Java Server Faces (JSF) : JAVA SERVER FACES (Not To Be Confused With JSP..JAVA SERVER PAGES), Is The
Java Server Faces (JSF) : JAVA SERVER FACES (Not To Be Confused With JSP..JAVA SERVER PAGES), Is The
Java Server Faces (JSF) : JAVA SERVER FACES (Not To Be Confused With JSP..JAVA SERVER PAGES), Is The
JAVA SERVER FACES ( not to be confused with JSP..JAVA SERVER PAGES), is the
latest technolgy from JCP(Java Community Process).
It is a technology that can be used instead of Struts or along with Struts,during the
transition phase. In this three part tutorial, the author gives the salient features of the
technology with a simple illustration.
Craig MacLanahan, employed in SUN and the main contributor behind Struts , is the
lead architect of JSF. He maintains that JSF is a supporting technolgy for Struts and not
necessarily a replacing technology. He himself has suggested a method of integrating
Struts with JSF and getting the best of both worlds.
( As this tutorial presumes a foundation in Struts, readers will do well to refer to the
tutorial on Struts in DeveloperIQ..Jan2005).
However, many analysts and authors are of the opinion that JSF is a definite
improvement over Struts.Thus, it may be expected that quite a few applications in
Industry , presently using Struts may switch over to JSF in the near future. In a few
special cases, combining both JSF & Struts may be attempted, in order to maintain
backward compatibility, during the transition phase.What is worth noting is that,
transition is inevitable.
From the view-point of productivity, builder tools are preferred by the Industry.
For example, though, we can build very elegant and powerful applications in , by
using only a text-editor , Industry prefers to use Visual Studio , because of the number of
advanced features like 'Intelli-sense', class browser etc.Similarly, while a considerable
number of programmers prefer to use nothing but JDK and related libraries with text-
editors , however complex the code might be,equally numerous programmers prefer to
use the visual tools like JBuilder, JDeveloper and IBM's WebSphere Studio.
The only problem is that while JDK is a single entity and hopefully can be mastered,
builder tools are numerous and one cannot be equally productive in all the tools. Thus,
anyone , who makes extensive use of such tools in his work, gets habitually tied to that
tool and becomes much less productive in another environment. And for students and job-
seekers, this poses a problem , since, with all their proficiency is a particular builer-tool
like '(say) Eclipse, the employer may be a fan of some other tool such as 'JDeveloper'.
Such a problem does not occur in Microsoft Visual Studio, because there is one and only
Studio. But even in Microsoft IDE, there are
possibilities for working in various types of projects. Even the VC++ studio, offers
options for console mode,win32 apps,Wizard-based dialog mode, SDI , MDI etc.Thus ,
if we want, we can develop our program without using wizards and code-generators
thereby greatly reducing the number of files and code-bloat.
That said, Industry is not prepared to forego the enormous increase in productivity
offered by these tools. Thus learners have to master atleast two or three leading Java-IDE
environments besides the plain JDK, to feel at home in Industrial environment and trust
their luck to land in a java shop that uses an IDE known to them! That pinpoints the
necessity for standards.JSF is such a standard.
JSF is a specification, to which big companies like Borland , WebLogic, Oracle, SUN etc
can offer Studio like tools to enhance productivity. And , they have already adopted and
introduced JSF in their tools. Added to this is the advantage that it comes from JCP and
that settles the issue, for good! .Hence JSF is inescapable area of expertise for Java
Just as we can build pages by hand-coding, we can build JSF also by hand-
coding. But , the main advantage as perceived by many analysts is that JSF being a
specification, it has created a common standard for Visual Builder tools for web-
application development in Java. As it is backed by all the big players, it is bound to
gain momentum and universal acceptance quickly.
The problems that are addressed by Struts are different from those addressed by JSF.
Struts is a framework based on MVC and it provides a ready-made structure, the main
advantage being, DECLARATIVE MANAGEMENT in two important files, namely,
web.xml and struts-config.xml. Secondly, it provides the concept of form-beans and
centralized flow through the Controller servlet and respective action classes. It separates
the view (JSP) and the model (business logic).It has been widely adopted by the industry
and has proved its worth.
Why then, JSF? Unlike Struts, JSF is not a web-application framework but was intended
primarily, to be a User-interface technology, for web-based applications. In this aspect, it
is exactly like's WebForms.However, it soon grew out of this constraint and
overlapped with much functionality and architecture of Struts.
