History of Dogma V V 3rd Ed.
History of Dogma V V 3rd Ed.
History of Dogma V V 3rd Ed.
OCT 91944
FEB 1 4 1949 J /
OGT 1 1951
"'^^c.Li ^
Cornell University
http://www.archive.org/details/cu31 92409234391
The present volume is the first of three, which will reproduce
in English the contents of Vol. III. of Harnack's great work in
the German original, third Edition. The author's prefaces to
the and second Editions and to the third Edition are here
any change in: carrying out the work. But however definite may
be our conception of the task involved in our branch of study,
the immense theological material presented by the Middle Ages,
and the uncertainty as to what was Dogma at that time, make
selection in many places an experiment. I may not hope that
Reformation, even one more familiar with them than the author
of this Text-Book will prove his wisdom simply by the most
judicious choice of the material which he studies independently.
The exposition of Augustine, Anselm, Thomas, the Council of
Trent, Socinianism, and Luther rests throughout on independent
studies.' This is also true of other parts but sections will be
found in which the study is not advanced, but only its present
position is reproduced.
have spent a great deal of time on the preparation of a Table
of Contents. I trust it will assist the use of the book. But for
the book itself, I wish that it may contribute to break down the
power that really dictates in the theological conflicts of the
present, viz., ignorance. We cannot, indeed, think too humbly
of the importance of theological science for Christian piety ; but
we cannot rate it too highly as regards the development of the
Evangelical Church, our relation to the past, and the preparation
of that better future in which, as once in the second century, the
Christian faith will again be the comfort of the weak and the
strength of the strong.
Berlin, 24th Dec, 1889.
the gospel is. It has further been maintained that the History
of Dogma is depicted as a pathological process. Again, the
plan of Book III., headed "The threefold outcome of Dogma,"
has been attacked. And, lastly, it has been declared that,
although the account marks a scientific advance, it yet bears too
subjective or churchly a stamp, and does not correspond to the
strictest claims of historical objectivity.
As to the first objection, I believe that I have given a fuller
account of my conception of the gospel than has been yet done
in any text-book of the History of Dogma. But I gladly give
here a brief epitome of my view. The preaching of Jesus con-
tains three great main sections. Firstly, the message of the
approaching Kingdom of God or of the future salvation secondly, ;
28-33, etc. (see Vol. I., p. 74 f); thirdly, the new righteousness
(the new law). The middle
section connected with Matthew
XI. 25-30, and therefore also combined with the primitive
Christian testimony regarding Jesus as Lord and Saviour, I hold,
from strictly historical and objective grounds, to be the true
main section, the gospel in the gospel, and to it I subordinate
the other portions. That Christ himself expressed it under
cover of Eschatology I know as well (Vol. I., p. 58) as the anti-
quarians who have so keen an eye for the everlasting yesterday.
As to the second objection I am at a loss. After the new
religion had entered the Roman Empire, and had combined with
it in the form of the universal Catholic Church, the History of
advice that nothing of consequence would remain, or only that
hollow gospel, " religion is history," which he professes to have
derived from the teaching of four great prophets, from whom he
could have learnt better. We are all alike sensible of the labours
and controversies which lie would evade but it is one of the
surprises that are rare even in theology, that one of our number
should be trying in all seriousness to divide the child between
the contending mothers, and that by a method which would
necessarily once more perpetuate the dispute that preceded the
division. The ecclesiastics among Protestants, although they
arrogate to themselves the monopoly of " Christian " theology
on the title-pages of their books, will never give up the claim to
history and science ; they will, therefore, always feel it their duty to
come to terms with the " other " theology. Nor will scientific
theology ever forget that it is the conscience of the Evangelical
Church, and as such has to impose demands on the Church
which it serves in freedom.
Berlin, nth July, 1897. ADOLF HARNACK.
Expansion and Remodelling of Dogma into a Doctrine of Sin,
Grace, and Means of Grace on the basis of the Church.
CHAPTER I.— Historical 3—13
Situation . - - .
- - -
and Practical - - - - -
- - -
Eschatology and Morality -
Cyprian's importance . - - - 24
The Roman Church 25
(p. 29) and Victorinus Rhetor - -
The influence upon him of genuine Latins - 37
Of Cyprian 38
The Donatist Controversy - - - 38
Optatus 42
Ambrose as Latin - - - - -
Results of Pre-Augustinian development -
- 53
Doctrine of the Symbol . - - - -
Death of Christ
The Church
Rome and Heathenism
- - -
- -
of Christian Piety
General Characteristics
III.— Historical Position of Augustine as Reformer
- - - - -
— 94
Augustine's new Christian self-criticism - - - 66
Pre-Augustinian and Augustinian Piety - - -
Sin and Grace the decisive factors in Augustine - -
The changed tone of Piety - - - - -
. -Criticism of this Piety - - ,
- -
.Four elements constituting the Catholic stamp of Piety -
a Authority of Church for Faith - - - '78
j3 God and Means of Grace - - - - -
7 Faith, Forgiveness of Sins, and Merit - - -
S Pessimistic view of Present State - - - -
- Concluding remarks - -,-•- - '93
CHAPTER IV.— Historical Position of Augustine as Teacher of
the Church - - . . . .
95— 240
The new Dogmatic Scheme - - - -
The connection with the Synibol - - -
Discord between Symbol and Holy Scripture 98
Discord between Scripture and the principle of Salvation -
Discord between Religion and Philosophy - 100
Discord between Doctrine of Grace and Ecclesiasticism - lOI
Contradictions within these series of conceptions - lOI
Impossibility of an Augustinian system 102
Universal in-fluence of Augustine • -
Method of presenting Augustinianism Dogma and Augus-
tine - - - -. . - .. 104
1. Augustine's Doctrines of the First and Last Things 106 — 140
Augustine's Theology and Psychology (" Aristoteles Alter")
were bom of Piety - - - - 106
Dissolution of the ancient feeling - - - - 108
Psychological and Neo-Platonic view of the soul - III
The ethical views interwoven with this (God, world, soul,
wiH, love) - - -
Influence of Christian ecclesiasticism . . .
[On reason, revelation, faith,
Authority ofChrist and Christology
Final aims in the other and this world
and knowledge]
Concluding observation - - -
2. The Donatist Controversy. The Work: De civitate Dei.
Doctrine of the Church a:nd Means of Grace 140 — i6S
.Introduction' 140
The Church as Doctrinal Authority 143 .
- ---
- - . - 158
1 59
- - -
As primeval
As communio fidelium ----- 164
As numerus electorum
Closing observations
The Pelagian
- -
----- Doctrine of Grace and Sin
- -
- 166
168 — 221
Augustine's Doctrine before the controversy - - 168
General characteristics of Augustinianism and Pelagian-
ism, as of Pelagius, Caelestius, and Julian - - 168
Origin and nature of Pelagianism - - - - 173
§ I. The outward course of the dispute - - - I73
Pelagius and Caelestius in Rome and Carthage -
Events in Palestine - . - - -
Events in North Africa and Rome - - - 181
Condemnation in Rome ; JuHan of Ecl3.num - 186
Final Stages - - - - - -187
§ 2. The Pelagian Doctrine - . , .
Agreement and
chief doctrines
separate doctrines
differences between the leaders
Conflict between Semi-Pelagianism and Augustinianism —261
- 245
The monks of Hadrumetum and in South Gaul, Cassian - 246
Prosper 249
De vocatione gentium - -
Liber Prsedestinatus- - . .
Faustus of Rhegium 252 _
Fulgentius, 255
Cassarius of Aries, Synods of Valencia and Orange
Gregory the Great -.--.-
General characteristics
— 273
Superstition, Christology, Intercessions 263
Doctrine of Sin and Grace
. - . - .
Merits, satisfactions, saints, relics, purgatory 267
Penance 269
Gregory's position between Augustine and the Middle Ages 270
I a. The Adoptian Controversy -
Genesis of the problem
Spanish affairs
and the dispute
. -
in Spain.
Teaching of
Alcuin's teaching. 289
Connection with doctrine of the Lord's Supper 291
I b.
.... .....
Controversy about Predestination
The monk Gottschalk
Rabanus and Ratramnus, his opponents 295
Controversy among Frankish and Lothringian Bishops.
Synod at Chiersey
Synod at Valencia
of Gottschalk's opponents.
Synods at Savoniferes and Toucy - . - .
The theory consonant to Church practice holds the field
- -
under Augustinian formulas . .
Dispute as to Xh^fiUoque and about images - - 302 — 308
"Xh&filioque, the Franks and the Pope - - -
Attitude of the Franks to images - - - -
The Carolini and the self-consciousness of the
- -
The Augustinian conception promoted by Beda checked
by Alcuin 311
Paschasius Radbertus - - - - - 312
Rabanus and Ratramnus - - - - . - 318
Ideas of the Mass as part of the institution of expiation - 322
Practice of Confession :
Church and German premises, Influence of Mona-
chism 324
Defective theory - - - -
7 -
5 Growth of satisfactions and indulgences • -
^econb ipAvt
— Goethe.
^ Baur, Vorles. ub, die christl. D.-G., 2nd vol., 1 866, Bach, Die Dogmengeschichte
des Mittelalters, 2 vols., 1873, 1875. Seeberg, Die Dogmengesch. des Mittelalters
(Thomasius, Die christl. Dogmengesch, 2 Ed., 2 vol., Division I.) 1888. All
begin in the period after Augustine, as also Schwane, D.-G. der mittleren, Zeit 1882.
Loofs, Leitfaden der D.-G., 3 Ed., 1893. Seeberg, Lehrbuch d. D.-G., Division I.,
2 The complete breach with Augustine is indeed marked neither by Luther nor
Ignatius Loyola, but first by Leibnitz, Thomasius, and —
the Probabilists of the
seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.
3Vol. L,§l.
iThe ancient dogma has thus formed building material in the West since Augustine.
It hias been deprived-^al least in the most important respect—-of its ancient purpose^
and serves new ones. The stones hewn for a temple, and once constructed into a
temple, now serve for the building of' a cathedral. Or perhaps the figure is more
appropriate tha;t the old temple expanded into a cathedral, and wonderfully trans-
formed, is yet perceptible in the cathedral.
Even the influence, which some have very recently sought to demonstrate, of
1 It was to the advantage, here and there, of simple piety that it had not co-operated
in the construction of the Church.
« Nitzsch, Deutsche Gesch., II., p. 15 " (Up to the middle of the eleventh century)
the task of administering property was more important to the German Church than
the political and dogmatic debates of the neighbouring French hierarchy." See also
Dollinger Akad. Vortrage, vol. II., Lecture i, at beginning.
1 See the correct opinion of Jordanus of Osnabriicli (about 1285) that the
Romans had received the sacerdotium, the Germans the imperium, the French the
studium (Lorenz, Geschichtsquellen, 2 ed., vol. II., p. 296).
the Western Church and the Augustinian spirit were in part ill-
assorted, and it was therefore a huge task to harmonise them
^"d (3) because at the time when complete power had been
gained for the independent study of Church doctrine and
Augustine, a new authority, in many respects more congenial to
the spirit of the Church, appeared on the scene, viz., Augustine's
powerful rival,^ Aristotle. The Roman genius, the superstition
which, descending from the closing period of antiquity, was
strengthened in barbarous times, Augustine, and Aristotle
these are the four powers which contended for their inter-
pretation of the gospel in the history of dogma in the Middle
8. The Middle Ages experienced no dogmatic decisions like
dying One, when it began to reflect on the infinite " merits " of
its Saviour, because the most profound of thoughts had dawned
it, because his great task was to show what God is, and what
1 See Ritschl, Gesch. des Pietismus, vol. I., p. 7 ff., and my Vortrag uber das
Monchthum, 3 ed.
^ The opposition to a sacerdotal Church which existed at all times, and was
already strong in the thirteenth century, left no lasting traces down to the fourteenth.
In this century movements began on the soil of Catholicism which led to new forms
of the conception of the Church and compelled it to fix definitively its own.
1 In the Middle Ages every advance in the development of the authority and
power of the Church wras accompanied by the growing impression that the Church
was corrupt. This impression led to the suspicion that it had become Babylon, and
to despair of its improvement. .
2 On most impbttant point the schism went beyond Augustine; for in the
Middle Ages, as regards the ground and assurance of faith, Augustine of the Con-
fessions and doctrine of predestination was played off against Augustine the apologist
of the Catholic Church. Luther, however, abandoned both alike, and followed a
view which can be shown to exist in Augustine and in the Middle Ages at most in a
hidden undercurrent.
1 After Gregory I.
2 Mohler says very justly, from the Catholic standpoint (Patrologie, p. 737) " We :
are often surprised for a moment, and forget that in Tertullian we have before us a
writer of the beginning of the third century, we feel so much at home in reading
the language, often very familiar to us, in which he discusses difficult questions con-
<erning dogmatics, morals, or even the ritual of the Church."
^ Ultimately men were content, indeed, with preserving the inconsistencies, treating
them as problems of the schools, and ceasing to attempt to solve them ; for time
makes even self-contradictions tolerable, and indeed to some extent hallows them. ,
2 See the Ep. of Clement, also the tractate on The Players, and the testimonies
1 See our expositions of this in Vol. II., p. 67 ff., 108 ff., 128 f., 311 f.
See V. Schulte, Gesch. der Quellen iind Lit. d. kanonlschen Rechts, Vol. I., jip.
92-103, Vol. II., p. 512 f. Also his Gedanken fiber Aufgabe und Reform d. jurist.
Studiums, 1881 " The science of law was in practice the leading factor in Church
and State from the twelfth century." That it is so still may, to save many words,
be confirmed by a testimony of Bollinger's. In a memorable speech on Phillips he says,
(Akad. Vortrage, Vol. II., p. 185 f.) " Frequent intercourse with the two closely-
s On the designation of Holy Scripture as " lex " in the West, see Zahn, Gesch.
d. neutestamentlichen Kanous, I. i, p. 95 f. .
Sophist in the good and bad sense of the term. He was in his
element in Aristotelian and Stoic dialectics; in his syllogisms
he is a philosophising advocate. But in this also he was the
pioneer of his Church, whose theologians have always reasoned
inore than they have philosophised. The manner in which he
rings the changes on auctoritas and ratio, or combines them,
and spins lines of thought out of them the formal treatment of
1 Consider, e.g., a sentence like this of Cyprian De unit. ,15! " Justitia opus est>
and his alternations between auctoritas and ratio, produces in many passages the im-
pression that we are listening to a mediseval Catholic. In regard to the alternation
above described, the work De corona is especially characteristic ; but so is Adv. Marc.
I. 23 f.
, He writes, De paenit. 4 " Nos pro nostris angustiis unum inculcamus, bonum
atque optimum esse quod deus prsecipit. Audaciam existimo de bono divini praecepti
disputare. Neque enim quia bonum est, idcirco auscultare debemus, sed quia deus
prsecepit. Ad exhibitionem obsequii prior est majestas divinas potestatis, prior est
auctoritas imperantis quam utilitas servientis." (Compare Scorp. 2, 3 ; De fiiga, 4;
De cor. 2.) But the same theologian writes, De psen. I :,"Res dei ratio, quia •
deus nihil non ratione providit, nihil non ratione tractari intellegique voluit. " The
work De psnit. is in geiieral peculiarly fitted to initiate us into Tertullian's style of
thought. I shall in the sequel pick out the most important points, and furnish
parallels from his other writings. Be it noticed first that the work emphasises the
three parts, vera poenitentia (deflere, metus dei), confessio and satisfactio, and then
adds the venia on the part of the cffensus deus.
In chap. II. we already meet with " merita psenitentise." There we
the expression
read :
" ratio salutis certam formam ne bonis umquam factis cogitatisve quasi
violenta aliqua manus injiciatur. Deus enim reprobationem bonorum ratam non
habens, utpote suorum, quorum cum auctor et defensor sit necesse est, proinde et
acceptator, si acceptator etiam remunerator . . . bonum factum deum habet debitorem,
sicuti et malum, gztia judex omnis remunerator est causee."
7: "pseni- (De orat.
tentia demonstratur acceptabilis deo ;" we have also " commendatior
Chap. III. ; ").
" Admissus ad dominica prascepta ex ipsis statim eruditur, id peccato deputandum, a
quo deus arceat." (The distinction between prascepta and consilia dominica is
familiar in Tertullian ; see Ad. uxor. II. i ; De coron. 4 ; Adv. Marc. II. 17. In
Adv. Marc. I. 29, he says that we may not reject marriage altogether, because if we
did there would be no meritorious sanctity. In Adv. Marc. I. 23, the distinction is
drawn between "debita"and " indebita bonitas "). Chap. III. "Voluntas facti :
qui per dehctorum psenitentiam instituerat dominus satisfacere, diabolo per alia
psenitentise pEenitentiam satisfaciet, eritque tanto magis perosus deo, quanto smulo
tya% acceptus" (See De orat. II "fratri satisfacere," 18; " disciplinse satisfacere "
theology men did not stop at auctoritas z.nd ratio ; they sought to
reach the inner convincing phases of authority, and understood
by ratio the reason determined by the conception of the matter
jejuniis et sordibus et incuriaomni et dedita opera raalaa tractationis carnem extermin-
ando deo facere "). la ch. V, it is explained quite in the Catholic manner that
timor is the fundamental form of the religious relation. Here, as in countless other
passages, the " deus offensus" moves Tertullian's soul (see De pat. 5 "hinc deus :
irasci exorsus, unde ofifendere homo inductus.") Fear dominates the whole of peni-
tence. (De p^nit. 6: "metus est instrumentum pEenitentise. " In general
"offendere deum " and " satisfacere deo " are the proper technical terms; see De
paen. 7 "offendisti, sed reconciliari adhuc potes ; habes cui satisfacias et quidem
Ch. XI. " castigationem victus atquecultus offenso domino prsestare." Along with
satisfacere we have " deum iratum, indignatum mitigare, placare, reconciliare." Ch.
VI "omnes salutis infromerendo deo petitores sumus." Compare with this "pro-
mereri deum " Scorp. 6 : " quomodo multae mansiones apud patrem, si non pro
varietate merilorum porro et si fidei propterea congruebat sublimitati et clari-
. . .
tatis aliqua prolatio, tale quid esse opportuerat illud emolumenti, quod magno constaret
labore, cruciatu, tormento, morte . . , eadeni pretia qua et merces." De orat. 3 :
est, obsequii vero disciplina morigera subjectio est." Devirg. vel., 13 "deus Justus :
est ad remuneranda quae soli sibi fiunt." De exhort, i " nerao indulgentia dei :
utendo promeretur, sed voluntati obsequendo ; " 2 " deus quae vult prascipit et :
accepto facit et £Etemitatis mercede dispungit." De pud. 10 " psenitentiam deo im- :
riiolare magis merebitur fructum psenitenfiae qui nondum ea usus est quam qui
. . .
jam et abusus est." De jejun. 3 " ratio promerendi deum " [jejunium iratum deum :
homini reconciliat, ch. VII.]; 13: "ultro ofEcium facere deo." How familiar and im-
portant in general TertuUian the thought of performing a service, a favour to
is to
ratio " ; but he himself comes very near it ; thus he says (De exhortat. 10) " per :
quam pro nobis ipse dependit." De paenit. 6 " Quam porro ineptum, quam paeni- :
tentiam non adimplere, ei veniam delictorum sustinere ? Hoc est p-etium non ex-
hibere, ad mercem vianum emittere. Hoc enim pretio dominus veniam addicere in-
stituit hac paenitenti^ compensatione redimendam proponit impunitatem," (see Scorp.
6 :
" nulli
compensatio invidiosa est, in qua aut gratiae aut injurias communis est
ratio "). In Ch. VI. TertuUian uses " imputare," and this word is not rarely found
along with "reputare " ; in Ch. VII. we have " indulgentia" (indulgere), and these
terms are met somewhat frequently ; so also "restituere" (ch. VII. 12 "restitutio :
completely represents Christ himself, see ch. X. "in uno et altero ecclesia est,
ecclesia vera Christus. Ergo cum te ad fratrum genua protendis, Christum contrectas,
Christum exoras." De pudic. 10, shows how he really bases pardon solely on the
"cessatio delicti"; " etsi venia est psenitentiae fructus, hanc quoque consistere non
licet sine cessatione delicti. Ita cessatio delicti radix est venia ut venia sit fanitentis
fructus." Further ch. II. : "omne
delictum aut venia -dispungit aut poena, venia ex
castigatione, poena ex damnatione"; but "satisfactio" is implied in the "castigatio."
In De pudic. I tlie notorious lax edict of Calixtus is called " liberalitas " (venia) i.e.,
"indulgence." Let us further recall some formulas which are pertinent here. Thus
we have the often-used figure of the "militia Christi," and the regimental oath
sacramentum. So also the extremely characteristic alternation between "gratia" and
"voluntas humana," most clearly given in De " non est bonse et solidae
exhort. 2 :
fidei sic omnia ad voluntatem dei referre et unum quemque dicendo nihil
ita adulari
quod nostro expositum est arbitrio in domini referre voluntatem " ; Ad uxor. 1,8:
" qusedam enim sunt divinae liberalitatis, qusedam nostrae operationis." Then we
have the remarkable attempt to distinguish two wills in God, one manifest and one
hidden, and to identify these with prascepta and consilia, in order ultimately to
establish the "hidden" or "higher" alone. De exhort. 2 f. "cum solum sit in :
nobis velle, et in hoc probatur nostra erga deum mens, an ea velimus quae cum volun-
recogitandum esse dico dei voluntatem, quid etiam
tate ipsius faciunt, alte et impresse
in occulto velit.Quae enim in manifesto scimus omnes." Now follows an exposi-
tion on the two wills in God, the higher, hidden, and proper one, and the lower :
"Deus ostendens quid magis velit, minorem voluntatem majore delevit. Quantoque
notitiae tuee utrumqae proposuit, tanto definiit, id te sectari debere quod declaravit se
magis velle. Ergo si ideo declaravit, ut id secteris quod magis vult, sine dubio, nisi
contra voluntatem ejus sapis, sapiendo contra potiorem ejus voluntatein,
ita facis,
magisque offendis quam promereris, quod vult quidem faciendo et quod mavult re-
spuendo. Ex parte delinquis ; ex parte, si non delinquis, non tamen promereris.
Non porro et promereri nolle delinquere est ? Secundum igitur matrimonium, si est
ex ilia dei voluntate qua indulgentia vacatur, etc., etc." On the other hand, see the
sharp distinction between sins of ignorance ("natural sins") and sins of " conscientia
et voluntas, ubi et culpa sapit et gratia," De pud. 10.
I Augustine has also employed both notions in countless places since the writings
De Ordine (see II. 26 ad discendum necessarie dupliciter ducimur, auctoritate
atque ratione) and De vera religione {45 anitnae medicina distribuitur in auctoritatem
atque rationem).
^See Kahl, Die Lehre vom Primal des WiUens bei Augustin, Duns Scotus und
Descartes 1886, as also the works of Siebeck ; cf. his treatise " Die Anfange der
neueren Psychologic in der Scholastik " in the Ztschr. f. Philos. u. philosoph.
Kritik. New series. 93 Vol., p. 161 ff., and Dilthey's Einl. in d. Geisteswiss.
Vol. I.
• See Franke, Die Psychologic und Erkenntnisslehre des Arnobius, 1878, in which
the empiricism and criticism of this eclectic theologian are rightly emphasised. The
perception that Arnobius was not original, but had taken his refutation of Platonism
from Lucretius, and also that he remained, after becoming a Christian, the rhetorician
that he had been before (see Rbhricht Seelenlehre des Arnobius, Hamburg, 1893),
cannot shake the fact that his psychology is influenced by the consciousness of
what could rule and correct that life. Thus Western Christi-
anity appears to us from the first more popular and biblical, as
well as more ecclesiastical. It may be that this impression is
chiefly due to our descent from the Christianity in question, and
that we can never therefore convey it to a Greek ^ but it is un- ;
deniable that as the Latin idiom ot the Church was from its
origin more popular than the Greek, which always retained
something hieratic about it, so the West succeeded to a greater
extent in giving effect to the words of the gospel. For both of
these facts we have to refer again to TertuUian. He had the
gift, granted to few Christian writers, of writing attractively, both
sat, ut cuique dignatur. " De psenit. 2: "Bonorum unus est titulus salus hominis
criminum piistinorum abolitione prasmissa." De pat. 12: "Dilectio summum fidei
sacramentum, Christiani nominis thesaurus." De orat. 4 In order to fulfil the will
of God " opus est dei voluntate . Christus erat voluntas et potestas patris. " 5
. . :
" quidquid nobis optamus, in ilium auguramur, et illi deputamus, quod ab illo exspec-
tamus." 9 " Deus solus docere potuit, quomodo se vellet orari."
: De psenit. 2 :
" Quod homini proficit, deo servit." 4 "Rape occasionera inopinatse felicitalis, ut
arbor exinde fias ilia qux penes aquas seritur, etc." 4 "Obsequii ratio in similitu-
De bapt. S exempto
: reatu eximitur e.t poena. De pud. 22 " Quis alienara mortem :
enced Western thinkers generally see Minucius Felix, Novatian, and Jerome Deinl.
nal pariter et coronatur." Add Ep. 58, 5 "Spiritus dei, qui cum a confitentibus
non discedit neque dividitur,- ipse in nobis loquitur et coronatur." See also the
Roman epistle Ep, 8, 3.
' Compare especially also the "vpritings which are falsely headed with the name of
Cyprian, and have begun to be examined in very recent years.
2 Compare the by Commodian, Arnobius,
characteristics of the Christianity taught
and Lactantius, vol. III. Novatian was accused of Stoicism by his
p. 77 ff.
opponents. Several of the writings headed by the name of Cyprian are very old and
important for our knowledge of ancient Latin Christianity. I have verified that in
the tractates D? aleatoribus (Victor), Ad Novatianum (Sixtus), and De laude mart.
( Novatian) (Texte und Unters, VI. I ; XIII. 1 and 4 ; see also the writings, to be
, ,
attributed to Novatian, De spectac, and De bonopudic); but let anyone read also
"De duobus montibus" in order to gain an idea of the theological simplicity and
archaic quality of these Latins. And yet the author of the above treatise succeeded
in formulating the phrase (c. 9) :
" Lex Christianorum crux est sancta Christi filii
dei vivi." Most instructive are the Instructiones of Commodian. The great influence
of Hennas' Pastor, and the interest directed accordingly to the Church, are character-
istic of this whole literature. Even unlearned authors continued to occupy themselves
with the Church, see the Symbol of Carthage "credo remissionem peccatorum per
sanctam ecclesiam."
' See my on "Tertullian in der Litteratur der alten Kirche" in the
Sitzungsber, d. IC. Akad. d. Wissensch, 1895, p. 545 ff.
* See a short demonstration of this in my Texten und Unters, V i,
p. 2, and
elaborated in my Allchristl. Litt. -Gesch. , Part I., p. 688 ff. I'itra has fiirnishe4
new material for the acquaintance also of the East writh Cyprian in the Analecta
even the work " De unitate ecclesise " rests on points of view
which are partly derived frqm the earlier Catholic Fathers, and
partly borrowed from the .Roman Church, to which they were
indigenous. In the extremely authoritative work, "Deopere.
et eleemosynis " the Tertullian conceptions of merit and satis-
faction are strictly developed, and are made to serve as the
basis of penance, almost without reference to the grace of God
in Christ. Cyprian's chief importance is perhaps due to the fact
that, influenced by the consequences of the Decian storm he
founded, in union with the Roman bishop Cornelius, what was
afterwards called the sacrament of penance ; in this, indeed, he
was the slave rathei- than the master of circumstances and in ;
the "lex " are shown, e.g., by the argument in the, we admit, late and spurious
writing attributed to Cyprian De XII., abusivis sjeculi, chap. 12: "DumChristus
finis est legis, qui sine lege sunt sine Christo sunt ; populus sine lege populus
sine Christo est." As against this, verdicts such as that cursorily given by Tertullian
(De spect. 2), that the natural man " deum non novit nisi naturali jure, non etiam
familiari," remained without effect.
^ See on this Vol. II., p. 279 f. 312 f., and Vol. III. and IV. in various places
cf. Reuter, Augustin. Studien, pp. 153-230. Since the West never perceived clearly
the close connection between the result of salvation (i.(p6aptrla) and the Incarnation,
there always existed there a rationalistic element as regards the person of Christ,
which afterwards disclosed itself completely in Pelagianism. The West only com-
pleted its own theory as to Christ after it had transferred to His work conceptions
obtained in the discipline of penance. But that took place very gradually.
' Here again the Instructiones of Commodian are very instructive.
When Constantine granted toleration and privileges to the
Church, and enabled the provincial Churches to communicate
with all freedom, Rome had already become a Latin city, and
the Roman community was thoroughly Latinised elsewhere ;
1 E.g. Lucifer, so far as he does not simply imitate the Greeks. See on his
" theology " Kriiger's Monograph, i886.
2 See Jovinian and Vigilantius, as also the conflicts of monachism in Spain and
et vicem masculi." Before this he says of the Church (Cypr., de unit. 6) :"sponsa
Chtisti, unius cubiciili sanctitatem casto pudore custodit." Afterwards this far frorn
beautiful thought was transferred to the individual soul, and thus erotic spiritualism
was produced,
^ See details in Vol. III.,
p. 129 f. The conception of Methodius was quite current
in Latin writers at the end of the fourth century, viz., that Christ must be born in
every Christian, and that only so could redemption be appropriated. Thus Prudentius
sings, " Virginitas et prompta fides Christum bibit alvo cordis et intactis condjt
paritura latebris." Ambrose, Expos, in ev. sec. Luc. 1. II., c. 26: "Vides non
Greeks could not have domesticated itself, even if the time had
been less unfavourable just then its authority was tottering even
dubitasse Mariam, sed credidisse et ideo fructum fidei consecutam. . Sed et vos
. .
general dei verbum et opera ejus agnoscit. Sit in singulis Mavise anima, ut magnificat
in spite of all his dependence on Origen, the Latin spirit held the upper hand, and
his activity seems to have been limited.
30 ,
does not refer to Jerome's learning, which to Augustine was always something
uncanny and even suspicious. Jerome's erudition, acquired from the Greeks, and
increased with some genius for learned investigations, became a great storehouse of
the mediaeval Church ; yet Jerome did not mould the popular dogmatics of the Church,
but confirmed them, and as a rhetorician made them eloquent, while his ascetic
writings implanted monachism, and held out to it ideals which were in part extremely
questionable. At the glance
it is a paradoxical fact that Jerome is rightly re-
garded as the doctor RomancB Kare^ox^y, and that we can yet pass him over
in a history of dogma. The explanation of the paradox is that after he threw off the
influence of Origen, he was exclusively the speaker and advocate of vulgar Catholic-
ism, and that he possessed a just instinct for the " ecclesiastical mean " in contrq.
versies which were only to reveal their whole significance after his time (see the
Semipelagian question and his relation to Augustinianism.) If that is a compliment
to him, it is none to his Church. After Augustine's time influences from the East
were very scanty ; yet we have to recall Junilius and Cassiodorus.
2 See Augustine's testimony as to Ambrose in the Ballerinis' ed.
of the latter's works.
Contra Jul. I. 4, 10 : "Audi excellentem dei dispensatorem, quem veneror ut pat-
rem ; in Christo Jesu enim per evangelium me genuit et eo Christi ministro lavacrum
regenerationis accepi. Beatum loquor Ambrpsium cujus pro Catholica fide gratiam,
vero judicem poteris Ambrosio reperire meliorem? De quo magister tuus Pelagins
ait, quod ejus fidem et purissimutn in sciipturis sensum ne inimicus quidem ausus est
2 See Vol. IV., p. 93-
< See Ambrose de fid. I. prol et al. loc. in Reuter, I.e. p^ 185; on Augustine's
1 Not a few passages might here be quoted from Ambrose's works. He rejects
questionable principles held by Origen with tact and without judging him a heretic,
always himself holding to the common Christian element. In a few important
questions, the influence of Origen— Plato —
is unmistakable ; as in the doctrine of
^ On Hilary's exile in the East, epoch-making as it was for the history of theology,
and his relation to Origen, see Reinken's Hilarius, p. 128, 270, 281 ff. Augustine
held him in high honour.
° In the interpretation of the New Testament, Ambrose kept more faithfully to the
letter,following the Western tradition, and declining the gifts of the Greeks. He
describes Origen (Ep. 75) as " Longe minor in novo quam in veteri testamento."
But Western Christians were first made familiar with the Old Testament by the
' Aug. Confess. VIII., 2. See there also the story of his conversion.
have had their origin perhaps further off in the country, lose
themselves in it, having fed it, but without changing the course
1 If we disregard the fragments which reached the West through translations of
Origen's works, and plagiarisms from the Cappadocians, Neoplatonism, and with it
Greek speculation in general, were imparted to it in three successive forms (i) By :
Victorinus and Augustine, and by Marius Mercator in the fourth and fifth centuries ;
{2) by Boethius in the sixth ; (3) by the importation of the works of the Pseudo-
Areopagite in the ninth century. Cassiodorus praises Boethius (Var. epp. i, 45) for
having given the Latins by translations the works of Pythagoras, Ptolemy, Nico-
machus, Euclid, Plato the theologian, Aristotle the logician, Archimedes, and other
Greeks. It seems now to me proven (Usener, Anecdoton Holderi, 1877) that
Boethius was a Christian, and that he also wrote the frequently-suspected writings De
sancta trimitate, Utrum pater et filius et spiritus s. de divinitate substantialiter prse-
<Jicentur, Quomodo quod sint bonee sint, cum non sint subslantialia
substantiae in eo
bona, De and Contra Eutychen et Nestorium. But he has influenced
fide Catholica
posterity, not by his Christian writings, but by his treatise, wholly dependent on
Aristotle, " De consolatione philosophise," which for that very reason could have been
written by a heathen, and by his commentaries on Aristotle. He was really, along
with Aristotle, the knowledge of whom was imperfect enough, the philosopher of the
early Middle Ages. On the system of Boethius, see Nitzsch's monograph, i860.
Many of his ideas recall Seneca and Proclus ; an examination of his relation to Vic-
torinus would be desirable. " In his system the foundation is formed by Platonism,
modified by certain Aristotelian thoughts ; besides this we have unmistakably a Stoic
trait, due to the Roman and personal character of the philosopher and the reading of
Son he is conceived as 6 fii) &v (speculation on the four-fold sense of the iiA\ eXvai as
in the later mystics). The Son is 6 &v. It appears clearly in the speculation on the
relation of Father —
and Son, that consequent pantheistic Neoplatonism is favourable —
to the doctrine of the Homoousia. Because the Deity is movere, the Father finds
himself in a " semper generans generatio." So the Son proceeds from him, "re non
tempore posterior." The Son is the "potentia actuosa "; while the Father begets
him, "ipse se ipsum conterminavit." The Son is accordingly the eternal object of
the divine will and the divine self-knowledge ; he is the form and limitation of God,
very essence of the Father ; the Father in perceiving the Son perceives himself
("alteritas nata"). "In isto sine intellectu temporis, tempore ... est alteritas
nata, cito in identitatem revenit " therefore the most perfect unity and absolute
" potentia actuosa " is the world-idea, that; is perfectly evident in what follows. All
things are potentially in God, actually in the Son; for "filius festinat in actionem."
The world is distinguished from God, as the many from the one, i.e., the world is
God unfolding himself and returning to unity sub specie atemitatis. That which is
alien and God-resisting in the world is simply not-being, matter. This is all as
given by Proclus, and therefore, while the word "creare" is indeed retained, is
transformed, in fact, into an emanation. The distinction between deus ipse and qua
whose waters the banks are mirrored, on whose bosom the ships
sail, and which fertilises and passes through a whole region of
the world. -
a deo is preserved ; but, in reality, the world is looked at under the point of view of
the Deity developing himself. Ad Justinum 4 :
quidem quod ipse est, aliter
quae ab ipso. Quod ipse est unum est totumque est quidquid ipse est ; quod vero ab
ipso est, innumerum est. Et haec sunt quibus refletur omne quod uno toto clauditur
et ambitur. Verum quod varia sunt quae abipso sunt, qui a se est et unum est, variis
cum convenit dominare. Et ut omnipotens apparet, contrariorum etiam origo ipse
debuit inveniri." But it is said of these "varia," that " insubstantiata sunt omnia
ivTo, in Jesu, hoc est, iv r$ \6ry(f. He is the unity of nature, accordingly elementum,
receptaculum, habitaculum, habitator, locus naturae. He is the "unum totum" in
which the universum presents itself as a unity. And now follows the process of
emanation designated as " creation," in whose description are employed the Christian
and Neoplatonic stages deus, Jesus, spiritus, coCs, anima (as world-soul) angeli et
deinde corporalia omnia subministrata." Redemption through Christ, and the return
ad deum of all essences, in so far as they are a deo, is Neoplatonically conceived, as
also we have then the doctrine of the pre-existence of souls and their pre-temporal
fall. The Incarnation is admitted, but spiritualised, inasmuch as side by side with
the conception of the assumption of a human form, which occurs once, the other
prevails that Christ appears as burdened with humanity in its totality " universalis ;
caro, universalis anima; in isto omnia universalia erant" (Adv. Arian. III., 3).
" Quia corpus ille catholicum ad omnera hominem habuit, omne quod passus est
catholicum fecit; id est ut omnis caro in ipso crucifixa sit" (Ad Philipp, pp. 1196-
1221 ; Adv. Arian. III., 3). But the most interesting features, because the most
important for Augustine are (l), that Victorinus gives strong expression to the
doctrine of Predestination —only he
compelled in opposition to Manichaeism to
maintain the freedom of the will ; and (2), that, especially in his commentaries, he
places the highest value on /unification by faith alone in opposition to all moralism.
Neoplatonism had won his asseut, or had prepared him in some measure to assent, to
both these doctrines ; we know,indeed, from other sources, that heathen Neo-
platonists felt attracted to John and Paul, but not to the Synoptics or James. Thus
Victorinus writes :
" non omnia restaurantur sed quae in Christo sunt" (p. 1245),
" quae salvari possent " (p. 1274), "universes sed qui sequerentur" (p. J221). In a
mystical way Christ is believing humanity (the Church), and believing humanity is
humanity in general. Everything undergoes a strictly necessary development ; there-
fore Victorinus was a predestinationist. The passages in which Victorinus expresses
himself in a strictly Pauline, and, so to speak, Antipelagian sense, are collected by
Gore, p. 1 137; see Ad Gal. 3, 22; Ad Philipp, 3, g; "'non meani justitiam'
tunc enim mea est vel nostra, cum moribus nostris justitiam del mereri nos putamus
perfectam per morei. At non, iuquit, banc habens justitiam, sed quam ? lUam ex
fide. Non illam quae ex lege ; vae in operibus est et carnali disciplina, sed hanc quae
ex deo procedit '
justitia ex fide;'" Ad Phil. 4, 9; Ad Ephes. 2, 5 : "non nostri
laboris est, quod ssepe moneo, ut nos salvemus sed sola fides in Christum nobis
For not only the work of those Greek Latins, but also the
genuine Western theology and ecclesi-
line of representatives of
asticism ended in Augustine.^
plenarii fidem, nullus labor est, nulla difScultas, animi tantum voluntas est . . .
" quia ipsum velle a deo nobis operatur, fit ut ex deo et operationem et voluntatem
habearaus." Victorinus has been discussed most recently by Geiger (Programme von
Metten, 1888, 1889), and Reinhold Schmid (Marius Victorinus Rhetor u. s. Bez. z.
Augustin. Kiel, 1S95) compare also the dissertation by Koffmane, De Mario Victor-
ino, philosopho Christiano, Breslau, 1880. Geiger has thoroughly expounded
the .complete Neoplatonic system of Victorinus; Schmid seeks, after an excell'ent
statement of his theological views, to show (p. 68 ff.), that he exerted no, or, at least,
no decisive influence on Augustine. I cannot see that this proof has really been
successful yet I admit that Schmid has brought forward weighty arguments in
support of his proposition. The name of Victorinus is not the important point for the
history of dogma, but the indisputable combination of Neoplatonisin
fact that the
and highly orthodox Christianity existed in the West, in Rome, before Augustine,
under the badge of PauUnism. Since this combination was hardly of frequent
occurrence in the fourth century, and since Augustine gives a prominent place to
Victorinus in his Confessions, it will remain probable that he was influenced by him.
The facts that he was less Neoplatonic than Victorine, and afterwards even opposed
him, do not weigh against the above contention. But it is positively misleading to
argue like Schmid (p. 68) against Augustine's Neoplatonism by appealing to the fact .
that from the moment of his rejection of Manich^ism and semi-scepticism, he was a
" decided Christiaii."
1 known regarding the history of ecclesiastical penance in the East
Little is yet
but I believe I can maintain that in the West the shock was less violent in its effect,
which all official Church discipline received through the rapid extension of Christianity
after Constantine. Here confidence in the Church was greater, the union of "sancta
ecclesia" and " remissio peccatorum " closer ("credo remissionem peccatorum per
.sanctara ecclesiam " : Symbol. Carthag.), and the sense of sin as guilt, which was to
,be atoned for by public confession and satisfactio, more acute. Whence this came,
jt is hard to say. In the East it would appear that greater stress was laid on the
operations of the cultus as a collective institution, and on the other hand on private
self-education through prayer and asceticism ; while in the West the feeling was
stronger that men occupied religious legal relationships, in which they were responsible
to the Church, being able, however, to expect from the Church sacramentalund inter-
cessory aid in each individual case. The individual and the Church thus stood nearer
each other in the West than in the East. Therefore, ecclesiastical penance asserted
a much greater importance in the former than in the latter. We
can study this
significance in theworks of the Africans on the one hand, and of Ambrose on the
other. They have little else in common, but they agree in their view of penance
(Ambrose, De peenitentia). The practice of penance now acquired an increasing
constitution and of
influence in the West on all conditions of the ecclesiastical
the whole of
theology, so that we can ultimately construct from this starting-point ,
Western Catholicism in the Middle Ages and modern times, and can trace the subtle
workings of the theory of penance to the most remote dogmas. But Augustine once
more marks the decisive impetus in this development. With him began the process
by which what had long existed in the Church was elevated into theory. He indeed
created few formulas, and has not even once spoken of a sacrament of penance ; but,
on the one hand, he has clearly enough expressed the thing itself, and, on the other,
where he has not yet drawn the theoretical consequences of the practice of penance,
he has left such striking gaps (see his Christology) that they were filled up by unosten-
tatious efforts, as if inevitably, in after times.
iSee Reuter, August. Studien, pp. 232 ff., 355.
