needs and analysis. 2. Setting up of terminal objectives 3. Selection and designing of programmes. 4. Selection and developing of audio-visual aids 5. Organizing training programmes 6. Evaluation of training 7. Feedback leading to further identification of training needs. These steps provide a holistic approach to training. They are interlinked with on another, providing a wider scope for the improvement of the training process. Each step is analyzed to evaluate how it can be improved for the total effectiveness of the programme.


STEP 1: IDENTIFICATION OF TRAINING NEEDS AND ANALYSIS Training needs are classified under two major heads. They are individual needs and group needs. The following process identifies individual needs:

Dialogue With the Individual Dialogue With the superior Dialogue with peers Dialogue with subordinates



Buzzing session Structured survey Unstructured survey

Identification of training needs of individuals and groups is the first and most Important Step In the training process for achieving the goals of individuals, groups and organizations. It helps to bring to the surface the prevalent attitude of individuals and the climate of organizations. Group needs emerge from the way the group is formed and functioning. In the process of identifying their needs, the expectations of individuals and the group will be brought into limelight.

Training need analysis depends upon the phase and context of -n organization. In the wake of modern technological inventions and innovations, individual training needs are very many. It impels an organization to be-dynamic. Training need analysis is not a one-tulle Activity but it has to be periodically sensed. It is like the changing needs of a mountaineering team. When the team members reach greater heights their needs arc different and cater effort has to be made to cater to them. Group needs. It not e summation of Individual needs. It prepares the group for ascertaining the training objectives.


STEP2: SETTING UP OF TERMINAL OBJECTIVES A training, programme must clearly lay down its objectives. Training normally intends to fulfill the following objectives:

Helps trainees in acquiring knowledge of the subject matter. Helps to bring about a change III the attitude and behavior of trainees. Helps in developing knowledge about sell to an extent that enables trainees to develop their potentials. Helps in interaction among trainees themselves, who learn from each others experience. Aims at enhancing the capacity of trainees so as the enable them to increase their problem-solving capability. Aims at helping the process of learning and developing. Aims at bridging the gap between expected level of performance and the actual level of performance. Aims at providing a scientific base for acquisition of knowledge and skills.

Objectives spell out the real mission of an organization. These also help individuals to be aware of their own objectives in relation to the organizational objectives. A sense off direction is achieved by setting up terminal objectives.


Objectives have to be expressed in behavioral terms. They have to be expressed In terms of measurable quantity and quality, which can be seen in action. A behavioral objective defines the standards of acceptable performance.

Trainers have to give specific objectives, stated in terms of what employees will be able to do when they leave the training programme and return to their jobs. Behavioral objective, when they are properly written, are powerful tool for the trainer to use in bringing about managements commitment to training programmes. Properly designed and accepted objectives form a road map for designing training programmes. It is relatively easy to write a good training objective if the trainer follows a few simple steps. The trainer keeps in mind that descriptions relate to what participants will be able to do at end of a training programme, conditions under which they will have to perform and criteria for success. Following are the steps a trainer should use in writing behavioral objectives.


Description 1. Write out the task or job that is to be clone using a verb and a noun 2. Add the quantity standards or criteria that will be applied to the behavioral objective 3. Add the quality criteria that will be included in the behavioral objective 4. Add the circumstances i.e., the tools and equipment with which trainees will be

Example Conduct a disciplinary hearing

Conduct one disciplinary hearing

Conduct one disciplinary hearing without violating any clauses of the labour agreement. Give a case study involving an employee who has been absent on the job repeatedly, conduct a

performing the objective. disciplinary hearing without

Violating any of the labour agreement rules Behavioral objective provide the necessary input for evaluation training programmes


STEP3: SELECTION AND DESIGNING OF A TRAINING AND Development programme Preparative efforts for analyzing the needs and deriving objectives from the need analysis have to be integrated with the resources and rich experiences available in an organization while designing a programme. Research on a experience with training of adults have also demonstrated the validity of the following relevant guidelines

Adults learn when they feel a need to learn Adults learn best by doing Adults learn best through problem solving Adults want o know how they are doing Adults prefer and informal learning environment
Training will be more effective and successful if the above characteristics are considered while designing the programme.


