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This report has been prepared as a partial fulfillment of the Degree of BBA

Submission To
Md. Mizanur Rahman

Department of Business Administration

Manarat International University

Submitted By Ali Azgor ID: 0820BBA00789 Department of Business Administration

Manarat International University

Date of Submission: 31st January, 2012

LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL January 31, 2012 Md. Mizanur Rahman


Department of Business Administration Internship Supervisor Manarat International University Subject: Submission of Internship Report. Dear Sir, With due respect, I would like to inform you that it is a great pleasure for me to submit the internship report on the topic "Promotional Activities of Al-Arafah Islami Bank Ltd " as per Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) program requirement. Throughout the completion of the report, it provides me practical knowledge. Therefore; I firmly believe that this report will meet your approval. I would genuinely appreciate and keen enough to make further corrections where you think it is necessary and placing this paper for your valuable evaluation & recommendations. Thanking You. Sincerely Yours

Ali Azgor ID#0820 BBA 00789 BBA (20th Batch) Major in Marketing Department of Business Administration Manarat International University


This is to certify that Mr. Ali Azgor , ID NO- 0820 BBA 00789, student of Manarat International University of BBA program has completed the internee report titled "Promotional Activities of Al-Arafah Islami Bank Ltd " successfully under my supervision.

I wish his every success in life Ali Azgor.



Md. Mizanur Rahman


Department of Business Administration Internship Supervisor Manarat International University



This is to certify that Ali Azgor, a student of BBA program bearing ID No.0820BBA00789, Major in Marketing, and Faculty of Business Administration at Manarat International University had enrollment with us to pursue internship from 2011 to .. 2012. During the internship period, in our Al-Arafah Islami Bank Ltd.

I understand that Ali Azgor has successfully completed the internship and believe that the knowledge he gained from the program would be a valuable treasure for him to build up his future professional career.

I wish him all the success in life.


Declaration of Student

This is to notify that this report ""Promotional Activities of Al-Arafah Islami Bank Ltd " has been prepared as a part of my internship formalities. It is an obligatory part of our BBA program to submit an internship report. Moreover, I was inspired and instructed by my supervisor Md. Mizanur Rahman, Lecturer, Department of Business Administration, Manarat International University. In this regard, I would like to mention that this report has not been prepared for any other purpose like presentation or investigation for any other authorities.

Ali Azgor ID#0820 BBA 00789 BBA (20th Batch) Major in Marketing Department of Business Administration Manarat International University


This term paper was designed to have an opportunity to understand the broader aspect of Promotional Activities by taking into consideration a real life service of Al-Arafah Islami Bank Limited. This term paper demonstrated short description of the company, its operations, its products, services and divisions, its position, what feeling or attitude people have for Al- Arafah Islami Bank Limited, how consumers react towards their products, the way they can improve their products and services and what marketing strategy they are following to increase their market share. This report consists of various information such as background of the company, mission of the company, descriptions of services being offered, special packages offered, promotional activities, suggestion regarding promotional strategies details of the functional departments of AlArafah Islami Bank Limited and analytical information of target customers behaviors and perception. At first, I have collected information about the promotional activities of Al-Arafah Islami Bank Limited. I have also identified some drawbacks on the basis of consumers perception toward the bank. Besides, I have covered various related topics of Promotional activities such as Al-Arafah Islami Bank Limiteds segmentation and target market, marketing mix, profile of target market, brand image and positioning, implications for consumer behavior and others. Based on the calculations, finally I have come up with the possible suggestions about its promotional strategies.


A successful internship report reflects the affiliated organizations activities as it provides a virtual ground where the implication of theoretical knowledge experience with the practical teaching. It would not get its complement without active assistance of few people from MIU. I am more benefited and decorated for being oriented with a group of qualified and benevolent people. Their assistance and guidance can never be paid back. I will remain ever grateful to them and I am honored to be part of their culture. I am grateful to Al-Arafah Islami Bank Limited for giving us required information for the term paper. I concede the aesthetic contribution of Md. Shah Alam, Senior Executive Officer, for providing required information. And co-operate to collect data early and suggest designing the report.

