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Data Protector

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Odd notes on DataProtector

Greg Baker (gregb@ifost.org.au) December 16, 2011

Id: dataprotector.tex 501 2011-12-15 05:15:44Z gregb

About this document

I am a consultant and trainer on HP DataProtector, with experience dating back to 1997. Ive been described a few times as one of Australias most knowledgeable people on DataProtector. Somewhere around 1999 I started writing up interesting questions I was asked in classes, and jotting down ideas, bugs and information that I found in my work. Nowadays this is the kind of thing you would put in a blog, but back then you couldnt rely on people having access to the web. So instead I published this odd notes document, and Ive been keeping it updated ever since. I hope you nd it helpful. I run my own company and I am available for consulting, support, implementations and any other services you might need. Feel free to email (gregb@ifost.org.au) or phone (+61 2 8231 5736) me if you are interested.

1 About this document 1

2 Security Issues 1

3 Media Pools

4 Using Subversion with DataProtector

5 MacOS X


6 Useful utilities


6.1 DataProtector Documents Search Engine . . . . . . . . . . 13

7 Thoughts on cell managers


8 Enabling SSH-based installs from Unix systems


9 What you want to have around before a disaster


10 Performance Tweaks


11 Three models of datalists


11.1 Zillions of Tape Drives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 11.2 Network deluge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 11.3 Free-for-all . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

12 The things you must do when you rst install DataProtector 16

13 Enhanced Incremental Database on MS-Windows


14 Tape Zap


15 Options for Cell manager disaster recovery


15.1 Procrastinators Delight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

15.2 Cold spare

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

15.3 Hot spare . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 15.4 Clunk like its last century . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 15.5 Just make an exception . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 15.6 Its all virtual anyway . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 15.7 Be prepared . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

16 Troubleshooting Guide 16.1 Agent failing to start during a backup

21 . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

16.2 Push-based installation fails . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 16.3 Install completes, but client not imported . . . . . . . . . . 21

17 Wish List


Security Issues

To be completed. . . Both the MS-Windows and Unix installs of DataProtector by default let anyone walk in with a laptop and be an admin in any cell Unix installation has lax permissions in /var/opt/omni/log Dont forget to run Cell Secure otherwise anyone can perform any restore they like to any computer in the cell (by setting up their own cell manager) Remember: the cell server doesnt authenticate, it just trusts the other end of the connection to tell the truth. And its all sent as plain text. The javareporting user doesnt need to have admin rights. Create a new group for it, and just give it user conguration and reporting and notications the classspec le should say 133120 for its numbering. 3

Unless the user DRM$ADMIN is allowed to restore as root, most bare-metal disaster recovery wont be able to run. Are you concerned about collection of debug logs? Do you need to create a dls hosts le?

Media Pools

Here is my methodology for working out what media pools to create. Geography Make sure each site has separate pools for everything. Otherwise an operator might be told to place a tape currently in Melbourne into a Sydney tape drive. Virtual tape versus real If you are using a VLS6000 (or similar) to emulate DLT tapes, then you will need different pools for the real tapes and the virtual tapes. Otherwise you might get asked to put a virtual tape into a real tape drive! Barcoded versus non-barcoded In an ideal world, every tape has a human and machine-readable barcode. In reality, tapes that arent in a tape library tend just to get handwritten labels. These would have to be in a different media pool, so that DataProtector doesnt start asking for a non-barcoded tape to be put into a tape library device. Media Generations DDS1 tapes cant go into DDS4 tape drives, so separate the pools of these tapes. This gets tricky for compatible generations of tapes. WORM vs non-WORM Some tape technologies support special writeonce media. Obviously these will need to be treated differently to your standard multi-write tapes. Block size You can have tapes with different block sizes in one pool, but if you have a backup with one block size on it, no backups with a different block size can be appended to it. DataProtector will load the tape, reject it, and then try the next best tape until it nds a tape that can be used. You could have a lot of tapes each with a tiny backup on it with a 64k block size, giving you a pool with vast amounts of free space which is unuseable for any other backups. If you want to be very sure that you know your tape capacities and usage, you might want to create a pool for each different block size in use. Watch out for MS-SQL backups in 6.2 where you can set the block size to 2n + 4kB instead of the 2n kB block size for le systems and any other kinds of backups.