2 Lib I. c. Julian. 3 Op. imperf. c. Jul I., 55 ; Jerome de vir. inl., 82.
s Pseudo-Cyprian = Sixtus II. ad Novatianum, Ambrosiaster in the
Qusest. ex Vet.
et Novo Testam. [the inserted tractate against Novatian] Pacianus c. Novat.
*From Pacian's Ep. I. ad Sempron. comes the famous sentence: " Christianus
mihi nomen est, catholicus cognomen." In the tractate of Ambrosiaster against
Novatian, the objectivity of the Divine Word and of baptism, and their independence
in their operation of the moral character of the priest, are consistently argued. In
some of the sentences we imagine that we are listening to Augustine. On the whole
there is not a little in Ambrosiaster's commentary and questions which must be
described as leading up to Augustine, and is therewith genuinely Western.
Der Ursprung des Donatismus, 1882; Harnack, Theol. Lit-Zeit., 1884, No. 4; on
the other side, Reuter I.e. 234 ff. whose contradiction,
however, partly rests on a
misunderstanding of my view. Seeck. Zitschr. fur K. -Gesch. X. 4. Duschesne gives
the best account, Le doissier du Donatisme, 1890.
s See Vol. II., p. ii4ff-
Here these Africans abandoned the position, in the question of heretical baptisms,
his, qui scripturas tradidisse dicuntur vel vasa dominica vel nomina patrum suorum,
hi quos ordinaverunt rationales (able ? capable ?) subsistunt, non illis obsit ordinatio
(that is even ordination by a traditor was to be valid).
the decisive principle ;
' Crises, similar to that of the Donatists, also arose elsewhere as in Rome and —
Alexandria at the beginning of the fourth century ; but our information regarding
them is wholly unsatisfactory ; see Lipsius, Chronologie der rbmischen Bischofe, p.
250 ff., where the epitaphs by Damasus on Marcellus and Eusebius are copied, and
rightly compared with the passage in the Liber prsedest., c. 16 on Heracleon (who is
really Heraclius). Heraclius appears already (a.d. 307-309) to have exaggerated
the view of the "objectivity" and power of the sacraments to such an extent as o
declare all sins by baptised persons to be " venial," and to hold a severe public pen-
ance to be unnecessary. Therefore it was said of him, " Christus in pace negavit "
and " vetuit lapsos peccata dolcre" more precisely in Lib. praedest.
" Baptizatum :
hominem justum sive peccatorem loco sancti computari docebat nihilque obesse
baptizatis peccata memorabat, dicens, sicut non in se recipit natura ignis gelu ita
baptizatus no7i in se recipit peccatum. Sicut enim ignis resolvit aspectu suo nives
quant:ecunque juxta sint, sic semel baptizatus non \tc\'^\t peccaforum reatum, etiam
quantavis fuerint operibus ejus peccata permixta." In this we can truly study the
continuity of Western Christianity How often this thought has cropped up on into
the ninetfeenth century, and that precisely among evangelicals ! It marks positively
the " concealed poison," which hard to distinguish from the wholesome medicine
it is
of evangelic comfort. But it is very noteworthy that this phase in the conception of
the favoured position of the baptised can be first proved as existing in Rome. De-
velopments always went furthest there, as the measures tak^n by Calixtus also show.
Yet this one was rejected, after a schism had broken out in the community, and that
is perfectly intelligible ; for apart from the ruinous frivolity which had come in with
the above view, what importance could the priestly class retain if every baptised
person might, without further ceremony, and if he only willed it, feel and assert him-''
self to be a member of the congregation even after the gravest not very sin ? It is
probable that Heraclius developed his ecclesiastical .attitude on the basis of the
— 1
Pauline theory of baptism and of the faith that lays hold of Christ. If we were to
.understand the matter so, he would have Iseen a Luther before Luther. We have
probably to suppose that he saw in baptism the magical bestowal of a stamp, as in
"theconception taken of certain heathen mysteries. In the Melelian schism in Egypt,
the difference in principles as to the renewed reception of the lapsed, co-operated
with opposition tcthe monarchial position of the Alexandrian Bishop. The dispute,
which thus recalls the Donatist controversy, soon became one of Church politics,
and personal. (Compare Meletius and the later Donatists ; the limitation of tht
whole question to the Bishops is, however, peculiar to the Donatists.) See Walch,
Ketzerhistorie, Vol. IV., and Moller in Herzog's R.-E. IX., p. 534 fF.
This was no advantage for the very fact that this conception
of the Church was definitely thought out in the West, led over
and over again to the quest a form which
for safeguards, or
could be reconciled with living and the requirements of a
holy life. Even Augustine, who stated it definitely and fully,
aimed at reconciling the Christian conscience with it. But he
was not the first he rather received it from
to declare it ;
ing in the law {scil. the two testaments), the unique and most
true sacrament, and unity of minds constitute the Catholic
{scil. Church)," ^ the Donatists only
want the last point to be
genuinely Catholic Christians. The heretics have " various and
false baptisms," no legitimate office of the keys, no true divine
service " but these things cannot be denied
; to you schismatics,^
although you be not in the Catholic Church, because you have
received along with us true and common sacraments" (I., 12).
He says afterwards (III., 9) "You and we have a common
with one seal, nor did we receive a different baptism from you ;
our Lord is the same, but a rent having been made, with the
parts hanging on this side and on that, it was necessary that it
should be joined." And (III., 10) he remarks very spiritually,
founding on a passage in Ezechiel " You build not a protect-:
ing house, like the Catholic Church, but only a wall the ;
you proceed from us ; " that is the famous principle which is still
valid in the present day in the Catholic Church. " Finally, both
you and we have one ecclesiastical language, common lessons,
the same faith, the very sacraments of the faith, the same
^ " Catholicam (scil. ecclesiam) facit simplex et verus intellectus in lege (scil. duobus
testamentis) singulare ac verissimum sacramentum et unitas animorum."
2 Cyprian would never have admitted that. He accused the Novatians (Ep^ 68) of
infringing the Symbol like other heretics, by depriving the " remissio peccatorum " of
its full authority ; and he commanded all who had not been baptised in the Catholic
Church to be re-baptised. Cyprian had on his side the logical consequence of the
Catholic dogma of the Church ; but since this consequence was hurtful to the expan-
sion of the Church, and the development of its power, it was rejected with a correct
instinct in Rome (see Ambrosiaster), and afterwards in Africa.
give the heathen for an inheritance, and the ends of the world
for a possession." II., i : "To whom, then, does the name of
Catholic belong, since it is called Catholic because it is reason-
able and diffused everywhere ? " ^
in Book 2 those in Book 7 : "Ex persona beatissimi Petri forma unitatis retinendse
vel faciendse descripta recitatur;" ch. 3 : "Malum est contra interdictum aliquid
facere ; sed pejus est, unita'em nou habere, cum possis " Bono unitatis ..."
sepelienda esse peccata hinc intellegi datur, quod b. Paulus apostolus dicat, caritatem
posse obstruere multitudinem peccatorum " (here, accordingly, is the identification of
unitas and caritas). " HiEC omnia Paulus viderat in apostolis ceteris, qui bono
unitas per caritatem noluerunt a communione Petri recedere, ejus soil, qui negaverat
Christum. Quod si major esset amor innocentise quam utilitas pacis unitatis,
dicerent se non debere communicare Petro, qui negaverat magistrum." That is still
a dangerous fundamental thought of Catholicism at the present day.
the believer (" fides credentis "), and the administrator. These
three were not, however, equally important the two first rather ;
1 Notice that there already occur in Optatus terms compounded with "quasi" which
aut episcopis spem suam esse ponendam, sic Paulus ait Quid est enim Paulus vel
quid Apollo? Utique ministri ejus, in quem credidistis. Est ergo in universis
servientibus non dominium sed ministerium."
8 this point there occur especially in V., 7, 8, very
important expositions antici-
pating Augustine. " gratiam dei pertinet qui credit, non ille, pro cujus voluntate,
trinitatis est, quod sanctificat, non
ut dicitis, sanctitas vestra succedit."— " Nomen
merito aliquid dicere, cujus ^%V fides,
opus (operantis)."—" Restat jam rfe credentis
dei et sanctitati suse anteposuit et majestati ; non
enim potestis sanctiores.
quam filius
the more shocking to find that even Optatus uses the whole re-
flection to enable higi to depreciate claims on the life of the
members of the Church. We see clearly that the Catholic
doctrine of the sacraments grew out of the desire to show that
the Church was holy and therefore true, in spite of the irreligion
of the Christians belonging to it. But in aiming at this, men lit,
(i) cathedra (the [Episcopal] chair); (2) angelus; (3) spiritus; (4)
fons (5) sigillum (the symbol). The enumeration is so awk-
ward that one can only regret that it is adapted to the formula
of an opponenti But we learn, at least, in this way that
Cyprian's ideal of the unity of the Episcopate, as represented in
Peter's chair,had been received and fostered unsuspiciously in
Africa. "Peter alone received the keys" (I., 10, 12). "You
cannot deny your knowledge that on Peter, in the city of Rome,
was first conferred the Episcopal chair, in which he sat, the
head of all the Apostles, whence he was also called Cephas, in
which one chair unity might be observed by all, lest the rest of
the remarkable application : "Etut ostenderet filius dei, se vacasse, Jidem tantum-
modo operatam esse : vade, inquit, mulier in pace, /ides tua te salvavit." So also faith
is extolled as having been the sole agent in the stories of the Centurion of Capernaum
and the Issue of Blood. " Nee mulier petiit, nee Christus promisit, sed fides tantum
quantum prsssumpsit, exegit." The same thoughts occur in Optatus' contemporary,
1 This it was in the case of Ambrosiaster as well as in that of Optatus.
lum, are devoid of any special interest (II., 7-9). On the other
hand, it is important to notice that he expressly subordinates
the consideration of the endowments (dotes) of the Church, to
the verification of "its sacred members and internal organs"
(sancta membra ac viscera ecclesise), about which Parmenian
had said nothing. These consisted in the sacraments and the
names of the Trinity " in which meet the faith and profession of
believers " (cui concurrit fides credentium et professio). Thus
he returns to his natural and significant line of thought.^
both the Testaments ; he judges all dogmatic statements by the symbolum apostolicum,
in which he finds the doctrine of the Trinity, to him the chief confession, without
therefore mentioning the Nicene Creed; he confesses
" per carnem Christi deo re-
conciliatus est mundus
" (I. 10) ; he declares (VI. , I ) " quid est altare, nisi sedes et
, :
corporis et sanguinis Christi, cujus illic per certa momenta corpus et sanguis habita-
bat ? " He speaks of the reatus peccati and meritum fidei ; he has definitely stated
the distinction between pmcepta and consilia (VI. , 4) in his explanation of the parable of
the Good Samaritan. The innkeeper is Paul, the two pence are the two Testaments,
the additional sum still perhaps necessary are the consilia. He describes the position
:— " Est
of the soteriological dogma in his time by the following exposition (II., 20)
Chrlstiani hominis, quod bonum est velle et in eo quod bene voluerit, currere sed ;
homini non est datum perficere, ut post spatia, qu£e debet homo implere, restet aliquid
perfectus solus dei filius
deo, ubi deficient! succurrat, quia ipse solus est perfectio et
Christus, cxtexi omnes semi-perfecti smcmz." Here we perceive the great task that
awaited Augustine. But even as regards Church politics Optatus betrays himself as
an Epigone of the Constantinian era, and as a precursor of the Aiigustinian. See his
thesis on the disloyalty of the Donatists to the State (III., 3) "Non respublica est :
teacher — Ambrosiaster —
excepted to Adam's Fall.* Passages
occur in his works which in this respect do not fall a whit
behind the famous statements of Augustine.^
1 See at an earlier date the Instriictiones of Commodian. Ambrose was not such
an advocate of Monachism as Jerome.
^See above, p. 31.
3 See Ewald, Der Einfluss der stoisch-ciceronianischen Moral auf die Darstellung
der Ethik bei Ambrosius, 1 88 1. "De ofBciis," with all its apparent consistency, shows
merely a considerable vacillation between virtue as the supreme good (in the Stoic
^ sense) and eternal life which latter term, for the rest, is not understood in its Chris-
tian meaning. The moralism of antiquity, as well as the eudaimonist trait of ancient
moral philosophy dominate the book, in which ultimately the " true wise man "
appears most clearly. In such circumstances the distinction drawn between /?-«<:«j#te
and consilia, in itself so dangerous to evangelical morality, constitutes an advantage ;
for speciiically Christian virtues appear in the form of the consilia.
* Hilary also speaks of the vitium originis.
^See Deutsch, Des Ambrosius Lehre von der Siinde und Siindentilgung, 1867.
et in illo omnes perierunt." It is not only an inherited infirmity that is meant, but a
guilt that continues active. " Quicunque natus est sub peccato, quem ipsa noscije
conditionis hsereditas adstrinxit ad culpam." No doctrine of imputation, indeed, yet
occurs in Ambrose ; for as he conceived it, mankind in Adam was a unity, in which
took place &peccatrix successio, a continuous evolution of Adam's sin. Accordingly
no imputation was necessary. Ambrosiaster (on Rom. V., 12) has also expressed
Ambrose's thought " Manifestum itaque est, in Adam omnes peccasse quasi in massa ;
ipse enim per peccatum corruptus, quos genuit, omnes, nati sunt sub peccato. Ex eo
igitur cuncti peccatores, quia ex eo ipso sumus omnes." In the West this thought was
traditional after Tertullian. See Cyprian, Ep. 64, J ; De opere I, and Commodian,
Instruct. I., 35.
1 "Intret in animam tuam Christus, inhabitet in mentibus tuis
Jesus. Quid . . .
mihi prodest tantorum conscio peccatorum, si dominus veniat, nisi veniat in meam
animam, redeat in meam mentem, nisi vivat in me Christus." In Ps. CXIX:, exp.
— 1
elusion of the inserted tractate c. Novat. " ego te (scil. deum) quaesivi, te
: . . .
desideravi, tibi credidi ; dehomine nihil speravi . . . ego verbis antistitis fidem dedi,
quae a te data dicuntur, quseque te inspirant, te loquuntur, de te prnmittunt ; huic de
se nihil credidi nee gestis ejus, sed fidei quae ex te est, me copulavi."
1 On Ps. CXIX., exp. XX., 14 " Nemo sibi arroget, nemo de meritis, nemo de
potestate se jactet, sed omnes speremus per dominum Jesum misericordiam invenire
qu32 enim spes alia peccatoribus ?
^ De Jacob beata I., 6, 21 ; other passages in Forster, pp. 160 ff, 303 ff.
et vila
2 A detailed account would here require to discuss many other Western writers
e.g., Prudentius (see monographs by Brockhaus, 1872, and Rosier, 1886), Pacian,
Zeno, Paulinus of Nola, etc. ; but what we have given may serve to define the
which Western Christianity moved. As regards Hilary, Forster has
directions in
shown very recently (Stud. u. Krit., 1888, p.. 645 ff.) that even he, in spite of his
dependence on the Greeks, did not belie the practical ethical interest of the
3 The East knew nothing of this excessive analysis ; it took a man more as a.
whole, and judged him by the regular course taken by his will.
irapiSeiyiw., runs like a concealed thread through the Christological utterances of the
West. We shall see that even in Ambrose and Augustine there is to be found a
hidden, but intentionally retained, remnant of the old Adoptian conception. (How
this is to be regarded, see above under 2). We
may here pass over the influence of
Manichaean Christology on many -secondary minds in the Western Churches.
— How does man get rid, and remain rid, of his sins and attain
eternal life ? —
had already, in the fourth century, actively en-
gaged the earnest attention of thinkers in the Western Church,
and, indeed, in such a way that, as distinguished from the East,
the religious and moral sides of the problem are no longer found
separate. But the question was not clearly put before the
Pelagian conflict, since the controversies with Heraclius and
Jovinian were not followed by a lasting movement. Opinions
were still jumbled together in a motley fashion, sometimes in
1 See the evidence in Bach's Dogmengesch. des Mittelalters, Vol. II.
one and the same writer. If I see aright, five different con-
ceptions can be distinguished for the period about 400 A.D.
First we have the Manichcean which insinuated its way in the
darkness, but was widely extended, even among the clergy
according to it evil was a real physical power, and was over-
come in the individual by goodness, equally a physical force
which was attached to natural potencies and Christ.^ Secondly,
we have the Neoplatonic and Alexandrian view which taught
that evil was not-being, that which had not yet become, the
necessary foil of the good, the shadow of the light, the transitori-
ness cleaving to the " many " in opposition to the " one." It
held that redemption was the return to the one, the existent, to
God ; that it was identification with God in love ; Christ was
the strength and crutches for such a return ; for " energies and
crutches come from one hand." ^ Thirdly, there was the ration-
alistic Stoicconception this held that virtue was the supreme
good was the separate evil act springing from free will
; sin
redemption was the concentration of the will and its energetic
direction to the good. Here again the historical and Christo-
logical were really nothing but crutches.^ All these three
conceptions lay the greatest stress on asceticism. Fourthly,
there was the sag'amental view, which may be characterised
partly as morally lax, partly as " evangelical " we find it, e.g., ;
not separate him from God, if he stood firm in the faith. Nay,
from the second century, really from Paul, there existed in the
iSee on the extension of Manichasism in the V^^est, Vol. III., p. 334 ff. It was
always more Christian and therefore more dangerous there. On its importance to
Angus' ine, see under.
^See the conceptions of Ambrose, Victorinus, and Augustine.
sStethe Western popular philosophies in the style of Cicero, but also Ambrose'
De officiis.
^ See above, p. 40 f.
" Ambrose, Jerome, Augustine and Siiicius give us information regarding him.
^ have demonstrated this in the Ztschr. f. Theol. u. Kirclie I. (1891), pp. 82-178,
and cannot repeat the proof here. From the I. Ep. of John onwards undercurrents
can be traced in the Gentile Church which required to have the saying addressed to
them " Be not deceived, he who does righteousness is righteous." My main refer-
ences are to the erroneous views opposed in the Cathohc Epistles the lax Christii ns ;
in Rome the counter-efforts of the lax against the monachism wliich was establishing
itself in the West ; Jovinian ; and to the opponents assailed by Augustine in his
very important writing, " De fide et operibus." This writing is, along with Jovinian's
discussions, the most important source. There can be no doubt that in the majority
of cases an unbridled and accommodating trust in the sacrament accordingly a —
strained form of the popular Catholic feeling —
was the leading idea, and that the
reference to Gospel texts, which bore witness to the unlimited mercy of God, was
only a drapery; that accordingly the "sola fide" the catchword occurs was not —
conceived evangelically, but really meant "solo Sacramento" z.e., even if the life —
did not correspond to the Christian demand for holiness. But there were Christian
teachers who had really grasped the evangelical thesis, and Jovinian is to be counted
one of them, even if his opponents be right (and I am doubtful of this) in taking
offence at his conduct ; and even if it be certain that his doctrine, in the circumstances
of the time, could and did promote laxity. His main positions were as follows :
I. Thenatural man is in the state of sin. Even the slightest sin separates from God
and exposes to damnation. 2. The state of the Christian rests on baptism and faith ;
these produce regeneration. 3. Regeneration is the state in which Christ is in us,
and we are in Christ ; there are no degrees in it, for this personal relationship either
does or does not exist. Where it does, there is righteousness. 4. It is a relation
formed by love that is in question Father and Son dwell in believers but where
: ;
there is such an indweller, the possessor can want for nothing. 5. Accordingly all
blessings are bestowed with and in this relationship ; nothing can be thought of as
capable of being added. 6. Since all blessings issue from this relationship, there
can be no special meritorious works ; for at bottom there is only one good, and that
energy of grace and the good works that flow from it. Here,
accordingly, nature and grace, unbelief and faith, selfishness and
love of God are the antitheses, and the work of the historical
Christ stands in the centre. Nevertheless, this view did not
exclude asceticism, but required it, since only that faith was
genuine and justified men which evinced itself in sanctification,
i.e., in world-renouncing love. Thus a middle path was here
sought between Jovinian on the one side and Manichsean and
Priscillian asceticism on the other.^
These different conceptions met and were inextricably
mingled. The future of Christianity was necessarily to be
decided by the victory of one or other of them.
we possess as the best beloved children of God, who now participate in the divine
nature, and that good will be fully revealed in Heaven. 7. In him who occupies
this relationship of faith and love there is nothing to be condemned ; he can com-
mit no sin which would separate him from God ; the devil cannot make him fall,
forhe ever recovers himself as a child of God by faith and penitence. The relation-
ship fixed in baptism through faith is something lasting and indissoluble. 8. But
such an one must not only be baptised ; he must have received baptism with perfect
faith, and by faith evince baptismal grace. He must labour and wrestle earnestly
—though —
not in monkish efforts, for they are valueless not in order to deserve
something further, but that he may not lose what he has received. To him, too, the
truth applies that there are no small and great sins, but that the heart is either with
God or the devil. 9. Those who are baptised in Christ, and cling to Him with con-
fident faith, form the one, true Church. To her belong all the glorious promises :
she is bride, sister, mother, and is never without her bridegroom. She lives in one
faith, and is never violated or divided, but is a pure virgin. We may call Jovinian
actually a "witness of antiquity to the truth," and a "Protestant of his time,"
though we must not mistake a point of difference the indwelling of God and Christ
293) :
" rendered heathenism harmless by giving its blessing to
it, i.e., to all that belonged to the pagan cultus." BuJ that mag-
nanimous way of opposing paganism, which has been rightly ad-
duced, and which Usener (op. cit.) has begun to exhibit to us so
learnedly and instructively, concealed within it the greatest
of the Benedictines' in their editions oT Aug.'s 0pp., and the controversies over his
doctrine of grace in the l5th to the l8th century; the works of Petavius, Noris (Hist.
Pelag.), Tillemont, Gamier, Mansi, Hefele ; Bindemaun, Der hi. Aug. 3 vols.,
1844-69; Bohringer, Aur. Aug., 2 ed., 1877-78; Reuter, August. Studien, 1887
(the best of later works) ; A. Dorner, Aug., sein theol. System und seine relig.-
philos. Anschauung, 1873 Loofs, " Augustinus in the 3 Ed. of the R.-Encykl. v.
Hauck, Vol. II., pp. 257-285 (an excellent study, with an especially good discussion
of the period to 395). Comprehensive expositions in Ritter, Baur, Nitzsch,
Thomasius, Schwane, Huber (Philos. der KVV.), Jul. Miiller (L. v. d. Siinde),
Dorner (Entwicklgesch. d. L. v. d. Person Christi), Pranil (Gesch. d. Logik),
Siebeck(Gesch. d. Psychologie), Zeller see esp. Eucken, Die Lebenanschauungen
XXIL, p. 270 ff. (see Reuter, I.e. p. 479 ff.) ; Ritschl, Ueber die
Histor. Ztschr.,
Methode der altesten D.-G. in the Jahrbb. f. deutsche Theol., 1871 (idem', Rechtfert.
und Versohn. Vol. I. , Gesch. d. Pietismus Vol. I. ) ; Kattenbusch, Studien z. Sym-
bolik in the Stud. u. Krit. 1878; Reinkens, Geschichtsphilos. d. hi. Aug., 1866;
Seyrich, Geschichtsphilosophie Aug.'s, 1891 ; Gangauf, Metaphys. Psychologie d. hi.
Aug., 1852 ; Bestmann, Qua ratione Aug. notiones philosophias grsecEe, etc., 1877 ;
Loesche, De Aug. Platonizante 1880; Ferraz, P.sychologie de S. Aug., 1862;
Nourissou, La philosophie de S. Aug., 2 Ed., 1866 ; Storz, Die Philosophie des hi.
Aug., 1882; Scipio, Des Aurel. Aug. Metaphysik, etc., 1886; Melzer, Die aUgus .
Lehre vom Causalitatsverhaltniss Gbttes zur Welt, 1892; Melzer, Auguslini et Cartesii
incitements, nor the needy are aided justly, where we will have
no need and nothing unworthy. There virtue will be one, and
virtue and the reward of virtue will be that spoken of in sacred
phrase by the man who loves it " But to me to cling to God is a :
good thing!' This virtue will be there the full and eternal wisdom,
and it will also truly be the life that is blessed. Surely this is
placita de mentis humane sui cognitione, i860 • Siebeck, Die Anfange der neueren
Psychologie in the Ztschr. f. Phtlos., 1S88, p. 161 ff. ; Kahl, Der Primal des Willens
bei Aug., 1886; Schiitz, August, non Heinzelmann, Aug.'s
esse ontologum, 1867
- Ansichten vom Wesen der menschlichen Seele, 1894 ; van Endert, Gottesbeweis in d.
1869 ;
patrist. Zeit, Clauren, Aug. s. script, interpret., 1822 ; Gangauf, Des 111. Aug.
Lehre von Gott dem Dreieinigen, 1S65 ; Nitzsch, Aug.'s Lehre v. Wunder, 1865.
Walch, De pelagianismo ante Pelagium, 1783 idem. hist, doctrinae de peccato orig., ;
same journal Walch, Ketzerhistorie, Vols. IV. and V. ; Wiggers, Pragmat. Darstell.
z. Gnade, 1863 Kihn, Theodor. v. Mopsueste, 1880 ; RitschI, Expos, doctr. S. Aug.
de creat., peccato, gratia, 1843 Zeller, Die Lehre des Paulus u. Augustinus v. d.
Christi, 1890 ; Dieckhoff, Aug.'s L. v. d. Gnade in the Mecklenb. Theol. Ztschr. I.,
i860 ; Weber, Aug. de juslificatione doctr. Ernst, Die Werke der Unglaubigen nach
Aug., 1871 ; Beck, Pradest.— Lehre in the Stud. u. Krit., 1847, II. ; Koch, Autori-
tat Aug.'s in der Lehre v. der Gnade u. Pradest., in the Tiib. Quartalschr., 1891, p.
95 ft". ; H. Schmidt, Origenes u. Aug. als Apologeten, in the Jahrbb. f. deutsche
Theologie, Vol. VIII. ; Bigg, The Christian Platonists of Alexandria, 1886.— On
Aug.'s doctrine of Baptism see Renter, Kliefoth (Liturg. Abhandl.), and Hbfling.
Wilden, Die L. d. hi. Aug. v. Opfer d. Eucharistie, 1864 ; Ginzel L. d. hi. Aug. v.
d. Kirche, in the TUb. Theol. Quartalschr., 1849 ; Kostlin, Die kathol Auffass. v. d.
Kirche, etc., in the deutschen Zeitschrift f. christi. Wissensch.,
1856, Nr. 14 ; H.
Schmidt, Aug.'s L. v. d. Kirche, in the Jahrbb. f. deutsche Theol., 1861 (id. Die
Kirche, 1884); Seeberg, Begriff d. christi. Kirche, Pt. I., 1885; Roux, Diss. de.
Aug. adversario Doiiatistarum, 1838 Ribbeck, Donatus und Augustinus, 1858.
pnidenter discernantur a bonis mala, quEE non erunt, nee fortiter tolerentur adversa,
quia non ibi erit nisi quod amemus, non etiam quod toleremus, nee temperanter
libido frenetur, ubi nulla ejus incitamenta sentiemus, nee juste subveniatur ope in-
digentibus, ubiinopem atque indignum non habebimus. Una ibi virtus erit, et idip-
suni erit virtus pramiumque virtutis, quod dicit in Sanctis eloquiis homo qui hoe
amat : Mihi autem adhcerere deo bonum est. Usee ibi erit plena et sempiterna sapi-
entia eademque veraciter vita jam beata. Peiventio quippe est ad aternurn ac
summum bonum, cui adhcerere est finis Hostri boni. Dicatur htee eX prudentia quia
prospectissime adhserebit bono quod non amittatur, et fortitudo, quia fermissime ad-
hEerebit bono unde non avellatur, et temperantia, quia castissime adhserebit bono, ubi
non corrurapatur, tX justitia, quia rectissime adhEerebit bono, cui merito subjiciatur.
Quamquam et in hac vita virtus non est nisi diligere quod diligendum est. Quid
autem eligamus quod prascipue diligamus, nisi quo nihil melius invenimus? Hoe
deus est, cui si diligendo aliquid vel prssponimus vel aequamus, nos ipsos diligere
nescimus. Tanto enim nobis melius est, quanto magis in ilium imtis, quo nihil
melius est. Imus autem non ambulando, sed amando. Ad eum non pedibus ire
licet, sed moribus. Mores autem nostri, non ex eo quod quisque novit, sed ex eo
quod diligit, dijudicari solent. N'ec faciunt bonos vel malos mores, nisi boni vel mali
amores, Pravitate ergo nostra a rectitudine deilonge fuimus. Unde rectum amando
corrigimur, ut recto recti adhserere possimus."
to be his worst possession, and the living God to be his highest good ;
he lived in the love of God, and he possessed a fascinating power
of expressing his observations on the inner life. In doing this, he
taught the world that the highest and sweetest enjoyment was
to be sought in the feeling that springs from a soul that has
triumphed over its pain, from the love of God as the fountain of
good, and therefore from the certainty of grace. Theologians
before him had taught that man must be changed in order to be
blessed ;he taught that man could be a new being if he let God
find him, and if he found himself and God, from the midst of
his distraction and dissipation.
He destroyed the delusion of ancient popular psychology
and morality he gave the final blow to the intellectualism of
man who found true being and the supreme good in the living
1 Compare my lecture "Augustin's Confessionen," 1888. See also Essay by G.
Boissier in the Rev. de deux mund., i Jan., 1888.
God. He was the first to separate nature and grace, two spheres
which men had long attempted unsuccessfully to divide but by ;
to the blessedness of the man who had found rest in God, that
nothing was reserved for the future life but an indescribable
"vision." But above all and in all, he exhibited to every soul
its glory and its responsibility God and the soul, the soul and
its God. —
He took religion a transfigured and moulded
monachism, dominated by positive conceptions and trust in
Christ out of its congregational and ritualistic form, and set it
in the hearts of individuals as a gift and a task. He preached
the sincere humility t^ich blossoms only on ruins the ruins —
of self-righteousness but he recognised in this very humility
the barrier against fear " : timor fundamentum salutis est, prce-
sumptio impedimentum timoris). It was known that Jesus ac-
vol., I need not adduce further evidence that for the ancient Church the grace of God
in Christ was exhausted in the gifts received in baptism. All other grace, which
was hoped for, was beset with uncertainty.
3 Read the striking avowals of II. Clement, the Shepherd of Kermas, TertuUian,
the confessions of monks, and of the great theologians of the fourth century who were
prevented by circumstances from becoming monks.
him, and the sin no longer existed the Church could forgive
haps God did not impute them to the baptised at all— though
that would be an Epicurean error perhaps the power of the
^Rothe says very truly, Kirchengesch., 33: "Men secretly distrusted in-
II., p.
evitably the presupposed purely supernatural and accordingly magical operation of
God's grace, and they therefore arranged their plans on the eventuality that in the:
end everything might still require to be done by man alone."
That was the temper of the ancient Christians from the day
when we can first observe them in the wide framework of the
Roman Empire until the epoch with whose dawn we are here
concerned. The " evangelical " ideas which are sometimes
formed of the nature of their piety are not at all appropriate.
The two most restless elements which can agitate a human
breast, hope and fear, ruled over those Christians. These
elements shattered the world and built the Church. Men, in-
deed, had a faith, and created a dogmatic for themselves but ;
made us for Thyself, and our heart is restless, until it finds rest
in Thee." " Grant what Thou dost command, and command
what Thou dost desire" ('da quod jubes, et jube quod vis).^
" The just \>y faith will live." " No one enjoys what he knows,
unless he also loves it, nor does anyone abide in that which he
perceives unless by love " (eo quod quisque novit, non fruitur,
nisi et id diligit, neque quisquam in eo quod percipit permanet
nisi dilectione).^ These are the new tones sounded by
Augustine, that is the mighty chord which he produced from
Holy Scripture, from the most profound observations of human
nature, and speculations concerning the first and last things.
Everything in the mind that was without God was absolutely
sinful the only good thing left to it was that it existed. Sin
1 pecc. mer. et remiss., II,, 5; De spiritu et lit, 22; see Confessions, X, 40, and
De, dono persever., 53. The substance is given already in Soliloq., I., 5 : "Jube
quseso atque impera quidquid vis, sed sana et aperi aures meas." Enchir., 117,
" Fides impetirat quod lex imperat."
2 De fide et symb., 19,
— :
was the sphere and form of the inner life of every natural man.
It had been maintained in all theological systems from Paul to
Origen, and later, that a great revolt lay at the root of the
present state of the human race. But Augustine was the first
to base all religious feeling and all theological thought on this
revolt as still existent and damning in every natural man. The
Apologists regarded the revolt as an uncertain datum Origen ;
that Thou wouldest enter into my heart, and inebriate it, that I
may forget my ills, and embrace Thee, my only good What !
/ am thy salvation. I will run after this voice, and take hold on
Thee. Hide not Thy face from me let me die seeing it ;
1 De Trinit., XIH., 4 :
" Felices esse volumus et infelices esse nolumus, sed nee
velle possumus." De civit. dei, XI., 26 : "Tam porro nemo est qui esse se nolit,
quam nemo est qui non esse beatus velit Quo mode enim potest beatus esse, si
nihil sit?"
and in turn through faith and love. Through grace which lays
hold of us and makes the unwilling willing (ex nolentibus
volentes), which gives us an incomprehensibly new nature by
imparting a new birth and through love, which strengthens the
which humbly renounces all that is its own and longs for God
and his law. Faith and love spring from God for they are ;
the false freedom to the free necessity, from fear to love for ;
perfect love casts out fear. It cannot for a moment forget that
it is entangled in worldliness and sin, as long as it lives in this
tiones tuas, domine deus meus, quid sis mihi. Die animas mese Salus tua ego sum. :
Sic die, ut audiam. Ecce aures cordis mei ante te, domine ; aperi eas, et die animse
mesa Salus tua ego sum. Curram post vocem banc et apprehendam te. Noli
1 Enchir., 64: "Excepto baptismatis munere ipsa etiam vita cetera, quantalibet
prsepolleat foecunditate justitije, sine peccatorum retnissione non agitur."
2 We will afterwards discuss how
Augustine failed to surmount this uncertainty
and unrest, owing to the reception of popular Catholic elements into his piety.
3 The mo<;t important caution —
that Augustine fitted his new form of feeling and
reflection into the old — will be discussed later on ;,it has been only mildly suggested
in the above exposition.
1 1 need hardly guard against the misapprehension that I represent faith as not
which Augustine's here most closely approximates, does not perfectly coincide with
it. But we must undoubtedly recognise that the Augustinian reformation was quite
essentially a Pauline reaction against the prevailing piety. Augustine, to some ex-
tent, appears as a second Marcion, see Vol. I., p. 136, Keuter, August. Studien, p.
492 :
" We
can perhaps say that Paulinism, which the growing Catholic Church only
half-learned to understand, which Marcion attempted to open up in an eccentric one-
sidedness that the Church, in its opposition to him, had all but rejected, was exploited
by our Church Father for the second time, in such a way, that much hitherto belong-
ing to popular Catholicism was remodelled." This is followed by a parallel between
Augustine and Marcion. The triad " Faith, Love, and Hope," is Pauline, and occurs
in almost all Church Fathers ; but Augustine first made-it fruitful "again (perhaps he
learned here from Jovinian). ', <
again be lost ? In fact, history seems to teach that the gain can
never perish within the Christian Church nay, it attests more,
favourable. A
quietistic, I might almost say a narcotic, element
is contained in it, or is, at least, imperceptibly associated with
it. There is something latent which seems to enervate the
in it
vital energies, to hinder the exertion of the will, and to substi-
tute feelings for action. Is there no danger in substituting a
general consciousness of sin for evident evil tendencies, heartless
words and shameful deeds .' ^ Is it safe to rely on the uniform
operation of Grace, when we are called to be perfect and holy
like God ? Are all the energies of the Will actually set free,
where the soul lives constantly in the mood shown in the
" Confessions " Are fear and hope
? really phases, necessarily
to be superseded by faith and love ? Perhaps it is correct to
answer all these questions in accordance with the type of
thought here considered but even then a doubt remains.
Is it advisable —
apart from the variety in men's temperaments
— to present this ideal as the aim at all stages of spiritual
development? Here, at least, the answer cannot be doubtful.
That which is the last stage reached by the advanced Christian
who has passed through a rich experience is a refinement to him
who is in process of development. But a refined piety or
morality is always pernicious for it no longer starts at the ;
^ I say nothing of the arrogant habit of those who, because they agree with the
Augustinian doctrine, not only openly credit themselves with possessing "positive"
Christianity, but also denounce their opponents as " half-believers." For this non-
sense Augustine is not responsible, and it only made its appearance in the nineteenth
century. It is only in our days that evangelical Christendom has permitted itself to
be terrorised by people who bear the deeper " knowledge of sin " as a motto, and
with this shield guard themselves against the counsel to be just and modest.
that only has any value which heightens the power to be and
do good everything else is a poisonous fog. Perhaps, if we
out, true from within. They may for that very reason be eyen
hurtful as influences, for " when they introduce disproportion-
II. No
one was further than Augustine from intending to
correct the tradition of the Church. If he has done this so
emphatically, he was himself merely actuated by the feeling
that he was thus assimilating more and more thoroughly the
faith of the Church. Having forced his way through scepticism
to the truth of the Catholic Church, he regarded the latter as
the rock on which his faith was founded. We should misunder-
stand him were we to blink this fact. He rather sets us reflect-
ing how it was possible for the most vital piety to have a double
ground of conviction, inner experience, and external, nay, ex-
tremely external, attestation. We can make a still stronger
assertion. A ugustine first transformed the authority of the
Church into a factor in religion; he first expressed pious con-
templation, the view of God and self, in such a way that the
religious man always found the authority of the Church side by
side with sin and grace.^ Paul and post-apostolic teachers,
especially Tertullian, had, indeed, already introduced the Church
into the religious relationship itself;^ but they were not think-
ing of its authority.
When we our attention on Augustine's distinctive type
of- Christian the "foundation of his significance for
piety as
Church and dogmatic history, we must not only consider the
decisive tendency of his doctrine of sin and grace, but we must
also review his reception and characteristic revision of traditional
elements. For from these his piety, i.e., his sense of God, and
sin and grace, obtained the form which is familiar to us as
specifically Catholic. In addition to (i) the above-mentioned
element of the authority of the Church, there are, if my view is
1 Renter says excellently (I.e., p. 494) :
" Many phases of the hitherto traditional
and authoritative doctrine were transformed by him he
into really religious factors ;
he worked, yet without peeking to endanger its Catholicity." Cf., also p. 102 {71-
98) " Much, but very far from all, that belonged to popular Catholicism was
revised by Augustine."
2 See De bapt.-i«6' : "Cum antem sub tribus et testatio fidei et sponsio salutis pig-
nerentur, necessarto adicitur ecclesise mentio, quoniam ubi tres, id est paler et filius
et spiritus sanctus, ibi ecclesia, quae Deorat.,2: "Pater
trium corpus est." . . .
recognoscitur, dequa constat et patris et filii nomen." De monog., 7 " Vivit enim :
unicus pater nosfer et mater ecclesia." All this is based on the Symbol.
^ We don't need now to say for the first time that Augustine was as closely as pos-
sible united to the past of the Church in all else (Scripture, doctrinal confession, etc. ).
Besides he shared with his contemporaries in the conception of the Church's
science in relation to faith, and had on many points as naive ideas as they of the
and the guarantee of Christian truth, it did not enter into the
separate acts in which the religious and moral life ran its
spiritual course. Here also Rothe's saying is true that Chris-
tians tacitly " laid their plans to meet the chance that in' the end
everything might require to be done by men alone." These
" plans " were based since the days of the Apologists on the
2 The fewtendencies to this conception, which are also found in his works, are
always combined with that neutralising of the historical displayed by the Apologists,
We cannot here discuss more fully this undercurrent in his writings. But it is im-
portant to show clearly the main current, namely, that scholars were by no means con-
fident of the rationality of the Catholic faith. The attacks made by heathens and
Manichseans had shaken them. Some speak, partly with self-satisfaction, partly with
pain, of" modern " doubts of the faith of the Church. But these doubts are so far
from modern that the creation of the Augustinian and mediaeval authority of the
Church is work. That ecclesiasticism is so powerful, nay, has become a dog-
matic quantity, is due to the defective morality of Christians in the second and third
centuries, and to their defective faith in the fourth and fifth. The distinction between
Justin and Augustine is in this respect much greater than that between Augustine and
a Christian of the sixteenth or nineteenth centuries.
— ;:
essemus infirmi ad inveniendam liquida ratione veritatem, et ob hoc nobis opus esset
auctoiitate sanctarum litteraruni, jam credere coeperam nullo modo te fuisse tributu-
rum tam excellentem illi scripturse per omnes jam terras auctoritatem, nisi et per
ipsam tibi credi et per ipsam te quseri voluisses. Jam enim absuiditatem qiise me in
illis litteris solebat offendere, cum multa ex eis probabiliter exposita audissem, ad
sacramentorum altitudinem referebam." See also the treatise De utilit. credendi, and,
in general, the writings against Manichseism.