Finally, I specially acknowledge to Md.Mizanur Rahman, Lecturer, Department of Business Administration, and Manarat International University for his instruction and guidance. He is the person behind my diligence, inspiration and devotion. An instructor creates insight in students, which he did very successfully.

Table of Contents

Particulars Chapter One Introduction Introduction Background of the Study Rationale of the Study Objectives of the Study Scope and duration of the Study Methodology of the Study Limitations fo the Study Background of the Study Companys Functions Organizations structure and management Relevant financial information Companys achievement SWOT analysis Analysis Findings Recommendations and conclusions

Page no.

Chapter Two Organization profile

Chapter Three Analysis And Findings Chapter Four Recommendation s And Conclusions

Bibliography Appendix


Al Arafah Islamic bank Ltd is one of the promising banks practicing Islamic banking system in Bangladesh. It has started its activities from 28th August 1995. It is operating al most al kind of common banking activities.Its operating system is free from the interest. It is operating activities by the shariah guideline. This report is a brief overview about the Al-Arafah Islami Bank Limited but I have mainly focused on consumer behavior and marketing strategy. In this report I have tried to explain the history, scope, types, limitation, success factors and other relevant features of Al-Arafah Islami Bank Limited. The report includes the background of Al-Arafah Islami Bank Limited and services provided by them. It also depicts what the condition of Al-Arafah Islami Bank Limited, what people think about Al-Arafah Islami Bank Limited and to attract the consumer attention what marketing strategy they are following. In the end, the report includes recommendations for the further information and improvement by understanding consumer behavior.

Background of the Report

With the rapid growing competition among nationalized, foreign and private commercial banks as to how the banks operates its banking operation and how promotional activities can be made more attractive, the expectation of the customers has immensely increased. Reciprocating the sentiment, commercial and private banks are trying to elevate their traditional banking service to a better standard, to meet the challenging needs and demands. Side by side, these banks have now concentrated their attention towards diversification of their products for better performances and existence. For the above circumstances, it has become necessary for Al-Arafah Islami Bank Ltd, one of the leading commercial banks, to focus its attention towards the improvement of the
Assessing Customer Satisfaction Level at AIBL.The study may help formulating policy regarding the

ideas relating to the feelings of the customers and bankers. Furthermore, Al-Arafah Islami Bank Ltd executives who are actually executing the policies undertaken by the top management will have a chance to communicate their feelings and will have the feedback about their dealing from the customers.


Rational Of the Study:

I have completed my internship period successfully. This internship report contains all the My topic is Promotional Activates of Al-Arafah Islami Bank Limited. All these information will help the management to identify various scopes and limitations of the Institution and Project department and to take decisions regarding the improvement or reengineering of the department. This is the basic rationale behind the study. Besides, it would be a great opportunity for me to get familiar with this system. Therefore, this study is very significant of both the company and me. They satisfy my work.

Objectives of the Study:

The objective of the internship program is to familiarize students with real business situation, to compare them with the business theories and at last stage make a report on assign task. Objectives regarding this study are as follows: General Objectives: The general objective of this report is to fulfill the requirement of internship report. To earn practical experience and knowledge about the banking operations and corporate functions performed by Al- Arafah Islami Bank Limited.
Specific Objectives:

To provide the overview of the Al-Arafah Islami Bank Limited To determine the various service dimensions of Al-Arafah Islami Bank Limited To identify the benefits & opportunities of the Al-Arafah Islami Bank Limited
To know about the promotional activites of Al-Arafah Islami Bank Limited

Scope and Duration of the Study

Al-Arafah Islami Bank Limited has its own business practices and policy and significant areas those can be focused in the report. The term paper is a comprehensive study of the consumers


belief about the Al-Arafah Islami Bank Limited. The report focuses on the consumers belief, affection, perception, lifestyle etc and currently what promotional activities are taking. This report is the result of three months internship in Al-Arafah Islami Bank Limited. I worked as an internee in Al-Arafah Islami Bank Limited from 2011 to 2011. In addition, I have completed this
internship period successfully.

