Pro Academy Sessions
Pro Academy Sessions
Pro Academy Sessions
Fulham FC Academy
Dear Coach, This book of coaching drills has been produced as a useful reference tool for you to browse through and remind yourself of different drills, as well as provide variations on ideas you might implement with your players. Many of these drills you may have seen and used before, others may be new to you, they have been collated from my playing and coaching experiences as well as those of the many experienced and talented coaches who I have had the pleasure to work with over the past five years. You will notice I have not placed age or skill guidelines on any of the drills; this is because I believe sometimes a playful game can lighten the load of an experienced team and a tactical drill can be introduced to challenge a team of any level. It is our job as coaches to determine what drill suits our players at any given moment and which sessions will work to bring the best out of the players we work with. Of course anyone can be a drill instructor, but your personality, enthusiasm and delivery of each drill to the players makes you unique as a coach. Never be afraid to adapt or change ideas or sessions to your own style of practise. What works for one coach may not work for the rest of us. By imparting your knowledge of the game to the players these become more than just drills. This is by no means a definitive guide to coaching success nor is it created to challenge you as a coach to understand concepts of the game - it is here for refreshment of ideas when your mind goes blank. The progression and key factors will hopefully help the less experienced coaches extend their players further but above all it is for all coaches to review and enjoy. Good luck for all your coaching endeavours, Best Wishes, Robert Gale C.E.O. Score UK Soccer
Fulham FC Academy
Warm Ups
The Importance of Warming Up
All athletes need to warm up before participating in practices and games Warm ups can be fun They should always be progressive They can be done with or without the ball
Light exercises that increase blood supply to the muscles Approximately 5-8 minutes Then introduce some stretching larger muscles first Hold each stretch for 10-15 secs. then progress to Phase Two
Increase tempo of the exercises introduce turns, jumps a variety of aerobic movements involving the joints Introduce stretches for 15-20 secs. for each muscle 3rd Phase of a warm up Move into more explosive activities increase space and distance for activities Introduce the theme of your coaching session to the warm up in basic form Stretches to finish should last 20 25 secs.
Players should have stretched lower and upper body fully after warm up The warm up should last at least 30 minutes to get the athletes ready The stretches allow players recovery time to regulate their breathing Allow the players to hydrate with fluids this will maintain their efficiency levels
Fulham FC Academy
Jog forward diagonally and zig zags all the way through markers to the end
2nd Exercise
Side step right around 1st marker then left around next etc. all the way to the end
3rd Exercise
Fulham FC Academy
4th Exercise
Start facing outwards high knees over all markers side ways on on the way back facing markers just covered side step over and in between markers back to start
Run forward to 1st cone side -steps to cone on same side back pedals to parallel cone behind side steps to next cone on that side, then repeats sequence all the way through cones.
2nd Exercise
2 players at a time start on opposite sides, players run diagonally forward and zig zag all the way until the end, competitive, fun race and players have to avoid colliding.
Fulham FC Academy
3rd Exercise
Two players again on opposite sides run straight forward jump and bounce off chests back pedal to same marker, then side-step to next marker run forward meet chests etc.
4th Exercise
Players perform 2nd Exercise again but as they cross paths now they use each other to spin off using their upper body twist and keep running meet in centre each time
For all combinations of footwork drills players should lightly jog back after each completion size of group ensures recovery period for each player will be sufficient intersperse stretches as a group. Earliest Exercises should be lighter speeds with emphasis on small steps rather than dynamic Running. Increase tempo in latter stages and feel free to introduce a ball for all accommodating exercises.
Click here to see DVDs that will show you the best conditioning drills, exercises and small-sided games.
Fulham FC Academy
Players are paired up and numbered, players face each other, sitting down toe to toe. Players should spread their legs as wide as possible and just be able to touch toes with players sitting next to them. When players number is called they race against partner in and out of everyones legs up around top marker down side of opposing team and around bottom marker before stepping back in and out teams legs until they sit back in position. First player sitting down gets a point for their team. After a while call more than one number at a time and team with most points wins.
