The Principia Discordia or How The West Was Lost 1st Ed
The Principia Discordia or How The West Was Lost 1st Ed
The Principia Discordia or How The West Was Lost 1st Ed
This is (as much of) the first edition of that seminal counter-culture classic "Principia Discordia" by Malaclypse the Younger (as could be found). And most of the contents of "Appendix Discordia" - DrJon's Repository of Random 'Risian Ramblings as lovingly served up online (currently) at: This presentation of the material was prepared by myself, Rev. St. Syn, KSC of and adheres to the terms of the Creative Commons license under which the material is made available (see pages 7 & 74 not that there are any page numbers).
What's New? A small proportion of the original text was rendered unreadable by age and by the state of photocopying technology at the time the works were produced. DrJon has done sterling work in exhuming, recreating and sometimes replacing the lost words of "The Principia Discordia 1st Ed." DrJon's replacements appear throughout this text in [square brackets]. Don't forget to thank the good DrJon for his hard work and devotion to Discordia and Discordians everywhere. A lot of the graphic items were in pretty poor condition and were only available as low resolution scans at Appendix Discordia. I have recreated some of the more interesting items by painstakingly cleaning pixel by pixel and vectorizing them to print quality. Other images, primarily those of text pages, are presented as they were found. They seem legible so were left as-is to preserve authenticity, not to mention to save typing them out.
Why? 'Cos.
ande beeing the Officiale Handebooke of The Difcordian Societye ande A Beginning Introdyctun to The Erisian Misterees
Written under inspiration by MALACLYPSE (The Younger), H.C. Omnibenevolent Polyfather of Virginity-in-gold and High Priest of The Heretic Fringe & Protestant Persuasion
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Contents PRINCIPIA DISCORDIA or HOW THE WEST WAS LOST 01. What's This? What's New? Why? 03. Title Page 05. Title Page 07. Legal Mumbo Jumbo Creative Commons Commons Deed 08. Disclaimer 09. Contents 11. About The discordian Society 12. The Sacred Chao 13. The Discordian Society Symbol The Eristique Principle The Eristic Principle 14. The Pentagon and the Apple of Discord A Note about Rendering The Pentagon 15. What We Know About Eris 16. The Myth of the Apple of Discord 17. The Erisian Movement in General 18. The House of the Apostles of Eris The Golden Apple Corps 19. The Office of High Preisthood The Erisian Orthodoxy The Heretic Fringe & Protestant Persuasion 20. The Compilers of Thruth--Esoteric The Five Apostles, Saints, and Like Personages 21. The Episkoposes The Administry 22. Dept. of the Erisian Archives Dept. of Symbols, Emblems, Certificates, and Such 23. The Official Discordian Document Numbering System 24. Dept. of Projects Dept. of the Miscellaneous 25. Notes to Principia Discordia APPENDIX DISCORDIA 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. Title Page Certificate of Holy Ordination Barbara Clancey Reid LDD Certificate What Must You Do To Save Us Enunciating Discordian Society Certificate Plastic Guru Hail Eris!!!!! Announcement Discordianism According to Malaclypse the Younger The Erisian Movement The Eristic Movement The Eristesque Movement Hold Everything!!!!! (A note from Lord Omar) Confusion Contest On Behalf of Eris What The Application for Membership The Myth of Ichabod (Starbuck) Pope Card Proclamation
44. Discordianism According to Malaclypse the Younger The Disorganization Table "TD" 45. Are you a Discordian? What is the Discordian Society? The History of the Erisian Movement 46. The Organization of the Erisian Movement How can you become a Discordian? 47. John Herbert Dillinger 1903-1934 The John Dillinger Died For You Society Card 48. One Ton of Flax banknote 49. How to Tell a True Illuminatus - Mad Malik spills the beans on the True Third Eye 50. Illuminatus Illustration 51. Current Structure of Bavarian Illuminati Conspiracy and the Law of Fives 52. Five Windows with Washers, a fantasy 53. Dear Pres. Richard Nixon - RAW earns himself a Secret Service file 54. The Revelation of Eris Why Choose Discordianism 55. B E H O L D ! - A blag sheet promoting the Discordian Society 56. Fact Sheet on Saint John the Martyr to Dispel Old Myths and Rumours ....and Replace Them with New Ones! 57. Rumours to be spread - from the John Dillenger Died For You Society 58. Illuminati Codes - An early version of Mad Malik's memo from the PD 59. Rock & Roll Evils - "Charles Floyd" warns Rev.Noebel about the History of Music and the Illuminati 60. Letter to Art Kunkin - Mordecai the Foul spills the beans on New Orleans... 61. Open Letter to GOP National Committee - Mad Malik complains to the Republicans about the satanic stars on their logo 62. The Release of Episkoposation - Mal2 officially allows any person to declare themself an Episkopos 63. Jaking the Rag - "Thomas the Gnostic" casts uncertainty about the Illuminati 64. Bullmas Day 5728 AM - Mordecai the Foul gives general advice to Dr Apocalypse 65. Takeover of Harpers Magazine - Ho Chi Zen lords it over Robert Welch 66. Letter to Senator Thomas Dodd - "Charles Floyd" wishes the Senator well... 67. General Invitation - RAW tries to recruit various folks to the Illuminati 68. Re: January 20 "Strange But True" - Mal2 claims the Earth is flat 69. Project Jake and a Half - Mal2 calls for a jake bombast 70. Department of Justice Notification - Predating Concerned Citizens for a Safe Internet, the FBI warns of the Discordian Society 71. Thomas Robert Malthus 72. Routing Slip 73. How the West was Found - Afterword to the Principia Discordia (First Edition) - His Wholiness the Rev.DrJon
ABOUT THE DISCORDIAN SOCIETY The Discordian Society is a group of people with a common bond, that of DISCORD. It is quite true that all men inherently manifest discord (as all men inherrently manifest order; the two principles being in eternal conflict--which is itself discordant); but The Discordian Society refers to an elite population, certainly not just anybody. There are three Discordian Movements about us (note 1), and hence, three sorts of Discordians: The ERISTESQUIANS, The ERISTICS, and The ERISIANS. It is this latter group, The Erisian Movement, that represents the esoteric, religious fold that is dedicated to True Wisdom, which they (and only they) realize can only be found in The Erisian Mysteries. Consequently, it is The Erisian Movement over which we are most concerned. Besides, nobody but the Erisians even know about the others anyway; so you have to study The Mysteries to find out much of anything in the first place. The Principia Discordia is the official handbooke of the Erisian Movement; and together with the various Holy Works and some of the Epistles and All That, it will quietly, but exhaustively, explain everything that is worth knowing. In the words of one of the Apostles Of Eris, Discordeaux (Jean The Eristentionalist): "Gorf stlikkter heenoc queslipper flix." (note 2) So we shall begin by explaining the disorganization of the Society--in all its glory detail--taking each part and sub-part and sub-subpart in its turn; and we guarantee that any soul who finishes the work will have reached, to some degree, the Divine State of Chaos. Hold the foregoing TABLE OF DISORGANIZATION in one hand, the PRINCIPIA DISCORDIA in one hand (turn pages with the other hand)...and welcome to the Erisian Mysteries.