To prepare the report we have to collect different data that is relevant to our requirement. Statistical techniques were used to analyze the collected data & information. Collected information and findings of the analysis are presented in graphical form. The methodology of the report includes the following sources: Primary Data Collection The primary data have been obtained through using following three techniques: a. Face to face conversation with the employees. b. Deskwork in different section/departments. Secondary Data Collection There have elaborations of different types of secondary data in my research. The sources are of those datas are: a. Internal Sources: Banks Annual Reports Official Documents & Ledger records of Bank Website of the bank b. External Sources Published literatures Journals & Newspapers Consultation of related books & publications. Website Surfing

Limitation of the Report

To prepare this term paper, we had to face several impediment and limitations such as: For most of the corporate information of Al-Arafah Islami Bank Limited we were totally dependent on the information provided by the official website of Al-Arafah Islami Bank Limited Related web-sites are not standard because they give insufficient information or data The study is self-financed. The report has been conducted within a short time frame. Lack of depth of knowledge and analytical ability for writing such report.

The bank confidentially keeps the data. Communication gap between the related officials and me.


Islami Banking System is becoming more and more attractive day by day to peoples irrespective of Nations, religious, colors and species. More than 300 Banks & financial institutions are serving Islami banking throughout the world. At present in our country 7 fully fledged Islamic Banks are working successfully. And other traditional banks have Islami Banking Wings conducting Shariah based banking activities. Recent Development of Bangladesh Government Islamic Investment Bond (BGIIB) is the milestone for Shariah based banking practices in Bangladesh. Al-Arafah Islami Bank Ltd. as the name implies a newly formed commercial bank in Bangladesh. It has been incorporated in Dhaka, Bangladesh as a public limited company and its Head Office of the Bank is located at Rahman Mansion, 161, Motijheel C/A, Dhaka- 1000. In the world of consumerism the business organization of the world strive for the consumers satisfaction as a number one business strategy whatever may be the product of the organization, either service or non service. Service is the product of bank. There is a saying that customer service starts rights right from the stairs of the bank building. The guard at the door is first person pep resents of the bank, receives a customer with wishes in smiling face.

Historical Background of Al Arafah Islami Bank:


With the objective of achieving success in the life here and hereafter following the way directed by the Holy Quran and the path shown by Rasul (SM) Al Arafah Islami Bank Ltd was established (registered) as a public limited company on 18 June 1995. It started business on 27 September of that year with an authorized capital of Tk 1,000 million. At inception, its paid up capital was Tk 101.20 million divided into 101,200 ordinary shares of Tk 1,000 each. 23 sponsors of the bank subscribed the total issued capital. In 2000, the paid up capital of the bank increased to Tk 253 million, of which Tk 126.50 million were paid by the promoters/sponsors and Tk 126.50 million by the general public. In compliance with the new provision, Al Arafah bank has raised its capital and reserve from Tk. 2245 million in the year 2007 to Tk 3049.34 million in 2008 by declaring 30% stock dividend out of the profit of the 2008. The paid up capital of the bank has stood at Tk. 1383.81 million at 31st December 2008. Renowned Islamic Scholars and pious businessmen of the country are the sponsors of the Bank. 100% of paid up capital is being owned by local shareholders. In 2008 the bank earned a net profit before tax & provision of Tk. 1,528.10 million which is 102.08% higher than the previous year. The bank is listed in the two

of the country and has offered 126,000 shares for

subscription and trading by the public. Al-Arafah Bank is an interest-free shariah bank and its modus operandi is substantially different from those of regular commercial banks. The bank however, renders all types of commercial banking services under the regulation of the Bank Companies Act 1991. It conducts its business on the principles of musharaka, bai-murabaha, baimuajjal and hire purchase transactions. A Shariah Council of the bank maintains constant vigilance to ensure that the activities of the bank are being conducted according to the precepts of Islam.

Objectives of AIBL: The objectives of AIBL are not only to earn profit, but also to do good and welfare to the people. The main objectives of AIBL are listed below14

To conduct interest free banking To establish participatory banking instead of banking on debtor creditor relationship To invest through different modes permitted under Islamic Shariah To accepts deposits on profit loss sharing basis To establish as welfareoriented banking system To contribute towards balances growth and development of the country through investment operations particularly in the less developed areas To contribute in achieving the ultimate goal of Islamic economic System. Corporate Culture: This bank is one of the most disciplined Banks with a distinctive corporate culture. Here they believe in shared meaning, shared understanding and shared sense making. Their people can see and understand events, activities, objects and situation in a distinctive way. They mould their manners and etiquette, character individually to suit the purpose of the Bank and the needs of the customers who are of paramount importance to us. The people in the Bank see themselves as a tight knit team/family that believes in working together for growth. Mission: To become a model banking institution in offering to valued customers, both depositors and borrowers, a comprehensive range of financial services and tailor-made products for sustainable mutual growth and prosperity. Vision: Its vision is to achieve growth in market, increase operation size, international market, total service and consistent branding activities by being the most customer focused & innovative, cost effective & efficient, environmentally responsible & quality concerned company in the business.


