Embedded Systems Question Bank Unit-I Introduction To Embedded Systems Part-A (2 Marks)
Embedded Systems Question Bank Unit-I Introduction To Embedded Systems Part-A (2 Marks)
Embedded Systems Question Bank Unit-I Introduction To Embedded Systems Part-A (2 Marks)
5. What are the various classifications of embedded systems? 6. What are the two essential units of a processor on a embedded system? 7. What does the execution unit of a processor in a embedded system do? 8. Give examples for general purpose processor. 9. Define microprocessor. 10. When is Application Specific System processors (ASSPs) used in an embedded system? 11. What is the need for LCD and LED displays? 12. Define ROM image. 13. Define device driver. 14. Name some of the softwares used for the detailed designing of an embedded system. 15. What are the various models used in the design of a embedded system? 16. Give some examples for small scale embedded systems. 17. Give some examples for medium scale embedded systems 18. Give some examples for sophisticated embedded systems 19. Name some components available in an exemplary SoC-Smart Card? 20. What is an assembler? Part B(16 Marks) 1. List the hardware units that must be present in the embedded systems. (16) 2. Explain the Exemplary applications of each type of embedded system. (16) 3. Explain the different program layers in the embedded software and also the process of converting a C program into the file for ROM image. (16) 4. Explain the Embedded System on Chip (SoC) & in VLSI circuit. (16) 5. i) Explain the various form of memories present in a system (08) ii) Explain the software tools in designing of an embedded system. (08) UNIT-II Devices and Buses for Devices Network Part A (2 Marks) 1. Define synchronous communication. 2. Define iso-synchronous communication. 3. What are the two characteristics of synchronous communication? 4. Give examples for serial UART input and serial UART output devices. 5. What are the three ways of communication for a device? 6. Expand a) SPI b) SCI 7. Explain any two forms of a counter
EMBEDDED SYSTEMS QUESTION BANK UNIT-I Introduction to Embedded Systems Part-A (2 Marks)
8. Define software timer. 9. What is I2C? 10. What are the bits in I2C corresponding to? 11. What is a CAN bus? Where is it used? 12. What is USB? Where is it used? 13. What are the two standards of USB available? 14. What are the features of the USB protocol? 15. Explain briefly about PCI and PCI/X buses. 16. Why are SPCI parallel buses important? 17. Define half-duplex communication. 18. Define full duplex communication. 19. Define Real Time Clock (RTC)? 20. Define Time-out or Time Overflow? Part B (16 Marks) 1. i) Explain the parallel port devices. (08) ii) Characteristics taken into consideration when interfacing a device port. (08) 2. Explain the sophisticated interfacing features in device ports. (16) 3. Explain the timer and counting devices. (16) 4. i) Explain the signal using a transfer of byte when using the I2C bus and also the format of bits at the I2C bus with diagram. (08) ii) Explain the internal serial communication devices. (08) 4. Explain the following parallel communication devices. (16) UNIT III Programming Concepts and Embedded programming in C, C++ Part A(2 Marks) 1. What is High-level language? 2. What is Development Cycle? 3. Define In-line assembly 4. What is Object oriented programming? 5. Define Class 6. What is a Scalar data type? 7. What is a Reference data types? 8. Define Local variable 9. Define NULL function 10. What is a Runtime Library? 11.What is Multiple Inheritance? 12. Define Exception handling 13. What is IO stream? 14. What is a Foundation class? 15. What is a Class library? 16. Define Modularity and Robustness 17. What is Platform Independence? 18. What is a Preprocessor Directive? 19. Define include file and header file 20. What is a Data structure?
21. Define passing the value? 22. Define passing the reference? 24. What is a Stack? 25. Define List. 26. What is an ordered list? 27. Define Source code engineering tool? 28. What is an Optimization of Memory? Part B(16 Marks) 1. i) Tabulate program elements: Macros and Functions and their uses. (08) ii) Explain the use of pointers, NULL pointers. (08) 2. i) Explain the multiple function calls in the cyclic order in the main. Also write the advantages of building ISR queues. Explain it. (16) 3. Explain the C program compiler and cross compiler. (16) 4. i) Explain the optimization of memory codes. (08) ii) Explain the Embedded programming in C++. (08) 5. Explain the function pointers, function queues and ISR queues. (16) 6. Give two examples to depict the use of queue in ES? (16) UNIT IV Real time Operating Systems Part -1 Part A(2 Marks)
1. Define process 2. Define task 3. Define Task Control Block (TCB) 4. Define Task state 5. What is a thread? 6. Define Synchronization 7. Define Inter process communication 8. What is shared data problem? 9. Define Semaphore 10. Define Mutex 11. What is counting semaphore? 12. What is Buffer? 13. Define P and V semaphores 14. What is Priority inversion? 15. What is Deadlock situation? 16. Define Message Queue 17. Define Mailbox and Pipe 18. Define Socket 19. Define Remote Procedure Call Part B(16 Marks) 1.Explain the goals of operating system services. (16) 2. Explain the three alternative systems in three RTOS for responding a hardware source call with the diagram. (16) 3. Explain the scheduler in which RTOS insert into the list and the ready task for sequential execution in a co-operative round robin model. (16)
ISRs, OS functions and tasks for resource management. (16) 5. Explain the critical section service by a preemptive scheduler. (16) 6. Explain the Rate Monotonic Co-operative scheduling. (16) Unit V Real time Operating Systems Part -2 Part A(2 Marks) 1. Name any two important RTOS 2. What is meant by well tested and debugged RTOS? 3. What is sophisticated multitasking embedded system? 4. Name any two mailbox related functions 5. Name any two queue related functions for the inter task communications 6. Name some application for the Vx Works RTOS 7. How is Vx Works TCB helpful for tasks? 8. What are the various features of Vx Works? 9. What is an active task in the context of Vx Works? 10. What are the task service functions supported by Vx Works? 11. Name any four interrupt service functions supported by Vx Works? 12. Name some of the inter process communication function. 13. Name some of the inter process communication function used for messaging 14. What are Vx Works pipes? 15. What is signal servicing function? 16. What are the different types of scheduling supported by Vx Works? 17. How are pending tasks handled in Vx Works? Part B(16 Marks) 1. Draw and explain basic system of an Automatic chocolate vending system (16) 2. Explain the case study of an embedded system for a smart card. (16) 3. Explain the features of Vx Works. (16) 4.Explain the RTOS programming tool MicroC/OS-II. (16) . 5. Explain the case study of an embedded system for sending application layer byte on a TCP/IP network. (16)