THE DISCORDIAN SOCIETY SYMBOL This magnificent emblem pictorally symbolizes The Working of the Forces of the Universe and What Those Forces Are. It is called THE SACRED CHAO. Utilizing the symbolism of the Taoist "Ying & Yang", we have The Sacred Chao divided into The Hodge and The Podge; only instead of a Podge spot in the Hodge side there is a PENTAGON, to represent The Eristesque Principle; and instead of a Hodge spot in the Podge side, there is The Golden Apple of Discord, to represent The Eristic Principle. These two Principles--in eternal strife against each other--bring forth Life. The Eristesque Principle: is, essentially, that everything that claims to be ordered is in fact only superficially ordered, and imperfectly at that. In other words, even the greatest orderers of all humanity, The Scientists, find that every time they get some kind of good scheme going some damn thing or another doesn't fit and every word of the "knowledge" of science must be prefaced with the understanding that it might all be scrapped if the wrong evidence pops up tomorrow. Furthermore, every scientist today (using "scientist" narrowly) is spending the bulk of his time trying to figure out just what to do with all the bits of inforation that he already has that even now don't fit the scheme. Anyway, it is all well and good because the order is not really there in the first place--only primal chaos; it is we that give birth to order, imposed on chaos, so that we may utilize our environment and Lead A Good Life. That is, ordering is [essentially] a Human thing and also in fact, is essential to humans. But what most people do not realize is that there is another Principle at work also. The Eristic Principle: is, essentially, pure bald discord, the antithesis of order, in its unadulterated state. This Principle, too, is necessary for Life--for without it, something or another would happen that must be terrible, but we poor humans lack the Understanding (so far) to appreciate what [that] might be. But if you don't believe that this Principle exists: LOOK ABOUT YOU! Oh, yes, Discord is an inherrent Principle of The Universe. Really, it is. For a more complete dissertation on The Principles, see "The Cosmology" in the incompleted Holy Work of
Malaclypse (The Younger), H.C., Summa Universalia ("A Summation of the Universe) which is probably not yet available. Also, for a more complete rendition of The Eristesque Principle in particular, read his "Myth of Ichabod", included in the same Holy Work but also distributed alone on occassion. The Pentagon and The Apple of Discord were chosen to represent these principles for the following reason: We have found that one of the finest examples of Superficial Order resting on a solid foundation of Chaos is the United States Military Headquarters, The Pentagon Bldg. Furthermore, the Pentagon has five sides, which correlates with The Law Of Fives, which was discovered by the great Lord Omar Khayyam Ravenhurst, H.C., to be that everything happens in fives or is divisible into five parts (for a more complete explaination of this, read Book I "The Five Pillars of Rubbish" in his Holy Work The Honest Book Of Truth). As one of the five Apostles of Eris put it: "The truth is Five, but we have only one name for it." (If you must know, that particular Apostle was Krishna Argumentium.) On the other half, The Golden Apple of Discord was chosen to symbolize the Eristic Principle and refers to the only extant myth of the Greek Goddess of Strife & Discord, ERIS. That myth follows shortly. The official colors of the Discordian Society are blue, red, green, chartruese, puse, heliotrope, tuttifruitti, green, vermillion, navy black, and yellow; however, we usually render the emblem as silver bordered, with golden pentagon and apple, all on a black or darkened background, because that way it is sort of pretty. A Note about Rendering The Pentagon. This symbol is included in many of the emblems of the various subdivisions and in all cases (including the DS Emblem itself) it should be drawn in a particular position. You see, inherrent in every pentagon is a pentagram (made from drawing a line from each point to every other point) which is a very old Mystical Symbol. A strange thing about The Pentagram is that it could be used for mystifying Good or Evil; in white magic it was used with one point ascending and two points descending, and whn used for black magic then it had two points up and one down. Well, we don't want to appear biased, so we always render one point to the left and two points to the right, which results in 1 points up and 1 points down--and everybody is happy,particularly Eris.
WHAT WE KNOW ABOUT ERIS Disgustingly little. However, we do know that she was worshipped by the ancient Greeks as the Goddess of Strife and Discord; and that the Romans appropriated Her and re-named Her Discordia. The Romans seem to be the only ones who left a likeness of her for posterity--she was presented as a grotesque woman with a pale and ghastly look, her eyes afire, her garment ripped and torn, and as having a concealed daggar hidden in her bosom. Some Discordians of today question the validity of this picture, but that's what the Romans said. Her geneology is amazingly balled up (which is me so appropriate to Eris, that it makes one shudder). She is the daughter of either a) Zeus and Hera (and the twin of Ares), or b) of Nyx. Now, Nyx was the daughter of Chaos and the Goddess of Night. She and her brother Erebus (hows this for a scandal?) begat Hypnos (sleep), Thanatos (death), Moros (doom), Cer (fate), Dreams (dreams), Momus (mockery, blame), Oizys (misery), The Three Fates (Lachesis, Atropos, Clotho), Nemesis, Deceit, Friendship, Old Age and Strife (ERIS). Zeus was scared to death of her. At least, it seems, that she may be the daughter of Chaos. To quote from The New Century Classical Handbook: "In Greek mythology, chaos is the original formless state of the universe; or, the deity presiding over it. Perhaps no other myth exhibits quite so much confusion and variety as are found in the concepts of Chaos. The one thing common to all varieties was the idea of infinite space in which matter existed without form and in complete darkness; to some of the ancient poets, this was Chaos, and alone existed, but others said that Earth and Eros (not to be confused with Eris) were coeval with Chaos. In some cosmogonies, the first of all things was Chronos (time), from whom proceeded Chaos and Aether (Light, or Upper Air). But in another formulation, Chaos was the deity presiding over the formeless mass with his wife Nyx (Night). Their son Erebus (dark-ness) slew or dethroned Chaos (ho, ho, another scandal!) and married his mother: from this union came Aether and Hemera (Day), who with the aid of their son Eros (love) created Pontus (Sea), and Gaea (Earth). But in other accounts Gaea proceeded directly from Chaos and was the mother of Eros as well as of Tartarus (the Nether World)." And that is who Eris is related to. But, all this garbage aside, we have one nice little myth about Her.
THE MYTH OF THE APPLE OF DISCORD It seems that Zeus was throwing a wedding banquet for Peleus and Thetis; and quite logically didn't want to invite Eris because he wanted it to go well. So everybody got invited by but poor Eris (we call this The Doctrine Of The Original Snub), and she got quite angry about it all. Her cunning little mind clicking away madly, she took an apple of pure god gold[**] and inscribed upon it KALLISTI ("to the prettiest one") and rolled it into the banquet hall. [The rest of the first edition version of the THE MYTH OF THE APPLE OF DISCORD is missing. Here substituted is the rest of the myth from the fourth edition. s.] [She] then left to be alone and joyously partake of a hot dog. Now, three of the invited goddesses,*** Athena, Hera, and Aphrodite, each immediately claimed it to belong to herself because of the inscription. And they started fighting, and they started throwing punch all over the place and everything. Finally Zeus calmed things down and declared that an arbitrator must be selected, which was a reasonable suggestion, and all agreed. He sent them to a shepherd of Troy, whose name was Paris because his mother had had a lot of gaul and had married a Frenchman; but each of the sneaky goddesses tried to outwit the others by going early and offering a bribe to Paris. Athena offered him Heroic War Victories, Hera offered him Great Wealth, and Aphrodite offered him the Most Beautiful Woman on Earth. Being a healthy young Trojan lad, Paris promptly accepted Aphrodite's bribe and she got the apple and he got screwed. As she had promised, she maneuvered earthly happenings so that Paris could have Helen (The Helen) then living with her husband Menelaus,King of Sparta. Anyway, everyone knows that the Trojan War followed when Sparta demanded their Queen back and that the Trojan War is said to be The First War among men. And so we suffer because of the Original Snub. And so a Discordian is to partake of No Hot Dog Buns. Do you believe that? -------------------------------------------** There is historic disagreement concerning whether this apple was of metalic gold or acapulco. *** Actually there were five goddesses, but the Greeks did not know the Law of Fives.
"Erisian" is defined as: 1) of, or in regard to, Eris; 2) in reference to The Principle of Discord.
Specifically, The Erisian Movement is dedicated to acknowledging ERIS as the Universal Deity, to understanding the Eristic Principle and the Eristesque Principle and their interrelationship, to understanding the significance of Life and its relation to Truth, to propagating Erisian Religion and Erisian Theology, and to just plain gaining Wisdom (note 3).