Commitments: Ours is a customers focused modern Islamic Banking making sound and steady growth in both mobilizing deposit and making quality Investment to keep our position as a leading Islamic bank in Bangladesh. To deliver financial services with the touch of our heart to retail, small and medium scale enterprises, as well as corporation clients through our branches across the country. Our business initiatives are designed to match the changing trade & industrial needs of the clients. Distribution of Branches: The number of Branches as Division wise is mentioned in the following table:
Division Dhaka Division Chittagong Division Rajshahi Division Khulna Division Sylhet Division Barisal Division Total No. of Branches 24 11 4 4 6 1 50

Corporate Information: Name of the Bank Chairman Vice Chairman Managing Director Al Arafah Islami Bank Limited Badiur Rahman Alhajj Mir Ahmad Sowdagar M A Samad Sheikh


Company Secretary Legal Status Principal Activity Registered Office Date of Registration 1st Branch opening Opening ceremony Authorized Capital Paid up capital Local Partnership of Capital Equity Number of Branches Deposit Investment Number of manpower Number of shareholders Phone Fax SWIFT E-mail Website

Md Moffazzal Hossain Private Limited Company Commercial Banking Peoples Insurance Building 36, Dilkusha C/A, Dhaka-1000 18 June 1995 Motijheel branch, Dhaka 27 September 1995. 2500.00 million. 1383.81 million 100% 2705.74 million 50 29690.13 million 29723.37 million 1080 12013. 9567885, 9567819, 9569353, 9568007 880-2-9569351 ALARBDDH aibl@al-arafahbank.com www.al-arafahbank.com


Slogan A rare combination of Shariah & modern banking Logo

Functional Area of AIBL:

Export and Import Function Retail Banking Industrial financing trade financing Syndicated Loan Project financing Hire purchase Lease financing Online service Automated Accounting Integrated System Signature Verification Any Branch Banking ATM Services (to be implemented ) POS Services ( to be implemented ) Other Delivery Channel Services (to be implemented)


SOWT Analysis of the Al-Arafah Islami Bank:

Cooperation with each other . Fewer default loan . Membership with SWIFT. Good banker-customer relationship. Strength Energetic work force. Reluctance to add campaign. Some inexpert and laggard assistant officers . Existing manual vouchers. Shortage of Branch. Weakness Lack of consumer credit scheme. Entrance of new private Banks. Weak in marketing. Huge business area. Introducing ATM card. Growth sales volume. Opportunity Introducing any branch banking through online. Different services of FCBS (ex: Phone Banking ) Different classic services of Foreign Banks. Entrance of new PC Banks. Threats Political unrest.


Chapter Three

Analysis And Findings


5Ps of Al-Arafah Islami Bank Product & Services


Banking schemes and collection


Remittance Import

& Export handling and financing


Corporate Loan


Syndication Finance Banking Credit


Investment Consumer Tele SMS

Banking Banking Banking Finance

Internet Lease Hire 24


hours banking: Q-Cash ATM Facility

Promotions Al-Arafah Islamic Bank Communicates through various media such as TV ads, billboards, ads in newspapers and magazines. Al-Arafah Islamic Bank also has a website that provides some information about Al-Arafah Islamic Bank LTD. Place The distribution network of Al-Arafah Islamic Bank is it had 46 branches. The registered head office of the bank is at Motijheel, Dhaka. Price Al-Arafah Islami Bank should charge rationally for their services so that customers can think that the bank consider about their clients facility first. It will help to change the perception of people towards the bank.