Archiving reasons If tapes have to be left in a tape library, and the pool has to be appendable because you have multiple backups congured to go into it, but you dont want the next days backups on the same tapes, then theres little alternative to creating another media pool. Or beg HP to add a 4th usage option: appendable within 24 hours of the rst protected write. I tend to create a media pool called Tapes for Restore which I move tapes into when an off-site tape is brought back into the pool. This way it wont get written to accidentally. (The write-protect tab is good for this as well, but watch out that it doesnt get marked as bad by a tape drive failing to write to it.) Financials Maybe its because of chargeback costing, control, or security. Usually these reasons are quite pathetic, but if its too hard to battle against the bureaucracy in the name of common sense, well . . . maybe the easiest way to solve the problem is to let each division pay for and manage its own pool of media. Isolation If you have different tape retention cycles for different data e.g. backup X must stay on-site for 4 weeks, but backup Y must go-offsite the next day, then you dont want these two backups on the same tape. You can create separate pools to keep these backups isolated. However, usually, the problem is better solved by keeping all originals on-site and creating copies to send off-site where necessary.

Using Subversion with DataProtector

One of the most common causes of backups failing is somebody changing something in a backup specication. DataProtector doesnt keep history of conguration by default, so I like to use a proper version control system to do this. The instructions here are for MS-Windows based cell managers.

Figure 1: Creating a subversion repository 5

Figure 2: Format options for the subversion repository

Figure 3: Subversion repository created

Figure 4: Renaming the DataProtector conguration directory

Figure 5: Performing a subversion checkout

Figure 6: Parameters for the checkout

Figure 7: A checkout will create the directory if needed

Figure 8: The rst revision has revision number zero

Figure 9: Moving the conguration copy into the version controlled area.

Figure 10: Files and folders need to be explicitly added.

Figure 11: Checkboxes control what is and isnt going to be added.

1. Install TortoiseSVN from tortoisesvn.tigris.org/. It will require a reboot. 2. If you dont otherwise have a subversion repository somewhere else in your organisation, and you dont want to use subversion as a mechanism for restoring conguration in a disaster, then you can just create a folder in My Documents called Repository. (See gure 4 on page 5.) It doesnt much matter what type (BDB or FSFS). (See gure 4 on page 6.) It should quickly report success. (See gure 4 on page 6.) 3. Locate your DataProtector installation directory (it defaults to C:\Program Files\Omniback) then go into Config. Rename Server to Server.temp. (See gure 4 on page 6.) 4. Right click in some empty space, and select SVN Checkout. (See gure 4 on page 7.) If you already have a subversion server in your organisation, you subversion administrator will tell you what to put in the URL of Repository eld. Otherwise, click on the triple dot button, and navigate to the Repository folder you created. Set the Checkout Directory: to be ...Config\Server. (See gure 4 on page 7.) Answer yes when asked if you want to create it. (See gure 4 on page 7.) Another dialog box will appear, reporting a checkout of revision zero. (See gure 4 on page 7.) 5. Move everything from Server.temp into Server. (See gure 4 on page 8.) 6. Right click on Server, and select Add. . . from the TortoiseSVN submenu. (See gure 4 on page 8.) You might want to deselect Server\dr, because that directory gets modied on a regular basis by backups. (See gure 4 on page 8.) Press OK. Messages will y past reporting on the communication with the server. (See gure 4 on page 10.) 7. Right click on Server again, and select SVN Commit. (See gure 4 on page 10.) Type in a message, such as Initial import. (See gure 4 on page 10.) Press OK. Committing takes a little longer than addition, because the actual content of the les needs to be sent. (See gure 4 on page 11.)

You now have your DataProtector conguration stored within version control. You might want to explore how the GUI interacts with the conguration for example, if you add a new user, you will see a large red exclamation mark over the Users folder (and if you look in the folder you will see a red mark over the userlist le. (See gure 4 on 9

Figure 12: Results from a subversion add operation.

Figure 13: Committing changes.

Figure 14: Best practice is to write coherent commit messages.


Figure 15: The conclusion of a commit.

Figure 16: TortoiseSVN provides good visual feedback for what has changed and what is correctly committed to the repository.

Figure 17: changes.

After each change (even from the GUI), commit your


Figure 18: Good log messages help resolve problems later.

Figure 19: Subversion only transfers relevant portions of the changed les.

