Syllabus BE Revised
Syllabus BE Revised
Syllabus BE Revised
L : 3 hrs. T : 1 Hr. per week UNIT I Laplace transform : definition & its properties, transform of derivatives and integrals, evaluation of integrals by L. T inverse and its properties. Convolution theorem, Laplace transforms to solve ordinary differential equations and partial differential equations (one dimensional wave and diffusion wave and dillusion equations) (8) Z Transform : The Z transform definition and properties, inversion, relation with Laplace transform. Application of Z transform to solve difference equations with constant coefficients. (5) Fourier Transform : Definition, Fourier integral theorem. Fourier sine & cosine integrals, finite Fourier sine & cosine transform, Parsevals identity, convolution theorem. (5) Complex variable : Analytic function, Cauchy Riemann conditions, conjugate functions, singularities, Cauchys integral theorem and integral formula (Statement only) Taylors and Laurents theorem (Statement only) Residue theorem, contour integration, evaluation of real and complex integrates by residue theorem conformal mappings, mapping by Linear and inverse transformation. (10) Special functions and Series Solution : Series Solution of differential equation by Frobanius Method, Besselss functions, Legendres polynomials. Recurrence relations, Rodrigues formula, generating function, orthogonal properties In (n) & Pn (x). (8) Fourier Series and partial differential equations : Fourier Series : Periodic function and their Fourier Series expansion Fourier Series for even and odd function, change of interval, half range expansions. Partial Differential Equation : Partial Differential equation of first order first degree ie. Lagranges form, Linear Homogeneous equations of higher order with constant coefficient method of separation of variables, applications tonne dimensional heat and diffusion equation, two dimensional heat equation (only study state) 1) HIGHER Engg. Mathematics 2) Advanced Engg. Mathematics : B. S. Grewal : Kreyszig : Chandrika Prasad : Chandrika Prasad
Unit II (7 Hrs.)
Unit III
Unit IV (7 Hrs.)
Unit V (8 Hrs.)
Unit VI (8 Hrs)
BOOKS RECOMMENDED Fluid machines Fluid Machines and Fluid Power Engg Basic Fluid Mechanics Fluid Mechanics for Engineers Fluid Mechanics Mechanics of Fluids Fluid Mechanics Fluid Mechanics TUTORIALS
: Frank M White : VS Kumar- SK Kataria publications : CP Kothandaram & RudramurthyNew Age Pub. : PN Chatergy Macmillan India Ltd. : JF Douglas, JM Gasiorek & JA Swaffield ELBS Pub : BS Massey ELBS Pub. : AK Mohanty Prentice Hall Pub. : AK Jain
Applications based on fluid properties such as block sliding over an inclined plane, capillary phenomenan etc. Study of force on gates Study of manometers Study of stability of floating bodies and submerged bodies Determination of coefficient of discharge of flow meters Verification of Brnoullis equation Stokes Law Case study of pipe network Quasi Static flow Reynolds number and significant Losses in pipes (Hagen Poise equation)
3 POE 3 -MANUFACTURING PROCESS L-3, T-1, P-2 Hrs. per week UNIT I INTRODUCTION Foundry, Mould, Pattern, Pattern Material, Mould material, Moulding sand, sand casing and its field of applications. Special casting processes such as Dye-casting, Centrifugal casting, Slush casting, Investment casting and Shell moulding. MELTING FURNACES Types, Electric furnace, Induction furnace, Construction & Operating of Cupola Furnace, Foundry mechanization, Study of Rolling, Forging and Forming processes and their methods (including analytical treatment). WELDING Introduction to Fabrication processes, Classification of welding, advantages, limitations and applications such as arc welding, gas welding, thermit welding, electroslag welding, plasma arc welding, electron beam welding, ultrasonic welding, soldering, brazing, gas cutting. FUNDAMENTALS OF METAL CUTTING THEORY Mechanism of chip formation, Types of tools such as single point cutting tools, multi point twist drill & milling cutters, Tool geometry, tool materials, properties of HSS Carbide tools, Diamond coated tools and cutting fluids. PROCESSING OF PLASTICS General properties & applications of thermoplastics & thermosetting plastics. General plastic process Extrusion. Injection moulding, Compression moulding, Transfer moulding, Blow moulding, Wire drawing & Embossing. MACHINING Introduction to various machining processes & techniques such as Turning, Drilling, Boring, Shaping, Planning, Grinding & Milling. As per above syllabus. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Manufacturing Science Ghosh & Malik Manufacturing Technology P. N. Rao Workshop Technology Volume 1-Hajra Chowdhary Manufacturing Science & Technology-Suresh Dalela Manufacturing Procedure Vol. I Baker
Books : 1) 2) 3)
Network Analysis by Van Valkenburg. Linear Network theory by Kelkar and Pandit Circuits and Networks by A. Sudhakar and S.P. Shyam Mohan.