People The people to whom Al-Arafah Islamic Bank is targeted are the people who are middle and upper middle class people who are religious, organized, educated, businessman and formal people.The people who work in Al-Arafah Islamic Bank Ltd. are efficient and dedicated group of employees for whom Al-Arafah Islamic Bank has become one of the leading Islamic, religious services producers in the country.


Target Market Profile

Demographic Factors Age Al-Arafah Islami Bank is one of the reputed banks in Bangladesh. They are mainly promoting their products to the businessman as well as others. In this factor age is not a big consideration as purchasing an account. Their age may be 15 to 55 or above. But in our survey the proportionate of 15 to 25 is higher than others. Now a day all age of people are using banks so often. Gender A bank account holder could be male or female. Gender is not a dominant factor for the accounts in the banks. The purchase may be influence by male or it may influence by female. But we have found in our survey 20% is female and 80% is male.

Social Factors
Average monthly income The social class of the target market was determined according to their family income. From the figure we can see that 51% people are coming from the income level of Tk. 10000 to Tk. 20000. We will call them lower middle class. 20% are from the income level of Tk. 21000 to Tk. 30000 who is the middle class and rest of the is upper middle class and upper class. But we found that most of the members of the target market are from middle and upper class people. Most of its customers are businessman and middle class.

External Influence on the purchase of Al-Arafah Bank:

Cultural values play a very important role in purchasing product and services. It is perhaps the most persuasive influence on the consumer behavior. If a product or service is match with the culture then it will not able to serve in the market. Traditional Consumers of the Al-Arafah IslamiBank are traditional towards their life as the bank is thinking traditionally. Bank is using religious aspects in their activity and services which is very much traditional. So for the traditional consumers Al-Arafah Islami Bank is appropriate.

Non verbal Communication


By looking the Al-Arafah Islami Bank the first words that comes in the consumer mind is religious. Al-Arafah Bank represents service to its customers. With this non-verbal communication Al-Arafah Has a positive feelings in the consumers mind and use all these things to attain more attention of the people.

Group Influence
Taking the service of any bank is not an individual decision; group decision plays a big role. It is the high involvement service so family, reference group and friends may have a great influence on the consumer purchasing behavior. In the case of Al-Arafah Bank the group influence plays a very comprehensive role in the consumer minds.

Promotional Strategy
To increase the learning of consumers about Al-Arafah Islami Bank Limited. It is necessary to increase the promotional activity. In our survey we able to find that people cant able to remember Al-Arafah Islami Bank Limited because of their poor promotional performance. So it needs to increases the repetition of advertise, giving more billboards and may providing umbrella and road divider to the traffic police which can help to recall Al-Arafah Islami Bank Limited.

Implications of Consumer Behavior Perception:

Perception consists of following three steps - - - Exposure Attention Interpretation Exposure Exposure occurs when a stimulus comes within range of our sensory receptor nerves. TV commercial: One of the ways of exposure is TV commercial. Al-Arafah Islami Bank Limited used to show TV commercial when they had just started their journey. News paper: Now Al-Arafah Islami Bank Limited does not use TV commercial. They use newspaper as their media by which people come to inform about the bank and their service. Word of mouth: As Al-Arafah Islami Bank Limited use newspaper and television commercials as their advertisement media rather than any other mass media. Word of mouth is one of the ways of the ways to know about the Al-Arafah Islami Bank Limited


Link up with corporate: Al-Arafah Islami Bank Limited has linked up with the corporate and provides quality service to their employees. It is one of their promotional strategies. Attention Attention occurs when the stimulus activates one or more sensory receptor nerves and the resulting sensations go to the brain for processing. It is high involvement decision The TV commercial was designed such a way that can grape the attention successfully. Thats why they use information in the advertisement. Attention always occurs in context of situation. The same individual may different levels of attention to the same stimulus in different situation. In low involvement situation they pay little attention but in high involvement situation the same individual pay more attention. Attention is determined by three factors-the stimulus, the individual and the situation.

Stimulus factors:
Color The color of the logo of Al-Arafah Bank is an attractive one. The colors are green and black. The logo is the reverse of V shape and a picture of Kaba in the middle of the logo. Format The format consist of Arabic words which grabs the attention of people and when they see the format they can easily identify the bank as the name of the bank is written below the Arabic words. Position The advertisement of the bank is given in the magazines and newspaper which make the people to give more attention. Size and intensity The size of the logo of Al-Arafah Islami bank is large enough which shows a greater intensity to the people in comparison of other banks.