2 Contra Ep. ManichEei, 5 :
" Ego vero evangelio non crederem, nisi me catholicEe
(ecclesiK) comnioveret auctoritas." Innumerable parallels exist, especially in the
writings against Manichjeism, but also elsewhere.
" Reuter, who by no means over- values the importance of the idea of the Church in
Augustine, declares 499)
" By Augustine the idea of the Church was rendered
the central power in the religious state of mind and ecclesiastical activity of the
West in a fashion unknown to the East." "Central power "is almost saying too
much (see Theol. Lit.— Zeit., 1887, No. 15).
This argument has been very badly received by some critics, but I find nothing to
change in it. Perhaps it vfill help to its being understood if I add that the spiritual
man is directly conscious of the Divine Spirit as his Lord who constrains him to
obedience, even where he himself does not perceive the inner authority but the non-—
spiritual require some sort of intervening authority, whether consisting in persons, or a
book, or Church. But in both cases we are dealing with a controlling power, whose
authority rises above one's own individuality and knowledge. I hope that in disclos-
ing tills state of the case I am safe from being (wrongly) understood to draw a fixed
line between the spiritual and non-spiritual. Throughout it is only a question of the
proportion in which the apocalyptic and mediated elements appear and are connected
in personal religion. Eyen the spiritual man who holds direct communion with God
has, as history shows, extremely seldom, perhaps never entirely, freed himself from
all intermediate authority ; on the contrary, he has clung to it firmly, in spite of his
intercourse with the Deity. This is not the place to explain this phenomenon ; but
personal religion is not shown to be valueless by its being proved that its authorities
are not sound (against Baumann, Die Grundfrage der Religion, 1895, p. 21 f.). The
important point is what the pious man has derived from his authorities.
2 It is only to a superficial observer that Eastern Christians seem to cling more
strongly to the Church than Western. In the East the historical course of events
welded ecclesiasticism and nationality into one, and the internal development made
the cultus of the Church the chief matter. But what other role does the Church play
in personal piety than being the scene of Christian life, the teacher of doctrine, and
the administrator of the mysteries ? All these are, in fact, presupposed conditions ;
in the West, on the contrary, the Church has thrust itself into ail relations and points
of contact of the pious soul to God and Christ, as far as the Augustinian. tradition is
ings and epistles composed immediately after his conversion, and he will find that
Augustine's Neoplatonism had undoubtedly a share in giving him this perception.
But he was brought to it in a much higher degree by his inner experience, and the
reading of Paul and the Psalms. The Psalmists' piety was revived in him Csee esp.
Confess., IX., 8-12). even was modelled on theirs. In Clement of Alex,
His style
and Origen, Neoplatonic speculation, on the contrary, prevailed. Even in the
most glorious of their expositions, in which the power of feeling is clearly conspicu-
ous, we cannot forget the speculative path by which they thought they had attained
to the possession of God.
The final ground of this view with Augustine consists naturally in the fact that he
never wholly got rid of the old Catholic scheme that the ultimate concern of Christi-
anity was to transform human nature physically and morally for eternal life. He
took a great step forward ; but he was not able to give clear expression to the
Pauline thought that the whole question turned on forgiveness of sins and sonship to-
God, or to frame all dogmatics in harmony with it.
1 Seec.^., Confess. IX. 34: " Quisquis tibi enumerat vera merita sua, quid tibi
deus non merita tua . . .si ergo dei dona sunt bona merita tua, non deus coronat
merita tua tamquam merita tua sed tamquam dona sua." De gestis Pelag., 3.5:
. to guarantee that the correct view had now been reached. But,
first,the question arises whether the ambiguity of the reconciHa-
tion did not contribute to its being received secondly, it cannot
enmity to God, but the disease of sin, not of divine sonship, but
of the restoration of a state in which man was rendered capable
of becoming good, i.e., sinless. Therefore faith was merely
something preliminary, and it is this that makes it so difficult to
define Augustine's conception of the forgiveness of sins. It
appears to have been really identical with the external and
magical idea of his predecessors, with the exception that he had
a firmer grasp of the forgiveness being an act of God, on which
the baptised might constantly rely. But his reflection rarely
took the form of regarding assurance of forgiveness as something
whereby the soul receives energy and wings. He substantially
never got beyond the impression that something was actually
swept away by it, though that was indeed the gravest of facts,
The impossibility of carrying out this conception will always,
however, leave a latent doubt. In spite of his new feeling,
Augustine, for this reason, moved entirely in the lines of the old
scheme when he soiight to supplement and to build upon for-
giveness of sin, and looked about him for a positive force which
was required to take its place alongside of the negative effect.
1 In his 177th letter, e.g. (Ad Innocent., c. 4), he expressly declares that it is an
error to say that gratia is liberum arbitrium or remissio peecatorum.
This he found in love. It was not in faith, but only in love, that
he could recognise the force that really changed a man's nature,
that set him in a new relationship. But then, in spite of the em-
'pirical objections that confronted him, he did not doubt that love
could be infused like a medicine. Certain that God alone effects
. everything, he transferred to love the conception applicable to
faith (trust) —
that it ceases to be itself where it is felt to be other
than an assimilative organ (opyavov XtiTTTiKov) as if love could —
also be as simply regarded as a gift of God through Christ
(munus dei per Christum). The result of these reflections is that
Augustine held that the relation of the pious soul to God was
most appropriately described as a gradually advancing process of
sanctification. To
he believed he could reduce all legitimate
considerations, the fundamental importance of faith, the concep-
tion of (sacramental) grace as beginning, middle, and end, the
need of positive forces capable of changing man's state, the view
that only the just could be saved, and that no one was righteous
whose works were not perfect, i.e., the necessity of merits, etc.
He believed that he had found a means of adjusting the claims
of religion and morality, of grace and merits, of the doctrine of
faith and eschatology. Omnipotent love became for him the
principle that connected and supported everything. Faith, love,
and merit were successive steps in the way to final salvation, and
he has impressed this view on the Catholic Church of after times,,
and on its piety up to the present day. It is the ancient scheme
of the process of sanctification leading to final salvation, but so
transformed that grace acts upon all its stages. Excellent and
— for many stages of development —appropriate as this concep-
tion appears, yet it cannot be mistaken that in it Augustine
lagged behind his own experience, and that against his will he
subordinated the religious sphere to moral goodness for this ;
was so excellent and forcible that all criticism looks like im-
pudent coxcombry. Nevertheless, we must criticise it from the
standpoint of the gospel. We have already remarked above
that Augustine's doctrine of infused love is indifferent to the
work of the historical Therefore he had a two-fold
Christology on the one hand, Christ is God, a member of the
^ Et in hac vita virtus non est nisi diligere quod diligendum est ; faciunt boni amores
bonos mores.
^ It has seemed necessai-y to concede to Augustine's conception of sanctification that
it had the merit of correcting the quietistic phase that, clung dangerously to his
doctrine of grace. But, on a closer inspection, we find that love did not certainly
mean to him the exemplification of morality in serving our neighbour, but sentiments,
or such works of love, as owed their value to reflex action at least as strongly as to
philanthropy. Here again, in very many expositions, he did not advance beyond the
old Catholic Christians, or Cyprian and Ambrose ; man attends best to his own in-
terests by means oi cantos, and pleases God in divesting himself of what is worldly.
sorest thing of all is that we cannot but know how, just by the
grievous sin committed in Paradise, this life has become a
punishment to us."^ Just as he has retained the pessimistic
view of our present life, he has also described blessedness as the
state of the perfect knowledge of God. He has done so in one
of his earliest writings, De vita beata, and he substantially
adhered to it.
But the very perception, that misery was not a mere fatality,
but was incurred by guilt, and the confidence that grace could
make man free and happy even upon this earth, exerted a
certain counterpoise. He undoubtedly does not call the present
life of the Christian " joy of felicity," " but comfort of misery,"
and declares that to be an extremely false felicity which is
devised by men who seek here another happiness than that
entertained by hope.^ But in not a few passages he yet speaks
of the joy in God which creates blessedness even here. He
seldom obeyed this feeling. For that very reason he found this
tibi, sed adhue superbia sckolam tanquam m pausatione anhelantibus, testantur libii
disputati cum prassentibus (libr. c. — —
Academ. de beata vita de ordine) et cum ipso
me solo (Soliloquia) coram te ; qu£e autem cum absente Nebridio, testantur epistolsB").
But our judgment must here be divided. What was written earlier was undoubtedly
in many respects less complete, less churchly, more Neoplatonic ; but on the other
hand it was more direct, more personal and determined to a smaller degree by regard
for the Catholicism of the Church. Yet he -wa.'s, already determined to have nothing
to do v?ith a felicity of inquiry and seeking; but only saw it in its possession (Adv.
Acad, lib., I.).
^ On Augustine's pessimistic and eschatological tendency, his view of the secular
and clerical life, as also the efforts to surmount the popular Catholic conception, see
Renter, I.e., Studie VI. We return briefly to these subjects further on.
his theories have their strongest roots in the piety that animated
him. They are in part nothing but states of feeHng interpreted
theoretically. But in these states of feeling there gathered round
the grand experience of conversion from bondage to freedom
in God all the manifold religious experiences and moral re-
flections of the ancient world. The Psalms and Paul, Plato
and the Neoplatonists, the Moralists, Tertullian and Ambrose,
we by side with the new
find all again in Augustine, and, side
psychological view constructed by him as disciple of the Neo-
platonists, we come once more upon all the childish reflections
and absolute theories which these men had pursued.
Finally, the polemic is the one that was usual Arians, Manichaeans, :
all those his brothers who after and through his headship are
born again into the grace of God through the adoption of sons."
Or (Chapter XI.) " Our Lord's humility was lowly in his being
1 Secundum id, quod unigenitus est, non habet fratres ; secundum id autem quod
primogenitus est, fratres vocare dignatus est onines qui post ejus et per ejus primatum
adoptionem filiorum." " Parva erat pro nobis domini
in dei gratiam renascuntur per
nostri accessit etiam ut mori pro mortalibus dignaretur.
humilitas in nascendo ;
" Divinarum scripturarum tvactatores spiritum sanctum donum dei esse praedicant, ut
deum credamus non se ipso inferius donum dare.^^ *' Eo quod quisque novit non
fruitur, nisi et id diligat neque quisquam in eo quod percipit permanet nisi
. . .
2 Heundoubtedly noticed, and with his love of truth frankly said, that the Church
writers gave throughout an insufficient statement of the grace of God but he con- ;
tented himself with the plea that the Church had always duly emphasised grace in its
prayers and institutions. See prsedest. sanct., 27 " Quid opus est, ut eorum scrute-
mur opuscula, qui prius quam ista h^resis (Pelagianorum) oriretur, non habuerunt
necessitatem in hac difficili ad solvendum qusestione versari ? quod procul dubio
facerent, si respondere talibus cogerentur. Unde factum est, ut de gratia dei quid
sentirent, breviter quibusdam scriptorum suorum locis et transeunter adtingerent, im-
morarentur vero in eis, quae adversus inimicos ecclesise disputabant, et in exhortationi-
bus ad quasque virtutes, quibus deo vivo et vero pro adipiscenda' vita aaterna et vera
felicitate servitur. Frequentationibus autem orationum simpHciter apparebat dei
gratia quid valeret ; non enim posceventur de deo quae prsecipit fieri, nisi ab illo
donaretur ut fierent." He himself had indeed learned from experience in his struggle
with the Manichseans, that the defence of truth has to be regulated by the nature of
the attack. When he was twitted by his opponents with what he had formerly
written about freewill against the Manichseans, he appealed to the claims of advanc-
ing knowledge, as well as to the duty of offering resistance both to right and left.
He thus saw in the earlier Church teachers the defenders of the truth of the Church
against fatalism, Gnosticisim, and Manichseism, and from this standpoint explained
their attitude.
1 After his conversion Augustine was firmly of opinion that nothing stood in Scrip-
ture that contradicted the doctrine of the Church ; he was not so certain that the inter-
pretation of Scripture must follow the authority of tradition. Yet what a profusion of
"dangerous" ideas would have been evolved from the Bible by his rich and acute
genius if once he had freed his intellect from the fetters of obedience The perception
that no leas than everything would have been doubtful, that a thousand contradictions
would have taken the place of a unanimous doctrine, certainly helped in determining
him not to shake the bars of his prison. He felt he would never be able to escape,
but would be buried by the ruins of the collapsing edifice. Hence the principle
declared in De nat. et grat. 22, that we must first submit to what stands in Scripture,
and only then ask " quomodo id fieri potuerit." What a difference from Origen !
we compare his " prefaces" to the New Testament, e.g., with his
position in the controversy about the Lord's Supper, was
involved in the same inconsistency as burdened Augustine's
doctrinal structure.
1 3. Augustine brought the practical element to the front more
^ Tendencies in this direction are found everywhere ; but they were never more
than tendencies.
2 It is one of Reuter's chief merits that he has proved the impossibility of construct-
ing a system fromi Augustine's thought, and of removing the inconsistencies that
occur in it.
his distinction between law and gospel, letter and spirit, and his
preaching that God creates faith and a good will in us, he called
forth the evangelical Reformation.^ By his doctrine of the
authority and means of grace of the Church, he carried forward
the construction of Roman Catholicism ; nay, he first created
the hierarchical and sacramental institution. By his Biblicism
he prepared the way for the so-called pre-reformation move-
ments, and the criticism of all extra-Biblical ecclesiastical tradi-
tions. By
the force of his speculation, the acuteness of his
intellect, the subtlety of hisobservation and experience, he
incited, nay, partly created, scholasticism in all its branches,
including the Nominalistic, and therefore also the modern
theory of knowledge and psychology. By his Neoplatonism
and enthusiasm for predestination he evoked the mysticism as
well as the anti-clerical opposition of the Middle Ages.^ By
the form of his ideal of the Church and of felicity, he strengthened
the popular Catholic, the monachist, state of feeling, domesticat-
ing it, moreover, in the Church, and thereby rousing and capaci-
tating it to overcome and dominate the world as contrasted with
the Church. Finally, by his unique power of portraying him-
self, of expressing the wealth of his genius, and giving every
1 See the testimonies to Augustine of the Reformers and their confessional writings ;
yet the difference thatstill existed was not unknown to them.
1 Reuter also recognises 495 f., note) that Augustine held the contents of the
Synibol alone to be dogma. But we have here to remember that the most elaborate
doctrine of the Trinity and Christology were evolved from the Symbol, and that its
words ' ' sancta ecclesia " and ' remissio peccatorum " contained theories from which
tration of his whole being in prayer led him to the most abstract
observation, and this, in turn, changed to prayer. No philo-
sopher before or after him has verified in so conspicuous a
fashion the profound saying that " the fear of the Lord is the
beginning of wisdom." Godliness was the very atmosphere of
his thought and life. " Piety is the wisdom of man " (Hominis
the last problems of psychology and the theory of perception. Enchir., 4 " Quid :
primum, quid ultimum, teneatur, quae totius definitionis summa sit, quod certum
propriumque fidei catholicse fundameiitum." (Questions by Laurentius.)
1 Augustine taught that it was only possible to obtain a firm grasp of the highest
questions by earnest and unwearied independent labour. Herein above all did his
greatness consist.
2 Compare with what follows, Siebeck, in the Ztschr. f. Philos. und philos. Kritik,
1888, p. 170 ff.
The method of the Neoplatonists was still very uncertain, and this is connected,
among other things, with their polytheism. It is easy to show that Augustine
went so much further in psychology because he was a monotheist. So far as I know
we are still, unfortunately, without any investigation of the importance of monotheism
for psychology.
3 See the excellent parallel between them in Siebeck, I.e. p. 188 f. "Among the :
by those of the deepest wants of mind and heart, of love and faith, hope and con-
science. The proper objects and the moving forces of his speculation are not found
in the relation of inward to outward, but of inner to innermost, to the sense and
vision of God in the heart. Even the powers of the intellect are looked at from a
I08 '
new point of view, owing to the influence exerted on them by the heart and will, and
they lose, in consequence, their claim to sole supremacy in scientific thought. The
cool analysis made by Aristotle of the external world, which also dissected and dis-
criminated between the states of the soul, as if they were objecls that existed extei?-
nally, disappears in Augustine before the immediate experience and feeling of states
and processes of the emotional life ; but the fact that he presents them to us with
the warmest personal interest in them, entirely prevents us from feeling the abseiice
of the Aristotelian talent of acuteness in .-inalytical dissection. While Aristotle avoids
all personal and individual colouring in his views, and labours everywhere to let the
matter in hand speak for itself, Augustine, even when bringing forward investigations
of the most general purport, always speaks as if only of himself, the individual, to
whom his personal feelings and sensations are the main thing. He is a priori certain
that they must have a farther reaching meaning, since feeling and wishing are found
to be similar potencies in every human heart. Questions of ethics, which Aristotle
handles from the standpoint of the relation of man to man, appear in Augustine in
the light of the relations between his own heart and that of this known and felt God.
With the former the supreme decision is given by clear perception of the external by
reason ; with the latter, by the irresistible force of the internal, the conviction of feel-
ing, which in his case —
as is given in such perfection to few —
is fused with the pene-
trating light of the intellect. . . . Aristotle knows the wants of the inner life only so
far as they are capable of developing the life, supported by energetic effort and philo-
sophic equanimity, in and with society. He seems to hold that clear thinking and
restfiiUy energetic activity prevent all suffering and misfortune to society or the indi- "
heart, remain dark in his investigation. Augustine's significance begins just where
the problem is to trace the unrest of the believing or seeking soul to
its roots, and to
make which the heart can reach its rest. Even the old pro-
sure of the inner facts in
blems which he reviews and examines in their whole extent and meaning from the
now appear in a new light. Therefore he
standpoint of his rich scientific culture,
can grasp, and, at the same time, deepen everything which has come to him froiii
Hellenism. For Aristotle, everything that the intellect xian see and analyse in the
the conscience excited by the unrest caused by love of God and consciousness of sin,
from which the questions spring. But along with this, scientific interest also turned
to a wholly novel side of actual life. No wonder that the all-sufficiency of the dis-
secting and abstracting intellect had its despolism limited. The intellect was now
no longer to create problems, but 10 receive them from the depths of the world of
feeling, in order then to see what could be made of them. Nor was it to continue to
feel supremacy over the will, but rather the influence to which it was subject from it.
The main subject of its reflections was to consist, henceforth, not in the external
wiirld, nor in the internal discussed by means of analogy with, and the method of,
the external, but in the kernel of personality, conscience in connection with emotion
and will. On'.y from this point might it return, in order to learn to understand them
anew, to previous views of the inner and outer life. Aristotle, the Greek, was only
interested in the life of the soul, in so far as it turned outward and helped to fathom
the world theoretically and practically ; Augustine, the first modern tuan (the expres-
sion occurs also in Sell, Aus der Gesch. des Christenthums, 1888, p. 43 ; I had
already used it years ago), only took it into consideration, in so far as reflection upon
it enabled him to conceive the inner character of personal life as something really in-
dependent of the outer World." Aristotle and Augustine are the two rivals who con-
tended in the science and tendency of the fallowing centuries. Both, as a rule, were
indeed degraded, Aristotle to empty distinctions and categories, and a hide-bound
dogmatism, Augustine to a mysticism floating in all conceivable media, having lost
the guidance of a sure observation of the inner nature. Even in the Pelagians
Augustine energetically opposed Aristotelian rationalism, and his controversy with
them was repeated over and over again in after ages. In the history of religion it
was a fight between a really irreligious, theologically, labelled morality and religion ;
for even in its classical form, Aristotelianism is a morality without religion.
^All Christian Hellenistic thinl<er5 before Augustine were still refined poly theists,
or, more correctly, the polytheistic element was not wholly eradicated in their case,
seeing that they preserved a part of nature-religion. This is most evident among
Origen's successors,
2 Weh Weh ! ! Wir Iragen
Da hast sie zerstort, Die Triimmer ins Nichts hintiber
Die schbne Welt, Und klagen
, Mit machtiger Faust Ueber die verlorene Schone.
Sie stttrzt, sie zerfallt ! Prachtiger baue sie wieder,
Ein Halbgott hat sie zerschlagen ! In deinem Busen baue sie atif I
not find it among thinkers and that is frank joy in the pheno-
1 Compare even the state of feeling of Petrarch and the other Humanists.
2 Soliloq., I. 7. Deum et animam scire cupio. Nihilneplus? Nihil omnino. In
the knowledge of God was also included that of the Cosmus, see Scipio, Metaphysik,
p. 14 ff.
3 Playing with husks and shells disgusted Augustine ; he longed for facts, for the
knowledge of actual forces.
* Augustine became a Manichaean because he did not get past the idea that
Catholic doctrine held God to be the originator of sin.
s Confess., VII. 16 :
" Audivi (verba Ego sum qui sum) sicut auditur in corde, et
non erat prorsus unde dubitarem ; faciliusque dubitarem vivere me, quam non esse
veritatem (VI., 5).
— 1
ing path from the corporeal world through ever higher and more
permanent spheres, and he also experienced the ecstatic mood
in the " excess " of feeling.^ But at the same time he turned
more energetically to those observations for which the Neoplaton-
ists had only been able to give him hints to his spiritual ex- —
perience, and psychological analysis. He was saved from
scepticism by perceiving that even if the whole of external
experience was subject to doubt, the facts of the inner life re-
mained and demanded an explanation leading to certainty.
There is no evil, but we are afraid, and this fear is certainly an
evil.^ There is no visible object of faith, but we see faith in
us.^ Thus in his theory of perception God and the soul —
entered into the closest union, and this union confirmed him in
gravius malum, quanto non est quod timeamus. Idcirco aut est malum quod timemus,
aut hoc malum est quia timemus."
'De XIII. 3: "Cum propterea credere jubeamur, quia id quod credere
jubemur, videre non possumus, ipsam tamen fidem, quando inest in nobis, videmus
in nobis."
he attributed to all organic, nay, even to inorganic, things; see De civ. dei, XI., 28.
2 This is tlie most important advance in perception.
^See Siebeck I.e. p. 181 f. ; Hamma in the Tub. Theol. Quartalschr., vol. 55,
pp. 427 ff. 458; Kahl, Primat des Willens, p. i f. Augustine's psychology of the
only true of a good will that it is free : freedom of will and moral
goodness coincide. But it follows just from this that the will
truly free possesses its liberty not in caprice, but in being bound
to the motive which impels to goodness ("beata necessitas
boni "). This bondage is freedom, because it delivers the will
from the rule of the impulses (to lower forms of good), and
realises the destiny and design of man to possess himself of true
being and life. In bondage to goodness the higher appetite
(appetitus), the genuine impulse of self-preservation, realises
itself, while by satisfaction " in dissipation " it brings man " bit
by bit to ruin." does not follow, however, from Augustine's
assertion of the incapacity for good of the individual spontaneous
will, that the evil will, because it is not free, is also irresponsible ;
criticism). For details of the theology, see Dorner, Augustin, pp. 5-112.
God himself is the eternal, the old and new, the only, beauty.
Even hell, the damnation of sinners, is, as an act in the ordina-
tion of evils (ordinatio malorum), an indispensable part of the
work of art.^ But, indeed, the whole work of art is after
^ In Confess. VII. 16, he could now put the triumphant question " Numquid nihil :
«st Veritas, quoniam neque per finita, neque per infinita locorum spatia diffusa est."
Not common light " non hoc ilia erat sed aliud, aliud valde ab istis omnibus.
; ;
Nee ita erat supra mentem meam sicut oleum super aquam, nee sicut coelum super
terram, sed superior, quia ipsa fecit me, et ego inferior, quia factus sum ab ea. Qui
novit veritatem novit earn, ef qui novit eam,novit seternitatem. Caritas novit earn. O
aeterna Veritas, et vera caritas, et cara aeternitas ! tu es deus meus ; tibi suspiro die
ac nocte." (Confess. VII. 16.) Further the magnificently reproduced reflection,
I X. 23-25, De Trin. IV. I. By being, Augustine did not understand a vacuous ex-
istence, but being full of life,and he never doubted that being wras better than not-
being. De civit. dei, XI. 26 " Et sumus et nos esse novimus et id esse ac nosse
diligimus." The triad, "esse, scire, amare" was to him the supreme thing ; he
never thought of the possibility of glorifying not-being after the fashion of Buddhism
or Schopenhauer.
2 We cannot here discuss Augustine's cosmology more fully (see the works by
Gangauf and Scipio). His reflections on life and the gradation of organic and in-
organic ("ordo, species, modus ") were highly important to later philosophy and
proved in his work, De civit. dei ; but in contrasting the moods causSd by contem.
plation of the world —
aesthetic joy in the Cosmus, and sorrow over the world per-
verted by sin the latter prevailed. Existence never became to Augustine a torment
in itself, but that existence did which condemned itself to not-being, bringing about
its own ruin.
3 Where Augustine put the question of creation in the form, "How is the unity of
being related to plurality of manifestation ? " the notion of creation is really always
eliminated. But he never entirely gave up this way of putting the question ; for, at
bottom, things possess their independence only in their manifestation, while, in so
far as they exist, they form the ground of knowledge for the existence of God. But
besides this, Augustine still asserted vigorously the creatio ex nihilo (" omnes naturae
€x deo, non de deo," Denat. bon. c. Manich., I.). See note 4, p. 120.
^ He discovered these, and inspired hundreds of mystics after him.. We have no
right to deny that this contemplative view of being, not-being, and the harmony of
being evolving itself in the phenomenal, is also a sphere of piety. , ,
certainly from God, and belongs to Him (ex deo and ad deum).
But now he discovered a dreadful fact the will, as a matter of :
responsibility was never lessened for him by the view that the
will in not seeking God was seeking nothing, that it therefore by
self-will was properly "annulling itself until it no longer existed."
Nor was it mitigated for him by the correlative consideration, that
the individual will, ruled by its desire, was not free. Rather,
from the dread sense of responsibility, God appeared as tJte good,
We have the most profound description of this state in Confess. VIII. 17-26;
Augustine cails it a " monstrum " (monstrous phenomenon). He solves the problem
disclosed, in so far as it is capable of solution, not by an appeal to the enslaved" will,
accordingly not by the " non possumus," but as an indeterminist by ihe reflection,
"noh ex toto volumus, non ergo ex toto [nobis] imperamus." (21), "I was
afraid that Thou mightest soon hear me, and heal me of the sickness of lust, whose
satisfaction I wished more than its eradication. And I was deluded, therefore I
. . .
put off following Thee alone from day to day, because I had not yet seen any certain
aim for my striving. And now the day was at hand, and the voice of my conscience
exhorted me Didst thou not say thou wouldst not cast the vain burden from
thee, only because the truth was still uncertain? Behold now thou art certain of the
truth, but (thou wilt not).' The way to union with God, and the attainment of
. . .
the goal, coincide with the will to reach this goal, though, indeed, only with the
determined and pure will. And thus during this inner fever and irresoluteness I
. . .
was w,ont to make many movements with my body, which can only be performed
when the will makes definite resolves, and become impossible if the corresponding
limbs are wanting, or are fettered, worn out, asleep, or hindered in any way. If,
e.g., I tore a hair out, beat my brow, or embraced my knee with folded hands, I did
it because I willed it. But I might have willed and not done it, if the power of
motion in my limbs had forsaken me. So many things, then, I did in a sphere,
where to will was not the same as to be able. And' yet I did not that which both I
longed incomparably more to do, and which I could do whenever I really earnestly
'willed it ; because, as soon as 1 had willed it, I had really already made it mine in
willing. For in these things the ability was one with the will, and really to resolve
and gave itsmotive, constituted evil. The " summum bonum '*
now first —
obtained its deeper meaning it was no longer merely
the permanent resting point for disturbed thinkers, or the
exhilarating enjoyment of life for jaded mortals it now meant :
was to do. And yet, in my case, it was not done ; and more readily did my body
obey the weakest willing of my soul, in moving its limbs at its nod, than the soul
obeyed itself where it was called upon to realise its great desire by a simple effort of the
will. How is such a prodigy possible, and what is its reason ? The soul commands
the body, and it obeys instantly ; the soul commands itself, and is resisted. The
soul commands the hand to be moved, and it is done so promptly that command and
performance can scarcely be distinguished and yet the soul is spirit, but the hand is
a member of the body. The soul commands the soul itself to an act of will ; it is its
pwn command, yet it does not carry it out. How is such a prpdigy possible, and
what is its reason ? The soul commands an act of will, I say ; its command consists
simply in willing ; and yet that command is not carried out. Sed non ex toto vult ;
non ergo ex toto imperat. N&m in tantum imperat, in quantum vult, et in tantum non
fit quod imperat, in quantum non vult. Quoniam voluntas imperat ut sit voluntas,
nee alia sed ipsa. Non itcujite plena imperat ideo non est quod imperat. Nam si
plena esset, nee imperaret ut esset, quia jam esset. Non igitur monstrum partim velle,
partim nolle, sed segritudo animi est, quia non totus assurgit, veritate sublevatus,
consuetudine prsegravatus. Et ideo sunt duse voluntates, quia una earum tota non
est, et hoc adest alteri quod deest alteri."
1 " What ought to be ? How
cannot the inner nature exhibit, itself by reflection,
but can by action?" (Scipio, Metaphysik des Aug., p. 7.) Augustine was the first
to put this question clearly. "Antiquity conceived the whole of life, we might say,
in a naive fashion from the standpoint of science : the spiritual appeared as natural,
efficientem causam malse voluntatis ; non enim est efhciens sed deficiens (that is, the
aspiration after nothing, after the annulling of life, constitutes the content of the bad
will), quia nee ilia effectio sed defectio. Deficere namque ab eo, quod summe est, ad
id, quod minus est, hoc est incipere habere voluntatem malam. Causas porro
defectionum istarum, cum efficientes non sint, ut dixi, sed deficientes, velle invenire
tale est, ac si quisquam velit videre tenebras vel audire silentium, quod tamen utrum-
que nobis notum est, neque illud nisi per oculos, neque hoc nisi per autes, non sane
in specie, sed in speciei privatione. Nemo ergo ex me scire quaerat, quod me nescire
scio, nisi forte, ut nescire discat, quod scire non posse sciendum est. Ea quippe
quEe non in specie, sed in ejus privatione sciuntur, si dici aut intellegi potest
quodammodo nesciendo sciuntur, ut sciendo nesciantur.".
— ";
a deo) with the other that "all good was" from God (omne
bonum a deo). The conception of God as universal and
sole worker, shaded into the other that God, just because
he is God and source of all being, is also the only author
and source of good in the form of self-imparting love.^
It belongs just as essentially to God to be grace (gratia)
imparting itself in uncaused cause of causes
love, as to be the
itself. "Amor amatur, et hinc probamus, quod in hominibus, qui rectius amantur,
ipse magis amatur." This observation led him to see God everywhere in love. As
God is in all being, so is he also in love nay, his existence in being is ultimately
identical with his existence in love. Therefore love is beginning, middle, and end.
It is the final object of theological thought, and the fundamental form of true spiritual
" Caritas inchoata inchoata justilia est ; caritas provecta provecta justitia est
caritas magna magna justitia est ; caritas perfecta perfecta justitia est" (De nat. et
grat. 84). But since in life in general voluntas = caritas
(De trin. XV. 38) "quid:
est aliud caritas quam voluntas?", we here find once more the profound connection
between ethics and psychology.
the notion of the good in spite of its simple form (joy in God);
secondly, in uncertainty as to the notion of love, into which an
intellectual element still enters thirdly, in the conception of
enjoyed, all else may only be used. But to enjoy means " to
cling to anything by love for its own sake " (alicui rei amore
inhaerere propter se ipsam ").^ God is steadfastly to be enjoyed
— the Neoplatonists are reproached with not reaching this.^
This enjoying is inseparably connected with the thought of
God's " beauty," and in turn with the sense that he is all in all
and indescribable.* But, on the other hand, Augustine thrust
^Augustine's ability to unite the Neoplatonic ontological speculation with the
results of his examinalion of the practical spiritual life was due inter alia especially
to his complete abstinence, in the former case, from accepting ritualistic elements, or
from introducing into his speculation matter taken from the Cultus and the religion
of the second order. If at first the stage of spiritual development which he occupied
(when outside the Church), of itself protected him from admitting these deleterious
elements, yet it was a conspicuous and hitherto unappreciated side of his greatness
that he always kept clear of ritualistic mysticism. Thereby he rendered an invaluable
service not only to his disciples in mysticism, but to the whole Western Church.
2De doctr. christ., I., 3 sq.
'See Confess. , VII. 24 " et qseerebam viam comparandi roboris quod esset
idoneum ad fruendum te, etc.," 26: " certus quidem in istis eram, nimis tamen in-
firmus ad fruendum te."
^ Augustine has often repeated the old Platonic assertion of the impossibility of de-
fining the nature of God, and that not always with a feeling of dissatisfaction, but as
an expression of romantic satisfaction (" ineffabilis simplex natura" ; " facilius dicimus
quid non sit, quam quod sit "). He contributed much, besides, to the relative eluci-
dation of negative definitions and of properties and accidents, and created scholastic
terminology see especially De trinit., XV.
; He is the father of Western theological
dialectic but also the inventor of the dialectic of the pious consciousness. From the
anti-Manicheean controversy sprang the desire to conceive all God's separate attributes
as identical, i.e., the interest in the indivisibility of God — God is essence, not sub-
stance ; be thought of without accidents ; see De trinit., VII.,
for the latter cannot
10; and this interest went so far as to hold that e.\en habere and ej.re coincided in
God (De civ., XI. 10: " ideo simplex dicitur quoniam quod habet hoc est"). In
aside the thought that God was a substance (res) in the interest
of a living communion with him. God was a person, and in
the phrase " to cleave by love " (" amore inhserere ") the em-
phasis falls in that case on the love (amor) which rests on faith
order to guard God from corruptibilitas, compositeness of any sort was denied. But,
Augustine had, nevertheless, to make a distinction in God, in order to
at this. point,
discriminate the divine vporld-plan from him, and not to fall completely into Pan-
theism. (The stamped on many passages in the work De trinit., see e.g.,
latter is
IV., 3, "Quia unum verbum dei est, per quod facta sunt omnia, quod est incom-
mutabilis Veritas-, ibi principaliter atque incommutabiliter sunt omnia simul, et omnia
vita sunt et omnia unum sunt.") But since he always harked to ihe conviction that
ibeing, and wisdom, and goodness, are identical in God, he did not reach what he
aimed at. This difSculty increased still further for him, where he combined specu-
lation as to the nature of God with that regarding the Trinity. (Dorner, p. 22 ff.)
it was necessary to furnish the cause with properties and powers which did npt pass
into the causatum (effect). But this already means that the scheme of cause and
effect is inadequate to establish the difference. Augustine, certainly, had no clear
conception of such a thing ; but he felt that mere causality was useless. He adopted
the expedient of calling in " nihil " (nothing) to his aid, the negation God works in
nothing. This "nothing" was the cause of the world not being a transformation
or evolution of God, but of its appearing as an inferior or irridescent product, which,
because it is a divina operatio, exists (yet not independently of God), and which, so
far as independent, does not exist, since its independence resides in the nihil. The
'sentence " mundus de nihilo a deo factus "—the root principle of Augustinian cosmo-
logy is ultimately to be taken dualistically ; but the dualism is concealed by the
second element consisting in negation, and therefore only revealing itself in the
privative form (of mutability, transitoriness). But in the end the purely negative
character of the second element cannot be absolutely retained (Augustiiie never, cer-
tainly, identified it with matter); it purported to be absolute impotence, but com-
bined with the divine activity it became the resisting factor, and we know how it does
resist in sin. Accordingly, the question most fatal to Augustine would have been :
Who created this nothing ? As a matter of fact this question breaks down the whole
construction. Absurd as it sounds, it is justified. Augustine cannot explain negation
with its determinative power existing side by side with the divina operatio; for it is
no explanation to say that it did not exist at all, since it merely had negative effects.
esteemed the first and the last thing,' to begin with faith, to be
perfected in sight" (Enchir. 5 ; see De doctr., II. 34 sq.).* Cer-
tain as it is comes out in this, it
that the Neoplatonic tendency
is as certain that we have more than a mere " remnant of
mystical natural religion "
; for the feeling that " presses up-
ward and forward " from the faith in what is not seen, to the
less good than others, and, therefore, have less being (esse)." Could Augustine have
actually contented himself with these facts without asking whence this " less " ?
1 Enchirid. 3.
bene vivendo etiam ad speciem pervenire, ubi est Sanctis et perfectis cordibus nota
ineffabilis pulchritudo, cujus plena visio est summa felicitas. Hoc est nimirum quod
requiris, "quid primum, quid ultimum teneatur," inchoari fide, perfici specie.
religion, but
enduring stimulus.^ The idea of the world
sketched from contemplation of the inner life and the sense of
responsibility, which was combined ,with that of metaphysical
cosmological speculation, led finally to a wholly different state
of feeling from the latter. The optimism founded on esthetics
vanished before the " monstrum " of humanity which, infirm of
not and did not what at bottom it desired, and fell
will,^ willed
into the abyss of perdition. They are only a few who suffer
themselves to be saved by grace. The mass is a massa perdi-
tionis, which death allures. " Woe is thee, thou torrent of
human custom ! Who shall stop thy course .? How long will
it be before thou art dried up ? and whom wilt thou, O offspring
of Eve, roll into the huge and hideous ocean, which even they
God. Only now is it rendered possible for the intellect to assume supremacy.
Accordingly the freeing of the will is ultimately the substitution of the supremacy of
the intellect for that of the will. (Compare,
the passage Confess. IX. 24:
"regio ubertatis indeficientis, ubi pascis Israel in seternum veritatis pabulo, et ubi
vitasafiientia'esl"; hut for ihis life it holds true that " sapientia hominis pietas.")
Yet in so far as the supremacy of the intellect could not maintain itself without the
amor essendi et sciendi, the will remains the co-efEcient of the intellect even in the
highest sphere. That is, briefly, Augustine's view of the relation of the will and
intellect. It the return to Augustine in the Middle Ages brought about
explains why
the complete subordination of the intellect to the will ; for Augustine himself so pre-
sented the case that no inner state and no activity of thought existed apart from the
will, But if that were so, Augustine's opinion, that the vision (visio) of God was the
supreme goal, could not but in the end pass away. It was necessary to demon-
strate a goal which corresponded to the assured fact that man was will (see Duns
2 See De civit. dei, XIV. 3 sq. ; it is not the body (sensuousness) that is the ulti-
scarcely overpass who have climbed Church] ?"i the tree' [the
The misery of the earth whatever moves and
is unspeakable ;
1 Confess.
I. 25 Vse tibi flumen moiis humani ? quis resistet tibi ? quamdiu non
siccaberis ?quosque volves Evse filius in mare magnum et formidolosum, quod vix
transeunt qui lignum [ecclesiam] conscenderint ?
2 There is a wonderful contrast in Augustine between the profound pessimistic view
of the world, and the conception, strictly held in theory, that everything takes place
under the uniform and unchangeable activity of God. What a difference between
the statement of the problem and the result And in order to remove this difference
Reuter has shown excellently (p. 90 ff.) how even the particularist doctrine of pre-
destination has its share in the universalist and humanist conception ; he also deserves
the greatest gratitude for collecting the numerous passages in which that conception
is elaborated. ) Even before the appearance of Christ the civitas dei existed ; to it be-
longed pagans and Jews. Christianity is as old as the world. It is the natural religion
which has existed from the beginning under various forms and names. Through Christ
it received the name of the Christian religion; "res ipsa quse nunc Christiana religio
nuncupatur, erat apud antiquos, nee defuit ab initio generis humani, quousque ipse Chris-
tus venit in came, unde vera religio, quse jam erat, coepit appellari Christiana " (Retract.
I., 12, 3) ; see especially Ep. 102 and De civit. XVIII., 47, where the incongruous
thought is inserted that the unus mediator was revealed to the heathens who belonged to
the heavenly Jerusalem in the earliest time. The latter idea is by no means inserted
everywhere ; there was rather, up
end of his life, in spite and because of his
to the
doctrine Of particular predestinating grace, an undercurrent in Augustine's thought :
co-ordinating God and free knowledge, he recognised behind the system of the
Church a free science, and in accordance therewith conceived also God and the
world to be the abiding objects of knowledge. With this idea, however, as in
the case of Orjgen, Christ at once disappears. The ultimate reason of this consists
in the fact that Augustine, with all his progress in knowledge, never advanced to
history. The great psychologist was still blind to the nature of historical develop-
ment, to what personality achieved in history, and what history had accomplished
fur mankind. He had only two methods of observation at his disposal either the —
mythological contemplation of history, or a rationalistic neutralising. The man who
felt so clearly and testified so convincingly that freedom lay in the change of will
certain of the speculative conception of the idea of the good, and its
real activity as love when it is proclaimed authoritatively by the
Church and supported by the conception of Christ.
By the conception formed of Christ. Here a new element
when it received a strength binding us to the good, was yet incapable as a thinker of
drawing clearly the consequences of this experience. But those should not blame
him who cannot free themselves from the illusion that an absolute knowledge of
some sort must be possible to man ; for the effort to obtain such a knowledge
is the ultimate cause of the inability to understand history as history. He
who is only happy with absolute knowledge is either blind to history, or it
becomes a Medusa's head to him. Yet rationalism is only the undercurrent, though
here and there, it does force its way to the surface. More surely and more constantly
Augustine appeased with revelation his hunger for the absolute, which he was unable
to distinguish from aiming at force and strength (God and goodness). His feelings
were the same as Faust's "We long for revelation." Now, it is very characteristic
that in dealing with the notion of revelation, Augustine has expounded nothing more
clearly than the thought that revelation is absolutely authorilative. We can leave out '
of account his other views on its necessity, nature, etc. The decisive fact for him is
that revelation does not merely recommenditself by its intrinsic worth. Accordingly,
the external attestation is the main
Augustine discussed this (especially in his'
work De civit.) -much more carefully and comprehensively than earlier Apologists,
in order to establish the right to demand simple submission to the, contents of revelation.
