Ac Ademy of Man Agem Ent & S C Ienc E: Why SAP Training at AMS?
Ac Ademy of Man Agem Ent & S C Ienc E: Why SAP Training at AMS?
Ac Ademy of Man Agem Ent & S C Ienc E: Why SAP Training at AMS?
BONUS: a presentation on "SAP Project Implementation Stages Roadmaps" for first batch of FI students.
Contents Define Number Range for Customer Accounts Group Define Number Range for Invoice Entries Define Number Range for Automatic Payment Program Define Number Range for Customer Invoices Define Number Range for Recurring payments A/R & AP) Define Number Range for Sample Documents Define Number Range for Cash Journal documents Discussions on: Tolerance Groups/ Ranges Define Tolerance Group for G/L Account Define Tolerance Group for Employees Assign Users to different Tolerance Groups Define Tolerance Groups for Customers/ Vendors Importance of defining R/E before G/L Accounts Define Retained Earnings (R/E) Create G/L Accounts of different Accounts Groups Blocking / Unblocking G/L Accounts Display details in G/L Accounts
Contents What is Dunning? Basic Settings for Dunning Run a Dunning Program Discussions on: Recurring Documents Create Recurring Documents Posting Recurring Documents Display Recurring Documents Create Cash Journals Designing a sample report using SAP Query Practicing similar reports Understanding of BEX Query Designer and its application Introduction of Financial Statements using FSV Tools Execute a Balance Sheet (RFBILA00) Summarization of Lessons Learned Briefing on Next Step Wrap-up SAP FI Course Module
Note: 3 Hours Presentations on SAP Project Implantations stages will cover: a) SAP Project Preparations b) Business Blue Print c) Realization or Functional Development d) Final Preparations e) Go Live f) Post go live issues Certificates will be awarded to participants at the end of each course
Course name: SAP CO (Controlling) Module Duration: 60 Hours Special Features: Class rooms are equipped with latest computers installed with SAP GUI clients. 100% practical training both in Configuration and user levels. Off-the class room practice lab for the students who can use these facilities for 2 months free of cost after completion of their courses. BONUS: a presentation on "SOX Compliance Auditing features" for the first batch of CO students. Contents of CO Module Training:
Contents Introduction to SAP ERP (Review) SAP Architecture & Landscape Cost Center Accounting Organizational Units Components belonging to CO Operating Concern Controlling Area Company Code Plants Assignment of Organizational Units Organizational Structures in Controlling Creating Controlling Areas Assigning CO CODE to Controlling Areas Maintain Number Range for Controlling Documents Discussions and creating Operating Concerns Assigning CO CODE to Operating Concerns Cost Centers Cost Center & Standard Hierarchy Creating Standard Hierarchy Change & display Standard Hierarchy for Cost Center Cost Center Categories Create Cost Centers Cost Center Elements Primary Cost Elements Secondary Cost Elements Revenue Elements Distinguish between G/L Accounts & Cost Elements Create Cost Elements in Controlling Activity Types Create Activity Types Statistical Key Figures Contents Period Lock Planning & Budgeting a) Planning Configuration b) Planning Processes c) Planning Aids d) Planning Scope and Pre-requisites e) Budgeting and Availability Control Profit Center Accounting a) Basic Settings b) Actual data c) Transfer Prices d) Profit Center Planning e) Information System Profitability Management Terminology in Profitability Managements Method of Profitability Management Profitability Analysis by Market segments Organizational Units and Master data Currencies in Profitability Management Create Profit Center Standard Hierarchy Activate Inactive Profit Centers Create Profit Center Group Create Profit Centers Create Dummy Profit Centers Assign Objects to Profit Centers Profit Center Structures Profit Center Assignments Monitoring Assignments Data Flow from MM, SD, FI Value Flow from Controlling Balance Sheet Items in Profit Center
Contents Accounting Transferring Prices in Profit Center Accounting Planning in Profit Center Accounting Integration MS Excel Concept of Report Painting Profit Center Reporting in BW Schedule Manager a) Tasks list b) The Monitor c) Flow Definition d) Work lists Report Painter a) Introduction b) Basics of Report Painter c) Structure of Report Painter Reports d) Models e) Sections & Column Blocks f) Reports Formatting g) Mass Reports h) Reports in a Live System Overview of SAP Solution Manager
Create Statistical Key Figures Functions of Master data Difference: Master data & Transaction data Collective Processing with Master data Time dependencies of Master data Create Master data groups Transaction Based Postings a) CO Document Number Assignment b) Primary Postings c) Reports in Cost Center Accounting d) Adjustment Postings e) Automatic Commitment f) Direct Activity Allocation Event Based Postings Period-End Closing Accrual Calculations Entering Statistical Key Figures Periodic Reposting Cost Allocations Reconciliation Ledger
BONUS: A presentations on "Revolution of Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX)" and its impacts especially on New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), NASDAQ and other stock markets around the world. Free for first batch of only. Certificates will be awarded to participants at the end of each course.
HR Track: Advanced HR Training HR Accounting HR Planning Basic of Labor Laws The Balanced Scorecard Performance Management System
Finance, Accounts & Commercial Track: Budget Planning & Control, Competitive Procurement Corporate & Individual Tax Planning, Supply chain Management
Sincerely Yours, Kamrun Nessa (Lily) Officer, Counseling Academy of Management & Science(AMS) House # 89/E, Road # 13/C,Block # E, Banani. [ Lane Just Beside "Dhaba Restaurant" near Prescription Point ] Telephone: 02-9891190 Cell No: 0168-0878839 Web :
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