Tridosha Vijnan
Tridosha Vijnan
Tridosha Vijnan
This universe is run by three types of forces
namely kinetic force, potential force and the force
acting as stimulant for either of these. These forces
are represented in our body in the form of three
Doshas here means the forces those can disturb
the body when these are not in balance. These three
Doshas are named as Vata, Pitta and Kapha. These
three represent the whole metabolism going on in the
Kinetic force has the ability to bring about the
changes in the subject matter where ever it is
applied. This force is represented in our body by
Etymologically Vata means that which moves
things. In the absence of Vata other two forces are
considered to be lame, incapable to bring about
any change.
It also governs our sensory and mental balance
and orientation, and promotes mental adaptability
and comprehension.
Potential force in our body is Kapha.
Etymologically Kapha means that
which holds things together.
It provides substance and gives
support, and makes up the bulk of our
body tissues. It also provides emotional
support in life and governs such positive
emotional traits as love compassion,
modesty, patience, and forgiveness. In
brief it is the on going anabolic process in
our body.
The stimulant for kinetic or potential force to
be working is Pitta.
Etymologically it means that which digest
It is responsible for all chemical and
metabolic transformations in the body. It also
governs our mental digestion, our capacity to
perceive reality and understand things as they
are. Thus we can say Pitta represents the
catabolic process going on in the body.
Dosha, dhatu and mala are the
basic elements of human body. Amongst
these doshas are more important.
Principle of Purusha loka
sammit nyaya ( Theory of macro and
micro cosmos) explains that Kapha, Pitta,
Vata maintain body functions, just the
same moon,sun and wind do it in the
nature .
Definition of Dosha
Doshas (bioenergies) are structural and
functional units of human body.
Vata,Pitta,Kapha do following important
Vata All sorts of movements in the human
Pitta Digestion, transformation and change.
Kapha Union, stability and strength.
Each Dosha has five subtypes:
Vata Pitta
1.Prana 1. Pachaka 1.
2. Udana 2. Ranjaka 2.
3.Vyana 3. Bhrajaka 3.
4.Samana 4. Sadhaka 4.
5.Apana 5. Alochaka 5.
Dosha Nirukti
dUYayaint [it daoYaa
The literary meaning of the word dosha is that
which causes decay, destruction or vitiates. However
this is not the correct definition as we all know that when
doshas are in balanced condition they carry out all
prominent physiological functions and maintain health.
When doshas get disturbed, they attack other
body tissues which are weak and disease is created.
The elements, which get spoiled due to vitiated doshas
are called as dushya(victims). They are dhatu (body
tissue),mala (wastes),organ,channels,sense organs etc.
In short dushya are everything in body excluding
Concept of Tridosha has gradually evolved
in Ayurveda,
for Example
1.In Charaka Samhita which is the first
compendia, only five types of Vata dosha have
been described
2. In Sushruta, five types of Pitta are added.
3. In the texts of Vagbhata , including Kapha all
fifteen sub-doshas have been described.
Comparative understanding of
Dosha Dhatu Mala
Dosha dhatu mala are basic elements of
human body. But there is some difference in their
functional aspects, as follows:
To keep the body healthy and clean some
unwanted substances must be eliminated from
the body like urine, stool etc. If these substances
are retained inside the body for a longer time,
they can harm (anuria,uraemia). So this group is
called as waste products
Some other substances in the body are gradually
increasing as the body grows ( except in illness).
Although there is wear and tear in these
substances, it is immediately replenished and
structure and growth of the body is maintained.
This group is called as dhatu or body tissues.
Tissues stay in the body, between the skin from
outside and mucous membrane of gastro-
intestinal tract internally. Excluding shukra or
reproductive tissue, no other tissue leaves this
mucous membrane of the organ, they cause
serious disturbance e.g. during accidents if the
blood is lost due to external hemorrhage or due to
internal hemorrhage both are serious conditions
There is a third group. The elements
from this group are not totally
eliminated from the body like the 1
group, nor do they gradually increase
like the 2
In short, the elements which are not
completely eliminated from the body
and neither grow continuously are
included in the 3
group of Doshas or
Importance of Tridosha
Healthy and unhealthy state of a human being depends
on normal and abnormal condition of tridosha.
i|=-|i|=-| :r -|i-- - vat-yaint ca
A.H.S. 1/6
Tridoshas are responsible for the creation of human
body (and its conctitution).
||-i+-:-|-||| | :r|-|r-|
Amongst Dosha dhatu mala, doshas are the main
cause for the formation of Prakriti as well as for
formation disease
( when imbalanced).