Reference : 1) Network and system D.P. Roychoudhary 2) Network Analysis G.K. Mittal 3) Electrical circuits Dal toro prontice Hall.
3 POE 5 ELECTRONIC DEVICES & CIRCUITS L-4, T-1, P-2 hrs. per week UNIT I SEMICONDUCTOR DIODES AND POWER SUPPLY : Intrinsic arid extrinsic semiconductors theory of PN Junction. Diode junction, capacitance, zener diodes, vector diodes, Tunnel diodes, power supplies, Half wave and full wave Rectifiers. Voltage doublers, filters sipple factors. Zener and Emitter follower type series regulators. JUNCTIONS TRANSISTORS: Theory of operation, static, characteristics, break down voltage, current voltage power limitations. Biasing of BJT different biasing arrangement. Stability factor. Thermal runway, power transistors. BJT ANALYSIS : Small signal analysis of CE, CB, CC amplifier and comparison. High frequency analysis, calculation of frequency response, gain bandwidth product. POWER AMPLIFIERS: Classification A,B, AB, C classes efficiency, push pull configuration (A,B,AB) complimentary symmetry, Distortions and cross over distortion. POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE FEEDBACK AMPLIFIERS : Feed back amplifiers, classification. Practical circuits applications, advantages, stability, Oscillators, Barkhyasen Criterion RC, IC and Crystal Oscillators. FE T AND ITS ANALYSIS : Field effect transistor and MOSFET, Principle of operation and characteristic, biasing arrangement, small signal analysis of CG, CS, High frequency, analysis.
Unit III
Unit IV
Unit V
Unit VI
Practical based on above syllabus : 1) Diode characteristics 2) CE amplifier characteristics 3) FET and MOSFET characteristics 4) Hall wave, full wave rectifier with and without filters. 5) EF type regulator 6) RC phase shift oscillator 7) Push pull amplifier 8) Voltage series feedback amplifier frequency response 9) Voltage regulator 10) Zener regulator. 11) Books : 12) Millman and Halkias Integrated Electronics, McGraw Hill. 13) Millaman and Hlkias Electronic Devices and Circuits, Megraw Hill. Reference Book : 1) Schilling and Below : Electronics Circuits Discrete and Integrated, McGraw Hill. 2) Bapat ; Theory and Problems in ckt. Analysis (McGraw Hill) 3) Carr ; Electronic Devices (Tata McGraw Hill)
3 POE 6 : COMPUTER PROGRAMMING L-3, T-1, P-2 Hrs per week Paper : 80 Marks College Assessment : 20 Marks Practical : 25 Marks College Assessment : 25 Marks Lectures per week : 3 Hrs. Tutorials per week : 1 Hr. Practical per week : 2 Hrs. UNIT I FUNDAMENTALS OF ALGORITHMS Introduction to Algorithms, Classification of algorithms, Effectiveness and Efficiency of Algorithms, Flowcharts an algorithm language. Concept of Data, data types and primitive operations, From Algorithm to program, Decision Structures, Recursive and Backtracking Algorithms. (8 Hrs) UNIT II INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTERS AND C LANGUAGE Fundamentals of Computers What is C. Historical development of C.C. character set, constants, variables and keywords in C, type declaration instruction, integer and float conversions, hierarchy of operators control instruction like if, while, for, do while, switch go to, breaks, continue conditional operators, nesting of loops and decisions. (8 Hrs) UNIT III FUNCTIONS AND MACROS User defined and standard library functions, call by value and call by reference, returning non integer values from functions, recursion, data types like int, long float, char, couple long double signed unsigned void etc. auto static, register and external storage classes, preprocessor