Figure 20: Nice to see everything committed correctly.


page 11.) After you make a change, right click on the folder (or le) and select SVN Commit see gure 4 on page 11. In the comment box you can write a message about the change you are making. (See gure 4 on page 12.) The commit should be quite quick. (See gure 4 on page 12.) The red marks will change to reect its now-up-to-date status. (See gure 4 on page 12.) If a backup fails one night, you can see what has changed (either by looking for uncommitted changes, or by looking through the logs of committed changes), and revert back to a working conguration very easily.


MacOS X now nally supported in DataProtector 6.11 (with the latest patches) and DataProtector 6.2.


Useful utilities
DataProtector Documents Search Engine

I created a Google custom search search to search through as many DataProtector-related documents as I could. Currently it searches all current patches, recent ITRC forum posts and the latest release manuals. Let me know if there is somewhere else it should be looking. The simplest URL for the search engine is here: http://www.ifost.org.au/Documents/index.html#search-engines Alternatively, you can go straight to Google: http://www.google.com/cse?cx=004292446702973297484%3Aqn7jbceulto

Thoughts on cell managers

To be completed . . . 13

Put it in the disaster recovery centre. Use a standalone tape drive for backing it up if possible, rather than sitting in a big tape library. Even better, use a different format of tapes. Cell manager shouldnt be the robotics controller. But they should be the same operating system if possible, so that in a disaster, the cell manager can recreate an OS disk for the controller, and bootstrap the other machines up from tape. Simplicity is key!

Cell manager requirements: Enough disk space to store full DR images, plus the database itself Sufcient I/O on the database that its not a bottleneck. If you are using the cell manager as a media agent, then roughly dual-channel gigabit ethernet for each tape drive it is writing to. (Otherwise the network will be the bottleneck.)

Enabling SSH-based installs from Unix systems

To be completed . . . For DataProtector 5.5, install PHSS 32831 and its cousins. Set the option OB2 SSH ENABLED. DataProtector 6.X, needs no patch, but still needs OB2 SSH ENABLED to be set.

What you want to have around before a disaster

You probably want to email or rsync these on a regular basis to somewhere safe.


media.log So that you know what tapes you should look at for the most recent database backup. mcf les From the tape on which you put the most recent internal database backup. This will speed up the import process. omnidownload output For every device and library; at the very least you want the ones you will use in recovering the cell manager. ASR / EADR disks of the cell manager If your cell manager is on MSWindows 2003 or later. Ignite-UX of the cell manager If your cell manager is on HP-UX. mkcdrec of the cell manager If your cell manager is on Linux.


Performance Tweaks

Turn off Log All and replace it by Log Directories if possible. On Linux systems, make sure that lesystems are mounted with the relatime option (you want this on anyway, even if it werent for DataProtector); on other Unix systems conrm that you dont need access time auditing, and remount all lesystems with noatime. Turn off the lesystem option Preserve atime. In this way DataProtector doesnt cause any write activity when it is reading data. HP-UX has only two lesystems that use hard links / and /usr. Linux systems have quite a few hard links, but none of them are essential. So turn on back up hard links as les and it should pose few problems. Make sure that you are not sending anything over a network accidentally check that the preferred multi-path host makes sense for each backup. Turn on asynchronous backup on MS-Windows boxes. Except on very slow iSCSI-based SANs, this will almost always improve performance.


Three models of datalists

Zillions of Tape Drives

Virtual tape library or le library Every object has its own tape drive Concurrency is irrelevant 15


Network deluge

Lots of net-attached hosts A few fast tape drives The bigger the concurrency the better. buffers. But check disk agent



SAN attached servers SAN attached tapes One big backup job for everything Concurrency should be the number of objects per host Make sure that each host object in the data list is preceeded by a device stanza with that host as the preferred multi-path host (or else data might be sent across the network).


The things you must do when you rst install DataProtector

1. Install Subversion, and set it up to use a remote repository. Actually, you dont really have to do that, but it just makes life so much better if you do. 2. Edit the list of users. Make sure there is no user with special rights (such as admin) which can connect from <Any> IP address. Since there is no authentication on DataProtector user interface sessions (it just relies on trust) this is a necessary step to maintain security. Note that such entries do exist by default. 3. Set the web password. Otherwise any user can set up a notication which runs a command. 4. In the clients tab, run Cell Secure otherwise anyone who can access port 5555 on any machine in your network can replace any le they want. 5. After you have created a device which will be used for backing up your cell console, run omnidownload -device ... (and, if necessary, omnidownload -library ...) and copy the resulting output somewhere safe. Id recommend emailing it, printing it out, and putting it on the USB ash drives of every administrator who might be involved in a disaster recovery. 16