Galey Says
Dribbling Techniques, turns, Juggling working from feet to head, flicking the ball up skills. Coach should have a ball and demonstrate as much as possible it helps to get players caught out
20 Yards
Coach ( C ) stands 15 yards away from players who are standing side by side in pairs facing the coach. When coach shouts go number ones have to perform five of a set exercise then sprint to the coach. Coach has hands out beside them and player who slaps coaches hand first scores a point for their team. Work through each pairing for each exercise. Players should jog lightly back to end of line after each round, the team with the most points wins .
Exercises to Use
* Press Ups Push Ups * Burpees * Knee tucks to chest * Sit Ups * Bear Crawls * Headers * Star Jumps Jumping Jacks * Crab walks * Forward Rolls * Squat thrusts
20 Yard
All players have a ball in 20 x 20 yard grid Players are instructed to do skills by coach i.e. Coach Galey. If the coach says Galey says then the players have to do it if coach does not say Galey says first then players should not perform the skill if they do give light fun punishment juggles toe taps Australian push-ups etc.
Fulham FC Academy
Partner up players. One player stands just inside the circle the other just behind them with a ball. xs have to pick os up in piggy-back position. When coach shouts go the player jump off back dribble ball clockwise around the outside of the circle and then control ball before jumping back on partners back shouting Yeeha Grandma. Last player on partners back has to do fun task Rotate so partners play and then make each round more complicated i.e. players jump off then crawl through partners legs then dribble or players jump off leap frog then crawl through legs then dribble and then make them repeat task after the dribble for added madness.
Players are paired up and spread themselves across a 40x40 yard area. Players lay next to their partners flat on their stomachs One pairing start the game as a chaser X and they chase their partner O O has to avoid being tagged by X they can lay down next to any player on the field whoever they lay next to that persons partner is now being chased by X and they have to jump up quick avoid being tagged and run to lay next to a new person the drill continues. If O gets tagged they become the new chaser and try to get the person who tagged them until they lay down and pass on the chase
Soccer Conditioning
Condition your teams with Global Training and integrate TECHNICAL & TACTICAL elements into your conditioning sessions like Gus Hiddink did with Russia and Jose Mourinho has pioneered over the years. Forget about conditioning your players with shuttles and sprints...that is old hat.
Fulham FC Academy
Chip Pass
Use knuckle of the big toe Non-kicking foot slightly behind the ball Approach from an angle Lean back into the strike Strike through bottom half of the ball Scuff the ground Bring knee up
Use knuckle of the big toe/laces Non-kicking foot slightly behind the ball Approach from an angle Lean back into the strike Strike through bottom half of the ball Follow through with toe pointing towards target Land on striking foot
Driven Pass
Use laces instep Non-kicking foot beside the ball Approach from a slight angle Lean into the strike
Curling the ball Body Shape when receiving the ball and control Possession Movement off the ball Decision making when to pass what pass to use Productive passing hurt the opposition the split pass
Limit players to two touches Reverse direction of passing Limit to one touch if of a high standard
Key Factors
Timing and weight of pass Verbal and Physical Communication when to pass and where Body shape Open up to play next pass early Sharp runs to keep drill at fast pace
Fulham FC Academy
Move to induce pass
Limit players touches condition touches to one with each foot forquicker play reverse passing direction
Key Factors
no passes diagonally Timing and weight of pass Verbal and Physical Communication when to pass Body shape Open up to play next pass Sharp early runs to keep drill at fast pace
Keep Ball 3 v 1
10 x 10 yard grids Three players in corners -1 defender D in middle D holds pinny/bib Xs pass and move as above trying to keep ball If D wins ball losing X goes in middle
Make defender passive if struggling then active Award a point for ten consecutive passes D stays in twice for a nutmeg limit Xs touches 2 touch then 1
Key Factors
Movement off the ball Quality of passing Communication Decision making A/ Draw the defender then play pass B/ Keep ball moving dont over play or be flash
Keep Ball 5 v 2
Limit Xs touches passive then active Ds reward 10 passes reward split passes
Key Factors
Use and range of passes bigger area switch play Switch quickly from defender to attacker Look to split defenders-play between players Communication is KEY
Fulham FC Academy
Allow Ds in middle to try and intercept Limit Xs touches Xs that lose possession then become Ds switched pass =1 point allow two defenders to challenge Xs in end zone
Key Factors
Quick passing to get five passes Set up the switch pass movement off the ballgood support angles good 1st touch on the switched pass reception communication
Condition 1st touches Condition driven pass to certain target heights Challenge players by merging groups so players can pass to any x1 , x2 or x3 reduce number of balls and add defenders