A. THE HOUSE OF THE APOSTLES OF ERIS 1. The Golden Apple Corps (Holders of the Sacred Chao) 2. The Office of High Priesthood a. The Erisian Orthodoxy b. The Heretic Fringe & Protestant Persuasion 3. The Compilers of Truth--Esoteric a. The Epistolary b. The Holy Word Inspirational Historical, Philosophical, (etc.) 4. 5. The Episkoposes B. THE ADMINISTRY 1. Dept. of Erisian Archives 2. Dept. of Symbols, Emblems, Certificates and Such 3. Dept. of The Secretariat 4. Dept. of Projects Project Concerning Our Affairs With Switzerland Project Concerning The University of Discordia (etc.) 5. Dept. of the Miscellaneous C. THE LEGION OF DYNAMIC DISCORD 1. Disciples of Eris (Evangelists, etc.) 2. Legionnaires (also sub-divided as:) 1. The Erisian Orthodox 2. The Fringe Heretics & Persuaded Protestants 3. The non-sectarians
THE HOUSE OF THE APOSTLES OF ERIS The House (as we lovingly call it) is the Eristocracy of the Erisian Movement. Any member of The House is called an Episkopos (which is a real honest-to-goodness Greek word that means "overseer", and from which we derive good words like "epistle" and bad words like "Episcopalian".) and all of the Episkoposes are Eristocrats, which is the same thing. Now this is not to say that an Episkopos cannot be something else in The House also--he can, if that something just happens to be a High Priest or a Compiler of Truth--Esoteric. In fact, it is quite likely that he will be a Compiler of Truth--Esoteric; because that is probably how he became an Episkopos in the first place (but more on that later). The fact that the sub-divisions of The House are numbered should not lead one to believe that it is a hierarchy because that is not the case; with the grand exception of The Golden Apple Corps, which is in the attic. No Episkopos has any authority over any other Episkopos, (with same exception as mentioned) all are Eristocrats. But then some Episkoposes do hold a higher place, but not because he is an Episkopos but because he is a something else too, and if that something else is the head of something. For instance, a High Priest is the head of all those that follow his sect--be they Legionnaires or Episkoposes--but he has no authority over just any old body. Perhaps this will become clearer as we go along (note 4). THE GOLDEN APPLE CORPS This is the super-supreme-absolute-dictatorial-tiptop of the Erisian Movement; it has the last word and is answerable only to Eris Herself. It holds a position somewhat similar to the (pardon the reference) Papacy in the heathen Christianity of the Catholic variety. Now, don't get angry, it is not as bad as all that. First, remember that an Episkopos is pretty much his own boss; he was ascended into The House because The Holders of The Sacred Chao felt that they could trust his discretion. Hence, the only time that The Golden Apple Corps would ever exert it's supreme authority would be in case of disputes or in cases where a final authority is necessary. Secondly, the fact that the Corps is closed too to new members (I guess I forgot to mention that), does not in any way belittle other Episkoposes (note 5). The Corps is for The Founders of Discordianism--and just because you didn't happen to think of the idea first, it doesn't necessarily imply that you are not as good a Discordian as The Holders of the Chao--even though it is probably true. And thirdly, the two founders are going to leave this corporeal world someday, and will have to be replaced anyway. A member of The Golden Apple Corps is called a "Holder of the Sacred Chao" and that is what that little "H.C." after the founders' names means. Being two founders, there are two Holders of the Sacred Chao; namely: Lord Omar Khayyam Ravenhurst and Malaclypse (The Younger). They, and only they, may put "H.C." after their names.
THE OFFICE OF HIGH PRIESTHOOD Not long after the Discordian Society was founded, there happened a schism (no great religion is without schisms!). It seems that Malaclypse (The Younger)--while under inspiration-realized that the Greeks did not understand the Principle of Discord very well at all; and that Eris should not be taken quite as literally as had been done. And for about five days, Malaclypse (The Younger) went through a period of Rebellion, and was heard making such comments as "Down with Eris" and "Screw God" and other terrible things which made Lord Omar very angry. Passing through his rebellious phase, Malaclypse (The Younger) asked Lord Omar just what they should do; for Lord Omar's inspirations told him that Eris was to be taken literaly--or nearly so, anyway. Well, they went into conference at the Bowling Alley where Eris first presented Herself to them, and together they talked things over with Eris. After much lengthly contemplation, discussion, meditation, and consideration they concluded that it is perfectly within the Discordian Philosophy to have Sex (I mean Sects). And each appointed the other as L High Priest of his particular interpretation. THE ERISIAN ORTHODOXY is the interpretation of Lord Omar, and is more or less loyal to the ancient understanding of Eris, and feels that she is a real live Goddess (sort of). Any member of this sect should never, never take Her name in vain, or so much as suggest that another God or Goddess comes anywhere near Her. THE HERETIC FRINGE & PROTESTANT PERSUASION is the interpretation of Malaclypse (The Younger). He feels that She is not a real live Goddess but if there was one, it would be She. Being a Symbolic Manifestation of The Principle (which is what he calls Her), She does not, he argues, always represent the appropriate specific. Which means that sometimes a Fringe Heretic & Persuaded Protestant can say "Hail Baccus" or "Hail St. Bokonon" or "Hail Me" or something, if he feels that Eris is not the appropriate symbol afn under the circumstances at the moment. The liberal interpreters may take Her name in vain on occassion; but do so sparingly, with kindness, and not in the presence of an Orthodox Erisian(note 7). At the time that this is being written, these are the only two sects and the only two High Priests. However, there is one way to become a High Priest yourself--but that is a secret, and never let out of the Office. The reason that it is secret is this: The High Priests feel that being a High Priest and having followers is quite a responsibility, and should not be available to just any one. So, if a person understands Discordianism to the degree in which it is apparent to him, without being told, how he can become a High Priest (if he wants to), then he understands it well enough to qualify. So don't ask a High Priest how he became one, because he cannot tell you. Incidentally, this is the only secret that is to be found in the Erisian Mysteries--the reason that we are "esoteric" is because nobody ever heard of us.
THE COMPILERS OF THRUTH--ESOTERIC This is just what it says it is, Comipled Truth. But this is not to be confused with The Compilers of Truth--Lay, even though both are Truth and both are Compiled. The difference is that when an Episkopos compiles truth it is done in specific regard to the Erisian Movement; which of course, cannot be done by a layman who knows nothing about Discordianism (though he may intuitively understand much of Discordian Wisdom--which is why it is "truth" that he compiled and not just any other old thing). This is an academic distinction and gives one no authority or anything. If an Episkopos wishes, he may call himself "Compiler of Truth--Esoteric" (if he has compiled truth, that is), but usually this is not done. The Epistolary is properly a part of the Erisian Archives, but each Epistle itself is a compiled truth--so it is properly part of this section too. More on the Epistolary when we get to The Administry. Holy Works are the best examples of compiled truths. A Holy Work is a work done on, about, or in the name of Eris, and Discordianism. The Principia Discordia (which you are now reading) is a Holy Work; as is The Honest Book of Truth (the major work of Malaclypse Lord Omar) and Summa Universalia (the major work of Malaclypse--The Younger) and all of the junk that each Discordian gets in his Iniation Initiation Packet and like stuff. Most of the Episkoposes will have done some sort of a Holy Work by the time that they enter The House. THE FIVE APOSTLES, SAINTS, AND LIKE PERSONAGES The Five Apostles of Eris are: Controvite, Confusium, Krishna Argumentium, Discordeaux (Jean the Eristentialist), Eristotal, and Malaclypse (The Elder). If you wish to know more about the Five Apostles, their history and importance: read Book II of The Honest Book of Truth, which is entitled THE G0SPEL ACCORDING TO OMAR. You will find it very enlightening (if you can find it at all). Saints: At the time that this is being written, there are three Saints, St. Bokonon (sainted for his profound understanding of the function of religion), St. Quixote (sainted for his divinly inspired approach to life, and St. Yossarrian (sainted as an example of what an Authentic Man is like). It is interesting to note that our Saints are fictional, not factual--but that is all right (St. Bokonon demonstrates that it certainly is all right). If you wish to know more about our Saints read (respectively): The Cat's Cradle, Kurt Vonnegut; Don Quixote, Cervantes; and Catch 22, Joeseph Heller. As more Saints come into being, all Discordians will be notified. Like Personages: (just thought we would throw this in).
