TNet Drive
TNet Drive
TNet Drive
TNetDrive is a non-visual component that connects a network path to a drive name. It is ideal if you write a program for users in a LAN you do not want to have full write access to a certain network path, but they do have to write there sometimes. Simply place it on your Delphi form, and, if you want to grant access, just use the function. NetDrive1.Connect(<network path>,<user name>,<password>) and get back the letter for the new drive. Make your actions using this drive, and the use NetDrive1.Disconnect. Your user will not even see whats happening (if an Explorer is visible at the same time, he might see a new drive flashing up and disappear again). Attached to TNetDrive are two events called OnConnect and OnDisconnect. The meaning should be clear. Well, thats all, and heres the source code:
unit NetDrive; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs; type TNetDrive = class(TComponent) constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; private FErrorString: string; FDrive: string; FOnDisconnect: TNotifyEvent; FOnConnect: TNotifyEvent; procedure SetOnConnect(const Value: TNotifyEvent); procedure SetOnDisconnect(const Value: TNotifyEvent); function FreeDriveName:string; function DriveExists(ADrive:string):boolean; procedure Delay(Ams:integer); protected public function Connect(AResource,AUser,APassword:string):string; function Disconnect:boolean; property Drive:string read FDrive; property ErrorString:string read FErrorString; published property OnConnect:TNotifyEvent read FOnConnect write SetOnConnect; property OnDisconnect:TNotifyEvent read FOnDisconnect write SetOnDisconnect; end; procedure Register; implementation uses FileCtrl; procedure Register; begin RegisterComponents('MyOwn', [TNetDrive]); end; { TNetDrive } function TNetDrive.Connect(AResource, AUser, APassword: string): string; var
n : NETRESOURCE; i : integer; begin FDrive:=''; n.dwScope:=RESOURCE_GLOBALNET; n.dwType:=RESOURCETYPE_DISK; n.dwDisplayType:=RESOURCEDISPLAYTYPE_GENERIC; n.dwUsage:=RESOURCEUSAGE_CONNECTABLE; n.lpLocalName:=PChar(FreeDriveName); n.lpRemoteName:=PChar(AResource); n.lpComment:=''; n.lpProvider:=''; i:=WNetAddConnection2(n,PChar(APassword),PChar(AUser),0); case i of NO_ERROR : begin delay(500); FDrive:=n.lpLocalName; repeat until DriveExists(FDrive); end; ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED : ShowMessage('Access to the network resource was denied.'); ERROR_ALREADY_ASSIGNED : ShowMessage('The local device specified by lpLocalName is already connected to a network resource.'); ERROR_BAD_DEV_TYPE : ShowMessage('The type of local device and the type of network resource do not match.'); ERROR_BAD_DEVICE : ShowMessage('The value specified by lpLocalName is invalid.'); ERROR_BAD_NET_NAME : ShowMessage('The value specified by lpRemoteName is not acceptable to any network resource provider. The resource name is invalid, or the named resource cannot be located.'); ERROR_BAD_PROFILE : ShowMessage('The user profile is in an incorrect format.'); ERROR_BAD_PROVIDER : ShowMessage('The value specified by lpProvider does not match any provider.'); ERROR_BUSY : ShowMessage('The router or provider is busy, possibly initializing. The caller should retry.'); ERROR_CANCELLED : ShowMessage('The attempt to make the connection was cancelled by the user through a dialog box from one of the network resource providers, or by a called resource.'); ERROR_CANNOT_OPEN_PROFILE : ShowMessage('The system is unable to open the user profile to process persistent connections.'); ERROR_DEVICE_ALREADY_REMEMBERED : ShowMessage('An entry for the device specified in lpLocalName is already in the user profile.'); ERROR_EXTENDED_ERROR : ShowMessage('A network-specific error occured. Call the WNetGetLastError function to get a description of the error.'); ERROR_INVALID_PASSWORD : ShowMessage('The specified password is invalid.'); ERROR_NO_NET_OR_BAD_PATH : ShowMessage('A network component has not started, or the specified name could not be handled.'); ERROR_NO_NETWORK : ShowMessage('There is no network present.'); else ShowMessage('An unknown error has occured attempting to connect to '+AResource+'.'); end; if Assigned(FOnConnect) then FOnConnect(self); Result:=FDrive; end; constructor TNetDrive.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); FErrorString:=''; FDrive:=''; FOnDisconnect:=nil; FOnConnect:=nil; end; procedure TNetDrive.Delay(Ams: integer); var h,m,s,ms : word;
dt : TDateTime; begin DecodeTime(Time,h,m,s,ms); ms:=ms+Ams; while ms>999 do begin inc(s,1); dec(ms,1000); end; while s>59 do begin inc(m,1); dec(s,60); end; while m>59 do begin inc(h,1); dec(m,60); end; dt:=EncodeTime(h,m,s,ms); repeat until Time>dt; end; destructor TNetDrive.Destroy; begin inherited Destroy; end; function TNetDrive.Disconnect: boolean; begin result:=false; if FDrive<>'' then begin case WNetCancelConnection2(PChar(FDrive),0,true) of NO_ERROR : begin FDrive:=''; Result:=true; end; ERROR_BAD_PROFILE : ShowMessage('The user profile is in an incorrect format.'); ERROR_CANNOT_OPEN_PROFILE : ShowMessage('The system is unable to open the user profile to process persistent connections.'); ERROR_DEVICE_IN_USE : ShowMessage('The device is in use by an active process and cannot be disconnected.'); ERROR_EXTENDED_ERROR : ShowMessage('A network-specific error occurred. To get a description of the error, use the WNetGetLastError function.'); ERROR_NOT_CONNECTED : ShowMessage('The name specified by the lpName parameter is not a redirected device, or the system is not currently connected to the device specified by the parameter.'); ERROR_OPEN_FILES : ShowMessage('There are open files, and the fForce parameter is FALSE.'); end; if Assigned(FOnDisconnect) then FOnDisconnect(self); end; end; function TNetDrive.DriveExists(ADrive: string): boolean; var buf : string; begin GetDir(0,buf); {$I-} ChDir(ADrive); {$I+} Result:=(IOResult=0); ChDir(buf); end;
function TNetDrive.FreeDriveName: string; var l : TStringList; d : TDriveComboBox; t : char; i : integer; begin l:=TStringList.Create; d:=TDriveComboBox.Create(self); d.Parent:=Application.MainForm; d.Visible:=false; l.Assign(d.Items); d.Free; for i:=0 to l.Count-1 do l[i]:=copy(l[i],1,1); t:='d'; result:=''; while (t<='z') and (result='') do if l.IndexOf(t)=-1 then result:=t else inc(t); l.Free; if result<>'' then result:=result+':'; end; procedure TNetDrive.SetOnConnect(const Value: TNotifyEvent); begin FOnConnect := Value; end; procedure TNetDrive.SetOnDisconnect(const Value: TNotifyEvent); begin FOnDisconnect := Value; end; end.