Key Factors
short , short long sequence make angled passes to set switch pass when merged communicate early and loud between all groups drive dont chip longer pass One touch if possible
Reward ten consecutive passes Limit players touches Bring in a neutral target player reward a point if they find target player with the ball whilst in possession
Key Factors
Communication between two teams in possession Win ball back and switch from defensive mindset early use the space draw the player then switch play Move off the ball Be calm with ball
Fulham FC Academy
4 corners game
40 Yards
no goalkeepers play two or three touch reward bonus goal if they attack and score in opposite corners in the same move introduce goalkeepers
Key Factors
no passes diagonally Timing and weight of pass Verbal and Physical Communication when to pass Body shape Open up to play next pass Sharp early runs to keep drill at fast pace
40 Yard s
X1 passes to X2 through 2ft gate in between players X2 controls ball and passes back through gate to X1 Players count how many passes go through gate success fully in time limit
Condition passing foot Players have to control with left and play with right vice versa Reduce time Increase Distance If players miss gate there score returns to zero keep count
Key Factors
Technique as above Try to be quick but maintain accuracy Help partner with straight passes Be on your toes and meet the ball
Limit Xs touches passive then active Ds reward 10 passes reward split passes
Key Factors
Use and range of passes bigger area switch play Switch quickly from defender to attacker Look to split defenders-play between players Communication is KEY
Fulham FC Academy
Players then use inside of the foot and take ball across the body use disguise before making move and playing back to partner place time limit on players count how many they can
Key Factors
Use markers as a defender take ball out of feet and make crisp pass back throw a dummy/ disguise movement Quick change of feet to make quicker return pass look up before passing
x1 and x2 face each other x1 has a ball x3 and x4 face each other x4 has a ball x1 and x4 pass to the middle x2 and x3 return pass spin and face other end player repeat
all players to be middle players and end players Limit time Condition playing foot Throw balls in and get volleys back
Key Factors
Accuracy to maintain speed of drill communicate when you want the pass Central players use each other as defenders roll or spin each other Up on toes lock ankle square
condition passing feet When ball comes out to T play back across to another T in the air who controls and plays back into X Make T play control pass in one touch
Key Factors
Quality of pass accuracy and weight Support positions Body Positions Movement of players angles distance Communication of all players
Fulham FC Academy
Progress to chipped balls in to X3 from X2 and to X4 from X1 Condition passing feet and controlling touch on aerial balls to 2 or 1 touch depending on ability
Key Factors
Quality of pass accuracy and weight First touch open up to play next pass Movement of X3 away to receive create space Quality of set up timing, angles , communication
condition passing feet and number of touches Introduce lofted passes for longer passes Increase space and distance if you want
Key Factors
Quality of pass accuracy and weight Create Space long/short open up for passes Timing and angle of movement by middle players
Repeat from both ends of the area increase distance for longer passing and aerial balls can
Key Factors
All same points a s above Timing and direction of X4s spin out Concentrate on quality of set up angles of support and communication are vital
Fulham FC Academy
Repeat from both ends of the area Rotate all players in each of these drills
Key Factors
Quality of passes and setup accuracy and weight Create Space Movement by X4 sideways on observe Support position of X3 Quality /selection of 1st touch
Learn How the Dutch Create Some of the Best Players in the World
Fulham FC Academy
Session Topics - Attacking, Shooting, Finishing, Technical
Shooting/Attacking Play
Non- Kicking foot beside the ball Strike ball on the laces Knee over the ball Shoulder over the ball Head over the ball Keep the head steady Point your toe where you want the ball to go
Striking a moving ball Approaching the ball from an angle Aiming across the goal to the far post Correct body shape to strike Sweeping the ball into the goal Accuracy before power Strike at earliest opportunity
Finishing Decision making type of finish side foot, lob, power strike, beat the keeper One on Ones
Attacking Play
Combinations Attacking runs key areas Working in pairs roles of each attacker Movement off the ball Creating Space Greediness the hunger to score a goal Using your body pinning defenders Taking players on
Fulham FC Academy
X1 stands x2 kneels only 3 ft away X2 rolls ball to X1 X1 strikes ball back to x2 who stops and rolls quickly to X1s opposite foot Try to work partner hard and fast
X1 and x2 reverse roles Limit time and count number of strikes Compare scores on each foot try to better each time Increase distance between players to 5 ft
Key Factors
Up on your toes and quick steps between strikes Knee over the ball Toe pointed down Strike on the laces Follow through to target Accuracy before power