features like expansion with arguments file inclusion, conditional compilation. (8 Hrs) UNIT IV ARRAYS, POINTERS AND STRUCTURES Array initialization, bounds checking arrays and functions pointer and their relation with 1-D, 2-D and 3-D arrays, memory tree of arrays, Pointers to pointers and functions, strings, standard library sting function, arrays of pointer to strings. (8 Hrs) UNIT V DECLARATION AND ASSESSMENT OF STRUCTURES Declaring asd assessing structure elements, storage of structure elements in memory array of structure, passing structures to functions by value and by reference, unions CPU registers, issuing interrupts int86 ( ) INT86x ( ) and intdosx ( ) functions, Bitwise operators, bit field enumerated data types, type casting writing ISR programs. (8 Hrs) UNIT VI INPUT/OUTPUT IN C Console IO functions like printf ( ) scanf ( ) getch ( ) fgetehar ( ) gets ( ) and puts () Disk I O in files, problems of newline character, standard IO devices, differences in binary and text modes, record IO in files, fseck ( ) and rewind ( ) low level disk IO through read ( ) write ( ) I O redirection, ANSI C support, port IO and writing to video pages. (8 Hrs)
NOTE Theory question in the paper would not have more than 10 15% weight age. More stress is to be given on actual writing of programs. PRACTICAL WORK Programs based on above syllabus RECOMMENDED BOOKS 1) C Programming Language 2) C Encyclopedia 3) Let us C 4) Programming in C 5) C Programming Language : Kernighan and Richie : Redeliffe : Y S Kanetkar : Schaum Sweries Gottfreid : Balaguruswami
IV SEMESTER B. E. (POWER ENGINEERING) 4 POE 1 : THEORY OF MACHINES Paper Practical Lecturers per week UNIT I : 80 Marks : 20 Marks : 3 Hrs. College Assessment : 20 Marks College Assessment : 25 Marks Tutorials per week : 1 Hr.
BASIC CONCEPTS : Link, Kinematics pairs, kinematics chain, mechanisms, machine, simple and compound chain degrees of freedom, Grubblers criteria, Harding notations, classification of four-bar chain, its inversions, Various types of mechanisms such as Geneva wheel, Powel and ratchet mechanism, Exact straight line mechanism, Approximate straight line mechanism, Steering mechanism, Transport mechanism. (7 Hrs) MOTION ANALYSIS : Displacement, velocity and acceleration analysis of planner mechanisms using graphical method, Coriolis component of acceleration. (excluding instantaneous center method). (7 Hrs) CAMS : Types of Cams and followers and their applications, Basic terminology of Cams, Layout of cam profiles for constant velocity, parabolic, SHM and cyclical motions of followers, velocity and acceleration analysis. (6 Hrs) FRICTION: Screw, Pivot and Collar friction clutches, brakes and dynamometers, flat belts. (Detailed Mathematical treatment not expected). (4 Hrs) GEAR AND GEAR TRAINS : GEARS: Types of Gears and their applications, Basic terminology, Law of Gearing, various tooth profiles, their advantages and limitations, interference and its prevention, velocity and acceleration analysis of spur gear, tooth loads on spur gears. GEAR TRAINS: Types and applications, Kinematics analysis of epicyclical gear trains. (9 Hrs.) BALANCING AND FLYWHEEL : Static and dynamic balancing of rotary masses. Fluctuations of energy and speed in flywheel and their applications. (7 Hrs.) VIBRATION ANALYSIS Free and forced vibrations of single degree of freedom systems with and without damping, vibration isolation and transmissibility, whirling of shafts, critical speed, Sources of vibrations in machine tools. (8 hrs.)
