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Through The Lens of Indian Youth: An Overview.: Background To The Study

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Through the lens of Indian Youth: An overview.

So always want to be child like. They teach us lot many things. Today my nephew got his hand overcooked and sobbed in misery that lasted for couple of hour....may be more...he dint have anything since then...slept... snivelling even then...woke up in evening...running and playing around with wounded hand...he i m sure can still feel d pain well absorbed...yet being like free bird..leaving behind all the sorrows...smiling...and making us smile.. So always want to be child like.. embrace 110E-000535-0A53F228 Two words, multiple and challenging, can be used to pithily describe India. To say that there are multiple religions, languages, cuisines, ethnicities, dress styles, ecosystems, markets, political organizations, customs, sports, film traditions, music preferences, etc., is to state the obvious and yet one cannot avoid beginning any discussion of India by stating this truism if only to dissuade the enthusiast who wants to offer an essentialist view of India. Trying to present any one of these worlds is hence a big challenge since the sweep of easy generalisation is unavailable and yet we have to offer some less easy generalizations if only to explain the causal processes involved. What is true for the larger canvas is also true for the world of Indian youth, a fascinating section of the population that is existentially located across different regions, social groups, economic segments, educational levels, and even sartorial choices. There are multiple worlds in which youth reside. These worlds socialize them in different ways. The worlds are not static since they too have been impacted by the processes of modernity and the forces of globalization. The challenge that we confront is, therefore, to map the dynamics of this change, to see how the processes that are producing transformation are being refracted through the lens of Indian youth. After recognizing that there are multiple life-worlds, and multiple responses to the encounter with modernity and globalization, we have, here, set about exploring the world of Indian youth. This report is the first product of that exploration. Background to the study

This study had its genesis in the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS) initiating and commissioning, in 2007, the Lokniti programme of the Centre for the Study of Developing Societies to investigate the attitudes and perspectives of Indian Youth. The mandate that the KAS gave was broad because they too saw this as a great opportunity to understand Indias youth especially since India is seen as the new happening place by the global media. The changes taking place in the world of Indian youth will, it is believed, have a global impact in areas that range from economy to security, from culture to politics. Exploring the attitudes of Indian youth is therefore valuable to understand the present and also to prepare for the future. It would also help us compare youth in India with youth in other regions of the world, most specifically in Germany where the Shell Youth study has been one of the iconic studies on youth that has periodically, now for nearly six decades, produced snapshots of German youth. KAS thought it would be a good idea to step outside Germany and support a similar study in another region of the world. India offered itself as an ideal location because it is currently on the threshold of a significant demographic dividend, a historical chance for the society and polity to convert an unharnessed resource into a major societal asset. In recent times studies have established a positive association between what is termed the age structure transition (specifically, a rising share of working age people in a population) and economic growth in India and China. Indeed, demographers and economists have predicted higher growth prospects for India compared to China over the next thirty years, since, as they put it, the effect of the fertility decline and the bulge of population age cohort in the working age group will sharpen in India in the coming decades. According to current estimates, India is and will remain for some time - one of the youngest countries in the world. The following population figures from the World Bank gives a clear picture of the potential of Indias demographic dividend. In 2000 India, Brazil and China had nearly 34% of their population as youth as compared to less than 28% in Germany and the USA. In 2020 India alone will be 34% while all the other large countries will have dropped below 31% including China which will be 28.5% (see Appendix). In 2020, it is estimated, the average Indian will be only 29 years old, compared with the average age of 37 years in China and the US, 45 in west Europe and Japan. This demographic process entails a massive and growing labour force