BASIC FACTORS IN DESIGNING TRAINING PROGRAMME Each programme has its own special demands or needs to be fulfilled. Often we become the victims of generalization and retard the effective process of learning. The feasibility of transforming objectives into outcomes depends mainly on the following factors: 1. Level of participants 2. Content of the programme 3. Effective training methodology 4. Faculty resources 5. Evaluation System 6. Budget provisions

The trainer is the designer of a training programme. He takes great care of all factors that would increase and improve the effectiveness of a programme. The level of participants is assessed through some pretest. It helps the trainer to frame a syllabus most suitable for the group. The appropriate training methodology is decided on various factors like the nature of the topic, time, receptivity level of participants and availability a faculty resources. We are all living in the days of specialization. An integrated programme has to be prepared with the cooperation of all the specialists. Designing an evaluation system well in advance perhaps helps trainers to consolidate their efforts in the right direction for its effectiveness.


Budget provisions play a very important role in designing training programmes. The programmes, faculty resources, methodology etc. are all decided according to funds available in the budget.


STEP 4: SELECTION AND DEVELOPING OF TRAINING METHODS AND AIDS Training aids are supportive to learning and should he carefully selected and sued in appropriate context so that they are helpful in the learning process. It is a trainers job to make all possible efforts to make learning more effective and interesting. It is necessary to use training aids and equipments to enhance the intensity and pace of learning: According to recent research, retention of learning takes place with 81% stemming from sight, 11% from hearing and 8% from other senses. Audio-Visual aids, when properly used in teaching situation, can accomplish the following:

Prepare a concrete basis of conceptual thinking Create a high degree of interest for trainees Make learning more permanent Offer real experience which stimulates sell-activity on the part of trainees Develop a continuity of thought Provide rich experiences not easily obtained through other materials Contribute to the efficiency, depth and variety of learning.
The following guidelines will be helpful while preparing and using AV aids for training programmes.

Prepared AV aids should be woven into lessons and teaching modules. They should become integral parts of the learning situation. AV aids are not allowed to become a kind of entertainment.


Selecting the appropriate type of AV aids with reference to group, subject, times etc. Great care is taken to preview all AV aids prepared. Updating of AV aids keeping in view the time and treatment of topics.


STEP 5: ORGANIZING TRAINING PROGRAMMES Training is done according to the programme designed within a stipulated period. In the process of training, participants have to be motivated to develop a keen interest for learning. The trainers responsibility lies in leading participants towards a goal designed at different stages with the full cooperation of the participants. In the process of skill and knowledge training, participants are facilitated to test their skill and knowledge through questions and some practical exercises. Attitudinal changes are attempted mostly through experiential leaning. Training has to be oriented to the level of participants age, qualification, knowledge and experience. Training provides full scope for learning and the effectiveness of training would depend upon the learning that has taken place. Charles E. Watson suggests four levels of learning to cause a voluntary and rational behavioral change. They are:

Reaching the knowing -about level Reaching the understanding level Reaching the acceptance level Reaching the ability -to-apply level
These four levels of learning should not necessarily be construed as four successive levels. As a practical matter, however, learning typically does proceed in successive stages, beginning with knowing -about and ending with ability-to-apply. In general, people usually need to know about something before they can begin to accept it, and to accept something before they are willing to apply it.


REACHING THE KNOWING-ABOUT LEVEL In a training situation, awareness creates a thirst for knowing certain concepts and prompts the learner to acquire as much knowledge that is needed for performing a task. Effective training brings people to the knowing-about level with an attitude of knowing more about the concept so that they can apply it successfully and achieve the results they desire. Inclination to know more will not take place with those who feel they have attained the know-all level. Training methods such as case studies, role-playing, management games, in-basket exercises and simulations can cause the knowing-about level to occur. These methods can both introduce trainees to new concepts sand demonstrate their usefulness to new concepts and the degree to which trainees understand, accept and possess the ability to apply them.