+=||-=| |i- :i=-| :||| ,
The elements which are responsible for formation of
Prakriti and which have the power of vitiating other body
organs and tissues are called as doshas.
If any person consumes diet or follows irregular
lifestyle,which is similar to the properties of doshas, they
get disturbed and spoil the other body tissues.
:||||||||: :|||,
||--+| :|=| :|||,
Doshas are the energies which have the nature
to get disturbed and vitiate other body structures.
Hence to maintain health, by keeping
balanced condition of tridoshas ,we must
know the properties & functions of
Why only Three Doshas?
1.There are only three elements which are responsible
for the formation of constitution (prakriti).
2. There are only three elements in the body, which
when vitiated can damage all body elements.
3. All the body functions can be classified into three
group- union(stability),transformation and movements
(separation),so naturally these three functions are main
functions of Kapha, Pitta and Vata respectively.
4. The whole universe is stable in balance due to
three principle energies residing in moon,sun and
wind. Similarly the body is stable in balance with
three elements i. e. Kapha,Pitta and Vata.
folgaa-nkuiva{ksiS%lkselw;kZfuyk ;Fkk A
Qaaryaint txn~nsgadQfiRrkfuykLrFkk*AA
5. Each and every element on this earth is made
up of panchmahabhuta. Amongst these five
mahabhutas, only three mahabhutas have the
capacity to move. These three mahabhutas are
Ap, Teja and Vayu. Hence ,three energies formed
from these mahabhutas are Kapha, Pitta and
Vata respectively. These are three doshas, which
maintain body activities and seldom disturbs
healthy condition. Here it is understood that Ap,
Teja and Vayu mahabhutas have to work with
Prithvi and Akasha mahabhutas for the formation
of three doshas.
Creation of Doshas
Concept of Prakrita and Vaikrita Dosha
Doshas, present at the time of birth and which are
responsible for development of Prakriti are called as Prakrita
dosha. The quality of these basic doshas remains permanent in
the body and do not change even after the effect of food or
For day to-day activity doshas are formed from various elements
as follws a). Rasa mala-Kapha,b).Rakta mala Pitta c). Anna
mala Vata. This means that Kapha dosha is formed as a
byproduct from the metabolism that takes place during the
formation of rasa dhatu, pitta dosha is formed as by product
at the time of metabolism that take place during the
formation of rakta dhatu and energy that the body receives
from the food is called as Vata dosha. These doshas are called
Vaikrita doshas. The quantity of these Vaikrita doshas changes
according to age, season ,phases of digestion etc.
Relation of Dosha and Dhatu
(Ashraya-ashrayi relation)
Doshas are all pervading in the body. But each dosha acts with
specific media of dhatu. This media is called asashraya i.e.
shelter. Doshas are the shelter users and called ashrayi
Kapha dosha is ashrayi which shows its activity through its
ashraya(shelter) i.e. rasa,mamsa,meda,majja and shukra. The
function of ashrayi and ashraya is the same,i.e. to keep the union
process at molecular level to provide nourishment, stability and
Pitta dosha is ashrayi. Ashraya of Pitta is rakta and sweda. There
is a gross similarity in the properties and function of Pitta and
Vata dosha is ashrayi and hollow spaces in bones are
ashraya(Shelter) of Vata dosha.
Importance of Dosha Dhatu Relation
There exits a close relationship in between ashraya(dhatu) and
ashrayi(dosha).The both affect each other. If dosha gets disturbed
they attack on ashraya (dhatu). Ashraya and ashrayi get disturbed
simultaneously. For example, if Pitta dosha increases, rakta and
sweda also increasea and if rasa increaser then Kapha increases.
Exception is the relation of Vata and Asthi.
When Vata increases, asthi decreases. And if hollow spaces in
asthi increase (e.g. osteoporosis) Vata activity decreses (like
While examining the function of dosha, one can concentrate on
concerned dhatu (ashraya).It is easier to examine the ashraya of
Kapha and Pitta rather that of Vata. Examination of ashraya is
many way useful to assess the quality and quantity of dosha.
Importance of understanding Site of Dosha
A.H.S. 1/7
Although they occupy the whole body, their main sites are as
Kapha-Upper part of the body (chest)
Pitta Middle part of the body(around umbilicus)
Vata Lower part of the body (pelvis and lower extremities)
In the above mentioned places, comparatively, the function of
concerned dosha are predominant. For example the site around
umbilicus, mean in stomach and small intestine. The digestion
function of Pitta dosha is predominant in these organ.
