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Preface Filipino Dumog Training Concepts Dumog by Grand Tuhon Leo T. Gaje, Jr. Dumog An Indigenous Art - A Versatile Art by Grand Tuhon Leo Gaje Jr. Deadly Art of Dirty Tricks by Grand Tuhon Leo Gaje Jr. Dumog Terminology

Dumog is a general term used to describe the Filipino art of wrestling and grappling. There are two main forms of dumog. Agaw patid Buno, is the more commonly known form of dumog. It consists of standup grappling and wrestling, utilising off-balancing techniques, throws, and neck turning to force an opponent to the ground. Traditionally opponents would engage by holding a belt or encircling each other's waist and attempt to throw and unbalance each other. Victory was declared when the opponent's shoulders squarely touched the ground. Musang Dumog is a ground fighting art, utilising locks, chokes and strikes to submit opponents on the ground. Both systems can be combined or learnt independently. The origins of both these styles is rather sketchy, however they are still relatively abundant in the northernmost islands of the Phillippines.

The Filipino art of grappling includes a wide range of locks, known as trankadas, chokes, throws, trips, sweeps and pins which blend and flow naturally from the empty handed boxing and kicking methods, applied with or without a weapon. Dumog is primarily concerned with felling an opponent in such a way as to cause maximum damage to joints, ligaments and tendons followed by a ferocious flurry of ground striking techniques designed to distract and disable an opponent prior to applying a pin, lock or choke. Technique, in this case, is an understanding of controlling points, or choke points. A choke point is a military term meaning "controlling area". For example, if five water tributaries feed into one major river, it follows that whoever controls the river, controls the tributaries. That makes the river the controlling point When you choke the river, you choke the tributaries. These points, which are grabbed, pushed or pulled, are used to put the opponent off balance, causing the body to go out of control into a swirling, whirlwind effect. The student who has developed the skill to know where the choke points are can easily fling a 275-pound opponent around, despite a handicap that could approach 150 pounds. We have borrowed this terminology to illustrate the importance of control. Now, let's look at a few examples with which you can experiment. The Biceps Push With both hands, one opponent grabs the other by the biceps, twisting in toward the front of the body. Push the biceps directly into the ear and then walk or run forward. Because of the twisting of the body, the opponent receiving the push must walk diagonally, thus causing him to become extremely off balance. The bicep push is used to either move an opponent or, as in this instance, to pin him against an environmental obstacle ( wall/fence).The adversary is now set up for a knee spike to the right thigh. Remember, as with the use of any technique, nothing is foolproof. Soon, the opponent will regain balance, and at that point the biceps pull can be implemented. The Biceps Pull The grip of the pull is identical to that of the push. The key to this technique is in the timing and sensitivity. You must sense, or anticipate, the moment when your opponent will plant his foot to regain the balance that was lost during the biceps push. At this point, the opponent's energy will shift and come toward you. You must respond-not by fighting his energy, but by pulling it. In effect, you are using your opponent's energy to your advantage The biceps pull and biceps push are best used in cooperation with each other. Either one may start or finish a sequence, depending on the energy presented by the

opponent. The Head Twist Another very simple technique used in Dumog is the head twist. Here, the opponent places both hands over the other opponent, ears (similar to the method used in grabbing the steering wheel of a car). Grabbing the opponent's hair instead of his ears is a technique that can also be used, With a quick jerk, twist the head sideways, step back and then tip the head upside-down, pulling it backwards. As the opponent regains balance, simply twist the head in the opposite direction and repeat the process. The head twist can be a very effective technique because, with this motion, you are contorting the spinal cord and causing a disturbance to your opponent's equilibrium. In the sport of Dumog, proper technique and process calculation are critical to victory. When these same techniques are used in a realistic street fight, other elements must be incorporated to produce maximum devastation. In most cases, "plain and simple" sophistication and precision in a down-and-dirty street fight is, to say the least, a joke. Street fighting is deceptive. It takes on many shapes, characteristics and conditions. For example, a street fight may take place in rain or snow; it may happen on a flat or hilly surface, or even on a stairway. Such a fight may easily involve multiple attackers or weapons.