which, it is held, will deliver profound benefits in terms of growth and prosperity. The changed age structure of Indias population also means an overall younger population as something more than simply a statistical fact since it has political and social consequences for India and the world. Exploring the attitudes and perspectives of Indias young population, therefore, becomes as much an exercise of historical curiosity as it is a political necessity. There are, therefore, several reasons for this study: comparative, in that it helps us see how Indian youth share or diverge from the attitudes and perspectives of youth elsewhere; policy planning, in that we need to create policies and to provide for new institutions that will take advantage of the promised demographic dividend; and academic, in that we can contribute to the interesting and rich debate on whether there is a single or whether there are multiple routes to entering, encountering, and engaging with modernity. But more on this later. Some preliminary concerns: The study began with trying to sort out a big definitional issue. Who would be considered as youth? Would age be the sole criteria, or personal and social responsibility, or autonomy from family, or marital status, or individuality of personality, or preferences with respect to lifestyle, etc. We found ourselves in the middle of a complex cultural conundrum and finally, after several meetings of the advisory group that had been constituted to steer the project (see acknowledgements), we decided to limit our definition of youth to only the age cohort. Here too we had a problem since youth in India, as officially recognized by the Government of India, is all those in the age group 15-35. This was at variance with the youth cohort in most countries of the global north where it is 14-25 -- now the lower end is 12 years because of the early onset of puberty -- since that is seen as a distinct segment of the population which has distinct attributes. In India, in contrast, and also interestingly in many other countries of the global south, the age group considered youth is the same as that of India, which is 15-34. Does this tell us something about the different cultural contexts of the youth, of their different life chances? Does it tell us something about the link between economic prosperity and the constitution of cultural selves?

To delve into the world of youth in India we decided to do both an attitudinal survey of youth across the country (see the appendices for the sampled locations, the methodology, and the questionnaire administered) and also commission several case studies. (see Appendix for the list of case studies). This dual strategy of entering this new brave, brazen, and bewitching world, we expected, would give us both quantitative and qualitative insights. The report as it is presented here has data from both approaches, the survey data which makes up the main body of the text together with the statistical appendix, while the case studies provide the embellishments and have been inserted periodically into the commentary to give a sense of the multiple layers of reality involved and also little glimpses into other aspects of the universe of youth in addition to that of attitudes and perspectives. These are small vignettes which are presented, alongside the commentary on attitudinal data, with the expressed intention of producing exclamations of surprise at the sites frequented by youth, smiles at the subtlety of the experiences, empathy at the challenges faced, and wonder at the fortitude of youth in India. Vignettes have also been extracted from newspapers which also tell their own story The study as it progressed repeatedly brought home to us the fact that not only are there new dimensions that we were unprepared for, but also how fast the world (worlds?) of youth is changing, with respect to values, perception, language, sartorial sense, aesthetics, etc. While the experience of being young is universal it takes different forms, partly cultural and political, partly personal and biographical. Indeed, with particular reference to the latter, it is important to recognize that people everywhere negotiate culture (or rather cultural processes) in terms of the cognitive and material resources available to them, and also that they are both products and producers of these cultural processes. When these cultural processes involve young people, even within the extended frame of reference lent by our survey - and indeed precisely because of this we are dealing with distinctive attitudes and perceptions that need to be taken seriously in any negotiation of the space of modern India. There is a new world rising and we appear ill equipped to understand it. Indeed, since the late 1990s, there has been some recognition of the idea that the visions and ideals informing the young in India possess a crucial significance in the contemporary context of liberalization and globalization. The study centres on the idea that the

youth/adulthood distinction does not hold in the Indian context, because far too often in this context the young come to take on (or are not free from) adult responsibilities. To be sure, we realize that much writing on youth in terms of socialization, education or human development depicts youth as objects of adult activity, and in breaking with this emphasis the present report seeks to come to terms with the world of the young from their own point of view. There is above all a consistent and systematic concern to show how Indian youth, across locales and different contexts, are active agents in different ways and with varying force in the construction of the meanings and forms that make up their worlds.

