Allow It To Be: Paularyo
Allow It To Be: Paularyo
Allow It To Be: Paularyo
Channeled Messages
Channeled by
Connie Russert Angela Treat Lyon
Illustrations by
Allow It to Be Easy
Allow It to Be Easy
Copyright 2011 Connie Russert. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the written prior permission of the author. Thank you for honoring the Authors and Artists copyrights. Author/Channel for Paularyo: Connie Russert Illustrator/Artist: Angela Treat Lyon
Allow It to Be Easy
Table of Contents
4 Introduction What are Master Spirit Teachers? What are Spirit Channelers? Who is Paularyo? What is your Life Purpose? 8 A Reflection of Your Soul Qualities 9 Your Ka: Your Unique Soul Qualities 10 List Your Own Ka Qualities 11 You Are A Seeker of Spiritual Truth 12 Your Energy Bubble 13 Healing Your Mind, Body and Spirit 14 Your Life Purpose 15 Learning Through Opposites 16 How to Return to Your Heart 17 Becoming a More-Than Being 18 The Path of Your Ka 19 The Truth of You 20 You Are Whole 21 A Life of Ease 22 Your Ego In Control 23 Compassion for Your Pain 24 Faith in Your Self 25 Your Subconscious Reality 26 Your Patterns of Belief 27 Choose to Live Soul-First 28 Your I Am 29 Blessings for Your Path 30 A Note from Connie 31 Allow It to Be Easy 32 About the Author: Connie Russert 33 About the Artist: Angela Treat Lyon 35 List of Images Used in Book
Copyright 2011 Connie Russert 3 All rights reserved.
Allow It to Be Easy
Life is a process of personal transformation, a journey of remembering your Soul qualities, living your life with purpose and passion, allowing it to be easy.
My dear, imagine, if you will, that your life is a dream that your Soul creates so it may advance on its Path of Enlightenment. Imagine that your Body is simply a vehicle for your Souls dream journey. If you could accept this as one of your Truths, how would your life be different?
Imagine that your Soul is energetically connected to All-That-Is. Visualize your Soul connected to your heart through a stream of white light. At the end of this stream of light, in your heart, is your Ka. See your Ka as a small ball of white light in your heart. This ball of light, your Ka, came with you into this lifetime. Your heart contains your Ka. Your Ka contains your innate Soul Qualities love, compassion, peace, joy, wisdom all of the qualities of your Soul.
Lets take a journey of imagination. Imagine your Soul as a ball of white light in a Parallel Universe. Imagine that your Soul contains all of the energy and information from all of your lifetimes.
Allow It to Be Easy
Master Spirit Teachers are energies that have always been, and will forever be, teachers of the highest order. They have never been incarnate. They serve as pure Teachers of Spirit. Channelers are beings on your planet who allow their physical bodies to be used as instruments of instruction for Master Spirit Teachers. Channelers put their egos aside and allow us to generate healing energy and divine wisdom through them to you. We, Paularyo, are a gathering of seven Master Spirit Teachers who come together to serve you. Connie allows herself to be used as a channel for us. Each of the Master Spirit Teachers who come together as Paularyo has an area of specialty. Together we, Paularyo, guide those of you on a path of personal and spiritual growth to enhance your Ka qualities. We teach you how to live from your heart, how to BE the person you came to the Earth to become, and how to allow it to be easy.
Allow It to Be Easy
You came to the Earth to enhance your Ka, so that your Soul completes its Journey of Enlightenment. While you are traveling your Soul Journey on Earth, you can call on Master Spirit Teachers to assist you. Master Spirit Teachers have a distinct role in the design of the Universe. You, my dear, have a distinct role in the Universe as well.
h h h h h h Your Soul chose the Earth as your Spiritual School. Your Ka holds your Soul qualities. Your Heart is the home of your Ka. Your Life Purpose is to enhance your Ka qualities. Your Master Spirit Teachers are available to assist you. Your Ka returns to your Soul as you leave this life.
Once your Ka has reached Enlightenment, your Souls Journeys are complete. Your Soul becomes a teacher for other Souls. You no longer reincarnate. There comes a time in your life when you make a clear decision to live from your Heart the home of your Ka, your Soulinstead of your Headthe home of your Egos shoulds. Is it that Time for you Now? And it is so.