Filipino Dumog Training Concepts

Dumog Tactics of Defense 1. The first principle is not to waste strength wrestling with an opponent. If he already has you at a disadvantage. Instead look for a way to strike that will cause pain and shock first and then find away to get out of his grip. Using your hands, forearms, knees/head and even your feet. In Kali practitioners seek to avoid getting caught in their opponent's locks by hitting (destructions) first to the extremities and continuing, to strike vital parts of the body. Working towards the head for control. The principle here is to defeat the grappler by damaging him so much he can't grapple. The hitting is used to soften and tranquilize him for escape and counter control. 2. The second principle is to get your balance and maintain it. If you can maneuver the attacker off balance, his advantage will be neutralized. In Panantukan/Dumog the principle of body manipulation is one of the basic requirements to develop. Using arm levels, pushing, pulling, and control of the head. Using Kali's triangle footwork to off balance and maneuver the attacker into throws, sweeps, and takedowns. 3. The third principle is to use your entire body weight in any movement or technique that you may attempt. Don't just use your arm strength alone. Put your hips, legs and upper body behind each movement fully. Finally remember that the attacker is always vulnerable somewhere. Even if he is behind you, or on top of you. If he is physically taller to bigger. He is still vulnerable, to the right attack to the right target be calm and assess the situation and you will find a solution

being caught in a headlock or a choke can cause some panic. Particularly if you have practiced a couple of techniques that will work to free yourself from the attacker, it is also important to strike effectively before the pressure from the lock or hold causes extreme pain or unconsciousness. The Application of footwork within close quarters training range: The study and development of your footwork is just an adjustment from stick to empty hand. The same principles apply as far as zoning and range concepts of the forward and reverse triangle patterns are concerned. But with one added factor the stepping and placement of the feet, within the footwork sectors. The footwork sectors are developed by the numbering of the positions of the foot according to the opponents lead leg position. Example: This position's are used in many Silat/ Filipino systems Opponent's foot position Rt. foot ( sector#1 ) Lt. foot ( )

00000 Sector#2 Sector#3 00000 sector#4

00000 ( ) your Lt. foot

00000 ( )

your Rt. foot

1. In this training you will be training for foot placement, you can step with your left foot to sector #1, next using your right foot step to sector #1. 2. Next move your left foot to sector #2, then continue with your right, using a switch stepping movement. 3. Next move to sector #3-#4 doing the same footwork. Now that you have same basic stepping sectors have your partner throw a straight punch at your chin, and you use a defensive motion and step into one of the various sectors, remember this is close quarter engagement tactics used to close in on your opponent. You should be moving very close into your opponent. For without this footwork development you will have a hard time controlling your opponent's actions and

reactions. Next drill: The Triangle Pattern (Close quarter) Opponent's foot placement Lt. Foot 2.X ( ) 4. X 6. X Rt. Foot ( ) 8. X

00000 replace steps outside Begin here!1. X 3. X inside 5. X inside


outside 7. X 9. X

The X's are the switch stepping movements, begin with your right foot, step to 2., right foot shifts out and moves to 3. and is replaced by the left foot. Shift your left foot back to 3. and move your right foot to 4. Move your left foot to 4. and shift your right foot to 5. I think you can get the idea here. Now once you get to 9. go back the opposite direction starting with the left foot. This footwork is used for the clinch and tie up positions. To get you, and keep you moving away from the opponent's strength and move to his points of weakness. For controlling, sweeping, throwing using base, angles and leverage. Next drill: The side, and footstep! Opponent's foot placement Lt. Foot 1. X ( 2.X ) 3. X 00000 Rt. Foot 4. X (5.X) 6. X 00000

In this training you begin by stepping with you right foot to #1 next place the right heel of your foot on top of the left foot, now slide your toe down to #3 and place it next to the foot. Do the same for the right foot with your right foot. Next using your left footstep to 1. and then move the heel of your left foot to the top of the opponent's Lt. foot and let it slide down to #3 and place it on the ground. Next you will use a crossing step and your left foot will go to 4-5-6 and your right will begin at 1-2-3 or the right will go to 4-5-6 and the left to 1-2-3. This footwork is used mostly in the ankle break concepts of Kuntao.

This next drill is the box pattern: it is the basic of many martial art systems 2. X Opponent's foot placement 3. X

Lt. Foot ( )

Rt. Foot ( )

00000 1. X

00000 4. X

This is a Box/Square pattern with an X in the middle of it, going from #1 to #3 and from #4 to #2, With your feet on #1 and #4 begin by moving your right foot straight up to #2 following the X pattern next move your left foot from #1 to #3 continue by moving your right foot from #2 to #4 next move back into position while moving your left foot from #3 back to #1. This is considered the right side of the box, because you started with your right foot. Next go around back the other direction, beginning with the left foot stepping to #3 and just follow the same footwork around the square. Next drill: By removing the X from the Box pattern, you will begin stepping from point to point on the X's by sliding your foot along the outer rim of the box. Example: If you begin on #1 and #4 you will slide your right foot to your left, then shoot it up to #2, now slide your left foot up to your right and slide your left foot to #3 position. You would be standing directly behind your opponent at this time. Move your right into your left foot then slide it down to #4 position, bring your left foot into your right foot and move back into the starting position, now reverse this and go back the other direction. The building of any system of self defense, must start with effective footwork. You could have the best hands, locks, and kicks in the business but if you don't have any method developed to get you inside to use them. A lot of times you end up getting tagged, just sitting there waiting to move. Your footwork, must develop a method of moving you away, from danger and into/ or away from the opponent to take them out.

