Information Design
Information Design
Information Design
In brief
Also known as communication design or graphic communication.
Information design is concerned with making complex information
easier to understand and to use. It is a rapidly growing discipline
that draws on typography, graphic design, applied linguistics,
applied psychology, applied ergonomics, computing, and other
fields. It emerged as a response to people's need to understand
and use such things as forms, legal documents, computer
interfaces and technical information. Information designers
responding to these needs have achieved major economic and
social improvements in information use.
Information providers such as government, community
organisations, industry, commerce and education have an interest
in communicating efficiently and effectively, and in some cases
profitably. Information users want and expect to be able to read,
understand and apply the information directed at them without
undue effort and if possible with a degree of pleasure.
Information designers serve the needs of both information
providers and information users. They consider the selection,
structuring and presentation of the information provider's message
in relation to the purposes, skills, experience, preferences and
circumstances of the intended users. To do this they need
specialist knowledge and skills in graphic communication and
typography, the psychology of reading and learning,
human-computer interaction, usability research and clear writing,
plus an understanding of the potential and limitations of different
media. Increasingly, the information designer also needs computer
skills for typesetting, image handling, page make-up, and web
page design.
The concept of user-centred design is now an integral part of
information design. The emphasis is on whether the design works
for the user, and if usability testing does not support the designer's
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preferred solution then that solution should be modified or rejected.
The consequences of not employing information design principles
and processes include forms that are incorrectly completed and
costly to process, public information campaigns that fail to reach
and convince the intended audience, instructions that cause
frustration and even danger and may damage the reputation of the
provider, promotional materials that fail to maximise sales,
educational materials that fail to promote learning, scientific and
technical data that are open to misreading and misinterpretation,
command and control displays that fail to alert operators to
potentially dangerous situations, and websites that are difficult to
navigate and unpleasant to look at.
Further definitions can be found at:
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Why it matters to business
Information design is relevant to businesses in many ways. Almost
any document, whether printed or electronic, is likely to benefit
from the application of the skills of the information designer.
Applying information design principles to internal documents such
as forms, spreadsheets, databases and reports helps to ensure
the efficient and effective gathering, processing and dissemination
of information. Decision-makers will benefit particularly from clear
internal reports and presentations.
Information design will also help a business to communicate
effectively with its customers via its tender documents, brochures,
technical specifications, instructions for use, publications, website,
contracts, invoices, bills, etc. There is now the potential for
customising many of these documents, but this introduces a new
range of design challenges. Badly designed documents cost
money because they fail to elicit the response required, and they
may frustrate and even alienate customers who have the option of
shopping elsewhere.
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Why it matters to public services
Similarly, public services will benefit from more efficient internal
communication, and the facilitation of decision-making through
clearly presented data in reports and presentations.
Communication with businesses and other organisations via
invitations to tender, contracts and other legal documents can be
optimised. Such documents are often produced without the help of
a designer, but the design issues they raise can be too complex to
be adequately dealt with by untrained staff.
The effectiveness and efficiency of communication with the public
can also be greatly enhanced by the application of information
design principles. The accuracy of data gathered via forms can
often be improved, and the introduction of well-designed forms
available on the web can lead to greater efficiency in processing.
The effectiveness of letters requiring action on the part of the
recipient can be enhanced. Descriptions and explanations of
facilities, services and rights can be made more easily
comprehensible and more legible for all. The effectiveness of
publicity material in printed and electronic form can be enhanced.
While the public often have no option but to use public services,
effective information design can enhance the efficiency with which
these services are run, improve the uptake of services, and help to
create a positive relationship between service suppliers and
service users.
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Project: Wayfinding in complex healthcare environments
Client: NHS
Designer: Information Design Unit
Year: 2000
At healthcare sites, people are often stressed before they arrive;
being unable to find their destination only adds to their anxiety.
This study of 27 sites led to the NHS commissioning new
guidelines for wayfinding systems.