Auctoritas scaA. Jides were inseparably connected; indeed, they occupied an almost
exclusive relation to each other (see De util. cred., 25 sq.). We indeed find him
explaining in his writings of all periods that authority is milk-food, and
that," on the
ratio ; but, on the other hand, he did not, relying only on God, and his Genius ruling
in experience. Faith's authority was given for him in Scripture and the Church.
But here, again, he only maintained and transmitted the disposition to obey, virhile
his theoretical expositions are beset by sheer contradictions and ambiguities ; for he
has neither worked out the sufficiency, infallibility, and independence of Scripture,
nor demonstrated the infallibility of the Church, nor defined the relation of Scripture
and the Church. Sometimes Scripture is a court of appeal which owes its authority
to the Church, sometimes the Church doctrine and all consuetude are to be measured
by Scripture (Scripture is the only source of doctrina Christiana), sometimes Church
and Scripture are held to constitute one whole in one place the Church seems to
find in the Council its infallible mouthpiece, in the other, the perfectibility of Councils
themselves is maintained. " The idea of the Church's infallibility belongs to
Augustine's popular Catholic presuppositions which grew out of his Catholic faith.
ably) " spring from the vacillations of his thought regarding authority arid reason,
faith and knowledge '' (see Renter, pp. 345-358 ; Bohringer, pp. 217-256; Dorner, ppi
233-244 ; further, above pp. 77-83, and Vol. III., p. 203 ff.).
whole Trinity to the Son. But since the Trinity could not act
upon Jesus except as it always did, the uniqueness and power of
thePerson of Jestis Christ were to be derived from the 'receptive-
ness with which the man Jesus met the operatio ditina ; in other
words, Augustine started from the human nature (soul) in his
construction of the God-man. The human nature received the
Word into its spirit ; the human soul, because it acted as inter-
mediary (medians), was also the centre of the God-man.
Accordingly, the Word did not become flesh, if that be taken to
mean that a transformation of any sort took place, but the
divina operatio trinitatis could so work upon the human spirit
of Jesus, that the Word was permanently attached to him, and
was united with him to form one person.
This receptiveness ^
gives us our sins which led the man Jesus to form one person
with the Word and made him sinless. The Incarnation thus
appeared simply to be parallel to the grace which makes us
willing who were unwilling, and is independent of every histori-
cal fact. 2
^ The figure often used by Augustine that the Word was united with the man Jesus
as our souls are with our bodies is absolutely unsuitable. Augustine borrowed it from
antiquity without realising that it really conflicted with his own conception.
^Enchir., 36: "Hie omnino granditer et evidenter dei gratia commendatur.
Quid enim natura humana in homine Ciiristi meruit ut in unitatem personse unici filii
dei singulariter esset assumpta Quae bona voluntas, cujus boni propositi studium,
quae bona opera praecesserunt, quihus mereretur iste homo una fieri persona cum deo?
Numquid antea fuit homo, et hoc ei singulare beneficiuni prsestitum est, cum singu-
lariter promereretur deum ? Nempe ex quo homo esse coepit, non aliud ccepit esse
homo quam dei filius et hoc unicus, et propter deum verbum, quod illo suscepto caro
factum est, utique deus. Unde naturae humanee tanta gloria, nullis prsecedenti-
. . .
bus meritis sine dubitatione gratuita, nisi quia magna hie et sola dei gratia fideliter et
sobrie considerantibus evidenter ostenditur, ut intellegant homines pereandem gratiam
sejustificari a per quam factum est ut homo Christus nullum- habere posset
peccatum." 40 " Natus Christus insinuat nobis gratiam dei, qua homo nullis prs-
Cedentibus meritis in ipso exordio naturae suse quo esse coepit, verbo deo copularetur
in tantam personse unitatem, ut idem ipse esset filius dei qui filius hominis, etc."
De dbno persev., 67. Op. imperf., I., 138: "Qua gratia homo Jesus ab initio
factus est bonus, eadem gratia homines qui sunt membra ejus ex malis fiunt boni."
i)e Drsedest. 30: " Est etiam praeclarissimum lumen praedestinationis et gratis ipse
salvator, ipse mediator dei et hominum homo Christus Jesus, qui ut hoc esset, quibus
audet, et dicat : Cur non et ego ? Et si audierit : O homo, tu quis es qui respondeas
deo, etc." De coriept. et grat. 30 :
" Deus naturam nostram id est animam raliona-
lem carnemque hominis Christi suscepit, susceptione singulariter mirabili vel mirabi-
liter singulari, ut prsecedentibus meritis filius del sic esset ab initio
nuUis justitise suae
quo esse homo verbum, quod sine initio est, una persona esset."
coepisset, ut ipse et
De iiecc. mer. II. 27. Augustine says in Confess. VII. 25 " Ego autem ali- :
qiianto postcrius didicisse me fateor, in eo quod verbum caro factum est, quomodo
catholica vtritas a Photini falsitate dirimatur." Our account given above will have
shown, however, that he never entirely learnt this. His Christology, at all times,
retained a strong trace of affinity with that of Paul of Samosata and Photinus (only all
merit was excluded on the part of the man Jesus), because he knew that his faith
could not dispense with the man Jesus, and he supplanted the pseudo-theological
speculation as to the Word by the evangelical one that the Word had become the
content of Christ's soul.
1 Therefore, also, the uncertainty which we Augustine as to whether
find already in
the Incarnation was necessary. In De
XIII. 13, he answers the momentous
question whether God might not have chosen another way, by leaving the possibility
open, but describing the way selected as bonus, divinm digniiaii congruus and con-
venientior. By this he opened up a peiilous perspective to the Middle Ages.
2 Op. imperf. I.e.
•was the sphere and force of goodness. From this he learned and
implanted in the Church the new disposition of reverence for
'De trin. XIII. 13: "Quid tam necessarium fuit ad erigendam spem nostram,
quam ut demonstraretur nobis, quanti nos fenderet deusquantumque diligeret?"
That takes place through the Incarnation.
2 The work " of Christ falls to be discussed afterwards ; for we cannot include
to him, he at the same time explains why Neoplatonism was insufficient. He knew
what the Neoplatonists perceived, but " quserebam viam comparandi roboris quod
esset idoneum ad fruendum te, nee inveniebam donee amplecterer mediatorem dei et
hominum, hominem Christum Jesum vocantem et dicentem Ego sum via et Veritas :
et vita, et cibum, cui capiendo invalidus eram, miscentem carni ; quoniam verbum
caro factum est, ut infantiiE nostra lactesceret sapientia tua per quam creasti omnia.
Non enim tenebam dominum meum Jesum, humilis humilem, nee cujus ret magistra
esset ejus infirmitas noveram. Verbum enim tuum ffiterna Veritas subditos . . .
nostro viam tuam quasrerem, non peritus, sed periturus essem." I sought to be wise,
puffed up by knowledge. " Ubi enim erat ilia cedificans caritas afundamento humi-
tionem et confessionem, inter videntes quo eundum sit nee videntes qua, et viam
less and therefore ever suffering love is the only means of sancti-
fication (" I sanctify myself for them " ; that what is great and
deliver him from the body of this death ? Who but thy grace through our Lord
Jesus Christ by whom the handwriting which was against us was abolished. " Hoc
illee litterffi non habent. Non habent illse paginse vultum pietatis hujus, lacrimas
confessionis, sacrificium tuum, spiritum contribulatum. . . . Nemo ibi cantat i
very core of Augustine's Christology. He, for his part, did not
drag it into the region of sesthetics, or direct the imagination to
busy itself with separate visions of lowliness. No, with him it
still existed wholly on the clear height of ethical thought, of
1 Augustine accordingly testifies that in order that the truth which is perceived
should also be loved and extolled, a person is necessary who should conduct us and
that on the path of humility. This is the burden of his Confessions. The truth itself
had been shown clearly to him by the Neoplatonists ; but it had notobecome his
spiritual possession. Augustine knew only one person capable of so impressing the
truth as to make it loved and extolled, and he alone could do this, because he was
the revelation of the verbum dei in hu?nilitate. When Christendom has attained
securelyand clearly to this Christology," it will no longer demand to be freed
1 The whole of Book XIX. of De civit, dei— it is perhaps on the whole the most
In Ch. IV., it is expressly denied that
important— comes to be considered here.
cum immortal! deo, ut e! sit ordinata in fide sub seterna lege obcedientia. Jam vero
quia duo praecipua prsecepta, hoc est dilectionem dei et dilectionem proximi, docet
magister deus , consequens est, ut etiam proximo ad diligendum deum consulat,
. .
quem jubetnr sicut se ipsum diligpre (sic uxori, sic filiis, sic domesticis, sic ceteris quibiis
potuerit hominibus), et ad hoc sibi a proximo, si forte indiget, consuli velit ac per ;
hoc erit pacatus, quantum in ipso est, omni homini pace horainum, id est ordinata
Concordia cujus hie ordo est, primum ut nuUi noceat, deinde ut gtiam prosit cui
potuerit, Primitus ergo inest ei suorum cura ; ad eos quippe habet opportuniorem
(acilioremque aditum consulendi, vel naturse ordine vel ipsius societatis humanse.
Unde apostolus dicit : ' Quisquis autem siiisj et maxima domesticis non proyidet,
fidem denegat et est infideli deterior.' Hinc itaque etiam pax domestica oritur, id
imperandi oboediendiqite concordia cohabitantium. Imperaut enim, qui
est ordinati
consulunt : sicut vir uxori, parentes fiiiis, domini servis. . . . Sed in domo justi
viventes ex fide et adhuc ab ilia caelesti civitate peregrinantis etiam qui imperant
serviunt eis, quibus videntur imperare. Neque enim dominandi cupiditate imperant,
sed officio consulendi, nee principandi superbia, sed providendi misericordia."
1 The element of " pax " obtains a value higher than and independent of know-
ledge (see above). That is shown also in the fact that the definitive state of the un-
saved (De civit. dei, XIX., 28) is not described as ignorance, but as constant war
" Quod bellum gravius et amarius cogitari potest, quam ubi voluntas sic adversa est
passioni ef passio voluntati, ut nullius earum victoria tales inimicitise finianlur. et ubi
cum ipsa natura corporis vis doloris, ut neutrum alteri cedat ? Hie [in
sic confligit
terra] enim quando contingit iste conflictus, aut dolor vincit et sensum mors adimit,
aut natura vincit et dolorem sanitas tollit. Ibi autem et dolor perinanet ut affligat, et
natura perdurat ut sentiat quia utrumque ideo non deficit, ne poena deficiat." Un-
doubtedly, as regards the sainted (see Book, XXII.), the conception comes again and
again to the front that their felicity will consist in seeing God.
2 Augustine has (De trin. I. 20) applied this comparison to the Churches of the
future and present world ; we may also adopt it to the relations of his doctrines of
the Church and of God.
ing the subject, it was not to him a matter of " doctrine," but of
the faithful reproduction of his experiences. The most thorough-
going modification by Augustine of traditional dogmatic
Christianity consisted in his perception " that Christianity is
^ Ritschl published in his Treatise on the method of the earliest history of dogma
(Jahrb. f. deutsche Theol., 1871) the grand conception that the Areopagite in the
East, and Augustine in the West, were parallels ; that the former founded a ritualis-
tic ecclesiasticism, the latter an ecclesiasticism of moral tasks, in the service of a
world-wide Christianity ; that both thus modified in the same direction, but with en-
tirely different means, the old state of feeling (the bare hope of the future life). This-
conception is substantially correct ;f we keep firm hold of the fact that the traditional
popular Catholic system was not modified by either to its utmost limit, and that both
followed impulses which had been at work in their Churches even before their time.
The doctrine regarding the Church was not Augustine's " central idea," but he took
what every Catholic was certain of, and made it a matter of clearer, in part for the
first time of any clear, conviction ; and moved by very varied causes, he finally pro-
me faith, hope, love." " But we say that man's will is divinely
aided to do what is righteous, so that, besides his creation with
free-will, and besides the doctrine by which he is taught how he
should live, man receives the Holy Spirit in order that there tnay
be created in his mind, even now when he still walks by faith, and
not by appearance, the delight in and love of that supreme and un-
changeable good tvhich is God ; in order that this pledge, as it
were, having been given him of the free gift, a man may fer-
vently long to cling to his Creator, and be inflamed with desire
to enter into the participation of that true light, that he may
receive good from him from whom
he has his being. For if
the way of truth be hidden, free-will is of no use except for sin-
ning, and when that which ought to be done, or striven for, be-
gins to reveal itself, nothing is done, or undertaken, and the
good life is not lived, unless it delights and is loved. But that
it may be loved, the love of God is diffused in our hearts, not
world, says the most constant preacher of grace, but the spirit
which is from God, that we may know what things have been
granted us by God. But what is the spirit of this world but the
spirit of pride ? Nor are they deceived by any other spirit,
. . .
1 Solil. I.
S :
" Nihil aliud habeo quam voluntatem ; nihil aliud scio nisi fluxa et
caduca spernenda esse, certa et Eeterna requirenda ... si fide te inveniunt, qui ad
te refugiunt, fidem da, si virtute, virtutem, si scientia, scientiam. Auge in me fidem,
auge spem, auge caritatem." De spiritu et.lit., 5 "Nos autem dicimus : humanam
voluntatem sic divinitus adjuvari ad faciendam justitiam, ut prseter quod creatus est
homo cum libero arbitrio voluntatis, prseterque doctrinam qua ei prsecipitur quemad-
mndum vivere debeat, accipiat spiritum sanctum, quo fiat in animo ejus delectatio
dilectioque summi atque incommutabdlis boni quod deus est, etiam nunc cum
adhuc per fidem ambulatur, nondum per speciem ut hac sibi velut arra data gratuiti
fidei lex credendo impetrat. Ipsa est ilia sapientia qua pietas vocatur, qua colitur
Lege operum deus Fac quod jubeo lege fidei dicilur deo Da quod jubes.
dicit : ; :
spiritum qui ex deo est, ut sciamus quae a deo donata sunt nobis. Quis est autem
spiritus mundi hujus, nisi superbise spiritus ? . . . Nee alio spiritu decipiuntur etiam
illi qui ignorantes dei justiliam et suam justitiam volentes constituere, justitise dei non
sunt subjecti. Unde mihi videtur magis esse fidei filius, qui novit a quo speret quod
nondum habet, quam qui sibi tribuit id quod habet. Colligimus non justificari
hominem littera, sed spiritu, non factorum meritis, sed gratuita gratia."
1 The Manichseans professed, in tlie controversy of the day, to be the men of "free
inquiry " (" docendi fontem aperire gloriantur " De utilit. 21). We cannot here dis-
cuss how were Augustine did not conscientiously feel that his breach with
far they ;
them was a breach with free inquiry. Therefore the efforts from the outset to define
the relations oi ratio and auctoritas, and to save what was still possible of the former.
^ Psalmus c. partem Donati —
C. Parmeniani epist. ad Tichonium b. IH. De bapt.. —
c. Donatistas, b. VII. —
C. litteras Petiliani, b. III. —
Ep. ad Catholicos c. Donatisias
—C. Cresconium, b. IV. — De unico bapt. c. Petilianum — Breviculus CoUationis c.
The schism was in itself the greatest evil. But in order to get
over it, it was necessary to go to its roots and show that it was
not himself possess."^ The true Church thus needs pure priests
it must therefore declare consecration by traditores to be in-
by the impure heretics, or those guilty of mortal sins finally, ;
1 C. I. 3
lift. " Qui fidem a peifido sumpserit non fidem percipit, sed
Petil :
Donatistic theses ran (I.e.) " Omnes res origine et radice consistit, et si caput non
habet aliquid, nihil est." "Nee quidquam bene regenerat, nisi bono seniine (boni
saeerdotis) regeneretur." "QuEe potest esse perversitas ut qui suis criminibus reus
est, alium faeiat innoeentem ?"
''The Donatisls, of course, did not regard it as re-baptism. I.e. "non repetimus
quod jam erat, sed damus quod non erat."
Grace and Authority these two powers had, according to
Augustine's self-criticism, effected his conversion. The authority
was the Church. Every one knew what the Church was the :
important mark in its unity, and that a unity in faith, love, and
hope, as well as in Catholicity.
2. This unity
in the midst of the divisions existing among
menthe greatest of miracles, the proof that the Church is not
source in ;the Holy Spirit ^ for faith and hope can be acquired
to a certain extent independently therefore also outside of the —
Church but love issues only from the Holy Spirit. The
Church, accordingly, because it is a unity, is the alliance of love,
in which alone sinners can be purified for the Spirit only ;
works in " love the bond of unity " (in unitatis vinculo caritate).
If then the unity of the Church rests primarily on faith, yet it
rests essentially on the sway of the spirit of love alone, which
presupposes faith.^
The unity of the Church, represented in Holy Scripture
by many symbols and figures, obtains its strongest guarantee
from the fact that Christ has made the Church his bride and
his body. This relationship is so close that we can absolutely
call theChurch " Christ " ^ for it constitutes a real unity with ;
Christ. Those who are in the Church are thus " among the
members of Christ " (in membris Christi) the means and bond ;
of this union are in turn nothing but love, more precisely the
love that resides in unity (caritas unitatis).
1 Grace is love and love is grace : "caritas est gratia testamenti novi."
2 C. Crescon.34 " Non autem existimo quemquam ita desipere, ut creHat ad
I. :
ecclesiae pertinere unitatem eum qui non habet caritatem. Sicut ergo deus unus
colitur ignoranter etiam extra ecclesiam nee ideo non est ipse,.et fides una habetur
•sine caritate etiam extra ecclesiam, nee ideo non est ipse, ita et unus baptismus, etc."
God and faitli also exist extra ecclesiam but not !"/ze." Tlie relevant passages are
so numerous that it would give a The conception given
false idea to quote singly.
here constitutes the core of Augustine's doctrine of the Church : The Holy Ghost,
"love, unity, and Church occupy an exclusive connection : " caritas Christiana nisi in
unitate ecclesi^ non potest custodiri, etsi baptismum et fidem teneatis " (c. Pet. litt.
II. 172). . ,- .
3 De unit eccl. 7 :
" totus Christus caput et corpus est." De civit. XXI. 25. De
pecc. mer. 59 " Homines sancti et fideles fiunt cum homine Christo unus Christus,
I. :
ut omnibus per ejus banc gratiam societatemque adscendentibus ipse unus Christus
adscendat in caelum, qui de cEelo descendit." Sermo 354, i: " Praedicat Christus
Christum." .; ,
not a society like the State, which tolerates all sorts of philoso-
phers in its midst. Expelled heretics serve the good of the
Church, just as everything must benefit those who love God, for
they exercise them in patience (by means of persecutions), in
wisdom (by false contentions), and in love to their enemies, which
has to be evinced on the one hand in saving beneficence, and on
the other in the terrors of discipline.^
6. But neither do the Schismatics, i.e., those who possessed
unity being urged thereto by pride like the heretics they —
show that they do not possess love, and accordingly are beyond
the pale of the operations of the Holy Spirit. Accordingly the
Catholic Church is the only Church.
7. From this it follows that salvation (salus) is not to be
found outside the Church, for since love is confined to the visible
Church, even heroic acts of faith, and faith itself, are destitute
of the saving stamp, which exists through love alone.^ Means
of sanctification, a sort of faith, and miraculous powers may
accordingly exist outside of the Church (see afterwards), but
they cannot produce the effect and afford the benefit they are
meant to have.
8. The second mark of the Church is holiness. This consists
in the fact that it is holy through union with Christ and the
vinculo caritatis aeterno supplicio puniveris, etiam si pro Christi nomine vivus
3 The Biblical texts are heTe used that had been already quoted against Calixtus
and the Anti-Novatians (Noah's Ark, The Wheat and Tares, etc.),
not omniscient, and this world is not the scene of the consumma-
tion, yet the Church exercises its discipline, and in certain
circumstances even excommunicates ; but it does not do so
properly in order to preserve its holiness, but to educate its
members or guard them against infection. But the Church can
also tolerate. " They do not know the wicked in the Catholic
unity, or they tolerate those they sake of unity." ^ know for the
It can even suffer manifest and gross sinners, if in a particular
case the iniliction of punishment might result in greater harm.*
It is itself secured from contamination by the profane by never
approving evil, and always retaining its control over the means
of sanctification.^
10. But it is indeed an attribute of its holiness also to beget
actually holy members. It can furnish evidence of this, since a
few have attained perfection in it, since miracles and signs have
constantly been wrought, and a general elevation and sanctifica-
tion of morals been achieved by it, and since, fina,lly, its whole
membership will in the end be holy.
11. Its holiness is, however, shown more clearly in the fact
Augustine seems to have thought that the bad were in the majority even in the
Church. He at anyrate held that the majority of men would be lost (Enchir. 97).
2 De bapt. II. 8 If the Donatists were right, there would have been no Church
even in Cyprian's time ; their own origin would therefore have been unholy.
Augustine often reproaches them with the number of gross sinners in their midst.
Their grossest sin, it is true, was^ —schism (c. litt. Pet. II. 221).
3 25
C. Petil. "Malos in unitate catholica vel non noverunt, vel pro unitate
I. :
are not themselves, like the " vessels to honour " (vasa in
honorem), the house of God, but are " in it " they are " in the ;
Church, because they are not the Church self therefore the ;
Church can also be described as a " mixed body " (corpus per-
mixtum).]^ Nay, even the heretics and schismatics, in so far as
its foundation, means, and aim, it always remains the same, and
a time will come when the holiness of all its members for —
Augustine does not neglect this mark will be an actual fact. —
1 Sermo 4, 11 " Omnes quotquat fuerunt sancti, ad ipsam ecclesiam pertinent."
2 " Corpus permixtum " against the second rule of Tichonius, who had spoken of a
bipartite body of the Lord, a term rejected by Augustine. Not a few of Augustine's
arguments here suggest the idea that an invisible Church present " in occulto " in the
visible was the true Church (De bapt. V. 38).
3De bapt. I. 13 The question of the Donatists was whether in the view of
Catholics baptism begot "sons" in the Donatist Church. If the Catholics said it
did, then it should follow that the Donatists had a Church, and since there was only
one, the Church ; but if the question was answered in the negative, then they drew
the inference " Cur ergo apud vos non renascuntur per baptismum, qui transeunt a
nobis ad vos, cum apud nosfuerint baptizati, si nondum nati sunt?" To this Au-
gustine replies " Quasi vero ex hoc generet unde separata est, et non ex hoc unde
conjuncta est. Separata est enim a vinculo caritatis et pacio, sed juncta est in uno
baptismate. Itaque est u-na ecclesia, qua solq. Caiholica nominatur ; et quidquid
suum habet in com'munionibus diversorum a sua unitate separatis, per hoc quod suum
in eis habet, ipsa uiique generat, non illiE."
1 A Donatist, "historicus doctus," indeed urged the telling objection (Ep. 93, 23)
" Quantum ad totiusmundi pertinet partes, modica pars est in compensatione totius
mundi, in qua fides Christiana nominatur." Augustine, naturally, was unable really
to weaken the force of this objection.
^ We have already remarked that Augustine held these to have at least in many —
respects —
an independent authority ; see Doctrina Christ, and Ep 54, 55. In not a
few expositions it seems as if the appeal to the Church was solely to the Church that
possessed Scripture.
3 Besides the whole of the anti-Donatist writings, see, e.g., Ep. 43, 21; 44, 3^
49. 2, 3; S*. S; S3. 3- ..:...
is shown Zosimus (Reuter p. 312 ff., 325 ff.) and in the ex-
clearly in his criticism of
tremely valuable 36 Epistle, which discusses the work of an anonymous Roman
writer, who had glorified the Roman Church along with Peter (c. 21 " Petrus, apo-
stolorum caput, coeli janitor, ecclesise fundamentum"), and had declared statutory
institutions of the Roman Church to be universally binding.
8 C. fitt Pet. III. 10 "deum patrem et ejus ecclesiam matrem habere."
domus dei, cum angelis faciunt unam civitatem. Habet custodes. Christus custodie-
bat, custos erat. Et episcopi hoc faciunt. Nam ideo altior locus positus est episcopis,
hoc est in membris suis, particulatim atqttepaulatim, qiioniam tota corpus est ejus, sive ad
excidium terrenas Hierusalem, quia et de illo cum loquitur, plerumque sic loquitur
tamquam de fine sseculi atque illo die judicii novissimo et magno loquatur." Yet he
'has left standing much of the dramatic eschatology. ,
(" those sitting on thrones judge ") was even now being fulfilled.
He found this fulfilment in the heads of the Church, who controlled
the keys of binding and loosing, accordingly in the clergy (XX. 9).
Secondly, he prepared the way for the supremacy of the Church
over the State ^ in his explicit arguments both against and in
favour of the latter (XIX., and even before this in V.). The
earthly State (civitas terrena) and accordingly secular kingdoms
are sprung from sin, the virtue of the ambitious, and simply
because they strive for earthly possessions summed up in the —
pax terrena, carried out in all earthly affairs they are sinful, —
and must finally perish, even if they be legitimate and salutary
on earth. The secular kingdom is finally, indeed, a vast robbery
(IV. 4) " righteousness being abolished, what are kingdoms
3 " Invenimus ergo in terrena civitate duas formas, unam suam praesentiam demon-
1 Augustine, indeed, also holds that there isan earthly justitia, which is a
great good contrasted with flagitia and facinora ; he can even appreciate the value of
relative blessings (Reuter, p. 135 ff.), but this righteousness finally is dissipated,
because, not having itself issued from "the Good," it cannot permanently institute
anything good.
2V. 24: If they "suam potestatem ad dei cultutn maxime dilatandum majestati
ejus famulam faciunt, si plus amant illud regnum, ubi non timent habere consortes."
3 What holds true of the State applies equally, of course, to all particular blessings
1 On the relation of Church and State, see Dorner, pp. 295-312, and the modifi-
cations considered necessary by Renter in Studien, 3 and 6. Augustine did not at
firstapprove the theory of inquisition and compulsion (c. Ep. Man. c. 1-3), but he
was convinced of its necessity in the Donatist controversy (" coge intrare"). He
novf held all means of compulsion legitimate except the death penalty ; Optatus
approved of the latter also. If it is not difficult to demonstrate that Augustine always
recognised an independent right of the State to be obeyed, yet that proves little. It
may, indeed, be the case that Augustine valued the State relatively more highly than
the ancient Christians, Vfho were still more strongly influenced by eschatological
views. But we may not forget that he advanced not only the ccelestis societas, but the
catholica, in opposition to the State.
2 Ep. 21, 3: " sacramentum et verbum dei populo ministrare." Very frequently
verbum-^ evangelium — C\a\it and the first cause of regeneration. C. litt. Pet. I. 8 :
" Semen quo regeneror verbum dei est." The objective efficacy of the Word is
; '
sharply emphasised, but outside of the Church it does not succeed in infusing love.
C. Pet. in. 67 : " minister verbi et sacramenti evangehci, si bonus est, consocius fit
evangelii, si autem malus est, non ideo dispensator non est evangelii." II. 11 :
" JSascitur credens non ex mmistri stcrilitate, sed ex veritatis foecunditate. " Still,
Luther was right when he included even Augustine among the new-fashioned theo-
logianswho talk much about the Sacraments and little about the Word.
1 "Aliud videtur aliud intelligitur " (Sermo 272) is Augustine's main thought,
in evangelio loquiiur, leni jugo suo nos subdidit et sarcinae levi unde sacramentis
todimus, quEe quidem toto teriarum orbe servantur, datur intelligi vel ab ipsis aposto-
lis, vel plenariis conciliis, quorum est in ecclesia saluberrima auctoritas, commendata
atque statuta retineri, sicut quod domini passio et resurrectio et ascensio in cselum et
adventus de ceelo spiritus sancti anniversaria sollemnitate celebrantur, et si quid aliud
ab universa, quacumque se diffundit, ecclesia."
tale occurrit quocl servatur
^ On John T. 80, 3 " Accedit verbum ad elementum et fit sacramentum, etiam
can be. purloined from that Church, since, " being holy in them-
selves," they primarily produce an effect which depends solely
;on the Word and sign (the impression of an indelible " stamp "),
1 Halin (p. 12) gives the following definition as Augustinian " The Sacrament is
a corporeal sign, instituted by God, of a holy object, which, from its nature, it is
adapted by a certain resemblance to represent, and by means of it God, under cer-
tain conditions, imparts his grace to those who mike use of.it."
^ Ep. 173, 3 " Vos eves Christi estis, characterem dominicum portatis in sacra-
mento." De bapt. c. Donat. IV. ,16 : " Manifestum est, fieri posse, ut in eis qui
sunt ex parte diaboli sanctum sit sacramentum Christi, non ad salutem, sed ad judi-
cium eorum sigji?. nostri imperatoris. in eis cognoscimus
. . . desertores sunt."
. . ,
non adjuncta neque permixta ulla perversitate atque malitia sive accipientium sive
tradentium non cogitandum, quis det sed quid det." C. litt. Pet. 1.8:
, . .
" (Against various Donatist theses, e.g., ' conscientia dantis adtenditur, qui abluat ac-
cipientis') Saspe mihi ignota est humana conscientia, sed certus sum de Christi
misericordia ... non est perfidus Chiistus, a quo fidem percipio, non reatutn . . .
origo niea Cliristus est, radix mea Christus est semen quo regeneror, verbum
. . .
dei est . . . etiam si ille, per quem audio, quse mihi dicit ipse non facit ... me
innocentem non facit nisi qui moituus est propter delicta nostra et resurrexit propter
justificationera nostram. Non enim in ministrum, per quem baptizor, credo, sed in
eum, qui justificat impium."
^ We have to emphasise the distinction between " habere " and " utiliter habere "
often drawn in the writings against the Doiiatists c. Cresc. I. 34 : " Vobis ;
(Donatistis) pacem nos annuntiamus, non ut, cum ad nos veneritis, alteram baplismum
accipiatis, sed ut eum qui jam apud vos erat utiliter habeatis," or "una catholica
ecclesia non in qua sola unus baptismus habetur, sed in qua sola unus baptismus
salubriter habetur." De bapt. c. Donat. IV. 24 " Qui in invidia intus et malevo- :
lentia sine caritate vivunt, verum baptisma possunt et accipere et tradere. (Sed)
salus, inquit Cyprianus, extra ecclesiam non est. Quis negat ? Et idee quascumque
ipsius ecclesiiE habentur, extra ecclesiam non valent ad salutem. Sed aliud est non
habere, aliud non utiliter habere."
s In the Catholic Church the seal and salvation coincide
where faith is present.
Augustine's primary concern was that the believer should receive in the Sacrament a
firm conviction of the mercy of Christ.
* Augustine did not really lay any stress on legal relation ; but he- did, as a
of fact, a great deal to set matters in this light.
1 Sermo 57, 7 " Eucharistia panis noster quotidianus est ; sed sic accipiamus
illuni, ut non solum ventre sed et mente reficiamur. Virtus enim ipsa, quae ibi
intelligitur, unitas est, ut redacti in corpus ejus, effecti membra ejus, simus quod
accipimus." 272 " panis est corpus Christi
: corpus Christi si vis intelligere,
. . ,
apostolum audi : vos estis corpus Christi." Augustine maintains the traditional con-
ception that, in speaking of the " body of Christ," we may think of all the ideas
connected vifith the vioii (the body is TvevixaTinbv, is itself spirit, is the Church), but
he prefers the latter, and, like the ancient Church, suffers the reference to forgiveness
of sins to fall into the background, Unitas and vita (De pecc. mer. I. 34) occupy
the foreground. more than in that of any other
Therefore in this case also, nay,
signum, the sign is wholly irrelevant. This " sacramentum unitatis" assures
believers and gives them what they are, on condition of their po-sessing faith. (On
John XXVI. I "credere in eum, hoc est manducare panem vivum " ; De civit.
XX I. 25. ) No one has more strongly resisted the realistic interpretation of the Lord's
Supper, and pointed out that what " visibiliter celebratur, oportet invisibiliter
intelligi " (On Ps. XCVIII. 9 fin.). " The flesh profits nothing," and Christ is not
on earth " secundum corporis prxsentiam." Now it is possible that, like the Greeks,
Augustine might here or there have entertained the thought that the sacramental
body of the Lord must also be identified with the real. But I have found no passage
which clearly supports this (see also Dorner, p. 267 ff. ). All we can say is that not
a few passages at a first glance can be, and soon were, understood in this way.
Augustine, the spiritual thinker, has in general greatly weakened the dogmatic signifi-
cance of the Sacrament. He indeed describes it, like Baptism, as necessary to salva-
tion ; but since he hardly ever cites the argument that
it is connected with the
resurrection and eternal reduced to the unity and love which find
life, the necessity is
one expression along with others in the Lord's Supper. The holy food is rather, in
general, a declaration and assurance, or the avowal of an existing state, than a gift.
In this Augustine agrees undoubtedly with the so-called pre-Reformers and Zwingli.
This leads us to the import of the rite as a sacrifice (" sacrificium corporis Christi ").
Here there are four possible views. The Church presents itself as a sacrifice in
body ;
Christ's Christ's sacrificial death is symbolically repeated by the priest in
memory of him body is really offered anew by the priest ; and Christ, as
; Christ's
priest, continuallyand everywhere presents himself as a sacrifice to the Father. Of
these views, I, 2, and 4 can certainly be instanced in Augustine, but not the third.
He strictly maintains the prerogative of the priest ; but there is as little mention of a
<' conficere corpus Christi " as of Transubstantiation ; for the passage (.Sermo 234, 2)
fitcorpus Christi," only means that, as in all Sacraments, the res isnow added to \}ae.fanis,
and makes it the signum reiinvisibilis ; by consecration the bread becomes something
of any participation in the real (?) body and blood on the part of unbelievers."
1 It is now the proper administration of baptism (rite) that is em-
phasised. The Sacrament belongs to God therefore it cannot be rendered
the stamp. This indispensableness is only infringed by the baptism of blood, or by the
wish to receive baptism where circumstances render that impossible. In the corres-
ponding line oftliought baptism rightly administered among heretics appears, because
possessed unlawfully, to be actually inefficacious, nay, it brings a judgment. The
Euphrates, which flows in Paradise and in profane cfmntries, only brings forth fruit
in the former. Therefore the controversy between Dorner and Schmidt, whether
Augustine did or did not hold the Sacrament to be dependent on the Catholic Church,
is idle. It is independent of it, in so far as it is necessary ; dependent, if it is to be-
stow salvation. Yet Dornep (I.e. p. 252 f., and elsewhere) seems to me to be advanc-
ing not an Augustinian conception, but at most a deduction from one, when he
maintains that Augustine does not contradict the idea that the Churcli is rendered
holy by membership, by emphasising the Sacraments, but by laying stress on the
.sanctity of the whole, namely the Church. He repeatedly makes the suggestion,
however, in order to remove the difficulties in Augustine's notion of the Sacraments,
that he must have distinguished between the offer and bestowal of grace ; even the
former securing their objective validity. But this is extremely questionable, and
would fall short of Augustine for his correct religious view is that grace operates and
does not merely make an offer. Augustine, besides, has wavered to such an extent
in marking off the place of the stamp, and of saving efficacy in baptism, that he has
even supposed a momentary forgiveness of sin in the case of heretics (De bapt. I.
19; III. 18: " rursus debita redeunt per hseresis aut schismatis obstinationem et
ideo necessarium ha1)ent hujusmodi homines venire ad Catholicam pacem ; " for, on
John XXVII. 6 " pax ecclesiae dimittit peccata et ab ecclesise pace alienatio tenet
peccata petra tenet, petra dimittit columba tenet, columba dimittit unitas tenet,
; ; ;
unitas dimittit "). The most questionable feature of Augustine's doctrine of baptism
(within the Church) is that he not only did not get rid of the magical idea, but
strengthened it by his interest in infant baptism. While he intended that baptism
and faith should be connected, infant baptism made a cleavage between them. He
deduced the indispensableness of infant baptism from original sin, but by no means
also from the tendency to make the salvation of all men dependent On the Church (see
Dorner, p. 257). In order to conserve faith in baptism, Augustine assumed a kind
of vicarious faith on the part of god-parents, but, as it would appear, he laid no stress
on it, since his true opinion was that baptism took the place of faith for children.
However, the whole doctrine of baptism is ultimately for Augustine merely prelimin-
ary. Baptism is indispensable, but it is, after all, nothing more. The main thing is
the active presence of the Holy Spirit in the soul so that, from this point of view,
baptism is of no real importance for salvation. But Augustine was far from drawing
this inference.
^ Little reflection had hitherto been given in the Church to ordination. The Dona-
tists furnished a motive for thinking about it, and it was once more Augustine who
bestowed on the Church a series of sacerdotal ideas, without himself being interested
in their sacerdotal tendency. The practice had indeed for long been sacerdotal ; but
it was only by combination with baptism, and the principle that ordination
its fateful
did not require (as against Cyprian) a moral disposition to render it valid, that the
new sacrament became perfect. It now conferred an inalienable stamp, and was,
therefore, if it had been properly administered, even though outside the Church, not
repeated, and as it communicated an objective holiness, it gave the power also to
propagate holiness. From Book I. c. I of De bapt. c. Donat. onwards, the sacra-
mentuni baptismi and the sacramentum baptismi dandi are treated in common *(§ 2 :
it is a veniale delictum, even when the necessity is urgent ; he, at least, believes it
valid, although ilKcite datum ; for the " stamp " is there. Yet Augustine warns ur-
gently against encroaching on the office of the priest.) None but the priest can
celebrate the Lord's Supper. That was ancient tradition. The judicial functions of
priests fall into the background in Augustine (as compared with Cyprian). We do
not find in him, in a technical form, a sacrament of penance. Yet it actually existed,
and he was the first to give it a substructure by his conception that the gratia Christi
was not exhausted in the retrospective effect of baptismal grace. In that period,
baptism and penance were named together as if they were the two chief Sacraments,
without the latter being expressly called a Sacrament ; see Pelagius' confession of
faith (Hahn, § 133) " Hominem, si post baptismum lapsus fuerit, per paenitentiam
credimus posse salvari ; " which is almost identical with that of Julian of Eclanum
(I.e. §135): " Eum, qui post baptismum peccaverit, per paenitentiam credimus
posse salvari ;" and Augustine's (Enchir. 46) :
" Peccata, quae male agendo postea
committumur, possunt et paenitendo sanari, sicut etiam post baptismum fieri videmus ;"
(c. 65) : " Neque de ipsis criminibus quamlibet magnis remittendis in sancta ecclesia
del misericordia desperanda est agentibus psenitentiam secundum modum sui cujusque
peccati." He is not speaking of baptism, but of the Church's treatment of its mem-
bers after baptism, when he says (I.e. c. 83) : " Qui vero in ecclesia remitti peccata
non credens contemnit tantam divini muneris largitatem et in hac obstinatione mentis
diem claudit extremum, reus est illo irremissibili peccato in spiritum sanctum."
1 A passage in Augustine's letter to Januarius (Ep.
55, c. 2) on the nature of the
sacrament became very important for after ages " Primum oportet noveris diem
natalem domini non in sacramento celebrari, sed tantum in memoriam revocari quod
natus sit, ac per hoc nihil opus erat, nisi revolutum anni diem, quo ipsa res acta est,
the wicked and hypocrites were also in it, without being it nay, ;
one as the other. What is the meaning, then, " of being in the
Church " (in ecclesia esse) ? Every speculation on the notions
of things is fated to stumble on contradictions ; everything can
be something else, anything is everything, and everything is
nothing. The speculation surprises us with a hundred points
of view —that is its strength —to end in none of them being
really authoritative.
But all Augustine's deliverances on this subject are seen to
be merely conditional in their value, not only from their self-
contradictions, but from the fact that the theologian is not, or is
only to a very limited extent, expressing his religious conviction.
He felt and wrote as he did because he was the defender of the
practice of the Church, whose authority he needed for his faith.
But this faith took quite other directions. Even those incon-
festa devotione signari. Sacranientum est autem in aliqiia celebratione, cuvi rei gestis
commemoratio itafit, ut aliquid etiam significari intelligatur, quod sancte accipiendum
est. Eo itaque modo egimus pascha ut non solum in memoriam quod gestum est, re-
vocemus, id est, quod mortuus est Christus at resurrexit, sed etiam cetera, quae circa
ea adtestantur ad sacramenti significationem non omittamus."
for in so far as the earthly fragment is a " civitas terrena " (an
it is not yet what it will be.
earthly state) It is united with
the heavenly Church by hope. It is folly to regard the present
Church as the_ Kingdom of Heaven.
left them but " What is
and in all ages had its confessors who " without doubt " have
received salvation ; for the " Word " was ever the same, and
has always been at work under the most varied forms (" prius
occultius, postea manifestius ") * down to the Incarnation. He
who believed on this Word, that is Christ, received eternal
3. The Church is the communion of those who believe in the
crucified Christ, and are subject to the influences of his death,
and who are therefore holy and spiritual (sancti et spiritales).