Dumog by Grand Tuhon Leo T. Gaje, Jr.


Art History The Filipino Dumog is a very rare art today. Dumog can be found mostly in the Southern part of Negros Island and in the island of Panay in the province of Antique. This can be found in small barrios mostly farmers where Dumog became a past time, an entertainment and a form of survival. According to one farmer I came to have personal discussion with few Dumog lessons, Dumog was a normal practice used by the farmers to catch the Carabao by the horn to control and wrestle down. To control the Carabao, the rope is entangled around the neck or at the nose rope holder made of rattan hooked to the Carabao's nose. The rope is used to pull the Carabao to brought to a place where a farmer makes them rest. The act of controlling the Carabao catching the horn and wrestling down to the ground is called Dumog. A Dumog expert has a well-built body with sturdy legs and broad shoulders. His legs are spread far apart when he walks and normally he doesn't wear shoes. To build the legs for strength and resistance, the mud pit (a knee high) is the training area. A farmer dip both feet into the sticky mud and take a high stride moving in circular motion until the mud is softened. It could take hours but that builds the legs as strong as the legs of the Carabao after several months or years of training. This is done as an exercise. For the Arms and Shoulder, the farmers cut a strong branch of a tree and tried to bend it until the branch either breaks or bends. For Power Push, the farmer will position himself in front of the big tree, sometimes a coconut tree and use the legs to balance and both hands push the tree. The farmer moved around the coconut tree and execute a vigorous push and repeatedly doing until the farmer felt tired then he stopped. For the Hand Grip, the farmer takes a rope and ties the other end against the tree and while holding the end of the rope, the farmer turns around in full force. The Head Butts, the banana tree is used as the object, but the head butting is started by running towards the direction of the banana tree, the head hits the banana tree with vigorous force that sometimes the banana tree falls down and that ends the training for the day. The Dumog has a lot of foot work, namely the squaring/parallel footwork (the Baka) the Footwork (Panikang) the feet twisting (Palubid) strong footage (Pamigas) footclipping (Pangipit), forward push (Pasudsud), foot deflection (Palapas) Lampasu, (foot drag), foot smashing (Panglinas), footbar (Pangligwat), ability to balance and deliver vigorous throw (Haboy). Dumog has sophisticated hand work called Pangamut which will be explained under the technical fighting structure. During the celebration of the Saints, to include the Thanksgiving ceremony for the first harvest of the rice field, corn fields, several entertainment are prepared for the big show. Like Carabao race, Horse fight, Dog fight, Cock fight (Bulang), Spider fight, Sipa (kicking contest with chicken feather wrap with cloth and a peso coin inside). The Sipa takraw (a volleyball by using the feet). The Kali fight using the hardwood (Lampusanay), leg wrestling (pi-ol) then the Dumog. Winners are given awards, a dozen chicken eggs, a fighting cock, a sack of rice, a sack of corn, one gallon of coconut wine (Tuba), bunch of bananas, 2 dozens of coconut fruits and many others. These entertainment sports were considered cultural in nature but what count most is at the coronation of the Queen in the evening, there are contest for the native dances like the Tinikling (bamboo dance) the Maglalatik (coconut shell dance), Pandango sa ilaw (candle

