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SOAL+ENGLISH+SIMAK+2011+kode+201 1-10

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ENGLISH TEST Genenal Guidelines

The English Test will test your ability in understanding English structures and reading texts. lt employs a multiple choice format, and it takes 90 minutes to do the test.
The test comprises two following parts:



Part 1: 40 numbers of Structure and Written Expression Parl2:60 numbers of Vocabulary and Reading Comprehension

You may choose to begin work on ANY part. For each number, you may only choose ONE answer. Giving more than one answer will not give you any point for that number.
For each number, you will see four possible answers, marked (A), (B), (C) and (D). Choose one option, and then on your answer sheet, find the number of the question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answer you have chosen. Fill in the space so that the letter inside the circle cannot be seen.

The questions are given !n a variety of difficulty levels. You should try to answer all of them, as there is NO PENALTY for incorrect answers. Directions for each part of the test will be given at the beginning of each part. lf you find an error in any printed itern of the test, just guess the answer as best as you can and continue.



This section is designed to measure your ability to recognize language that is appropriate for standard written English. There are two types of questions in this section, with special directions for each type.
Directions: Questions 1-15 are incomplete sentences. Beneath each sentence you will see four words or phrases, marked (A), (B), (C), and (D). Choose the one word or phrase that best completes the sentence. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answer you have chosen. Fill in the space so that the letter inside the oval cannot be seen.

Example I

......are found in virtually every country in the world.

(A) Swamps and marshes which (B) When swamps and marshes (C) Swamps and marshes (D) Now that swamps and marshes


Sample Answer

The sentence should read, "Swamps and marshes are found in virtually every country in the world." Therefore, you should choose answer (C).



Milk is pasteurized by heating it for thirty minutes

at about 63" Centigrade, rapidly cooling it, and then ... ... it at a temperature below 10' Centigrade.


Sample Answer

(A) to store (B) store (C) be stored (D) storing The sentence should read, "Milk is pasteurized by heating it for thirty minutes at about 63' Centigrade, rapidly cooling it, and then storing it at a temperature below 10' Centigrade." Therefore, you should choose answer (D). Now begin work on the questions.


Around four million years ago, a large cloud of

dust enveloped the area in space the current solar system is positioned. (A) there (B) wherever (C) where (D) whereby


Cosmetic products are part and parcel of skincare specifically for women; men are also purchasing some of the products to give their skin a healthy glow. (A) nonetheless consequently (C) whereas (D) therefore




According to the report, livestock feed in Canada approximately 80% of the annual unexported corn and soybean (A) is included (B) includes (C) it include (D) lncluding



The world's oil


by modern nations, are dwindling at a fast rate. (A) utilization of the major energy source (B) to utilize the major source of energy (C) the major source of energy utilized (D) utilization as a major source of energy



the red fox and snowshoe hare have adopted strategies to help them endure winter weather.



an effective bio-control agent

(A) in that (B) alike (C) as if (D) like


to keep down the growth of weed without using

(A) whose use (B) their being used (C) are used (D) used

sound health practices and good social relationships has a beneficial effect on

, papyrus was the chief writing

material in ancient time.

(A) Maintenance (B) lf we maintain (C) Maintaining (D) As to maintenance

(A) First used about 3000 years ago (B) Using it as early as earty as 3000 B.C (C) That the use of it 3000 years ago (D) lts first use was around 3000 B.C
10. Through group discussion, students can explore


Regular exercise boosts cardiovascular health the risk of breast and colon cancer. (A) it lowers (B) whiie lowering (c) what lowers (D) because of lowering

a subject by sharing ideas

and satisfaction through the excitement of interaction and achievement.

(A) derive (B) deriving (C) is derived (D) in deriving


Not untilAlexander Fleming discovered


14. Scientists are still debating whether natural cycle of climate change. (A) increasing the (B) the increase in (C) in the increase of (D) as to increase

(D) were bacterial diseases treated -withsuccess.globaltemperatureisnotjustapartoftheglobal 12. Before any organ transplantation, a patientmustundergoaseriesofmedical15.Theremaybecircumstances-layoffs examination such blood-matching and tissue- are necessary forfirms in order to survive. (A) that matching tests. (B) which (A) undergo (C) whose (B) to undergo (D) in which (C) undergoing (D)
can undergo 13. ln an X-ray, bones appear white tissue shows up in shades of grey. (A) because (B) inspite of (C) so that (D) whereas

(A) bacterial diseases were treated (B) the treatment of bacterial diseases done (C) doctors treated bacterialdiseases


Directions: ln questions 16-40 each sentence has four underlined words or phrases. The four underlined
parts of the sentence are marked (A), (B), (C), and (D). ldentify the one underlined word or phrase that must

be changed in order for the sentence to be grammatically correct. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answer you have chosen.

Example I

Meadowlarks are

a*lut the same size thBn robins.


Sample Answer

but they have heavier bodies, shorter tails, and


longer bills.

The sentence should read. "Meadowlarks are about the same size as robins, but they have heavier bodies, shorter tails, and longer bills." Therefore, you should choose answer (B).