RECOMMENDED BOOKS : 1) Theory of Machines 2) Theory of Machines and Mechanisms 3) Theory of Machines 4) Theory of Machines 5) Theory of Machines and Mechanisms 6) Theory of Machines
: :
:S. S. Rattan Dr. Jagdishlal :Shigley :Thomas Bewan Ghosh and Mallik :V. P. Singh
4 POE 2 : ENGINEERING THERMODYNAMICS L-3, T-1 Hrs. per week Unit I (7 Hrs.) Introduction to thermodynamics : Basic concepts of Thermodynamics, Closed and Open Systems, Forms of energy, Properties of system, State and Equilibrium, Processes and cycles. Temperature and Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics, Introduction to First law of Thermodynamics (Law of Conservation of Energy), heat and Work, Mechanical forms of work, Nonmechanical Forms of work (Electrical, Magnetic etc.). The ideal Gas equation of state, Difference between Gas and Vapor, Compressibility Factor, Internal energy and specific heats gases, Universal Gas constants. First law of Thermodynamics : Closed systems (control mass systems), Work done, Change in Internal energy, Heat transferred during various thermodynamic processes, P-V diagrams, Open Systems (control volume systems), Thermodynamic analysis of control volumes, Conservation of energy principle, flow work and enthalpy, The steady flow process applied to it (i) Nozzles and Diffusers (ii) Turbines and Compressors (iii) Throttle Valves. Unsteady flow process (simple systems like charging and discharging of tanks). Second Law of Thermodynamics : Introduction (Law of degradation of energy), Thermal energy reservoirs, Kelvin-Plank and Clausius Statement, heat engines, Refrigerator and Head pump, perpetual motion machines, Reversible and Irreversible process, Carnot cycle, Thermodynamic temperature scale. Entropy: The Clausius inequality, Entropy, Principle of increase of entropy, Change in entropy for closed and steady flow open system. Second law analysis of engineering systems: Availability, Reversible work and Irreversibility. PROPERTIES OF STEAM : Critical state, Sensible heat, Latent heat, Super heat, Wet steam, Dryness fraction, Internet energy of steam, External work done during evaporation, T-S diagram, Mollier chart, Work and Heat transfer during various thermodynamics processes with steam as working fluid Determination of dryness fraction using various calorimeters. Air Standard Cycles : Otto cycle, Diesel cycle, Stirling and Eriksson cycle, Brayton cycle, Vapour Cycles : Simple and modified Rankine cycle with reheat and regeneration. Compressible Flow : Stagnation properties, speed of sound wave, Mach number, one dimensional isentropic flow, Stagnation properties, Isentropic flow through convergent divergent nozzles, Normal shock.
Units II (8 hrs)
Unit IV (7 Hrs.)
Books Recommended 1) Thermodynamics An Engineering approach Yunus A Cengel Michael a Boles 2) Thermodynamics C. P. Arora Tata MC-Graw Hill publication. 3) Fundametals of Classical Thermodynamics Gorden J Van Wylen, Richard E. Sonntag. 4) Engineering Thermodynamics P. K. Nag 5) Basic Engineering Thermodynamics Reiner Joel Tutorials Problems On 1) Steady flow systems 2) Charging & discharging of vessels 3) Measurement of dryness fraction 4) Clausius Inequality 5) Chocking of nozzles. 6) Study of various Air Standard cycles.
Analog Vs. Digital systems, transistor as a switch, Boolean algebra, Boolean identities logic problems, Binary, Gay, Octal, Hex and ASCII codes, gates and their truth tables, D'Morgan's law, Sum of product and product of Sums.
Combinational basic concept, SSI, MSI and VLSI circuit classification, standard TTL, CMOS characteristics, Decoders, Encoders, Multiplexes, Demultiplexers, code converters, characteristics of displace devices, standard configuration of as SSI/MSI/LSI circuits. Arithmetic Circuits - Address, subtracters (half and full) BCD adder/Substractor, concept of ALU.
Karanaugh Map, Simplification of sum of products and products of sum, solution to problems, using MUX as a function generator, simplification of logical functions using Quine-Mclausky method.
Introduction to flip-flop, latches, concept of clock, Memories organisation with flip-flop as basic cell, RAM, ROM, EPROM and EEPROM and overview, Master slave combination and conversion of one type of another type flipflops, Multivibrators and their design parameters.
Excutation tables and introduction to sequential circuits, counters synchronous/asynchronous, different module counters with reset/clear facility, design of counters of arbitrary module with K-maps. Lock free counters.
Introduction to sequential system, design of sequential system, using Moore and Miley system fundamental mode sequential circuits.
Books : 1) Digital Intergraded Electronics-By Herbart Taub (Mc Graw-Hill) 2) Digital Logic-Design-by R.P. Jain (P.H.I.) 3) Introduction to digital systems-By palmer (T.M.G.) Practicals : Practicals as per above syllabus
4 POE 4 - BASIC ELECTRICAL MACHINES L-4, T-1, P-2 hrs. per week UNIT I Transformers Single phase - 3 phase, effect of loading, regulation, Open Circuit, Short Circuit, Efficiency, all day efficiency, parallel operation, auto transformer.