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Facts and quotes
'Business and industry have learned that their products ought to be
aesthetically pleasing. A large community of designers exists to
help improve appearances. But appearances are only part of the
story: usability and understandability are more important, for if a
product can't be used easily and safely, how valuable is its
attractiveness? Usable design and aesthetics should go hand in
hand: aesthetics need not be sacrificed for usability, which can be
designed in from the first conceptualisation of the product.'
Donald Norman, The Design of Everyday Things, Doubleday, 1988
'If the product begins with wrong assumptions and faulty premises
about the user, the product is almost guaranteed to have usability
problems later.'
Jeffrey Rubin, Handbook of Usability Testing, John Wiley, 1994
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The challenges in information design are common to all sectors:
• Small organisations may not be able to afford to specify
usability testing as part of the design process; small design
companies may not have the expertise to carry out usability
• With the ready availability of computers and software, there is
an increasing tendency in all sectors for printed and electronic
documents to be produced by people without any design
training. The challenge is to demonstrate that information
design can be of real and measurable benefit to both
information providers and information users.
• The increasing use of the web as a way of delivering
information to the public means that information providers
must cater for a range of IT skills and must ensure that
people with disabilities are not excluded.
• An integrated approach to the design of documents, whether
printed or electronic, requires a number of different kinds of
expertise. Increasingly, no single person is likely to have all
the skills needed to carry through a major design project.
• Results of research from a number of disciplines can help
information designers to avoid unproductive approaches to a
problem. The challenge is to locate relevant research and
understand its implications.
• There is a need to find new methodologies that usefully
combine the strengths of a planned, stepwise approach to
project management with the strengths of the iterative,
intuitive approach of traditional designers.
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Future trends
There is a trend towards the provision of publicly accessible
web-delivered information resources, providing information on
such matters as public services, health, education, legal matters,
etc. The quality of the information design will be a key factor in the
success of such resources.
Electronic systems have made it possible to customise many kinds
of information to suit the circumstances and needs of individual
users or user groups. Billing systems are an example. This is a
trend that is likely to continue. It poses special problems for the
information designer, who must allow for countless different
combinations of data items on a page or screen, and it requires
close co-operation between information designers and information
and communication technology specialists.
A more holistic, integrated approached to design is becoming
widespread among information designers. For example, a good
designer, if asked to design a form, will begin by asking what the
form does and why it is needed. This may lead to a much wider
reappraisal of an organisation's documentation systems. If the
need for the form is confirmed, the designer will want to know
about the requirements of everyone involved with it in any way (the
stakeholders), and will consider the content and wording of the
form as well as its visual appearance.
Knowledge management - helping an organisation to correlate and
exploit the information it holds - is critical to success. Information
design is increasingly concerned with knowledge management,
particularly in finding and presenting significant patterns in
disparate information sources.
There may be a move towards laying down minimum acceptable
standards or regulations governing the presentation of certain
kinds of information. Patient information leaflets and contracts of
various kinds might be examples.
The provision of taught postgraduate education in information
design is a relatively new and necessary development.
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Effectiveness - The speed, accuracy and completeness with
which users can perform particular tasks in particular
Efficiency - The resources expended in relation to the speed,
accuracy and completeness of tasks performed.
Empirical testing - Relying on observation and experiment, rather
than theory derived from the literature.
Ethnographic research - Testing that is carried out under realistic
conditions of use. Results are usually qualitative rather than
Iterative design - The process whereby a design is tested with
users, modified and retested until the result is considered
satisfactory by all stakeholders.
Knowledge management - Helping an organisation to make full
use of the information it holds by correlating separate sources and
showing how they can be exploited.
Legibility research - Research on typographic variables and their
effect on legibility.
Parallel publication - Simultaneous publication of a document in
printed and electronic form.
Stakeholder - Anyone who has an interest in a document (printed
or electronic), whether as originator or as end user.