When overall exports exceed imBqrts, a country said

to have a trade surplus.


Sample Answer

The sentence should read, "When overall exports exceed imports, a country is said to have a trade surplus." Therefore, you should choose answer (C). Now begin work on the questions.

16, Warmer seawater temperatureg are causing coral bleaching, which make coral reefs more susceptible


to disease and permanent loss.


rapid 17. --Bacteria qrow in colonies and can be reproduced quite -T- by a process called fission. --D-


18. The arquments for deep-sea exploration are similarwith the reasons for sending man to the moon. 19. The latest clean-diesel automobile, introduced at the 2010 Paris Motor ShoW is expected doing quite



well in European markets.

20. One of the significant social phenomene

of adults in eduealignal pursuits.

of our time beinq the increased interest and participation


21. Thelargestcontrjbutedfactortotheincreaseofgreenhousegassesistheburninqoffossilfuels. -_-_T--T--T-_--_D-

22. Ashmont Primary School

in London is the first school which decided to outsourcinq part of the teachinq


of mathematics to lndia via the internet.



ln March 2010, ten energy companies have b,een qiven the green light to set up wave and tidal farms

off the coast of Scotland in ling with the plan to oroyide energy to 750,000 homes by 201S.


24. For primary school children e-learning

and engages them in a different way.

is a novelty that catches



tonger periods

25. Mgst of experts believe that theLe js a causal link between the economic orosperitv of a nation and -D*


the health of its people.

26. An educational psychologist shakinq public opinion

in 1967 by claiming that qenetic components had a


far more decisive influence on lQ levels than environmentalfactors


27. Valium,

a drug presgribed as a safe and fast-actinq tranquilizer, was found years later to be


hiqhly addiction.


28. Short-wave radiation in the lorm of visible ultra-violet light from the sun penetrates atmosphere,


thereby warming the earth's surface.


29. The government

of Uganda has pursuit a comprehensive poverty reduction strategy which addresses

the issues of access to appropriate and adequate health care.




30. Encoulterinq

a sharp decrease in crocodile population, Australia took swift steps to protect and expand


existence crocodile habitats.


. __l{------_-E-,C econogtical, and political events of a country in]o a general story, and explain Historians combine social,
how they have shaped the course of the nation.


ln.the early 17th century, Korea, whicJr it had seen the undesirable effects of colonization, protected




outside influences, and became a 'closed'country.


Doctors are saying that

![g disease.



the onset of Alzheimer's disease,

so they do not

address the root cause of

34. Dormantfor400vears, MountSinabung unexgectedlverupted inAugust2010, sending hugecloudsof ' ---i -:r

gaseous smoke and ash into the sky and


thousands of people


their homes.


A new study comparinq organic strawbenies with conveQtionally grown ones reveal that organic strawbenies


taste much better and are more nutritious.

36. Crocodiles

do not chew tl,reir food, but they swallow !! in large chunks which is then broken down in the



37. A student

majolinq in accounting must to

e-arn an average of C for all cogrses, including not only


accounting courses



38. Found in Tanzania, the three-Jn!.llions-vear-old fossils were estimated

be discovered.

to be

oldest human remains to

39. Translations should be done careful so that


!!e accuracy '


of the original manuscript is preserved.



40. The computer company Dell, known for it's environmental policies such as banninq the export of e-waste


to devglooino countries,


rqlks No 1 in Newsweek's 2010 Green Rankings.



Directions: ln this section you will read several passages. Each passage is followed by questions about
it. Choose the one best answer, (A), (B), (C), or (D), for each question. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the question and fill in the oval that corresponds to the letter of your answer choice. Answer all questions based on what is stated or implied in the passage. Read the following passage: A new hearing device is now available for some hearing-impaired people. This device uses a magnet to hold the detachable sound-processing portion in place. Like other aids, it converts sound into vibrations, But it is unique in that it can transmit the vibrations directly to the magnet, and then Line to the inner ear. This produces a clearer sound. The new device will not help all (5) hearing-impaired people, only those with a hearing loss caused by infection or some other problem in the middle ear. lt will probably help no more than 20 percent of all people with hearing problems. Those people, however, who have persistent ear infections should find relief and restored hearing with the new device. ExamPle

l: purpose?

What is the author's main

\::/ @OOO \'Y-/

sampre Answer

(A) to describe a new cure for ear infections (B) to inform the reader of a new device (C) to urge doctors to use a new device (D) to explain the use of a magnet

The author's main purpose is to inform the reader of a new device for hearing-impaired people. Therefore, you should choose answer (B).

ll: means

sampte Answer

The word "relief in line 7 (A) less distress (B) assistance (C) distraction (D) relaxation

O @O @

The phrase "less distress" is similar in meaning to "relief in this sentence. Therefore, you should choose answer (A).
Now begin with the questions.