6. Create a pool called Tapes used in a current restore. Then, whenever you bring a tape back into the tape library, move it into that pool. In this way you wont accidentally over-write your precious restore data. 7. If your cell manager is a real MS-Windows system (poor you), then schedule Drive Snapshot to take regular backups. If your cell manager is a VMware image (much better), then schedule a regular copy of a vm-snapshot disk image to some safe place. Linux users regularly schedule mkcdrec. HP-UX users regularly schedule make XXXX recovery (particularly now that Ignite can create bootable DVD images). 8. Schedule your media.log to be copied on a regular basis to somewhere. Its not large, so emailing it to yourself each day is not that silly. Or automatically commit it into subversion each day. 9. Create a new set of notications, which emails or raises SNMP traps (or whatever is the usual way of alerting an issue in your organisation) for each of the IDB events, the HealthCheckFailed event, the NotEnoughMedia event and UnexpectedEvents. If you are using File Libraries (which you would be doing if you do diskstaged backups) then also alert yourself about FileLibraryDiskUsage. The default is just to write them into the Data Protector event log which nobody reads. 10. Add omnicheck -dns -full -update to $OMNICONFIG/HealthCheckConfig 11. Seriously think about whether to turn on OB2CRSSTRICTHOSTNAMECHECKING without it, hostnames are just delivered based on trust.


Enhanced Incremental Database on MSWindows

This is normally found in C:\Program Files\OmniBack\enhincrdb unless you have installed DataProtector into a different directory, or used shortcuts to put it somewhere else (as you would with a clustered system). If you are on DataProtector 6.11 or earlier, try to make sure it is formatted with the smallest block size possible i.e. a 1k block size. A typical initial enhincrdb uses 100-200 bytes per le. On a lesystem with a 4k block size, this means 96% wastage. In DataProtector 6.2, its a SQLite database and doesnt waste much space at all.



Tape Zap

If you want to quickly and easily let operators update the location of tapes with a barcode, Ive written a small python program called tape-zap.py which lets you zap barcodes with a barcode reader and update the location eld in DataProtector. Collect it from: http://www.ifost.org.au/Software/ Usage: python tape-zap.py location Barcode readers generally act like PS2 or USB keyboards. They enter whatever they zap, and then send a new-line character. tape-zap.py runs omnimm -modify medium for each barcode label it reads in from the keyboard. It needs to run on a machine which has the cell console software on it, and as a user who has at least the rights to run omnimm, such as a typical operator account.


Options for Cell manager disaster recovery

Procrastinators Delight


The only preparation is to remember to copy the media.log le off to somewhere else on a regular basis, or have some way of knowing what tape was used for the OMNIDB backup. If you can also replicate the output from an export to mcf somewhere, that will speed things up. The disaster recovery procedure is as follows: Install an appropriate operating system on to a spare machine. Set its IP address and hostname to be the same as the failed cell manager. (2 hours or less) Install DataProtector (15 minutes or less, depending on whether you need to download it from the HP website or not). Remember to install any DataProtector patches (15 minutes, depending on whether you needed to download them from the HP website as well). Re-read the last OMNIDB backup (2 hours if you have to scan the whole tape, or a few minutes if you have the MCF les).


Restore the internal database. (Usually well less than 2 hours)


Cold spare

This is one of the most popular options. Install DataProtector on a spare machine, and then turn off all services. Create a post-exec job on your primary cell manager which runs omnir to restore the internal database to the cold spare machine. If you have run a cell secure operation (and you should!) you will need to make sure that the cold spare machine is listed in allow hosts for all systems in the cell. The disaster recovery procedure is: Run omnidbutil -change cell name Run omnisv start Edit the OMNIDB backup datalist and change it to run the omnir on the original cell manager. Then start using the cold spare as the primary machine. Repeat the procedure in reverse in order to fail back to the original cell manager.


Hot spare

This only works with DataProtector 6.11 and onwards. It can be used when the bandwidth between the production and DR sites does not support regular scheduled restores as required by the Cold Spare scenario. Install DataProtector on the hot spare, including license keys. At the end of each day (or even several times per day), export to mcf every tape that was used that day in the primary production cell. Replicate the MCF les to the hot spare server and import them (this might involve exporting the tapes from the hot spare server rst). There is now no disaster recovery procedure required the hot spare has full knowledge of all the tapes used in the production system.