Let there be a form with two text boxes and a button. When the user types his name in
text1 and clicks the button, it should appear in text2.
Had this been a stand-alone Java program, the code would have been,
In desktop applications, the variables are readily available in the program's memory
space. But in web applications, HTTP is used and it is state-less. So, we can only collect
the data typed in text1, in the server-side.
After this , we have to dynamically create the same gui as before and populate the two
textboxes, in the client's browser,and send the button too! Struts solves this problem, by
creating a form-bean ..It would be nice if java web-application developers are 'made to
feel' that they are working in a Swing based Applet , instead of web-based html form
with all its 'forgetfulness'!That is precisely the problem tackled by JSF.
For all appearances, it is as if the program works as in desktop application, where when
we click a button(ActionEvent), make a change in textbox(TextEvent),make a selection in
combo(ItemEvent),there is a reaction at component level .Struts, for all its advanced
features, lacks this, as it is a page-level technology.
A comparison of a simple program in VB,ASP &, would bring out this aspect
Or if we prefer, we can think of a Java desktop program, JSP ( either plain,or MVC or
Struts) and JSF.If we combine the features of VB & ASP, we get (we are
speaking here of how it 'appears' to the developer, and not as it is
implemented!).Similarly, when we combine Desktop Java & Struts, we get JSF.
Clearly then , JSF is an advance over Struts, with the added advantage of being an
official JCP standard, unlike Struts.
About ten years back(1995), users were captivated by the tremendous reach and ease of
Web-based applications. They used to call those start-ups as 'click & barter' company in
the place of 'brick & mortar' company. Even today, there are hugely successful
e-commerce companies like So, the web-based business model is here to
stay and grow. There is no going back to narrow lan(e)s of pre-web days.
But, as business grows, developers and users alike, want to have all the ease, color,
variety and user-interaction of a desktop application like VB ,in a web-based form!
Surprisingly, was it not offered by Java Applet, in its very first month? But, it was
objected that the business logic was done by the applet in the client's browser and except
for very simple applications, downloading all those heavy classes from the server into
the client's browser is not at all a good solution.
Later, Sun came out with Servlets solution, in which the business logic is executed either
in web-server or in the next tier of application server(RMI-style).And it is possible to
send data to the servlet , not through the html form but through an applet.(They used to
call it Applet-Servlet Communication and Tunnel method).
If that is the case, the rich user-interface of applets can be combined with the power of a
servlet and since the applet is used only for attractive user-interface and quick user-
interaction, there could be no objection. The client's machine need not have JDK
installed. The applet can be downloaded from server. This approach had an added
advantage too. By suitable relaxation of security policy, data can be extracted from the
hard-disk of the user by the applet and sent to the servlet. Similarly, the result sent by the
servlet to the applet can be stored in the user's hard disk.Thus, we can save the data in a
textbox to the file in hard disk, elegantly.That is the power of Component approach over
page approach.
Though, the first wave of books and literature on Servlets (1999)always spoke about
servlet-applet communication, it fell out of favor, possibly due to the rift between
Microsoft and Sun for fear that the almost universal Internet Browser and even Netscape
Navigator, did not implement JDK fully in those days. And Swing is not implemented in
these browsers directly , even today. It is only by using Java plug-in from Sun, we can
view Swing applets in browsers.In J2EE field, where innovations and changes are
occuring almost every month, a timelag of half a decade is equivalent to 'anachronism'.
There is not much use in connecting a servlet through a stand-alone frame. We cannot go
about distributing the client-side classes to the users.Only if it could be downloaded from
the server, it can serve a vast clientele.It is signigicant that the Applet technology has no
equivalent in Microsoft technologies, to this day! Applets do not get installed in the user's
machine but if AciveX controls embedded in html were downloaded , they got registered
in the Windows Registry.
ActiveX Documents tried by Microsoft , were not html forms and so could not be a
standard method. That is what led them to develop web forms.(please refer to a
tutorial on in DeveloperIQ...Feb --2004).But, still, the web-form controls are not
the same as windows-form controls. DataGrid of windows-forms in Dotnet and DataGrid
in Web-forms , will show this difference.Thus, it would appear that if it were possible to
ressurect the Applet-Servlet approach, it would be incomparable, in effect.
Now that Sun & Microsoft have buried the hatchet and agreed to co-operate for the
coming decade, it will not be too much to expect Microsoft to implement jdk fully in its
browser, atleast so far as Swing GUI goes. If that happens, we can combine all the
advanced gui features of Swing applets with the power of Servlets/JSP. .