Total user experience - Takes into account all aspects of the
circumstances in which a design will be used.
Usability testing - Systematic evaluation of design alternatives by
a panel of users.
User-centred approach - Evaluates the effectiveness of a design
for users performing particular tasks in particular circumstances.
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What do I do next : Information
By Sue Walker and Linda Reynolds
1 I have all the latest software, and staff who know how to use
it. Why do I need a designer?
Computer skills alone will not enable your staff to produce
well-designed documents. At the very least they will need some
basic design skills, and preferably a training in information design,
graphic design or interaction design.
2 What's the difference between an information designer and
a graphic designer?
Information designers have a particular interest in working with
complex documents, whether printed or electronic. They are
particularly concerned with the ease with which information can be
accessed and understood by the reader. They are likely to want to
involve some kind of user evaluation in their working method.
3 How can I measure the benefits of information design?
This is difficult to answer because it depends on the kind of design
problem. Many benefits are very noticeable: if a form is easy to
understand and to fill in, an organisation is likely to receive fewer
phone calls. It is also the case that much good information design
is not noticed: from the user's perspective it is 'transparent' - it
does not get in the way of them finding out what they need to know
or do.
4 Where can I study information design?
The most established course (started in 1968) that embodies
information design principles is the four-year BA in Typography &
Graphic Communication at The University of Reading, UK. From
October 2002, Reading is offering two undergraduate programmes
that include theory, history and practice of information design: a
four-year MDes Graphic Communication and a three-year BA
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Design for Graphic Communication.
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Top tips
1 If you are employing an information designer or design company
on a project, make sure that you redefine and agree the brief
2 Expect an information designer to want to consider your design
problem in its business context. This may mean that he or she will
question whether designing what you are asking for will solve your
3 When discussing the project with your information designer, try
to keep an open mind. You are paying the designer to analyse the
problem for you and to recommend what he or she considers to be
the best solution.
4 Expect an information designer to want to discuss the content
and wording of your documents, as well as their appearance.
5 If different subcontractors are tackling different aspects of the
same project, do make sure that they are able to meet and
co-ordinate their approaches. For example, if information
technology specialists and designers are working on the same
database, they must each be aware of the other's requirements
and constraints.
6 Whenever possible, try out new documents on a panel of users,
or arrange for this to be done. Even if you don't have the resources
for formal usability testing, informal trials with just a few users can
be very helpful.
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Reading list
Much of the writing about information design, and of use to
information designers, is to be found in journals rather than books.
Information Design Journal (IDJ), founded in 1979, is a key
information source. It is now published by John Benjamins
Publishing company The most recent issue is volume 10:3,
January 2003.
As well as the books listed below, see also the booklist prepared
by the US Society for Technical Communication, Information
Design Special Interest Group
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Further information
Academic research organisations
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Electronic Publishing Specialist Group of the British
Computer Society, EPSG is a specialist group under the umbrella
of the British Computer Society. The Group holds about four
regular one-day meetings a year on subjects of interest within
electronic publishing: a large field which includes desktop
publishing, digital imaging, multimedia and the Web.
BCS-EPSG c/o Edgerton Publishing Services, Pett Road,
Hastings, East Sussex, TN35 4HA
tel: 01424 813003
Discussion forums
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Annual events
Topics of relevance to information design may be found as part of
the programme at various conferences on applied linguistics,
applied psychology, ergonomics and so on. Up-to-date lists of
conferences that are likely to be of interest to those interested in
information design can be found in:
InfoDesign website
InfoDesign list
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Standards and regulations
ISO DIS 13407:1999 Human centred design for interactive
BS EN ISO 9000:2000 Quality management systems,
fundamentals and vocabulary.
BS 8888:2000 Technical product documentation (TPD),
specification for defining, specifying and graphically representing
BS 4884-1:1992 Technical manuals, specification for presentation
of essential information.