Clunk like its last century

Buy a one-button-disaster-recovery tape drive. Attach it to the cell manager. Congure OBDR backups which write to that tape drive. In the event of a disaster, insert the latest tape and boot from it. This is appropriate for very small sites that wouldnt end up buying a tape library anyway. It is also appropriate for very remote and isolated sites where no-one on-site knows much about backup and restore.


Just make an exception

You could always backup the cell manager with some sort of instantsnapshotting technology. DriveSnapshot only costs EUR95, and can back up to a USB hard disk. You wouldnt sanely do this for every client in your cell, but if you want to avoid a boot-strapping operation within DataProtector, this approach would make sense for the cell manager.


Its all virtual anyway

If you can live without Log File and Log All granularity information in your backups, then you can probably get away with running your cell manager on a virtual machine. In which case, take a snapshot every day, and the disaster recovery procedure is simply to revert to the previous snapshot.


Be prepared

Buy a stack of blank CDs, and burn the output from an EADR on a regular basis. When a disaster strikes, take the most recently burned CD and boot from it. If necessary, restore the internal database as well. Watch as everyone is amazed at your powers of pre-planning.



Troubleshooting Guide
Agent failing to start during a backup

1. Have a look at the inet log. Is there a connection being refused for some reason? e.g. does allow hosts refuse this connection? 2. Try running a packet capture on port 5555. This wont be many packets because data gets sent on a different port. 3. If you are seeing no packets at all, then the session manager isnt even starting a connection with the agent. Is there a rewall in the way? Try running telnet agent 5555 from the cell manager. 4. Try running omnicheck -dns -full and see if there could be name resolution problems.


Push-based installation fails

1. First dumb question: is the username and password correct? 2. What operating system are you trying to push this to? HP-UX/Linux/Solaris or other Unix Conrm that the installation server has OB2SSHENABLED turned on in /opt/omni/.omnirc. No-one leaves rsh open any more. WinXP Is the Windows box in simple share mode? Win2k8 Have you set up omniinetpasswd so that the installation server knows what username toinstall with? 3. Is there a rewall blocking something?


Install completes, but client not imported

1. Is something rewalling port 5555? 2. Is there a naming mismatch? Perhaps DNS is returning a different hostname or domain-name to what the client knows itself as? 3. Is it a Unix system which has neither inetd or xinetd installed? Then there will be nothing listening on port 5555 to receive the connection.



Wish List

A way of saying the Media Agent connects to the Disk Agent for this backup specication which would make backing up machines in a DMZ simpler. (And it wouldnt be much code to add.) A new policy for a media pool Appendable within 24 hours which would use a tape if the oldest protected object on the tape was less than one day old. This would make it much easier to have one pool from which all backups are drawn. Otherwise, how do you get your MS-Exchange data backed up onto the same tapes as the operating system during a weekend backup, but not end up having several days worth of data on it? /usr/omni/bin/.util should have support for NSS le systems. A speedometer dashboard which shows in real time the bandwidth throughput of each disk agent. It should keep historical statistics and alert when the current speed is several standard deviations away from the mean previous speed. Optimisation assistant. As part of the statistical recording, DataProtector could regress the number of les, the average le size and number of folders backed up against the bandwidth throughput. If the bandwidth is decaying close to linearly with the number of les, then DataProtector could suggest turning off le logging. Reports on how rapidly les are changing, so that it can suggest RAID5 for data that is hardly ever modied (for example). At the very least, sorted reports of what lesystems have the biggest churn rates could be helpful. A report or view to show tapes which are marked FULL, or ones which are unappendable because they have been copied. These are both useful for operators to know what tapes to take out. Also, a report or view of all tapes by location (not just sorting tapes within one media pool by location). Autonomous backups if the media agent and disk agent are on the same machine, perhaps they could be scheduled to run without initiating from the cell manager. (Nearly done!) Restartable backup session manager processes. Perhaps when the cell manager starts up it could query every machine in the cell to ask what backups are running and start backup session managers accordingly. A script to automatically download any relevant DataProtector patches when they become available. MacOS X support (Done!)


A way of specifying the preferred multi-path host for a device during a restore. Otherwise a restore could data over the network when you might want to constrain it only to run over be. Ubuntu and Debian support. PostgreSQL and MySQL integration agents. They must be close to having as many enterprise users as say, Informix. Subversion integration agent. Can you do a DR from a le library if the le librarys name has a space in it? It seems like you cant.


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