~ Paularyo
Allow It to Be Easy
Allow it to be Easy!
Allow It to Be Easy
Imagine that you are holding a newborn baby. As you look into this childs eyes, you sense compassion. You sense wisdom. You sense trust. It is a reflection of your own Soul qualities, your Ka qualities. This is why you love to hold babies. You gently, and instantly, return to your Ka. It is a reminder that you were born with compassion, wisdom, and trust in your heart and soul. As you grew up you unconsciously buried your Ka qualities, to some extent, in order to thrive, or perhaps even survive, during your childhood. As an adult you have the choice to remember your Ka qualities, to bring them forward, and to enhance them. Allow it to be easy, my dear,
And it is so.
Allow It to Be Easy
Imagine, my dear, that you are holding a newborn infant in your arms. Imagine now, that this baby is YOU. As you look into this infants eyes, you can see deep into Your Soul. What are your innate Soul qualities? Allow yourself to know. Allow it to be easy. You are loving, caring, gentle, wise, and compassionate. These are some of your Soul qualities, your Ka qualities. These innate Soul qualities make up the true who of you. Allow your Self to take this moment to imagine holding YOU as an infant. Allow yourself to f-e-e-l your Ka qualities. Imagine you look at this infant and know who you are at the core of your being. Spend some time in this state recognizing and feeling your unique Ka qualities. Allow it to be easy, my dear, And it is so.
Allow It to Be Easy
After you spend some time Being your Ka, open your eyes and list some your innate Ka qualities: I am loving. I am caring. I am gentle. I am . . . I am . . . I am . . . I am . . . I am . . . I am . . . I am . . . I am . . . I am . . . I am . . . I am . . . I am . . . I am . . . I am . . . I am . . . I am . . . I am . . . I am . . . Allow it to be easy, my dear,
Copyright 2011 Connie Russert 10 All rights reserved.
And it is so.
Allow It to Be Easy
Allow yourself to know, my dear, that you are innately loving, caring, compassionate, courageous, kind, and generous. You are innately joyful, peaceful, and passionate for your path. We know this about you because you are a seeker of Spiritual Truth. Allow yourself to continue writing your Ka qualities. They are in your heart. Feel them. Recognize them. List them. Other Ka qualities will come to your awareness later. Add them to your list. Now, my dear, allow yourself to feel these qualities in your body, and in your mind, and in your heart. Spend time BE-ing your unique Ka qualities. Allow it to be easy, my dear,
And it is so.
Allow It to Be Easy
Imagine once more, my dear, that you are holding a newborn infant in your arms. Imagine that this baby is YOU. Imagine your Self, in this moment, inside a Bubble which wants to expand. When you allow your Energy Bubble to expand, you automatically drop into your Heart, the home of your Ka. Take a moment now to allow your Bubble to expand. To Be in your Ka. To Be loving, kind, gentle, wise... Every time you allow your Energy Bubble to expand, your Bubble remains expanded a little longer... until... eventually... it becomes your new Habit... your new way of Be-ing... living in your Ka, in your Soul qualities. Allow it to be easy, my dear,
And it is so.
Allow It to Be Easy
Take a deep breath as you allow your Energy Bubble to expand. Be in your expanded Bubble, allowing it to be as large as it wants to be, perhaps as large as the Infinite Universe. Allow it to be easy. As you allow your Bubble to expand ...your body is fully at peace. ...your mind is fully at peace. ...your emotions are fully at peace. ...your connection with All-That-Is is complete. Living from your Ka has a healing domino effect. You experience compassion for self and others... which leads to accepting self and others without criticism or judgment... which leads to peace flowing through your mind, body, and spirit... which leads to healing your mind, body, and spirit. Allow it to be easy, my dear,
And it is so.
Allow It to Be Easy
You came to the Earth, my dear, to enhance your Soul qualities, your Ka. It is your Life Purpose.
It is something that you can do each day. It will not be completed until you reach the end of this lifetime. Thus, it is an opportunity that will come to you over and over, day after day. Please do not expect
Spirit does not expect it of you. We would like for you not to expect it of your Self. Allow it to be easy, my dear,
Copyright 2011 Connie Russert 14 All rights reserved.