REACHING THE UNDERSTANDING LEVEL The understanding level is reached when the following two conditions exist. Firstly, trainees know why there is a cause-effect relationship between correct or appropriate application of a concept or principle given in a situation and the probable outcome, and they also know how this cause and effect relationship operates. Secondly, trainees know the theory underlying a concept or principle sufficiently will to be able to modify or adapt it, thus malting it appropriate for most given situations. Creation of a situation that permits trainees to discover truths and make generalization for themselves becomes a successful strategy for a number of reasons; People understand new ideas only from their own frame of reference. People understand things more fully and deeply when they discover them for themselves than when they just hear about them. People remember things they discover for themselves for a longer period, compared to those things, which they have merely been told about. To reach a level of deep understanding, learning should be trainee centered, not instructorcentered. The instructor establishes learning conditions and trainees are responsible for teaching themselves through a process of self-discovery. Knowing about and understanding a concept does not guarantee that it will be accepted. Acceptance is reached when peoples values, attitudes and beliefs are not so strongly contrary to a concept or principle.


REACHING THE ABILITY-TO-APPLY LEVEL Ability-to-apply level requires that trainees have knowledge, self-confidence and willingness to try. Participants returning to jobs from training programmes face several formidable challenges. They need encouragement from their superiors and subordinates to try out the new concepts and principles they learnt in the training programme.


STEP 6: EVALUATION OF TRAINING Evaluation of training and development programmes should be a continuous process for improving what we teach and how we teach. Evaluation helps to design and organize successful training programmes, based on the feedback received front participants. Gail Trapnell has suggested live dimensions to the evaluation of training. They are: Context evaluation

Input evaluation Process evaluation Product evaluation Impact evaluation

CONTEXT EVALUATION Context evaluation attempts to assess the environment prevalent among Manager, supervisors and workers. It aims to know their attitudes towards training programmes, which have been organized. It also focuses on the appropriateness of training objectives when new programmes are organized and when new group of participants are expose to training.


INPUT EVALUATION Input evaluation assesses the appropriateness and adequacy of all resources that go into a training programme. It focuses on the elements of design, performance, objective, instructional method and other physical resources. The physical and human resources identified must be capable of reaching the standard already visualized and set. PROCESS EVALUATION Process evaluation deals with implementation of a programme design. It calls for how trainers utilize the physical and human resources for realizing behavioral objectives. It indicates the level at which the programme is being conducted during normal and existing situations. The success and failure of a programme is decided by the efforts taken during process evaluation. PRODUCT EVALUATION Product evaluation assesses the competence of participants. It also evaluates how they are performing in their on-the-lob Situation. Results Of pre-tests and post-tests can be compared to determine trainees gain in knowledge, skills and attitudes in their job situation. Superiors are also involved to assess participants.


IMPACT EVALUATION It assesses the cumulative diffidence that training efforts have made in an organizations productivity, efficiency and profitability. It can be measured from the resulting changes brought about in downtime, accidents, absenteeism, customer complaints etc- positive improvements made in these factors enhance the role of training and development. IMPLICATION OF EVALUATION If a satisfactory method of evaluating training performance can be found, the benefits can be reaped by everyone. Firstly, the organization is better equipped to meet its obligations and the managements decision to invest money in this activity is vindicated, encouraging it to continue to provide resources. Second, the employee is more fulfilled and is stimulated to put more effort into work. Third, the boss of the employee has everything to gain from having an effective work unit and is likely to release employees for training in future. Finally, the training staff enjoys job satisfaction of a high order when they see that their efforts are producing the desired results. They can row from strength to strength in applying the experience and knowledge they have obtained front successful activities. There is no doubt the evaluation of training is a profitable investment from everyones point of view.