To this view we are conducted by the conclusion from the
previous one, the humanist and universalist element being
stript away. If we ask Where is the Church ? Augustine
is quite different in others; see Sermo n6, 6: "Per Christum factus est 'alter
5 " Per remissionem peccatorum stat ecclesia quse est in terris." " In caritate stat
munion of the Catholic Church for some have been elect, who—
were never Catholics, and others are elect who are not yet
Catholics. Nor is it simply identical with the communion of
the saints (that is of those who submit themselves in faith to
the operation of the means of grace) ; for these may include
for the time such as will yet relapse, and may not include others
who will ultimately be saved. Thus the thought ofpredestination
shatters every notion of the Church —
that mentioned under 2 can
alone to some extent hold its ground and renders valueless all —
divine ordinances, the institution and means of salvation. The
number of the elect is no Church. The elect of God are to be
found inside and outside the Church, under the operation and
remote from the operation of sacramental grace God has his ;
subjects among the enemy, and his enemies among those who
for the time being are " good." ^ Augustine, the Catholic, did
not, however, venture to draw the inexorable consequences of
this conception if he was ever led to see them he contented him-
1 Wesee here that the assumption that the Church was a corpus permixtum or an
externa communio sacramentorum was only a make-shift conception ; see the splendid
exposition De baptis. V. 38, which, however, passes into the doctrine of pre-
2 De bapt. V. 38 : " Numerus ille justorum, qui secundum propositum vocati
sunt, ipse est (ecclesia). . . . Sunt etiam quidam ex eo numero qui adhuc nequiter
vivant aut etiam in h^resibus vel in gentilium superstitionibus jaceant, et tamen
etiam illic novit dominus qui sunt ejus. Namque in ilia ineffabili prsescientia dei
multi qui foris videntur, intus sunt, et multi, qui intus videntur, foris sunt." We
return to this in dealing with Augustine's doctrine of predestination.
1 De dono persev. 53 :
" Cum
Confessionum ediderim ante quam Pelagiana
hseresis exstitisset, in eis certe dixi deo nostio et sspe dixi Da quod jubes et jube
quod vis. Quae raea verba Pelagius Romas, cum a quodam fratre et episcopo meo
fuissent eo prsesente commemorata, ferre non potuit et contradicens aliquanto
commotius paene cum eo qui ilia commemoraverat litigavit.
' De doctr. Christ. III. 46 " Hseresis Pelagiana multum nos, ut gratiam dei quae
per dominum nostrum Jesum Christum est, adversus earn defenderemus, exercuit."
' Pelagius and his friends were always convinced that the disputed questions, while
extremely important, were not dogmatic. We
can once more, therefore, study very
clearly what time was held to be dogma ; (see De gestis Pelag. 16
at that Pelagius :
denied at the Synod at Diospolis that statements of high dogmatic import were his ;
when it was proposed that he should anathematise those who taught them, he
replied :
" Anathematize quasi stultos, non quasi haereticos, si quidem non est dogma."
Caelestius says of Original sin (De pecc. orig. 3) " licet quaestionis res sit ista, non
hseresis." He also declared in the Libellus Hdei (26) submitted at Rome : "si quae
vero prseter fidem qusestiones natae sunt non ego quasi auctor alicujus dogmatis
. . .
definita haec auctoritate statui." Hahn, § 134. This was also the view at first of
Pope Zosimus (Ep. 3, 7). Julian (Op. imp. III. 106) saw dogmas in the doctrine
of the Trinity and Resurrection, " multisque aliis similibus."
it never recalled
perhaps it was no longer possible to recall
the step taken as soon as rationalistic moralism clearly revealed
its character.
Not only
is the inner logic of events proved by the simultane-
' Augustinianism and Pelagianism were akin in form, and opposed to the previous
mode of thought, in that both conceptions were based on the desire for unity. They
sought to get at the root of religion and morality, and had ceased to be satisfied with
recognising freedom and grace as independent and equivalent original data, as if
religion with its blessings were at the same time superior and subordinate to moral
goodness. The "either — or " asserted itself strongly.
2 Pelagius, a monk leading a free life — Cselestius, " naturte eunuchus matris
utero editus," both laymen, C^lestius auditorialis sckolasticus. Pelagius was a
Briton (an Irishman ? called Morgan ?), but in view of the intercourse between differ-
ent countries at the time, the birthplace is somewhat indifferent. Caelestius was won
over by Pelagius in Rome, and then gave up his worldly careers
3 It is uncertain whether Pelagius had been in the East before he appeared in
Rome. Caelestius had heard Rufinus in Rome, and stated that the latter would have
alone the religious view needed only one representative.
Certainly no dramatist could have better invented types of
these two contrasted conceptions of life than those furnished by
Augustine on the one hand, and the two earnest monks,
nothing to do with the " tradux peccati" (De pecc. orig. 3). Marius Mercator has
even sought to deduce Pelagianism from Theodore of Mopsuestia's teaching, and
supposed that Rufinus "the Syrian" (identical (?) with Rufinus of Aquileia) brought
it to Rome. Others have repeated this. While the direct points of contact at the
beginning are problematical, it is certain (l) that Pelagianism and Theodore's teach-
ing approximate very closely (see Gurjew, Theodor v. Mopsu. 1890 [in Russian] p.
44 ff. ) ; (2) that Theodore took up sides in the controversy against the teaching of
Augustine and Jerome he wrote a work "against those who maintain that men sin
by nature, and not own discretion;" (see Photius cod. 177); (3) that the
at their
Pelagians looked to him as a protector and Julian of Eclanum fled to him ; (4) that
the Pelagians and Semi-Pelagians were convinced that they could count on the
East (and even on the Church of Constantinople) for support, and that some of them
studied in Constantinople. Theodore's distinctive doctrine of Grace is not found in
Pelagian writings ; for this reason he could not ally himself thoroughly with Julian
(see Kihn, Theodor
v. Mopsu. p. 42 ff.). But their affinity was unquestionable. It
is no mere inference that leads Cassian (c. Nestor. I. 3 sq. ) to combine the
Nestorians with the Pelagians ("cognata h^resis"). The interests and methods
of both were the same. The comparison with Eunomius and Aetius is also
1 De pecc. orig. 13: " Quid inter Pelagium et Cselestium in hac qusestione distabit,
nisi quod ille apertior, iste occultior fuit ; ille pertinacior, iste mendacior, vel certe
ille liberior, hie astutior. " " Cselestius incredibili loquacitate." Many adherents of
the new teaching preferred to be called " Cselestiani."
Augustine himself and Paulinus of Nola. His untruthfulness, Indeed, throws a dark
shadow on his character ; but we have not the material to enable us to decide confi-
dently how far he was entrapped into it, or how far he reserved his opinion in the
legitimate endeavour to prevent a good cause being stifled by theology. Augustine,
the truthful, is here also disposed to treat charitably the falsehoods of his opponent.
But we must, above all, reflect that at that time priests and theologians lied shame-
lessly in self-defence, in speeches, protocols, and writings. Public opinion was much
less sensitive, especially when accused theologians were exculpating themselves, as can
be seen from Jerome's writings, though not from them alone. The people who got
so angry over Pelagius' lies were no small hypocrites. Augustine was entitled to be
wroth ; but his work De gestis Pelagii shows how considerate and tolerant he
remained in spite of everything. Pelagius and Cselestius must have belonged to
those lucky people who, cold by nature and temperate by training, never notice any
appreciable difference between what they ought to do and what they actually do.
Julian was an emotional character, a young man full of self-confidence (c. Julian II.
30 " itane tandem, juvenis confidentissime, consolari te debes, quia talibus displices,
an lugere?"), who, in his youth, had had dealings with the Roman Bishop Innocent
(c. Julian I. 13) and Augustine,
vir acer ingenio, in divinis scripturis doctus, Grseca
spoiled by the disagreeable effect caused by the creaking sound of a critical chopping-
machine. An excellent monograph on Julian by Bruckner will appear immediately
in the " Texten und Unters."
2 Cicero's words: "virtutem nemo unquam acceptam deo retulit," could be
inscribed as a motto over Pelagianism.
3 Pelagianism and Augustinianism are also akin in form, in that in both the old
dramatic eschatological element, which had hitherto played so great a r6le in the
still in its early stages in the West, and that the two phenomena
at sought a mutual support in each other.y Nature, free-
will, virtue —
and law, these strictly defined and made inde-
pendent of the notion of God were the catch-words of Pela- —
gianism self-acquired virtue is the supreme good which is
West, and had balanced moralism, wholly disappears. But Julian was the first to
secularise the type of thought.
^ The Antiochene theologians also were notoriously zealous defenders of monach-
' Here we have a third point (see p. 1 70, n. i ) in which Pelagianism and Augustinian-
ism are akin in form. Neither is interested in the mysticism of the cultus ; their
authors rather strive to direct spiritual things in spiritual channels, though Augustine,
indeed, did not entirely succeed in doing so.
s See the remarks on Ambrose, p. 50. Perhaps the three rules of Tichonius best
show the confusion that prevailed (Aug. de doctr. christ. III. 46 : "opera a deo dari
merito fidei, ipsam vero fidem sic esse a nobis ut nobis non sit a deo. " Yet Augustine
sought (c. Julian. L. I.) to give traditional evidence for his doctrine.
* One passage ) became famous in the controversy
(IV. 24 sq. " oportet magistrum :
and Augustine) Augustine's works (T. X. and c. 20, letters among which Epp. 186,
194 are the most important), Jerome, Orosius, Marius Mercator, and the relevant
Papal letters. Mansi T. IV., Hefele, Vol. II. For other literature see above, p.
61. Marius was the most active opponent of the Pelagians towards the close of the
controversy, and obtained their condemnation in the East (see Migne, T. 48, and the
Art. in the Diet, of Chr. Biog).
in human nature, and show what it can achieve, lest the mind
be careless and sluggish in pursuit of virtue in proportion to its
want of belief in its power, and in its ignorance of its attributes
think that it does not possess them." ^ In opposition to Jovinian,
whose teaching can only have encouraged laxity, he proclaimed
and urged on Christians the demands of monachism for with ;
1 Pelag. Ep. ad Demetr. " ne tanto remissior sit ad virtutem animus ac tardior,
quanto minus se posse credat et dum quod inesse sibi ignorat id se existimet non
^ He was, perhaps, not the first ; we do not know whom Augustine meant in De
pecc. orig. 25 (" Pelagius et Caelestius hujus perversitatis auctores vel perhibentur
vel etiam probantur, vel certe si auctores non sunt, sed hoc ab aliis didicerunt,
assertores tamen atque doctores "), and De gest Pelag. 61 ("post veteres
hsereses inventa etiam modo hseresis est non ab episcopis seu presbyteris vel
quibuscumque clericis, sed a quibusdam veluti monachis"). Pelagius and Caelestius
may themselves be understood in the second passage.
3 The Confession of Faith, afterwards tendered (Hahn, § 133), is clear and confident
in its dogmatic parts. The unity of the Godhead is not so strongly pronounced in
the doctrine of the Trinity as with Augustine ; Pelagius resembled the Greeks more
strongly in this respect also.
* At Rome Pelagius wrote the Ep. to Pauhnus of Nola, the three books De fide
trinitatis, his Eulogia and Commentaries on Paul's which Augustine Epistles, to
afterwards referred. The latter have been preserved
for us among Jerome's works
but their genuineness is suspected. Augustine mentions, besides, an Ep. ad Constan-
tium episc. (De grat. 39) ; it is not known when it was written.
' De gestis Pelag. 46 " Pelagii nomen cum magna ejus laude cognovi."
them. Yet
positive teaching, the emphasising of the freedom
of the always remained to him the chief thing. On the
other hand, his disciple and friend Caelestius^ seems to have
attacked original sin (tradux peccati) from the first. His con-
verts proclaimed as their watchword that the forgiveness of sin
was not the object of infant baptism.^ When Alaric stormed
Rome, the two preachers retreated by Sicily to North Africa,
They intended to visit Augustine but Pelagius and he did not
1 By him are three works de nionasterio. ' ' Caelesti opuscula," De gratia, 32.
2 So Augustine heard when in Carthage ; see De peco. mer. HI. 12.
3 De gestis Pelag. 46.
^Marius Merc. Common, and Aug., De pecc. orig., 2 sq. It is worthy of note
that the complaint came from a disciple of Ambrose. This establishes the continuity
of the Antipelagian teaching.
^ "Adam mortalem factum, qui sive peccaret sive non peccaret moriturus fuisset
peccatum Adas ipsum solum Isesit, non genus humanum parvuli qui nascuntur in eo
statu sunt, in quo fuit Adam ante prsevaricationem —
neque per mortem vel praivari-
cationem Adas omne genus hominum moritur, nee per resurrectionem Christi omne
genus hominum resurget lex sic mittit ad regnum ccelorum quomodo et evangelium
et ante adventum domini fuerunt homines impeccabiles, i.e., sine peccato homineni —
posse esse sine peccato et mandata dei facile custodire, si velit." On the trans-
mission of these propositions, see Klasen, Pelagianismus, p. 48 f.
" Quia intra Catholicam constitutos plures audivi destruere nee non et alios
- De pecc. mer. I. 58, 62.
* He said to have stayed before this in Sicily, but that is merely a guess on
Augustine's part, an inference from the spread of Caalestian heresies there. See
Augustine's interesting Epp. 156, 157, 22, 23 sq. From these we learn that
Caelestius actually taught " divitem manentem in divitiis suis regnum dei non posse
ingredi, nisi omnia sua vendiderit nee prodesse eidem posse, si forte ex ipsis divitiis
mandata fecerit." In the " definitiones Caelestii " a document which came to Augus-
tine from Sicily, and whose origin is indeed uncertain, the Stoic method of forming
definitions is noteworthy. In it there also occurs the famous definition of sin — " that
which can be let alone " — (Goethe gives " What, then, do
the converse description :
you call sin ? With everyone I call it what can not be let alone.") The whole argu-
ment serves to prove that smct peccatiim vitari potest, man can be sinless (De perfect,
just. I sq.). In the passage just cited, and again at Diospolis (De gestis Pelag. 29
63) a work by Cselestius is mentioned, whose title is unknown. Not a few sentences
have been preserved (I.e.) " Plus facimus quam in lege et evangelis jussum est
gratiam dei et adjutorium non ad singulos actus dari, sed in libero arbitrio esse, vel in
lege ac doctrina dei gratiam secundum merita nostra dari, quia si peccatoribus illam
dat, videtur esse iniquus —
si gratia dei est, quando vincimus peccata, ergo ipse est in
culpa, quando a peccato vincimur, quia omnino custodire nos aut non potuit aut no-
luit unumquemque hominem omnes virtu tes posse habere et gratias filios dei non —
posse vocari nisi omni modo absque peccato fuerint effecti oblivionem et ignorantiam
non subjacere peccato, quoniam non secundum voluntatem eveniunt, sed secundum
necessitatem non esse liberum arbitrium, si dei indigeat auxilio, quoniam in propria
voluntate habet unusquisque aut facerealiquid aut nonfacere victoriam nostram non —
ergo et deus subjacet peccato, cujas pars, hoc anima, peccato obnoxia est pteni-
est —
tentibus venia non datur secundum gratiam et misericovdiam dei, sed secundum
merita et laborem eorum, qui per panitentiam digni fuerint inisericordia. " We
readily see, what indeed has not hitherto been clearly perceived, that this writing of
Ccelestius must have been the real cause of offence. It could not but open the eyes
3The latter afterwards complained (c. Jul. II. 36), "quod Hieronymus ei tam.
quam semulo inviderit." That is very credible.
Synod of Diospolis he composed his book De natura, in which there is much that he
abjured at the Synod. It is extremely probable that this book also was not
for the public, but only for his friends (against the charges of Jerome).
as soon as he got it, refuted it in his tractate De natura et gratia
(415). Pelagius had
essayed to give a dialectical proof of his anthropology in the book. Augustine's
work, De perfectione justiti^, composed also in A.D. 415, was aimed at Cielestius.
^ See Orosii Apolog.
as foolish, not as heretical, seeing it is no case of dogma
Hereupon the Synod decided " Now since with his own voice
The indictment was composed by two Gallic Bishops, Heros and Lazarus, who
had been forced to fly from their own country. It was very comprehensive ; but no
strict line was drawn between what Pelagius had himself said, and what belonged to
Caelestius. The two Bishops were, for the rest, afterwards treated as under suspicion
at the conferences in Rome.
2 " Anathematize quasi stultos, non quasi haereticos, si quidem non est dogma."
recta respondens, hominem cum adjutorio dei et gratia posse esse sine peccato, respon-
deat et ad aha capitula."
* The above quoted phrase, " non est dogma," is extremely characteristic. It
shows how painfully anxious Pelagius was not to extend the sphere of dogma. In
this he quite shared the feeling always entertained even to the present day by the
Greeks. A Greek priest once said to the author that the great freedom of the Greek
Church, compared with the Western, consisted in the possibility of holding very dif-
was not said by me, and for it I am not called upon to give
satisfaction." But he added: "I anathematise those who hold
or have held these views." With these words he pronounced
judgment on himself they were false. The Synod rehabilitated
nor understood and the " heresy of Caelestius " ^ was con-
But Pelagius now found it necessary to defend himself to his
ferent views of sin, grace, justification, etc., if only the dogmas were adhered to.
Pelagius accordingly opposed the introduction of a great new
being included in
the dogmatic sphere. He saw merely the inevitable evils of such an advance. We
must judge his whole attitude up to his death from this point of view. Seeberg
(Dogmengesch. I., p. 282 f,) holds that the phrase, "non est dogma," was merely
meant to provide a means of defence ; but if we consider Pelagius' whole attitude, we
have no ground for taking any such view.
'De gestis Pelag. 44 " Reliqua vero et secundum ipsorum testimonium a me dicta
non sunt, pro quibus ego satisfacere non debeo." " Anathematizo illos qui sic tenent
aut aliquando tenuerunt." " Nunc quoniam satisfactum est nobis prosecutionibus
prsesentis Pelagii monachi, qui quidem piis doctrinis consentit, contraria vero ecclesi^
fidei anathematizat, communionis ecclesiasticse eum esse et catholicse confitemur."
2 " Synodus miserabilis," Jerome, Ep. 143, 2.
Augustine (I.e. 57 sq.), in order to influence him in his fevour. But Augustine
rightly gave the preference to the other account, since Pelagius had omitted from his
the " anathematizo." Again work De pecc. orig., Augustine shows, from
in the
the writings of Pelagius with which he was acquainted, that the latter had got off by
evasions at Diospolis, and that he really held the same opinions as Cselestius. We —
can only excuse the man by repeating that he wished to do practical work, and felt
himself put out by dogmatic questions as to original sin, etc.
laid before him, the Pope, and it appeared even from the pro-
ceedings, if they were genuine, that Pelagius had got off by
evasions if he felt himself to be innocent, he would have
' Epp.
177, 3 : " Non agitur de uno Pelagio, qui jam forte correctus est." The
consideration for him is very remarkable ; it is explained by his prestige and his justi-
fication at Diospolis. The letter of the five Bishops composed by Augustine and
sent afterwards vi'as obviously meant thoroughly to instruct the Pope, who was held
to be insufficiently informed as to the importance of the question. Yet we have at
the close, (c. 19) :
" Non rivulum nostrum tuo largo fonti augendo refundimus."
rather been simply contrasted with Innocent. Seeberg (p. 283) sees in the letter a
monument of the Pope's helplessness in dogma he was so ignorant as to admit that
the Africans were right, and yet to make them talk like Pelagians. That seems to
me an exaggeration.
3 Hahn. 133. In it we have the words "liberum sic confitemur arbitrium, ut
dicamus nos indigere dei semper auxilio " (but in what does the auxilium consist ?),
and "baptismum unum tenemus quod iisdem sacramenti verbis in infantibus, quibus
etiam in majoribus, asserimus esse celebrandum."
4 Fragments in Aug., De Gratia Christi et de pecc. orig.
fied his statements, and took care not to come into conflict with
the theory, deducible from the Church's practice, that infant
baptism did away with sin.^ After these similar declarations of
the two friends, Zosimus did not see that the dogma or Church
practice of baptism was endangered in any respect. At a
Roman Synod (417), Caelestius, who was ready to condemn
everything banned by the Pope, was rehabilitated;^ and
Pelagius, for whom Orientals interceded, was likewise declared
to have cleared himself. The complainants were described as
worthless beings, and the Africans were blamed for deciding too
hastily they were called upon to prove their charges within
5 The Bishops
are arrogantly rebuked. For the rest, the whole question in
dispute regarded as due to an epidemic of curiosity, as superfluous and pernicious :
one ought to abide by Scripture. No wonder that Rome hesitated to declare a question
important in which the disputants were agreed as regards Holy Scripture, dogma, and
Church practice. The Church only took hesitatingly the momentous step involved in
acknowledging anything outside of these to be of equal importance to " dogmas." .
1 Prosper, c. collat. 5.
2 Zositn., Ep. 10.
^ Zosim., Ep. 15.
* It was with Caslestius that he was chiefly concerned.
5 Let him be condemned who derives death from natural necessity who denies
: ;
the presence of original sin in children arid rebels against Paul (Rom. V. 12) who ;
assigns any form of salvation to unbaptised children ; who refers God's justifying
grace in Christ merely to past sins who applies grace to knowledge alone, while
not perceiving in it the power necessary to us ; who sees in grace merely a means of
rendering the good easier, but not its indispensable condition ; or who derives the
confessions of sin by the pious from humility alone, and interprets their prayer for
pardon of guilt as applying solely to the guilt of others.
' The proceedings in Mansi III., p. 810 sq.
7 The edict in Aug. Opp. X. app., p. 105. It is certainly doubtful whether the
General Council, and recalled with reason the fact that the Pope
had himself formerly considered a thorough conference to be
necessary. In their name Julian of Eclanum wrote two bold
letters to the Pope,^ while also rejecting the propositions once
set up by Caelestius.* From now onwards the stage was occu-
pied by this " most confident young man," for whom Augustine,
a friend of his family, possessed so much natural sympathy, and
whom, in spite of his rudeness, he always treated, as long as the
case lasted, affectionately and gently.^ At the instigation of
the new Pope, Boniface, Augustine refuted one of the letters
sent to Rome and circulated in Italy, as well as another by
Julian (addressed to Rufus of Thessalonica) in his work c. duas
epp. Pelagianorum (420). Julian, who had resigned or been
deposed from his bishopric, now took up his sharp and
Africans effected this ; perhaps it was instigated from Milan or by Italian Anti-
Pelagians. The attempt has been made to prove that Zosimus' change of front was-
independent of the edict.
1 Aug. Opp. X. app., p. 108.
2 C.'duas epp. Pel. I. 3.
' See Op. imperf. I. 18. Fragments in Marius.
^ The
confession of faith "contained in one of the letters (Hahn, § 135) shows also
that Julian wished to stand by Pelagius.
^ We must remember in excuse of Julian's violent and unmeasured polemics that
he was defending an already hopeless case. He himself knew this Op. imp. I. 1,2: —
"magnis impedimentis angoribus, quos intuenti mihi hac tempestate ecclesiarum
statura partim indignatio ingerit partim miseratio"
— "labentis mundi odia promere-
mur" — " rebus in pejorem partem properantibus, quod mundi fini suo incumbentis-
indicium est" (I.e. I. 12). His violence is in any case not explained from secret
uncertainty, for there certainly have been few theologians so thoroughly convinced as
he of being on the right path. Religious pioneers, besides, have as a rule surpassed
their opponents in strength of conviction. They also possess it more readily ; for the
certainty of religion and morality, as they understand it, is involved for them in
personal assurance.
wish that nature had rolled them into one. What a man that would have been !
2 This name appears first in the Middle Ages. In ancient times men spoke of
the "reliquiae Pelagianorum."
3 They still hoped for their rehabilitation up to A.D. 430, and urged it in Rome on
every new Pope.
the Pope, and the Pelagians fell into the ranks of the enemies
of the dominant party in the East (Cyril's). Marius Mercator
agitated successfully against them at the Court, and in the
comedy at Roman legates by getting
Ephesus Cyril obliged the
the Council to condemn the doctrine of Calestius, Rome having
concurred in his condemnation of Nestorius.^ Thus Pelagianism
had brought upon itself a kind of universal anathema, while in
the East there were perhaps not even a dozen Christians who
really disapproved of it,* and the West, in turn, was by no
means clear as to the consequences to which it would necessarily
be led by the condemnation of the Pelagians.
II. As regards the history of dogma, the "system" of
Pelagianism, i.e. of Julian of Eclanum, is tolerably indifferent
" It is noteworthy that Julian speaks in his works as if he now alone represented
the destituta Veritas, a claim that Augustine tells him shows extreme arrogance (see c.
Jul. II. 36)-
2 I do not here discuss more minutely the history of Julian, who once more paid a
passing visit to Rome ; see art. in the Encycl. of Christ. Biogr.
3 Julian's name was expressly mentioned
perhaps he was in Ephesus with Nes-
torius. maintained by Marius that he had been already condemned in his
It is
— —
never reappeared 'Up to the time, of Socinianism in so pure a form as in Julian.
2 Augustine says very gracefully (c. Jul. VI. 36) :"Quae tu si nori didicisses^
Pelagian! dogmatis raachina sine.architecto:necessafio remansisset."
And thus no one is to think that the vow of chastity can let
him dispense with the practice of spiritual virtues and the fight
with anger, vanity, and pride, etc. It was the actual development
of the character in goodness on which he laid stress. The monas-
tic idea appears subordinate to this thought, which in some
passages is expressed eloquently. The ancient call to wise
moderation has not a naturalistic impress in Pelagius. In
treating the thought of these three men as a whole we have to
remember this distinction, as also the fact that Pelagius and
Cffilestius for the most part paid due heed to Church practice,
and besides avoided almost entirely any appeal to the ancient
philosophers.^ They were all actuated by a courageous confi-
As regards form (Klasen, pp. 8i-li6), i.e. in their teaching as to Scripture, tradi-
tion, and authority, no innovations occur in Pelagius and Caelestius. Pelagianism,
indeed, implicitly involves the rejection of every doctrine, qua ratione defendi non
potest, and he interpreted Scripture accordingly examples of exegesis in Klasen
I.e.). In his treatise, De natura, he quotes the Fathers in support of his form of doc-
trine, as Augustine did for his (Chrysostom was especially often quoted, but so also
v^ere Jerome, Ambrose, and Lactantius). Julian, on the contrary, expressly gave the
first place to ratio : "Quod ratio arguit, non potest auctoritas vindicare" (Op. imp.
II. l6). With Origen —in sharp contrast to Augustine —
he observes the rule not
that a thing good, because God wills it and it stands in Scripture, but that reason
turis sacris solum illud, quod in honorem dei calholici sapiunt, contineri, sicut frequen-
tium sententiarum luce illustratur, et sicubi durior elocutio moverit quaesdonem, certum,
quidem esse, non ibi id quodinjustum est loci illius auctorumsapuisge secundumidautem ;
<3ebere intelligi, quod et ratio perspicua et aliorum locorum, in quibus non est ambigu-
itas, splendor apparuerit" (I.e. II. 22; cf. I. 4). " Sanctas. quidem apostoli esse
paginas confitemur, non ob aliud, nisi quia ratiord, pietati, fidei congruentes erudiunt
nos " (II. 144). Julian declares time and again that "wrong " and right must be the
standard to be applied to all traditions regarding God. Now if the interpretations of
Scripture given by Pelagius and Caelestius are " shallow," Julian's are sometimes
quite profane. Our first parents clothed themselves after the Fall, because they were
cold, and had learned for the first time the art of making clothes (c. Jul. IV. 79 sq.).
But the rationalist standpoint of historical criticism appears most clearly in Julian's
attitude to tradition. He is the author of the famous saying that we ought to weigh
and not count opinions (c. Julian, II. 35 : " non numerandas, sed ponderandas esse
dence in man's capacity for goodness, along with the need for
clearness of thought on religious and moral questions.
I. God's highest attributes are his goodness and justice, and,
omneque in nos vulgus accendas," and II. 14: "Traduciani pro se sursum deorsum
plebeculai'um aut mralium aut theatralium scita commendant." He justifies the
setting aside of laymen and the uneducated clergy; he says: "quia non possuni
secundum categoiias Aristotelis de dogmatibus judi'care." Here (c. Julian. II. 36, 37)
Julian's chief interest becomes Without Aristotle, no theology; every-
clearly evident.
thing else is clod-hoppers' theology but we have the cultured on our side (I.e. V. i.,
Augustine suggests that is a contention of all heretics, already soiled and worn by
frequent use). Julian adhered to Aristotle and Zeno he knew their ethics thoroughly
and reflected on their differences (c. Jul. II. 34 ; VI. 36 VI. 64 " de scholis Peri-
; :
pateticorum sive Stoicorum ; " Op. impf. I, 35, 36). In contents and method his
teaching was closely related to that of these philosophers Augustine alludes very
often to this. Besides, he quotes (c. Jul. IV .75) Thales, Anaximander, Anaximenes,
Anaxagoras, Xenophanes, Parmenides, Leucippus, Democritus, Empedocles, Hera-
clitus, Melissus, Plato, and Pythagoras ("quis non ipso norainum sectarumque con-
globatarum strepitu terretur?" remarks Augustine). Of these philosophers along —
wilh whom Sallust and Cicero are quoted ^Julian says (I.e.), while granting they
were idolaters ("licet in scholis aliud disserentes "), that they had enjoyed, in the
midst of many errors, "de naturalibus aliquas veritatis partes," and that these were
rightly to be preferred to the dogma of original sin. Augustine justly .speaks of
" nebulae de Aristotelicis categoriis ; " but the Stoic element prevails in Julian. The
whole conception oi ratio and Nominalism is Stoic. The mania for definitions is also
Stoic and Ciceronian. Without definition no knowledge (Op. imp. II. 30, said
against Augustine "Ad quid ergo persuadendum aut scripturas releges aut conscios
nominabis, qui adhuc quod sentis non potes definire "). But these definitions never
rise out of the actual and thoroughly observed case —
and that was indeed also usual
in the Stoa —
but glide over it. Julian by no means despised altogether the appeal to
the Fathers. Here also he proved himself reasonable. It was only their formal
authority that he would have nothing to do with. His standpoint is most clearly ex-
pressed in c. Jul. I. 29 " Cum igitur liquido clareat banc sanam et veram esse
sententiam, quam primo loco ratio, deinde scripturarum munivit auctoritas et quam
sanctorum virorum semper celebravit eruditio, qui tamen veritati auctoritatem non sua
tribuere consensu, sed testimonium et gloriam de ejus suscepere consortio, nullum
prudentem conturbet conspiratio perditorum." Here we perceive the descending
series of authorities, which is yet only authoritative, in so far as the witnesses are
rational. The " Fathers " he really regarded as nothing, and well he knew how to
than his powers permit, and in not excluding mercy its quality ;
make use of the admissions wrung from Augustine regarding their authority (Op. imp.
IV. 112): " Sed bene quod nos onere talium personarum prior levasti. Nam in
libro ad Timasium cum s. Pelagius venerabilium virorum tam Ambrosii quam
Cypriani recordatus fuisset, qui liberum arbitrium in libris suis commendaverant,
respondisti nulla te gravari auctoritate talium, ita ut diceres eos processu vitse melioris,
si quid male senserant, expiasse." "Numquid" exclaims Julian — (I.e. IV. no)
" disputatorum prsejudicant " Julian
legi dei aut operi dei scripta ! felt most acutely
his having to call to its senses the West, in bondage to " stupid and godless" dogma
in the East alone did he now The rock on which he stood was
see salvation.
reason ; his winged organ was the word. He knew that God would honour him for
having alone to lead the cause of righteousness. He confronted, as the most resolute
" Aufklarer " of the ancient Church, its greatest religious personality.
' Cselestius in Aug., De perf. just.
15 ; Julian in the Op. imp. I. 27-38 and often.
— —
The thought of goodness characteristically enough is dropped, or accompanies it,
as it were, incidentally. The idea of righteousness as legislative, distributive, and
social, governs the whole system. " Lex dei fons ac magistra justitise," Op. imp-
" Op. imp. I. 35 "Justitia est, ut ab eruditis definiri solet (s. Aristoteles), et ut
nos intelligere possumus, virtus (si per Stoicos liceat alteri alteram prseferre), virtutum
omnium maxima fiingens diligenter officio ad restituendum sua unicuique, sine fraude,
sine gratia. " By this is gained for religion and morality the supreme principle by
which man confronts God as judge in complete independence.
3 " Nihil potest per sanctas scripturas probari, quod justitia non possit tueri."
4 Op. imp. VI. 16.
creaturse, laude nuptiarum, laude legis, laude liberi arbitiii, laude sanctorum, IV. I, 2.
" " Quia naturalia ab initio substantise usque ad terminum illius perseverant." (Op.
imp. II. 76).
' Naturalia per accidens non convertuntur." " Quod innascitur usque ad finem
ejus, cui adhaeserit, perseverat." L.c. I. 61.
* '
' Voluntas est nihil aliud quam motus animi cogente nullo " ( Op. imp. 1. V. ). More
precisely (I. 78-82) :
" Libertas arbritii, qua a deo emancipatus homo est, in admittendi
peccati et abstinendi a peccato possibilitate consistit. . . Posse bonum facere aula
virtutis est, posse malum facere testimonium libertatis est. Per hoc igitur suppetit
homini habere proprium bonum, per quod ei subest posse facere malum. Tota ergo
divini plenitudo judicii tarn junctum habet negotium cum hoc libertate hominum,
at harum qui unam agnoTierit ambas noverit. Sic igitur . . . et libertas humani cus-
todiatur arbitrii, quemadmodum divina ffiquitas custoditur . . . Libertas igitur arbitrii
possibilitas est vel admittendi vel vitandi peccati, expers cogentis necessitatis, quae in
suo utpote jure habet, utrum surgenlium partem sequatur, i.e., vel ardua asperaque
virtutum vel demersa etpa lustria voluptatum."
^ The Pelagians were very silent as to the relation of ratio and liberum arbitrium.
They did not even notice that it involved a main difficulty. All that they found it
necessary to say consisted in quite childish arguments. Even the above definition of
the will is absolutely untenable. After all, reason impels to what is bad as well as
good ; the wicked man does not act, at least, without reason. But what AoeS: justitia
mean, if the separate acts of will always pass into vacancy ? The original equilibrium^
forsooth, remains fixed
^ Op. imp. III. 188 " Qui gratiam confirmat, hominum laudat naturam."
(duce ratione) man can and should do the good, i.e., righteous-
ness (jus humanse societatis).^ God desires a voluntary per-
former of righteousness (voluntarius executor justitiae) it is ;
8 Besides the indefiniteness of the relation of reason to freedom, the wrong defini-
tion of the will, the obscurity as to the notion of ratio, and the contradictions in the
notion of possibilitas, especially characteristic are the inability to give a concrete defini-
tion of evil, and the mythological fashion in which nature and will are distinguished.
Why should will and nature be so completely divided, if the possibilitas belongs to
nature ? What is nature in general over and above will, since it is by no means held
to be merely the flesh ?
and righteousness of God, the notion of sin (as that which can
be avoided), and the notion of redemption a " natural " guilt ;
certain, on the other hand, that the body was subject to the
soul, and that thus the relationship willed by God could be
restored.^ But Julian felt that this was a vexed point. Whence
came the evil desires of the flesh (desideria carnis mala) if the
substance was good, and if it was yet manifest that they fre-
quently did not spring from the will ? The case of marriage,
which is unthinkable without sexual desire, showed Julian that
1 To this point the Pelagians applied their greatest acuteness, and made just objec-
tions, see under, Pelag. in Aug. de pecc. orig. 14 :
" Omne bonum ac malum, quo
vel laudabiles vel vituperabiles sumus, non nobiscum oritur, sed agitur a nobis :
capaces enim utriusque rei, non pleni nasciraur, et ut sine virtute ita et sine vitio
procreamur atque ante actionem proprise voluntatis id solum in homine est, quod
deus condidit."
^ See the Ep. ad Demetr. ; De nat. et grat. 60-71. A grave experience is re-
vealed in the confession (Ep. ad Demetr. 26) that the devil may often fill even those
who are separated from the world with such foul and impious thoughts, that they
imagine they are as wicked as when they loved the res saculi.
With his distinction of marriage as good and bad, Augustine resembles the charla-
tan who would exhibit a beast that devours itself; Jul. III. 47.
* See especially Op. imp. Book V., and c. Julian, Book V. Augustine calls him
" laudator concupiscentia ;
" c. Jul. III. 44.
ness) and sin at all if, in practising them, a character can never
be gained, if we are only concerned with fragmentary actions
from which no deposit is left or sum-total formed.
his own sins alone. Rom. V. 12, merely asserts that all die
because they themselves sin like Adam, or something similar ;
injustos, quod faturi sunt actibus suis, sed tantummodo infantiam innocentise dote
locupletem." But the same chapter shows what is after all meant by this "inno-
cence " Perfecta ignorantia
: (in scripturis justitia nominatur).
^ Op. imp. I. 91 : "liberum arbitrium et post peccata tam plenum est quara fuit
ante peccata."
Here, as in Stoicism, there is a gap in the system. Why is rational man
and bad? How can he possess ratio and an evil will at the same time
And how is the sinful habit explained? ^Julian also says, besides (Op. imp. I. 16)
" consuetudo peccati amorem delicti facit et exstinguit pudorem ; " but he means in
the teaching of Augustine.
* " The is not free, if it needs God's help" (De gestis 42).
will " Si per gratiam
(De gestis 30)omnia facimus, quando vincimur a peccato, non nos vincimur, sed dei
gratia, quse voluit nos adjuvare omni modo et non potuit."
^ We can, indeed, exemplify almost all the principles of Augustinianism from the
utterances of Pelagius and Julian. The number of passages in their works which
sound like good Church doctrine is very great. We should require to quote these
also in order to give an idea of the figure presented by the two men to the world ; but
this would carry us beyond our present limits. We do not, however, do injustice to
their thought by omitting them ; for they are only characteristic of their mode ot
expression. Pelagius never denied publicly that man always needed the divine grace,
that he could only adjuvante gratia esse sine peccato (see De gestis 16, 22, 31 ; De
gratia 2 : "anathemo qui vel sentit vel dicit, gratiam dei, qua Christus venit in hunc
mundum peccatores salvos facere, non solum per singulas horas aut per singula
momenta, sed etiam per singulos actus nostrns non esse necessariam, et qui hanc
conantur auferre, poenas sortiantur aeternas " ; see also his Confession to the Pope).
Julian used, if possible, still stronger expressions ; but both very often said exactly
the opposite of what is here given. But they never did say that the grace of God
through Christ established freedom from sin and salvation.
1 These are the usual ones free will exists in all men, but it is only supported by
grace in the case of Christians (De gratia, 34) ; the rest only possess the " nudum et
inerme conditionis bonum." Similarly Julian, but still more strongly (Op. imp. I.
40): "quos fecit quia voluit nee condemnat nisi spretus ; si cum non spernitur,
faciat consecratione meliores, nee
detrimentum justitise patitur et munificentia
miserationis omatur." I. III " malK voluntati veniam pro insestimabili liberalitate
largitur et innocentiam, quam creat bonam, facit innovando adoptandoque meliorem "
(but can anything be better than good?). III. 106 "Quod ais, ad colendum recte
deum sine ipsius adjutorio dici a nobis sufficere unicuique libertatem arbitrii, omnino
mentiris. Cum igitiir cultus dei multis intelligatur modis, et in custodia mandatorum
et in execratione vitiorum et in simplicitate conversationis et in ordine
mysterioram et
in profunditate dogmatum ... qui fieri potest, ut nos in confuso dicamus, sine
adjutorio dei liberum arbitrium sufficiens ad ejus esse culturam cum utique ista . . .
omnia, tarn quae dogmatibus quam quEe mysteriis continentur, libertas arbitrii per se
non potuerit invenire, etc." There we see clearly how we are to understand the
" adjutorium " ; it consists solely in the law of dogmas and mysteries given by God and
not diiicovered by man, but not in a power. Therefore, because God had invented so
many institutions, Julian can proceed :
" hominem innumeris divinae gratiae speciebus
juvari . . . prsecipiendo, benedicendo, sanctificando, coercendo, provocando, illumin-
" Impossible as a power, since the will cannot actually be determined. On this
point Caelestius has alone expressed himself clearly, but Julian holds the same view,
as he is never tired saying: "cunctarum origo virtutum in rationabili animo sita
3 This proposition of Julian's is properly the key to the whole mode of thought
man created free is with his whole sphere independent of God. He has no longer to
do with God, but with himself alone. God only re-enters at the end (at the judg-
• The statements of the Pelagians as to grace are very often rendered intentionally
(e.g., De gestis Pel. 22) ambiguous, by their understanding it to mean the grace
creation, and accordingly nature. Yet this is not tlie rule. Pelagius and Julian
distinguish three states : ex natura, sub lege, sub gratia (Chiisti) ; see C. duas epp, I.
1 "Perfecta justitia " also in the old covenant (I.e.) and among "antiqui homines."
Julian often cites the perfect heathens, and sneers at Augustine's " splendida vitia.'
If the virtues of the heathens are not virtues, their eyes are not eyes (c. Jul. IV. 26-
30). Pelagius has made wholly contradictory statements on this point ; Julian
afterwards became more prudent he always held the opinion that there
; but, finally,
was no difterence between a good Christian and a good heathen.
^ The law was the first augnientum beneficiorum dei ; but it was at the same time
the fundamental form of all that God could further do after creation. Pelagius has
expressed himself very plainly (De gestis 30) " gratiam dei et adjutorium non ad
singulos actus dari (in other places he says the opposite) sed in libero arbitrio esse vel
in lege ac doctrina. " That accordingly
Augustine therefore says very rightly
is all.
that Pelagius only admitted the grace qua demonstrat et revelat deus quid agere
* It is very instructive that to Julian (as to Augustine) it is the man that forms the
• personality in Jesus. He is distinguished from Augustine by saying that the man
Jesus was chosen by God and united with Christ secundum merita. 'Vas frofectus is
also more marked Jesus was gradually adopted by the Word of God ; the
plainly ;
Jilius hominis gradually became the filius dei through the achievement of his will.