And it is so.
Allow It to Be Easy
As you go through your life you will experience the opposite of your Ka. This is all part of the Divine Plan. Humans learn best through opposites. As you experience the opposite of your Ka qualities... the opposite of
j compassion 4 judgment, k t trusting the Universe 4doubting the Universe q love 4 indifference enhances your ability to have compassion for those who live in judgment, doubt, and indifference. Allow it to be easy, my dear,
And it is so.
Allow It to Be Easy
Each time you allow your Bubble you return to your heart. to expand,
Your Ka qualities (loving, kind, compassionate...) are enhanced. They are stronger and deeper than they were when you were born. Allow it to be easy, my dear,
And it is so.
Allow It to Be Easy
that as you go through life and experience the opposite of who you are, the opposite of your innate Ka qualities, it does not make you a less-than being. It helps you to become a more-than being; more than who you were when you came into this life. Allow it to be easy, my dear,
Know, my dear,
And it is so.
Allow It to Be Easy
As you follow your unique and individual Life Path, you will discover opportunities for continued personal transformation. You will have opportunities to choose between the Path of your Ego 3 separate from your Soul, and the Path of your Ka 9 connected to your Soul. The Path of your Ka
brings to your Be-ing the energies of love, joy, peace, healing, and compassion. Allow it to be easy, my dear,
And it is so.
Allow It to Be Easy
Spend time in your heart, my dear, in your Ka qualities. As you allow your Bubble to expand, and spend time in the truth of who you are, notice you are more physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually
Notice other people respond differently to you when you live from your heart. You are becoming more and more the person that you came here to be. Allow it to be easy, my dear,
Copyright 2011 Connie Russert 19 All rights reserved.
And it is so.
Allow It to Be Easy
Allow the moment, my dear, to unfold before you. Allow your Bubble to expand. Allow yourself to be in your Ka in each unfolding moment. When you are in your KA... You are in Oneness...
And it is so.
Allow It to Be Easy
Your purpose for being on the Earth at this time is to enhance your Soul qualities, your Ka. Compassion is the most critical of all of your Ka qualities to enhance. As you are in compassion for others, you come into compassion for your Self. Your life becomes a life of ease. And that is what we wish for you. Allow it to be easy, my dear,
And it is so.
Allow It to Be Easy
If youre living in your head... trying to solve your everyday challenges from your head... you are not in faith, you are not in trust. You are in fear. Your Ego is attempting to be in control. Instead of allowing it to be easy, Instead of allowing your Bubble to expand, You are trying to control energies of the Universe that cannot and will not be controlled. As you allow your Self to Be in your Ka, you are in your heart, you are in faith, you are in joy, you are in compassion. Allow your life to Be a life of ease. Allow it to Be easy, my dear, And it is so.
Allow It to Be Easy
Forgiveness has underlying judgment. Forgiveness makes others wrong and you right. It makes others less-than, and you more-than. Instead of trying to forgive others... Have compassion for their pain and for your pain. They were acting out of their pain. You were responding out of your pain. They were doing the best they could in that moment, as were you. Transform trying to forgive others, into allowing compassion for others ...and for you. Wish for them, and for you, healing. Notice how you feel. Allow it to be easy, my dear,
And it is so.
Allow It to Be Easy
Know that when you have faith in your Self, and you are in compassion for your Self, then you trust your Self. That is what we want for you, my dear. We want you to trust your Self. We want you to have faith in your Self. We want you to have compassion for your Self. And, most of all, we want you to allow it to be easy. Whatever it is at the moment. Be in your heart, in your Ka. Be in faith. Be in trust. Be in compassion.
Allow it to be easy.
And it is so.
Allow It to Be Easy
The time from birth through about three & a half years of age forms the basis for your Subconscious Truths. During these sacred years of innocence you formed patterns of belief that direct your responses and behaviors today. These subconscious truths formed your Subconscious Reality. Allow it to be easy, my dear,
And it is so.
Allow It to Be Easy
Many of your patterns of beliefs, responses, and behaviors today are based on long-forgotten responses to fear...
