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Financial Stability - in Search of A Definition

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1 The global financial crisis of 2008 has witnessed a paradigm shift in the way the world views financial stability. The crisis revealed that financial instability can occur even in a scenario of price stability and sound macroeconomic conditions. It also revealed that a threat to financial stability in one economy can spillover to other economies and snowball into a global crisis. Hence, preserving financial stability in a globalised world requires a robust architecture at both national and global levels. Financial Stability In Search of a Definition 1.2 Though an often quoted and widely used phrase, financial stability has, in contrast to price stability, been difficult to define or measure. Policy makers and analysts at international fora have been actively engaged in defining financial stability in a precise, measurable and comprehensive manner. From a macroprudential perspective, financial stability could be defined as a situation in which the financial sector provides critical services to the real economy without any discontinuity. However, this cannot be quantified for measurement purposes. 1.3 A tautological definition could be the absence of financial instability. In that sense, financial stability could be best perceived as containment of the likelihood of failure of individual financial firms or any systemic stress, thereby limiting the associated costs to the economy. Financial distress could arise because of excessive financial risk taking by economic agents, whether consumers, investors, the Government or financial intermediaries. 1.4 The art of managing financial stability, hence, involves not only the identification and monitoring of the sources of risks from various segments of the financial system (i.e., financial institutions, markets, and payments, settlement and clearing systems) and preempting them from snowballing into a systemic crisis, but also creating conditions for a sound financial environment in normal times. This requires that all the principal segments of the financial system should be jointly capable of absorbing smoothly both anticipated and unanticipated shocks of any nature and magnitude, thereby facilitating an efficient reallocation of financial resources from savers to investors through adequate pricing of risk. It would also require preserving the confidence of the public in the ability of the financial institutions to meet their contractual obligations without interruption or outside assistance. More importantly, the financial stability exercise should be dynamic and deal with both microprudential and macroprudential issues, since interdependencies among firms and markets as also the linkages that arise through short-term funding markets and other counterparty relationships, such as over-the-counter derivatives contracts, have the potential to undermine the stability of the financial system. 1.5 Ideally, therefore, an effective framework for managing financial instability should necessarily include an assessment of the individual and collective robustness of the institutions, markets and infrastructures that make up the financial system, identification of the main sources of risk and vulnerability that could pose challenges for financial system stability in the future and an appraisal of the resilience of the financial system in terms of its ability to cope with crisis, should these risks materialise. The overall assessment should then determine whether remedial action is needed, since timely action on early warning exercises undertaken as part of the systemic risk analysis is critical for preserving financial stability. 1.6 The stability framework should be able to identify the potential build-up of financial imbalances by factoring in possible transmission lags in policy instruments, the probable consequences of unknown unknowns, and limitations of the modeling apparatus and stress testing exercise. Accordingly, the framework should be able to track the observable antecedents of a crisis, such as use of leverage, maturity mismatches, default rates and exposure to asset price bubbles and then design suitable policies. Financial stability at times depends on market participants expectations/perceptions of stability; hence establishing a track record of domestic stability also assumes importance. 1.7 To sum up in the Indian context, financial stability could encompass monitoring the following elements:

Excessive volatility in macroeconomic variables, both global and domestic, and market trends such as interest rates, exchange rates and asset prices; Build-up of leverage in financial, corporate and household sector balance sheets; Available systemic buffers within the financial sector, both at the institution and system levels, to withstand potential shocks to the economy; Activities of unregulated nodes in the financial sector which, through their interconnectedness with the formal regulated system, can breed systemic vulnerabilities. Global Crisis and Financial Stability 1.8 Increasing global imbalances, build-up of excessive leverage and mismatches in financial intermediaries, weaknesses in the regulatory and supervisory system and complexities in financial products arising out of financial innovations have been some of the major factors leading to the global crisis. The crisis triggered unprecedented panic and uncertainty about the extent of risk in the system which was reflected in the sudden and massive break down of trust across the entire financial system. While banks tended to hoard liquidity, the credit, bond and equity markets witnessed reversal. In view of sudden preference for safety, yields on government securities plunged while spreads over risk free government securities surged across market segments. Massive deleveraging drove down asset prices, setting off a vicious cycle. Several venerable financial institutions came to the brink of collapse. While the epicentre of the crisis lay in the advanced economies originating from the US, it soon spread from the financial sector to the real sector in advanced economies and concomitantly spread geographically from the advanced economies to the emerging market economies and soon engulfed the global economy. 1.9 Post-crisis, financial stability has emerged as an important objective for central banks across countries in the world. Not only have individual regulators adopted a host of measures in their respective countries, but even the global community as a whole, has been making concerted efforts to reform the existing international financial architecture and help prevent such crises in future. Global Initiatives 1.10 The establishment of the Financial Stability Board (FSB) as an enlarged version of the Financial Stability Forum, under the broadened mandate from G20 Leaders, has been one of the most significant initiatives taken post-crisis to promote financial stability globally. The FSB has been setup with the objective of coordinating at the international level the work of national financial authorities and international standard setting bodies in order to develop and promote the implementation of effective regulatory, supervisory and other financial sector policies (Box 1.1). Central Banks and Financial Stability 1.15 In the aftermath of the global crisis, financial stability has emerged as a major objective in central banks, in spite of the fact that only three per cent of the IMF-surveyed central banks actually have an explicit legal responsibility for financial stability. 1.16 The two main objectives of central banks around the world relate to the maintenance of monetary and financial stability. While monetary stability is generally the explicit objective, financial stability is usually an implicit objective. Both monetary stability and financial stability are intimately linked. Monetary stability supports sound investment and sustainable growth, which in turn is conducive for financial stability. Since the fragility of banks and their counterparties tends to be heightened when prices are unstable, the pursuit of monetary stability can be seen as a crucial contribution to financial stability. Similarly, maintaining financial stability also contributes to monetary stability in the long run. 1.17 Central banks also assess risks on a system-wide basis taking into consideration the linkages between the real economy and financial markets as well as among financial institutions. Such assessment becomes the basis for policy actions regarding financial system stability. Indias Initiatives to Strengthen the Financial Stability Framework

1.18 The Reserve Bank of India, through its evolution over the past 75 years, has emerged as a universal, full service provider central bank in a true sense with responsibilities spanning multiple areas. Implicit in the various responsibilities endowed upon the Reserve Bank, through disparate legislations at different points of time, is a broad mandate for ensuring what is now internationally being referred to as financial stability. 1.19 The pursuit of financial stability has emerged as the central plank of financial sector reforms in India since the submission of the Report of the Committee on the Financial System, 1992 (Chairman: Shri M. Narasimham) which recognised financial stability as the sine qua non of rapid and sustainable economic progress. Since early 2000, maintaining financial stability has been a part of the stated policy objectives, with both monetary and regulatory policy measures being employed to achieve that goal. 1.20 The role of financial stability has been recognised, inter alia, from three principal perspectives. Stability of the financial system has critical influence on price stability and sustained growth, which constitute the principal objectives of policy. A stable financial system facilitates efficient transmission of monetary policy actions. From the perspective of regulation and supervision, safeguarding depositors interest, and ensuring stability of the financial system, in particular, the banking sector, is the mandate of the Reserve Bank. 1.21 The IMF and the World Bank have been jointly conducting the Financial Sector Assessment Programme (FSAP) since 1999, which aims at assessing the stability and resilience of financial systems in member countries. India has been one of the earliest volunteers to participate in an FSAP in 2001 and has also been associated with independent assessments of standards and codes by the IMF/World Bank since then. It conducted a self-assessment of compliance with international standards and codes in 2002 and another review in 2004. Based on Indias experience in the FSAP and self-assessments, the Government, in consultation with the Reserve Bank, constituted the Committee on Financial Sector Assessment (CFSA) to undertake a comprehensive self-assessment of Indias financial sector. The CFSA, which submitted its Report in March 2009, has assessed financial stability in India as also compliance with international financial standards and codes. Indian Approach to Financial Stability The pursuit of financial stability in India has been more a matter of regulatory approach and orientation more than explicit mandates and institutional arrangements. The approach has evolved from past experiences and a constant interaction between the micro-level supervisory process and macroeconomic assessments. The development of key markets the government securities market, foreign exchange market and money market has been undertaken in the context of given macroeconomic imperatives of a large fiscal deficit, a capital account management framework and dominance of banks in these markets. The prudential framework for banks as well as non-banking finance companies has been used as an instrument for addressing systemic risks as well. There is an institutionalised framework for inter-regulatory coordination in the form of a High Level Coordination Committee on Financial Markets (HLCCFM). Introduction 2.1 Financial stability came to centre stage in the aftermath of the East Asian crisis in the 1990s, prompting central banks across the globe to pursue it as a goal, either explicit or implicit. Recent developments in the global financial system have once again focused attention on the importance of financial stability. One of the many lessons of the crisis has been that financial stability cannot be taken for granted and that it can be jeopardised even if there exists price and macroeconomic stability. 2.2 In the Indian context, the multiple indicator approach to monetary policy as well as prudent financial sector management have ensured financial stability. Even as the pace and intensity of financial system liberalisation gained momentum through the development of financial markets, financial institutions and financial infrastructure, the broader underpinnings of financial stability were not lost sight of. This was made possible on account of the synergies between the twin roles of the Reserve Bank as the

