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End-To-End IP Service Quality and Mobility: - Lecture #3

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End-to-end IP Service Quality and Mobility

- Lecture #3 Special Course in Networking Technology S-38.215 vilho.raisanen@nokia.com

Vilho Risnen


Goal of this lecture. End-to-end service quality requirements. Link to service event characteristics. Analysis of mobile services.

Vilho Risnen

Planned contents & draft schedule

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Introduction Characteristics of mobile applications Service quality requirement characterizations Challenges of mobile environment Mobility and QoS in GPRS Mobility and QoS in 3GPP systems Mobility and QoS with Mobile IP Mobile IP QoS enhancements Edge mobility Inter-system mobility End-to-end QoS management Summary
Vilho Risnen

Jan 13th Jan 20th Jan 27th Feb 3rd (Feb 10th) (Feb 17th) (Feb 24th) (Mar 3rd) (Mar 10th) (Mar 17th) (Mar 31st) (Apr 7th)

Dates in parentheses to be confirmed

Goals of this lecture

Understand the most important service quality requirements of different application types. Service-specific requirement vs. end user experience. Example scenarios. Enumeration of relevant factors. Definitions relevant to engineering of service quality support. Define the service quality requirement for mobile services.

Vilho Risnen

Viewing angles at e2e service quality

E2e quality requirements inherent to service instances. Services events with step-like utility curve have minimum requirements for e2e quality in the endpoint: CBR voice, End user experience of e2e service quality. Service event types with 2- steps in the utility function benefit from better-than-minimum service quality. Operators viewpoint: e2e user experience of service quality level is engineered, taking into account service event type specific requirements. Engineering is done on aggregate level, including availability, continuity, and blocking aspects. Minimum requirements for endpoints needed.
Vilho Risnen

Scenario #1: G.711 VoIP telephony

Service availability and continuity must be sufficiently high. Call set-up time must be sufficiently short. Telephony interactive => end-to-end delay must be < 400 ms, preferably < 250 ms [Y.1541,101329-2]. Delay variation compensation is part of the end-to-end delay budget. Sufficient token rate needed for media stream. No error concealment in codec => packet loss percentage must be small. Dejittering buffer may give rise to effective packet loss. Packet loss should not be too correlated.

Vilho Risnen

G.711 VoIP telephony, contd

Maximum Loss comparison static - dynamic jitter buffer


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Vilho Risnen

Scenario #2: browsing

Availability, continuity. Users tend to build preferences towards sites (bookmarked). Availability and continuity important especially for portals. Browsing must be interactive. Reaction to clicking a link should follow promptly. Its the total downloading time that counts =>
Throughput for large downlink content engineered.

HTTP run on top of TCP TCP throughput considerations need to be taken into account.

Vilho Risnen



quality evaluation, Proc. ICC2001] [Ramjee et al., Adaptive playout mechanisms, Proc. Infocom94.]


Operation of basic RTP media 6,0% 5,0% client: 4,0% Receive a sample (with 3,0% timestamp TS). 2,0% 1,0% Play out at time TS + . 0,0% 0 10 20 30 40 Dejittering buffer can use the Jitter Buffer Size (ms) following operations: Shift buffer in time (affects e2e 5.0 No errors 4.5 delay). 4.0 [Lakaniemi et al., Resize dejittering buffer 3.5 Subjective VoIP speech 3.0 (affects e2e delay).
Maximum Loss (%)
2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0

Dynamic JB Delay (ms) Static JB Delay (ms)





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TCP throughput
Basic TCP: flow control based on advertised window size in ACKs. TCP throughput model of Padhye et al: Based on Reno variant. Model with loss rate and RTT as parameters. RTT and throughput consistency enhance overall throughput.
W 1 B( p) min max , RTT 3bp 2bp p 1 + 32 p 2 RTT + T0 min1,3 8 3
B=throughput p=probability that packet is lost W=window size RTT=round-trip delay b=number packets acknowledged by ACK T0=length of the first timeout period

[J. Padhye, V. Firoiu, D. Towsley and J. Kurose, Modeling TCP Reno Performance, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, April 2000]
Vilho Risnen

E2e service quality characteristics

Aggregate level characteristics: Availability. Service instance level characteristics: Continuity. Service instantiation time. Throughput consistency. Service event level characteristics: E2e latency. E2e event loss. (BER). Note: TSpec parameters are part of service event characteristics!
Vilho Risnen

Requirements for generalized RSpec

Should accommodate current services Conferencing Streaming Interactive Data Should also be sufficiently generic to accommodate future services. Core set of service quality requirement characteristics should be small. Access technology specific amendments used as necessary.