And it is so.
Allow It to Be Easy
If you are ready to heal these Subconscious Fears with the clear Truths of your Ka, then now is the time to make a commitment to your Ka. Allow your Bubble to expand and walk your path in the Freedom of Ka-first
And it is so.
Allow It to Be Easy
Dear One, notice your words,
Your internal dialogue maintains your belief system. Your sub-conscious internal dialogue controls your self-concept...that in turn directs your behavior. If you want to change your behavior, first pay attention to your words ...which reflect your thoughts. Allow these words to guide you...
I am.
i I am Free-Spirited.
I am in the Present Moment. I am in Faith that Spirit wants and provides the best for me. I am aware of the Flow of Coincidences in my Life. I am grateful for All that has happened in my Life. I am grateful for All that I Am in my Life. I am grateful for All that I Have in my Life. q I am grateful for All that is to Come into my Life. Allow it to be easy, my dear,
Copyright 2011 Connie Russert 28 All rights reserved.
And it is so.
Allow It to Be Easy
It has been our honor and pleasure to be with you, my dear. We leave you now with
of love and joy and peace and healing and ease and compassion for your path.
And it is so.
~ Paularyo
Allow It to Be Easy
must be translated into Metaphors of Truth which are understandable to us. Spirit Teachers translate THE TRUTH into comprehensible Metaphors of Truth that provide us wisdom for our lives and guidance for our paths. One of the metaphors Paularyo uses is Ka. The ancient Egyptians believed ones Ka represents the Soul energy you were born with, that stays with you during your lifetime, and then returns to the energy of your eternal Soul as you leave this world. There are many metaphors for your Ka: your Essence, your Authentic Self, your Higher Self. No matter how hidden your True Self has become over the years, your Ka waits to be awakened. Enhancing your Ka fulfills your life purposeto Be the Be-ing you came here to Be-come. My wish for you as you read and bathe in Paularyos words, is to allow your Self to enter that place of peace as you fulfill your Life Purpose.
THE TRUTH can only be described in terms that are beyond our limited three-dimension language and restricted understanding of the multi-dimensional Universe.
Allow It to Be Easy
Allow It to Be Easy
And then, channeling found her! Connie moved slowly and cautiouslygoing through what she called the Reluctant Channeler stage, and then the Closet Channeler stage. Eventually, working two full-time jobs left her so sick she had to take a leave of absence from her college job. It was time to choose between her two careers. She finally resigned from her real job in 1996, declaring herself a full-time Channeler for Spirit. Connie feels privileged to be able to deliver channeling services to spiritual seekers around the world. She makes her home in San Diego, CA with her sweet, funny and ever-supportive husband of 25 years, Ron Jacobs, PhD.
More about channeling, Connies classes, retreats and services at and Think your friends would like this ebook? Please send them here:
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Copyright 2011 Connie Russert 32 All rights reserved.
Allow It to Be Easy
Angela is a published author of too many books to mention here (see; she also works with professional women as an Executive Business Success Coach internationally and in the US. is Angelas Dream Come True: unusual interviews featuring business and energy experts on her show, The Daring Dreamers Showcase; rants; reviews and recommendations; news and updates about teleclasses, courses and trainings presented by Angela and others. Powerful inspiration for you Daring Dreamers: authors, artists, coaches and entrepreneurs passionate about making a difference in the world.
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Allow It to Be Easy
And it is so.
Allow It to Be Easy
List of images:
Mama, Mama, O How I Miss How You Used to Hold Me 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 32 33 34 She Loves Me! Star Seed Are You Using Your Gift? Oooooh! the FIRE Inside Me! Me and Me and Me (Me x 3) Carving the Great Mother Come Into My Heart Star Chase I Am NOT Alone Many Moons Passed with the Wolf at My Door I Had A Dream About You Dreamer Anticipation In Your Folds News I Am FIRE! I Am Wind! Photo: Connie Russert Photo: Angela Treat Lyon Golden Mama
Introduction Page:
4 Jade Ice
Paularyo Page:
5 And Then....
Inside Book:
8 9 10 11 12 Mama, Mama, O How I Miss How You Used to Hold Me So Glad Its You Conversation Essence The Birth of Water