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★★Electron RF Linacs for Industrial Applications - ICABU11 - 17 - 포스텍

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Electron RF Linacs for Industrial Applications*

S. H. Kim1)#, H. R. Yang1), M. H. Cho1,2), W. Namkung1,2), Y. G. Son2), S. D. Jang2), S. J. Kwon2), S. J. Park2), J. S. Oh3), K. O. Lee4), and K. H. Chung4)
1) Department of Physics, POSTECH 2) Pohang Accelerator Laboratory, POSTECH 3) National Fusion Research Institute 4) Korea Accelerator and Plasma Research Association

The 15th International Conference on Accelerator and Beam Utilization (ICABU11) 2011. 9. 30. Gyeongju TEMF Hotel, Gyeongju, Korea
* Work partly supported by MKE, Korea and POSTECH BK21 Program # khan777@postech.ac.kr 1/32

Electron Linacs for Industrial Applications, S. H. Kim, Sept. 30, 2011, ICABU11

Industrial applications of electron RF linacs

Development of L-band electron linac

High power linac for e-beam processing Design details Commissioning status

Development of C-band electron linac

Compact linac for industrial X-ray sources Design details Commissioning status

Electron Linacs for Industrial Applications, S. H. Kim, Sept. 30, 2011, ICABU11 2/32


Electron Beam Processing

Applications of e-beam processing (E-BEAM Service, Inc.)

Irradiation processing office (LEONI Studer Hard)

Electron Linacs for Industrial Applications, S. H. Kim, Sept. 30, 2011, ICABU11



Cargo Inspection

Cargo inspection with 9-MeV e-beam (Rapiscan Systems)

Re-locatable vehicle inspection and images by dual energy e-beam (Smiths Detection) Mobile vehicle inspection with 2.5 MeV e-beam (Tsinghua Tongfang)
Electron Linacs for Industrial Applications, S. H. Kim, Sept. 30, 2011, ICABU11 4/32



Mitsubishi IGRT (C-band) Varian Clinac (S-band)

Accuray Cyberknife (X-band)

Electron Linacs for Industrial Applications, S. H. Kim, Sept. 30, 2011, ICABU11 5/32


Application Fields with RF Frequencies

E-beam Processing - Sterilization - Polymer Reforming (< 10 MeV, > 10 kW)
Higher Beam Power Favorable RF Frequency


S-band Industrial Applications of Electron Linac

Cargo Inspection (3 9 MeV, ~ 1 kW)

Radiotherapy (6 9 MeV, < 1 kW)
More Compact


Electron Linacs for Industrial Applications, S. H. Kim, Sept. 30, 2011, ICABU11


L-band: Overview

L-band Accelerator System

10-MeV, 30-kW e-beam accelerator 70-MW pk, 210-kW avg. inverter PS & pulse modulator

Installed at ACEP/KAPRA, Cheorwon

E-beam scanner

L-band 1.3-GHz, 25-MW pk, 60-kW avg. Klystron with pulse tank

Electron Linacs for Industrial Applications, S. H. Kim, Sept. 30, 2011, ICABU11

L-band: Overview

Depth-dose Curve of Electron Beam Depth-Dose Curve for Electron Beam

2.5 0.5 MeV 2.0 Relative Dose 1 MeV 1.5 1.0 Single 0.5 0.0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Areal Density (g/cm2)
Electron Linacs for Industrial Applications, S. H. Kim, Sept. 30, 2011, ICABU11 8/32

PAL/POSTECH 2007/3/23

2 MeV 5 MeV

Limited by neutron production

10 MeV


L-band: Overview

Schematic Diagram of Accelerator System

Inverter Master Trigger Modulator

Cooling Stand

RF Driver

Vacuum Gauge Controller IP Controller ATT Load Beam Diagnostics System

Cooling Water Distributor

E-gun HV Pulser PS E-gun Heater PS

RF Window IP

RF Window


Beam Scanner BEM BCM PGV

IP PGV IP Controller Vacuum Gauge Controller


Accelerating Column

Temperature Controller

Solenoid Magnet PS Steering Coil Controller

PB: Pre-buncher IP: Ion Pump PGV: Pneumatic Gate Valve PS: Phase Shifter ATT: Attenuator BEM: Beam Energy Monitor BCM: Beam Current Monitor