Accordingly, unless Augustine has greatly exaggerated, this still might be taught with
impunity at that time in the West (see Op. imp. IV. 84).
on the part of God. The Pelagians did not deny that this was
represented in baptism and the remissions granted by God;
they taught the forgiveness of sins through baptism. But they
could not show wherein this forgiveness consisted without
coming into conflict with freedom. As regards infant baptism,
they dared no longer dispute its necessity ; indeed, they dared
no longer flatly declare that it was not given for the remission
of sins. They derived a certain consecration and sanctification
from it, but they disputed the doctrine that children dying
unbaptised were lost ; these would only fail to enter the king-
dom of heaven, the highest grade of felicity.^
1 8. Finally, the Pelagians taught that this grace through
Christ was compatible with the righteousness (justitia) of God,
because the latter did not preclude an increase of benefits,^ but
that grace was given secundum merita (according to the merits
of the rational spirit) because in any other case God would have
been unjust* The contention, however, that it was absolutely
necessary was never seriously advocated by them, and was fre-
quently denied, and in the thesis that the operation of the
gospel is not different from that of the law, the former is in
point of fact completely reduced to the level of the latter. But
the law is itself nothing but a crutch not necessary to everyone.
Man is to be sinless this state we can attain by our will but
: ;
1 The evasions in the case of baptism are so numerous that it is not worth while
saria omnibus in commune setatibus dicimus, ita tamen ut nee virtus nee peccatum
sine propria cuiquam voluntate tribuatur."
3 De gestis 30 " De gratiam secundum merita nostra dari, quia si peccatoribus
illam det, videtur esse iniquus. " This destroys the notion of grace ; for it is only as
gratuitous that it is grace. Here
takes the form of a means of rewarding the good.
But if grace is neither gratis nor a power, it is nothing but an empty word.
— —
2 His condemnation was, therefore— from a legal standpoint —not above question ;
the rejection of his energetic appeal to freedom in Church instruction not in every
respect salutary.
3 But from this point of view it could not be thoroughly opposed. Augustinianism
could alone overcome it. Augustine's criticism of this system will be best given
through an exposition of his own.
Therefore the Pelagians attacked Augustine's doctrine of nature, and he their
doctrine of grace. Everything that Augustine has to say to the Pelagians springs
properly from the proof that they were ignorant of the nature of grace, and therefore
also of that of sin.
that Holy Scripture solved all problems, he, too, made the high-
est facts and the feelings of the inner life which he had gained
in the gospel the starting-point of a description of " primitive
history " and the history of mankind that could not but end in
contradictions. At the same time, the pathological experiences
of the course of his life are mirrored in this description. The
stream of living water still bears in its depths traces of the
gloomy banks past which it once had flowed, and into which it
had almost sunk.^
I. Mankind is, as experience shows, a "mass of sin"
[massa peccati (perditionis)], waited on by death, and incapable
of raising itself to the good for having revolted from God, it
mediatorem, qui solus sine peccato natus est, vixit, occisus est, reconciliari nos oporte-
bat deo usque ad carnis resurrectionem in vitam seternam, ut kumana superbia per
humilitatem dei argueretur (that is the main thought, see above, p. 1 3 1 f. ) cf sanaretur
et demonsiraretur homini quam longe a deo recesserat (to-day this conception of
Christ's work would be called rationalistic), cum per incarnatum deuin revocaretur et
exemplum obedientice per hominem-deuvi (this expression, "homo-deus" was not
used, so far as I know, before Augustine) contumaci homini frceberetur, et unigenito
suscipiente formam servi, quae nihil ante meruerat, fons gratis panderetur et carnis
etiam resurrectio redemptis promissa in ipso redemftore prcemonstraretur, et per
eandem naturam quam se decepisse Iffitabatur, diabolus vinceretur, nee tamen homo
gloriaretur, ne iterum superbia nasceretur, etc."
1 Enchir. 107 ;
" Gratia vero nisi gratis est, gratia non est."
2 See the writings De corrept. et gratia, De dono perseverantise, De prsedest.
sanctorum, as well as expositions in all the works of Augustine's last years ; for they
never fail to prove that he more and more recognised the doctrine of predestinating
grace to be the main one. Predestination, does not rest on the foreknowledge that
those particular men would follow grace, but it effects this result. The scriptural
venient ;'^ for it must first create the good will (faith).^ (This
prevenient grace can be combined with " the call " (vocatio) ;
but we must even here remember that the call comes to some
who are not "called according to the purpose."* In the strict
sense the whole transactions of grace apply only to those who
are predestinated ^ in the wider sense, grace operates as far as
sunt ante mundi constitutionem ea prsedestinatione, in qua deus sua futura facta prae-
scivit electi sunt autem de mundo ea vocatione, qua deus id, quod prsedestinavit,
implevit. Quos enim prsedestinavit, ipsos et vocavit, ilia scilicet vocatione secundum
propositum, non ergo alios sed quos prmdestinavit ipsos et vocavit, nee alios, sed quos
praadestinavit, vocavit justificavit, ipsos et glorificavit, illo utique fine, qui non habet
' Therefore it was possible forAugustine to conceive the means of grace as acting
in the case of heretics, because he felt their efficacy in general to be in the end un-
' See above, note l. The commonest term is " adjutorium," which the Pelagians
also used, but with a quite different meaning. They thought of a cratch, Augustine
of a necessary power.
8 That is, this regeneration, surpassing forgiveness of sin and faith, is always con-
sidered the goal. That is the moral phase of the religious movement. Renovatio =
into —
good men accordingly his being rendered capable of doing
good works of piety and possessing merit. The calling (vocatio)
first results in faith as God's gift.
This faith is itself subject to
growth, begins as unquestioning acceptance based on the
i.e., it
cannot know, nay, of what is contrary to reason ; but it grows into assensus, fiducia,
and spiritual perception, and thus passes into love, or, according to Paul and James,
into the faith that works in love.
^ Yet, as follows from the above exposition, the whole process of grace is com-
pletely subjective, although the parallel of the rites of the Church is maintained.
^ Augustine was the first to make baptism a real act of initiation (Ench. 64 "a :
baptismate incipit renovatio "). The forgiveness of sins has an independent value
only for the baptised child if it dies ; otherwise it is an initiation. Here, and for this
reason, we have Luther's divergence in the notion of faith. De grat. et lib. arb. 27 :
" neque scientia divinse legis, neque natura neque sola remissio peccatorum esX. ilia
gratia per Christum, sed ipsa facit, ut lex impleatur."
* For Augustine's system it is a grave defect, sufficiently animadverted on also by
the Pelagians, that baptism only removes the guilt of inherited sin ; for with him
removal of guilt is really a slight matter, in any case not the chief concern. But in
the formulas the " non imputare," as well zs, fides, undoubtedly appears as the chief
thing. In reality, while the removal of guilt is the object oi fides historica, sin is
blotted out by gratia infusa. Where Augustine seeks to retain guilt as the supreme
conception, he always turns to its punishment. Man is emptied by sin. Thus sin
bears its punishment in itself. Man despoiled, howe.ver, is much too dependent, too
much of a cipher, to be able to possess guilt.
good for evil desire (concupiscence). That is, the man now not
only makes the joyful confession To me to cleave to God is
ence shows, never wholly supplant on earth the mala. (De spiritu 6: "adjuvat
spiritus sanctus inspirans pro concupiscentia mala concupiscentiam bonam, hoc est
caritatem diffundens in cordibus nostris. " ) For this very reason diffusio caritatis
(gratia infusa, inspiratio dilectio —
Augustine has many synonyms for this power of
justification) is never perfected. Thus justification, which is identical with sanctifica-
tion, is never completed because " opera " also are essential to it. Augustine appealed
expressly to James. Gratia, however, is never imparted secundum merita bona
voluntatis, let alone bonorum operum ; it first calls them forth.
1 See above, We have to notice here also the juxtaposition of the two pro-
p. IJS-
cesses, the outerand inner. For the rest, the whole account of the process of salvation
is not yet reduced to a strict plan. Augustine still confuses the stages, and, fortu-
nately, has no fixed terminology. Scholasticism first changed all this.
* No one can wholly avoid sin ; but the saints can refrain from crimes (Enchir. 64).
^ The work " De fide etoperibus" is especially important at this point. Augustine
expressly denies, c. 40, that faith and knowledge of God suffice for final blessedness.
He holds by the saying: "Hereby we know him, if we keep his commandments."
Against reformers like Jovinian, and not only against them, he defended the consilia,
monachism, the higher morality, and the saints. De gratia et lib. arb. I " per :
favourable to marriage than at a later date. His writings are at all times marked by
a lofty appreciation of almsgiving.
leads to sin and this state is all the more dreadful, as there
' That grace is gratis data only appears certain to Augustine from the contention
that it is irresistibilis, and embraces the domim perseverantim. The doctrine that the
election of grace is unconditioned thus appears most plainly at the close of the whole
line of thought ; see De corrept et grat. 34, and the writings De dono persev. and De
prsedest. sanct. But, according to Augustine, no one can be certain that he possesses
this grace. Therefore with all his horror of sin, Augustine had not experienced the
horror of uncertainty of salvation. For
reason Christ can take so secondary a
place in the working out of the process of grace. Christ is for him the Redeemer, and
is actively present in the Sacraments ; but he is not the pledge of the inner assurance
of salvation.
^ But Augustine assumes different degrees also in definitive salvation and perdition.
That is characteristic for his moral theory.
^ Dorner, p. 124 ff.
4 See above, p. 1 14 f.
s This was constantly admitted by Augustine.
* We find in Augustine the two positions, that sinful man does not will goodness,
and that he yet, under a blind impulse, pursues blessings, nay, even the good, but
without ever attaining them.
1 The inclination to nothing (not-being) is always at the same time a striving for
independence, which is false, and ends in being resultless.
2 Pride is the sin of the soul, concupiscence essentially that of the body which
masters the soul. The inner evolution of sin from privatio (defectus) boni to ignor-
aniia, concupiscentia, error, dolor, metus, deledatio morbida, see Enchir. 23. What
Augustine always regarded most in sin was the infirmity, the wound.
3 The work of the historical Christ is essentially redemption from the power of the
* Here enters the popular Catholic element,
still further accentuated, however, by
Augustine. Enchir. 117: "Regnat cainalis cupiditas, ubi non est dei caritas."
' The extremely disgusting disquisitions on marriage and lust in the polemical
writings against Julian (also De civ. dei XIV.) are, as the latter rightly perceived,
hardly independent of Augustine's Manichrasm : (Julian, indeed, traces Traducianism
to Manichseism ; see Op. imperf. HI. 172). (Manichreism, besides, already appears,
in the treatment of the " ex nihilo," as if it were an evil substance; Neoplatonism
alone does not, in my opinion, explain this conception ; yet the above dependence can-
not be strictly proved— see Loofs, D.-Gesch., 3 Ed., p. 215.) And the disquisitions
are by no means a mere outwork in Augustine's system ; they belong to its very
centre. The most remarkable feature in the sexual sphere was, in his view, the in-
voluntariness of the impulse. But instead of inferring that it could not therefore be
sinful —
and this should have been the inference in keeping with the principle " omne
peccatum ex voluntate " he rather concludes that there is a sin which belongs to
nature, namely, to natura vitiata, and not to the sphere of the will. He accordingly
perceives a sin rooted in natura, of course in the form which it has assumed, a sin
that propagates itself with our nature. It would be easy now to prove that in think-
ing of inherited sin, he always has chiefly in view this very sin, the lust of procreation;
but it is impracticable to quote his material here. It is clear that inherited sin is the
basis of all wickedness, and that it is in quite a different position from actual sins,
because in it nature, having become evil, infects the whole being. But it is obvious that
this was an unheard of novelty in the Church, and must be explained by reference to
Manicheeism. Of course Augustine did not intend to be a Manichsean. He dis-
tinguishes sharply between vitium and natura vitiata (De nupt. 36 ; Op. imp. HI.
188, etc., etc.,) ; he strives to introduce the " voluntarium " even into inherited sin
(Retract. I. 13, S) ; but dualism is not surmounted simply by supposing nature
to have become " mala," and yet to propagate itself as evil, and the voluntarium is a
mere assertion. The dualism lies in the proposition that children possess original
sin, because their parents have procreated them in lust —and by this proposition stands
simply gave expression to the monastic tendency (Jerome, indeed, has gone just as far
in his rejection of marriage —
see lib. adv. Jovin.) for this was a tendency and not
a theory. The legitimate point in Augustine's doctrine lies in the judgment passed
by the child of God on himself, viz., that without God he is wretched, and that this
wretchedness is guilt. But this paradox of the verdict of faith is no key to the
understanding of history.
1 See the correspondence with Jerome on this point which was never settled by
2 This destroys the beautiful proposition (pride and humility) out of which, of
course, no historical theories could be constructed.
3 On sin and sin's punishment (inherited sin is both), see Op. imp. I. 41-47, but
even in the Confessions often, and De pecc. mer. II. 36.
1 Even inherited sin is quite enough for damnation, as Augustine has very often
maintained and rightly, if there is such a thing.
2 " Mitissima pcena " (Enchir. 103) —
thus the man permits himself to soften the
inscrutable lighteousness of God which he teaches elsewhere. He answered the
question why then should God continue to create men if they must almost all be lost,
by referring to baptism, and the peculiar power of Divine Omnipotence to make good
out of evil. Had God not been omnipotent, then he could not have permitted evil
(Enchir. 11); "melius judicavit, de malis bene facere, quam mala nulla esse per-
mittere " (c. 27, 100). But he himself was shaken by the problem presented by the
death, unbaptised, of Christian children (De corr. et gr. 18), All who are lost are
juste prasdestinati adpoenam (mortem) — see Enchir. 100 ; De civ. XXII. 24. Whether
God damns all, or pardons some — nulla iniquilas
est ; for all have deserved death
(Enchir, 27). " Tenebatur justa damnatione genus humanum et omnes erant irse
filii (c. 33). Here in the later writings arises the doctrine of God's twofold will
(judicium), the secret and the manifest. God does not will that all be blessed (Enchir.
3 It was very incorrect to derive Augustine's whole conception of original sin from
the practice of infant baptism. It was, of course, very important to him as a means
of proof.
the soui "in paradisoab animo coepit elatio" (c. Jul, V. 17). Wehave"amor sui"
as chief and radical sin in the Confessions ; Enchir. 45 gives a precise enumeration
of all the sins committed in one act by Adam.
^ That is, he was not only created good, but grace stood by him also as adjutorium
see under.
* The
grace supporting him (adjutorium).
5 Augustine always thinks first of this death. That the Pelagians accepted for
their own purposes, since they held natural death to be natural. Augustine nevei'
maintained that formal freedom had been lost by Adam's sin, nay, in C. duas epp.
Pelag. I. 5 he distinctly disputed this :
" libertas periit, sed ilia, quse in paradise fuit,
non liberum arbitrium." But Augustine has represented the
latter to be hopelessly
hampered. See also the writing De gratia et lib. arb. In it he says (c. 45) " deus :
induravit perjustum judicium, et ipse Pharao per liberum arbitrium. But (Enchir.
105) " Multo liberius erit arbitrium, quod omnino non poterit servire peccato."
Adam's had
Fall presupposes that his previous constitution
been good. This is taught, too, by Scripture, and it follows like-
wise from the assurance that God is the creator, and the good
creator, of all things.^If Adam was created good, then he pos-
sessed not only everything that a rational creature needs (body
and soul and their due relationship as servant and master,
reason and free will), but, above all, grace ever supporting and
preserving him, the adjutorium, that is the bond of union with
the living God for the virtuous man is not independent of
God. Adam, accordingly, not only had a free will, but this will
zvas influenced in the direction of God} For this very reason he
was free (in God) but he was also free (able) to will evil for
; ;
were all in Adam, or were Adam. The conception that Adam's sin passed to all
as actual sin, and affected them through contagion (by means of the parents who
infect their children, Enchir. 46 ; doubts as to the extent of descent by inheritance,
47), is the complete antithesis of that mystical conception.
2 See above, p. 210 f.
Thereby the whole doctrine of grace is upset ; for if there is a grace at all which only
produces the/ow« non peccare, is not this the sole significance of all grace? and if
that is correct, were not the Pelagians right ? They, of course, maintained that
grace was only a condition. Augustine^s di)ctrine of grace in the primitive state [the
adjutorium) is Pelagian, and contradicts his doctrine of grace elsewhere. We have
here the clearest proof that it is impossible to construct a history from the standpoint
of predestinating grace. Augustine falls back on the assumption that God wished to
bestow on man a higher good than that he had received at first. Enchir. 25, 105 :
" Sic enim oportebat prius hominem fieri, ut et bene velle posset et male, nee gratis
si bene, nee impune, si male postea vero sic erit, ut male velle non possit, nee ideo
libero carebit arbitrio . ordo prsetermittendus non fuit, in quo deus ostendere
. .
voluit, quam bonum sit animal rationale quod etiam non peccare possit, quamvis sit
melius quod peccare non possit. " But how does that accord with irresistible grace ?
Therefore the question rightly arises (De corrept. et gratia) " Quomodo Ad.im non
perseverando peccavit, qui perseverantiam non accepit ?" Is not the whole doctrine
of grace upset if we have to read (Enchir. 106) "Minorem immortahtatem (i.e.^
posse non mori) natura humana perdidit per Iiberum arbitrium, majorem [i.e., non
posse mori) est acceptura per gratiam, quam fuerat, si non peccasset, acceptura per
meritum, quamvis sine gratia nee tunc ullum meritumesse potuisset?" Accordingly,
at the beginning and end (the primitive state and the Judgment) the moral view is set
above the religious. The whole doctrine of predestinating irresistible grace is set in
a frame incompatible with it. Thus Augustine is himself responsible if his Church in
after times, arguing from the primitive state and the Judgment (secundum merita),
has eliminaied practically his doctrine of gratia gratis data. He, indeed, said himself
(107) " ipsa vita aeterna merces est operum bonorum." That would have been the
case with Adam, and it is also ours. The infralapsarian doctrine of predestination,
as umlerstood by Augustine, is very different from Calvin's.
Between the thesis of the ancient (Greek) Church " Where the :
knowledge of God is, come also life and salvation," and Luther's
as far as the difference can be evolved from the notion of grace as the exclusive opera-
tion of God. But since he had not obtained an insight into the strict and exclusive
cohesion of grace and faith, he did not succeed in thinking out and holding fast the
distinction between law and faith to the end. He had no assured experience that the
law prepared the way for wrath and despair. At this point Luther intervened.
It is perhaps the worst, it is at any rate the most odious, consequence of Augus-
tinianism, that the Christian religion in Catholicism is brought into particularly close
relations to the sphere of sex. The combination of grace and sin (in which the latter
takes above all the form of original sin identified with the sexual impulse and its
excesses) became the justification of that gruesome and disgusting raking up of
human filth, which, as is proved by the moral books of Catholicism, is a chief business
of the priest, the celibate priest and monk, in the confessional. The dogmatic
treatises of medieval and modern times give, under the heading "sin," a wholly
colourless idea of what is really considered "sin," of that which incessantly occupies
the positions that all sin springs from freedom (the will), and
that children just born are in a state of sin. It is extremely
suspicious to find that, when sin is more minutely dealt with,
concupiscence is practically ranked above alienation from God
(deo non adh^rere), this also, indeed, resulting from uncertainty
as to Traducianism. It again raises our doubts when we see
original sin treated as if it were more serious than actual sin
for while the former can only be washed out by baptism, the
latter can be atoned for by penance. The whole doctrinal
conception at this point shows that the conviction of the
redeemed, that without God he is lost and unfit to do any good
work, is a verdict of the believer on himself, a verdict that
marks a limit, but can never become a principle by which to
consider the history of mankind. At this point, just because the
contradictions were so enormous, the development of dogmatic with
Augustine was on the verge of casting off the imtnense material in
which it had been entangled, and of withdrawing from the inter-
pretation of the world and history ; but as Augustine would
not abandon that material, so men will not, even at the
present day, let it go, because they suppose that the Bible
protects and because they will not learn the humility
also to oppose sin ; but instead of quieting the imagination, which is especially
interested in it, it goes on exciting it to its depths, drags the most secret things
shamelessly to the light in its dogmas of the virgin, etc. , and permits itself to speak
openly of matters of which no one else ventures to talk. Ancient naturalism is less
dangerous, at any rate for thousands less infectious, than this seraphic contemplation
of viiginity, and this continual attention to the sphere of sex. Here Augustine
transmitted the theory, and Jerome the music. But how far the beginnings reach
back ! TertuUian had already written the momentous words (De pudic. 17)
" Quid intelligimus carnis sensum et carnis vitam nisi quodcunque pudet pronuntiare " ?
Later writers were nevertheless not ashamed to utter broadly what the far from
prudish African only suggested.
1 We have at the same time to notice that no Church Father was so keenly con-
scious as he of the limitations of knowledge. In almost all his writings a bequest —
of the Academy and a result of his thought being directed to the main matter —he
exhorts his hearers to refrain from over-curiousness, a pretence of knowledge that
runs to seed. He set aside as insoluble very many problems that had been and were
afterwards often discussed, and he prepared the way for the concentration of the
doctrinal system on its own material.
After the exposition given above p. 106 f., we shall best con-
clude our account of Augustine's role in the history of dogma,
by reviewing the expositions given in the Enchiridion of the
contents of the Catholic religion. Everything is combined in
this book to instruct us as to the nature of the revision (andon
the other hand of the confirmation) by Augustine of the popular
Catholic dogmatic doctrine that gave a new impress to the
Western Church. We shall proceed first to give a minute
analysis of the book, and then to set down systematically what
was new and at the same time lasting.
Augustine begins by saying that the wisdom of man is piety
{" hominis sapientia pietas est " or more accurately " Oeocre^eta ")
(2). The answer to the question how God is to be worshipped,
is— by faith, hope, and love. We have accordingly to determine
what is meant by each of these three virtues (3). In them is
comprised the whole doctrine of religion. They cannot, how-
ever, be established by reason or perception, but must be
derived from Holy Scripture, and be implicitly believed in on
the testimony of the sacred writers (4). When the soul has
attained this faith, it will, if faith works in love, strive to reach
that vision by which holy and perfected souls perceive the
ineffable beauty, the complete contemplation of which is
supreme blessedness. " The beginning in faith, the completion
in sight, the foundation Christ." But Christ is the foundation
only of the Catholic faith, although heretics also call themselves
by his name. The evidence for this exclusive relationship
between Christ and the Catholic Church would carry us too far
here (5). We do not intend to enter into controversy, but to
expound (6). The Symbol and the Lords Prayer constitute the
contents of faith (symbol), and of hope and love (prayer) but ;
of others. — —
So far as it like hope refers to invisible, future
blessings, it is itself hope. But without love it profits nothing,
set in its right place, only throws the good into relief (9, 10).
Augustine at once passes to the doctrine of evil. God permits
it only because he is so powerful that he can make good out of
evil, i.e., he can restore the defect of the good (privatio boni),
false, and the uncertain certain, our life is for that very reason
wretched, because at times we need error that we may not lose
our life. Suchnot be that existence, "where truth itself
will be the life of our soul " (ubi ipsa Veritas vita animse nostrse
erit). But the lie is worst, so bad that even liars themselves
hate being lied to. But yet falsehood offers a difficult problem.
(The question of lying in an emergency, whether it can become
a duty for a righteous man, is elaborately discussed.) Here
again the most important point is to determine wherein one
errs "it is far more tolerable to lie in those things that are uncon-
always say what we think.^ Even the lie which benefits another
is sinful, although men who have lied for the general advantage
^ " Longe tolerabilius est in his quae a religione sunt sejuncta mentiri, quam in lis,
sine quorum fide vel notitia deus coli non potest, falli." E.g., to tell anyone falsely
that a dead man is still alive is a much less evil than to believe erroneously that
Christ will die once more.
2 C. 22. " Et utique verba propterea sunt instituta, non per quse se homines invicem
fallunt, sed per quse in alterius quisque notitiam cogitationes suas perferat."
(Compare Talleyrand).
themselves they are dead like the rest (suicides), and are only
free to commit sin. Before they are made free, accordingly,
they are slaves they can only be redeemed by grace and faith.
Even faith is God's gift, and works will not fail to follow it. Thus
they only become free, when God fashions them anew (into the^
nova creaturd), producing the act of will as well as its accom-
plishment ("quamvis non possit credere, sperare, diligere homo
rationalis, nisi velit" —
although rational man cannot believe,,
hope, or love, unless he will).^ That is, God makes the will
itself good (misericordia prseveniens) and constantly assists it
[miseric. subsequens] (30-32).
The exposition of the second article follows in || 33-55-
Since all men are by nature children of wrath, and are burdened
by original sin and their own sins, a mediator (reconciliator) was
necessary, who should appease this wrath (justa vindicta) by
presenting a unique sacrifice. That this was done, and we from
being enemies became children, constitutes the grace of God
through Jesus Christ (33). We know that this mediator is the
" Word " that became flesh. The Word was not transformed,
^ C. 32 :
" Ex utrbque fit, id est, ex voluntate hominis et misericordia rlei."
but assumed our complete human nature from the virgin, being
conceived not by the libido matris, but by faith and therefore —
sinlessly.^ The mother remained a virgin in giving birth (in
partu) (34). We have now a short discussion on Christ as.
" God and man in unity of person, equal to God, and as man
less than God " (35). Christ, the man who was deemed
worthy to be assumed by God to form one person with him, is
the most splendid example of grace given gratis, and not
according to merits. The same grace that fell to the man
Christ and made him sinless falls to us in justification, from
sins. It also revealed itself in Christ's miraculous birth, in con-
nection with which, besides, the Holy Ghost did not act like a
natural father. It was rather the whole Trinity that created the
offspring of the virgin : the man Jesus, like the world, is the crea-
tion of the Trinity. But why precisely the Holy Ghost is named,
it is hard to say. In any case, the man Jesus was not the son
of the Spirit, but the probably named in order to point
latter is
God that he may be called the gift of God" [sic deus, ut dica-
tur etiam dei donum] (36-40). This is followed again by a long
section (41 to 52) on sin and the relation of Christ to it. Christ
1 Augustine's whole conception of the sinfulness mingled with all procreation, and
his view that sexual desire is due not have
to nature as originally cieated, but to sin,
admittedly their roots in the earliest period. But they were expressed with Augus-
tine's thoroughness only by the Gnostics, Marcion and the author of the fragment —
De resurrectione ascribed to Justin. The by the latter (c. .3) is ex-
parallel offered
tremely striking. There not yet, naturally, any question of sin being propagated
e684ws Kal t6 ii-fjTpav ?x^iv Kal Kvt&Kei.v ivayKdj^ei.- dXXA Kal /n^j (TTeipai. nh i^ apxhs,
wap8eveiov(rai Si, Karifpyrfaav Kal t^v a-wavfflav, Srcpat Si Kal ivb xp^"""' ^ai rois
&piT€va$ Si Tobs fiiv dirdpxv^ Trapdeveiovras bpufiev, rods Si dirb xp^^ov, Ciiare Sl' air&v
KaroKieuBaL rby Si inSv/ilas ivoiiov ydiiov There are also beasts that refrain from
having connection, &<tt€ Kal St. dv6ptjiTr(x)v koI St dXiyywv KaTapyovfiivtjv <rv^ovaiav trplv
ToO /t^XXocTos alSivos opa(r0ar Kal 6 Kiipios Si rnxdp 'l^qaovi Xpurrbs oi Si' fiXXo n iK
irapffdvov iyevv-fidi], dXV ha KarapyijiTri yivv-qaiv iin.6viji,las dvdfiov Kal Seifij Tif &pxovTi.
Kal Sixa trvvovfflas dvBpaiTlvris Swotijk eXvai, rip deip ttjc dvBpiliirov irKiaw
was free from original and actual sin, but was himself on —
account of similarity to sinful flesh absolutely called sin. That
is, he became a sacrifice for sin, representing our sin in the
flesh in which he was crucified, " that in some way he might die
to sin, in dying to the flesh," ^ and from the Resurrection
might seal our new life (41). That is bestowed on us in baptism.
Everyone dies to sin in baptism even the children, who die to
original sin —
and in this respect sin is to be understood collec-
tively ;for even in Adam's sin many forms of sin were con-
tained. But children are obviously infected not only by
Adam's sin, but also by those of their parents. For their birth
is corrupt, because by Adam's sin nature was perverted more- ;
world, while Christ took away all that had since been com-
mitted. All were condemned in Adafti none escapes the con-
with the observation: " It was so carried out that in these matters
the Christian life which is borne here should be typified not only
mystically by words but also by deeds'.''^ That is established in
connection with each separate article. Thus the " sitting at the
right hand " means " set your affections on those things that
are above " (quse sursum sunt sapite). On the other hand, the
Return of Christ has no reference to our earthly life. It belongs
entirely to the future. The judgment of the living and dead
may also suggest to us the just and unjust (53-55).
To the third article §§ 56-113 are devoted; it is accordingly
most elaborately elucidated. §§ 56-63 treat of the Holy Ghost,
who completes the Trinity, and so is no part of creation,"
and also of the Holy Church. This is the temple and city of
the Trinity. But it is here regarded as a whole. That is, it
includes the section which exists in heaven and has never ex-
perienced a fall— the angels who aid the pilgrim part (pars
peregrinans) being already united with it by love (56). The
Church in heaven is void of evil and unchangeable. Augustine
admits that he does not know whether there are degrees of rank
among the angels, whether the stars belong to them, or what
the truth is as to their bodily form (57-59). It is more impor-
tant to determine when Satan invests himself in the form of an
angel of light (60). We shall only know the state of the
heavenly Church when we belong to it ourselves. The Church
of this world, for which Christ died, we do know for the angels ;
he did not die yet the result of his work also extends to them,
quae in terris est). So far as our sins are forgiven, " the angels
1 " Ita gestum est, ut his rebus non mystice tantum dictis sed eliam gestis configu-
raretur vita Christiana quae hie geritur."
and the important point is not the time of penance,but the anguish
of the penitent. But since this emotion is concealed from our
fellow-men, and cannot be inspected, the bishops have rightly
instituted penitential seasons "that the Church may also be
satisfied," the Church beyond whose pale there is no forgive-
ness for it alone has received the pledge of the Holy Ghost
By " wood and stubble " we are not to understand sins, but
desires after earthly things lawful in themselves {67, 68). It is
1 " Per eleemosynas de peccatis prseteritis est propitiandus deus, non ad hoc
with you." We must love ourselves with the love that God has
bestowed on us this the Pharisees, who only gave outward
alms, did not do, for they were the enemies of their own souls
(75-77). The divine judgment, however, can alone deter-
mine what sins are light or grave. Many things permitted by
the apostles— ^.^., matrimonial intercourse prompted by desire
— are yet sinful many sins which we consider wholly trifling
certainly turn even the bad into a good will. Accordingly, God
does not will that all be saved, but he justly sentences sinners
to death (Rom. IX.), that he who receives salvation may boast
in the Lord. God is free in his election to grace he would not ;
only a few, that none may boast of his own merits, but in the
Lord. will is expressed in the case of the lost as much
as of the saved (" in the very deed by which they
in that
opposed his will, his will regarding them was done ").* • So great
are the works of the Lord that nothing that takes place against
his willhappens outside (praeter) of it. A good son wishes his
father to live, but God, whose will is good, decides that he
should die. Again, a bad son wishes his father to die, and God
also wills this. The former wills what God does not ; the latter
what he does. Yet the former stands nearer God ; for in the
case of men it is the final intention that counts, while God
accomplishes his good will even through the bad will of men.
He is always just and always omnipotent (97-102). Therefore
I Tim. II. 4 can only mean that God wills all classes of men to
ideo libero carebit arbitrio) for free will still exists, even if a
time comes when we cannot will evil, just as it even now exists,
although we can never will our own damnation. Only the
order of things had to be observed, first the " posse non," then
the " non posse." But grace is always necessary, and would
have been even if man had not sinned for he could only have
attained the " non posse " by the co-operation of grace. (Men
can indeed starve voluntarily, but mere appetite will not keep
them alive they require food.) But since sin entered, grace is
and the alms of survivors in the Church for there are many-
fore here (on the earth) all merit is acquired by which anyone
can be relieved or burdened after this life."^ What the Church
does for the dead (pro defunctis commendandis) is not incon-
sistent with Rom. XIV. 10 II. Cor. V. 10.
; For those who are
wholly good it is a thanksgiving, for those not altogether bad
an atonement, for those entirely wicked it is resultless, but
gives comfort to the survivors nay, while it makes remission
without end, just as the collective eternal life of all saints will
continue" (111-113).^
Following his programme, Augustine ought now to have
discussed in detail hope and love (prayer) but he omits doing
1 Quocirca hie (in terra) omne meritum comparatur, quo possit post banc vitam
televari quispiam vel gravari.
^ Manebit sine fine mors, cicut manebit communiter omnium vita seterna sanctorum.
has also been the history of God's people but God has shown
his grace even at the first and second stages (ii8), and thus
even now man is laid hold of sometimes at the first, sometimes
at the second, stage, all his sins being forgiven in his regenera-
no longer harms him (120). All
tion (119), so that death itself
divine commands aim and no good, if done from fear of
at love,
punishment or any other motive than love, is done as it ought.
All precepts (mandata) and counsels (consilia) given by God
are comprised in the command to love God and our neighbour,
and they are only rightly performed when they spring, at
present in faith, in the future in immediate knowledge, from
love. In the world of sight each will know what he should love
in the other. Even now desire abates as love increases, until it
reaches the love that leads a man to give his life for another.
But how great will love be in the future state, when there no
longer exists any desire to be overcome !
1 The Enchiridion is not the only work iu which Augustine has spoken of this ignis
^ The growing Marian dogma (see Vol. IV., p. 314) was thus strengthened rather
than weakened by Augustine. He agreed entirely with Ambrose and Jerome
(against Jovinian). By a woman came death, by a woman came life ; Mary's faith
conceived the Saviour. Julian's remarkable objection to the doctrine of original sin,
that it made Mary be subject to the devil (nascendi conditione), Augustine met by
saying (Op. imp. IV. 122) "ipsa conditio nascendi solvitur gratia renascendi."
We may not maintain it to be certain (see Schwane II., p. 691 f. ) that Augustine thus
implicitly taught Mary's immaculate conception. On the other hand, he undoubt-
edly held her to be without active sin ; see De nat. et gr. 36 " Excepta itaque s.
virgine sMaria, de qua propter honorem domini nuUam prorsus, cum de peccatis
agitur, haberi volo qusestionem ; unde enim scimus, quid ei plus gratise coUatum
fuerit ad vincendum omni ex parte peccatum, quje concipere et parere meruit, quem
constat nullum habuisse peccatum ? hac ergo virgine excepta si omnes illos sanctos
et sanctas, cum hie viverent, congregare possimus et interrogare, utrum essent sine
peccato, quid fuisse responsuros putamus, utrum hoc quod ista dicit an quod Johannes
apostolus?" Gen. ad litt. X. 18-21. Augustine helped to give Mary a special posi-
tion between Christ and Christians, simply because he first emphasised strongly the
sinfulness of all men, even the saints, and then excepted Mary. Mary's passive
receptivity in relation to grace is emphasised with the same words as that of the man
! :
consist in " vision " and " fruition " is at the root of and runs
through everything. Yet the most spiritual fact, the process of
sanctification, is attached to mysteriously operating forces.
But on the other hand,this system of religion is new. The
old Symbol —the
Apostles interpreted by the Nicene was —
supplemented by new material which could only be very loosely
combined with it, and which at the same time modified the
original elements. In all three articles the treatment of sin, for-
giveness, and perfecting in love is the
25-33 main matter (10-15 ; >
followed those guides. But in their own case their new ideas
were produced by a profounder consciousness of sin, and an
absorption in the magnitude of divine grace as taught by Paul.
Augustine stands midway between the ancient Church and
Luther. The question of personal assurance of salvation had
not yet come home to him but the question: "How shall I
get rid of my sins, and be filled with divine energy?" took the
1 Sin and original sin are again discussed in §§ 41-52, but they are now looked at
from the standpoint of their removal through the baptism that emanates from Christ's
case. As everything that lives and works in nature is attached to something else,
and never found in an independent state, so, too, there is no distilled piety.
On the contrary, so long as we men are men, precisely the most vital piety
will be least isolated and free. None but the dogmatist can construct such a religion.
But history teaches that all great religious personalities have connected their saving
faith inextricably with convictions which to the reflecting mind appear to be irrelevant
additions. In the history of Christianity there are the three named — Chiliasm,
mysticism, and the doctrine of predestination. It is in the bark formed by these
that faith has grown, just as not in the middle of the stem, but at its circum-
it is
ference, where stem and bark meet, that the sap of the plant flows. Strip the tree,
and it will wither ! Therefore it is well-meant, but foolish, to suppose that Augus-
tine would have done better to have given forth his teaching without the doctrine of
substance the gospel, faith, love and hope God. The Trinity — :
the one living God. Christology the one mediator, the man
Jesus into union with whose soul the Deity entered, without
that soul having deserved it. Redemption death for the benefit :
in trath that of the Gnostics, the ancestors of the Manichees. For it inakes no real
difference whether our doom is stamped upon the nature given to us by our Creator,
or fixed by an arbitrary decree."
2 The resistance of the Pelagians and their associates was also a resistance to the
formation of new dogmas in general. Exactly like the Eusebians in the Arian con-
flict, they also fought against the new construction of dogmas by the North African
in the West, and shook the position of the papacy, and how on
the other hand the latter regained and strengthened its import-
ance through the instrumentality of Gregory I. ^ ^ We also
Gregory, certainly, had almost to abandon the fifth Council.
The papal power received its greatest accession of authority from the days of
Damasus to the end of the fifth century it was then settled that the primacy was to
power in the West was gone, and the Byzantine Emperor had not the power, the
leader of the German hosts not the prestige, necessary to restore it. (3) The storms
of the tribal migration drove the Catholics of Western countries, which were seized by
Arians, into the arms of Rome ; even where this did not happen at once, the opposi-
tion ceased which had been previously offered to the claims of the Roman Bishop by
the provinces, especially North Africa.
, (4) The patriarchal constitution never got
established in the West, and the Metropolitan only succeeded in part ; thus the
development into the papal constitution was ensured for the future. (5) The tran-
sactions with the political power of Eastern Rome and the Imperial Bishop there now
241 Q
compelled the Roman Bishops, that they might not be at a disadvantage in dealing
with Constantinople, to deduce their peculiar position, which they owed to the capital
of the world, entirely from their spiritual (their apostolic or Petrine) dignity. But
this exclusive basing of the Roman Chair on Peter afforded the firmest foundation
3.1 a time when all political force tottered or collapsed, but the religious was respected.
Even the thought of political sovereignty, so far as such a thought could arise in the
Roman Empire at all, seems to have dawned on Leo's successors. In any case, the
position of the papacy was so secure at the close of the fifth century, that even the
frightful storms of the sixth century were unable to uproot it. That in the West
outside of Rome — the Bishop (following Matt. XVI .) came but
theory of the Roman
slowly to be recognised, and that the attempt was made to retain independence as far
as the exigencies of the case permitted, ought to be expressly noticed. Theologians
only admitted that the Roman Bishop represented ecclesiastical unity, and did not
assent to the papistical inference that it was the prerogative of Rome to govern the
Vol. III., p. 230 ff.
1 The recognition in Rome of the fifth Council had almost alienated Italy and
in the sixth century were Cassiodoras, the pious churchman, on the one hand, and
Boethius, the latitudinarian, on the other. The former laboured earnestly on behalf
of the Church and monachism of his time (compare also the exertions of Junilius) ;
the latter was the instructor of a later age (see above, p. 34).
244 .
1 On the history of the Apostolic Symbol in our period see my-article in Herzog's
R. E. 3 Ed. ; Caspari, Quellen I. -IV. Vols. ; v. Zezschwitz, System der Katechetik
II. I. Of the additions made to the ancient Roman Symbol, and afterwards univer-
sally accepted, the only one important dogmatically is the phrase " communio sanc-
torum." It can be proved from the second homily of Faustus of Rhegium (Caspari,
Kirchenhist. Anekdota, p. 338), and hisTractat de symbolo, which Ije- certainly did
not edit himself (Caspari, Quellen IV., p. 250 ff.), that South Gallican Churches had
the words " communio sanctorum " in the Apostollcum in the second half of the fifth
century. It is debatable whether they already stood in the Symbol of Nicetas, whom
I identify with Nicetas of Romaliana —
the friend of Paulinus of Nola ; they may also
have merely belonged to the exposition, which was strongly influenced by Cyril's
Catechisms (see Kattenbusch, Apost. Symbolum, 1894, Vol. I). If it were certain
that they were merefy meant in the Gallican Symbol to stand in exegetical apposition
to " sancta ecclesia," then we would have to suppose that that Symbol had been
influenced l)y the countless passages in which Augustine describes the Church as
communio Sanctorum, i.e., of the angels and all the elect, incliisive of the simple
jitsti (or with synonymous terms). But, firstly, one does not conceive how a mere
.exegetical apposition should have got into the Symbol, and why that should have
happened particularly in Gaul secondly, the explanation of the words hy Faustus
points .in another direction. We read in his second homily: " Credamus et sanc-
torum communionem, sed sanctos non tam pro dei parte, quam pro dei honore
veneremur. Non sunt sancti pars illius, sed ipse probatur pars esse sanctorum.
Quare ? quia, quod sunt, de illuminatione et de similitudine ejus accipiunt ; in Sanctis
autem non res dei, sed pars dei est. Quicquid enim de deo participant, divinse est
gratise, non naturae. Colamus in Sanctis timorem et amorem dei, non divinitatem dei,
colamus merita, non quse de proprio habent, sed quae accipere pro devolione
meruerunt. Digne itaque venerandi sunt, dum nobis dei Cultum et (uturse vitse
desiderium contemptu mortis insinuant." And still more deafly in the Tractate fp.