dance), the Itik-itik (a bird dance.) Dumog is considered as a natural sport and a natural ground combat fighting art. In most cases, if there are feuds between family against family, the first to be called to be the middle man to pacify the trouble is the Dumoguero because the presence of the Dumoguero scares everybody. Some will always say, "Don't kid around, the Dumoguero, he will plaster you to the wall or the Dumoguero will plant your head into the ground". The presence of the Dumoguero during fistfight or a drunkard turns wild, the situation will be settled immediately. There was a story about a stranger who became the guest of a family in a barrio. This man happens to be a thief. But in the barrio people are always very accommodating and very hospitable. Of course the stranger was easily accepted and he was able to win the sympathy of the barrio people. Then one evening, someone had shouted that he lost all of his money he kept under the pillow. Money from the sale of rice that day. Then immediately without delay, the headman of the Barangay hit the empty can and everybody gathered asking what happened and they were told that the stranger had something to do with the lost money. They looked for the stranger but they couldn't find him within the vicinity. Then suddenly a small boy came running shouting that he saw a man running toward the town probably to take a ride with a passenger bus or to go somewhere. Without delay, the Dumoguero ran towards the town and when he reached the town, he went to the passenger bus and he found the stranger hiding at the back of the bus. He immediately caught the stranger by the collar of his shirt and brought him outside the bus. He dragged him to the ground in front of many people. First he held him by the head and he applied pressure to the neck area so he can confess to tell the truth. Then his pockets were searched and there they found the stolen money. After they took the money, the stranger was held by the left arm and without delay his left arm was twisted. Then the Dumoguero close in beside the stranger. He suddenly made a body twist wrecking the arm, then he grab the stranger and went down inserting his right shoulder between his legs and brought the stranger to the ground breaking his spinal and smashing his head to the ground until the face, the head were completely unrecognizable. The Dumogueros are fierce people. Fear has no place in their daily life. They are conditioned to fight against all odds. Dumog Conditioning Techniques I Foot Padding (Kahig) The right foot/left foot is moved in circular motion slightly touching the ground clockwise and counter clockwise until balance is gained with one foot standing, repetition in several hours. II Foot Drop (Posdak sang Tiil) The foot left/right is drop to the ground, to temper the foot and to condition the motion that during the collision, the feet must be planted deeply not to moved by the opponent. III Hip Balance (Paninghawak) Hip balance is done by squatting position with both hands placed on both hips. The movement is

to be in circular motion. IV Sturdy legs (Katin-katin) Down motion in slow motion from the squatting position and bringing the body in slow motion a repetition of 12 counts. V Frog Jump (Liktin) Both feet are brought together and with a lifting motion then drop both feet in squatting position. It is always the principle in Dumog that in the event of encounter if it is a combat challenge the enemy must be completely paralyzed or incapacitated. There is a complete determination to win when challenged is called for by another Dumoguero. It follows into the cultural practices of the early forefather based on the Philosophy of Kali, "One must believe in life not death, One must believe in success not failure, One must believe in good health not sickness". In the last 15 years of my in and out visitation to Indonesia and the Philippines, even when I was still in the United States and from 1989 up to the present time now that I stayed most of my time in the Philippines and traveling to Asian countries, my activities were divided 50% research about the Malay related art of Pentjak Silat, Bersilat, Kuntao, Pangamot and the Dumog. Since the Philippines was one of the major archipelagos of the Indonisus Continent that once belong to the Sri-Vijaya Empire and the Majapahit Empire, the presence of the technical elements related to the fighting arts were noticeable. For instance in Indonesia, one of the Silat styles is called Menang Kabaw. It is a half-way low fighting silat and ground fighting silat with the purpose of rushing towards the enemy by using the head and the whole body to smash the opponent pushing into the solid wall or foot of a tree until he collapse and falls to the ground. The Dumog techniques are similar to Menangkabaw. As a matter of fact, the word Kabaw is an Ilonggo term, meaning Carabao or in short Kabaw. There are interrelated techniques in each art that speaks the continuity of the art with relationship to the Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and Madagascar. There is much deeper history in the next issue. Pangamut (Hands/Interlocking/Counterlocking) Hubad-hubad Pasugat - Counter Release, Release and Recounter 1. Uyat sa Li-og (Neckhold) Neckhold can be done either by left had or right hand. This motion is executed when there is an opening by the opponent during the positioning either as a bait or actual opening entry. 2. Uyat sa Abaga (Shoulder hold) Shoulder hold from neck hold, the hand slides to the shoulder area in preparation to insert the hand over the back and down to the armpit.