DC Generator Series, shunt and compound, commutator, armature EMF, armature reaction and commutator, equivalent circuit, characteristic, parallel operation application.
DC Motor Series shunt and compound, back emf characteristics, starting, speed control, application.
3 Phase Induction Motor Principle of operation, type, torque and slip, equivalent circuit, No load and blocked rotor test, starting speed and control, application.
Single Phase Induction Motor Principle of operation of single phase induction motor, starting method, principle of ac series motor, universal motor.
3 phase synchronous machine Motor and generator action, synchronous impedance and excitation voltage, equivalent circuit, voltage regulation, starting of motor, effect of excitation variation in case of motor.
References : Electrical Machines - Dr. P. S. Bimbhra Electrical Technology Vo. II. B. L. Theraja A. K. Theraja Electrical Machines - P. K. Mukherjee & S. Chakarvorty Electrical Machines - I. J. Jagrath, D. P. Kothari
4 POE 5 : FLUID POWER II L-3, T-1, P-2 hrs. per week Unit I (8 Hrs.) Impact of Jet and Jet propulsion : Impact momentum principle, Dynamic action of jet on fixed and moving flat plates and curved vanes, Series of plates and vanes. Water wheels, velocity triangles and their analysis, Introduction to jet propulsion of ships. Principles & Classification of Hydraulic Machines Principles of fluid machineries, Classification of hydraulic machines. Theory of turbo machines and their classification, Elements of hydro-electric power plant. Impulse Turbines : Principles, constructional features, installation of pelton turbine, velocity diagram and analysis, working proportions, Design parameters, performance characteristics, governing and selection criteria. Reaction or Pressure turbine : principles of operation, Degree of reaction, Comparison over pelton turbine, Development of reaction turbines. Classification, Draft tubes, Cavitation in turbines, Francis turbine, Propeller turbine, Kaplan turbine types, Constructional features, Installations, Velocity diagram and analysis, Working Proportions, Design parameters, Performance Characteristics, Governing Selection of Hydraulic turbines, Bulb turbines. Hydrodynamic Pumps : Classification and Applications. Centrifugal Pumps : Principles of operation, classification, components of centrifugal pump installation, Priming methods, Fundamental equation, Various heads, Velocity triangles and their analysis, slip factor, Effect of outlet blade angle, Vane shapes, Losses and efficiencies of pumps, Multi staging of pumps, Design considerations, Working properties, NPSH, Cavitations in pumps, Installation and operation, Performance characteristics, Pump and system matching, Introduction to axial and mixed flow, pumps, Self priming pumps. Positive displacement Pumps : Basic Principle, Classification. Reciprocating Piston/Plunger Pumps : Types, Main components, Slip, Work done, Indicator diagram, Cavitation, Air vessels, Hand pumps. Rotary Displacement Pumps : Introduction to gear pumps, Sliding vane pumps, Screw pumps. Similitude : Types of similarities, Dimensionless number and their significance, Unit and specific quantities. Model Testing : Application to hydraulic turbines and hydrodynamic pumps. Miscellaneous and Water lifting Devices, All lift pumps, Hydraulic ram, Vertical turbine or Bore hole Pumps, Submersible Pumps, Jet pumps, Regenerative Pumps. Essential Elements of Hydraulic System : Flow actuators, Directional control valves, Pressure control valves, Flow control valves, Basic hydraulic circuits, Meter in and meter out circuit, use of single and double acting actuators, Hydraulic accumulator and intensifier. Pneumatic Systems : Principle of pneumatics, Introduction to air compressors, Comparison with hydraulic power transmission, Air preparatory, Unit basic valves and Industrial pneumatic circuits etc.
Unit II (8 Hrs.)
Unit IV (7 Hrs)
Unit V (7 hrs.)
Unit VI (8 Hrs.)