It has become a tradition of The Compilers of Truth--Esoteric to dedicate their Holy Works to She For Whom The Apple Of Discord Was Meant. Anything appropriate to the following would do "To The Pretty One", "For The Fairest", "In Honor of The Pretiest", or simply "KALLISTI".
THE EPISKOPOSES Everything has pretty much been stated about the members in general of The House, except: How To Become One. If a Legionnaire wishes ascendance into The House, he must first prove that he has a profound understanding of Discordianism. This is really necessary, for an Episkopos (unlike a Legionnaire) can do just about anything he wishes IN THE NAME OF THE DS. The only thing that he cannot do, is override The Golden Apple Corps. So, present yourself for examination before The Golden Apple Corps; and if it feels that your Erisian Judgement can be trusted almostunconditionally, then you will be ascended. The easiest way to present yourself for examination, is to write a Holy Work, such that you feel it demonstrates your ability to be an Episkopos, and present it to The Corps--actually, this way is preferred, we like Holy Works. Ascendance into The House can be authorized only by The Corps. One priviledge that an Episkopos has is that of giving himself titles, such as Bull Goose of Limbo and Protector of Switzerland (Lord Omar's title) or Omnibenevolent Polyfather of Virginity-in-Gold (Malaclypse--The Younger's title). Like your Sacred Name, your Sacred Title is a very personal and individual thing and should be chosen with care. Furthermore, he can also head departments of the Administry and title himself appropriatly; and he can officially usher in new Legionnaire Converts; and ascend Legionnaires to Disciplehood; and everything. As an Eristocrat in The House of the Apostles of Eris, an Episkopos should carry his Honor with the appropriate dignity. THE ADMINISTRY As it's name indicates, this handles the Administration Functions necessary for the propagation of Discordianism. It is the responsibility of The House end is headed by Episkoposes. It has five sub-divisions, each head of which is called "The Keeper of....." ("of The Erisian Archives," "of Symbols, Emblems, Certificates and Such," etc.) except the Secretariat who is called "The Secretariat" but since we don't have one it doesn't make any difference anyway. Each sub-division may have sub-sub-divisions, and they can have their sub-sub-sub-divisions, ad infinitum. Just keep track of what you are doing, and enjoy yourself.
DEPT. OF THE ERISIAN ARCHIVES Lord Omar, as Keeper of The Erisian Archives, has in his possession: 1) The Epistolary and 2) all the official Discordian Records--including copies of Holy Works. The Epistolary is a goodie that is composed of copies of all the Inspired Letters that have passed between the Holders of The Sacred Chao (or, if you like, passed between the Chao's legs). Needless to say, these documents will some day be Erisian Relics and should bring a good price. The Polyfather also has much of this in his own Archives, which is officially called "The Erisian Archives --So. Cal. Sub-Div." Anyone who wishes, may compile all of the Discordian Material that they can get their hands on, and call it "Unofficial Erisian Archives"--but it is not recomended because it is a lot of trouble. Anything that you wish to have officially recorded in The Archives, please make duplicate copies and send one to: UNITED STATES MAIN TEMPLE; Lord Omar Khayyam Ravenhurst, H.C.; c/o Kerry Thornley (his secular name); 4201 S. 31st. St. #349; Arlington, Va. 22206 and send the other to: SOUTHERN CALIF. TEMPLE; Malaclypse (The Younger)H.C.; c/o Gregory Hill (his secular name); 1331 Ponderosa Ave.; Fullerton, Calif. 92631. Remember, two copies (carbon OK).
DEPT. OF SYMBOLS, EMBLEMS, CERTIFICATES, AND SUCH Malaclypse (The Younger), H.C., as Keeper of All This, personally renders each hand drawn Certificate, or Emblem or Such all by himself. He then has the master duplicated (offset, Xerox, or something) and presents it to whoever is going to get it. Due to the expense envolved in this operation, this is one of the main areas in which The Treasury is emptied. If you have any questions about the use of certificates, or what symbol is appropriate to what, or anything at all pertaining to this, just ask this Keeper and if he doesn't have an answer ready he has the authority to make up an answer to fit the problem. All the symbols and things so far, were originally designed by him.
THE OFFICIAL DISCORDIAN DOCUMENT NUMBERING SYSTEM: The Keeper of Symbols, Emblem, Certificates and Such feels that no organization should be without a system for numbering its official releases. So here is ours: It is composed of three sets of Numbers, each separated by a dash. The first represents the Movement appropriate to the document; the second to the sub-division(s); and the third is the date. Example: #1-2-4:11:64 would mean that it is Erisian, that it pertains to The Legion of Dynamic Discord, and that it was documented on April 11th, l964. What to do with sub-sub divisions. In the above example, there would be no way to differentiate between a Legionnaire's document and a Disciple's document; so a Disciple's document would be two point one (2.1) whereas the Legionnaire's would be two point two (2.2), and when there are several more sub-catagories, just add a period and another number. To find the appropriate numbers for the catagories, check your Table of Disorganizationwhich should have everything numbered for you (Official Discordian Document #1-3.1-4:11:64). About dates: Any given thing is liable to be revised without notice at any given time; so, if you have conflicting information, check to see which is the latest--and follow it. Anything that is duplicated from this office will have an Official Document Number with the date. The reason that the date has colons and not slashes between the numbers is to make it not look like a date, which we thought would be nice.
DEPT. OF PROJECTS Oh, yes, we have Projects. One of them is The University of Discordian, which is still in the planning stage. When completed though, it will have a whole catalog full of courses (with no place to teach them) and will offer a Widower of Arts degree to all Discordians interested. Another Project is Switzerland--it seems that Lord Omar has discovered that there is a secret plot to overthrow Switzerland in which 11 small countries of Europe will confiscate the gold in the Swiss banks. Being a good natured fellow at heart, Lord Omar has offered The Discordian Society Treasury for the purpose of Switzerland to hide their gold in for safe keeping. The consulate has not yet answered our offer, (and our information about The Plot), but we are sure that they will take us up on it. For more information about this, read Book I of The Honest Book of Truth, "The Fourth Pillar--Our Plan to Liberate Switzerland". And we have a Project for getting new members. And we plan to keep accumulating Projects as we go along. You need not be an Episkopos to help on (or have your own) Project--anyone interested may participate (in fact, participation in a Project is one way for a Legionnaire to be ascended to a Disciple).
NOTES TO PRINCIPIA DISCORDIA 1. Actually there are five movements, but two of them are remaining hidden and we cannot find them. 2. It seems that Discordeaux frequently succombed to spells wherein he could only speak a Divine Tongue of some sort that no one could understand but himself. We are sorry that we have no translation of this most apt comment. 3. Whatever the hell that is.
Being a Collection of Rare and Impossible to find Discordiana, Rescued from Limbo by Those Who Should Know Better, & Presented Here by A Secret Sect of Artists, Writers, General Loonies & Eris Fanciers Who Exist at This Current Time for some reason, On Planet EARTH of all places.