3. Dungan/Kapot sa Li-og (Hold together) Both hands are placed over the neck area and both hands are brought to one shoulder for controlling the balance. 4. Singa Sag-ang (Snapping the chin) Either the right hand or left hand holds the chin in rapid motion applied as a snapping motion in order to out-balance the opponent. 5. Tulod sa Dug-han (Pushing the chest) Both hands slide down to the chest from the neck or shoulder area, then with sudden motion apply the rugged push to the chest with continuous dragging motion until the opponent is brought to the corner or section so that he cannot move. 6. Uyat sa Butkon (Hold the forearm) To hold the forearm with right or left hand in preparation for arm leverage throw. 7. Uyat sa Bati-is (Grabbing the lower leg) This is applied in case the opponent is off-time, the timing must be precise during the time of execution. This is the most difficult part during the Dumog. Dumog as A Sport Dumoguero positioned their heads placed on each left shoulder. Both players put their two hands at the back. The players during contact can immediately used the technique to outbalance each other. Action takes place when one of the Dumogueros moved his arms by touching the opponent's neck, shoulder, arms and body. Then immediately the planned strategy is applied without hesitation. Then the action takes couple of minutes sometimes little longer, depends on the skill of the Dumoguero. What happens in between the time when both Dumogueros are preparing for action? There is a interacting exchanges of (Yawit) Anting-anting. The one with powerful (Yawit) anting-anting demoralizes the opponent with lesser power and the action starts. It is a must in a Dumoguero that physical strength must be developed at the same time, the power of the Mind and all components will be developed to re-enforce the physical deficiencies. Counter Combative Art 1. The use of the Pangamut, the art of deadly empty hands.

A. The tempering process The hands are tempered by slapping the banana trees and for hardening the hands are smashed by slapping into the bark of a tree. This bark of a tree is freshly cut with the juice still fresh became the useful medicinal liquid that will help to harden the hand. Selection of this tree is only known to the Dumoguero. B. The hacking process The forearm is hardened by tempering against the banana tree and accelerated to the branch of a tree. This branch is from a tree that is considered as one of the families of the medicinal tree. During the hardening, while the forearm is smashed against the branch, the juice of the bark is medicinal that helps to harden the forearm. C. The Elbow hardening This is a special training, which is done only on the beach. Immediately after the low tide, the Dumoguero goes into the shoreline and find a suitable place for him to practice. The sandy portion after the high tide is ideal for elbow training. The elbow is brought high above the head and with vigorous force, the elbow together with the body is trapped into the sandy portion and is being repeated by using the left and right elbow. During the dropping of the elbow to the sand it creates several bruises that causes pains caused by the salt water that enters into the cuts. This feeling of pain conditions the Dumoguero to take the pain and while doing so the mentality of the Dumoguero is to take the pain at the same time encourage him to hit more the sand believing that the pain will go away. After the vigorous training and the elbow is already bleeding, then a medicinal oil is applied to the cuts. D. Hardening of the Hand Blade The hand is thrust into the soft sand while the seawater is flowing into the area where the Hand Blade is thrust. The purpose is to penetrate the sand by using the thrust to go deeper and deeper. This is done in the middle of the day where the Sun is drying the sand to be very hot. The thrusting of the hand is continuous until the feeling of numbness is attained. At this point both hands are dipped into the medicinal herbal pot for several hours. After the numbness is removed then the hands are wrapped with thick clothes for keeping the flesh and the nerves safe against water or air that may cause bad effect into the hand blade.

Dumog An Indigenous Art - A Versatile Art by Grand Tuhon Leo Gaje Jr.
History The Filipino Dumog is a very rare art today. Dumog can be found mostly in the Southern part of

Negros Island and in the island of Panay in the province of Antique. This can be found in small barrios mostly farmers where Dumog became a past time, an entertainment and a form of survival. According to one farmer I came to have personal discussion with, Dumog was a normal practice used by the farmers to catch the Carabao by the horn to control and wrestle down. To control the Carabao, the rope is entangled around the neck or at the nose rope holder made of rattan hooked to the Carabao's nose. The rope is used to pull the Carabao to bring to a place where a farmer makes them rest. The act of controlling the Carabao catching the horn and wrestling down to the ground is called Dumog. A Dumog expert has a well-built body with sturdy legs and broad shoulders. His legs are spread far apart when he walks and normally he doesn't wear shoes. To build the legs for strength and resistance, the mud pit (a knee high) is the training area. A farmer dip both feet into the sticky mud and take a high stride moving in circular motion until the mud is softened. It could take hours but that builds the legs as strong as the legs of the Carabao after several months or years of training. This is done as an exercise. For the Arms and Shoulder, the farmers cut a strong branch of a tree and tried to bend it until the branch either breaks or bends. For Power Push, the farmer will position himself in front of the big tree, sometimes a coconut tree and use the legs to balance and both hands push the tree. The farmer moved around the coconut tree and execute a vigorous push and repeatedly doing until the farmer felt tired then he stopped. For the Hand Grip, the farmer takes a rope and ties the other end against the tree and while holding the end of the rope, the farmer turns around in full force. The Head Butts, the banana tree is used as the object, but the head butting is started by running towards the direction of the banana tree, the head hits the banana tree with vigorous force that sometimes the banana tree falls down and that ends the training for the day. The Dumog has a lot of foot work, namely the squaring/parallel footwork (the Baka) the Footwork (Panikang) the feet twisting (Palubid) strong footage (Pamigas) footclipping (Pangipit), forward push (Pasudsud), foot deflection (Palapas) Lampasu, (foot drag), foot smashing (Panglinas), footbar (Pangligwat), ability to balance and deliver vigorous throw (Haboy). Dumog has sophisticated handwork called Pangamut which will be explained under the technical fighting structure. During the celebration of the Saints, to include the Thanksgiving ceremony for the first harvest of the rice field, corn fields, several entertainment are prepared for the big show. Like Carabao race, Horse fight, Dog fight, Cock fight (Bulang), Spider fight, Sipa (kicking contest with chicken feather wrap with cloth and a peso coin inside). The Sipa takraw (a volleyball by using the feet). The Kali fight using the hardwood (Lampusanay), leg wrestling (pi-ol) then the Dumog. Winners are given awards, a dozen chicken eggs, a fighting cock, a sack of rice, a sack of corn,