monetary authority as well as the regulator of banks, financial institutions, NBFCs and key financial markets. 2.3 The first section of this chapter presents the measures taken by the Reserve Bank prior to the onset of the recent global crisis which were instrumental in ensuring maintenance of financial stability in the country even amidst the unprecedented global turmoil. The next section outlines the slew of monetary, regulatory and fiscal measures undertaken in India to ensure continuing financial stability even as the contagion from the crisis spread geographically across countries and between the real and financial sectors. These early measures helped restore confidence in the financial system and limited the impact of the turmoil on domestic growth. Measures initiated prior to 2008 2.4 The prudential policy framework in India for institutions and markets has evolved over the years. The unconventional measures taken in response to emerging risks are now widely acknowledged to have played a significant role in protecting the Indian financial system from key vulnerabilities. 2.5 Financial stability is not an explicitly stated objective under the Reserve Banks statute, the RBI Act, 1934. However, the Reserve Bank has undertaken various measures to strengthen financial stability in the system particularly since the liberalisation of the economy and the introduction of the financial sector reforms in 1991. A number of measures based on the principles that are now accepted internationally, had already been introduced in India, well before the crisis. 2.6 Some of these measures, which traverse a wide arena, viz., monetary policy implementation, management of the capital account, the regulatory infrastructure and management of systemic interconnectedness, the prudential framework and initiatives for improving the financial market infrastructure, are outlined below. Monetary Measures 2.7 In contrast to the minimalist formula of single objective, single instrument adopted by some countries, the conduct of monetary policy by the Reserve Bank has been guided by multiple objectives and multiple instruments. In general, the three main objectives have been price stability, growth and financial stability, with the inter se priority among the objectives shifting from time to time, depending on the macroeconomic circumstances. The utility of a broad based approach to monetary policy, augmented by forward looking indicators, has been immense, especially in uncertain economic environments. Monitoring a number of macroeconomic indicators in the conduct of monetary policy has aided the Reserve Bank in interpreting asset market developments and in general, shaping economic and financial policy over the years. This has been further facilitated by the setting up of a Technical Advisory Committee on Monetary Policy to strengthen the consultative process in monetary policy making. Management of the capital account 2.8 Liberalisation of the capital account in India has followed a well-defined and calibrated approach. This has been accompanied by active management of the capital account, especially during the large capital flows in the last few years. The liquidity implications of measured interventions in the foreign exchange market were managed through the judicious use of the cash reserve ratio (CRR) and the market stabilisation scheme (MSS)1 . Management of the capital account has been buttressed through the imposition of prudential safeguards in respect of access of foreign entities to the domestic debt markets and on foreign exchange borrowings by domestic corporates. 2.9 A cap on the amounts that can be invested by FIIs in Indias government and corporate bond markets (currently USD 5 billion and USD 15 billion respectively) and the policy frameworks for nonresident deposits and ECB are important instruments for capital account management. Compliance with international standards 2.10 From the outset, India has resolved to attain standards of international best practice in the financial sector, but the endeavour has been to fine tune the process keeping in view underlying structural,