WHAT MUST YOU DO TO SAVE US? ---------------------------To aid us in our devine appiontment, we have instituted a system of Involuntary Induction, or draft, or draugh, whereby we enable others to serve her cause irregardless of whatever personal desires they may have on the matter. Greetings, Grace. You are now a member of the Legion of Dynamic Discord (or, if you prefer: The Chaos Corps -- or, if you again prefer: Corpse) and your specific, CHOSEN DUTY is the humble-proud task of serving as Benevolent Alpine Trouble Shooter (or, if you prefer: Shooteress), or BATS. I hereby grant you full authorization to shoot any Alpine Trouple and ask you to fully inform yourself at once about all details of the Swiss Crisis. As you doubtless know, not long ago I discovered that the sinister Defamation League was plotting to get eleven small nations together and rob all the banks in Switzerland, commando-stlye. I do not know much about the sinister leader of this Plot To Knock Off Switzerland, except that his followers call him the Anonymous One and that one of the small nations involved is the Soveriegn Military Order of Malta and that another might be Luxembourge or, perhaps, Manaco. My many duties as Bull Goose of this disorganization have kept me from finding out more. Our objective is to get the Swiss to be cognizant of the peril and entrust us with their gold until the Plot is foiled by our Knights Of The Five-Sided Temple or somebody. If we could convince them of our trustworthyness by getting hold of an ICBM? That is one idea. I leave it up to you to probe the situation and come up with some POSITIVE ACTION steps in renegotiating the matter, Both the Ply-Padre of Virginity-In-Gould and I will do whatever we can to help. Drop us your problems: THE OMNIBENEVOLENT POLYFATHER OF VIRGINITY-INGOLD L& Q. vA. Kallisti c/o Gregry H. Hill 422 No. Milton Avenue, Whittier, California or: THE BULL GOOSE OF LIMBO, Lord Omar Ravenhurst c/o Kerry Thornley, 4201 So. 31st St. -349 Arlington, Va.
ENUNCIATING!!!!! ---------------The Eristesque Gallery Of Discrodamic Art -- A Division Of The Bureau Of The Erisian Archives And The Library Of The Epistolary. In answer to many (5) requests for a service of this kind, The Discordian Society will begin to offer a selected seris of the finest postcard-sized illustrations (in full color) which belong to the Discrodamic School Of Art -- A Division Of The University Of Discordia -- and which will be available from The Office Of The Bull Goose at the special price of ten cents each. These illustrative works of happenstance are not "Discordian" or "ideological" in the ordinary sense of the term. They are, however, Discrodamic and idiotic. They represent the combined efforts of an unbeffudled postcard printer and a brainless printing press; this they are works of pure intuition and blind luck, qualified as the best and pure manifestation of The Mystical Orgasm Of Eris -- impossible for the conscious Discordian to create. None of these are reproductions: they are all actual mistakes in their original form with nothing added to adulterate their simple ugliness. (Discrodamic: A term compounded from the following words: discord; Cro-Magnon; goddamned; and dynamic.) The Gallery will issue bulletins, from time to time, listing the titles of all available originals and how many of each title are available. They will be sold on a first-come, first-served basis. Substitutions will be made for late orders. All proceeds from this endeavor will go to The University Of Discordia Foundation's FUND FOR THE BREA ICE HOUSE. The Official Discordian Post Card Company, formerly at this address, hereby announces its bankruptcy. Every HPFIVIG, BATS and KOTKOVT in Our Society should have a private collection of these exquisite, dirt-cheap masterpieces. * * * * *
HAIL ERIS!!!!! -------------FROM: Office Of The Bull Goose, University Of Discordia, Washington, D. C., Campus. TO: Grace, Our Benevolent Alpine Trouble Shooteress, RMA, by-the-sea. SUBJECT: Misc. data on the Discordian Society. OBJECT: Your devine befuddlement. DS DATA SHEET OFFICIAL SEAL: The Eristic (or, if you prefer: Sacred) Chao (or, if you prefer: Cow). OFFICIAL COLORS: Red, brown, yellow, green, blue, gold, black, orange, purple, ivory, tuti-fruity, etc. OFFICIAL HANDBOOK: The Honest Book Of Truth, which runs into several esoteric volumes, including: THE FIVE PILLARS OF RUBBISH; THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO OMAR; THE CHAOSPHE BIBLE; THE BOOKS OF BOKONON; THE WAY OF THE CHAO; and many others which, like most of the above, have not yet been written but we're working on them. UNOFFICIAL PUBLICATIONS: The Lay Books (not to be confused with obscene literature) which include at present: CATCH-22; CAT'S CRADLE; and ONE FLEW OVER THE COOKCO'S NEST. OUR MOTTO: We have several of these; a random sample follows: "Keep X in your Xianity!" "To Hell with THE INFERNO!" (Dante didn't like Sowers Of Discord) "Fuck God!" (We love Her.) OFFICIAL, ESOTERIC GREETING: Hail Eris!!!!! (This is esoteric because people think you said, "Hail Eros!" and are merely some kind of libertine or, "Ale Heiress!" and are advertising some new kind of imported beer.) OUR GOVERNMENT: Eristocracy, of course. UNIVERSAL HEADQUARTERS (no extra-terristial discrimination): Limbo. And our US branch office is Box 55555, Pentagon, etc., but don't write us there as it is fictional rather than functional. AN IMPORTANT REMINDER: This is a Discordian Society; anyone caught practicing Bokonism gets the HOOKonon, or whatever. NOTE: For your futher befuddlement, write Greg and ask him for THE MYTH OF STARBUCK(or whatever he calls it). -- Lord Omar Khayyam Ravenhurst, Bull G. 'o Limbo & P of S
DISCORDIANISM ACCORDING TO MALACLYPSE (THE YOUNGER) Being Subject to change without notice TO: All Heretic Fringe & Protestant Persuasion Followers FROM: Your High Priest, Malaclypse (The Younger), K.C. SUBJECT: A more or less run-down of the DS, and a make-shift explaination of the enclosed TD To be a member of the Discordian Society, one must exhibit that he (she or it) is one of the following: a) a person of profound enlightenment or interest in Discordianism as a philosophical - religious approach to life, b) a person who is a manifestation of or lives in terms of The Principle of Discord ("Eristic Principle"), or c) a person who is a manifestation of or lives in terms of The Principle of Superficial Order Lying on a Solid Foundation of Chaos ("Eristesque Principle"). Non-Discordians (most people) are simply a mixture of the two Principles and 1) refuse to acknowledge it &/or 2) do not posses a Divine Degree of either. Any person who fits the definition of a Discordian, is a Discordian and belongs to The Society whether he likes it or not, and whether he knows it or not--there is some sort of classification he will fall into regardless. THE ERISIAN MOVEMENT is the Enlightened Understanding Esoteric Branch of the DS and has three divisions; two are active and one is administrative. Of the active, The Legion of Dynamic Discord represents the bulk of the religious fold, and is under the authority of the Eristocracy (The House of the Apostles of Eris). A person becomes an Enlightened Discordian by joining the Legion as a Legionnaire, and at that point has the authority to call himself an Erisian Discordian, adopt a Sacred Name, and go about spreading Words of Wisdom as they are released from the Compilers of Truth--Esoteric. Once a Legionnaire, the fundamental step has been taken and you are in favor with Our Lady of Discord. a Legionnaire becomes a Disciple of Eris by doing some sort of Erisian activity; by converting five others to Discordianism he may recieve the title "Evangelist", by giving speeches before Great Groups of People he will become "Grand Orator", etc., etc. A regular Legionnaire is not responsible to a Disciple, but Disciplehood is certainly of higher status. The House of The Apostles of Eris, as the elite of the hierarchy, is composed of Episkoposes ("Eristocrats"). An Episkopos has authority over The Legion but not over other Episkoposes-[unless] he is a High Priest, in which case he has authority over his [follow]ers (be they Legionnaire, Disciple, or Episkopos) in all matters pertaining to his sect. The Golden Apple Corps (Keepers of The Sacred Chao) has absolute authority over everything but in [general] will not overrule an Episkopos; for an Episkopos becomes an [Epis]kopos because The Corps has faith in his discretion. The [Compilers] of Truth-Esoteric is the creative branch; one becomes a Compiler by authoring a Holy Work of some sort or writing Erisian Words [of] Wisdom. Any member of The House is an Episkopos; but an [Episkopos] may also be a Keeper Of The Sacred Chao (if he happens to be [one of] the two founders of the DS), a High Priest (if he happens to [have] the sufficient understanding of the Erisian Mysteries to be [able to] guess, on his own, how he may become a High Priest--which is the only secret to be found in the DS), or a Compiler of Truth--[Esoteric] (if he compiles truths). The fourth section of The House (The Five