In the absence of response to this wish-list, the next best solution is to create controls in
server-side and somehow send it to the browser, as html. That is what is being done by & JSF.
Round trip to the server is inevitable in a web application. True! But, the technolgy
should hide all that complexity and make the coder feel that he is developing a desktop
application. This is the chief merit of's WebForm and also that of JSF.
How then does JSF differ from There is no concept of Declarative management
in, exactly matching that in JSF. But the plus point of webforms is that
naming of the tags is much like standard html tags ( or VB) and elegant, unlike the JSF
tags.Many more comparisons could be made but the main thrust of this tutorial is getting
acquainted with JSF and so such a comparative evaluation, will have to wait. It is well to
remember that there is no place for Talibanism in Technology!Discerning observers can
easily see how each camp is learning from the other and trying to do one better.That is
how progress takes place.
Just because, we said that JSF is primarily a GUI technology for web-applications, it
should not be taken to mean that it does away with all that concern about MVC
That would have been a step back, after so much work that has been done to achieve
separation of Model,Controller & View. Thus, JSF adopts quite a few features from
Struts. For example, here also there is a central controller servlet , only, it is named Faces
Servlet. Here also, we have, a configuaration-file like Struts-config.xml, but it is now
Decalative navigation method also has been adopted. Just as in Struts, the code simply
returns 'Success' or 'Failure' and the resulting forwarding is decided declaratively by
Navigation rules in the xml file. Internationalization, Error messages, Validations, beans
for holding data, model beans etc are all very much in the same style of Struts.
We have custom tags in JSF too.( And these tags may not always be compatible with
JSTL!). ... And many of these html tags had no equivalent in JSTL. There is overlapping
functionality and nomenclature between JSF tags and Struts tags. While, Struts used JSP
EL(Expression language), JSF uses JSF EL!
Thus, JSF may be looked at as an 'improved' Struts . Many authors feel that JSF is easier
to implement and richer in user-functionality,but Struts validation is said to be much
better. However,things could improve in the coming months.
While Struts is strongly tied to standard browsers, JSF caters to all kinds of emerging
browsers like wap-browsers and wireless devices, just like As wireless is the
emerging trend, this also is a progressive step in JSF.At the pace in which wireless
communication infrastructure and technologies are being developed all over the world,
purely desktop wizardry has no value atall, in future. The real challenge is to develop a
web-application with the look and feel of the desktop application!It takes some effort to
effect this change in approach.
What JSF brings to the party is ,the direct Event model , like Swing's Action event and
ActionListeners,a concept like Container for controls in Swing, etc.
In this second part of the tutorial, the author explains the practical steps to get our first
few demos in JSF, running. Basic theory behind the steps also are given.
We are using Tomcat-5 as the Web-server,along with JDK 1.4.2, for the following
experimental work.
First of all , we have to instal JSF package in our system.We downloaded JSF1.1 , from :
a) docs
b) javadocs
c) lib
d) metadata
e) renderkitdocs
f) samples
g) tlddocs
The samples folder is useful to get started. There are four sample demos in that folder as
*.war files.
i) jsf-cardemo.war
ii) jsf-components.war
iii) jsf-guessNumber.war
iv) jsf-nonjsp.war
Of these four, jsf-gueessNumber demo has minimum features , and is best suited for
getting a feel for the technology.So, we copied jsf-guessNumber.war to :
>set JAVA_HOME=e:\jdk1.4.2
The war file gets expanded automatically and we get the standard j2ee directory
structure, inside the
All the jar files needed for running the jsf program are present in ,
i) commons-beanutils.jar
ii) commons-collections.jar
iii) commons-digester.jar
iv) commons-logging.jar
v) jsf-api.jar
vi) jsf-impl.jar
vii) jstl.jar
viii) standard.jar
It is useful to note down these details so that we can easily follow the documentation ,
articles and books, later.
Let us see the significance of these jar files now. ( refer to page: 118 of JSF by Dudney).
1)jsf-api.jar : contains the standard JSF API classes and interfaces that all JSF
implementations must satisfy.
3) jstl.jar & standard.jar contain the JSTL files. The Reference implementation is
based on JSTL.
