The New Pathophysiology of Coronary
The New Pathophysiology of Coronary
The New Pathophysiology of Coronary
EATH RATES from coronary artery disease (CAD) peaked in the United States in 1963 and have been declining since that time. The decline has leveled off in recent years, however, and overall has been less dramatic in women. In the developing nations, unfortunately, the burden of CAD is rapidly increasing, and ischemic heart disease is the leading cause of mortality worldwide. As the population of the industrialized world ages, the impact of CAD on morbidity and mortality is expected to increase, reducing the rate of decline of the last 40 years. During the last decade, there has been considerable advancement in our understanding of the pathophysiology of atherosclerosis as well as major developments in the treatment of the disease, based in part upon this new knowledge. The realization that primary prevention (treatment of individuals before there is a clinical manifestation of illness) effectively reduces the impact of the disease has made the value of early disease detection even more important.
is similarly enormous, with a World Health Organization study suggesting that in 1998, 30.9% of all deaths and 10.3% of the total disease-related burden, calculated as disability adjusted life years lost, was the result of cardiovascular disease.3 In the coming decades, especially in developing countries, the impact of atherosclerotic disease is expected to greatly increase. This is partly due to the rapid increase in urbanization. In 1970, 36.6% of the worlds population lived in urban areas and this is expected to increase to 61.1% by 2025.4 Urbanization can be considered in some ways as a migration to a Western-style environment, where there is a decrease in daily energy expenditure, accompanied by increased consumption of energyrich foods. Many studies, most famously the NiHon-San study of Japanese immigrants, show that migration to more urban environments is associated with an increase in blood cholesterol levels and coronary heart disease rates.5-9 In industrial-
By almost every measure CAD takes a devastating toll on the health of many communities. In addition to being the leading cause of death, it is a major source of disability. Over one million Americans are expected to have a heart attack this year.1,2 The majority of these myocardial infarctions will occur in people over the age of 65, but over 300,000 individuals between the ages of 45 and 65 will also be stricken, fatally in many cases. World wide, the burden of cardiovascular disease
From Velisar Rill, MD, Fellow, Interventional Cardiology, New York University Medical Center, New York, NY. Address correspondence to: James Slater, MD, New York University Medical Center, 425 West 59th Street, New York, NY 10019;; e-mail:; e-mail: Editors Note: This article was published in error in the April 2003 issue of Seminars in Ultraound, CT, and MRI, which was a neuroradiology issue. It is reprinted here, with minor changes, in conjunction with other articles that concern highresolution CT imaging. 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. 0887-2171/04/2502-0004$30.00/0 doi:10.1053/j.sult.2003.11.003
Seminars in Ultrasound, CT, and MRI, Vol 25, No 2 (April), 2004: pp 113-121
ized countries we are also witnessing an explosion of obesity throughout the population, including children. School age children are developing type 2 diabetes because of early onset obesity, and the implications of these demographic developments for increasing risk of cardiovascular disease are quite frightening.10-12
For the most part, coronary atherosclerosis is a diffuse disease affecting most segments of the coronary arteries. This was well documented by Roberts13 several decades ago when he showed at autopsy, in patients dying of myocardial infarction, 95% of coronary artery cross sections taken 5 mm apart were narrowed more than 25% by atherosclerotic plaque. Reliance on coronary angiography to visualize the disease, however, caused us to lose site of this observation. The typical diagnostic angiogram is perhaps more accurately described as a coronary lumenogram, mostly visualizing encroachment of disease into the lumen, but providing little indication of the plaque buildup in the vessel wall. Important observations by Glagov et al14 revealed that coronary arteries enlarge their external elastic membranes and expand their size to accommodate atherosclerotic plaque accumulation. This gives the angiographer the false impression that little plaque may exist because, despite extensive plaque buildup, the luminal diameter is preserved. At the Cleveland Clinic, angiographers were asked, in patients undergoing single vessel angioplasty, to pick the most normal portion of the coronary tree. When these sections were subsequently viewed with intracoronary ultrasound, which accurately visualizes the plaque burden in the vessel wall, the average cross-sectional area reduction of the region encircled by the external elastic membrane was around 40%. Thus, the overall burden of atherosclerotic disease in an individual patient is considerably underestimated by conventional coronary angiography. When ultrasound was used to visualize the coronary arteries of donor hearts for cardiac transplantation, all of which had normal coronary angiograms, 25% of hearts from donors under age 25 and 70% of hearts from donors over age 40 contained atherosclerotic plaque.15 This intramural accumulation of atherosclerosis, although not compromising coronary blood ow through narrowing the lumen, is far from benign.