Vilho Risnen

On temporal correlations
Latency: E2e latency can be measured for a service event or part thereof -> di. Measurement for a set of service events -> time series {di}. Delay jitter = temporal correlation of {di}. Packet loss: Service event is lost / not lost -> {li}. Measurement for a set of service events -> {li}. Loss correlation = temporal correlation of {li}. Throughput consistency: Temporal correlation of {bi}.
[K.Lai, M. Baker, Measuring bandwidth, in Proc. Infocom99, p. 235 ff.]
Vilho Risnen

Availability is measured on aggregate service level as per cents of total time. Depending on service, availability may be defined in different ways: All service events belonging to the service instance must be present. Some service events may be optional. Example: ACME kryptonite detectors Seeing marketing video considered essential for service event, ditto for other service events. Availability = 100% - (V||P||C)
V = video unavailability P = payment unavailability C= confirmation unavailability
Vilho Risnen

Service instantiation time

Some services have typically well-defined service instantiation time Telephony.
Guidelines for IP telephony still in the making.

For other kinds of services, interactivity is important for service instantiation. Browsing. Streaming. In all cases, service instantiation time should be engineered for carrier-grade services. Consistency important: e.g., 95% percentile for service instantiation time distribution = X seconds.
Vilho Risnen

Inherent latency requirements: PDUs of IP media streams of conferencing applications. Designed latency: Interactive IP control traffic (RTSP, SIP, HTTP GET, WAP). Designed throughput: Data traffic (FTP, HTML).
3 (WIDE BAND) 2 (NARROWBAND) 2H (HIGH) < 100 ms 2M (MEDI UM) < 150 ms 2A

1 (BEST EFFOR T) < 400 ms

End-to-end Delay NOTE:

< 100 ms

< 400 ms

The delay for best effort class is a target value.

Vilho Risnen


Event loss
Overall effect of event loss depends on L4 and L2 protocol. TCP: retransmissions hidden from application up to maximum retry limit. UDP: IP-level packet losses visible to end application. L2 reliability. Loss can also take place because of bit errors (cf. next slide). PDU loss usually degrades service quality of all services. For media streams, correlated packet loss degrades end user experienced quality even with loss concealment schemes. VoIP: lower audio quality. Packet video: skipped / distorted frames.
[V. Risnen, On end-to-end analysis of packet loss, Computer Communications, in press.]
Vilho Risnen

Bit Error Rate (BER) most important for wireless links. UDP: checksum computed over header & data. If checksum does not match one computed from L4 SDU, datagram rejected. RT data on wireless links: checking of headers needed, retransmissions not good for end-to-end latency. Higher bits of audio samples are more important than lower bits. UDPLite: checksum covers header + predefined number of the highest bits of payload.

[L-A.Larzon, The UDPLite protocol, draft-larzon-udplite03.txt.]

Vilho Risnen

Throughput consistency
Minimum token rate required by media streams of real-time IP applications: IP telephony. Streaming. Throughput consistency also yields higher overall throughput for TCP-based data transfer. For long data transfers, overall throughput most important => effect of individual bursts of lower throughput.

Vilho Risnen

Estimates for end user experience

End user experience of service quality can be estimated: With measurements. Via modelling. Measurements: Mean Opinion Score (MOS) for telephony [P.800]. Modelling: Transmission planning: E-model [G.109]. Cognitive modelling: PESQ [P.862] etc. Can be generalized to other services apart from voice?
Overall Transmission Quality Rating 90 R < 100 Very satisfied 80 R < 90 Satisfied 70 R < 80 Some users dissatisfied 60 R < 70 Many users dissatisfied 50 R < 60 Nearly all users dissatisfied


User's satisfaction

Vilho Risnen

Data transfer
Desirable end user experience: Availability designed. Data transfer commences quickly. Overall duration predictable. Conclusions: Designed delay for small messages in UL direction. Downlink:
Designed delay, relatively consistent. Throughput relatively consistent. Packet loss designed, relatively consistent.

Vilho Risnen


Interactive applications
Desirable end user experience: Availability relatively high (designed). Replies to requests take place interactively. Duration for downloading predictable. Conclusions: Availability needs special attention. Designed delay for small messages in UL direction. Downlink:
Designed delay, relatively consistent. Throughput relatively consistent. Packet loss designed, relatively consistent.

Vilho Risnen

Simple SIP services

Desirable end user experience: Availability high. Service instantiation relatively fast. Some service events must have relatively low latency. Conclusions: Availability needs special attention. Designed delay and loss performance for small messages. For large content (e.g. pictures), as with downloading.

Vilho Risnen


Desirable end user experience: Availability high. Service instantiation interactive. Media quality high (more important for audio than for video). Conclusions: Availability needs special attention. Designed delay and loss performance for RTSP. Latency for media streams relatively small. Constant token rate desirable
Packet loss allowed if retransmissions possible.

BER may be allowable for media streams.

Vilho Risnen

Multimedia conferencing
Desirable end user experience: Availability high. Service instantiation quick. Media quality high (more important for audio than for video). Conclusions: Availability needs special attention. High delay and loss performance for SIP signalling. Latency for media streams small. Minimum token rate required for audio component, desirable for video component. BER allowable for media streams.
Vilho Risnen


Service quality requirements: service type inherent vs. end user experience related. Most important service quality characteristics: Availability. Service instantiation time. Throughput consistency. E2e latency. E2e event loss. (BER). Temporal correlations. Modelling of end user experience.
Vilho Risnen


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