STEP7: FEEDBACK LEADING TO FURTHER IDENTIFICATION OF TRAINING NEEDS From the evaluation of training programmes a feedback report is prepared and cor11n1unicated to participants, faculty member, trainer/coordinators and sponsors, so that they may benefit from the results of the evaluation. Each one is looking for different kind of information and interpretation form the evaluation. While some will be looking for the content, some others for process analysis. With the help of feedback participants come to know, their level of achievements through the training programme. Immediate feedback given to participants based on the evaluation of training programmes will help them to know the performance they will be able to achieve and the kinds of efforts needed to improve their effectiveness. Trainers are very anxious to know whether their efforts have yielded the desired results. A detailed analysis of the feedback would help them to modify their approaches. It would enable them to design future training programmes taking into consideration all the successes and failures of the programmes taking into consideration all the success and failures of the programme. Sponsors or managers who have nominated the participants, are very curious to know how well they have performed during the training programme. The feedback report received from trainers will help them to look for specific changes in the behaviour of the participants. To be precise, it helps them to sharpen their point of view of took for anticipated changes in their day-to-day situation.


CONCLUSION Training plays a very vital role in human Resources Development (HRD), based on the feedback, training system are revitalized and HRD efforts are improved. It is very clear that training, in the process of developing people, improves related sub-systems for overall effectiveness of an organisation. Training helps to improve performance appraisal system, potential appraisal system, career planning system etc. It is a challenge to modern managers to be conversant with the training cycle and process of operating them for getting better results. Training can create high credibility in an organisation v its continued commitment and devotion to the Organisation.



The beginning of training could be traced out to the stone, age when people started transferring knowledge through signs & deeds to others. Training & Development is increasingly recognized now, as a most important organizational activity. Rapid technological changes require newer skills & efficiency to perform the job in many areas. Training has to be continuously offered to keep employees updated & effective.


OBJECTIVES OF TRAINING The objectives of training differ according to the employees belonging to different level of organizations. The basic objective of training is to establish a match between individual & his job. This training is designed to improve knowledge skills & attitude and thus equip the individual to be more effective in his present job or prepare hint for future assignment. The main objective of training can be summarized as follows


1. INDUCTION Training constitutes a significant step in the induction of the individual into the companys way of life. What IS the Companys culture? How does structure function? What are the policies and rules or organizations? These have to be inculcated in a new employee so as to help him to adjust to the organisation. Thus induction training helps the Individual to blend his personality with the organisation.

2. UPDATING A significant objective of training is to prevent the obsolesce of the employees by updating their skills & knowledge. Training becomes necessary to update employees, so that their efficiency does not suffer because of lack of understanding of new technology.


3. PREPARING FOR FUTURE ASSIGNMENT People are not satisfied, if they continue to work in the same position for long. One of the objects of training is to provide the employee an opportunity to climb up the promotional ladder. Thus the training has become quite important for any organisation, to keep in peace with the external changing environment and with increasing competition.


IDENTIFYING TRAINING NEEDS It is the process that involves establishing areas where individual lack Skill, knowledge, and ability in effectively performing the jobs and also identifying organizational constraints that are creating road hicks in the performance. TRAINING METHODS A variety of training methods are available and used by training agencies and organization. Some of the most prevalent methods of training are follows LECTURE As the name indicates, it refers to a presentation by the trainer or ideas, concepts, theories & issues. The method focuses on transmission of knowledge. It entails the maximum active role by trainer & little overt activity by the participants. It is economical, as a large number of people can be trained at one time saving cost in terms of man, hours & money.


ON-THE-JOB TRAINING METHOD The training that takes place is centered around the job. The trainee used machines and tools that he will use once the training is completed. The training takes place in surroundings were lie will, in future be working at this regular tasks.


SIMULATION METHOD In this method, real work instances are takes for training to take place. In this method the total duplication of the work environments done in order to train the employees. EXPERIENTIAL METHOD The experiential methods of training are designed to provide an atmosphere of self learning through group interaction and dynamics. The purpose is to increase the sensitivity of the participants to their own Functions as well as the functions if other in the group. The prime objective of this method is to integrated knowledge and theory with experience and practice. CASE STUDY METHOD This is the common methodology used for training. In this method certain situation is specified in front of the workers and they are asked to comment or react on that particular situation. Discussion is made among the different employees on the specified situation. This method helps to improve the analytical and judgment capability of the employees.