For example, Ambrose et al16 and others17-19 have shown in patients who underwent angiograms several months prior to a myocardial infarction that the site of infarction in the coronary artery was previously narrowed by 50% in the vast majority of patients. These observations and subsequent work by many others has led to the concept of plaque rupture as the instigating event in both myocardial infarction and most acute coronary syndromes, such as unstable angina and non-ST elevation myocardial infarction.20,21 The implication of these observations is that a large percentage of clinical events in patients with CAD are unpredictable. The patient with chest pain on exertion who has a severe narrowing of a coronary artery easily treated with angioplasty usually does not suffer a deadly or disabling myocardial infarction if he or she is recognized and treated appropriately. It is the asymptomatic patient who ruptures a non-ow-limiting, largely intramural plaque, without any warning, who represents the greatest treatment challenge. Most unpredictable cardiovascular events, it is currently believed, arise from fracture of a brous cap that separates the lipid core in the wall of the coronary artery from the owing blood in the lumen. A large amount of scientic investigation has focused on the composition of this brous layer, which has been shown to be undergoing continuous remodeling.22 It has been postulated that a dynamic exists between synthetic and degradative processes in the vessel wall mediated by cytokines, which are secreted peptides and proteins that mediate local interactions between various cells. These molecules are involved in dynamic changes in arterial wall anatomy and plaque morphology, which are part of the long-term accommodation of the arterial lumen to the accumulation of lipids. Most cytokines are believed to be released by cells participating in inammatory reactions set in motion by the presence of lipid particles in the vessel wall. At sites where plaques have ruptured, causing fatal coronary thrombosis, there are typically fewer smooth muscle cells and a relatively thin brous cap.23 Recent work has shown that elastolytic cathepsins expressed in atheroma and regulated by inammatory mediators can weaken the protective brous cap.24 It has been known for many years that intramural plaque accumulation renders endothelial function abnormal and previously vasodilatory stimuli become
make those sections of the coronary anatomy, which are remodeling, most vulnerable to rupture and the onset of sudden, unpredictable coronary events. All of these recent pathophysiologic observations enhance the value of screening modalities, because unless we can detect subclinical disease, we will not be able to intervene until it is too late in a large percentage of patients whose presenting symptoms of CAD are sudden and unpredictable.
Fig 1. Direct comparison of magnitude of relative risk of future cardiovascular events associated with HSCRP (hsCRP), cholesterol levels, lipoprotein(a), and homocysteine among apparently healthy women. For consistency, relative risks and 95% condence interval are shown for individuals in the top versus bottom quartile for each factor (reprinted with permission from Circulation 103:1813-1818, 2001).
vasoconstrictor in nature. In addition, the normally protective endothelial cells begin to secrete prothrombotic tissue factor in response to inammatory mediators, which alters the balance unfavorably between normal blood ow and thrombosis.25 How important the inammatory reaction may be to the atherosclerotic milieu has been highlighted by Ridker and others,26-28 who have shown that measurement of C-reactive protein (CRP) is a powerful predictor of coronary events. This protein is made by the liver in response to inammation elsewhere in the body. Infection causes the levels to skyrocket to 1000-fold the normal value; but in the absence of obvious infection, baseline levels of CRP can also be quantitated and the bell-shaped curve described can be used to predict coronary events. As can be seen in Figure 1, the highest quartile (within the normal range) of CRP is associated with an increased number of coronary events even in people with low cholesterol. The combination of high cholesterol and high CRP is associated with the highest event level in most populations studied. Interestingly, recent work has shown CRP to be a more powerful independent predictor of adverse cardiac events (sudden death, myocardial infarction, and angina) than low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C).29 (Fig. 1). Thus, the mechanisms described above that allow coronary arteries to enlarge in response to intramural plaque accumulation, paradoxically, might also weaken the protective brous cover and
