Vocational Learning
Vocational Learning
Vocational Learning
• Acquiring essential skills for life and work Successful Learners Confident Individuals All of these courses are offered at Intermediate 1
that will enhance access to future and 2 Level* and are equivalent in demand and
employment Responsible Citizens Effective Contributors qualification to other courses that pupils
commonly follow in S3/4 (eg Standard Grade
• Gaining an awareness of the workplace and
the world of work General and Credit).
for young people to learn and develop the skills
• Achieving qualifications equivalent to the to equip them with these four capacities.
more familiar ‘academic’ school courses; Look out for information from your
when pupils receive exam certificates, school on the range of vocational
vocational courses appear in the same way It also fits with the Scottish Government’s
as other courses courses offered and how these will be
Lifelong Skills Strategy (2007) which states delivered.
• Being able to make informed choices about “Investing in our people’s skills …. is central to
future careers and employment unlocking our potential” (Fiona Hyslop, MSP)
* Except Rural Skills (Intermediate 1 only) and Health and