INCIDENT METHOD This method is also generally used by the organisation in order to provide training to their employees. According to this method a question regarding a particular incident, which has taken place in the organisation itself, is asked to the different employees. Personal who was mainly responsible for the incident is also inquired along with others and the conclusion is drawn on the basis of the discussion made on that incident. Summer job and project report is also incident. These are some of the methods generally used by different organisation to provide training to their employees.



Hence training is given to improve the skills and ability of lower level employees in order to update them with adequate information about the changes taking place in the external world. After the training sessions are over, the feed back of training is observed whether the objective of training is fulfilled or not.



To understand & observe the practical work in hospitality industry.

To gain more practical knowledge about the Training and development programmers to workers in hospitality industry To comparative study between hospitality industry. To observe the functions of various departments of hospitality industry, . To have a direct contact with the employees of hospitality industry, & to know about their working condition and attitude towards hospitality industry.




The findings, conclusion, suggestion, analysis of the report is based on the primary data collected through survey method and the secondary data collected by me. For the survey of Training and development programmes to employees in HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY, , the methodology adopted is of Personal Interview & Scheduling. For the purpose of survey, interviews were taken personally of the employees both on the basis of structures & unstructured from. Then further analysis & interpretation of collected data were made & finally report is being prepared. The secondary data is collected through various magazines, books, companys personnel manual, annual reports and the calendar of event published by the various training agencies


CHAPTERIZATION The project work has been categorized into six chapters. First chapter delineates Introduction to human resource management and the importance and objectives of the study, scope, importance, methodology, limitations and chapterization. Second chapter discuss an overview of HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY Human resource management in HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY, Functioning of various cells in HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY. Third chapter discuss information regarding design and Implementation of training and development programmes. Fourth chapter contains about impact of training programmes on employees in HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY and suggestion for their improvement. Fifth chapter contains suggestion for the improvement of training and development programmes for employees and conclusion.


ANALYSIS AND GRAPHICAL REPRESENTATION OF THE COLLECTED DATA The total strength of this organisation is 7200 approx. including all rides. Samples of 50 respondents were asked written questions. It contains 12 questions .50 persons were selected on random sampling method out of the total strength of 7200 employees of HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY, consisting of workers and administrative staff. Here I have adopted the methodology of personal interview, and on the basis of some questions analysis is being made & is graphically represented further.




Q-1 Are there any trouble markers in your training? No. of respondent - 50

Yes No

35 15



Influences: In the survey I find more 70% trainers says Yes. And second more 30% employee says No.


Q-2 Does the promotion policy is fair in your company? No. of respondent - 50

Yes No

20 30



Influences: In the survey I find more 70% employee says Yes. And second more 30% employee says No.


Q-3 Is there any attendance reward? No. of respondent - 50

Yes No

50 0



Influences: In the survey I find more 100% employee says Yes. And second more 0% employee says No.


Q-4 Does the tools and equipments provided to you are of better quality? No. of respondent - 50

Yes No

15 35



Influences: In the survey I find more 70% employee says Yes. And second more 30% employee says No.


Q-5 Does your supervisor encourage you to give new ideas and suggestions? No. of respondent - 50

Yes No

40 10



Influences: In the survey I find more 70% trainers says Yes. And second more 30% trainers says No.