Individual Factor
Individual factors consist of interest and need. Interest is a reflection of overall lifestyle and the ability to attend to information. Need is reflection of long-term goals and plans and their short-term needs.


Situational factor
Al-Arafah Islami bank provides one of the best religious banking services to its consumer. Its target customers are middle class and higher class people for this reason high quality service is important than any other aspects. Stimulus Characteristics Semiotics Semiotics is the science of how meaning is created, maintained and altered. It focuses on signs which are anything that convey meaning. Word Al-Arafah Islami Bank Limited ----simple for the customer, simple to understand and simple to deliver. Colors Colors of logo ----- White, Black and Green Learning Learning is any change in the content on organization of long-term memory or behavior. Thus learning is the result of information processing Learning is essential to the consumption process Consumption behavior is largely learned behavior Learning about Al-Arafah Islami Bank Limited is basically a high-involvement learning situation where outcome is very important

Classical Conditioning AL-Arafah Bank preferred to give newspaper advertisement which gives us the message that, AlArafah Bank is enriched with dedicated team of competent banking professionals, trained bankers and staff to provide complete banking service. Operant Conditioning Reinforcement plays a much large role in operant conditioning that it does in the classical conditioning. Since no automatic stimulus response relationship is involved, the subject must first be induced to engage in the desired behavior. Then this behavior must be reinforced. Here religious banking service of Al-Arafah influenced customer towards it. The Strong desire to be the


trendsetter in providing quality and complete service and committed to rendering banking services better than the best. They are providing different packages for different consumer. Advertisement Liking Information Trial They are linked up some corporate clients who are their potential customer. This is obvious through the word of mouth which came from satisfied corporate clients. To keep all this in mind, they set their payoff line as simple for the customer, simple to understand and simple to deliver. Cognitive learning Encompasses all mental activities of consumers as they work to figure out the problems or cope with situations.Observing the outcomes of the Al-Arafah Islami Bank Limited and through their word of mouth, other people like to go there. General characteristics of learning The strength learning The strength of learning is heavily influnced by the following factors: Importance Reinforcement Repetition Generally, learning comes about more rapidly and lasts longer. 1. The more the material to be learned (qualified banking executives of Al-Arafah Islami Bank Limited which ensure about service) 2. The more reinforcement (quality service) received during the consumption / learning process 3. The greater the number of stimulus repetitions (word of mouth about Al- Arafah Islami Bank Limited) that occurs Memory Memory includes of two components: Short-term memory Long-term memory Short term memory

Elaborative activities: Newspaper advertisements are the main source of information that people get about Al- Arafah Islami Bank Limited. This information stored in the working memory. Word of mouth from different people is adding new elements to memory. Long-term memory Semantic memory: Al-Arafah Islami Bank Limited is categorized as religious banking service with average status and over priced service. Episodic memory Consumers are able to relate to themselves the first time they came to Al-Arafah Islami Bank Limited with due tension in their mind. Schematic memory Consumers are able to recall a web of various associations with the name Al-Arafah Islami Bank Limited.

Brand image and product positioning

Brand image Refers to the schematic memory of Al-Arafah Islami Bank Limited in the minds of the consumers. It contains the target markets interpretation of Al-Arafah Islami Bank Limiteds attribute, benefits, usage situations, users etc. Product positioning Product positioning is a decision by a market to achieve a defined brand image relative to competition within a market segment. Al-Arafah Islami Bank Limited positions their services as simple for the customer, simple to understand and simple to deliver. Al-Arafah Islami Bank Limited Good service Over priced Environment Low affordability Comfortable High status Reliable Status


Enriched banking executives

Perceptual Mapping Perceptual mapping offers marketing managers a useful technique for measuring and developing a services position. It takes consumers perceptions of how similar various banking brands (Standard Chartered Bank, HSBC, Brac Bank, Al-Arafah Islami Bank Limited, Islamic Bank) are to each other and relates these perceptions to service attributes.