Players roll ball to the side and try to strike to opposite corner of goal Limit to two touches Alternate feet X1s roll ball for X2s to hit back at them swap
Key Factors
Knee, shoulder, head over the ball. Non kicking foot beside the ball. Approach from an angle Shoot low and to the corners Look at goalkeepers positioning before you shoot
2 v 2 Shooting Instructions
X1 rolls ball to the side and shoots at opposite end goal O1 and o2 try to save not using hands and then shoot back at Xs goal First team to five goals wins
Limit to two touches per player Partners must play one two before shooting limit to three touches per team with the set-up Allow goalkeepers to use hands and increase distance and goal size
Key Factors
Quality of techniquetest the goalkeepers Work on angles for layoffs in the one-two Work as a team, catch opponents off guard with quick returns Keep accuracy as power increases
Fulham FC Academy
X1 and O1 dribble ball to centre square Players use move and take ball to the right Players shoot and try to beat goalkeepers Players join end of opposing teams line
Players use new fake/move each go Make players take ball to left as well as right Bring in passive or active defenders Play ball in from opposite corner then Players attack the goals
Key Factors
Concentrate on the shot after the move Keep head up and decide early what you will do Attack with pace and purpose Work on both feet and taking the ball both ways past the defenders
Four lines of players with equal numbers X1s pass ball to 01s who shoot first time at the goal Players swap lines X2s then serve to O2 who shoots and drill continues in sequence
make players swap sides Players throw balls in for volleys Players chip ball in for partners to control and shoot Bring in a goalkeeper and /or passive defenders
Key Factors
quality of service into strikers angle of approach to the ball aim for opposite corners follow through and react for rebounds look at GKs positioning
Players swap sides Players throw balls in for volleys then chip ball in to control and shoot Vary servers position put them wider for full on crosses Bring in a GK and / or defenders
Key Factors
Serves or crosses must be at good pace to hit Make an early decision on the strike depending on the service Control out of feet to set upstrike Shoot low and across thgoalkeeper
Fulham FC Academy
Every player to play in each position Strikers to shoot with nearest foot Condition strikers to use furthest foot and allow ball to come across the body Make servers throw-in balls * add a goalkeeper
Key Factors
Strike with laces - watch ball onto foot Curve approach Angle yourself to goal sweep ball into net Quick feet adjust to flight of serve Aim across the goal Look at goalkeepers positioning
Two goals positioned forty yards apart S1 dribbles forward passes square for d who supports and shoots first time swap ends and positions S2 then serves for a S3 for c S4 for b and repeat
Players change from servers to strikers Widen or lengthen grid to stretch players more Bring in goalkeepers Time/touch conditions on goals
Key Factors
Keep drill at fast pace Time and angle of strikers run Good body shape to shoot Quality and varied services Key areas to shoot Communication between servers and shooters
40 Yard
Fulham FC Academy
Session Topics - Attacking, Dribbling, Technical, Running with the Ball, Moves, 1v1
Feeling comfortable using all parts of the feet/ keep your head up
Sole of the feet Laces Inside of the foot Outside of the foot Manipulate the ball to do what you want it to do Coerver Skills Dont look down at the ball know where it is by touch
Close control
Not too close to the body Ball always in stride length Shield ball from opponents
Use of moves Matthews, Maradonna, scissors, shuffle, Ronaldo etc. Time and space to use move Distance between you and defender Use of body to emphasise fake/dummy
Decision Making when and where to dribble Having an end product Shoot or Pass after the dribble Attacking Mentality take Players on
Fulham FC Academy
Dribbling Instructions
Players dribble in and around 20x 20 grid On go xs dribble through as many gates ^ ^ as they can until coach shouts stop
Limit time and try to beat last score xs have to stop ball between gate and change direction xs use gates as defenders and use fakes/moves to beat them
Key Factors
Keep head up Use different parts of the feet Quick change of direction Decision making if player is already at gate find another open quickly
20 Yard s
20 Yards
Award points for pass through each gate Minus a point if players hit markers on pass Limit time and try to beat previous score
Key Factors
Keep head up Use different parts of the feet Quick change of direction Decision making if player Is already at gate find another open quickly
20 Yard
20 Yards
players who get caught by police have to per form task - ten toe taps - ten juggles - five headers Condition dribbling skill Bring in fakes/ moves let players be police
Key Factors
keep head up find spaces change pace and direction with commands use skill to avoid police keep close control so you dont have to foil police use different parts of feet to dribble
Fulham FC Academy
20 Yards
Restrict time of play Condition dribbling skill Make players who are stuck perform a task before coming back into grid - ten toe taps - five juggles Award points for players who are not stuck at the end
Key Factors