The structure of the report:

The nexus of agency and meaning-making, in the context of Indias young, is thus at the heart of this study. We have tried to account for it in the course of seven chapters mapping the personal/experiential and the political/historical context of Indias youth. These are interesting axes along which to locate our findings since they, in a sense, suggest the two frames that will help us understand the multiplicity of attitudes that we need to recover. By identifying the distinct chapters as we have done - trust and circles of belonging, family and social networks, leisure and lifestyle, politics and democracy, governance and development, nation and the world, and anxiety and aspiration - we have captured the rubrics that are significant for the story we want to tell. They traverse, respectively, the immediate social circles that youth relate to, how socially and materially endowed they are (implicit in which is an account of constraints and opportunities), the family and social networks they interact with, (again signalling some aspects of constraints and opportunity), their lifestyle pattern, and their anxieties and aspirations. Alternatively, the report also maps the political values and orientations of the youth, including their attitudes to governance and development and to issues of globalization and of Indias role in a transforming world. In reporting this data we have also used the strategy of constructing indices, by combining responses to several questions into one index to indicate a trend, besides presenting the marginals themselves. For those who wish to probe further and deeper we have also given the basic survey data in an appendix.

To add to the value of the story we have used pictures to accompany the narrative. So it is a picture of a poster from a university campus stating what is your identity for the overview chapter, since negotiating identity is one of the big themes that define youth, and for the chapter on governance and development, a picture of a young man throwing old flowers and garlands from a collection basket into a river while in the background can be seen a swanky multi-story building, a poignant visual of the cohabitation of the informal and the formal sectors of the economy reminding one of the rigours of earning a livelihood that some have to endure in contrast with the embarrassment of riches which others are privileged to enjoy. And for the chapter on anxiety and aspiration we have used a picture of a painting done by one of our own scholars, Rajiv Kshetri, depicting a young man walking up a garden path, head somewhat bent, looking downwards in the anxiety of perhaps unsuccessful aspiration. There are 10 pictures that have been used and all are suggestive. If a picture is equivalent to a thousand words we may have saved some twelve thousand words of space.

The first insights

The uncertainty about how to report the findings began with the selection of the cover design. A strong candidate for visually representing the new world of youth in India was the idea of a pair of jeans: blue jeans, black jeans, studded jeans, jeans with patch pockets, jeans with messages, jeans, jeans, jeans. They have become a ubiquitous symbol of youth in India, from the large village, to the small town, to the big city; from the designer, to the fake designer, to the locally crafted; from the student at college, to the youth in the informal sector of the economy; from the students wing of the Congress to the student wing of the Communists (no petty bourgeois attire this), from the troubled regions of Indias North East to the conservative temple towns of Indias South, a pair of jeans has become the new symbol of having arrived in modernity. Jeans constitute a style statement announcing who you are, your identity. They suggest connection with the global and also perhaps, because of an abundance of local brands and local designs, and the local cultural contexts in which they are situated, that such a connection should not be overstated. Jeans and their place in the symbolic world of Indian youth lend themselves to an interesting cultural deconstruction. An

enduring image that is not atypical is of a mother and her daughter walking down M.G. road in a small town, one dressed in a pair of jeans the other in a sari, one unembarrassed at the idea that the shape of her body is noticeable because of the jeans, the other making every effort to conceal hers, one walking with a self confident stride, the other more matter of fact. And yet in this contrast of images there is a connection since the daughters arm is around her mother who can think of no other body language but this. Is this continuity with change? Is it expressive of a generation gap? Is it a statement on modernity and tradition? Much decoding is called for and our study will only offer some preliminary clues.

But jeans lost out to the picture we eventually chose, courtesy the Hindustan Times, which shows young women campaigning for the Taj Mahal to be one of the wonders of the world on the UNESCO list. The young women have their faces painted white and in the shape of the Taj Mahal. They appear to be lower middle class girls as can be seen in their hairstyles and their dresses. And yet they have about them a feisty air of participation, even vigorous participation in the campaign to win for the Taj its rightful place. The white painted faces have Vote Taj painted on their foreheads and chins. Is this a picture from which issues of gender and public spaces can be culled? Is it a statement of young women in a patriarchal society at the cusp between tradition and modernity? But what kind of modernity is it? This is a big question that informs the whole study and we shall engage with it at some length a little later.