Prevention of disease has classically been divided between primary and secondary prevention. In the case of primary prevention, populations at risk who have as yet no manifestation of illness are treated, with a reduction in the eventual development of symptoms. In secondary prevention, patients, after an initial manifestation of the disease, are treated with a subsequent lowering of recurrent events. We will focus on the evidence that primary prevention of cardiovascular disease is effective, since it is in this population that screening modalities have the potential to be most effective. Risk factor identication and reduction remains the major clinical approach to the prevention of mortality and morbidity from CAD. Some risk factors are unalterable (age, family history, and gender), but others are susceptible to intervention with benecial results (dyslipidemias, tobacco, hypertension, obesity, physical inactivity, and diabetes). Some risk factors cluster together to produce a very high incidence of disease, as is the case for the metabolic syndrome characterized by insulin resistance with the risk factor combination of obesity, hypertension, dyslipidemia, and diabetes. Clinical trials for all of the modiable risk factors have shown (with the exception of rigorous type 2 diabetes control) that reduction in the magnitude or elimination of the risk factor results in decreased coronary artery event rates.30-33 Two trials of cholesterol reduction in largely asymptomatic individuals are illustrative of this concept. In the West of Scotland Coronary Prevention Study (WOSCOPS) 6595 men aged 45-64 years (mean LDL-C 192 mg/dL) were randomized to placebo or 40 mg/day pravastatin, a lipid-lowering agent of the statin class of drugs (HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors) for 4.9 years. On average, in those patients who received pravastatin, LDL cholesterol levels were reduced 26% and the incidence
of nonfatal myocardial infarction or cardiac death was signicantly reduced (31%) compared to the placebo group. Death alone was reduced 22%, but was of borderline statistical signicance (P 0.51).33 The Air Force/Texas Coronary Atherosclerosis Prevention Study (AFCAPS/TexCAPS) examined the effect of another statin (lovastatin) for up to 5.2 years in 6605 men and women with less elevated LDL cholesterol (150 mg/dL), but below average levels of the atheroprotective high density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol. In this trial a 25% reduction in LDL cholesterol levels resulted in a 37% relative decrease in major cardiac events.34 Thus, primary prevention in these populations resulted in improved clinical outcomes, perhaps by altering the lipid milieu in those portions of the coronary arteries containing soft, vulnerable plaques prone to rupture. In addition, aspirin and angiotensinconverting enzyme inhibitors (ACEs) have also been shown to reduce events in symptomatic, high risk people.35 Despite these advancements, our enthusiasm is tempered by the knowledge that approximately 50% of clinical events are still not explained by conventional risk factors.36 Furthermore, although the above-mentioned trials of primary prevention with lipid reduction show statistically signicant reductions of cardiac events, it is also clear that large numbers of patients are taking drugs for many years who in the absence of drug administration would probably never have a clinical episode of heart disease. In the WOSCOPS trial, for example, for every 1000 men given the drug, 50 coronary events (43 nonfatal) were prevented, which can also be interpreted as saying 950 men were treated for 5 years with no clear-cut clinical benet. This phenomenon of treating patients with 1 or more risk factors without understanding who actually is at risk was also demonstrated in a study of asymptomatic women over 55 published by Hecht and Superko.37 They divided women into those who had subclinical CAD by positive electron beam computed tomography (EBCT) and those who had zero coronary artery calcium scores. Interestingly, only age, but no other traditional risk factors, was different between the 2 groups. There was a trend toward higher total cholesterol scores in the EBCT-positive group, but it was not significant. They concluded that current guidelines for initiating cholesterol reduction therapy with statins
failed to target 47% of women who had evidence of subclinical CAD and mandated treatment of 38% of women in this cohort who had no evidence of subclinical CAD. The message of these studies is that we do not yet clearly know who is at risk of developing cardiac events and thus both undertreat and overtreat certain population groups in our attempts at primary prevention. It is also noteworthy that as many as 50% of people with 2 or more conventional risk factors are not being aggressively treated and a screening test that could demonstrate to these individuals that subclinical CAD exists might improve efforts at primary prevention.38 Since our knowledge of who will develop unpredictable and often fatal symptoms of CAD is imperfect, it would be valuable to have available methodologies to improve our assessment of individuals at risk. Screening tests, which establish the presence of subclinical disease, are attractive candidates for future advancements in risk assessment.