'commons' utilities are being mentioned by many experts as invaluable library for fast
software development. It will be dealt with in detail in a forthcoming tutorial.
we will get textbox and a button along with the image of Sun's mascot, the 'Duke'..We
will be asked to type a number between 0 & 10.If we type a character like 'a' and submit ,
we will get validation error message in red. If we type a 'wrong' guess, we are informed
so. After a few trials, we get correct result. Nothing much. But,it shows that JSF is
working in our system and we get ready to begin our experimenation.!
The Struts application comes with struts-blank.war and it is renamed to our application
name . It would have been better if the JSF distribution also came with such a skeleton
application. But , there is no such demo and that is why we are using the guessNumber
folder , so that we get the standard xml files, required for our application. If we type it
from scratch, there will be typing errors and difficulties. The best thing is to rename jsf-
guessNumber folder as ,(say) 'ourdemo'.
We now delete all the jsp files directly under 'ourdemo' folder.We delete all the class files
under 'WEB-INF\classes' of 'ourdemo', because they are applicable to guessNumber app
only.Retain all the jar files in lib folder under WEB-INF.
a) web.xml
b) faces-config.xml
// \webapps\ourdemo\WEB-INF\faces-config.xml
We now create a simple JSF program to learn about the tag library of JSF.
// tomcat5\webapps\ourdemo\jsfgui.jsp
<body bgcolor="cyan">
But , we should learn something about two important xml files, before we proceed
This file was obtained by deleting comments and descriptions from the original web.xml
file of guessNumber application, to serve as a model, to make it less cluttered. This basic
model file can then be used for other applications. In all the applications, the web.xml file
will be same! (just as the web.xml file was same in all the Struts examples). But we
should carefully note that the name of the central controller servlet and its URL-pattern.
// ..\webapps\ourdemo\WEB-INF\web.xml
<load-on-startup> 1 </load-on-startup>
<servlet-name>Faces Servlet
In the servlet-mapping tag, we can make use of two styles of url-pattern. The first style is
known as 'extension mapping'.
( example: *.jsf). The JSF specification recommends the use of 'faces' as the extension
but we can also use *.jsf.
< http://localhost:8080/demo/index.jsf>
< http://localhost:8080/demo/index.faces>
The state of the various controls can be saved either in the server-side or in the client-
side. We have specified 'client' as the option. This is saved as 'viewstate'.
If we have a sense of 'deja vu', it is because , the same technique is used in too!
Next we should learn the basics of another important xml file . Just as we had the struts-
config.xml file, here too we have faces-config.xml file.
This file has the following child-elements: The order in which these elements occur is
important and should be retained.
1) application:
2) factory:
3) component:
4) converter:
5) managed-bean
6) navigation-rule:
7) reference-bean:
8) render-kit:
9) lifecycle:
10) validator:
For the usual applications, it is advisable to accept the defaults for most of these. Since
'zero' entries are permitted for all these child elements, we can just remove many of
The items shown in 'bold' such as managed-bean, navigation-rule are the most needed
However, for the jsfgui.jsp, these are not needed. So the skeleton faces-config.xml will
appear as shown earlier to begin with.
So, we are able to get started with the tags in JSF. The names of these tags are
unfortunately , a bit contrived and confusing.
Inside the body tag, we must always provide <view> tag. This is very important. All jsf
tags are placed inside the <view> tags.
The <view> tag provides a place for saving the state of the components tree before
sending the response. If we have configured to save it in client, it is returned as 'hidden'
viewstate , just as in
We will now see a few jsf tags and the html equivalents.
1) <h:form> <form>
2) <h:outputText>
3) <h:inputText> type=text
4) <h:commandButton> type=submit
5) <h:inputSecret> type=password
6) <h:panelGrid> table
7) <h:graphicImage> img
8) <h:message>
9) <h:selectOneRadio> <radio>
15) <h:message>
In this third part of tutorial on JSF, the author deals with important topics like 'backing
beans',event-handling,validation etc.
While the first part of this tutorial dealt with the overall perspective and the need for
JSF,the second part gave the practical steps required for installation, preliminary testing
and basic trial for our own example.In this third part , we will have a deeper study of the
essential ingredients of the JSF architecture ,backed up with simple illustration for each
of those ingredients.
(Manning/DreamTech) published in Jan 2005, KITO MANN, has given an outline of the
various component parts of the JSF, as follows.
ii) Navigation
iii) Event-handling
v) value-binding
vi) method-binding
vii) validation
viii) converters
1) Security
2) tabular data
4) Internationalization
We have already seen the basics of JSF tags.In our next demo, we will study the details
about 'Navigation'. This requires some suitable entries in faces-config.xml file.