For the treatment purpose, concept of specific site is useful( for
treating Vata it is always useful to give basti(medicated enema),as
this has action on large intestine which is the main site of Vata
- ||i+-||i+ ;--||||||-|||||>||| |
Circadian Rhythm of Tridosha.
Tridosha are in state of constant flux. They increase and
decrease according to age,day and night,stages of
digestion of food and seasons. However this flux or
increase and decrease in within normal physiological limits
and do not cause any disease. This is called as the
Circadian Rhythm.
Age In childhood, Kapha properties and activities are
predominant(growth process is of Kapha nature). Pitta is
dominant in middle age and Vata is dominant in old
age(that is why regular soft oil massage is useful in old
Day and Night cycle -
6 to 10 am - Kapha 6 to 10 am -
10 to 2 pm - Pitta 10 to 2 pm -
2 to 6 pm - Vata 2 to 6 pm -
Digestion Immediately after lunch or dinner, Kapha is
predominant, so body becomes heavy and lethargic. After
one and half hour secretion of Pitta predominant juices and
enzymes start and at this time naturally the person feels
thirsty and little bit hot. Later on after another one and half
hours again movements become easier which is phase of
Vata predominance.
This type of high and low variations are natural physiological
variation. Hence they do not disturb the body mechanism. On the
contrary, Ayurvedic physician can take the benefit of this natural increase
and decrease phenomenon e.g. Vaman(therapeutic vomiting) therapy
should be done in the morning time(around 7 am), because at this time
Kapha is predominant, so it is easier to take it out. Relation of Tridosha and Triguna
Let us first see, the concept of triguna. We have seen that each
and every substance on this earth is panchbhautik (made up of
five elements).
But for the creation of any substance in the Universe, first the
activity by triguna namely sattva, rajas and tamas are necessary.
Trigunas are super qualities and hence are also called as omni
Sattva is light and is responsible for intelligence and knowledge.
Rajas is stimulator, activator and mobile. Tamas is controller of
the activity and heavy in nature. Trigunas are called as
However the question is that how the entire matter in the
Universe can be formed from the qualities?
First somebody gets an idea about formation of new
article. This new conception is due to intelligence in
the brain. This is sattva property.
Rajas quality is responsible for execution of
programming i.e. the activity of creation.
Tamas quality is responsible for stopping the activity
at expected moment. This is controlling mechanism.
From the above explanation it will be clear that
sattva,rajas and tamas are required for the formation
of every substance in the universe.Therefor like
panchmahabhutas,trigunas are also necessary for the
formation of human body. In human body their
predominance at the time of birth, decides the
psychological constitution.
At the level of mind, sattva is considerd as guna or the good
quality of mind and rajas and tamas are called as dosha or the
bad quality. This is because; sattvika mind directs the person
towards health conscious habits and keeps him healthy by
proper understanding and knowledge about diet, behavior etc.
While rajas and tamas leads to turbulence and inertia in the
mind which is prone for prajnaparadha and can ultimately
become the cause of disease.
In medical practice also it is important to know the
psychological constitution of the patient,so that his symptoms
can be understood and can be treated better. For example,
Sattva predominance make the patient for more tolerant for
pain, he follows exactly the instruction of physician faithfully
and so responds well to treatment. On the other hand Rajasika
predominanat patient has very low tolerance for the pain which
makes doubtful about the treatment. Tamasika predominant
patients are ignorant of the health problems. They are lethargic
d ti d t
No. Trigun
Tridosha Similarities
1. Sattva Pitta Fire, Light, Knowledge
2. Rajas Vata Mobility,stimulator
3. Tamas Kapha Stability, inertia
In short Triguna can be responsible for 1) Curiosity, 2) activity, 3) stoppage
of activity.
If we compare the similar properties and functions of triguna and tridosha, we
can establish some relation in them. This relation is mentioned in following
table, as per Law of Predominance
It has been said that Vata is rajas predominant, Pitta sattva
predominant and Kapha is tamas predominant, still we do find that
there is predominance of other gunas in doshas also.
Relation of Triguna Tridosha
pvana rjaaogauNamaya iPa<aM sa<vaagauNaao<arana\ kf %amaaogauNaaiQak
Vata Pitta Kapha
Relation of Tridosha & Six tastes
We consume the food, having 6 types of tastes-1)sweet(madhur)
2)sour(amla) 3)salty (lavana) 4)pungent(katu), )bitter(tikta)
6) astringent(kashaya)
The relation amongst tastes & tridosha is mainly useful to
understand pathology &treatment.