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The Battles of The Prophet

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THE BATTLES OF THE PROPHET Tbn Kathir J pet SN ity 36 BS cy! Translated by Wa’il * Abdul Mut’ aal Shihab Dar Al-Manarah For Translation, Publishing & Distribution El-Mansoura - Egypt Tel.: 002050/384254 - Fax : 002050/310501 Hand phone: 012/3605049 P.O.BOX ; 35738 © Dar Al-Manarah for Translation, Publishing & Distribution First edition 1420/2000 Second edition 1421/2001 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without written permission from the publisher. TOVTA : igo — pas — Sypaill Toe: 3 ere oe/PALOE os sya s£4 : Spam HO Dar Al-Manarah For Translation, Publishing& Distribution - El-Mansoura ~ Egypt Tel : 002050/384254 - Fax : 310501 Hand phone : 012/3605049 P.O.BOX : 35738 Translator’s Note Praise be to Allah. We thank Him, seek His Help and His forgiveness. We seek refuge in Allah from the evils within ourselves and that of our bad deeds. He whom Allah guides, is truly guided, and whom he Allah leaves to stray, none can guide him. I bear witness that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is His final Prophet. In fact, the task of translation is not an easy one. Rather, it is a tremendous one, particularly when it is related to religion. So, I ask Allah to forgive my sins and dedicate this work for His Sake. However, IT would like to draw the attention of the readers to the following points: a) This translation is not literal one. Rather, it is an abridged translation. b) The translation of the Qur’anic verses are quoted from Yusuf “*Ali’s translation of The Holy Qur’an. c) When I see it is necessary to comment on something I put it between square brackets: [t. Ib d) This work is a part of Ibn Kathir’s valuable work Al-Bidayyah wan-Nihayyah. Finally, all praise is due to Allah, without Whose help and guidance nothing can be accomplished. Translator

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