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Partial Shading Detection and MPPT Controller For Total Cross Tied Photovoltaic Using ANFIS

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Proc. of Int. Conf. on Advances in Computing, Control, and Telecommunication Technologies 2011
2011 ACEEE
DOI: 02.ACT.2011.03. 24
Partial Shading Detection and MPPT Controller for
Total Cross Tied Photovoltaic using ANFIS
Donny Radianto
, Dimas Anton Asfani
, Takashi Hiyama
, and Syafaruddin
Kumamoto University / Electric Power Engineering, Japan
State Polytechnic of Malang, Indonesia
Email: ra_di_an@yahoo.com
Kumamoto University / Electric Power Engineering, Japan
Email: anton_dimas@yahoo.com
Kumamoto University
Electric Power Engineering, Japan
Email: hiyama@cs.kumamoto-u.ac.jp
Universitas Hasanuddin, Makassar, Indonesia
Email: syafaruddin@unhas.ac.id
Abstract This paper present Maximum Power Point Tracking
(MPPT) controller for solving partial shading problems in
photovoltaic (PV) systems. It is well-known that partial shading
is of ten encountered in PV system issue with many
consequences. In this research, PV array is connected using
TCT (total cross-tied) configuration including sensors to
measure voltage and currents. The sensors provide inputs for
MPPT controller in order to achieve optimum output power.
The Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) is
utilized in this paper as the controller methods. Then, the
output of MPPT controller is the optimum power duty cycle
() to drive the performance DC-DC converter. The simulation
shows that the proposed MPPT controller can provide PV
voltage (V
) nearly to the maximum power point voltage.
The accuracy of our proposed method is measured by
performance index defined as Mean Absolute Percentage Error
(MAPE). In addition, the main purpose of this work is to
present a new method for detecting partial condition of
photovoltaic TCT configuration using only 3 sensors. Thus,
this method can streamline the time and reduce operating
Index TermsPhotovoltaic, TCT, MPPT, duty cycle, optimum
Sustainability and development of new energy resources
are one of the important issues globally. It is due to the rise in
world oil prices, the protocol that each country is encouraged
to increase alternative sources of energy and the demand of
ever increasing energy needs. Photovoltaic (PV) system is
one of the potential renewable energy sources which being
continuously developed and attracted much attention
worldwide. Global photovoltaic market is also happening in
Europe where there are additional electricity capacity of
photovoltaic systems installed. Besides Europe, a country
that ranks third in the world in 2009 in the world photovoltaic
market is Japan where the 484 MW have been installed.
Meanwhile, some countries are showing significant growth
in 2009 was Canada and Australia, while six countries that is
considered promising in developing photovoltaic industry
is Thailand, Mexico, South Africa, Marocco, Brazil and
Taiwan[1]. The reason why photovoltaics are so popular
and can compete with other potential energy sources are
abundant, no pollution, and freely available [2]. In addition,
the photovoltaic system may support the lack of power in
distribution system either by grid-interconnected or just
stand alone systems. Nevertheless, there are still many
potential challenges to increase the penetration or capacity
of PV system in our grid and to promote PV technology
worldwide. Basically, photovoltaic module consists of PV
cells which can convert solar light directly into electricity
when it is illuminated by sunlight. Although the photovoltaic
cell has several advantages, but the results of the photovoltaic
cell also has limitations, especially on the voltage and current.
To anticipate this, the photovoltaic cell is often connected
and combined into a single into a photovoltaic module.
Typically, a photovoltaic module consists of 36 PV cells
connected in series and parallel depending on the desired
output characteristics.
Figure 1. Solar cell or photovoltaic module equivalent circuit
Two things that greatly affect photo current (I

are the solar
irradiance and temperature. According to Fig. 1, the diode
actually represents the p-n junction of semiconductor
devices. Other parameters, such as n and I
in (1) represents
diode ideality factor and saturation current, respectively. Also,
the series and parallel resistances are expressed by R

Applying Kirchhoffs law in equivalent circuit, the general
equation for PV cell/module can be derived as follows. This
equation is very important to generate I-V and P-V curves of
cell or module.

( )
s ph
kT nN
IR V q


| +
= 1 exp
where, I is the output current of the PV module, N
is the
number of solar cells in series in a module, V is the terminal
voltage of module, q is the electric charge (1.6 x 10
C), k is
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2011 ACEEE
DOI: 02.ACT.2011.03.
Proc. of Int. Conf. on Advances in Computing, Control, and Telecommunication Technologies 2011
the Boltzmann constant (1.38 x 10
J/K) and T is the cell
temperature (K). The expansion of general equation can be
further defined for saturation and photo currents as follows:



s G
ref s s
T T kn
N qE
1 1
, (2)