Apostles, Saints, and Like Personages) is closed to Episkoposes. The Five Apostles are Confusium, Krishna Argumentaba, Frere Jaques Discordot (Jean the Eristentionalist), Eristotle, and Malaclypse (The Elder)--Controvite almost made it but got scrounged out. For more information on The Apostles see Book II. of The Honest Book Of Truth (Lord Omar's Holy Work). So far, there are three Saints: St. Bokonon, St. Yossarian and St. Quixote. We expect to add more as we go along. We have no Like Personages as yet (in fact, we don't even know what one might be). The Administry is concerned with administrative functions and is divided such that: The Erisin Archives holds all records; The Bureau of Symbols, Etc. invents, designs, renders and distributes all the documents and such; The Secretariat types, mimios, mails, collects for the Treasury (if such an opportunity were ever to arise) and things of that nature; The Bureau of Projects heads the projects; and the Miscellaneous miscellaneouses. About Projects: so far we have three, The Fair Play For Switzerland Committee; The University of Discordia, and the Membership Campaign. We expect to accumulate Projects as we prosper. A Keeper in The Administry is called a "Keeper" and he keeps whatever it is that needs keeping. Only an Episkopos may be a Keeper; but a Legionnaire may assist a Keeper and hence advance to Disciplehood-with the title "Disciple of the.....", which is a large jump in status. THE ERISTIC MOVEMENT refers to Discordians that are not enlightened but manifest one of The Principles, specificly the Principle of Discord. An Avatar is an individual who is 99 & ll/25ths percent Pure Chaos; such a person is an incarnation of Eris Herself and though he leads a frustrated life on this earth, he is of Divine Status in essence. Avatars (whole hearted Avatars, that is) are very few and very precious. To date, we have discovered only one: "The Prince of Dynamic Discord, Chaos Incarnate, Efficacious Paradox Con Carne, Our Eristic Avatar, Corporealeris, The Living One." He lives in L.A., works for the Post Office and is a graduate of the same college that belched out Richard Nixon. A Compiler of Truth--Lay is like an Esoteric Compiler except that he has never heard of Discordianism and compiles thruth intuitively. Two contemporary examples are Joseph Heller ("Catch 22") and Kurt Vonnegut ("Cat's Cradle"); two classic examples are Cerventes ("Don Quixote") and Lewis Carroll (all sorts of stuff). If [these] brilliant men were to know of Discordianism, it is likely they they would become Erisians (in fact, Heller and Vonnegut are going to be contacted very soon). THE ERISTESQUE MOVEMENT refers to unenlightened Discordians that manifest the other Principle: the Principle of Superficial Order Resting On A Solid Foundation Of Chaos. Concerning the Orders of Eris: The Knights are the Bureaucrats and Militarists of [the] world; Ichabod College is for those who have been exposed to the Discordian Society but don't understand it (all of whom [flunk out);] The Defamation League--Underground is for the rabblerousers, anarchists, bomb-throwers, assassins and such; Local #666 is [for] Doom Prophets in general (there has been no Doom Propher since Malaclypse (The Elder) who has known what he was doing); and [The] Bowel Movement is for Discordians that want OUT. In general, Eristewquians think that they are anti-discord and that they are promoting Order--but we know better, and quietly draft them into the Society.
FOR A MORE COMPLETE DISSERTATION ON DISCORDIANSIM ACCORDING TO MALACLYPSE (THE YOUNGER), SEE HIS HOLY WORK PRINCIPIA DISCORDIA which should be avaliable in a year or two. In the name of Our Lady of Discord--Eris; by the hand of Malaclypse (the Younger), K.C., Omniscient Polyfather of Virginity-in-gold, and High Priest of The Heretic Fringe and Protestant Persuastion. HAIL ME HOLD EVERYTHING!!!!! (A note from Lord Omar) Lately, there has been some delightful confusion within the Society about the TD and DT. In "order" to clear this up, and make way for fresh chaos (which is how we rationalize this sort of operation), I should like to now timidly propose some (5) basic guidelines-in-the-public-interest for the general welfare of Our Society: 1) That The Keepers (or, if you prefer: Holders) of The Chao, and only they, be permitted to issue TD's and DT's. 2) That TD's represent the physical, outward manifestation of the Society--which is to be called, when differentiation is NECESSARY: The Discordian Society (Proper). 3) That DT's be understood to represent the mystical, inner state of the Society--which is called: The Discordian Society (Improper). 4) That only Malaclypse (The Younger) be authorized to issue TD's and only Lord Ravenhurst be permitted to issue DT's. 5) That the table with the latest date, in each case, wins: and that, for numbering documents, a TD or DT preceed the number, whichever is appropriate to the mood of he who numbers documents. All Tables, like all else, will--of course--be subject [to] change. In conclusion, I wish to stress that the above ground [rules] are nothing more than suggestions from the Office of the Bull Goose: any Discordian disobeying them will be excommunicated &/or buried alive. --O.K.R. Bull:DT:l-2.1;4:18:64 ================================================================= --ADDRESSES-UNIVERSAL ADDRESS: |UNITED STATES MAIN OFFICE Discordian Society | P.O.Box #55555 Limbo, Hell | Pentagon Bldg. | Wash. D.C. 22206 SO. CAL. SUB-DIVISION: | Malaclypse (The Younger), K.C. |OFFICE OF THE BULL GOOSE: c/o Gregory Hill | Lord Omar Khayyam Ravenhurst, 1331 Ponderosa Ave. | c/o Kerry Thornley. Fullerton, Calif 92631 | 4201 S. 31st. St. #349 (temporarily: 422 N. Milton, | Arlington, Va. 22206 Whittier, Calif.) |
ON BEHALF OF ERIS THE DISCORDIAN SOCIETY PRESENTS AN OUTLINE-GUIDE-OF-THE-HIERARCHYOF-ARGUMENTS-TO-USE-ON-POTENTIAL-CONVERTS FOR THE BENEFIT OF OUR DISORGANIZATION MEN IN THE FIELD (OR, IF YOU PREFER: PASTURE). The Socratic Approach should always versation with the victim. That is what an argument is called. You approach the "Did you know that God is a female? And Goddess of Discord?" be used to open the conasking questions to start victim and simply ask: that Her name is ERIS,
If the victim says "yes", then he's either lying or you've picked a fellow Discordian, idiot. If he doesn't, then proceed to: THE BLIND ASSERTION. This is where you say, "Well, She is a woman and Her name is Eris." Now see if the victim appears to be convinced. If not, proceed to THE FAITH BIT. "But you must have faith! Faith is wonderful, etc.! I feel sorry for you if you don't have faith!" And then add THE ARGUMENT BY FEAR. "Do you know what happens to those who don't believe in Goddess?" If the victim says "no", don't tell him whatever it is you think happens to unbelievers, just shake your head sadly and go to THE FIRST CAUSE PLOY wherein you point to all the chaos around you and ask, "Well who do you think make all this then, wise guy?" If he says "nobody, just impersonal forces", then go on to THE ARGUMENT BY SEMANTICAL GYMNASTICS wherein you say that he is right and that those impersonal forces are a female and that Her name is Eris. If he still objects to your objectionable presence, then go to the FIGURATIVE SYMBOLISM DODGE wherein you explain that all sophisticated people know that Eris is just a figurative symbol for discord, but that the Discordian Religion is a magnificent work of art--portrait of chaos, so to speak. If nix... Quietly draft him into Ichabod College where he may flunk to his heart's'stupid content.