Use different dribbling skills as you would in a game situation fetch ball quickly if out and get friends to unstick you avoid players kicking you out shield the ball only two players at a time kicking balls
Checkout these Books and DVDs that Focus on the Technical Side of the Game
20 Yard s
Ball Control
Fulham FC Academy
Ball Control
Be up on toes ready to control ball at all times Judge height and pace of ball and get into line to control Select controlling surface early Offer controlling surface Relax on controlling touch Be aware of position ready to make next move Take controlling surface away Make next play
Foot Control
Do not trap under the foot Use laces or inside of the foot Control in front away from the body ready to play Play with opposite foot to increase speed of play
Thigh Control
Make sure muscle is relaxed Stay in line with ball in case of miss-control Drop knee away to play from feet Try to control across your body and shield from opponent
Chest Control
Arms out for balance and protection Lean back then drop chest away on touch Control with muscle of chest Take ball across the body to opposite foot or thigh
Head Control
Take sting out of the ball Relax neck into shoulders Use forehead parallel to the ground Try to control into stride
Importance of the 1st touch Ball Juggling Volleying Decision-making: control is the means to an end - Dribble, Pass, Shoot
Fulham FC Academy
Ball Control
Feet Only
two thirds of all players on outside of circle one third inside Os run to player on outside who serves ball in the air for O to control with feet O controls passes back and then overlaps x and repeats
rotate all players condition first touches control with one foot play with the other players must volley 1st time back to outside control with one foot volley with the other add a defender
Key Factors
Quick runs in - slow down on arrival Be up on toes, adjust to height and weight of serve Relax on first touch Control out of your stride and play back quickly dont go round in a circle
Thigh Control
same format as above players must take controlling touch with thigh and play back to partners be fore overlapping and finding new server how many can player do in a minute?
rotate so all players go in middle condition controlling touches control with one thigh play with the opposite foot players must control with thigh then volley then back to the outside add a defender
Key Factors
offer thigh and as ball touches drop away to land ball at your feet try to control across your body to play earlier as body tires during the minute try to keep mind focused thigh muscle stays relaxed to control
Chest Control
rotate all players through condition passing/ volleying foot chest then head back to partners must attack ball at pace for this bring in a defender to put pressure on one of the tasks passive
Key Factors
all above points lean back and drop chest away as you control get arms out for balance and protection be aware of def. positioning and your own space to control the ball use your body to shield
Ball Control
Fulham FC Academy
Three players per 20 x 10 ft grids X1s have ball they serve ball into x2s feet on x2s shout X2 controls under slight pressure from X3 tries to get half turn and then plays back to X1 Repeat 10 times
rotate players control, serve and pressure condition first touch control with one foot play with the other vary height/pace of serve in after one round each get servers to play in from feet
Key Factors
Feet Only
Maximise your space to receive Create space away from defender and demand service with verbal or physical communication control sideways on keep your body between defender and the ball
condition players to controlling to side: - left thigh to right foot - left pectoral etc. variety of serves looped, flat hard, soft if players are of sufficient quality allow chipped services
Key Factors
players must get used to feeling defender and pushing away to get space to control stand sideways on if possible to role defender be aware of distance keep focus as legs and
all players to participate in each role five shot attempts each then bring in a GK allow server to receive passes back and play through balls for attackers join two groups together for 2v2
Key Factors
players practise same technique as above now with an end result composure in front of goal after control to beat defender pass back to server and spin defender communication when you want passes and where
Fulham FC Academy
Ball Control
coach calls numbers put into practise all for servers to play of the above skills ball in learned limit number choice of finish of touches for after control is vital attackers be aware of bring in passive surroundings GKs then active position, defenders defenders position your allow chipped space/time serves
Key Factors
Fulham FC Academy
Decision Making
All of these factors come into deciding whether or not to run with the ball Have you got space in front of your opponent to run at them Is there space beyond your opponent to run into How quickly do you need to cover the distance How much space is available To run as fast as they can with the ball players should use the instep or laces rather than the inside of the foot as this maintains your natural running stride pattern. Players should always be looking up and know their surroundings on the field but especially when running with the ball to avoid dangerous collisions.