INTRODUCTION Every organization needs to have well trained and experienced people to perform the activities that have to be done. If the current or potential job occupant can meet this requirement, training is not important. But when this is not the case, it is necessary to raise the skill levels and increase the versatility and adaptability of employees. Inadequate job performance or a decline in productivity or changes resulting out of job redesingning or a technological break-through require some type of training and development efforts. As the jobs become more complex, the importance of employee development also increases. In a rapidly changing society, employee training and development is not only an activiy that is desirable but also an activity that and organization must commit resources to if it is to maintain a viable and knowledgeable work force. The purpose of the training and development is to help meet company objectives by providing opportunities for employees at all organizational levels to acquire the requisite knowledge, skills and attitudes: (i) (ii) The first step in training is to determine needs and objectives. The techniques and processes of training programme should be related directly to the needs and objectives of and organization. (iii) Training is properly the responsibility of any one in the management who wants to attain a particular objective.



The purpose behind the training of personnel is to assist line management in the determination of training needs and in the development, administration, conduct and follow-up of trainig plans.

(v) (vi)

To be effective, training must use the tested principles of leaning. Training should be conducted in the actual job environment to the maximum possible extent.

It is easy to analyse the short-comings of and organization and an accordance to that training and development programmes can be designed. Moreover these programmes must be designed as per the requirement of the company. A review of training and development programmes timely surveys checks and records must be maintained learning environment provided to the workers and managers must be appropriate and adequately supplied with the necessicities of the programmes for eg. Chart, classrooms and study materials. The trainee should be interview an their response and suggestion should be noted. Feedback is an effective method by which efficiencies and deficiencies of the training and development programmes can be viewed. Personnel Department must implement the good suggestions. Appropriate works standard can be achieved through proper training and development programmes either they are on the hob or off the job. As training & Development programmes are expensive so the organization must reframe them in accordance to the policies and procedures. Therefore, training and deelopment are effective part and parcel of any organization.



While making this project following limitation, \were encountered:

A period one of one semester is a very short period to know completely about training and development programmes of a big organization like hospitality industry. Data is collected from the secondary sources. While some data is collected through interviews, it may be possible that the employees may have reacted over enthusiasistically. The project work contains details only of hospitality industry, while what other hospitality industry in the country are conducting for training and development is not known.




To have effective training and development programmed must accomplish the goals of modifying skills attitudes and behaviour so I suggest the following activities and policies. 1. To trainee director must be asked to evaluate training and development techniques and particular performa for the feedback from the workers and managers must be provided so that the difficulties in T&D programme can be soughtout. 2. Objective of T&D is to determine ability of participants and perform jobs for which they are well trained. The specific nature of training deficiencies whether the trainess require any additional on the job training and the extent of training is not require for the participants to meet job requirement. 3. The personnel Manager should accurately assess trainees jobs performance within two to four months after the completion of training. 4. Some writers have suggested that four basic categories of outcomes can be measured. a. Reaction Evaluate the trainees reaction to the programme.

Did the like the programme? Did he think it worthwhile? a. Learning did the trainee learn the principles, skills and fact that the supervisor or the trainer wanted them to learn? b. Behaviour Whether the trainees behaviour on the job changed because of the training programme.


c. Results what final results have been achieved? Did he learn how to work on machine? Did scrap page costs decrease? Was turnover reduced? Are production quotas now being met? Etc. 5. Questionnaires or structured interviews with the trainees are

acceptable methods for obtaining feedback on training. The supervisor is asked to rate the former trainee on job proficiency directly related to the training objectives. 6. Another approach is to involve the use of experimental and control groups. Each group is randomlu selected, one of receive training (experimental) and the other not to receive training (control). 7. Another method involves longitudinal or time series analysis. A series of measurements are taken before the programme begins and continues during and after the programme is completed. 8. Besides, pre-and-post tests be administered to the training and development groups Prior to the training, a test related to the training material is applied, and the results of this pre-test are compared with training material is applied, and the results of this pre-test are compared with results on the same or similar test administered after the programme has been completed. 9. The management development programme must be launched by the chief executive officer of an organization or by a committee consisting of the chief executive because this progrmme involves fundamental policy issues,


decision of far-reaching importance, and an expenditure of considerable sum of money. 10. Incentive must be there. A powerful motivator is the realization that the top management is interested in the courses, considers them valuable and follows their progress closely. To indicate the bosss interest, a memorandum from him may be circulated in advance of a courses inauguration, the top management may have a preview of the course. 11. Further, matters such as temperature, ventilation, backboards, seating arrangements (square, V or U for conferences), provision of lavatories, name plates (where the members do not know each other or the leader ) and freedom from noise and interruptions need to be given a careful consideration.



