Seminar Documentation
Seminar Documentation
Seminar Documentation
Slide 1: TITLE Good afternoon everyone. I am here to give a seminar on Virtual Smartphone over IP. I am guided by Mrs. Pushpa. D, Assistant Professor, Dept. of IS & E, MIT-MYSORE.
Slide 2: CONTENTS OF PRESENTATION Before moving on to the presentation, let us have a look at the contents. My presentation will start with Abstract, then Introduction, followed by Mobile Application Platform on Cloud Server, then Implementation, followed by Basic Design, next will be Prototype Implementation, then Application Scenarios, followed by Features, then Evaluation, followed by Advantages and finally the Conclusion. Slide 3: ABSTRACT To begin with, let us have a look at abstract. Nowadays, smartphone usage has become more and so the applications. Installing more and more applications on smartphone will increase the processing time, affecting the speed inversely. Hence there is a need for a system which allows users to access applications without installing them on smartphone. To satisfy this, a system called Virtual Smartphone over IP is proposed, which allows smartphone users to create images on mobile cloud. The desired mobile applications can be installed on these images and run as if they are running locally on the smartphone. This approach considerably decreases the battery consumption, memory and eventually increases the processing power. Slide 4: INTRODUCTION Now, Ill be giving you a brief introduction on the existing problems faced by smartphones and the proposed solution to overcome them. Coming on to the problem, as more and more applications are downloaded from internet, there is a risk of security breach. Such untrusted applications will harm the device, giving rise to serious security issues such as man-in-the-middle attack and data leakage. Another major problem with smartphones is that they have limited processing power, battery life and memory resources. Moving on to the solution, virtual smartphones over IP provides a cloud computing environment which allows users to create smartphone images on the cloud and customize each image to a particular application in the cloud.
Slide 5: MOBILE APPLICATION PLATFORM ON A CLOUD SERVER Before moving on to the implementation of Virtual Smartphone, let us have a brief overview on how mobile application platform is established on a cloud server. Mobile application platform on cloud server provides an architecture for remotely using mobile applications on a server. In other words, a mobile application on a cloud server can be Written once, run everywhere. Installed once, used everywhere. Figure shows the architecture of mobile application platform. Here, user A and user B have downloaded and installed the desired mobile applications on the cloud server. Each user will be allocated with a set of resources for running applications. Slide 6: BASIC DESIGN Let us see the basic design of virtual smartphone over IP. The basic design includes 5 major components. They are: Virtual smartphone farm Front end server Network file system Management server and Smartphone client
Slide 7: Contd.. (OVERALL SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE) The figure shows the overall system architecture for virtual smartphone. Coming to the first component, the Virtual smartphone farm, which is a virtualization environment that hosts a collection of virtual smartphone images, each of which is dedicated to a smartphone user. The applications are installed on these images remotely. The second component is the front-end server, which admits service requests from smartphone users across the Internet and establishes remote sessions to the appropriate virtual smartphone images. It also allows smartphone users to create, configure and destroy virtual smartphone images. Once a remote session is established, the user can install and run mobile applications on one of these images instead of his/her own physical smartphone. The third component is the network file system, which is used by virtual smartphones for all persistent file storage, in much similar way that an SD card holds data for physical smartphones. It provides each virtual smartphone with unlimited file storage. The fourth component is the management server, which is used to manage the virtual smartphone farm.
The fifth component is the smartphone client. A dedicated client application is installed on smartphones, which allows users to control their virtual smartphone images. This client application receives the screen output of a virtual smartphone image and presents the screen locally.
Explanation of working: Smartphones use internet protocol to interact with front-end server to create and configure images on virtual smartphone farm. The Network File System is used to store all data regarding mobile applications, images and the users. Management server manages these images and ensures troubleshooting in case of any failure. Slide 8: IMPLEMENTATION Now, let us move on to the implementation of the virtual smartphone. The main concept used for implementation is, multitenant for android. Multi-tenancy is feature where the software running on a server provides services to many users. Multi-tenant architecture defines two functions. They are: Multiple application controller, which is installed in Android OS and User area manager, located in a host OS, i.e., on server
Multiple application controller, enables running of multiple applications as if each application is running on independent physical smartphone. The User Area Manager, controls server resources and acts as an interface between a terminal and the multiple application controller. Slide 9: Contd.. (FUNCTIONAL OVERVIEW OF MULTI-TENANT ARCHITECTURE) Figure shows the functional overview of multi-tenant for android. This architecture has three layers. That is, Guest OS, which is Android OS Host OS, which is the OS installed in server, such as Windows, Linux, etc., A terminal, which ensures communication facility between guest OS and host OS.