Books Recommended : Fluid Mechanics with Engineering Applications - Daugherty & Franizin Hydraulic Machines - Theory & Design - V. P. Vasandani Fluid Mechanics - A. K. Jain Fluid Mechanics & Fluid Power Engineering - D .S. Kumar Fluid Mechanics & Machines - R. K. Bansal Theory of Turbo-Machines - A. T. Sayers Industrial Hydraulics - J. J. Pippenger Pneumatics - Gadre Hydraulic Machines - Jagdish Lall Hydaulic & Pneumatics - .H. L. Stewart Tutorials Selection of Turbines Design of Centrifugal Pumps Design of Francis Turbine Design of Reciprocating Pumps Governing of Turbines Study of Hydro-Kinetic Systems Practicals (Minimum Ten to be performed : Six experiments and four study) To determine the Metacentric height of given Floating Vessel To verify Bernoull's theorem To find the value of coefficient of a given venturi meter fitted in a pipe To find the value of coefficient of discharge for a given orifice meter To find our critical velocity of flow by Reynold's experiment Performance characteristics of Pelton Wheel Performance characteristics of Francis Turbine Performance characteristics of Kaplan Turbine Performance characteristics of Reciprocating Pump Performance characteristics of Variable speed Pumps Performance characteristics of Axial flow pump Study experiment of Fluidic devices Performance of Hydraulic Ram Practical on Pneumatic Hydraulic circuit
4 POE 6-MATERIAL'S SCIENCE AND METALLURGY Paper : 80 Marks College Assessment : 20 Marks Practical : 25 Marks College Assessment : 25 Marks Lectures per week : 3 Hrs. Tutorial per week : 1 Hr. Practicals per week : 2 Hrs. UNIT I Introduction of materials, classification of materials, properties and applications of materials. Crystalline nature of metals, specially microscopic and macroscopic examinations of metals. Alloys and solid solutions, types of their formations, modified Gibb's phase rule, Lever rule for phase mixtures and their application in system. (8 Hrs.) Study of equilibrium diagrams and invariant reactions. Ion-Iron Carbide equilibrium diagrams, critical temperatures, microstructures of slowly cooled steels, Estimation of carbon from microstructures, structure property relationship. Classification and applications of steels, Effect of alloying elements, specifications of some commonly used steel for Engineering applications (e.g. En, AISI, ASTM, IS etc.) with examples. (8 Hrs.) Classification and application of plain carbon steels, Examples of alloy steels such as Hadfild Manganese Steel, Ball Bearing Steels, Manganese Steels, Spring Steels, etc. TOOL STEELS : Classification, composition, application and general heat treatment practice for HSS, Secondary hardening. STAINLESS STEELS ; Classification, composition, application and general heat treatment practice for stainless steels. (8 Hrs.) HEAT TREATMENT : heat treatment and its importance, Annealing, Normalizing, hardening, Quench Cracks, Hadenability test. TIT diagrams and its construction and related heat treatment processes such as Austempering, Martempering, Patenting etc. Retention of Austenite, Effects and elimination of retained austenite, Tempering. Case/Surface hardning treatments such as Carborising, Nitriding, Cyaniding, Carbonitriding, Flame and Induction hardening. (8 Hrs.) CAST IRON : Classification, White Cast Iron, Gay Cast Iron, Nodular Cast Iron, Malleable Cast Iron, Child and alloy Cast Iron (production route, composition, microstructure and applications). Effect of various parameters on structure and properties of Carbon Iron, Alloy cast Iron such as Ni-resist, Ni-hard. NON - FERROUS ALLOYS : Study of non-ferrous alloys such as brasses (CuZn diagrams), Bronzes (Cu-Zn diagram), Aluminium Alloys (e.g. AL-Si and Al Cu diagram), Bearing materials. (8 Hrs.) Powder metallurgical process, preparation of powder metals, characterization of metal powder, mixing, compacting, sintering, application of powder metallurgy. (8Hrs.) : Dr. B. K. Agrawal : Avner : Yu Lakhtin : E. C. Eollason
RECOMMENDED BOOKS : 1. Introduction to Engineering Metallurgy 2. Introduction to Physical Metallurgy 3. Engineering Physical Metallurgy and Heat Treatment 4. Metallurgy for Engineers
5 POE 1-HEAT TRANSFER L-3, T-1, P-2 hrs. per week UNIT I. Introduction, Basic Modes of Heat Transfer, Conduction, Convection and Radiation. Las of Heat Transfer & Conservation of Energy Requirement. General Heat Conduction Equation in Cartesian, Cylindrical 7 Spherical Coordinates. Thermal Conductivity & Diffusivity. on Dimensional Steady State Conduction Equation for the Plane Wall, Cylinder & Sphere. Thermal Resistance of Composite Structures, Contact Resistance, Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient, Critical Thickness of Insulation.