Electron Linacs for Industrial Applications, S. H. Kim, Sept. 30, 2011, ICABU11


L-band: Design

Accelerator Parameter
RF System Parameter Operating Frequency Pulsed RF Power Pulse Length Repetition Rate Average RF Power E-gun Parameter High Voltage Pulsed Beam Current Pulse Length - 80 kV 1.6 A 6 s 1.3 GHz 25 MW 7 s 350 Hz 60 kW Beam Energy Pulsed Beam Current Beam Transmission Rate Average Beam Power Accelerating Structure Parameter Type of Structure Shape of Cell Operating Mode RF Filling Time Operating Temperature Average Accelerating Gradients Beam Loading Factor Temperature Shift Factor
Electron Linacs for Industrial Applications, S. H. Kim, Sept. 30, 2011, ICABU11

Beam Parameter 10 MeV 1.45 A 90% 30 kW Constantimpedance Disk-loaded 2/3 mode 0.8 s 40C 1C 4.2 MV/m - 4.7 MeV/A - 2.3 MeV/C

L-band: Design

Accelerating Column and Prototype Test

RF input coupler 2.3 m RF output coupler

Buncher and Normal cells

Bunching section (5 cells)

Normal section (26 cells)



Cell Parameters
Cavity 1st buncher 2nd buncher 3rd buncher 4th buncher 5th buncher Normal Phase velocity/ c 0.65 0.75 0.88 0.92 0.98 1.00 Group velocity/ c 0.0170 0.0167 0.0165 0.0164 0.0163 0.0089 Attenuation coefficient (Neper/m) 0.0538 0.0489 0.0442 0.0431 0.0415 0.0756
Tapered W/G W/G to Coax adapter Network analyzer (Agilent E8362B)



Coupler cells

z 2 (wp / 2 )

Shorting bar

z 2 (wm )

j (wm )

j (wp / 2 ) j (w2p / 3 )

z1 (w )

z 2 (w2p / 3 )

Electron Linacs for Industrial Applications, S. H. Kim, Sept. 30, 2011, ICABU11


L-band: Design

Low Power Test of Actual Accelerating Column

RF Reflection Measurement of phase advance per cell
5.00 4.00
RF Phase deviation [degrees]

3.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 -1.00 -2.00 -3.00 -4.00 -5.00

Phase shift for cavity cell







RF Transmission
Cavity Cell Number Output
Cumulative phase shift for per cell relative to No.0

Fig 3. PAL2# Accelerating Structure Phase Shift Measurement

Electron Linacs for Industrial Applications, S. H. Kim, Sept. 30, 2011, ICABU11


L-band: Design

Beam Dynamics Simulation

Longitudinal E-field on the Axis

Focusing Magnetic Fields

Longitudinal Magnetic Field (G)
1500 1250 1000 750 500 250 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300

Electric Field (MV/m)

8 4 0 -4 -8







Longitudinal Distance (cm)

Longitudinal Distance (cm)

Average Beam Energy (MeV)
12 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300

Tansverse Coordinate (mm)

Beam Energy Distribution

30 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 100

Beam Envelope

Aperture Limitation

Beam Envelope

Longitudinal Distance (cm)





Longitudinal Distance (cm)


* Calculated by the PARMELA code with RF profiles from the SUPERFISH code
Electron Linacs for Industrial Applications, S. H. Kim, Sept. 30, 2011, ICABU11

L-band: Design

Installation of Accelerating Column

E-gun Solednoids lens Steering coil PGV Pre-buncher

Focusing solenoids Vacuum system RF window

Accelerating column


Electron Linacs for Industrial Applications, S. H. Kim, Sept. 30, 2011, ICABU11 14/32

L-band: Design

Klystron and Modulator System

Electron Linacs for Industrial Applications, S. H. Kim, Sept. 30, 2011, ICABU11


L-band: Design

Circuit Diagram of Klystron and Modulator

Peak Charging Rate Output Voltage Average Output Power Number of Units 33 kJ/sec 45 kV 30 kW 8 units