The main drawback of Al-Arafah Islami Bank is the service. From our survey it is clearly found that people are not really comfortable with the service. Rather than service it has also draw backs in the promotional activities. Shorttcomiing iin Promottiion Al-Arafah Islami Bank is the market follower in banking sector. But unfortunately we find a very few advertisement in the newspaper and television of the bank. Our survey also shows the same results. When we asked our respondents about watching promotional exposure in television or newspaper, their answers reflect the same. Only 42% respondents answered Yes. On the other hand 25% answered No and 33% are not sure about the matter. As a result, we can conclude that Al-Arafah bank has some problems with their promotional activities. On the other hand, we find frequent advertisement of Standard Chartered bank, Brac bank and other banks. We know that exposure creates attention. So Al-Arafah Islami Bank may loose peoples attention if this strategy not changed by the authorities. Shortcoming iin Branches Some of our respondents give suggestions to increase the brances of Al-Arafah bank. Problems that are lying with the branches that we know that Al-Arafah Bank is one of the new promising banks in our country but they have few branches all over the country and most of the branches is located in Dhaka city.

Major Findings
The customer always prefer on the quality product.


In respect of quality, the service level of AIBBL is not standard comparison to other . Customers think AIBBL needs to enhance the Marketing system Customers satisfaction level regarding overall performance of AIBBL including handover time is not much satisfactory.

Chapter-Four Recommendation and Conclusion



Recommendations Suggested Strategies

Cost Al-Arafah Bank should decrease their charge of service and different schemes to make their position more competitive in the market. For that they need to decrease their cost. So they can make long term contract with the exporter or may take backward linkage strategies. Branches The number of branches should be increased around the country.

Promotional Activity
1. Newspaper Advertisement Number of newspaper advertisement should be increased. The advertisement of newspaper should also contain more relevant information about the products. Al-Arafah Bank should also provide more attractive account schemes, financing facilities to attract the attention. .2. Television Advertisement Number of television advertisement should be increased. In some case they can use humor in the ads as people may not remind the brand name but remind the dramatization of the advertisement. They should also show the religious and service issue more in the advertisement. These ads should be shown more in the pick hour at night as people watch more television at night. The ads should also try to change the beliefs of people about service by giving more emphasis on quality and other attributes. 3. Billboards Al-Arafah Bank can use billboards as their promotional activities. They should provide as many information and picture of different schemes or other facilities in the billboards.


The billboard also should be more colorful to attract more attention. The billboard should be placed in a persons visual field. 4. Banner Al-Arafah Bank can also use colorful banner in all the prime places like Busy traffic point, in front of markets in Dhaka city. 5. Sponsor Al-Arafah Bank should increase providing sponsorship for some events so that their set in peoples mind. 6. Positioning From our survey, we got the following perceptual map for the Al-Arafah Islami Bank and other banks.

Changing Attitude
Al-Arafah Bank should Change their Attitude among them couple of suggestion are given below Changing the Cognitive Attitude Changing the Affective Component Changing the Behavioral Component

.AIBBL can play an important role in this regard, provided its activities are shaped in the following manner:

AIBBL should improve their update knowledge. They should follow different technique to attract customers. Authority should be more concern about promotional activities. Every department need to communicate their problem with each other department. Need to take effective step to enhance the promotional activities.

Al-Arafah Islami Bank started 1995 with the said principles in mind and to introduce a modern banking system based on Al-Quran and Sunnah. . They have passed 16 years and today they have established their own service and Brand with much goodwill. But still they have problems and they

are lagging behind with their competitors. But we hope that if they take the above mentioned suggestions into account, they will definitely surpass its close competitors in the banking service.


Ivancevich, John M., and Steven J. Skinner. Business for the 21st Century. Boston:

Irwin, 2003.
Kotler, Philip. Marketing Management. 9th ed. New Delhi:

Prentice-Hall, 1999.
Kinnear, Thomas C., and James R. Taylor. Marketing Research: An Applied Approach.

5th ed. New Delhi: McGraw Hill, 2003.

Consumer Behavior, 9th Edition, Hawking & Best & Coney

Journal and Report

A Journal of Islamic Banking Published by AIBL Annual Report, Al-Arafah Islami Bank Limited - Published by AIBL.

Websites: www.al-arafahbank.com www.wikipedia.com


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