Similar insights, which are unavailable from quantitative data, can be selected from our several case studies. From the 15 we chose, of the 50 plus we were offered from across the country, we have cases that can be classified into at least four clusters: (i) those that describe sites at which economic and cultural modernity is negotiated, (ii) those that show how youth are responding to cultural and economic modernity, (iii) those that present different youth perspectives on issues, and (iv) those that display political resistance to new directions to Indian democracy. The case studies show that the number of sites are increasing where youth are negotiating with modernity, from the cyber cafe, to the mall, to the Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) centre, to the beauty and fitness parlour, and of course to the college campus where challenges to tradition are being fought. Identifying

these sites is important for us to complete our mapping exercise of the world of youth for it is here where youth face and negotiate between the pulls of tradition and modernity. For example the mall is an interesting site, as the study shows, where conservative families do not mind sending their children since it is safer there than on the street. In the mall they buy little but consume a lot, consume leisure as the case study writer suggested. And the mall is culturally like the 0800 number since it could be anywhere and displays no distinctive cultural location. The same is the case of the many ways in which youth respond to modernity, particularly transgressing dress codes, what the case study referred to as sexy dressing where orthodoxy is being resisted. Such resistances can also be seen in the politics of marginal and oppressed groups who are challenging both traditional authorities from with their own social group as well as hegemonies of the mind and of social practice within the wider society. The nine boxes on the case studies in the report briefly recount the findings of the various case studies.

Seven rubrics

The findings from the survey data can be discussed at two levels; in terms of the specific findings in each rubric and in terms of the general significance of these findings for the larger ongoing debates. Let us begin with the specific findings. If one were to identify at least one interesting finding, from each of the seven rubrics, one would have at least seven issues on which to reflect.

The data on the first rubric on Trust and Circles of Belonging indicates that the social spaces in which youth are located constitute cultural islands with few bridges since the youth, by and large, count among their friends persons of the same religion, caste and gender. This is interesting since it suggests that social borders are still quite strong and border crossings are discouraged and that is why 27% had no friend from the other gender, religion or another caste. Another 21% crossed the border very occasionally. This is an important finding since it tells us that in spite of the big changes that have occurred in polity and economy, in the domain of the social world the changes are more slow. Is this finding a function of the already existing social geography of India where people can be seen to reside in social

ghettos i.e., where the opportunity and the need to mix outside ones social group, defined in terms of same gender, caste and religion, is absent, or is it reflective of prevailing cultural taboos where interaction across ones social group is discouraged if not prohibited. If this marks the world of youth, who are generally more rebellious, how much more forceful must it be in the world of adults. However, border crossings become more frequent when we disaggregate the data along the rural-urban axes or in terms of levels of education.

One can, within one perspective, read this as the prevalence of conservative mores within youth, but could, within another perspective, see it as illustrative of a lack of opportunity for interaction in a situation of greater opportunity, both spatial and material, conservative mores would not hold young people back from making friends across traditional borders. One could read the data to suggest that making friendships across social groups is not a matter of choice but of constraint, and when such constraints are removed by education and plural settings, then people are willing to dismantle the border. This has implications for social trust. The survey shows that people trust their friends more than members of their own caste but since their friends are from their own social group it should not be read as a secular trend. Interpersonal trust, so necessary for the impersonal functioning of institutions, is hence quite thin and this perhaps explains why nepotism occurs. Institutions in India are infected with group loyalties and the basis of this is set in the world of friends that the youth have.