Cathode Heater RINV ZPFN, 15 Stage

2.2 H 50 nF

Rcharging HV Inverter Power Supply


6:1 Heater TR


1:13 Pulse TR

Peak forward voltage Peak forward current Average anode current 50 kV max 15 kA max 15 A max

Klystron Heater P.S. 168 V / 4.2 A


Electron Linacs for Industrial Applications, S. H. Kim, Sept. 30, 2011, ICABU11

L-band: Commissioning

Klystron Diode Test

Load Impedance 1 k 247.72 kV 246.4 A 42 kV 9.3 s Load Voltage Load Current Charging Voltage Pulse Width (70 %)

Klystron beam voltage 247.72 kV

246.4 A

Diode test with 220-Hz repetition rates Klystron beam current

PFN voltage

Electron Linacs for Industrial Applications, S. H. Kim, Sept. 30, 2011, ICABU11


L-band: Commissioning

Beam Acceleration
RF and beam pulsed waveform
Dose distribution in scanning direction ` 5 Absorbed dose (kGy) 4 3 2 1 0 0 10 20 Distance (cm) 30 40

Dose distribution in scanning direction

18.5 MW

Input RF power

Output RF power

6 s 1.5 A 1.3 A
` Deposit dose (A.U.)

Dose distribution Depth-dose distribution of e-beam through penetrating depth (Al)

1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 Areal density (g/cm 2) ^ 6 7 8

Output beam current Input beam current

Electron Linacs for Industrial Applications, S. H. Kim, Sept. 30, 2011, ICABU11


L-band: Commissioning

Commissioning Status

RF frequency Input RF power Pulse length Repetition rate E-gun HV Pulsed beam current Beam energy Beam power E-gun pressure ACC pressure

1st Machine
1.3 GHz 12 MW 8 s/ 7 s 183 Hz 75 kV 1.1 A ~ 9 MeV 13 kW < 310-8 Torr < 10-7 Torr

2nd Machine
1.3 GHz 12 MW 7 s/ 6 s 350 Hz 66 kV 1.1 A

Beam energy (MeV)

14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 0.0 12 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4

Beam current (A)

10 8 6 4 2 0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6

21 kW < 310-8 Torr < 10-7 Torr

Peak power (MW)

~ 9 MeV

Beam power

Transmitted RF power
0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4

Beam current (A)

Electron Linacs for Industrial Applications, S. H. Kim, Sept. 30, 2011, ICABU11 19/32

Advanced Center for E-beam Processing /KPARA, Cheorwon

Cheorwon Seoul

Pohang Busan

10 MeV e-beam accelerator

2 MeV e-beam accelerator

165 keV e-beam accelerator

Electron Linacs for Industrial Applications, S. H. Kim, Sept. 30, 2011, ICABU11 20/32

C-band: Overview

Schematic Diagram of Accelerator System

40 kV, 50 A Cooling Water Distributor

Pulse Modulator with Transformer 20 kV, 150 mA E-gun Heater PS

Peak 1.5 MW, Average 1.2 kW max. Circulator w/ Matched Load RF Window

Temperature Controller

Ion Pump

X-ray Target


Accelerating Column BCM

IP Controller Vacuum Gauge Controller


IP: Ion Pump BCM: Beam Current Monitor

Electron Linacs for Industrial Applications, S. H. Kim, Sept. 30, 2011, ICABU11


C-band: Overview

C-band Accelerator System

Magnetron Circulator

Inverter/ Modulator/ Control rack Pulse tank

RF window Accelerating column

Ion pump with vacuum gauge

Electron Linacs for Industrial Applications, S. H. Kim, Sept. 30, 2011, ICABU11 22/32

C-band: Design

Accelerator Parameter
RF System Parameters Operating Frequency Pulsed RF Power Pulse Length Repetition Rate E-gun Parameters High Voltage Pulsed Input Beam Current Beam Diameter (at the waist) 20 kV 150 mA 4 mm 5 GHz (C-band) 1.5 MW 4 s Max. 200 Hz Species Pulsed Output Current Output Energy Loss Beam Power Ratio Accelerating Structure Parameters Type of Structure Operating Mode Number of Cells Size Beam Aperture Diameter Accelerating Gradients Q-factor Effective Shunt Impedance Inter-cell Coupling Constant
Electron Linacs for Industrial Applications, S. H. Kim, Sept. 30, 2011, ICABU11