IMPROVING EFFECTIVENESS OF TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT The training and development programmes can be made effective if the following hints are considered: 1. Specific training objectives should be outlined on the bases of the type of performance required to achieve organizational goals and objectives. And audit of personal needs compared with operational requirements will help to determine the specific training needs of individual employees. This evaluation should form a well- defined set of performance standards towards which each trainee should be directed. 2. Attempt should be made to determine if the trainee has the intelligence, maturity, and motivation to successfully complete the training may be postponed or cancelled till improvements are visible. 3. The trainee should be helped to see the need for training by making him aware of the personal benefits he can achieve through better performance. He should be helped to discover the rewards and satisfactions that might be available to him through changes in behaviour. 4. The training & Development programme should be planned so that it is related to the trainees previous experiences and background. This background should be used as a foundation for new development and new behaviour. 5. Attempts should be made to create organizational conditions that are conducive to a good learning environment. It should be made clearly why changes are 94

needed. Any distractions, in the way of rraining environment, should be removed. The support of the upper levels of management should be obtained before applying training at lower levels. 6. If necessary, a combination of training methods should be selected so that variety is permitted and as many of the senses as possible are utilized. 7. It should be recognition that all the trainess do not progress at the same rate. Therefore, flexibility should be allowed in judging the rates of progress in the training programme. 8. If possible, the personal involvement or active participation of the trainee should be got in the training programme. He should be provided with opportunity to practice the newly needed behaviour norms/ 9. As the trainee acquires new knowledge, skills or attitudes and applies them in job situations, he should be significantly rewarded for his efforts. 10. The trainee should be provided with regular, constructive feedback concerning his progress in training and implementation of the newly acquired abilities. 11. The trainee should be provided with personal assistance when he encounters obstacles.



1. Are you satisfied that HR Dept. plays an excellent role, treat people fairly? (a) Strongly satisfied (c) Dissatisfied

(b) Satisfied (d) Strongly dissatisfied

2. Are you satisfied with the relations with co-workers? (a) Strongly satisfied (C) Dissatisfied

(b) Satisfied

(d) Strongly dissatisfied

3. Does Top-level management have sincere interest in the training concern? (a) Always (C) Rarely

(b) Most of time (d) Never

4. Does communication process between high level & lower level management? (a) Very Easy (C) Complicated

(b) Easy

(d) Very Complicated

5. Are you satisfied with your training conditions? (a) Strongly satisfied (C) Dissatisfied

(b) Satisfied

(d) Strongly dissatisfied


6. Does you boss give your reward for your good performance? (a) Always (C) Rarely

(b) Most of time (d) Never

7. Does your supervisor lay down instructions to you very clearly? (a) Always (C) Rarely

(b) Most of time (d) Never

8. Does your supervisor interfere in your work unnecessarily? (a) Always (C) Rarely

(b) Most of time (d) Never

9. Does your complaints concerned by the training supervisor? (a) Always (C) Rarely

(b) Most of time (d) Never

10. Does the company is having a strong Wages & commission? (a) Always (C) Rarely

(b) Most of time (d) Never 98

11. Are there any trouble makers in your group? (a) Yes



12. Does the appointment is fair in your company? (a) Yes



13. Is there any attendance reward? (a) Yes



14. Does the tools & equipments provided to you are better quality? (a) Yes



15. Does your supervisor encourage you to give new ideas & suggestions? (a) Yes





C. R. Kothari Research Methodology Second Edition, Wishwa Prakashan. Donald S. Tull , Dell I. Hawkins Marketing Research Sixth Edition, Published by Ashok k. Ghosh , Prentice-Hall Of India Pvt. Ltd. www.HOSPITALITY INDUSTRYindia.com www.google.com


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