The data on the second rubric, Family and Social Networks, yields an interesting finding about the institution of the family. As expected, there seems to be no clear disjuncture between youth and their parents with varying levels of acceptance of parental authority in areas as diverse as career and marriage. A majority of youth canvassed, as much as 60%, accepted that the final decision on marriage should be taken by parents. This would be unthinkable in most western societies. From it one can see that parental authority has considerable leverage in the life of most Indian youth and even though variations are a function of education and socio economic status (SES), with small changes towards more autonomy of decision making as a result of higher Socio Economic Status , it is not enough

to undermine the observation that no generation gap exists in India. Youth prefer to remain within the cultural codes of their family and social networks. One could perhaps read more into this data and hypothesize that the strident individuality of Western youth is not present among Indian youth who are more embedded, and content to be, within the institution of the family. The fact that parental authority is not seen in adversarial but in benign terms can be gauged by the number of respondents (55%) who felt that they would like to bring up their children in more or less the same way as they were brought up. The family remains a key institution in the life-world of Indian youth. One could perhaps argue that even in a situation of expanded choice, youth in India, in contrast to the situation described in rubric one where conservative mores were regarded as a function of limited opportunity, would freely adopt conservative mores with respect to parental authority. Even though inter-religious and inter-caste marriage runs the risk of social violence, as the news report from Bhopal illustrates, one could hazard a view that youth buy in to these cultural mores and do not think that an assertion of individuality means that parents must not have a say in the making of decisions concerning marriage and careers. The Swedish saying that if the Stone Age children had obeyed their parents we would still be living in the Stone Age, does not appear to hold in India. Or does it? The third rubric Leisure and Life Style yields this gem of data that dressing up in the latest styles is an important facet of self-expression and that this was a view strongly held by the younger segment of the youth. If on marriage youth seem to be different from their counterparts elsewhere here they seem to be no different. The power of the media, especially the electronic media, seems considerable with a majority of youth watching films and serials on television. Some message seems to be getting through and with youth icons from sport and the film industry becoming the models for youth. Jeans, metaphorically, seems to have captured the imagination of Indian youth. Although, in the world of dressing and fashion, youth seem to want to express their individuality and appear to be unconstrained by cultural mores, a point illustrated in greater detail by a case study. Our data tells us that 60% felt that consumption of alcohol was unacceptable. This is a statistic difficult to decipher. Is it an indicator of conservativeness or of progressiveness? Does the image of

consumption of alcohol as a marker of modernity carry a cultural baggage? Does it suggest an alternative route to modernity? In what way does the consumption of alcohol relate to the transition from youth into adulthood?

The data on the fourth rubric Politics and Democracy presents a picture of politically engaged Indian youth and hence the concern among the trilateral countries of a declining interest in politics among youth in those countries is not a concern in India where youth exhibit several interesting attitudes: high participation in politics, high trust in democracy, high continuity and engagement in politics across generations, especially where there is a family tradition and - like the general population - a high trust in the army as an institution in contrast to the lowest trust in the police and political parties. The fact that the youth have a robust interest in politics and democracy is a good sign for the future of Indian democracy. India is an intensely political place with sites of democratic practice increasing in the polity as can be seen most vigorously in the university system where student politics is fairly competitive and intense, and currently undergoing reform as per the recommendations of the Lyndogh report. Their participation is also supported by their political opinions where a large majority of youth believe in the values of democracy such as the importance of the political opposition, the importance of freedom of expression, and the abjuring of violence to settle disputes. etc. It is fair to say that democracy is becoming the commonsense of youth in India and hence arguing for it or defending its value appear to be redundant tasks. The acceptance by youth of the values of democracy indicates that in the political realm, at least, the journey to modernity has been quite straightforward. While there are differences between Indian and Western youth in their dispositions towards politics these may be more a difference of stages between the modern and the post-modern worlds of politics. In India most youth are still in the modern world of endorsing the state and its authority.

From the fifth rubric concerning Governance and Development the big story that is emerging is that of unemployment and poverty. An equal number of 27%, in both cases, listed these two as their biggest concerns. While this, in itself, is not unexpected, it is worth noting that the concerns are highest among those who are non-literate, of low socioeconomic status, from rural areas and among marginal groups of dalits and adivasis. This is a

cause for alarm since this concern of the lower social strata, that has fewer life chance opportunities, may turn into discontent and this in turn may undermine the commitment to the values of democracy that currently seem to be widely shared by the youth. The increasing violence in rural India, especially in the naxalite affected regions, and among dalit youth protesting against their life situations, something akin to the violence in the urban areas in France, needs to be borne in mind. This finding suggests, more than anything else, that we run the risk of squandering our demographic dividend.