In the name of Our Lady of Discord; by the hand of LORD OMAR KHAYYAM RAVENHURST, K.C.: Bull Goose of Limbo & Protector of Switzerland; High Priest of The Erisian Orthodoxy =====Hail Eris
WHAT THE PHILOSOPHICAL FUNCTION OF THE DISCORDIAN SOCIETY IS: For centuries, men have probed the secrets of nature to discover and explain the laws of the universe, to find out the shape and source of order. Today, that search is ending. It used to be the function of religion to provide explainations for the order of things which science discovered but was unable to explain. Today, that function is vestigal. So interested have men been with order, throughout history, that they left another field entirely neglected: DISORDER. Science is unable to explain, for example, why today's world goes right on ignoring science--paying more tribute to superstition, totalitariansim, and war. Why are the secrets of the atom used to promote chaos among men? Why are the most generous motives of men played upon to produce slavery? Why do otherwise sane people attend church on Sunday? The purpose of The Discordian Society is to provide false, comforting answers to questions of this sort; to give mystical reasons for the disorder around us; to promote unworkable principles of discord--in short, to provide the world with a workshop for the insane, thus keeping them out of mischief as Presidents, Ambassador[s], Priests, Ministers, and other Dictators. ----Declared by LORD OMAR KHAYYAM RAVENHURST, K.C.; Bull Goose of [Limbo] and (same personage) Protector of Switzerland; High Priest of [The] Erisian Orthodoxy =====Hail Eris
THE MYTH OF ICHABOD There once was a huge boulder, perched precariously, on the edge of a cliff. For hundreds of years this boulder was there, rocking and swaying, but always keeping its balance just perfectly. But one year, there happened to be a sever windstorm; severe enough it was, to topple the boulder from its majectic height and dash it to the bottom cf the cliff, far far below. Needless to say, the boulder was smashed into many pieces. Where it hit, the ground was covered with a carpet of pebbles--some small and some large--but pebbles and pebbles and more pebbles for as far as you could walk in an hour. One day, after all this, a young man by the name of Ichabod happened on the area. Being a fellow of keen mind and observational powers, naturally he was quite astounded to see so many stones scattered so closely on the ground. Now, Ichabod was very much interested in the nature of things, and he spent the whole afternoon looking at pebbles, and measuring the size of pebbles, and feeling the weight of pebbles, and just pondering about pebbles in general. He spent the night there, not wanting to lose this miraculous find, and awoke the next morning full of enthusiasm. He spent many days on his carpet of stones. Eventually he noticed a very strange thing. There were three rather large stones on the carpet and they formed a triangle-almost (but not quite) equilateral. He was amazed. Looking further he found four very white stones that were arranged in a lopsided square. Then he saw that by disregarding one white stone and thinking of that grey stone a foot over instead, it was a perfect square! And if you chose this stone, and that stone, and that one, and that one and that one you have a pentagon as large as the triangle. And here a small hexagon. And there a square partially inside of the hexagon. And a decagon. And two triangles interlocked. And a circle. And a smaller circle within the circle. And a triangle within that which has a red stone, a grey stone and a white stone. Ichabod spent many hours finding many designs that became more and more complicated as his powers of observation grew with practice. Then he began to log his designs in a large leather book; and as he counted designs and described them, the pages began to fill as the sun continued to return. He had begun his second ledger when a friend came by. His friend was a poet and also interested in the nature of things. "My friend," cried Ichabod, "come quickly! I have discovered the most wonderous thing in the universe." The poet hurried over to him, quite anxious to see what it was. Ichabod showed him the carpet of stones...but the poet only laughed and said "It's nothing but scattered rocks!" "But look," said Ichabod, 'see this and that and that." And he proceeded to harvest of his many days study. When the turned to the ledgers and by the time he he too was overwhelmed. triangle and that [square] show his friend the poet saw the designs he was finished with these,
He began to write poetry about the marvelous designs. And as he wrote and contemplated he became sure that the designs must mean something. Such order and beauty is too monumental to be senseless. And the designs were there, Ichabod had showed him [that.] The poet went back to the village and read his new poetry. And all who heard him went to the cliff to see first hand the [carpet] of designs. And all returned to the village to spread the word. Then as the enthusiasm grew there developed a group of those who love beauty and nature, all of whom went to live right at the Designs themselves. Together they wanted to see every design that was there. Some wrote ledger about just triangles. Others described the circles. Others concentrated on red colored stones--and they happened to be the first to see designs springing from outside the carpet. They, and some others, saw designs everywhere they went. "How blind we have been," they said. The movement grew and grew and grew. And all who could see the designs knew that they had to have been put there by a Great Force. "Nothing but a Great Force," said the philosophers, "could create this immense beauty!" "Yes," said the world, "nothing but a god could create such magnificent order. Nothing but a God." And that was the day that God was born. And ever since then, all men have known Him for His infinite power and all men have loved Him for His infinite wisdom. ----Exerpted from a treatise concerning The Nature of Gods and The Eristesque Movement, to be found in the SUMMA UNIVERSALIA, the Holy Work of MALACLYPSE (THE YOUNGER), K.C., Omniscient Polyfather of Virginity-in-gold, and High Priest of The Heretic Fringe and Protestant Persuasion of the ERISIAN MOVEMENT of the DISCORDIAN SOCIETY ===== Hail Eris
DISCORDIANISM ACCORDING TO MALACLYPSE (THE YOUNGER) THE DISORGANIZATION TABLE ("TD") 1. THE ERISIAN MOVEMENT 1. The House of the Apostles of Eris (The "Eristocracy") 1. The Golden Apple Corps (Keepers of The Sacred Chao) 2. Office of High Priesthood 1. Erisian Orthodoxy 2. Heretic Fringe & Protestant Persuasion 3. Compilers of Truth--Esoteric 1. Epistolary 2. Holy Works (Inspirational, historical, philosophical, etc.) 4. The Five Apostles, Saints, and Like Personages 5. Episkoposes 2. The Legion of Dynamic Discord 1. Disciples of Eris 2. Legionnaires 3. The Administry 1. Bureau of 2. Bureau of 3. Bureau of 4. Bureau of 5. Bureau of Erisian Archives Symbols, Emblems, Certificates, and Such The Secretariat Projects The Miscellaneous 2. THE ERISTIC MOVEMENT 1. Eristic Avatars 2. Compilers of Truth--Lay 3. Eristianism At Large 3. THE ERISTESQUE MOVEMENT 1. Orders of Eris 1. The Knights of the Five Sided Temple 1. The Communist Infiltrated Auxiliary of the above 2. Ichabod College 3. The Defamation League--Underground 4. Apocalyptic Prophets Local #666 5. The Bowel Movement 2. Eristesquianism At Large