one gallon of coconut wine (Tuba), bunch of bananas, 2 dozens of coconut fruits and many others. These entertainment sports were considered cultural in nature but what count most is at the coronation of the Queen in the evening, there are contest for the native dances like the Tinikling (bamboo dance) the Maglalatik (coconut shell dance), Pandango sa ilaw (candle dance), the Itik-itik (a bird dance.) Dumog is considered as a natural sport and a natural ground combat fighting art. In most cases, if there are feuds between family against family, the first to be called to be the middle man to pacify the trouble is the Dumoguero because the presence of the Dumoguero scares everybody. Some will always say, "Don't kid around, the Dumoguero, he will plaster you to the wall or the Dumoguero will plant your head into the ground". The presence of the Dumoguero during fistfight or a drunkard turns wild, the situation will be settled immediately. There was a story about a stranger who became the guest of a family in a barrio. This man happens to be a thief. But in the barrio people are always very accommodating and very hospitable. Of course the stranger was easily accepted and he was able to win the sympathy of the barrio people. Then one evening, someone had shouted that he lost all of his money he kept under the pillow. Money from the sale of rice that day. Then immediately without delay, the headman of the Barangay hit the empty can and everybody gathered asking what happened and they were told that the stranger had something to do with the lost money. They looked for the stranger but they couldn't find him within the vicinity. Then suddenly a small boy came running shouting that he saw a man running toward the town probably to take a ride with a passenger bus or to go somewhere. Without delay, the Dumoguero ran towards the town and when he reached the town, he went to the passenger bus and he found the stranger hiding at the back of the bus. He immediately caught the stranger by the collar of his shirt and brought him outside the bus. He dragged him to the ground in front of many people. First he held him by the head and he applied pressure to the neck area so he can confess to tell the truth. Then his pockets were searched and there they found the stolen money. Dumog Conditioning Techniques Foot Padding (Kahig) The right foot/left foot is moved in circular motion slightly touching the ground clockwise and counter clockwise until balance is gained with one foot standing, repetition in several hours. Foot Drop (Posdak sang Tiil) The foot left/right is drop to the ground, to temper the foot and to condition the motion that during the collision, the feet must be planted deeply not to moved by the opponent. Hip Balance (Paninghawak)

Hip balance is done by squatting position with both hands placed on both hips. The movement is to be in circular motion. Sturdy legs (Katin-katin) Down motion in slow motion from the squatting position and bringing the body in slow motion a repetition of 12 counts. Frog Jump (Liktin) Both feet are brought together and with a lifting motion then drop both feet in squatting position. It is always the principle in Dumog that in the event of encounter if it is a combat challenge the enemy must be completely paralyzed or incapacitated. There is a complete determination to win when challenged is called for by another Dumoguero. It follows into the cultural practices of the early forefather based on the Philosophy of Kali, "One must believe in life not death, One must believe in success not failure, One must believe in good health not sickness". In the last 15 years of my in and out visitation to Indonesia and the Philippines, even when I was still in the United States and from 1989 up to the present time now that I stayed most of my time in the Philippines and traveling to Asian countries, my activities were divided 50% research about the Malay related art of Pentjak Silat, Bersilat, Kuntao, Pangamot and the Dumog. Since the Philippines was one of the major archipelagos of the Indonisus Continent that once belong to the Sri-Vijaya Empire and the Majapahit Empire, the presence of the technical elements related to the fighting arts were noticeable. For instance in Indonesia, one of the Silat styles is called Menang Kabaw. It is a half-way low fighting silat and ground fighting silat with the purpose of rushing towards the enemy by using the head and the whole body to smash the opponent pushing into the solid wall or foot of a tree until he collapse and falls to the ground. The Dumog techniques are similar to Menang kabaw. As a matter of fact, the word Kabaw is an Ilonggo term, meaning Carabao or in short Kabaw. There are interrelated techniques in each art that speaks the continuity of the art with relationship to the Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and Madagascar. There is much deeper history in the next issue. Pangamut (Hands/Interlocking/Counterlocking) Hubad-hubad Pasugat - Counter Release, Release and Recounter Uyat sa Li-og (Neckhold) Neckhold can be done either by left had or right hand. This motion is executed when there is an opening by the opponent during the positioning either as a bait or actual opening entry. Uyat sa Abaga (Shoulder hold)