-- ---------------------------------------
<body bgcolor="cyan">
// e:\tomcat5\webapps\ourdemo\amy.jsp
// e:\tomcat5\webapps\
and restart tomcat server
We will get just two buttons.One button will have the caption as 'mathew' and the other
button's caption will be 'amy'. If we click button1,we will be taken to mathew.jsp and if
we click button2 , we will be taken to amy.jsp, with corresponding displays. Thus, we
have given a demo for action event as well as 'Declarative navigation'.
We say,this is declarative navigation, because, the outcome of clicking 'button1' has not
been hard-coded but simply mentioned as a string "success" in the button's action
What this 'string' should do, has been indicated in the jsf-config.xml under navigation
rule attributes., as shown below.
This is very much similar to the practice in Struts. Similarly, for button2 ( with caption
'amy'), the action attribute is 'failuree' and in the faces-config.xml, we have mapped it to
Hopefully, this illustration explains the method of action event, navigation rule syntax
and princople of declarative navigation.
Now, we take up the MOST IMPORTANT topic of BackingBean. Though the name
is unique, it is just nothing but the standard javabean.
f:\>md jsfexample
f:\>cd jsfexample
f:\jsfexample>md demo
( it may be noted that the name of the working folder NEED NOT BE the same name as
the package name! Our working folder is 'demo' but the package name is ourdemo).
( The package name has nothing to do with the Application context name either, though it
is followed by Sun demos.)
// f:\jsfexample\demo\>
package ourdemo;
import javax.faces.context.*;
import javax.faces.component.*;
import javax.faces.validator.*;
String firstname;
String lastname;
public void setfirstname(String a)
return firstname;
return lastname;
set path=c:\windows\command;e:=\jdk1.4.2\bin
The player.class file thus obtained must be copied to 'ourdemo' folder under :
edit \webapps\ourdemo\jsfmbean.jsp
<body bgcolor="cyan">
We will get two textboxes and two buttons. We will get the value 'Gandhiji' bound in the
second textbox.There will be no entry in text1; This is known as 'Value Binding'. What do
we mean by that? As we know, the player bean class has two attributes namely, 'first
name ' and 'last name'.
We have specified in the jsf-config.xml file the init value for these two attributes. In the
jsp sheet we have mentioned that the value of text2 is "#{player.lastname}".
(This is very much similar to JSP EL. But, it is not totally compatible with JST EL).
Thus the value of the bean is bound to text2. This is a two-way process. Hereafter, if
either the bean's attribute is changed by code or by the user changing the value in the
screen, the inner vvalue is changed, each time the page is submitted. The value is retained
( sticky) so long as the page's session is maintained. This is a very important feature and
almost the most important feature in JSF.
There is another method of binding also. This is very unique in JSF, not found in Struts.
This is known as 'method binding'. Our player bean has a method known as
When the button 'success' is clicked we will be transfered to mathew.jsp. When the button
'failure' is clicked we will get 'Mahathma Gandhiji' in textbox2. This is an example for
method binding. This result is obtained from the 'changeName' method of the bean.
Next we will move on to another important part(ie) 'Validation'. JSF provides three
standard validator classes
1.DoubleRange Validator
This tag validates whether the submited value lies in the specified floating point range. A
minimum value, a maximum value or both may be specified.
2.Length Validator
This tag validates the length of the submitted string value and that its length is within the
supplied minimum and maximum values.
3.LongRange Validator
This tag validates whether the submitted value can be converted to a long and that it is
within the supplied minimum and maximum values.
Now we will see an example for standard validation.
<body bgcolor="cyan">
We will get three labels and three textboxes. Type the value 'sam' in textbox1, 10000 in
textbox2 and 19.99 in textbox3 and click the button 'Click Me'. We won't get any error
message.When the button is clicked, the page is submitted to the server.
When we leave any textbox empty, we'll get the error message as 'value is required'.
Type the value 'thomas' in textbox1 and click submit. We will get the error message
'value is greater than allowable maximum of '5''. When we type some characters in
textbox2 and textbox3, we will get the error message as 'value is of the correct type '.
When we type the numbers out of range in textbox2 and textbox3, we will get the error
message 'Specified attribute is not between the expected values'.
Reference Books:
- Kito D.Mann
(SPD/OReilly/june 2004)
- Bill Dudney
( Wiley/DreamTech/2004)