Beam Parameters Electron 50 mA 4 MeV @ 50 mA 6% Bi-periodic On-axis Coupled SW /2 mode 10 7.4 cm 30.7 cm 10 mm 13.3 MV/m 11000 90 M/m 6%

C-band: Design

Accelerating Structure
Tapered W/G

Bunching cells 3 cells 21 mm ph = 0.7 ph

Intercell magnetic coupling slot

RF input coupler

Type: Biperiodic, On-axis-coupled, /2-mode SW structure Normal cells 6 cells 30 mm ph = 1 ph Number of cells: 10 Length: 306 mm Inner diameter: ~48 mm Beam aperture diameter: 10 mm

Electron Linacs for Industrial Applications, S. H. Kim, Sept. 30, 2011, ICABU11


C-band: Design

Accelerating Cavity
Simulation of accelerating cavity

Measured dispersion relation

5250 5200 5150

Normal Cell Bunching Cell

Frequency (MHz)

5100 5050 5000 4950 4900 4850 4800 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

Prototype test

Network analyzer (Agilent E8362B)

Phase advance /

Electron Linacs for Industrial Applications, S. H. Kim, Sept. 30, 2011, ICABU11


C-band: Design

Low Power Test of Actual Accelerating Column

Bead test and cavity tuning Field flatness

Network analyzer

Step motor


Tuning jig

Reflection coefficient

In Smith Chart

Resonant frequency
After brazing: 4998.86 MHz (20) After tuning: 4999.46 MHz (20) (*in air with humidity of 25%) Under vacuum: 4999.17 MHz (40)

Field errors in normal cells: 0.65%

Electron Linacs for Industrial Applications, S. H. Kim, Sept. 30, 2011, ICABU11 26/32

C-band: Design

Circuit Diagram of Magnetron & Modulator

5GHz, 1.5MW Magnetron & Pulse Modulator System
Pulse Modulator
Peak Pow er Charging Voltage PFN Output Voltage PFN Output Current HV Pulse Width (70% Voltage) Re petition Rate 3.6 MW 22.5 kV 11.25 kV 382 A 4.0 ms 200 pps
Vane Cathode Strap

C-Band 1.5MW Magnetron


Frequency 5100 MHz Output Pow er 1.5 MW Re petiton Ra te 200 pps Effic ieccy 52 % Be am Voltage 39 kV Be am Current 83 A RF P ulse Width 4.0 ms

PFN impedance Total Capacitance Total Inductance Single Capacitance

29.37 W 68.26 nF 51.6 mH 10 nF


Pulse Modulator Dong-A 403

DS21 24 50 W 50 W 8.6 mH

7 Stage PFN

EOLC 30 W 1 0 nF

High Voltage Switched Mode Power Supply

Dong-A 403 Output Voltage 25 kV Charging Rate Peak 5 kJ/s Average 4.0 kJ/s
2 MW

Magnetron Pulse Transformer Tank

Pulse Transform er 1:4
P2 25 W DS2124 M4 CT-1 M2

Electron GU N

Thyratron E2V CX1191D

Filter PCB

10 mH

E2 E2-1 CT-2



G2 G1

D ump SW Protection Diode

6.3 V 12. 5 A

1 nF

50 W

Resistor Divider Surge Tail Des piker Clipper High Voltage Coaxial Cable P1

Resistor Divider

Tyratron Dr iver Circuit

Tyra tron He ater Power Supply

HV Pr obe M3 M1


B NC -2

B NC-3

BNC -4

Heater voltage : 6.3 +/_ 0.5 V(Max :6.8 V), 12.5 A



Magnetron He ater Power Supply Heater v oltage : 5 V +/_ 1 V(Max: 6 V), 28 A

Electr on GU N He ater Powe r Supply

Gun Beam Voltage Monitor Gun Beam Current Monitor

He ater voltage : 9 V+/_ 1 V(Max: 10 V), 1 0 A Magnetron Beam Voltage Monitor Magnetron B eam Cur rent Monitor