Explanation of working:
When user wants to use an application, the user terminal contacts the user area manager and orders to launch application. The user area manager checks the server resources and select which guest OS to run application. The multiple application controller launches the application based on an order from the user area manager. The user area manager returns VNC connection information such as IP address and port. Slide 10: PROTOTYPE IMPLEMENTATION Now, let us see the prototype implementation of virtual smartphone over IP. The prototype is implemented on android smartphones. The main reason for choosing android OS as the platform is that, it is portable and thus supports cross-platform integration. Figure shows the architecture of the prototype implementation. The implementation consists of a pair of VNC-based server and client programs. Here, physical smartphone acts as a client, whereas the virtual smartphone farm acts as server. The smartphone used here, works on ARM processor and the virtual smartphone farm works on Intel x86 processor. The server program resides in each android x 86 image, that runs on top of VMWARE, i.e., virtual machine environment. The client program provides the user with a remote interaction facility to interact with virtual smartphone farm and control the images. It also transmits various events from the physical device to the virtual smartphone and receives graphical screen updates from the virtual smartphone. The system also has a virtual sensor driver, which receives the readings from the sensors, which are embedded in the smartphones such as accelerometer, GPS etc., and are transmitted by the client program. The virtual sensor driver is implemented in such a way that the sensor readings from the physical Android device would appear to come from the Anroid-x86 image itself, without any modifications. The sensor driver in the smartphone senses the readings from the sensor devices and these readings are transmitted to virtual sensor driver in the virtual smartphone farm. Based on these readings, server program is executed and the output is sent to client in the form of images. Slide 11: Contd.. (SHORTCUTS TO REMOTE APPLICATIONS) The figure shows the mapping of mobile applications present in the smartphone onto the data center i.e., cloud through internet, with the help of images. Usually, smartphones will be provided with multiple screen options to handle various applications simultaneously. Here u can see that the first picture shows the complete application menu and the second picture shows the image icons, representing certain
application shortcuts on the screen. These images are mapped on to virtual smartphone using internet. Slide 12: APPLICATION SCENARIOS Now, let us see some of the major application scenarios of virtual smartphone. The first application is Remote Sandbox. The word, sandbox that signifies that untrusted programs are contained in a confined space with a very little freedom and are not allowed to run natively. The programs do not even reside in the physical device at all and thus minimize the risks of malware breaking out of the sandbox, as depicted in figure. If an image is infected, the user can easily revert the image to its previous clean state. The second application is Data leakage prevention. In the virtual smartphone environment, data is stored in the data center and is accessible only through one of the virtual smartphone images. Since only the graphic pixels of screen images are delivered to user's mobile phone, the actual data never leaves the secure data centre. An image template can be configured in such a way that prohibits data from leaving the image.
Slide 13: Contd..(APPLICATION SCENARIOS) The third application is Performance leverage. The performance of Android applications can be boosted by providing vast resources of cloud computing. The figure shows how an android smartphone is used to remotely control a PDF viewer application. ARM-based Android takes 14 seconds on average to open a 10 MB file, whereas the Android-x86 image hosted in data centre takes less than 1 second. The fourth application is End-to-middle security. The basic idea of end-to-middle security is to have a trusted middle point somewhere on the Internet. As soon as being associated with an access point, a mobile user establishes a secure channel with this middle point first, which then relay all traffic from the user to the Internet. The Virtual smartphone system can be used to implement end-to-middle security as illustrated in figure. A rouge access point cannot intercept the traffic between any mobile application installed in the virtual smartphone and the web even if the application is not encrypted.
Slide 14: FEATURES Virtual smartphones provide a number of useful features, few of which are: 1. Sensor readings 2. GUI Integration and 3. Relocation of applications First is Sensor Readings. As mentioned earlier, the proposed system allows applications installed in a virtual smartphone to access a physical smartphones sensor readings. The sensors appear as if they were mounted directly on the remote virtual smartphone. Second is GUI integration. This system allows applications running in the cloud to appear like native applications on the physical device with GUI functions such as copy & paste between local and remote applications. It also features shortcuts to remote applications in the virtual smartphone that minimize the steps required for users to launch remote applications. Third is Relocation of applications. This system also provides the ability to relocate applications and their associated data between a remote virtual smartphone and a local physical smartphone.