( ) | |
r iSC ref ph ph
+ =
In (2) and (3), G is the incident solar irradiation on the PV
module, EG is the material band gap energy of the solar cell
material, isc is the temperature coefficient of the short circuit
current. Other parameters, such as series resistance, parallel
resistance, diode ideality factor are only determined once for
reference operating condition [2]. In essence, photovoltaic
system affected by two parameters namely solar irradiance
and temperature. Typical example of I-V and P-V curves are
shown in Fig. 2 and Fig. 3. Fig. 2 and Fig. 3 show that when
solar irradiance (G) increase so short circuit current and
maximum power output will increase, respectively. This occurs
because the open circuit voltage logarithmically depends on
solar irradiance as well as the short circuit also proportionally
affected by solar irradiance. Additionally, the photovoltaic
system also affected by partial shading which this condition
is often caused by environmental condition such as cloudy,
snow, leaves, etc. The last point about the partially shaded
condition is still the hot topics to be solved by PV system
engineers. There are several ways to solve this problem, such
as using different configurations of cell module, the
configuration of array system (series, parallel, series / parallel,
bridge link, and total cross tied). Meanwhile, this mismatch
problem can be solved using bypass diode and series parallel
configuration [3]. Actually, partial shading is a problem which
many researchers have proposed various methods, both
through the photovoltaic system modeling and validation
with measurements in real time that includes the performance
of the MPPT controller [4-5], PV system simulation [6], nu-
merical algorithm [7], mathematical model for different con-
figuration [8-11], investigating physical characteristic of pho-
tovoltaic system and parallel configuration to increase out-
put power of PV system [1217]. Although many methods
have been proposed recently to solve partially shaded prob-
lems but they still require a lot of input variables which is
used to increase the output of photovoltaic especially under
partial condition. MPPT controller is designed to obtain op-
eration voltage under partial shaded condition based on elec-
trical data measurement. Simulation based PV module con-
sist of 5x2 Total Cross Tied (TCT) configuration is used in
this paper. There are two current measurement at series con-
nection and one voltage sensor are utilized to provide input
variable of the controller, TCT connection is used because it
has several advantages compared with other configurations
such as superior and more reliable[18-19] Generally, MPPT
controller work together with dc-dc converter especially to
track maximum power point. The MPPT controller is installed
between photovoltaic module (source) and load. It was men-
tioned that characteristic of PV system varies with tempera-
ture and irradiance [19]. The advantage of the proposed
method only uses three sensors namely current sensor 1,
current sensor 2, and voltage sensor. Moreover, this method
can be used as an alternative to design partial detection with
few sensors which is installed in TCT configuration.
Fig. 2. P-V characteristic of photovoltaic
Fig. 3. I -V characteristic of photovoltaic
A. Total Cross Tied (TCT) Configuration
In terms of configuration technique, many methods have
been developed such as simple series (SS), series paralel
(SP), bridge link (BL), Honey Comb (HC), and Total Cross
Tied (TCT) configuration to overcome partial conditions [19-
20]. From the configuration which is mentioned above, total
configuration tied (TCT) has superior configuration if
compared with other configuration. This can be proven that
TCT has the highest of peak power rather than other
configuration (HC, BL) [19-20]. Fig. 4 shows the proposed
total cross tied configuration with 5 x 2 module connections
with positive and negative terminal. As shown all modules
are connected each other in the way that PV module no.1 is
connected with PV module no. 6, PV module no. 2 is connected
with PV module no. 7, and so on. The output of the proposed
total cross tied can be taken through positive (+) side and
from this point the configuration can be connected with the
controller. In this section, the proposed system is shown in
figure 5. The system is composed of 5 x 2 total cross tied
configuration, MPPT controller , and DC-DC converter. Here,
there are 3 input sensor which is used to give input signal to
MPPT as voltage sensor and current sensor in which for
current sensor consist of two sensor such as current sensor-
1 and current sensor-2. The current sensor-1 is installed in
close to PV module 1 , whereas the current sensor 2 is placed
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Proc. of Int. Conf. on Advances in Computing, Control, and Telecommunication Technologies 2011
2011 ACEEE
DOI: 02.ACT.2011.03.
in close to PV module 6.
Fig. 4. 5 x 2 TCT PV array configuration
Fig. 5. The Proposed System
Figure 6. Architecture of ANFIS equivalent to the first order Sugeno
The output of MPPT is duty cycle () in which it is used to
adjust DC-DC converter. The duty cycle () is often used to
keep the output of MPPT in optimum condition.
B. Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) Controller By
Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS)
Maximum Power Point Tracker (MPPT) proposed here,
can be used to optimize power output. MPPT itself consists
of three inputs of the voltage sensor, current sensor 1 and
sensor 2 and an output current in the form of duty cycle.
Data obtained from both the input and the output of the
MPPT is processed by Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference
(ANFIS). The output of the Duty Cycle is used to drive a DC
- DC Converter. Basically, the ANFIS is a combination of
artificial neural network and fuzzy inference system from fuzzy
logic in which fuzzy logic itself is a system which can be used
to enhance overall stability of multi power system [21].
The integration of ANN and FIS can be classified into three
categories namely concurrent model, cooperative model, and
fully fused model. In addition, ANFIS also uses hybrid
learning combining backpropagation, gradient descent, least
square algorithm, to identify and to optimize the sugeno
system signal [22-24]. The working system of Architecture of
ANFIS in fig. 6 shows that the input variables are fuzzified in
the first hidden layer, whereas, the fuzzy operators are applied
in the second hidden layer. In the third hidden layer the fuzzy
rule base is normalized. Next, in the fourth hidden layer , the
consequent parameter of the rules is ascertained. Last step,
the overall input will be computed by the fifth layer. In this
paper, ANFIS controller is designed with three variable input
and 7 membership function each input. Variable input consist
of two current variable, I
and I
, and operated voltage, V.
C. DC / DC Converter
The output of the MPPT controller is used to activate the
dc to dc converter, in which this converter works by changing
the source of dc voltage to another voltage [25]. DC to DC
converter powered from pulse width modulation resulting
from artificial neuro fuzzy inference system (ANFIS). Dc- dc
converter which is often encountered is a buck converter,
boost converter, buck and boost converter. Figure 7 below is
a boost dc - dc converter that serves to raise the voltage of
the input voltage.
Fig. 7. Boost dc - dc Converter
Table 1 above shows that data set varied by 3 variable as
shading case, irradiance variation, and pre-voltage. As known,
shading case occur when the photovoltaic modul is in shaded
condition which affected by solar irradiance. Here, there are
18 case in the shading case which is started from P1, P3, P5,
P1P2, P1P7, P2P3, P3P8, P4P5, P4P10, P1P2P3, P1P2P6, P3P4P8,
P1P2P3P4, P1P2P6P7, P2P3P7P8, P1P2P3P4P5, P1P2P3P6P7,
and P2P3P4P7P8 , respectively. P means Photovoltaic under
shadded, whereas the number behind P explain about number
of PV module.
The one P means that photovoltaic module is only one.
The P is three mean that the number of P is three, respectively.
In column two explains about irradiance variation in which
its variation range is started from solar irradiance 100 to 1000.
The range of irradiance variation has 18 step which is started
from one photovoltaic (P1) module to five photovoltaic modul
(P2P3P4P7P8). The last column of this table explain about
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2011 ACEEE
DOI: 02.ACT.2011.03.
Proc. of Int. Conf. on Advances in Computing, Control, and Telecommunication Technologies 2011
Fig. 9. Testing Data Result
However, a number of data used in case number of testing
data result is lesser than data used in case number of training
data recognation. Eventhough the behaviour of V
in training data recognation is similar to that of V
and V