Fulham FC Academy
Unopposed Practise
30 Yards
condition to left foot only, right, alternate, then laces only try to do in minimum of four maximum of six touches in each direction give time limits
Key Factors
Good 1st touch out of feet keep head up use laces/instep cover ground quickly and as straight as possible keep ball out of feet but still under control
30 Yard s
Competition Instructions
30 Yards
players leave ball at opposite end and stand on the other side on go players run to far end, turn with ball and run with it back to start stop ball on the line next time the coach kicks two balls out
players compete to run with ball back whoever stops ball on the line stays in if players dont get to ball first they must tackle dribble with one foot only limit number of touches allowed to complete a round
Key Factors
react to go quickly sprint to balls and be aware of opponents when turning and running back must stop ball on the line fair play should be encouraged under competition
30 Yard
Relays 1 Instructions
two equal teams split teams with have at each end First player begins by running with the ball down to the other line The first player there then dribbles back go until back in starting positions
race teams against each other use more teams if involving large numbers condition striking foot left, right, alternate
Key Factors
40 Yards
Good 1st touch out of feet keep head up use laces/instep cover ground quickly and straight must take inimum of three touches must maintain control technical skills as above
40 Yard
Fulham FC Academy
Relays 2 Instructions
4 teams with players numbered Each number 1 has a ball and stands with #5 in first corner of half field 1 runs ball to 2 2 to 3 and so on repeat until back to starting positions
1st team back in starting positions wins repeat race with conditions for each leg i.e. 1st leg of the race left foot only teams should where different colour bibs
Key Factors
technical skills as above do not run onto the field - no cutting corners minimum of four touches between corners do not kick any other teams ball #5 must stop ball in corner
condition to left foot only, right, alternate, then laces only try to do in minimum of four maximum of six touches in each direction limit time to complete
Key Factors
take a good 1st touch out of feet keep head up use laces/instep cover ground quickly an as straight as possible look up and make quality pass to next player dont panic with defender
40 Yard
Run with the Ball Away from Defender Instructions Progression Key Factors
same as above but now with defender once runner takes 1st touch then defender tries to put pressure on that player and challenge for ball award points for defenders if they clear ball out of grids condition to left foot only, right, alternate, then laces only try to do in minimum of four maximum of six touches in each direction limit time to complete
take a good 1st touch out of feet keep head up use laces/instep cover ground quickly and as straight as possible look up and make quality pass to next player dont panic with defender
40 Yard
Fulham FC Academy
players should alternate from crosser to finisher use left and right sides for running and crossing introduce defenders for each players as in drill two increase supporting runners to two add in a goalkeeper
Key Factors
delivering a good cross after their hard work focus on running with the ball style rather than finishing or support runs players should be looking at support runners position as they attack flanks look up before cross
40 Yard s
Competition Instructions
4v4 6v6 or 8v8 normal scrimmage with wide zones where players can not be challenged
introduce thirds of the field if necessary and make players advance only by running with the ball take away zones and neutral wide areas
Key Factors
players should make use of wide zones to run into space and hurt opposition when games are introduced players should be reminded of the need to still be technically sound
Fulham FC Academy
Running with the Ball is something many players will do in a game and is not to be confused with dribbling a ball there are certain key differences between the two skills and when coaching players these differences need to be highlighted. Some of the Key Factors when running with the ball are: Be up on toes ready for header Judge height and pace of ball Move into line with ball Try to head at highest point Use arms to protect yourself Use the Forehead Keep eyes open and mouth shut Direct header to target
Topics to Cover
Defending Heading Attacking Heading Challenging for headers Directional Heading Finishing Headers from crosses Decision Making when to challenge which header to use
Fulham FC Academy
If players head when coach shouts head or catch when coach shouts catch they sit down Last player standing wins Speed up throws do same player two or three times in a row Delay the calls
Key Factors
All about quick reactions Make sure players dont cheat pretending they did not hear properly keep throws and calls the same for everybody make it harder in later stages of the game
