Nama-Nama Organisasi Dunia
Nama-Nama Organisasi Dunia
Nama-Nama Organisasi Dunia
Berikut adalah sebagian kecil daftar nama organisasi-organisasi yang ada di dunia, (maaf jika acak acakan, soalnya terlalu banyak)
1. PBB (Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa) - UN (United Nations), organisasi di bawahnya 2. ECA - Economic Commission for Africa 3. ECE - Economic Commission for Europe 4. ECLAC - 5. ESCAP - 6. ESCWA - 7. FAO - 8. FAO GFCM -
9. FAO WAICENT - 10. IAEA - I 11. IBRD - 12. IBRD ICSID - I 13. IBRD IDA 14. ICAO - International Civil Aviation Organization - 1 15. ICAO - International Civil Aviation Organization - 2 16. ICC - 17. ICC cpi - 18. ICJ - 19. ICSC - 20. ICTR - 21. ICTY - 22. IFAD 23. IFC - 24. ILO - I 25. IMF - I 26. IMO (IMCO) - 27. INSTRAW - 28. IPCC - 29. ITC - 30. ITU - I 31. NGLS - 32. OHCHR - 33. Population/Reproductive Health Portal 34. RCNet - United Nations Resident Coordinators Network 35. RDFS - 36. Relief Web 37. UN - ACC 43. UN - Human Rights 44. UN - Humanitarian Affairs 45. UN - IACSD Inter-Agency Committee on Sustainable Development 46. UN - IANWGE - 47. UN International Law 48. UN - JIAMCATT - Joint IA Meeting on Computer-Assisted T and T. 49. UN - JIU - Joint Inspection Unit 50. UN - JUNIC - 51. UN - News Centre 52. UN - OCHA 53. UN - Population Information Network 54. UN - Press Releases 55. UN - SCN ACC 56. UN - UNCAPS 57. UNAIDS - Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS 58. UNBA - United Nations Board of Auditors 59. UNCC - United Nations Compensation Commission 60. UNCCD - United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification 61. UNCDF - United Nations Capital Development Fund 62. UNCITRAL - United Nations Commission on International Trade Law 63. UNCJIN - United Nations Crime and Justice Information Network 64. UNCSD United Nations Common Supplier Database 65. UNCTAD - United Nations Conference on Trade and Development 66. UNCTAD GP on Global., Liberalization & Sustainable Human Dev. 67. UNDCP - UN International Drug Control Programme (now UNODC) 68. UNDG United Nations Development Group 69. UNDP - United Nations Development Programme 70. UNDP Human Development Report Statistics 71. UNDP Permanent Missions to the United Nations - New York 72. UNDP UNIFEM - United Nations Development Fund for Women 73. UNEP - United Nations Environment Programme 74. UNESCO - UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization 75. UNESCO IBE - International Bureau of Education 76. UNESCO IIEP - International Institute for Educational Planning 77. UNESCO Institute for Statistics 78. UNFCCC - UN Framework Convention on Climate Change 79. UNFIP - United Nations Fund for International Partnerships 80. UNFPA - United Nations Population Fund 81. UNGIWG - United Nations Geographic Information Working Group 82. UNHABITAT - United Nations Human Settlements Programme 83. UNHCR - United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees 84. UNHCR Statistics 85. UNICEF - United Nations Children s Fund 86. UNICEF ICDC - Innocenti Research Centre 87. UNICEF
Statistics 88. UNICRI - UN Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute 89. UNICT TF - UN Information & Communication Techn. Task Force 90. UNIDIR United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research 91. UNIDO - United Nations Industrial Development Organization 92. UNIS - United Nations International School 93. UNITAR - United Nations Institute for Training and Research 94. United Nations Atlas of the Oceans 95. United Nations Mine Action Service 96. United Nations System of Organizations 97. UNJSPF - United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund 98. UNODC - United Nations International Drug Control Programme 99. UNOG - United Nations Office at Geneva 100. UNON - United Nations Office at Nairobi 101. UNOPS - United Nations Office for Project Services 102. UNOV - United Nations Office at Vienna - 1 103. UNOV - United Nations Office at Vienna - 2 104. UNPA - United Nations Postal Administration 105. UNRISD - United Nations Research Institute for Social Development 106. UNRWA - UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees 107. UNSCEAR - UN Scientific Com. on the Effects of Atomic Radiation 108. UNSSC - United Nations System Staff College 109. UNU - United Nations University 110. UNV - United Nations Volunteers 111. UNWTO - United Nations World Tourism Organization 112. UPU - Universal Postal Union 113. WFP World Food Programme 114. WHO - World Health Organization 115. WIPO - World Intellectual Property Organization 116. WMO - World Meteorological Organization 117. Women Watch 118. WTO - World Trade Organizatio