Shoulder hold from neck hold, the hand slides to the shoulder area in preparation to insert the hand over the back and down to the armpit. Dungan/Kapot sa Li-og (Hold together) Both hands are placed over the neck area and both hands are brought to one shoulder for controlling the balance. Singa Sag-ang (Snapping the chin) Either the right hand or left hand holds the chin in rapid motion applied as a snapping motion in order to out-balance the opponent. Tulod sa Dug-han (Pushing the chest) Both hands slide down to the chest from the neck or shoulder area, then with sudden motion apply the rugged push to the chest with continuous dragging motion until the opponent is brought to the corner or section so that he cannot move. Uyat sa Butkon (Hold the forearm) To hold the forearm with right or left hand in preparation for arm leverage throw. Uyat sa Bati-is (Grabbing the lower leg) This is applied in case the opponent is off-time, the timing must be precise during the time of execution. This is the most difficult part during the Dumog. Dumog as a Sport Dumoguero positioned their heads placed on each left shoulder. Both players put their two hands at the back. The players during contact can immediately used the technique to outbalance each other. Action takes place when one of the Dumogueros moved his arms by touching the opponent's neck, shoulder, arms and body. Then immediately the planned strategy is applied without hesitation. Then the action takes couple of minutes sometimes little longer, depends on the skill of the Dumoguero. What happens in between the time when both Dumogueros are preparing for action? There is a interacting exchanges of (Yawit) Anting-anting. The one with powerful (Yawit) anting-anting demoralizes the opponent with lesser power and the action starts. It is a must in a Dumoguero that physical strength must be developed at the same time, the power of the Mind and all components will be developed to re-enforce the physical deficiencies. Counter Combative Art

The use of the Pangamut, the art of deadly empty hands. The tempering process The hands are tempered by slapping the banana trees and for hardening the hands are smashed by slapping into the bark of a tree. This bark of a tree is freshly cut with the juice still fresh became the useful medicinal liquid that will help to harden the hand. Selection of this tree is only known to the Dumoguero. The hacking process The forearm is hardened by tempering against the banana tree and accelerated to the branch of a tree. This branch is from a tree that is considered as one of the families of the medicinal tree. During the hardening, while the forearm is smashed against the branch, the juice of the bark is medicinal that helps to harden the forearm. The Elbow hardening This is a special training which is done only on the beach. Immediately after the low tide, the Dumoguero goes into the shoreline and find a suitable place for him to practice. The sandy portion after the high tide is ideal for elbow training. The elbow is brought high above the head and with vigorous force, the elbow together with the body is trapped into the sandy portion and is being repeated by using the left and right elbow. During the dropping of the elbow to the sand it creates several bruises that causes pains caused by the salt water that enters into the cuts. This feeling of pain conditions the Dumoguero to take the pain and while doing so the mentality of the Dumoguero is to take the pain at the same time encourage him to hit more the sand believing that the pain will go away. After the vigorous training and the elbow is already bleeding, then a medicinal oil is applied to the cuts. Hardening of the Hand Blade The hand is thrust into the soft sand while the sea water is flowing into the area where the Hand Blade is thrust. The purpose is to penetrate the sand by using the thrust to go deeper and deeper. This is done in the middle of the day where the Sun is drying the sand to be very hot. The thrusting of the hand is continuous until the feeling of numbness is attained. At this point both hands are dipped into the medicinal herbal pot for several hours. After the numbness is removed then the hands are wrapped with thick clothes for keeping the flesh and the nerves safe against water or air that may cause bad effect into the hand blade.