From the sixth rubric Nation and the World the one issue that we could perhaps reflect on is the divided opinion of youth on the advantages and disadvantages of globalisation. The number of those who see it as advantages from among the lower socio economic group was about the same as those who saw it as disadvantageous, and those who saw it as disadvantageous dropped with higher income. There seems to be an increasing perception that globalisation is the only way to enter the future and that that the older strategies of self-reliance and autarkic development are strategies of the past. And hence, even though there are concerns about the disadvantages, among a large section, these would need to be addressed and would fit into the aspiration to benefit from the demographic dividend. Since the challenge is to convert what is inevitable into an asset we need to democratise development, which is what many of the social movements are asking, in other words to make development more inclusive. For a more just order the policy goal should be to both a recognition of the aspiration of a large proportion of youth for the benefits of globalisation and also a series of policy steps to address the concerns of the sizeable number who see it as disadvantageous.

The seventh rubric Anxiety and Aspiration shows that Indian youth have both very high levels of anxiety and high levels of aspiration. Further, on the specific question of how they saw their future and their childrens future more than two-thirds saw the future as bright in both instances. Interestingly Indian youth appear to exhibit high levels of anxiety, high aspiration and high optimism about the future. This trend is somewhat puzzling since one would expect anxiety to be inversely related to optimism. Perhaps the only way to make sense of it is to go below the aggregate data and read it through the lens of how different

social groups view the present and future. The plurality of worlds in which youth are located would help us account for the variations in these trends. We have not here delved at any length into how the different genders, or social groups such as minorities, dalits, adivasis, or differently abled youth, or even those in different localities, respond to these issues. Since this will be done in the individual chapters, and since we have also given the marginals in the appendix, let us now move to a discussion of how the data allows us to join the larger discussion about societal change.

The big picture

There are three big aspects, with respects to the ongoing debate on routes to modernity (alternative or common), that this attitudinal data on youth allows us to participate in. The first is to peer at youth attitudes and perspectives through the lens of education. From the data from the seven rubrics we find that those with higher educational levels begin to diverge from the general trend, for example having friends from across genders, caste, and religious groups, willing to assert their own views on marriage and career choices especially if they are different from the parental view, having clearer views on the values of democracy, are more aware of globalization, and have higher aspirations for the future. The conclusion is that education counts. Those who are better educated seem more willing to cross borders of social mores and to be more willing to assert their individual preferences. Which makes us ask the hypothetical question: Will the even spread of education at the higher levels, across region and socio economic groups, mean that much of what we regard as the cultural inflexion in youth attitudes and perspectives is in fact only a function of the availability of opportunity and the absence of material constraint. If youth with less advantage and opportunity were to be able to overcome these constraints, through the benefits of higher levels of education, would they then begin to have views similar to those that are currently expressed by those from higher socio economic status (SES). In other words is the thesis of alternative route to modernity somewhat overstated in the context of youth? It may be valid in other domains but is perhaps less so in the world of youth who display attitudes and perspectives similar to youth in other regions of the world.


The second aspect of the big story is the sites at which youth stage their tryst with modernity. This is a peculiar turn of phrase since this involves entering, encountering, aspiring, engaging and perhaps even consuming modernity, and since these lend themselves to different logics, to use the telegraphic form of tryst to encapsulate the various experiences may be somewhat illegitimate. The case studies showed the emergence and increasing presence of new sites where this tryst takes place, such as the beauty parlour, gym, cyber cafe, mall, college campus, Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) centre, etc. The site that is the big revelation of the survey data is the small town. Youth in small towns appear to have the highest level of aspiration even compared to metropolitan areas. Because these spaces are perhaps the fastest growing, demographically and economically, and because they can be seen somewhat as half-way houses in terms of opportunity and constraint, as compared to the village and the big city, the small town is perhaps seen as the place where one has broken free from the frustrations of the village and is en-route to the freedom of the city. The other advantage of the small town for most of Indias youth is its proximity, both geographical and personal, since there is a likelihood that one would be able here to connect to social networks more easily. The small town is one of the big sites for harnessing the energy of youth in India today.