273 f.) ". : transeamus ad sanctorum communionem. lUos hie sententia ista
. .
confundit, quisanctorum et amicorum dei cineres non in honore debere esse blas-
phemant,' qui beatorum martyrum gloriosam memoriam sacrorum reverentia monu-
mentorum colendam esse non credunt. In symbolitm prsevaricati sunt, et Christo in
fbnte mentiti sunt." Faustus accordingly understands-, by the" sancti" not all the
justi, but— aS Augustine not infrequently does —
the specifically ' holy," and he con-
tends that the words aimed at the followers of Vigilantius who rejected the worship
of the saints. In that case "communio sanctorum," means communion of or with
the specifically " holy." It is still matter of dispute whether this is really ihe idea to
which the Apostolicum owes its questionable acquisition, or whether the 'latter is
only a very early artificial explanation. On the " filioque " in the Constantinopohtan.
Creed, see Vol. IV.', p. 126 f.
— "
1 See the Ep. Prosperi ad Aug. [225]. Here Augustine is called " ineffabiliter
mirabilis, incoraparabiliter honorandns, prsestantissimus patronus, cblumna vetitatis
ubique gentium conspicua, specialis fidei patronus.
^ See Vincentius' Commonitorium.
the contrary, they take their stand —the later the more plainly (but not more
Augustinian) — on doctrines of Augustine, and it is impossible to understand them
apart from his teaching. " Semi-Pelagianism" ispopular Catholicism made more
definite and profound by Augustine's doctrines. The Semi-Pelagians are accordingly
the Eusebians of the doctrine of grace. See also Sublet, Le Semi-P^lagianisme des
Origines. Namur, 1897.
* An accurate description of the controversy has been given by Wiggers in the 2nd
1See De coenobiorum institutis 1. XII. Cf. Hoch, L.d. Johannes Cass. v. Natur
u. Gnade, 1895 (besides Kruger, Theol. Lit.-Ztg. 1895, Col. 368 ff).
2 The Commonitorium is directed exclusively against Augustine. The fact that it
has reached us only in a mutilated form is explained, indeed, by its opposition to him.
Apart from it, Prosper has preserved for us Vincentius' objections to Augustine.
3 He speaks still more frankly and therefore " more like a Pelagian " in the Insti-
* Here Cassian has learned thoroughly Augustine's teaching, and we see that he
not only accommodated himself to it, but had been convinced by it.
1 Some maintained, namely, that the fate of these children was decided by how
they would have acted if they had lived ; for that was known to God, '
2 Statements by Cassian. (Coll. XIII. 3) " non solum actuum, verum etiam cogi. :
tationum bonarum ex deo esse piincipium, qui nobis et initia sanctse voluntatis in-
spirat et virtutem atque opportunitatem eorum quse recte cupimus tiibuit peragtndi
. . . deus incipit quae bona sunt et exsequitur et consummat in nobis, nostrum vero
est, ut cotidie adtrahentem nos gratiam dei humiliter subsequamur." 5 : "gentiles
verse castitatis (andthatis the virtue Kar' i^ox^v) virtutem non agnoverunt." 6: "temper
auxilio dei homines indigere nee aliquid humanam fragilitatem quod ad salutem pertinet
per se solam i. e. , sine adiutorio dei posse perficere. " 7 " propositum dei, quo non oh :
hoc hominem fecerat, ut periret, sed ut in perpetuum viveret, manet immobile, cuius
benignitas cum bonse voluntatis in nobis quantulamcunque scintillam emicuisse per-
spexerit vel quam ipse tamquam de dura silice nostri cordis excuderit, confovet eam
et exsuscitat et confurtat . . . qui enim ut pereat unus ex pusillis non habet volun-
tatem, quomodo sine ingenti sacrilegio putandus est non universaliler omnes, sed
quosdam salvos fieri velle pro omnibus ? ergo quicumque pereunt, contra illius pereunt
voluntatem deus mortem non fecit." 8: " tanta est erga creaturam suam
. . .
pietas creatoris, ut non solum comitetur eam, sed etiam prsecedit iugiter piovidenlia,
qui cum in nobis ortum qUendam bonae voluntatis inspexerit, inluminat eam confestim
atque confortat et incitat ad salutem, incrementum tribuens ei quam vel ipse plantavit-
vel nostro conatu viderit emersisse." 9: "non facile humana ratione discernitur
quemadmodum dominus petentibus tribuat, a quaerentibus inveniatur et rursus inveni-
atur a non quaerentibus se etpalam adpareat inter illos, qui eum non interrogabant."
10; " lihertatem scriptura divina nostri confirmat arbitrii sed et infirmitatem. " II :
ita sunt hsec quodammodo indiscrete permixta atque confusa, ut quid ex quo pendeat
inter multos magna quaestione volvatur, i.e., utrum quia initium bonse voluntatis
prsebuerimus misereatur nostri deus, an quia deus misereatur consequamur bonse vol-
untatis initium (in the former case Zacchseus, in the latter Paul and Matthew are
named as examples)." 12: "non enim talum deus hominem fecisse credendus est
qui nee velit umquam nee possit bonum . . . cavendum nobis est, ne ita ad domin-
ium omnia sanctorum meiita referamus, ut nihil nisi id quod malum atque perversum
est liumana^adscribamus naturas . . . dubitari non potest, inesse quidem omni animse
of his will to save), then it can only be stated in terms of"' Setni-
Pelagianism " or Cassianism. Cassian did not pledge himself to
explain everything he knew very well that " God's judgments
naturaliter virtutum seraina beneficio cieatoris inseita, sed nisi haec opitulatione dei
fuerint excitata, ad incrementum perfectionis non potuerunt pervenire."
1 Semi-Pelagianism is no "half truth." It is wholly correct as a theory, if any'
theory be set up, but it is wholly false if taken to express our self-judgment in
is to
for his admission that Augustine spoke too harshly (" durius ")
when he said that God did not will that all men should be
saved/ did not satisfy, and their scruples were not even removed
by his contention that there was only one predestination (to
salvation), that we must distinguish between this and prescience
(as regards the reprobati), and in doing so be certain that God's
action was not determined by caprice, but by justice and holi-
ness.2 He did, however, succeed in getting Pope Celestine
to send a letter to the Gallican monks, supporting Augustine
and blaming the opposition for presumption. The Pope was,
however, very reserved in dealing with the matter in question,
although he stated strongly the activity of grace as prevenient^
Prosper now wrote (432) his chief work against the 13th
Collatio of Cassian, in which he showed more controversial skill,
convicted his opponent of inconsistencies, and stated his own
standpoint in a more cautious form, but without any concession
in substance. He left Gaul, and took no further part in the dis-
pute, but showed in his " Sentences " and " Epigrams " that as a
theologian he continued to depend on Augustine alone.*
Another Augustinian, unknown to us, author of the work,
De vocatione omnium gentium,^ sought to do justice to the
hardly mentions original sin, while they taught it, and he does not speak so definitely
as they about predestination.
1 Sentent. sup. VIII. on the respons. ad capp. Gallorum.
Even Augustine, in addition to expressing himself in a way that suggests the two-
fold doctrine of predestination, said (De dono persev. 14) :
" Hsec est prEedestinatio
sanctorum nihil aliud : prffiscientia scil. praeparatio beneficiorum dei quibus certissime
liberantur, quicunque liberantur." Prosper takes his stand on this language (see
resp. ad excerpt. Genuens. VIII.) " We confess with pious faith that God has fore-
known absolutely to whom he should grant faith, or what men he should give to his
Son, that he might lose none of them we confess that, foreknowing this, he also
foresaw the favours by which he vouchsafes to free us, and that predestination consists
in the foreknowledge and preparation of the [divine grace by which men are most
certainly redeemed." The reprobate accordingly are not embraced by predestination,
but they are damned, because God has foreseen their sins. In this, accordingly, pre-
science is alone at work, as also in the case of the regenerate, who fall away again.
But prescience compels no one to sin.
^ easiest, ep. 21. The appendix was added later, but it perhaps was by Prosper.
Gennadius relates (De script, eccl. 85) that Prosper dictated the famous letters of
Leo I. against Eutyches. But he gives this as a mere rumour.
" Included among the works of Prosper and Leo I.
and that God desires the salvation of all, could not remove the real
causes of offence (the damnation of children who died unbap-
tised, and reprobation in general) since Augustinianism was to
be strictly upheld.'' The work was at all events written with
the honourable intention of removing doubts and establishing
peace. On the other hand, attempts had been made on the
Semi-Pelagian side from the first to make Augustinianism im-
possible, by an unsparing exposure of its real and supposed
consequences, and these efforts culminated (about 450 ?) in the
notorious " Prsedestinatus " first discovered in A.D. 1643. The
mystery that overhangs this work has not yet been fully solved ;
1 A minute analysis of the work is given byWiggers, II. p. 218 ff. and Thomasius,
I.pp. 563-570. It is to be admitted that the worlc marks an advance by its desire to
admit the universality of God's purpose of salvation. But the doctrine of the uni-
versitas specialis is only a play on words, if universitas does not here mean more than
with Augustine and Prosper, namely, that men of all nations and periods will be
2 See Wiggers, II., pp. 329-350-
[CHAt. V.'
1 " Quos deus semel preedestinavit ad vitam, etiamsi negligant, eliamsi peccent,
etiamsi nolint, ad vitam perducentur inviti, qilos autem prtedestinavit ad mortem,,
etiamsi currant, etiamsi festinent, sine causa laborant."
2 Of any such sect absolutely nothing is known. There is no original authority to
show that there actually existed " libertines of grace," i.e., AugustiniatlS
who, under'
cover of the doctritie of predestination, gave themselves up to unbridled sin. The
Semi-Pelagians' would not have suffered such." Augustinians " toescape thim in their
polemics. There may have arisen isolated ultra-Augustinians like Lucidus, but they
were not libertines.
3 North Africa was removed from theological disputes by the dreadful invasion of
the Vandals. The majority there were certainly Augustinians, yet doubts and op-
position were not wanting see Aug. Ep. 217 ad Vitalem.
Riez, 1895 (further, Loofs, Theol. Lit.-Ztg. 1895, CoL 567 ff.).
^ See Mansi VII., where we have also (p. loio) Lucidus' recantation in a Libellus
ad episcopos. Even before the Synod Faustus had an interview with his friend, ahd
that rhan can still obey or resist grace. God wills the salvation
of all all need grace
; but grace reckons on the will which
he wrote: a doctrinal, letter to him (VII. 1007 sq.) which, however, was equally un-
successful. '
1 Further, the Professio fidei (to Leontius) contra eos, qui dum per solam dei
.voluntateni. alios dicunt ad vitam attrahi, alios in mortem deprimi, hinc fatum cum
gentilibus asserunt, inde liberum arbitrium cum M anichaeis negant.
2 " Obedientia" plays the chief part with Faustus next to castitas. In this the
mediaeval monk announces himself.
2 Faustus took good care not to contend against Augustine ; he only opposed
Augustinianism. This is true of the Catholic Churcli at the piesent day.
^ Yet he expressed himself very strongly as to original sin, and even taught
Traducianism.' As with Augustine,, pro-creatibnis the means of transmitting original
sin, which rises " per incentivum maledictae generationis ardorem et per inlecebro.-um
utriusqueparehtis amplexum;" Since Christ was alone free from this heriiable infec-
tion, because he was not born of sexual intercourse, we must acknowledge the
pleasure of intercourse and vice of sensuality to be the origin of the malum originale.
'We readily see that everything in Augustinianism met withiapplause that depreciated
marriage; And these monks crossed themselves at the thought of Manichseism !
1 Faustus even supposes that fides remained as the knowledge of God after the
See lib. II. 4. On the other hand, Abel, Enoch, etc., were saved by the first
.grace, the law of nature, II. 6, 7. Since Enoch preceded the rest, in that so early
age, by the merit of faith (fidei merito), he showed that faith had been transmitted to
him with the law of nature ; see also II. 8 {" et ex gentibus fuisse salvatos," 7).
' Wiggers calls attention (p. 328) to Faustus' principle, important for the sake of
later considerations in the Church :
" Christus plus dedit quam totus mundus vale-
bat " (De grat. et lib. arb. 16).
* The most
distinguished writers of the age held similar views, e.g., Arnobius the
younger, Gennadius of Marseilles, Ennodius of Ticinum. Augustine's own authority
was already wavering ; for Gennadius permitted himself to write of him (De sciipt.
eccl.39): "unde ex-multa eloquentia accidit, quod dixit per Salomonem spiritus
sanctus ex multiloquio non effugies peccatum" and "error tamen illius seimone
to add this ; not as if you did not know it, but we have con-
1 See Wiggers II., pp. 369-4 According to Fulgentius, even Mary's conception
was stained, and therefore not from original sin, see c. 6.
2 All these transactions in .\lansi VIII.
' See Arnold's interesting monograph, Casarius von Arelate und die gallische Kirche
s. Zeit, 1894. An edition of the Opp. Csesarii is forthcoming.
2 Avitus of Vienne is usually named along with him ; but after Arnold's authorita-
tive account of the former202 ff.), he must be disregarded. On the other hand,
Mamertus Claudianus is to be named as an opponent of Faustus (Arnold, p. 325)
he is an Augustinian and Neoplatonist, and thus an enemy of Semi-Pelagianism as a
3 Csesarius' vifork, however, De gratia et libero arbitrio, and its approval by Felix
IV. belong to the realm of fiction (Arnold, p. 499). On the other hand, we have to
notice some indirect manifestationson the part of Rome
about A.D. 500 in favour of
Augustinianism and against Faustus. Yet Rome never took the trouble really to
comprehend Augustinianism.
* We only know of the Synod of Valencia, at which Csesarius was not present,
owing to illness, but where he was represented by a friendly Bishop, from the Vita
Cffis.irii by his disciple Cyprian (Mansi VIII., p. 723). Hefele has shown (Coiicilien-
gesch., II. 2 p. 738 tf.), that it is to be dated before the Synod of Orange. It seems
necessary to infer from the short account that the Bishops met to oppose Csesarius,
and publisned a decree condemning, or at least disapproving his teaching (see also
Arnold, p. 346 ff. ). At Orange Csesarius justified himself, or triumphantly defended
his doctrine from " Apostolic tradition," and Pope Boniface agreed with him, and
not with his Valencian opponents.
5 See_Arnold p. 350 ff.
6 We cannot now decide whether the 25 Canons are absolutely identical with
those transmitted heads, or whether the Synod (perhaps even the Pope ?) proposed
trifling modifications; see Chap. XIX. of the Treves Codex in Mansi VIII., p. 722.
However, it is very improbable that^the Bishops made important changes in these
heads (yet see Arnold, p. 352) since according to them they expounded their own
view in the Epilogue.
' See Hahn, § 103 ; Hefele, p. 726 f.
cleansed from sin, God does not wait upon, but prepares, our
will." 5 The :
beginning of faith is not due to us, but to the
grace of God that state of believing by which we believe in
him who justifies the impious, and attain the regeneration of
holy Baptism, is brought about through the gift of grace, i.e., the
inspiration of the Holy Spirit correcting our will from unbelief
to faith, and is not ours naturally." 6 : "It is the work of grace
that we believe, will, desire, attempt, knock, etc., and not vice-
versa." 7 :
" We
cannot without grace think or choose, by our
natural powers, anything good that pertains to salvation." 8 :
is not nature ;
therefore Christ died not gratuitously, but that
the law might be fulfilled, and that nature, ruined by Adam,
might be repaired by him." 22 " No one has anything of his
own but falsehood and sin," and " The virtue of heathens is pro-
duced only by worldly desire, that of Christians springs not
from free will, but from the gift of the Holy Ghost."' 23: " In
(doing) evil men carry out their own will, but when they do
what they resolve in order to serve the divine will, although
their actions are willed by them, yet it is his will by which their
act of will is both prepared and commanded." 24 :
" The twig
1 This Canon caused the greatest distress to the Catholic Church in the sixteenth,
does not benefit the stem, but the stem the twig so also those ;
who have Christ in them and abide in him do not benefit Christ,
but themselves." 25 " To love God is the gift of God."
2 The Roman Bishops evidently felt their attitude in the Semi-Pelagian controversy
prejudiced by the decisions of their predecessors against Pelagius. We look in vain
for an independent word coming from internal conviction (Gelasius is perhaps aii
exception), and yet it is quite essentially "thanks" to them that the Semi-Pelagian
dispute ended with the recognition of the Augustinian doctrine of prevenient grace
and with silence as to predestination.
* Seeberg(Dogmengesch. I., p. 326), has disputed this, because the representatives of
Semi-Pelagianism made the strongest assertions on this point (see especially Faustus),
and because the opposition between them and the Augustinians actually depended on
quite different issues. Both objections are quite correct, but they do not meet the
above statement ; the Semi-Pelagian doctrine of grace could not but react upon and
modify Augustine's doctrine of original sin, and therefore also the view of the evil of
sin as necessarily propagated by sexual intercourse, involving damnation, and de-
ance of what he did, he prepared the way for the development of later Catholicism by
imperceptibly altering the conception of the tradition received from a preceding age."
1 Gregory was most read of the Western Church Fathers, as the literature of the
Middle Ages and our libraries show. Even in the seventh century he was extolled
by tasteless and uncritical writers as wiser than Augustine, more eloquent than
Cyprian, more pious than Anthony ( " nihil illi simile demonstrat antiquitas " Ildefond.
de script, i).
1 The deception theory is thus given by Gregory inits most revolting form. 'l"he
devil is the fish snapping at Christ's flesh, and swallowing the hidden hook, his
divinity ; see Moral. 33, 7, 9.
2 Moral. 13: "Incarnatus dominus in semetipso omne quod nobis inspiravit
ostendit, ut quod prascepto diceret, exemplo suaderel." II. 24 " Venit inter homines
tion with God, certainty of which is absolutely necessary to man's peace of mind, is
almost entirely passed over ; and deliverance from punishment is inadequately con-
ceived, as referring merely to original sin, or is regarded purely externally. . , . All
constantly for us, ever showing God his (crucified) body." But
this apparently high pitched view after all means very little.
Ithas risen from the observance of the Lord's Supper. What
was constantly done by the priest has been transferred to Christ
himself But both oblations, related as they are to our " puri-
fication," possess their sole value in the mitigation of sin's
penalties. another consideration was at work in this case,
one that, though relying on Biblical statements, sprang in reality
from wholly different sources. It is the conception of Christ's
continual intercession. But this intercession must be combined
with the whole apparatus of intercessions (of angels, saints,
alms and masses for the dead, which were conceived as personi-
fied forces), to see that we are here dealing with a heathen
conception, which, though it had indeed long been established
in the practice of the Church, was only now elevated into a
theory that of " aids in need." Gregory's candid avowal that
that Gregory can do to give man peace is to direct him to penance and his good
works. " He
speaks of even the holiest remaining in constant uncertainty as to their
reconciliation. He can make nothing of the thesis that our sins are forgiven for
Christ's sake. God rather punishes every sin not atoned for by penance, even if he
pardons it ; see Moral. IX. 34 :
" Bene dicit Hiob (IX. 2%) Sciens quod non parceris
delinquenti, quia delicta nostra sine per nos sive per semetipsum resecat, etiam cum
relaxat. Ab electis enim suis iniquitatum maculas studet temporali afflictione tergere,
quas in eis in perpetuum non vult videre." In his commentary on i Kings (1. IV. 4,
57), which was hardly transcribed indeed in its present form by Gregory himself, we
even read: "Non omnia nostra Christus explevit, per crucem quidem suam omnes
redemit, sed remansit, ut qui redimi et regnare cum eo nititur, crucifigatur. Hoc
profecto residuum viderat, qui dicebat si compatimur et conregnabimus.
: Quasi
dicat Quod explevit Christus, non valet nisi ei, qui id quod remansit adimplet."
1 Therefore we find over and over in the Moral, in reference to the expiation of
sins :
" sive per nos, sive per deum."
2 Moral, i. 24: "Sine intermissione pro nobis holocauslum redemptor immolat,
qui sine cessatione patri suam pro nobis incarnaiionem demonstrat ; ipsa quippe ejus
incarnatio nostrte emundationis oblatio est ; cumque se hominem ostendit, delicla
hominis interveniens diluit. Et humanitatis suae mysterio perenne sacrificium
immolat, quia et haec sunt sterna, quae mundat."
cause of our life, therefore the latter is sinful the " disobedi- ;
ence " or " disorderliness " of the genital organs is the proof of
original sin intercourse in marriage is never innocent). And
Oranges in Arnold, Csesariu?, p. 369 f. Yet Gregory never himself appealed to those
3 How could a bishop, who felt himself to be the pastor of all Christendom, have
then made pure August inianism the standard of all his counsels?
* Moral. 24, 10; see also 33, 21 ; "Bonum quod agimus et dei est et nostrum,
Church. As
in the East, these come to the front but they are ;
Baptism, the Lord's Supper, and penance are the central points
in the legal process of grace. We are baptised thereby in- :
are blotted out but original sin is not obliterated, and the
.Si nostram non unde nobis retribui preemia speramus? Quia ergo non immerito
gratias agimua, scimus, quod ejus munere pnevenimur et rursum quia non itnnierito
retributionem qiueriimis, scimus, quod obscqucnte libero arbitrio Iwna eli^mus, qua
ageremus." See Ep. III. 29: Christ will comfort us richly at the Judgment, when
he observes that we have punished our faults by ourselves.
1 Moral. IX. 34 " Salutis unda a culpa primi parentis absolvimur, sed tamen
reatum ejusdem culpse diluentes absoluti quoque adhuc carnaliter obimus." The
casuistical treatment of sins is by no means puritanical in Gregory. He displays in
this matter a lofty wisdom united with charity, and gives directions which were
certainly the best for the circumstances of the time. He says once (Ep. XI. 64) :
"It is characteristic of pious souls to imagine that they are guilty of faults when
there is absolutely none.
bodies with tears, entreat that they may merit pardon at the
intercession of the saints."?This practice of resorting to saints
and relics had existed for a long time, but Gregory has the
merit of systematising it, at the same time providing it with
abundant material by means of his " Dialogues," as well as his
other writings.^ A
cloud of " mediators " came between God
and the soul : angels, saints, and Christ and men began already
extent and he was the most influential bishop. Miracles wrought by relics were to
him every-day events ; the miraculous power of some was so great that everyone who
touched them died. Everything that came in contact with them was rriagnetised.
What powerful intercessors and advocates must then the saints be, when even their
bodies did such deeds ! Gregory therefore sought to preserve the attachment of
influential people —
by sending relics and- slaves. On pictures, see Ep. IX. 52 ;
* Moral, IX. 34, or : "delinquenti dominus nequaquam parcit, quia delictum sine
ultione non deserit. Aut enim ipse homo in se peenitens punit, aut hoc deus cum
horaine vindicans percutit."
^ See Dial. IV. (25) and 39. After God has changed eternal punishments into
temporary, i^e. justified must expiate these temporary penalties for sin in purgatory.
This is inferred indirectly from Matth. XII. 31, directly from I Cor. III. 12 f.
There are perfect men, however, who do not need purgatory.
* See above, p. 232.
The chief emphasis was still held to fall on " conversion," evea
penance was not yet attached to the institution of the Church
and the priest but " satisfaction "
was necessarily felt to be the
main thing. The word was not indeed yet said but
last ;
already the order of penance was taking the place due to faith ;
psenit. and de pudicit. 1890; KolfPs Das Indulgenzedict des riim. Bischofs Kallist
1893 (Texte und Unters. Vol. II, Part 3) ; Gotz, Die Busslehre Cyprian's 1895 Karl ;
" convertuntur fide, veniunt opere, convertuntur deserendo mala, veniunt bona
faciendo." Voluntarily assumed pains constitute satisfactio.
i Evang. 1. I. hom. 10 :
" Peccata nostra pr^terita in baptismatis perceptione
laxata sunt, et tamen post baptisma multa commisimus, sed laxari iterum baptismatis
aqua non possumus. Quia ergo et post baptisma inquinavimus vitim, baptizemus
lacrimis conscientiam."
and legal view has triumphed over the religious. What we see
aimed at in Cyprian's work, De opere et eleemosynis, now
dominates the whole religious conception, and the uncertainty
left by Augustine as to the notion of God, because his ideas
regarding God in Christ tvere only vague, has here become a
source of injury traversing the whole system of religion. For
what does Gregory know of God ? That, being omnipotent, he
has an inscrutable will;'^ being the requiter, he leaves no sin
unpunished ; and that because he is beneficent, he has created an
immense multitude of institutions for conveying grace, whose use
enables the free will to escape sin's penalties, and to exhibit inerits
to God the rewarder. That is Gregory's notion of God, and it is
standing, nay, had himself admitted into his system, all the
main lines of this theory of religion. Even the manifest and
grave externalisation of sin, the direction that we must be ever
bathed in tears, while at the same time zealous and watchful to
escape the penalties of sin, the perversion of the notion of God
and sin, as if God's sole concern was to be satisfied, since he
was the requiter all these thoughts have their points of contact
in the range of Augustine's conceptions.'' The darkest spot in
mediaeval piety, the fact that it commanded constant contrition,
while at the same time it incited the penitent to make calcula-
tions which deadened the moral nerve and changed regret for
sin into dread of punishment —
this source of evil, which makes
religious morality worse than non-religious, was from this time
perpetuated in the Catholic Church of the West.3
1 " Deus teirores incutit " — often.
^ The term "tutius," and the via tutior already play a great part in Gregory's
writings; see e.g.. Dial. IV. 58: "Pensandum est, quod tutior sit via, ut bonum
quod quisque post mortem suam sperat agi per alios, agit ipse dum vivit per se.
Accordingly that is only tutius, and not a self-evident duty.
* Gregory also expressly forbids anyone to be certain of his salvation ; for this he
could, indeed, appeal to Augustine. His letter to the Empress Gregoria's lady of
the bed-chamber is most instructive (V. 25). This poor woman wished to have
assurance of her salvation, and had written the Pope that she would ply him with
letters until he should write that he knew by a special revelation that her sins were
forgiven. What an evangelical impulse in a.d. 596 The Pope replied, first, that
he was unworthy of a special revelation secondly, that she should not be certain of
forgivensss until, the last day of her life having come, she should no longer be in a
position to deplore her sins. Till then she must continue to fear ; for certainty is the
parent of indolence ; she must not strive to obtain it lest she go to sleep. " Let thy
soul tremble for a little while just now, that it may afterwards enjoy unending
1 Divinus sermo. The phrase " verbum ficlei " is also very common.
2 Ezech. I., " Per sacra eloquia dono spiritus vivificamur, ut mortifera a
h. 7.
nobis opera repellamus spiritus vadit, cum legentis animum diversis modis et
bewildering identification of Peter and the Pope made a further advance in the
" '
1 Johannes Scotus Erigena's system (chief work : De divisione naturae, see Migne
CXXII. ; Christlieb i860, Huber 1861, see Ritter and Baur), does not belong to the
history of dogma in the West, for it is an entirely free, independent reproduction of
the Neoplatonic (pantheistic) type of thouoht, as represented by the Areopagite and
especially "the divine philosopher Maximus Confessor," whom Scotus had read.
Augustine also undoubtedly influenced him ; but he has not brought his speculation
any nearer Christianity. The most learned and perhaps also the wisest man of his
age, he maintained the complete identity of religio vera and and phihsophia vera,
thus restored to its central place the fundamental thought of ancient philosophy.
to him, only nominally conceding a place to authority beside reason. Hex. phihsophia
vera was that monism of view in which the knowledge of nature and that of God
coincide, thought and being in that case also coinciding. (Everything is nature,
and finally indeed, "nature which does not create and is not created," and the
notion of being existing in the human mind is the substance of being itself : '
' intel-
lectusrerum veraciter ipsEe res sunt.") Acosmic idealism is carried by Scotus (as by
Stephan bar Sudaili) to the point at which even deity disappears in the intellect of
man. All agreements with Church doctrines rest with Scotus on accommodation
they do not spring, however, from perplexity, but from the clear insight that
wrappings must exist. In reality, even the living movement of nature itself is only
an appearance. Without influence, indeed regarded with suspicion in his own time,
he did not afterwards become the instructor of the West, though Western mystics
have learnt much from him. He was too much of a Greek. In love and power of
systematic construction he was phenomenal, and speculative philosophers rightly
revere him as a master.
1 It is, on the other hand, wonderful with what strength of memory and intellect
men Alcuin and Paulinus of Aquileia familiarised themselves with the separate
lines of Augustine's thought. Alcuin also lived a life of Augustinian piety.
2 See Hatch : An introductory lecture on the study of ecclesiastical history, 1885.
rung im Mittelalter, 1875, 1, pp. 1-64. The last book discusses the efforts to promote
culture. Cf. also Gobi, Gesch. der Katechese im Abendland 1880, and Spiess, Gesch.
des Unterrichtswesens in Deutschland von den altesten Zeiten bis zur Mitte des 13
Jahrhunderts, 1885. Further the histories of the German Church by Rettberg and
Hauek. On "popular theology" among Anglo-Saxons, Saxons, and Franks, see
Bach, I.e. I., p. 81 ff.
1 John Scotus forms an exception, and so also does, in some sense, Fredegis of
Tours, so far as the latter took an independent view of the ominous "nihil" pre-
sented by Augustinian metaphysics. Ahner has, however, shown in his Dissertation
on Fredegis and his letter "De nihilo et tenebris" (1878) that this work has been
over-estimated by earlier scholars.
* Our gratitude is due to Schrbrs for having given in his monograph on Hinkmar
(1884), pp. 166-174, an account of the ancient works read or quoted by the great
Bishop. What an amount of learning and reading is evident from this comparison,
and yet Hinkmar was by no means the greatest scholar. It is also interesting to
notice that Hinkmar held strictly to the edict of Gelasius.
8 A greater interest in Dialectics was also shown by many teachers of the Car-
lovingian period than by earlier theologians. Compare Alcuin's work, De fide
trinitatis, which also displays a valiant effort to reach systematic unity in theological
thought. Fredegis, Alcuin's discipulus dukissimus, was also reprovedby Agobard
as a "philosopher" for his preference for dialectics, the syllogism, and vexed ques-
tions. ("Invenietis nobilitatem divini eloquii non secundum vestram assertionem
more philosophorum in tumore et pompa esse verborum " Agobardi lib. c. object.
Fredegisi abb.) Yet his teaching as to auctoritas and ratio was not different from
Augustine's but distrust was caused by the earnest attempt, on the basis of authority,
to use reason in dealing with dogma. In the dispute between Agobard and Fredegis
many controversial questions emerged which would have become important if the
opponents had really developed them.
* On Alcuin, see Werner's monograph (1881). Radbert had also read TertuUian.
regarding the filioqiie, and against Rome and the East about
they were to a much greater extent teachers of Augustinianism yet not in the ;
Christological question (see under). It was in Augustine along with the Areopagite
that the mediaeval mysticism of the West — and also Scotus — found its source ; for it
is very one-sided to make the latter alone responsible for mysticism. The Franks'
love of culture received its greatest strength from the acquisition of the Crown of
Imperial Rome, What had formerly been a voluntary aspiration now
a.d. 8oo.
assumed the appearance of a duty and obligation for the king-emperor of the Franks
and Romans was the successor of Augustine and Constantine. But how rapidly all
this blossom withered Walafrid writes truly in the prologue to Einhard's Life of
Kaiser Karl " When King Karl assembled wise men, he filled with light, kindled
by God, the mist-shrouded, and so to speak almost entirely dark, expanse of the
kingdom entrusted to him by God, by the new radiance of all science such as till
then had been in part wholly unknown to these barbarians. But now, since these
studies once more relapse into their opposite, the light of wisdom, which finds few
who love it, becomes ever rarer.
2 In these conflicts the controversy as to Augustine is represented. See also the
dispute as to the Lord's Supper.
merits on the part of the man by uniting with him to form a
personal unity, and by thus adopting him to perfect sonship.'^
This scheme is distinguished toto coelo from the Greek one
(received in Rome) of the fifth Council, even if— as happened
the whole of human nature was also understood by the homo.
For, according to the prevailing Greek conception, the God-
Logos, in the moment of the Incarnation, so assumed human
nature and received it into the unity of his being (IStoTroieiv),
that it participated completely in the dignity, and accordingly
in the sonship, of the Son, the incarnate Logos thus being in
every respect as much the one real Son of God as the pre-
existent. To hold Jesus Christ as Son of Man to be merely the
adopted Son of God destroyed, according to Greek ideas, the
whole mystery of the Incarnation, and took the Church back to
the abyss of Nestorianism. Conversely, it was possible for one
who took his stand on Augustinian Christology to feel that the
contention that the Son of Man was as essentially Son of God
as the Logos, was a relapse into Docetism or even Pantheism —
the fusion of divine and human. The great claim of Cyril's
conception consisted in its maintenance of the perfect unity of
the Redeemer's personality,^ the justification of the other in its
adherence to Christ's real humanity. This humanity was to the
opposite party in truth only a theorem, whose avowal permitted
them to deify in concreto everything human in Christ,3 while the
Adoptians were only able to postulate the unity of the Son of
God and Son of Man.4
1 See Augustine's Christology above, p. 127 ff. The idea of the adoptio of the man
Jesus, or human nature, also occurs in TertuUian, Novatian, Marius Victorinus, and
2 So far as the retention of this is the condition of understanding Jesus Christ, the
tactics at the present day. Thus Bach says (I.e. I., p. 109 ff.) " The Adoptians had
Elipandus, does not understand the pneumatic human nature in Christ." If these
words suggest any meaning at all, they show that the modern historian of dogma is as
honest a Docetic as the orthodox after Justinian's heart.
The ca'se is precisely the same as in Christological conflicts generally from the
days of Apollinaris. There is right and wrong on both sides, but after all on neither,
because the conception of a divine nature in Christ leads either to Docetism or the
double personality. AU speculations that seek to escape these consequences can
display at most their good intentions.
1 This was bluntly asserted by Marius Victorinus (adv. Arium I. ) to whom is
due the Augustinian view of Christology sub specie praidestinationis.
2 Migne, CI., p. 1322 sq. :
" Unigenitus vocatur secundum divinitatis excellentiam,
quia sine fratribus, primogenitus secundum susceptionem hominis, in qua per adop-
tionem gratiae fratres habere dignatus est, de quibus esset primogenitus."
— —1
1 Western Augustinian Christology, like Nestorianism, deserved its fall ; for since
it taught that the God-Logos existed behind the man Jesus who was supported hy
divine grace, the relation of the work of redemption to that homo was extremely
uncertain. The was a duplicity of view which could only produce confusion,
and which had to come to an end, until the conception of faith should be thoroughly
accepted, unhampered by pernicious speculations as to the two natures, that God
himself was in the man Jesus.
^ Seethe seven, though not equally valuable passages in Hefele, I.e., p. 650 f. :
"adoptivi hominis passio" -"adoptivi hominis non horruisti vestimentum"
" salvator per adoptionem carnis sedem repetiit deitatis," etc.
3 So Helfferich, I.e. ; also Hauck, R.-Encyklop P., p. 185, leaves it open.
* Gfrbrer, K.-Gesch. III., p. 644 ff. Graf. Baudissin, Eulogius unci Alvar 1872,
p. 61 f. The traces cited of a connection lietween Elipandus and Felix with the
Saracens are very slight ; besides, the objections felt by the latter to the doctrine of the
Trinity are not lessened by Adoptianism. Elipandus defended the doctrine with
peculiar emphasis.
5 Hefele, Op. cit., p. 628 ff.
8 Besides his enthusiasm for Rome, Migetius' main heresy seems to have been that
ha conceived God strictly as a single person, and maintained that he had revealed
2 The comparatively slight influence exerted by the great main current of Church
development is also shown by the fact that the opposition of the Spaniard Vigilantius to
saintsand relics continued to influence Spain, as is evidenced, eg. , by the attack made
upon him by Faustus of Rhegium (see above, p. 244, note I ). Paradoxical as it soundSv
the veneration of these objects lay in the van of Church evolution, in so far as it was-
most closely connected with the development of Christology. Those who resisted
this worship soon ceased to do so on evangelical grounds, but because ecclesiastically
they were " laggards." The dislike to relics and pictures, however, is as closely con-
nected with the Adoptian theory, as their worship and the materialistic dogma of the
Lord's Supper are with the Christology of Cyril, Justinian, and Alcuin (see under).
But even after Reccared passed over to Catholicism, the Spanish Church showed its
disorderly state, not only in the persistent mingling of Pagan and Christian morals,
and (in some circles) the continuance of certain Arian leanings, but still more in
numerous heretical intrigues. To this class belong Priscillianism, degenerated into
dualism, Migetius, that Marcus who rejuvenated Basilidianism, and above all the sect
of Bonosians that held its ground in Spain phenomena that were profoundly opposed
to Catholicism, and prove how hard it was for the rising Roman Catholic Church in
Spain to adopt the sentiments of Roman Catholicism. No other Western Church
had at this date still to strive so keenly witli powerful heresies as the Spanish. Hence
is explained the growth in this Church, especially after contact with Islam, of the
cold, determined fanaticism of its orthodoxy and persecution of heretics. Wherever
it arises, this is a sign that men have forced themselves after severe sacrifices to sub-
mit to the sacred cause, and that they now seek to compensate themselves by making
others do the same. As regards the sect of Bonosians in particular, their founder,
Bonosus, Bishop of Sardica, advanced from a denial of Mary's perpetual virginity to
the doctrine of Photinus (see the Synod of Capua, a.d. 391 ; Ambrose's letters,
Siricius,and Innocent I., and Marius Meicator). Strange to say, he found adherents
in South Gaul, and especially in Spain, up till into the eighth century in Spain, as it ;
appears, they were numerous see the 2 Synod of Aries (443?) c. 17, Synod of Clichy
(626) c. 5, Synod of Orleans (S38) c. 31, Gpnnad. de vir. inl. 14, Avitus Vienn.,
Isidore de script, eccl. 20, de hser. 53. In the sixth century Justinian of Valentia
opposed them in Spain, and in the seventh the Synod of Toledo (675), leferred-in
also the two books written against him by Beatus and Eterius of
Asturia, as well as Alcuin's writings. He meant to maintain
the unity of person throughout ; but this unity did not, in his
view, do away with the strict distinction of natures. The human
nature remained human, being thence raised to the dignity of
divinity, and for this reason he held the term " adoptio " to be
peculiarly fitting :
" the son adoptive in his humanity but not in
the Symbol to the doctrine of the Bonosians that Christ had only existed after Mary
bore him, and was merely ^, filius adoptivus, by confessing; "hie etiam filius dei
natura est filius, non adoptione." Naturally Elipandus and Felix were conjoined by
their opponents with the Bonosians, but with the greatest injustice ; they were rather
their most implacable enemies, since they never denied that Christ as Son of God was
filius dei naturalis. They even tried to hurl back the charge of Bonosianism at their
enemies (Beatus and Eterius), an attempt, indeed, that could not succeed. It was at
any rate prejudicial, seeing that men cling to catchwords, to place in the Toledan
Symbol of 675 the words non filius adoptione," although by them the Photinian
deals with the second Adam in a way that had not been heard
of in the Church since the days of Theodore. Since the Son of
Man was actually a man, the whole stages of his humiliation
were not voluntarily undertaken, but were necessary. It was
only the resolve of the Son of God to adopt a man that was
freely made. After this resolve was realised the Son of Man had
to be a servant, had to be subject to the Father in everything,
had to fulfil his will and not his own. Like all men he was only
good so far as, and because, he was subject to the Father's grace
he was not omniscient and omnipotent, but his wisdom and
power were bounded by the limits imposed on humanity. He
derived his life from the Father, and to him he also prayed for
1 Alcuin says too much when he exclaim? (adv. Elip. IV. 2): "Ubi latuit, ubi
dormivithocnomen adoptionis vel nuncupationisde Christo?" orEp. iio: " Novitas
vocum in adoptione, nuncupatione, omnino fidelibus omnibus detestanda est.
' Compare how also Facundus of Hermiane (pro defens. trium capp. ed.
p. 708,
Paris, 1616, II.) acknowledges that Christ accepted the " Sacrament of Adoption.
tinguished between " the one " and " the other " {alter and alter),
" this one " and " that " {ille and ille\ nay, he called the Son of
- The clearest passages —Felix's own words— occur in Agobard, lib. adv. Fel. 27-37.
not real, but nominal, and "we must by no means believe that
the omnipotent divine Father, who is a spirit, begets the body
from himself" (nullo modo credendum est, ut omnipotens deus
pater, qui spiritus est, de semetipso carnem generet). The man
Christ has two fathers, one natural (David), and the other by his
With reference to the second point, Felix taught that the
Son of Man underwent two births he was born of the virgin :
filii dei cum humanitate sua communes habeat actiones, qua ex causa aliquando ea qus
divina sunt referuntur ad humana, et ea quae humana fiunt interdum adscribuntur ad
•divina, et hoc ordine aliquando dei filius in hominis filio filius hominis appellari dig-
natur et hominis filius in dei filio filius dei nuncupatur. " The Nestorians, too, main-
.tained such a double personality.
fact that the controversy had already excited the Bishops of all
Spain, and had extended into France.' Hadrian I. entered into
the dispute at this time. He could not but welcome the chance
of proving to the Spanish Metropolitan, whose independence
rendered him obnoxious, that he had fallen into the heresy of
Nestorius, and that the Spanish Bishops were therefore bound
to adhere to the teaching of Rome and the Fathers.^
Soon afterwards Felix of Urgel energetically championed the
thesis laid down by Elipandus. Thereby the question at issue
became important for the kingdom of the Franks. The Synod
of Regensburg (792), whose transactions are unfortunately lost,
was convened to deal with Adoptianism. Felix himself required
to appear. He defended himself before Charlemagne,3 but is
1 See the analysis of this writing in Bach, p. 116 ff. It follows Cyril. The old
charge formerly made against the Nestorians is also urged against the Adoptians, that
by making the Son of Man independent they expanded the Trinity into a Quaternity.