Screening for subclinical disease is, of course, a complex topic; but sufce it to say that efforts to identify individuals with subclinical CAD should ideally and eventually be directed to cost-effective discovery of latent disease whose later adverse manifestations can be effectively prevented. Criteria have been proposed for adoption of an effective screening procedure as well as deciding whether a community screening program provides more benets than harm.39,40 The ultimate demonstration of the utility of a screening test requires a randomized trial with half the population screened and standardized treatments initiated as a result of the screening followed by effective outcome assessment. Thus far no screening modality for the detection of CAD has been subjected to this approach. The next best criterion for demonstrating an effective screening procedure is to show that the new test predicts higher event rates than is possible using other available risk factors. We will try to review the available new imaging modalities for identifying subclinical CAD, although their current role compared to the traditional risk factor assessment remains untested and thus controversial.41
Although not a new imaging modality, various types of exercise testing have been used to predict
individuals at risk for CAD events and are widely used in the so-called executive physical. When exercise testing has been used to screen individuals with multiple risk factors, an abnormal test has been associated with an increased odds ratio for the development of future clinical events.42,43 An abnormal exercise test has been shown to have a positive predictive value for the presence of obstructive CAD of 74% and aggressive risk factor reduction in a group of patients with positive exercise tests has been shown to result in a reduction of deaths from CAD compared to a usual care group.44 Since exercise testing mostly identies individuals with obstructive CAD (intraluminal), it is not known whether a modality that detects earlier, nonobstructive subclinical disease (intramural) will prove even more effective in preventing future events.
The technical differences between EBCT and multislice computed tomography (MSCT) scanners is beyond the scope of this article, but both imaging modalities have been shown to be able to detect coronary calcication with considerably greater sensitivity than conventional uoroscopy.45 Since coronary calcication is almost always the result of atherosclerotic disease present in the vessel wall or lumen, the ability of these machines to detect subclinical CAD is potentially great.46 In general, numerous investigations have shown that a zero calcium score confers a very low risk of future cardiac events.41 Noncalcied atheroma can be missed by computed tomography, however, especially in younger people who are smokers. In addition, although high calcium scores are almost certainly associated with increasing amounts of vulnerable plaque, there is currently no existing possibility of recognizing, as a result of calcication, individual vulnerable lesions since many plaques remain uncalcied.47,48 Nonetheless, quantication of coronary artery calcium has been shown to be a reasonable measure of the atherosclerotic plaque burden when compared to pathologic, angiographic, or intravascular ultrasound assessment.49-51 Because coronary calcium accumulates exponentially in coronary arteries in an age-related fashion, it is important to adjust scores for both age and gender.52 For example, a calcium score of 100 in an 80-year-old male would have a different prognostic signicance than the same
score in a 40-year-old woman. Several studies have shown the ability of coronary calcium scores to predict future coronary events in asymptomatic patients. Arad et al49 showed that in 1172 asymptomatic individuals a calcium score 160 was associated with a statistically signicant (odds ratio 22) increase in the likelihood of having a combined endpoint of having a hard cardiac event (death or myocardial infarction) or undergoing coronary revascularization. Raggi and others54,55 likewise showed that categorization of the calcium scores by age- and sex-adjusted percentile rankings enabled prediction of a higher percentage of hard cardiac events in the patients in the highest quartile compared to patients in the other 3 quartiles, P 0.001. The latter study also suggested that higher percentile calcium scores were a stronger predictor of hard cardiac events than traditional risk factors although the condence intervals were wide because of small patient numbers. The criticism of these studies has been centered on the following 2 areas: (1) The inclusion of coronary revascularization events in the outcome analysis biases the studies in favor of increasing the predictive power of coronary calcium since the presence of calcium makes it more likely the patient will undergo further testing. And (2), the studies done to date have not included enough patients to accurately assess whether coronary calcium scores add to the information already available to the clinician in the form of traditional risk factors. The current literature provides conicting data in regard to the latter criticism. Arad et al53 demonstrated an increased odds ratio for prediction of a coronary event with EBCT compared to traditional coronary risk factors with an area under the receiver-operating curve (ROC) of 0.91, versus an area of 0.74 for the National Cholesterol Education Guidelines (NECP II). Detrano et al,56 however, showed similar ROC curves for EBCT and standard Framingham risk factor assessment and concluded that EBCT did not add incremental value in high risk subjects. The consensus statement from the American College of Cardiology and The American Heart Association concluded that the calcium score can predict risk of future cardiac events, but the incremental value over traditional multivariate risk-assessment models has not yet been determined.41 Most likely the greatest utility of coronary calcium screening in the asymptomatic individual will
be found in the patients at intermediate risk. The lowest and highest risk individuals will most likely be identied by traditional risk factors and treated cost effectively without added benet of coronary calcium scoring. Intermediate risk patients, however, may benet from CT detection of subclinical disease, which would allow more accurate assessment of individuals in need of expensive, and possibly lifelong, drug therapy. Three ongoing prospective trials, MESA, EDIC, and CARDIA II, involving a total of 13,200 patients, will hopefully provide more compelling data in the next several years with which we can more condently determine the added value of coronary calcium scoring.57 It should also be mentioned that coronary calcium scoring may also have a role in monitoring the progression of CAD, since several studies have shown that risk factor intervention has slowed the progression of calcium scores compared to no intervention and such serial analysis may provide reinforcement to both the physician and patient that treatment should be continued.58
found to be normal, a CT angiogram with a low calcium score and no visable disease in the major segments of the coronary tree could be quite useful and reassuring. The greatest advantage of CT angiography as a potential screening tool is its ability to simultaneously image disease in the lumen and the vessel wall. Early work is being done with these machines to investigate plaque composition by relating the Hounseld units to tissue density. It may be possible, for example, to distinguish soft, noncalcied, and potentially more vulnerable sections of the coronary tree from more brocalcic sections, which may further improve risk stratication. This technology is in its infancy; but with the rapid pace of advancement in imaging techniques, more exciting developments are likely to take place.