The third aspect of the big story is the relationship of youth to modernity. If youth, in the West, are generally regarded as the flag-bearers of modernity, in India too they seem to have evolved a bi-cultural identity having elements of both local identity and global identity. The quantitative study of attitudes and perspectives seems to point to the conclusion that Indian youth are not following an alternative route to modernity. The differences in attitude appear to be more a function of material and cognitive opportunity, than of choice, and hence when opportunity is available youth are brought back in step with global trends. This is most evident in the domain of dressing where youth from all social groups and all locations aspire for dress styles that are no different than those in Durban, Sao Paulo or Beijing. Fab India may look local but it is global and to mistake it for local distinctiveness is to miss the point about the plurality of the global. An interesting point here is to distinguish between practice and tradition, i.e., where the former changes more easily because it is superficial while the latter changes more slowly because it is deeper. Is the form of dressing,

practice or tradition? Is it superficial or is it the expression of something deeper that is changing? The study offers us a rich data set from which to explore this issue. In the world of youth in India we are therefore required to grapple with the thesis of alternative routes or multiple routes to modernity. A form and substance debate awaits us here.

But like all things Indian one must end with a puzzle that invites interpretation. Let me describe an ordinary morning, on a working day, at one of the new commuter stations, Hitech city at Vidya Nagar in Hyderabad. This is a locality inhabited mostly by conservative upper caste Hindus, and the Hi-tech city station is one from where persons, who are basically techies, travel to work at the many new IT companies on the outskirts of Hyderabad. The station is new, built specially for serving the Hi Tech city. The platform is largely populated by young people of both sexes. In the morning one can see them wearing holy marks on their forehead (a marker of tradition) or akshintalu (grains coated with turmeric) on their head, a sign that they performed puja. Many of these young persons are, however, engrossed in listening to music on their i-pods, which is the best of modern technology. Perhaps they are listening to hindi film music, which is as hybrid as you can get. And yet they are standing in clusters that are largely of the same sex. There seems to be no libido pressure here. When the commuter train comes, however, the women and men get into different compartments with the women largely into compartments reserved for women. Is this because of libidinal anxiety or just a concern of safety or just standard all India railway practice? Incredible India


The mind of the Indian youth

Posted on February 21, 2012 by admin

Anywhere in the world, whenever there is a mention of the Indian economy and market, people often talk about the demographic advantage this country enjoys. It is a youthful country with high disposable incomes, they say. The oasis for marketing companies across the world! But there are few studies available that give insight into the attitude, behaviour and perceptions of this huge consumer base. Blyk, which is a youth-focused brand addressing consumers in the age group of 16-29 years, reached out to its 1.68 million members to understand them better. There are three observations that I particularly wanted to share from this study. These observations are key to understanding todays Indian youth, because it looks at the essential parameters that make them tick. What comes out very strongly is that the Indian youth is trying very hard to balance modern and progressive outlook with the rootedness in culture and family. They are faced with contradictions of behaviour and mores. It was interesting to note that while 46 per cent admitted to cheating in a relationship, 61 per cent youth thought it was un-cool to be rude! They are to a great degree driven by perception and are highly aspirational. For example, 3 out of the 4 youth that we spoke to wanted to change the way they look in some way or the other. And there is a significant proportion of young people in India who own more than 5 pair of shoes, use cosmetic products on a daily basis and want to sport branded clothes. Image is everything and they take good care to build a good image. And finally, the gadget closest to their heartno prizes for guessing thisis the mobile phone! The youth spend the most time on it. It is the most stated object of desire and used most extensively, which highlights the growing importance of the third screen as a vehicle to reach out to this group. Having shared these observations, I would still say that this is a very dynamic group. For any brand marketing to them, there has to be a finger on the pulse at all times.


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