institutional and operational considerations. Recognising the pitfalls of a broad brush approach to the regulation of the banking sector, the hallmark of which is its heterogeneity, a multi-pronged strategy has been adopted by the Reserve Bank. For example, a three-track approach, prescribing varying levels of stringency of capital adequacy norms for commercial banks, co-operative banks and Regional Rural Banks has been adopted. Regulatory infrastructure and systemic interconnectedness 2.11 One reason for India being relatively unaffected by the global financial crisis has been its well developed regulatory and financial infrastructure. The legal underpinnings of the various regulatory institutions in the country are well defined. The heterogeneous nature of the financial system is also well recognised. 2.12 In the Indian context, what has provided a systemic advantage and a sound model for financial stability is that the Reserve Bank, besides being the regulator for banks as well as non-banking finance companies, is also vested with the regulation of key financial markets, viz., money market, government securities market, foreign exchange market and credit market, in which banks are the dominant players. Hence, the channels of interconnectedness between banks and other financial sector entities are within the regulatory perimeter of the Reserve Bank. 2.13 Towards ensuring a coordinated approach to the supervision of the financial system, a High Level Coordination Committee on Financial Markets (HLCCFM) has been functional since 1992 with the Governor of the Reserve Bank as Chairman, the Finance Secretary, Government of India and the heads of other regulatory authorities like the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI), the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (IRDA) and the Pension Funds Regulatory and Development Authority (PFRDA) as members. There are separate sub-committees under the HLCCFM with specific focus on entities regulated by the Reserve Bank, SEBI and IRDA. The Sub-Committee on RBI Regulated Entities has been specifically mandated to undertake the monitoring of financial conglomerates. Other than the above sub-committees, there is an RBI-SEBI Technical Committee to harmonise banking regulation and capital market regulations. 2.14 Two separate Committees of the Reserve Banks Central Board, viz., the Board for Financial Supervision (BFS) and the Board for Payment and Settlement Systems (BPSS), are responsible for focused regulation and supervision of financial institutions regulated by the Reserve Bank and the payment and settlement infrastructure, respectively. Prudential framework 2.15 From a systemic perspective, the Reserve Bank has been implementing various macro and microprudential measures to address banking system risks. In the case of systemically important nondeposit taking NBFCs (NBFCs-ND-SI), a gradually calibrated regulatory framework in the form of capital requirements, exposure norms, liquidity management, asset liability management and reporting requirements has been extended, which has limited their capacity to leverage and space for regulatory arbitrage. Exposure norms 2.16 As a prudential measure aimed at better risk management and avoidance of concentration of credit risks, the Reserve Bank has fixed limits on bank exposure to the capital market as well as to individual and group borrowers with reference to a banks capital. Limits on inter-bank exposures have also been placed (Table 2.1). Banks are further encouraged to place internal caps on their sectoral exposures, their exposure to commercial real estate and to unsecured exposures. These exposures are closely monitored by the Reserve Bank. Caps on banks investments in non-SLR securities and prohibitions on investment in unrated non-SLR securities have been imposed with a view to limit exposure to such securities which carry higher risk. Systemic interconnectedness has been addressed by introducing prudential norms on banks exposures to NBFCs and to related entities. Restriction on bank financing to NBFCs for certain purposes including financing against the collateral of shares or for onlending to capital market

intermediaries are designed to prevent circumvention or undermining of regulatory intent in banks financing activities. Counter cyclical measures 2.17 During the expansionary phase since 2004, the Reserve Bank has been taking various measures to counter procyclical trends. The adverse impact of high credit growth in some sectors and asset price fluctuations on banks balance sheets at various points in time were contained through pre-emptive counter-cyclical provisioning and differentiated risk weights for certain sensitive sectors. Some of these measures were relaxed in the wake of the global crisis as a counter-cyclical measure. In the light of subsequent large increase in the credit to the commercial real estate sector and the extent of restructured advances in this sector, the provisioning requirement for the sector was increased. As a move towards counter-cyclical provisioning, banks have been advised to augment their provisioning coverage to a minimum of 70 per cent by end September 2010 (Box 2.1). Liquidity Management 2.18 The requirement of a statutory liquidity ratio (SLR) for banks acts as a buffer for both liquidity and solvency of banks. Asset liability management stipulations for management of liquidity risks have been put in place. The stipulations have been improved in recent years to ensure more granular monitoring of liquidity risk. Also, liquidity ratios focusing on funding and market liquidity are monitored on an ongoing basis.

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