Electron Linacs for Industrial Applications, S. H. Kim, Sept. 30, 2011, ICABU11

SON. Yoongyu, '2003. N ovember . 19


C-band: Commissioning
Modulator Pulse TR & RF Source System

Magnetron Test


Mag. Input V (32 kV) E-gun Input V (11.8 kV)


PFN Output V (8.4 kV)

24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40


90 80

Magnetron Current (A)

80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40

RF output*50

70 60


50 40 30


Magnetron Current

20 10 0

Magnetron Voltage (kV)

Electron Linacs for Industrial Applications, S. H. Kim, Sept. 30, 2011, ICABU11 28/32

RF Output (MW), Efficiency (%)

Heater P.S

C-band: Commissioning

High Power RF Conditioning

Pulse waveform Forward RF Fwd RF power

Avg. 1480 kW Peak 1570 kW

1500 1350 1200 1050 900 750 600 450 300 150 0 0 5 10

RF aging history

Reflected RF Ref RF power

Inpur RF Power (kW)

Avg. 93 kW Peak 123 kW

15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50

RF Conditioning Time (hour)

Electron Linacs for Industrial Applications, S. H. Kim, Sept. 30, 2011, ICABU11


C-band: Commissioning

Beam Acceleration
Beam Parameters
Operating Frequency Pulsed RF Power Pulse Length Beam Energy Pulsed Beam Current Beam Spot Size (measured at 40 cm after the end of accelerating column) 5 GHz 1.5 MW 4 s 3.5 ~ 4.0 MeV 50 mA / 150 mA
Gate valve

Beam measurement

Beam profile measurement chamber

13 ~ 14 mm

RF and beam pulsed waveform

Ream Size (mm) Beam Radius(mm) Magnetron voltage Input RF power Beam current 4 s

Beam envelop calculated by PARMELA code

1 5 1 0 5 0 0 1 0 2 0 3 0 4 0 5 0 6 0 7 0 8 0

End of acc. column Beam size measured position

L gitu in on d Longitudinal alPosition(cm(cm) Position)

Electron Linacs for Industrial Applications, S. H. Kim, Sept. 30, 2011, ICABU11 30/32

C-band: Design

Characteristics of X-ray Attenuation

Dual energy inspection Discrimination of materials

(Courtesy of Prof. C. Tang, ICABU10)

Electron Linacs for Industrial Applications, S. H. Kim, Sept. 30, 2011, ICABU11 31/32

C-band: Design

Design of New Accelerating Column

Operating Frequency Input RF Power (peak) E-gun Voltage Number of Cells Length of Accelerating Column Input Beam Current (pulsed) Output Beam Energy Output Beam Current (pulsed) Iris Diameter Average Accelerating Gradient Beam Spot Size

5 GHz 1.5 MW 20 kV 10 30 cm 150 mA 4 MeV 50 mA 10 mm 13.3 MV/m 5 mm

5 GHz 1.5 MW 20 kV 17 48 cm 150 mA 6 MeV 80 mA 8 mm 13.8 MV/m 1.3 mm

Beam Radius (cm)

Beam dynamics simulation for new accelerating column (by PARMELA code)

0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 5 10 15

Beam envelop Position of the cell

Longitudinal Position (cm)
20 25 30 35 40 45 50

Electron Linacs for Industrial Applications, S. H. Kim, Sept. 30, 2011, ICABU11


PAL/POSTECH developed electron RF linacs for industrial applications. L-band accelerator was installed at ACEP/KAPRA and now serves electron beams to processing users. The beam power reaches to almost 20 kW. C-band accelerator was commissioned for X-ray imaging sources. In order to increase the beam energy, new accelerating column is being designed adopting RF focusing scheme.

Electron Linacs for Industrial Applications, S. H. Kim, Sept. 30, 2011, ICABU11


Thank you for your attention!

Electron Linacs for Industrial Applications, S. H. Kim, Sept. 30, 2011, ICABU11


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