testing data result. Performance of the proposed
method is measured by Mean Absolute Percentage Error
(MAPE) which is calculated as in equation 4 below [26] :

% 100

t t
t t
: The actual value
: Output of ANFIS Value
n : number of data
The MAPE calculation of data set is resulting training data
set 0.82% and testing data 0.95%. From the results of these
calculations, there is little difference whether of the training
data set and testing data sets, so it can be said that the
method presented gives optimal results and efficient.
In this paper, the application based on detection nonlinear
two parameter (voltage and current) characteristic of
photovoltaic module in Total Cross Tied (TCT) configuration
as well as ANFIS for MPPT Controller which is used to
achieve optimum power in variation condition. The various
component of model have been trained and tested by using
data from the various input data of the V
system. The results shows that the proposed method can
obtain V
at various operating condition of partial
shadding.. The main contribution of this paper is to give
alternative MPPT controller based on electrical data
information of PV system. The future work is to realize the
proposed method into the real experimental of PV system
and applied ANFIS system in a Microcontroller or FPGA
device for expert configuration.
The authors would like to thank Departemen Pendidikan
Tinggi Republik Indonesia for providing the scholarship to
continue study in Japan.
pre-voltage variation which the range of this variation made
from 45 volt to 85 volt and the range is also consist of 18 step
according to the number of photovoltaic module. The data
set is consist of 5500 case which devided by 80% training
and 20% testing data for data (ANFIS) controller. Fig. 8 de-
pict training data recognation in which there are two signal,
the first signal is from V
(no dash line), whereas the other
signal is from V
(dash line). The Voltage set in above
figure has a range from 45.08 volt until 85.59 volt, whereas
the case number has a range located between zero to 4500.
Herein, The V
is affected by three parameter namely
V(Voltage), I
(Current One), and I
(Current Two). Fig. 9
clearly illustrates both the voltage set and training data ac-
tivities of two V
and V
method. In addition, the fig.
9 also show the behaviour of training data recognation of
both V
and V
Fig. 9 represents the testing data result in which these
data differ from fig. 7. The voltage set used in testing data
has same range with the voltage set used in fig. 9 namely
from 45.08 volt until 85.59 volt.
Fig. 8. Training Data Recognation
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Proc. of Int. Conf. on Advances in Computing, Control, and Telecommunication Technologies 2011
2011 ACEEE
DOI: 02.ACT.2011.03.
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