Deadly Art of Dirty Tricks by Grand Tuhon Leo Gaje Jr.

Moving forward into the in-depth of Dumog/Pangamut the Deadly Art of Dirty Tricks in cheating the enemy during the encounter is the specialty of the Dumoguero. Here are the practices of the Dumogueros and their Dirty Tricks.

The training methods of the Pangamut (hand combat) concentrates on the toughening of the fingernails and the palm. At the initial stage, the Dumoguero prepares a ganta of (Katumbal) redhot pepper, all ripened and are placed in a bucket. Both open hands are dip inside the bucket were the hot pepper are to be squeezed until all the juices are separated. Then both hands are transferred into another bucket filled with sand. Once the hands are dip into the sand, the arm must sink up to the elbow level. The process of dipping is to thrust the hand into the bucket hitting the fined sand so vigorously that for continuos thrust the hands are toughened and toughened. After few minutes, the same hands are dipped into the bucket filled with pepper juices until the hands are numbed not to feel any pain. The pepper juice sinks into the tip of the fingernails and to the skin of the forearms. This is done every other day up to 49 days. The philosophy of this training is for the hand to have protection against poison. The poisons are taken from the venom of a walo-walo water snake, Poison from Atipalo, poison from Ewi-ewi, poison from Lagot-not (a poisonous tree). The Dumuguero boils the coconut oil, and once the coconut oil is cooked it is transferred into a small bucket to be mixed with the poison. This is mixed while the oil is still hot. After few minutes the hands are dip into the bucket of oil and poison. Then the Dumoguero remove his hands from the bucket and air dry his hands ready to be used for combat. During the fight the Dumoguero concentrates his attacks by thrusting his fingers into the mouth or eyes of the opponent. Once the fingers touches the mouth or the eyes, then there will be a change of the opponent movements, that means that the poison is working. Then after couple of minutes the enemy will feel dizzy complainin for headaches. From then the opponent cannot continue the fight and he is being brought to a place where he can rest. Then after few hours, or few days, there is news that the man dies caused by heart attack or some illness caused by some spirits. The other method is to apply the poison by inserting the Atipalos teeth in between the fingers. Once contact is made, the Dumoguero use the teeth of the Atipalo to scratch the opponents hand or skin and immediately the opponent will have a tremendous pain and feverish causing paralysis of the spinal column more than enough for a victim to die either instantly or couple of hours. The Dumoguero is a very tricky and dirty fighter. A open hand slap of the Dumoguero into any parts of the body will cause sudden chill and dizziness that causes serious vomiting and diarrhea if no herbal medicine that will be applied from a special medicinal tree, the victim will die. The hands of the Dumogueros are filled with poison. Dumoguero also performs a certain traditional ritual to re-enforce his power and strength. Doing the advanced rituals, the spiritual power of the Dumoguero is effective against an enemy during combat. The Dumoguero can weakened the opponent by reducing the strength of the enemy causing him not to stand or walk. The use of the poison hand is not limited only for Dumog encounter but also being practiced in

cases of personal challenges. If someone became a victim of the poison hand he suddenly dies, of an unknown cause but most of the time it is blamed to heart attacks. The Dumog/Pangamut movements are done in simulation as movement of the snake about to catch the prey. The wavy motion is also a reflection of the wave of the sea. The hands are moved in parallel movements, vertical movements and reverse vertical motions crossing and counter crossing the body. Any grabbing to the body by one hand or two hands immediately it is countered by one hand while the other hand is thrusting the eyes and the mouth of the opponent. A smart Dumoguero is always prepared to counter against thrust to the eyes or to the mouth. To combine the Dumog techniques and the Pangamut using all the dirty tricks, fighting the Dumoguero will always bring death. That is why the presence of the Dumoguero during family trouble or community fight will reduce the possibility of a serious confrontation.

Dumog Terminology
Kamrus to scratch the face, the skin Gusnit to pail off the skin, remove the hair Puwakon clawing the throat, removing the esophagus Pungkoy Vigorous blow to the back of the head Hulbot the pull the head or pull the hair Waslik to pull and throw Kumus to smash the face area Lukit to thrust the finger into the eye socket and take the eyes out Kagat to bite the skin fingers, nose and ears Guba to elbow the chest area and break the sternum Itlogan to grab and squeeze the balls (groin) Pungol to hold the head, break the neck remove from the body 10 control points on the body: (They correspond to joints) 1. Fingers 2. Toes 3. Wrists 4. Elbows 5. Shoulders 6. Hips 7. Knees 8. Ankles 9. Spine 10. Neck

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