Improvements in CT scanner performance, patient preparation, and postprocessing algorhythms have combined to make noninvasive coronary imaging using both EBCT and MSCT more feasible. This technique, of course, requires the administration of intravenous contrast as well as increased patient preparation and postprocessing times, which, compared to calcium scoring alone, both increase slightly the risk as well as the cost of the procedure. Nevertheless, it is substantially simpler and safer than invasive coronary angiography. Improved gantry speeds, greater numbers of tomographic slices (12-16 and soon more), plus better image postprocessing have generated validation studies with 95% sensitivity and 86% specicity compared with conventional coronary angiography.59 The major accomplishment of the newer generation of multislice scanners, as reported recently by Nieman et al,60 is the reduction of nonevaluable studies to below 10%. Of course, the inferior spatial and temporal resolution of CT scanning compared to traditional angiography prevents visualization of smaller coronary arteries and in patients with heavy calcium burdens it is difcult to visualize the lumen; but since up to 30% of the coronary angiography studies currently done are
The ability of magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) to screen for CAD may be limited by the lengthy study time involved (average 70 minutes per patient), and inherent limitations in spatial resolution of the technique, which are dependent upon magnetic eld strength.61 Compared to the rapid acquisition times of CT angiography, the longer study times required by MRA introduce issues of respiratory artifacts that require additional adjustments by various gating techniques. A recent article by Kim et al,62 comparing MRA to conventional coronary angiography, showed that by restricting imaging to the proximal and mid portions of the coronary tree, 84% of these segments could be visualized by MRA. In these interpretable segments 78 of 93 clinically signicant stenoses could be identied by MRA (83% sensitivity). Although potentially useful for excluding patients with severe proximal CAD, MRA at present is probably not a useful method to screen for CAD. Nonetheless, the advantage represented by absence of ionizing radiation, coupled with advances in technique, which might allow 1 or 2 longer segments of the coronary tree to be targeted, may allow MRA to eventually assume a role in this arena.
Ultrasonographic assessment of the peripheral arteries, especially the carotid artery, is a sensitive tool for the detection of early atherosclerosis. Sev-
eral studies have shown increasing carotid intimamedia thickness and progression to overt carotid plaque to be associated with an increased prevalence of coexisting CAD.63 The advantage of this method of predicting the existence of CAD, of course, is that it is noninvasive, involves minimal time, and does not require radiation exposure. The disadvantages are that the coronary artery bed is not being directly examined and the incremental value of these studies, compared to traditional risk factors, has not been established.
The need for improved methods to screen for CAD is well recognized, since traditional risk factor analysis only predicts roughly 50% of the patients who will develop manifestations of the most lethal chronic disease process affecting our population. Traditional risk factor analysis casts a wide net that, at least in certain subgroups, mandates treatment for many people who will never
develop disease and does not recognize other populations at risk. Newer imaging techniques offer the ability to potentially rene the identication of vulnerable individuals at a younger age and allow a more cost-effective strategy of primary prevention to emerge. We must use these techniques at present without the benet of large prospective population-based studies to compare their incremental value vis-a-vis conventional risk factor ` analysis, but as always, technological advances in medicine precede evidence-based utility. At the current time new coronary imaging techniques to identify subclinical CAD are probably best directed, in a cost-effective manner, to rening treatment patterns for individuals at intermediate risk of developing symptoms of coronary heart disease. Further research, however, will better dene their ultimate value and possibly lead to revolutionary breakthroughs in our ability to image and more effectively treat this important disease.
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