A few Western reminiscences are, however, not wanting, although the human nature is
II. 68, where the filius se-
substantially conceived to be the impersonal caro ; see e.g. ,
redemptor noster cum sancta ecclesia, quam redemit secundum carnem, una substantia
2Ep. 97 in the Cod. Carol, in Migne, T. CII., see analysis in Hefele III., p. 66
ff. which is also to be compared with what follows.
3 In the controversy the King proved that he felt fully his responsibility as a
Christian ruler, and was at the same time thoroughly anxious to be just. He was
really convinced by the propositions of his theologians. They extolled him highly as
protector of the faith, as a David and a Solomon. Alcuin says of the King (adv.
Elipand. I. 16) " Catholicus in fide, rex in potestate, pontifex in prsedicatione, judex
dei donum praedicamus, quod tanta devotione ecclesias Christi a perfidorum doctrinis
intrinsecus purgare tuerique niteris, quanta forinsecus a vastatione paganorum clefen-
dere vel propagare conaris. His duobus gladiis vestram venerandam excellentiam
dextra laevaque divina armavit potestas."
{l) that all the statements of Scripture and the Fathers regarding Christ have for their
subject the concrete person in two natures ; (2) that the notion of adoption occurs
neither in Scripture nor the Fathers, and is thus novel and false ; and (3) that the
Adoptianist theory is and upsets the basis of faith. He tries to show that
adoptio, if taken to mean anything different from assumptio, leads to heresy. Assump-
tion is held to express the natural relation in which humanity is connected with
deity by the Incarnation, and which is annulled by the adoptio that designates a
relation due to grace. Alcuin indeed also speaks (following Augustine) of grace
having been in Christ, for it does not, like adoptio, exclude the natural relation of
sonship. But his strongest argument consists in his explanation that passive adoption
was impossible, because the Son of Man did not exist at all before he was actual Son
of God. Neither he nor Paulinus supposes that the man Christ was a person before
the God-man. He certainly possessed his personality from the first in the Son of
God, Accordingly, if we think abstractly, we may not conceive of a man (homo)
Christ who existed before the Incarnation, but of human nature, which only became
personal by its assumption, and was at once made an essential constituent of the
person of the God-man. Therefore this nature, even apart from sin, was infinitely
superior to and unlike ours. Therefore the doctritie of the Agnoetes, who had be-
ades been already strongly assailed by Gregory I. in his letters, was to be condemned;
and the servile form of the Son of God was in every respect worthy of adoration,
because it was not necessary to his nature, but was at every point freely undertaken.
Accordingly Christ required neither baptism nor adoption, and even as man was no
ordinary creature, but always the God-m.nn. " In spite of the assumption of human
nature, the God -man retained sole property in the person of the Son."
was merely added like something impersonal to this unity of person of the Son of
God, " and there remained the same property in two natures in the name of the Son
that formerly existed in one substance." But Alcuin adds very inaptly (c. Felic. II.
12) :
" a deo persona perit hominis, non natura ; " for he
in adsumtione carnis
certainly did not assume that a " persona hominis " had existed previously. We can
only explain this lapse by supposing that Alcuin had not yet let Cyril's Christology
€xpunge from his mind every reminiscence of Augustine's. Bach rightly remarks
(p. 136 f. against Dorner) " that no opponent of the Adoptians imagined that per-
sonality was essential to the completeness of the human nature (like Bach himself)
they taught exactly the opposite." Bach's own explanation of the above passage,
which is only inteUigible as a lapse, is, for the rest, wholly incorrect. "By persona he
would understand "the person of man as such, of humanitas, and not of tlie man
lEpist. ad Carol. M. "Quid enim prodest ecclesiae dei Christum appellare
no one who had once been initiated into the mysteries was
influenced by this. He who has once but sipped the intoxicating
cup of that mysticism, which promises to transform every worth-
less stone into gold, sees everywhere the mystery of deification,
and then it is not easy for the watchman to recall the dreamer
to life.' For this is the last motive of this speculation from the :
Saxon and Prankish Church still " lagged " behind its guide.
caput ecclesice are Augustinian, and in pait more precise than they occur in Augustine.
The part played in the controversy by the thought of Christ as head of the Church is
worthy of note. We
are not prepared for it, if we start from the more ancient
tradition. The greater emphasis laid on Christ as priest and sacrifice was already
determined by the all-prevailing reference to the Mass.
' Adoptianism, like Nestorianism, necessarily remained a half thing, because it did
not correct this pseudo-Christian motive. This is the ultimate cause of its speedy
death. Adoptianism and the Eucharistic Christ do not suit each other.
2 See Bach, p. 1 19 f. Beatus has pointed out, like Cyril, that the concrete unity of
Christ's person is shown most clearly in the fact that in the Lord's Supper the whole
Christ is adored, and that his flesh is the principle of eternal life. Bach (p. 120) has
eloquently evolved as his own view the cause for which the opponents of the
Adoptians ultimately contended. " Beatus and Eterius, in opposition to the exter-
nality of Elipandus, pointed with a profoundly realistic glance to the central signifi-
cance of Christ in the collective ethical and sacramental constitution of Christianity,
and the morally free life of humanity. The organic and physical relation of Christ
in its inner relation to human freedom, which
to humanity, and i\it physiology oi grace
has its living roots in the concrete God-man, are
hereby indicated. A divided Christ
life to mankind. " This materialistic ghost
cannot be a new physical ethical ferment of
Protestant Christianity.
unfortunately also announces its presence in
3 With him and Paulinus, only indeed in unimportant hints, wherefore Bach calls
Paulinus " less profound and thorough" than Beatus. How the speculation reached
the latter is not known.
to feel that they were in agreement with the whole Church than
to defend the legitimacy of a distinctive position.
The decisive result of the whole controversy was that the
West set aside its own earlier Christological system, —
and for
the sake of the Lord's Supper and the imposing tradition of the
Greeks thought like the latter within the sphere of dogma.
Christ's unity was maintained but this unity absorbed his
humanity, and removed far off the dread incarnate Son of God
(dei filius incarnatus tremendus). Strict dogmatic only per-
mitted him to be approached in the Lord's Supper. But that
did not prevent the vision of the lowly Man of Sorrows con-
tinuing, still secretly at first, to make its way side by side with
dogmatic theory, that vision that had dawned upon Augustine,
and was in ever-increasing vividness to form the strength of
piety in the future.
2 See the letters of Alvar, Bandissin, I.e. Bach I., p. 146 ff.
3 Sources, collected by the Jansenist Maugin, Veterum auct. qui IX. saec.de
prsedest. et gratia scripsenint, Paris 1650 ; see the works of Carlovingian theologians
in the time of Charles the Bald, Mansi, T. XIV. and XV. ; Gfrorer, Gesch. der Karol.
Vol. and K. -Gesch., Vol. III. 2 Diimmler, Gesch. des ostfrank. Reichs, Vol. I,
I., ;
Ilauck, K. -Gesch. Deutschlands, Vol. II. Wiggers in the Ztschr. f. d. hist. Theol.
IV2., p. 130 if. ; Bach, Op. cit. I., p. 219 ff; Reuter I.e. I., p. 43 ff ; Borrasch, Der
Monch Gottschalk, 1868; Monograplis on Hinkmar by v. Noorden and Schrors;
Freystedt, Der wissensch. Kampf im Pradest.-Streit des'9jahrh. ; also, Der synodale
Kampf im Pradest. -Streit des 9 Jahrh. (Ztschr. f. wissensch. Theol. Vol. 36, pp.
315-368 ; New Series, Vol.. I., pp. 447-478), and Studien zu Gottschalk (Ztschr. f. K.
Gesch., Vol XVIII., p. iff.).
1 Gottschalk is especially dependent on Fulgentius. On Isidore's doctrine of
predestination, see Wiggers, Ztschr. f. d. hist. Theol. 1855 ; on Bede's, I.e. 1857.
te igitur supplex invoco . . . ut largiaris indigentissimo raihi per gratmtiz gratiiz taa
invictissimam virtutem, etc."
1 See Opp. Raban. in Migne, CXII., p. 1530 sq., Kunstmann, Rabanus Magnentius
Maurus 1 84 1.
2 The view of Rabanus himself, that great, pure, truly pious and unpolitical prince
similiter omnino omnes reprobos, qui damnabuntur propter ipsorum mala merits, in-
commutabilis deus per justum judicium suum incommutabiliter prsdestinavit ad
mortem merito sempiternam."
4 Migne, CXII., p. 1574.
3 Hinkmar's large works on the question in dispute were not written till several years
later ; (yet see the writing Ad reclusos et simplices, A.D. 849-50'; Gundlach in the
Ztschr. fiir K.-Gesch., Vbl. X., p. 258 ff.; Freystedt, I.e. p. 320 ff., 358 ff.). Thefirst
in three books {856 and 857) was so extensive, that it was not transcribed, and so has
perished (see Schrors, p. 136 f. ) . The second, De prcedestinatione dei et libero arbitrib,'
was also prolix enough and very meaningless (written 859 to S60, Schrors, p. 141 ff.).
In the introduction to this work, the history of the sect of predestinationists, which is
said to have risen even in St. Augustine's lifetime, is described in a very unhistorical
fashion. The sect has now revived, and
newer members adhere to Fulgentius, who
never enjoyed a lofty prestige in the Church(c. 3, 8, 13). Hinkmar's main proposition
is that predestination to punishment embraces compulsion to commit sin. " Prsescivit
deus hominem ad pcenam." Accordingly there is only a predestination of, not to,
4 Migne, CXXI., pp. 347-349: "Confiteor, deum omnipotentem et incommutabilem
certissime ipsorum propria futura mala merita praedestinasse pariter per justissimum
judicium suum in mortem merito sempiternam. " " Credo siquidem atque confiteor
prsescisse teante saecula quaecunque erant futuia, sive bona sive mala, praedestinasse vero
tantummodo bona. Bona autem a te prsedestinata bifariam sunt tuis a fidelibus in-
dagata . . . i.e. in gratise beneficia et justiti^ simul judicia . . . Frustra eleciis
pr^destinasses vitam, nisi et illos prsedestinasses ad ipsam. Sic etiam
omnibus . . .
profecto destinarentur, nisi essent priedestinati. " From Gottschalk's standpoint both
confessions are conciliatory.
^ Gottschalk frequently maintained that Christ did not die for the reprobi, though
perceptionem pereunt ;
" for " qui ex numero fidelium pereunt, Christo et ecclesise
nunquam fuerunt incorporati.
2 See Freystedt, I.e., p. 329 ff.
3 Bach (I., p. 232 ff.) has analysed and discussed the various writings of these men.
* Men at that time disputed about predestination, just as " positive " theologians
to-day quarrel among themselves about the right of historical criticism. Some defend
this right, others would restrict or abolish it ; but even the former don't really believe
in it, since they take care not to carry out its conclusions.
5 Bach, I., p. 240.
though, so far as words go, the saved are saved solely in virtue
of election. The artificial distinction here made (predestination
" De divina prsedest. Migne, CXXII., p. 355 sq. The Synods at Valencia and
Langres (859) condemned the work, after Prudentius and Florus Magister had written
against it.
1 The four chapters of Chiersey yielded more to Augustinianism than was consistent
with truthfulness : I. " Deus hominem sine peccato rectum cum libero arbitrio con-
didit et in paradiso posuit, quem in permanere voluit. Homo
sanctitate justitise
libero arbitrio male utens peccavit et cecidit, et factus est massa perditionis totius
humani generis. Deus autem bonus et Justus elegit ex eadem massa perditionis
secundum prsescientiam suam, quos per gratiam prsedestinavit ad vitam, et vitam illis
prsedestinavit jeternam.
' Ceteros autem, quos justitise judicio in massa perditionis
reliquit, perituros prsescivit, sed non ut perirent preedestinavit, pcenam autem illis,
quia Justus est, prsedestinavit EEternam. Ac per hoc unam dei pr^destinationem
tantummodo dicimus, quae aut ad donum pertinet gratise, aut ad retributionem
justitias." II. "Libertatem arbitrii in primo homine /«?-rfzrfmaj, quam per Christum
dominum nostrum recepimus. Et habemus liberum arbitrium ad bonum, praeventum
et adjutum gratia. Et habemus liberum arbitrium ad malum, desertum gratia.
Liberum autem habemus arbitrium quia gratia liberatum et gratia, de corrupto
sanatum." III. "Deus omnes homines sine exceptione vult salvos fieri, licet non
omnes salventur. Quod autem quid em salvantur, salvantis est donum quod autem ;
quidem pereunt, pereuntium est meritum." The fourth chapter says that Christ
adopted the nature of each man, and accordingly died for each, though all are not re-
deemed. The cause of this fact is that those not redeemed are infideles or are defi-
cient in the faith that works by love; "poculum humanse salutis, quod confectum
est infirmitate nostra et virtute divina. habet quidem in se, ut omnibus prosit, sed si
non bibitur non medetur." Mansi, XIV., p. 919.
See on Prudentius and the Synod of Sens, Hefele, p. 188 f. The four chapters
of this Synod, which teach the gemina prcBdestinatio, are by Prudentius ; see Migne,
CXXV., p. 64.
3 Migne, CXXI., p. 1083 " Libellus de tenenda immobiliter
: scripturse veritate"
1 It is superfluous to give the canons here — they are very prolix ; see Mansi, XV.,
p. 3 ; Hefele, IV., p. 193 ff. ; Schrois, p. 133 ff. '
peace.' Hinkmar, indeed, did not doubt that tliere had been
and was a predestinationist heresy, which it was necessary to
oppose, and whose adherents appealed unjustifiably to
Augustine. He composed at the time his prolix work, De
praedestinatione (against Remigius and others), under the
auspices of his theological king. But the kings' need of peace
was stronger than the zeal of bishops fighting in the dark. At
the great Synod of the three realms at Toucy (860), the case
postponed at Savonieres was brought to an end in a comprehen-
sive synodal edict, which dealt indefinitely with the real kernel
of the question, and was destitute of meaning and badly
arranged. Controversial points were left alone, and those were
confessed on which all were agreed. Hinkmar composed this
document. Besides predestination to life, which was set forth
in good Augustinian language, it was declared that God willed
to save all, that Christ died for all, and that while free-will
required to be redeemed and healed after the Fall, it had never
been wholly lost. = If the worth of a confession depends on its
really expressing the existing belief, then the triumph of
Hinkmar's formula was really more valuable than would have
been that of the contrary doctrine. The avowal of twofold
predestination, in itself even more the expression of a theological
speculation than of Christian faith in God the Father, would
have meant than nothing coupled with the retention of
ecclesiastical empiricism. Of course the formula of Hinkmar,
which no artifice could reconcile with that of Orange, did not
mean much either for, in spite af words, Augustine remained
'Sabellianism. Both phrases " una deltas"' and " trina deitas" can be defended from the
Augustinian standpoint see Hinkmar's writing, De una et non trina deitate (Migne,
CXXV., p. 473 ; Schrors, Hinkmar, p. 150 ff.), in which Boethius' notion of person-
ality (" rationabilis naturse individua subsistentia ") plays a part. The number of
theological problems discussed at the date of this renaissance of theology was very
great ; see Schrors, Hinkmar, p. 88 ff. But the questions were almost all exceedingly
minute and subtle, like those suggested by clever children. Nor was the culture of
the period possessed of the scholastic technique required for their treatment.
2 Of course only tendencies— the confusion that still prevailed at the close of the
eighth century as regards Augustinianism is best shown by the fact that the Syinbol
admitted into the Libri Carolini (symbolum Hieronymi, sermo Augustini) was Pelagius'
Confession of Faith ad Innocentimii-. But it was also, as late as a.d. 1521, produced
.by the Sorbonne against Luther as Augustine's confession.
" catholicam fidem tenere," or " integram inviolatamque fidem servare "). (4) Look-
ing to the contents, the Christological section, §§ 28-39, shows, first, the Antinestorian
(32) and Antimonophysite attitude (34, 35) completely balanced secondly, the
Gallican rescension of the Apostle's Creed (" passus," " descendit ad inferos," " sedet
ad dexteram dei patris omnipotentis these could only be attributed to Spain)
thirdly, the influence of the Nicene Constantinopolitan Creed ("passus estpro nostra
salute"), so that we can hardly ascend beyond the beginning of the sixth century for
this part. (5) Weight is to be given to the fact that the author, who has adhered
strictly in §§ 36, 37 to the curt form of the Symbol, has considered it necessary in
§§ 38, 39 to make a wordy addition, that at Christ's coming all men " reddituri sunt de
iaz'as, propriis rationem, et qui bona egerunt ibunt in vitam astemam, qui vero mala in
ignem seternum." Is this addition not to be understood as in the interests of Semi-
Pelagianism The two portions may have been combined as early as the sixth century.
If we could date the Sermo Trevir. we would know more accurately about this.
1 See Hefele, III., p. 432.
Hefele, III., p. 704 ; see Libr. Carol. III. 3 (Migne, Vol. 98), where Tarasius is
blamed for teaching that the Holy Spirit proceeds ex patre perfilium instead of ex
3 Hefele, III., 750-755.
*See Mansi, XIV., p. 18 sq. It is very important that the Pope objected to the
last-mentioned argument of the Franks, saying that other things were also necessary
for salvation, and were yet not received into the Symbol, since it could admit of no
change at all. This meant (as opposed to the Eastern view) thut the Symbol did not
embrace everything that belonged to salvation. The Pope says (p. 20) " Verumtamen,:
quEeso, responde mihi num universa hujusmodi fidei mystica sacramenta, quae symbolo
non continentur, sine quibus quisque, qui ad hoc pertingere potest, catholicus esse
non potest, symbolis inserenda et propter compendium minus intellegentium, ut
cuique libuerit, addenda sunt?" The Pope, besides, asserted, in a very remarkable
way, in the interview with the Prankish missi, he thought that all stages of culture
could not take up the same attitude to dogma, hat accordingly what was important
to some was not to others.
^ The papal legates in Constantinople (a.d, 880) still subscribed the Symbol withont
filioque. On John VIII., see Hefele IV., p. 482. The Prankish kingdom took
the liveliest interest in the controversy in that period ; but the grounds on which it
It is not known how and when the
rested its own view were always the same.
" filioque
" was admitted in Rome into the Symbol; and we know just as little about
how and when Rome accepted the Galilean Apostles' Creed and the Athanasian.
1 This is true of the cultured, and at that time governing, portion of the clergy.
been learnt, and what was most important but few pictures —
were possessed.
It has been maintained,' but it is not absolutely certain, that
the worship of images, these being an extract (85 ch.) from the
Libri Carolini, which Alcuin had composed shortly before, at the
Emperor's command, in conjunction with other theological
Court officials they were written against the Oriental Councils
^ On the development of the mysteries and Lord's Supper in the Greek Church,
see Vol. IV. p. 268. John of Damascus (De fide orth. IV. 13), declared expressly:
o^K ^o"Tt T&jros 6 &f>Tos roO crJjfJ.aTos dXX' aiiri rb cai/Aa toD Kvpiov TeBeojfihov. After the
Synod of 754 (Mansi, XIII., p. 261 sq.), had called the consecrated elements types
and images, the second Nicene Synod of 787 (I.e. p. 265) expressly declared that
they were not that, since neither the Apostles nor Fathers had so named them by ;
•consecration they rather became aird a&ixa Kal axirb atfm. Yet Transubstantiation,
taken strictly in the Western sense, was admittedly never taught by the Greeks.
2See Reuter, I., pp. 24 ff. 41 ff.
* In order to perceive that the Lord's Supper needed a special prominence to be
:given to it, notice the view taken by Hinkmar of ordeals, on which Augustine, indeed,
had already laid great stress (Schrors, p. 190 ff. ); he regarded them, namely, as
•sacraments instituted in Scripture, and placed them on a level with the baptismal
<;eremonies. Hinkmar was not alone in the value he attached to the oath of purgation
and divine judgments (see Roziere, Recueil general des formules, Paris, 1859, n.
DLXXXI. -DCXXV. ; on p. 70, the ceremony is described as ckristiance rehgionis
jrfficium), but Agobard, who opposed them, stood almost alone; see Reuter, I., p.
32 ff.
the more the historical Christ was lost in light which no man
can approach, and the more resolutely religious speculation, in
order to be truly pious, only saw in him the God, who had
added human nature to his fulness (see the Adoptian contro-
versy), the more clearly did men feel themselves constrained tO'
seek Christ not in the historical picture or the Word, but where the
mystery of his Incarnation and death was present and palpable.'
1 The controversies de partu virginis (Bach, I., p. 152 ff. ; see Ratramnus, Liber
de eo, quod Christus ex virgine natus est ; Radbertus, Opusculum de partu virginis,
d'Achery, Spicil. I. p. 52, 44), show still better than the Adoptian controversy, the
kind of Christology that v?as honoured by the religion of the community and monks.
Ratramnus described as the poison of the old serpent the fact that some Germans
denied that Christ had issued from Mary's womb in the natural way, for thus the
reality of Christ's birth was destroyed, although he also acknowledged Marf s perpetual
virginity and taught the partus clauso utero : " clausa patuit dominanti." Radbert
...on the other hand, without answering Ratramnus, consoled some nuns, who had
been unsettled by the alleged denial of Mary's virginity, by saying that the Church
held firmly to the " clauso utero " ; for if Christ had come to the light in the natural
way, he would have been like an ordinary man ; everything connected with the
incarnation, however, was miraculous. He who did not admit Christ to have
been born clauso utiro, set him under the common law of nature, i.e. sinful nature,
and in that case Christ was not free of sin. The difference between the two scholars
thus consisted solely in ihe fact that while Ratramnus maintained the natural process
of birth to have taken place miraculously clauso utero, Radbert taught that the birth
was a supernatural process, and that Christ had left his mother in a diffeient v\ay from
other children. Radbert here also is the more consistent Ratramnus seeks to unite
Christi). These had to be removed. Bach remarks very justly (1. p. 156): "The
cause of present day misunderstandings of the ancient controversies regarding the
Lord's Supper, consists in mistaking the law that governs the formation of language,
and that also applies to theological idiom. We refer here to the gradual change of
meaning of theological words, even when they have become, as regards their outward
verbalform, fixed categories, i.e. termini technici." The admission here frankly made
by the Catholic historian of dogma is, we know, not always granted by Lutheran
theologians. We have indeed had to listen, in the controversy of our own days, to
the wonderful cry that we ought to restore to words their original meaxdng. As if
any one still possessed the old die
^ Bede's teaching was thoroughly Augustinian. (" In redemptionis memoriam,"
"corporis sanguinisque sacramentum," "ad corpus Christi mystice refertur,"
" spiritualiter intellegite," " non hoc corpus, quod videtis Christus inquit mandu- —
caturi estis, sacramentum aliquod vobis commendavi, spiritualiter intellectum vivifica-
bit vos," "lavat nos a peccatis nostris quotidie in sanguine suo, cum beatse passionis
ad altare memoria replicatur, cum panis et vini creatura in sacramentum carnis et
sanguinis' ejus ineffabili spiritus sanctificatione transfertur ") ;
passages in Miinter
(D.-Gesch. [1834] p. 223 f.).
II., I But we then see how the conception changed
step by step until the middle of the ninth century. Alcuin repeats his teacher's
principles but both his opposition to the Council of a.d. 754 (De impio imag. cultu
IV. 14: "non sanguinis et corporis dominici mysterium i7nago jam nunc dicendum
est, sed Veritas, non umbra, sed corpus "), and in part his study of Greek Christology
and adoption of sentiments expressed in the Church practice led him to make state-
ments like the following (Ep. 36) "prefer nomen amici tui eo, tempore opportuno,
Carolum, thirteen years later (Migne, CXX., p. 1267). Steitz in the R.-Encykl. XII.,
p. 474. Riickert in Hilgenfeld's Ztschr. 1858. Bach. I., p. 156 ff. Reuter, I., p.
41 ff. Choisy, Paschase Radbert, Geneve, 1888. Hausher, Der hi. Paschasius, 1862.
Ernst, Die Lehre d. h. P. Radbert v. d. Eucharistie, 1896. Geschiclite der Abenil-
mahlsfeier by Dieckhoff, p. 13 ff., Ebrard, Kahnis, etc. Ebert, Gesch. d. Lit. des
tion." 3 The importance of the book lies rather in the fact that
the Lord's Supper exhaustively discussed from all possible
et sanguine Christi, which is found in Jerome's works (Migne, T. XXX., Col. 271 fF.),
being ascribed by tradition to Eusebius of Emesa, and of which a copy is also given
among the works of Faustus of Riez. In it occurs the sentence " Visibilis sacerdos
visibiles creaturas in substantiam corporis et saneuinis sui verbo suo secreta potestate
convertit." The homily belongs to a whole group, on which consult Caspari, Briefe,
Abhandlungen und Predigten (1890), p. 418 ff. (see above, p. 254).
3 Choisy seeks to sliow that Paschasius was the father of the Catholic dogma even to
the manducatio infideliiim, and that the spiritual form of the dogma of the Lord's
Supper is in his case only apparent, since ultimately everything is dominated by
crass realism.
* Compare Radbert's extremely characteristic introduction to his treatise : he
sacrament did not exist apart from faith. The unbeliever, indeed,
receives the sacrament —
what that is is indefinable but he does —
discusses the almighty will of God as ground of all natural events. God's arbitrary-
power is the ultimate cause ; therefore his actions can be described as contrary to nature
as well as natural (the latter, because even the regular course of things is subject to
divine absolutism). The new dogma is explicitly based on this conception of God.
Notoriously everything can be deduced from it, predestination, accommodation, tran-
substantiation, etc. Radbert holds the Lord's Supper to be the miracle of miracles,
towards which ali others point ; see I, S-
widest circles (Bach, I. 167 ff.) ; see De corp. etsang. 8, 2. Expos, in Mat. 1. XH., 26.
Reality in its common sense is natura " in Radbert's view but he never says that the
' ;
«lements are naturaliter transformed. Therefore also Christ's body is not digested.
Lord's Supper alone, vis. " that even our flesh may be renewed
by immortality and incorruption," ^ is Greek. Indeed
it to
Radbert even says conversely " the flesh of Christ spiritually
1 See esp. ch. VIII. , but also 5-7> Hi 21. This spiritual conception, on which Steitz.
(I.e.) has rightly laid great stress, runs through the whole book. But when Radbert
positively calls the body present in the Lord's Supper a corpus spiritah, he does not
mean this in contrast with the natural, but the lower bodily nature (caro humana)
confined to space. C. 21, 5: " Non nisi electorum cibus est." 6, 2: "Quid est,
quod manducant homines ? Ecce omnes indifferenter quam ssepe sacramenta altaris
percipiunt. Percipiunt plane, sed alius carnem Christi spiritaliter manducat at
sanguinem bibit, alius vero non, quamvis buccellam de manu sacerdotis videatur
percipere. Et quid accipit, cum una sit consecraiio, si corpus et sang. Chr. non
accipit? Vere, quia reus indigne accipit, judicium sibi manducat."
" Ut etiam caro nostra per hoc ad immortalitatem et incorruptionem reparetur."
and 19, I " Non sicut quidam volunt anima sola hoc mysterio pascitur, quia non sola
redimitur morte Christi et salvatur, verum etiam et caro nostra, etc. etc. ; " nos per hoc
in incorruptionem transformamur " (therefore as in Justin) ; the same thought already
in I. 4, 6.
mundi ut mirabilius loquar, non alia plane quam quje nata est de Maria et
vita, et
passa in cruce et resurrexit de sepulcro." Further 7, 2 "corpus quod natum est de :
atemum quotidie interpellat pro nobis." 12, i "ubi calholica fide hoc mysterium
" sensibilis res intellegibiliter virtute dei per verbum Christi in camera ipsius divinitus
" "
voluit in mysterio hunc panem at vinum vere carnem suam et sanguinem consecratione
spiritus s. potentialiter (z'.e. efficaciter) creari, creando vero quotidie pro mundi vita
mystice immolari.
2 See c. 14 ; besides Bach I., p. 168 ff. A lamb, or real blood, or the Christ-child
s On this point Radbert speaks like Ratramnus ; see I, 5 :
" visu corporeo et gustu
propterea non demutantur, quatenus fides exerceatur ad justitiam." 13, i, 2, "quod
colorem aut saporem carnis minime prsebet, virtus tamen fidei et intellegentiae, quse
nihil de Christo dubitat, totum illud spiritaliter sapit et degustat . . . Sic debuit hoc
mysterium temperari, ut et arcana secretorum celarentur infidis et meritum cresceret
de virtute fidei et nihil deesset interius vere credentibus promisse veritatis." Nay the
disguise incites to loftier aspiration (as with the Greeks) "insuper et quod majus est:
per hsec secretius praestita ad illam tenderent speciem satietatis uhijam non pro peccatis
nostris quotidie Christus immolabitur, sed satietate manifestationis ejus sine uUa
corruptione omnes sine fine fruemur." (One imagines that he is listening to Origen
or Gregory of Nyssa. ) On figura and Veritas, see 4, I ". ut sicut de virgine : . .
per spiritum vera caro sine coitu creatur, ita per eundem- ex substantia panis ac vini
mystice idem Christi corpics et sanguis consecretur . . . figura videtur esse cum
frangitur, dum quam quod visu carnis et gustu sentitur.
in specie visibili aliud intelligitur'
Veritas appellatur, dum corpus Christi et sanguis virtute spiritus in verbo ipsius ex
panis vinique substantia efficitur.
1 The doctrine of the real conversion of the elements in the West is to be regarded
as an importation from the East, and is closely connected with the anti-Adoptian
version of Christology. But it was first in the West that the legal mind and dialectics
cast themselves on this subject, and produced a complicated and never to be com-
pleted doctrine of endless extent.
all the consequences which resulted from it. Radbert is not the
theologian of the Catholic Mass. The Incarnation and Lord's
Supper were for him more intimately connected, as it seems,
than Christ's sacrificial death and the dogma of the Lord's
Supper. From this we see that Radbert was a disciple of the
Greeks, that he was really a theologian, and his interest did not
centre primarily on the Church institution of penance, and the
divine service of the Mass connected with it'
Rabanus = and Ratramnus alone opposed him. The opposi-
tion is as obscure, logically, as in the controversy about the
virgin birth. As Ratramnus had then taught that the natural
had come to pass by a miracle, while Radbert held that the
event was contrary to nature so here again Rabanus and,
1 Not primarily ; for undoubtedly he more than once in his work thinks of the
Mass, and draws the inference of the daily sacrifice of Christ's body ^r« peccatis ; see
13, 2; 4, I, etc.
2 Ep. ad Eigil. Migne, CXII., p. 1510.
^ Ratramnus and Rabanus are nearer each other than is currently supposed ; but
Bach (1. p. 191 ff.) is wrong, when, after the precedent of other Catholics, he tries by
an interpretation of Ratramnus' use of language to make him a genuine Catholic.
Ratramnus also holds that a miracle takes place, but not the miracle that magically
produces the body worn by Christ as a person.
* See the opening of the work.
sumitur in Sacramento dicit, Verse carnis illius sacramentum est,' distinguens sacra-
mentum carnis a veritate carnis. Veritas carnis quam sumpsit de virgine ; quod vero
nunc agitur in ecclesia mysterium, verae illius carnis sacramentum . .non est
. . . .
specie caro, sed sacramentum, siquidem in specie panis est, in Sacramento vero verum
Christi corpus . (elementa) secundum quod spiritualiter vitae substantiam submini-
. .
strant corpus et sanguis Christi sunt. Illud vero corpus, in quo semel passus est
Christus, non aliam speciem prseferebat quam in qua consistebat ; hoc enim erat vere
quod esse videbatm ; ... at nunc sanguis Christi quem credentes ebibunt et corpus
quod comedunt, aliud sunt in specie et aliud in significatione, aliud quod pascunt cor-
pus esca corporea et aliud quod saginant mentes aeternje vitae substantia aliud . . .
igitur est, quod exterius geritur, aliud item quod per fidem capitur ; ad sensum corporis
quod pertinet, corruptible (Radbert also said this) est, quod fides vero capit incor-
ruptible. Exterius igitur quod apparet non est res sed imago rei, mente vero quod
sentitur et intelligitur, Veritas rei." Even to the last sentence a Radbertian meaning
can be given ; but this ceases to be possible where Ratramnus as often happens —
designates the whole rite (and it is the rite with which he is generally concerned) as
"figura," in " figuram sive memoriam dominicae mortis," " repraesentatio memoriae
dominicae passionis," and, fiirther, as " pignus " (see c. 10, II, 16 " figurate facta " ; :
quo nulla permutatio facta cognoscitur ? " c. 1$: " dicant, secundum quod permutata
sunt; corporaliter namque nihil in eis cernitur esse permutatum." Catholics excuse
him here by saying that he meant to deny "conversion " into a crassly realistic body.
" Fatebuntur igitur necesse est aut mutata esse secundum aliud quam secundum corpus,
ac per hoc non esse hoc quod in veritate videntur, sed aliud quod non esse secundum
propriam essentiam cernuntur. Aut si hoc profiteri noluerint, negare corpus esse san-
guinem Christi, quod nefas est non solum dicere verum etiam cogitare." c. loo :
" panis et sanguis qui super altare ponuntur, in figuram sive memoriam dominicae
mortis ponuntur, et quod gestum est in prjeterito, praesenti revocet (dominus) memoriae,
ut illius passionis memores effecti, per eam efficiamur divini muneris consortes."
visible reality for faith as real food of the soul.^ The extremely
obscure and at least seemingly contradictory statements of
Ratramnus make it hard to hit on his meaning correctly. In
any case he taught no mere figurative conception. We shall
perhaps be most certain to do him justice if we observe what
above all and what he did not, intend. He meant above
he did,
all and verify the absolute necessity of faith
to emphasise
throughout the rite the sacrament belonged to faith, existed
— —
them mistakenly as " sub figura," because they are copied by
sensuous realities, or, better, rest behind the latter. Radbert, on the
other hand, believed himself compelled, precisely as an Augustin-
ian, to conceive Veritas as reality in general hence to him " sub ;
figura " and in veritate are not opposites, since heavenly realities
when they appeared as earthly had in his view to manifest them-
selves sub figura. But Ratramnus was superior to Radbert as a
Clfisttan, in that he did not conceive the presence of the heavenly
in the earthly to be a miracle against nature, i.e., he followed a
different notion of God from the latter.s The mysteries of
faith are not brought to pass by a continual interruption of the
1 C. loi :
" Fides non quod oculus videt sed quod credit accipit, quoniam spiritualis
est esca et spiritualis potus, spiritualiter animam pascens et setern^ satietatis vitam
tribuens, sicut ipse salvator mysterium hoc commendans loquitur spiritus est qui vivi-
ficat." C. 49 : " Christ's tiue body is distributed in the Lord's Supper according to
its invisibilis substantia, and that because the invisibilis substantia is like the potentia
dimni verbi. Many similar passages elsewhere."
2 C. II : "Nam si secundum quosdam figurate hie nihil accipitur, sed totum in
veritate conspicitur, nihil hie fides operatur, quoniam nihil spiritale gerilur . . . nee
jam mysterium erit, in quo nihil secreti, nihil abditi eontinebitur."
3 Ratramnus always thinks of the God who excites and nourishes faith.
words " body and blood of Christ " are too strong for him. It
is sinful to deny that the consecrated elements are Christ's
Supper without communicants, and therefore Masses (Migne, T. 114, col. 943 ff).
2 This was also effected in the Greek Church through the action of the monks.
— ;
1 See the view taken of the laity in the forged fragments of the pseudo-Isidorian
2 Among these, pilgrimages of a year's duration played a great part, a fact that
shows the monks' contempt of family life and civic occupations ; for these were
severely affected by pilgrimages.
simple system
this would even then have made them thorough
But as it was, it worked more like an external
system of law a —
police institution, which punished wantonness
fiir Weizsacker, 1892, p. 2S7 ff.)- KI am not mistaken, MuUer has been misled by
st^te of, penance and confession, at the close of ancient
Morinu-i, and has looked at the
too much from the standpoint of the
and the beginning of mediteval Church history,
been deduced from the matter itself of mortal and venial sins,
or of the treatment of public and private offences. It was only-
long afterwards that all these points were decided. We see
clearly here that ecclesiastical practice does not wait for
dogmatic, indeed, that it does not really need it, as long as it
goes with the great stream. The Church possessed a sacrament
of penance with all its subtleties for many centuries, during
which dogmatic knew of no such thing, but span a finer thread.
4. This is not the place to give the interesting history of the
growth of satisfactions. Let us, however, notice four points,
(i) The old, more or less arbitrary, definitions dealing with the
selection alms, lamentations, temporary exclusion),
and duration of compensatory punishments were supplemented
to an increasing extent by new ones (pilgrimages), as well as by
definitions taken from the Old Testament law and Germ.an legal
ordinances. Charlemagne took a great stride in advance with
reference to dependence on the Old Testament. But this led to
the computation of compensatory penalties being itself looked at in
the light of a divine dispensation, and definitions not taken from
the Old Testament were also regarded from the same stand-
point. (2) The performance of penance was a means of com-
pensation, so far as if no sin had preceded it it would have —
established merit in the sight of God, or would have bestowed
something upon him. (It was accordingly not merely a sub-
stitution for punishment, but also a positive property in the
sight of God, and therefore a compensation for injury.) Ac-
cordingly the whole institution was included under the concep-
tion of merit, from of old connected with works and alms
(operibus et eleemosynis). But if the performance of penance
was after all the presentation of something valuable (sacrifice)
to God, something which gave him pleasure, and that/^r its
own sake, it became more effective if as many and as good
modern Roman conception he has at least pre-supposed too great a uniformity of
was anew brought before him, in other words, the merit of that
Passion was multiplied. Hence the accumulation of a treasury
of masses was the best " palliative " against the fire, or the most
reliable means of abridging it.
' In the fourth ch. of the Synod of Chiersey, 853, it is called " pretii copiositas
mysterii passionis ;
" that is also an anticipation of Anselm's theoiy of satisfaction.
2 The peregrinaliones also belong to them. That indulgences rest quite essentially
on the custom of pilgrimages and their commutation is shown by Gotz, Ztschr. f. K. -
Gesch., voUXV., p. 329 ff.
! —
God. It was at the same time remembered that the strict Judge
was also merciful, indulgent. Thus arose the system of
1 On the history of penance, see Steitz, Das romische Busssacrament, 1854 ; Was-
serschleben, Bussordnungen d. Abendl. Klirche, 1851 ; v. Zezschwitz Beichte, in Her-
zog's R.-E. II., p. 220 ff., System der Katechetik I., p. 483 ff., II. i, p. 208. ff. j
Gobi, Gesch. der Katachese in Abendland, 1880. Further, on the history of the ordi-
nances of penance, Wasserschleben, Die irische Kanonensammlung, 2 ed., 1855 and ;
Schmitz, Die Bussbiicher und die Bussdisciplin der Kirche, 1883. On the latter's
attempt to refer the regulations of penance to Rome, see Theol. Lit.-Ztg., 1883, col.
614 ff. On the development of the separation of clergy and laity in the 9th century,
and the beginning of tlie monachising of the clergy, see Hatch, " Growth of Chris-
I.e., p. 261 ff.; on the personal' rights of the clergy, p. 269 f.; and on the rise of
written law, p. 282 ff. If we review the state of the development of German law in
the age of the Merovingians, and compare with the ecclesiastical discipline of pen-
ance, as it was independently evolved on Latin ground until Gregory I., we are
astonished at the ease with which these systems could be and actually were dovetailed
into each other. The Roman law received by the Church underwent great modifica-
tions within its Communio of the Church mili-
pale caused by the conceptions of the
tant with the saints, of satisfactions, merits, and the claim of the Church to remit
sins. Above all, the Church's right to punish, which had originally accepted the
Homan thought of the public character of crimes, and had treated them accordingly,
became more and more a private right. That is, transgressions against God were
regarded as injuries done to God not the violation of public order and the holy,
inviolable divine law and accordingly the idea arose, and got more and more scope,
that they were to be treated, as it were, like private complaints. In such cases the
alternative, either punishment or satisfaction (compensation), was appropriate. But
as regards satisfactions, all the liberties were necessarily introduced that are inherent
in that conception, namely, that the injured party himself, or the Church as his repre-
sentative, could indulgently lessen their amount, or could commute or transfer them,
etc. It is obvious how easily this view could fuse with the German one. One or two
examples are sufficient. German law held the principle either outlawry or penance. :
of satisfactory acts of penance. According to German law, vengeance did not require
to be executed on the evil-doer himself, but might be on a member of his clan ; nay,
it was held in Norway to be a more severe vengeance to strike the best man of the
clan instead of the murderer. The Church looked on Christians as forming a " clan "
with the saints in heaven, and the performance of penance could to a certain extent,
or entirely, be passed on to the latter Christ had, above all, borne beforehand by his
death God's vengeance on the ill-doing race of his brethren. German law held,
similarly, that the compensation, the payment of the fine, could be divided. Accord-
ing to the practice of the Church, the saints interceded if prayed to, and presented
their merits to God, taking from the sinner a part of the penance imposed upon him.
Afterwards the Church positively adopted the German inslitulion, and let earthly
comrades, members of the family, and bondmen share in the performance of
penance in order to lighten the task. In one respect, however, the action of the
Church had a softening and beneficial effect. It restricted to an extraordinary extent
the capital punishments closely connected with outlawry. They were objectionable
in themselves, and doubly so where they were regarded, on the ground of a primitive
priestly law of punishment, as a human sacrifice offered to the gods (Brunner, pp.
I73-I77)- Even in the Roman period the Church in Gaul exerted itself to soften the
Roman administration of justice where the latter admitted capital punishment. It
continued its efforts with success in the Merovingian age, so that arrangements were
more and more frequently made in substitution for the death penalty. The chief
argument urged by the Church was doubtless that God did not will the death of
the sinner, and that Christ died an atoning and sacrificial death for all. Thus
Christ's death obtained an extraordinaiy importance. It became the grand achieve-
ment, whose value even softened the earthly right of punishment.