5 Feet
3 Feet
Eye on the ball Be aware of X2 Attack at pace and jump on one foot use arms to protect and spring your self try to get over X2 fairly using your body Concentrate on getting a good header back to X1
Relays 1 Instructions
Exactly the same format as above and same principles Now X3 tries to get in front of X2 and head back to X1 Repeat ten times and rotate positions
X2 passive at first X2 should become increasingly more active until fully challenging for the ball Vary height, speed, distance of serve as above
Key Factors
5 Feet
3 Feet
As above with X3 now attacking the ball as late as possible to surprise X2 and get in front time the run header must be quality after working hard to get there use arms for protection
Fulham FC Academy
Relays 2 Instructions
Same format as in the last two drills Serves slightly to the side of X2 X3 comes in from the side and is then pressured side by side with X2 to get the header back to X1 ten times and rotate
With all these drills try to build up to realistic game situations Full throws in set piece deliveries etc. can all be introduced once timing and technique are at sufficient skill levels
Key Factors
All points as above Players must want to win the header and display courage to win the ball timing the challenge and using your arms and upper body to protect yourself are paramount to success
5 Feet
3 Feet
Fulham FC Academy
Session Topics - Attacking, Technical, Heading, Ball Winning
Deny time and space for opponents Pressure first touch Close down space quickly Jockey opponents Force player wide away from goal Tackle opponent correctly Start the attack
Topics to Cover
Role of first defender Role of Covering Defender Role of the Balance Defender Defending as a Unit Defending from the front Tackling The Slide Tackle Defensive Heading Playing in a back four Playing in a back three
Decision Making
When to mark when to drop off Showing a player inside outside When to commit to a challenge Playing the offside trap
Fulham FC Academy
Defenders have to stop ball going through the goals without using their hands increase or decrease the goal size if necessary outside players two touches only rotate defenders every three minutes
Key Factors
technical skills as above do not run onto the field - no cutting corners minimum of four touches between corners do not kick any other teams ball #5 must stop ball in corner
Decision Making
rotate positions after five attempts introduce a small goal for D to defend against increase goal size and add a Goalkeeper limit attackers time to score
Key Factors
Decision Making can defender win the ball off of X1s first touch? - if not how close to defend-cover? Stay on your feet dont dive in keep play in front of you make attackers play predictable
No other player except for the one with the ball may go into end zones GKs must start every attack allow the sweeper to advance if they win the ball back in the later stages of this game
Key Factors
mark man to man be tight sweeper should be mirroring the play in front of them and ready for the break at all times GK and sweeper should be talking to the players in front of them
Fulham FC Academy
quick sharp running to close down curve your run to the marker appropriately form good, angled, low positions when you reach the markers react quickly to each command and return fast
Communicating/Team Shape
Players take over the shouting bring in rest of defensive players add commands like down where they drop to the floor or head where all players jump for a header etc.
Key Factors
Establish commands that all the team recognises and can follow find out who is the best communicator players must react quickly and get iinto good positions defence must work together as a unit
change the flags positions get a defender to shout the colour of flag where the ball is supposed to be introduce your midfield ahead of the defenders
Key Factors
Team Shape
players must react to the call quickly and get in position make sure correct balance and cover is there at all times all players should be communicating as they play and should be telling each other where to be
Fulham FC Academy
attackers do not come forward at first - rotate every position once communication and closing down is fluid add a goal behind defenders and let attackers move freely
Key Factors
All defenders talk constantly nearest player pressures the ball other defenders provide balance and cover do not tackle just keep play in front of you and as predictable as you can
30 Yard s
20 Yards
condition the game as you need to encourage winning the ball high up the field and restrict the attacking team playing out - limit players touches or condition defendingteam to making at least five passes
Key Factors
anticipate the short throw out from the GK split the defenders give the keeper a dilemma close down the receiving player quickly and force into playing where you want them too