Slide 15: EVALUATION Based on the performance of prototype implementation, certain evaluation has been done, based on the following parameters: First parameter is Computing power. A benchmark application for Android is installed on both sides to evaluate their speed to draw strings, points, lines, polygons, PNGs and transparent PNGs in terms of frames per second (FPS). The result is summarized in Figure. Here, blue color indicated the Android(ARM) and red color indicated Android x86 processor. The virtual image is at least 14 times faster when drawing lines and at most 60 times faster when drawing strings, which clearly suggests that the proposed system is particular suitable for computation-intensive applications. Second parameter is Battery Consumption. To test the battery efficiency, a smartphone is used to resize a JPEG image from 800x600 to 640x480 and then adjust the sharpness of the image. The smartphone is allowed perform this operation continuously until the battery drains out. In the graph, the red line indicated the local device battery consumption and the green line indicated battery consumption of a device when application is executed remotely. The x-axis represents the remaining battery while y-axis represents the number of operations performed in
hundreds. When this operation was performed 100 times locally, the battery reduces from 100% to 88%. With the same amount of battery consumption, the operation can be performed 2,700 times despite the continuous network usage. This experiment is carried out until the remaining battery is only 11%, at which point, this operation can be performed 600 times locally but 13,800 times remotely. The result suggests that the system may be helpful in conserving device batteries by moving computation-intensive applications to the cloud. Slide 16: Contd.. (EVALUATION) Third parameter is Traffic Rate. Certain experiments were conducted to measure the actual amount of traffic involved to transmit the display output of an Android-x86 image with screen size of 320x480 and also on Windows XP with screen size of 1024x768 and 800x600. We can note that the smaller the screen size, the smaller the amount of data traffic. Figure 6.3 depicts the results of experiments. Here, blue indicated android x86 and red indicates Windows XP (800x600) and green indicated Windows XP (1024x768). The average and maximum traffic rate generated by Windows XP with a screen size of 1024x768 is 1.1Mbps and 5.9 Mbps respectively. The average and maximum traffic rate generated by Windows XP with a screen size of 800x600 is 699 kbps and 2.4 Mbps respectively. Lastly, the average and maximum traffic rate generated by the Android-x86 image is only 148 kbps and 391 kbps respectively. The result suggests that the system is particular suitable for wireless network such as 3G that has limited bandwidth.
Slide 17: ADVANTAGES - General Perspective Virtual Smartphone offers a number of advantages over the existing smartphone systems. A few major advantages are categorized with respect to General and Enterprise level. Coming to the general aspects, Virtual smartphones are consistently online and come up with server mobile applications that would be difficult to deploy on physical mobile smartphones. Mobile applications installed remotely in these images can easily tap into the power of a data center, so they are not constrained by the processing-power, memory, and battery-life limits of a physical smartphone. The system avoids untrusted applications accessing local data; more effective security solutions can be deployed; and new ways of using smartphones become possible.
The system can be used to archive the less frequently used applications and free up the storage space on the physical smartphones.
The system can help users prevent their local device from accumulating unwanted residual files from trial applications.
Slide 18: ADVANTAGES - IT/Enterprise Perspective Now, moving on to the IT perspective, this system has many advantages. The programmers will be able to write applications to a standardized hardware interface. IT managers will be able to manage the corporate side of the phone. This management includes the ability to push new applications and updates from a central console. In case an employee leaves the company or loses the phone then the IT staff can also wipe the corporate image from the phone without affecting the rest of the functionality.
Slide 19: CONCLUSION To conclude with, Virtual Smartphone over IP is a system that allows smartphone users to create virtual images of smartphones in the cloud and access these images remotely from their physical smartphone. The prototype which has been implemented enables users to run remote applications as they would run locally. Through this prototype, mobile applications installed in the cloud can access sensor readings on the physical smartphone. This prototype also boosts the performance of mobile applications by providing virtually unlimited computing resources. By executing a mobile application in the cloud server, users and developers will be free from device limitations such as CPU power, memory and battery, and from device software environment such as OS or software versions.