Questions 41 - 50
Children's multicultural literature plays an increasingly significant role in early childhood

classrooms. Multicultural literature - literature that focuses on people of color, religious minorities, regional cultures, the disabled, and the aged - plays a significant role in the development of children's Line cross-cultural understanding. A,s societies become an increasingly complex blend of ethnicity, family (5) structure, shared values, spirituai beliefs, and socioeconomic class, this cultural and linguistic
diversity has heightened awareness of and sensitivity to the needs of all people. High-quality multicultural literature has the capacity to foster children's understanding of and respect for their own cultures, as well as the cultures of others. ln her poignant book Against Borders, Hazel Rochman (1993) explains the overall purpose of multicultural literature: Agood book can help to (10) breakdown barriers. Books can make a difference in dispelling prejudice and building community: not with role models and literal recipes, not with noble messages about the human family, but with enthralling stories that make us imagine the lives of others. A good story lets you know people as individuals in all their particularity and conflict; and once you see someone as a person - flawed, complex, striving - then you've reached beyond stereotype. Stories, writing them, telling them, sharing (t5) tnem, transforming them, enrich us and connect us and encourage us to know each other. Quality multicultural literature defies stereotypes and biases while providing a window into the lives of diverse people. lt has the added benefit of helping children recognize unfairness and consider multiple perspectives and values, while providing models for challenging inequity. Selection of quality children's multicultural literature begins with the same criteria that apply to (20) selecting quality children's literature in general: the literary elements of plot, characterization, setting, theme, and point of view must be intenruoven to create a convincing story in an age-appropriate manner. Caregivers and teachers also would be wise to examine illustrations and pictures for authenticity and accuracy. lt is especially important that real people, real situations, and authentic illustrations be depicted. These realistic elements are instrumental in children's ability to comprehend (25) text and make meaningful connections from the story. Other important characteristics of quality multicultural literature include believabie characters and realistic life styles with which ehildren can identify, authentic ianguage, and historical accuracy. ldeally, selected children's books represent a variety of settings and themes, providing opportunities for children to consider multiple perspectives and values. These criteria are the hallmark of high-quality multicultural literature. As Rochman (1993) eloquently asserts, "The best books break down borders, they surprise us and change our views of ourselves; they extend that phrase 'like me' to include what we thought was foreign and strange". This changing view of oneself is especially important for children to consider at a young age if they are to embrace true multiculturalism. Additionally, the reader is urged to choose a variety of genres and cultures for read-aloud rather than using a single book to represent a particular (35) culture. Finally, because classrooms are becoming increasingly diverse, the messages that teachers promote through the books they select and read should convey respect for diverse cultures. Aside from providing a greater appreciation and understanding of the self and others, multicultural literature also boosts crucial literacy skills in the areas of oral language development, vocabulary growth, comprehension, inference making, analyticalskills, imagination, and creativity. ln particular, (40) rich language is embedded within multicultural literature. When children listen to multicultural literature, they are exposed to more challenging vocabulary and unfamiliar concepts. These often include specialized information pertaining to geography, ethnicity, custrlms, and vocabulary associated with traditions of people across the globe.


41. According

to the passage, multicultural literature focuses on all of the following, EXCEPT

42. The word "foster"

in line 7 can be best replaced by which of the following?

(A) Senior and minority citizens (B) People of different political views (C) People with disabilities (D) Culturaltradition

(A) (B) (C) (D)

Explain Share Reach

43. How does the author view the book Agarnsf Borderwritten by Hazel Rochman?

47. According to the writer, realistic imagery is

(A) Fullof prejudice (B) Unrealistic (C) Moving (D) Complex

M. ln her book, Hazel Rochman suggests all of
the following as the purposes of multicultural literature EXCEPT (A) To remove racialbarriers (B) To humanize people (C) To set prejudice aside (D) To support stereotyping Which of the following words in paragraph 2 CANNOT be used as examples of "unfairness"? (A) Prejudice (B) Conflict (C) lnequity (D) Bias
46. Which of the following would be most likely the main idea of paragraph 3? (A) Factors to consider when choosing

important because it helps children make meaningfut associations from the story (B) assists teachers to retell the stories in a lively way (C) gives children role models appropriate for their age (D) indicates that people are complex and



48. ln which of the following paragraphs does the writer highlight the importance of diversity in classroom reading? (A) Paragraph 1

(B) Paragraph 2 (C) Paragraph 3 (D) Paragraph 4

49. The word "these" in line 4'l refers to

(A) Children and multicultural literature (B) Crucial literacy skills of language

(C) Challenging vocabulary and unfamiliar


(D) Traditions

of peopte across the globe




children's multicultural literature are identical to those applied when choosing any children's books. ln addition to other common criteria of quality children's books, multicultural literature must also regard illustrations, characters and settings. Multicultural literature must ideally be able to represent real people and situations, realistic lifestyles and deplct authentic illustrations. True multicultural literature will provide children a greater appreciation and understanding of the self and others.

50. How does multicultural literature benefit

children? (A) By teaching them new concepts and expanding their vocabulary (B) By enabling them to understand people better and improving their literacy skills (C) By enhancing their crreativity and power of analysis (D) By providing role modets and rules of proper behavior

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