ARE YOU A DISCORDIAN? --------------------Yes, indeed; you, my friend, may very well be an honest-to-goodness Discordian--without ever even realizing it! There [exists] in this world (and has always existed) a healthy number of [special] people--yes, very special people--who are tied (often to their protests) together in a philosophical propensity towards [an] appreciation of Chaos. Sometimes this is intuitive, sometimes overt, sometimes [seem]ingly accidental; but always, in essence, it is but the [Goddess] Discordia ("Eris") presenting evidence of Her divinity to [this] elite society. As far back as we can trace, the Goddess Eris was [worshipped by] the ancient Greeks as the Deity of Strife and Discord; [the Romans] re-named Her "Discordia"; but now.... but now She [has reappeared] on the theological scene once more: THE [DISCORDIAN SOCIETY IS RETURNED!] WHAT IS THE DISCORDIAN SOCIETY? There are three movements of Discordianism at [large in the world] today (actually there are five, but two [are remaining hidden where] we can't find them). Generally there is the [ERISTESQUE MOVEMENT] which is absolutely convinced that it is ordering the [entire world] into a more manageable one; but in fact, bungles things [so badly that] it perpetrates Divine Chaos to a delightful degree [(how easy any] of this would be to any well developed Bureauracy). [A few people fall] into the ERISTIC Movement: Eristic Avatars, who are individual manifestations of Chaos in thought and action (if you [find one, handle] [them] with care, they are precious); and then the [Lay Compilers Of Truth], a brilliant bunch, that writes Discordian [Holy Writ, without] even having an introduction to Eris or the Erisian [Mysteries. For] example, the recent best-seller "Catch 22" by Joseph [Heller, is a] mavellous Eristic work. But none of this represents esoteric enlightenment; and to this end we present: The ERISIAN [MOVEMENT, a] group dedicated to the theological understanding of Eris and The Principle of Discord, and to disorganizing into one [grand chaotic] religion all those who can gain sufficient insight. THE HISTORY OF THE ERISIAN MOVEMENT (Paraphrased from "The Honest Book of Truth" by Lord [Omer Khyyam] Ravenhurst, H.C., Bull Goose of Limbo & Protector of [Switzerland,] one of the founders of the Erisian Movement) Discordianism, as a disorganization, was founded back in [1958 or] 59 or something when my colleague, now Malaclypse (The Younger) and I were observing the chaos spread out before us- the [immediate] vicinity, the state, the nation, the world, verily: The Universe!; when all of a sudden the air became still and [no sound arose from] around us! And, for no apparent reason, the [glare became black as] the bowels of midnight! Then...a piercing scream arose from my friend hidden in the dark, and the earth began to rumble--then [light of] fantastic intensity, from nowhere yet from everywhere; and then nothing but stillness and I could stay concious no longer. [Eventually] I came to, to find men in the aisles weeping and women [mysteriously] prostrate across the lanes (we were in a bowling alley at the [time)] and there before me: Malaclypse (The Younger) in a [spasmatic fit on] the floor. Quite obviously, something profoundly [supernatural had] occured. My friend was revived and stammered out the following account of his vision:
page the second "It is so obvious now! How blind we have been! All of this chaos could not have just happened--it is no coincidence that Pickering's Moon goes around in reverse orbit, or that the Pentagon is riddled with--aye, founded upon--confusion! Somebody had to put all this discord here!" "Yes, yes, yes," shouted I (for then it was clear, now once stated). Cried he: "And you. my friend, and I have a Holy Appointment; together we shall found a new religion--The True Religion--under the guidance of the supernatural Power you just witnessed: that of the Goddess of Discord!" And with that, he promptly swooned again, not to awaken for five days and five nights. Over the next five years, we, together, probed and researched the philosophies of the world, discovering that the Greeks and Romans had known Her (in an imperfect form) and that She had lain all but dormant as a known deity for two thousand years. As time passed, and the work continued, and insight followed glorious insight,the Erisian DISCORDIANISM was born. THE ORGANIZATION OF THE ERISIAN MOVEMENT Generally, Erisian Discordians are in The Legion of Dynamic Discord and as Legionnaires they respect Chaos of all sorts, acknowledge the divine status of Eris, and pass out literature and things. Upon acceptance into The Legion (which is granted upon request) they recieve a packet of all sorts of garbage explaining the details of The Discordian Society, a beautiful Discordian Society Emblem (suitable for frameing!) and a Certificate to show their new esoteric status in the Erisian Movement as a Legionnaire. There is also an Eristocracy: The House of the Apostles of Eris, that is headed by The Golden Apple Corps (in honor of the Golden Apple of Discord--[the] only extant myth concerning Eris). The Episkoposes (members of The House) are qualified to speak in the name of Eris. and can be relied upon to have a profound understanding of the [Erisian Mysteries] (which is necessary for ascendance into The Mouse). A Legionnaire can solicit for Episkopos status by presenting an [Eristic work for] examination by the Golden Apple Corps; and if he is found to have exceptional insight, he will be ascended. HOW CAN YOU BECOME A DISCORDIAN? In the first place, if you have read this far you have [probably] been a Discordian all along (whether or not you were aware of it before now). Properly, the question should be: "How may i join the Legion of Dynamic Discord and, hence, learn the esoteric [truths] of the Erisian Mysteries?" The answer is quite simple: just [write] a letter announcing your desire to enter The Legion and present it to the Legionnaire that has shown you this pamphlet; he will [pass] it on to an Episkopos who will officially admit you. [Remember, this] pamphlett but scratches the surface, and...our doors are open! [(Except] that we don't have a building.) ===== Gather 'round Children! The time has come to [DISORGANISE!] ===== =====Written under the authority of Our Lady of Discord, ERIS, [(by the] hand of Malaclypse (The Younger), H.C., Omnibenevolent Polyfather [of] Virginity-in-gold; / in the House of the Apostles of [(Eris, sub]division : The Golden Apple Corps; and sub-division: Office of [(High] Priesthood; and in the Administry: sub-division: [(Bureau of Symbols,] Emblems, Certificates and Such.
HOW TO TELL A TRUE ILLUMINATUS As taught by the illuminated ones of Constanbul in the year 723 A.D. by the Wizim of Zohoz, the Eye depicted on the Pyramid emblem represents The Third Eye which manifests itself at the time of an initiates illumination.
But because the Illuminated Ones are a secret society, it was felt to be imprudent if the Eye were to appear on the initiates forehead. So, instead it appears in a secret placedeep Inside ones asshole.
If you should question the authenticity of a person claiming to be illuminated, merely wait for an opportune moment and casually look up his arse. And if you find an Eye peering back
Hail Eris.
1766 - l834
English clergyman and political economist; known for his theory that the population of the world tends to increase faster than the food supply, and that unless birth is controlled, poverty and war must serve as a natural restriction of the increase.
However, speaking of Kopyleft... It grieves me to say it, but I am certain that these documents are not. They predate the concept, and are almost certainly controlled by either/both of Greg Hill and Kerry Thornley's estates. I have put them online (because how could I not???) but I note that they are here under a Creative Commons licence instead of Kopyleft - which means you may not use these works for commercial purposes. At least, unless we hear different from the aforementioned. Apologies. Normally, I would not have wasted my time preparing a site like this to present non-Kopyleft material, but, even more than the Semi-Official QuasiClandestine Bavarian Illuminati/Discordian Archives, this was far too seminal to pass on. There are places in the text where the words have not stood the test of time. Mostly, it has been possible to reconstruct the original. In a few places, though, there is a certain amount of uncertainty. My apologies for errors in the transcription. My personal reference library is currently 2,000 kms away, with all of my Discordian notes (bar my personal copies of the Principia and Apocrypha Discordii, of course) - yet again Eris exerts her chaos on my world, but I have squeezed a little time out, and have set this site up, to share this material with those whom it will enlighten. Sady, there are also two pages definitely missing. Perhaps they will resurface, perhaps not... but regardless, we should cherish what we do have, while we're waiting. (And as you mention it, no, I've no idea why there's a potted bio of Thomas Malthus in the appendices. Must there be a reason for such a thing, in such a work as this?) I would like to spend some time annotating this material, but my reference works... I need them, and memory fails me. I will come to this again in future, but for now, they are simply here. Enjoy. We will speak again soon of other matters - I'm not finished yet.
His Wholiness the Rev.DrJon DePreston, Oz, 2006 Still Not Dead