Ansys Autodyn 120 Workshop 01
Ansys Autodyn 120 Workshop 01
Ansys Autodyn 120 Workshop 01
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Training Manual
Start AUTODYN standalone Set up the problem in using 2D Axial Symmetry Solve the problem View the results Create animations of the results
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2.a Start a new project 2.b Browse to select a project Folder 2.c Enter an Ident fragment_impact and a Heading 2.d Select 2D Axial Symmetry 2.e Keep the default set of units (recommended for accuracy) 2.f Accept the data
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3.a Load material data 3.b Select the following materials from the library:
AL 7036 COPPER (Shock, Piecewise JC) Steel 1006 Tantalum (Shock, von Mises)
ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary 2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.
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4.a Select a material 4.b Modify the material data 4.c Select Geometric Strain for the erosion model 4.d Enter 2.0 (200%) for the erosion strain 4.e Select Instantaneous for the Type of Geometric Strain 4.f Accept the data
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5.a Select Init. Cond. On Navigation Bar 5.b Select New in the dialog panel 5.c Enter frag_vel for the Initial Condition Set Name 5.d Keep the default Velocity Only selection (you will apply it to different materials) 5.e Enter 2000.0 for the X-velocity (The X-axis is always the symmetry axis) 5.f Accept the data
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6.c Enter fragment for the Part Name 6.d Keep the default Lagrange Solver 6.e Keep Part wizard 6.f Move to the next step
6.a Select Parts On Navigation Bar 6.b Select New in the dialog panel
ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary 2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.
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7.a Select the Box Predef (default) 7.b Enter (-40.0, 0.0) for the box origin and (40.0,10.0) for the box dimensions 7.c Move to the next step
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8.a Enter 40 and 10 for the number of cells (elements) in the I(X) and J(Y) direction 8.b Move to the next step 8.c Check Fill with Initial Condition Set (frag_vel is the only one defined) 8.d Select AL 7039 for the material (you fill the entire fragment with Aluminum now, then refill later with additional the materials) 8.e Accept the data
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9.a Select Plots on the Navigation Bar 9.b Material Location is the default plot 9.c Under Additional Components, check Vectors to view the velocity vectors 9.d Under Additional Components, check Grid to view the mesh
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10.d Enter the index range I = 1-41 J = 9-11 10.e Select Fill with Initial Condition Set 10.f Select COPPER for the material 10.g Accept the data
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11.b Enter the index range I = 11-31 J = 1-6 11.c Select Fill with Initial Condition Set 11.d Select TANTALUM for the material
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12.c Enter plate for the Part Name 12.d Keep the default Lagrange Solver 12.e Keep Part wizard 12.f Move to the next step
12.a Select Parts On Navigation Bar 12.b Select New in the dialog panel
ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary 2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.
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13.a Select the Box Predef (default) 13.b Enter (0.0, 0.0) for the box origin and (30.0,120.0) for the box dimensions 13.c Move to the next step
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14.a Enter 30 and 60 for the number of cells (elements) in the I(X) and J(Y) direction 14.b Check Grade zoning in Jdirection and enter 1.0 for the fixed size, Times 10, and select Lower J 14.c Move to the next step 14.d DO NOT Check Fill with Initial Condition Set (only the fragment has an initial velocity) 14.e Select STEEL 1006 for the material (you fill the entire fragment with Aluminum now, then refill later with additional the materials) 14.f Accept the data
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15.a Visually check that materials have been assigned correctly to the fragment 15.b Visually check that all nodes of the fragment have been assigned the initial velocity 15.c Visually check that the mesh for the plate has been graded correctly
The 1st 10 radial elements should match the element size of the fragment exactly The remaining elements should increase smoothly in size out to the radius of the plate
ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary 2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Training Manual
16.a Select Interaction on the Navigation bar 16.b External Gap is the only option available for structured (I,J) Parts 16.c Calculate the Gap size (AUTODYN calculates the recommended Gap size and displays it) 16.d Check the Gap size is valid and that all Parts are initially separated by the Gap size (say yes to all the prompts) An error message tells you that the Fragment and Plate are not separated by the Gap size (they are touching)
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17.e Enter 0.1 for the X translation 17.a Select Parts on the Navigation Bar 17.b Select the plate Part 17.c Select Zoning 17.d Select Translate (under Transformations) 17.f Accept the input (Plate is translated away from the Fragment by the Gap size) 17.g Return to the Interactions menu and run the Check again
A message tells you that the interaction has been set up successfully
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18.d Select Velocity for the Type and General 2D Velocity for the Sub option
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19.a Select Parts on the 19.h Make sure the Navigation Bar boundary condition has been applied correctly 19.b Select the plate by checking Boundaries Part under Additional Components in the 19.c Select Boundary Plots dialog panel 19.d Select J Line 19.e Enter I = 1-31 for the I-range and J = 61 (the top boundary) 19.f Select the Clamp Boundary 19.g Accept the data
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21.b Notice that the loaded plot settings provide a 3D view where the model is rotated through 270 deg.
21.c Extra credits: Try creating this view yourself without loading the settings file
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During the solve, the view is automatically updated to show the most current solution A summary of the current computation cycle (Cycle #, Time, Timestep) is shown below the view panel,
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23.b Pull-down menu allows quick access to all the Save files
Try loading and viewing different Save files
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24.a Select Plots on the Navigation Bar 24.b Select Generate multiple slides 24.c Select all the available cycles (i.e. Save files) 24.d Select Start and a GIF animation will be generated (move the window away from the view before doing this if you want to see each slide of the animation being generated clearly) 24.e Close the window when the animation is complete
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25.b Change the Image type from gif (default) to gfa 25.c Accept the data
25.d Perform Step 24 again to produce the GFA animation (message is given when GFA animation is complete)
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26.a Select View Slides on the Navigation Bar to start the ANSYS Viewer
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