Conduction with internal heat Generation for Plane Wall, Cylinder & Sphere. Extended Surfaces, Types of Fins. Fins of Uniform Cross Section Area, Temperature Distribution & Heat Transfer ate, Fin Efficiency & Effectiveness. Error in Temperature Measurement. Unsteady State heat Transfer, Lumped heat Capacity Analysis, Heister Charts. Biot Number, Fourier Number & their Significance.
Forced Convection, Physical Signification of Non-Dimensional Parameters. Flow of high Moderate & Low Prandtl Number Fluid Over a Flat Surface. Concept of Velocity & Thermal Boundary Layer Thickness, Local & Average hat Transfer Coefficients. Empirical C0-relations for external, internal flow, Laminar & Turbulent Flow through conduits.
Free or natural Convection. Gashof Number, Rayleigh Number. horizontal & Vertical Plate. Empirical Co-relations for Cylinders and Spheres heat Transfer with Phase change, Pool Boiling Curve & regimes of Pool Boiling. Film & Drop wise Condensation, Lamina film condensation on vertical surface, Film condensation on horizontal tubes, Effect of super heated & Non-condensable gases on condensation Heat Transfer, Introduction to heat Pipe.
Radiation, nature of thermal radiation, black body radiation, radiation intensity, laws of radiation - Kirchoffs, Planks, Weins displacement, Stefan Boltzmann & Lamberts Co-sine law. Emissivity, Absorbivity, Transmissivity, Reflectivity, Radiosity, Emissive power, Irradiation. radiation network, radiation exchange between surfaces, idea of shape factor & reciprocity theorem, radiation between parallel plates, cylinder & spheres. Radiation shields, effect of radiation on temp measurement.
Heat Exchange : Classification, Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient, Fouling Factor, LMTD Method of Heat Exchange Analysis for parallel, Counter flow & Cross Flow Arrangement. Effectiveness NTU Method, Heat Exchanger Analysis by NTU Method, Design aspects of Heat Exchangers. Introduction to Compact heat exchanger. Introduction to Mass Transfer.
PRACTICALS : Minimum eight experiments should be performed. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 1. Study of different methods of temp. measurements with special emphasis on Thermocouples. 2. Study of different thermal properties of matter wit special emphasis on thermal conductivity of various materials. Determination of thermal conductivity of metal bar. 4. Determination of thermal conductivity of insulating material in the powder form. Determination of thermal conductivity of liquids. Determination of thermal conductivity by guarded plate eater methods. Determination of temperature distribution and heat transfer plate form a fin under a) Free Convection & b) Forced convection condition. Determination of free convection heat transfer coefficient for fluid flow through a closed conduit. Determination of free convection heat transfer coefficient for air flow over a vertical surface. Determination of critical heat flux in saturated pool boiling. Determination of condensation heat transfer in film wise and drop wise modes. Study of various types of heat exchanges. Determination of emmissivity of non black surfaces. Determination of Stafan - Boltzmann constant. Study of Heat Pipes. Introduction to heat Transfer - By Incropera & Dewitt J. Wiley. Elements of Heat Transfer - By M. N. Ozisik Heat Transfer - By S. P. Sukhatme
REF. BOOKS: 1. Heat Transfer - By J. P. Holman Mcgraw Hill 2. Heat Transfer - By A. P. Chapman Maxwell Macmillan 3. Principles of Heat Transfer - By Frank Kreiyth H&R 4. Heat & Mass Transfer - By V. M. Dhomkundwar Dhanpat Rai 5. Heat & Mass Transfer - D. S. Kumar S. K. Kataria 6. Heat & Mass Transfer - Yadav CPH
5 POE 2 : AUTOMATIC CONTROL L-3, T-1, hrs. per week UNIT I. Mathematical modelling of physical systems and concept of transfer function. System representation through block diagram and signal flow graph. Transfer function through block diagram simplification and mason's gain formula.
Control system components such as Hydraulic actuates, servomechanism, DC and AC servomotors, Stepper motor, Pneumatic and hydraulic controllers, Control system for liquid level control, Automobile power steering control, speed control, position control of robotic manipulator etc.
Time domain response analysis under transient inputs. Steady state error analysis and error constants. PID controller and its applications. Rouths criterion of stability.
Frequency domain analysis ; Root - Locus technique, Bode Plot, Gain margin and phase margin, Transportation lag, System identification from Bode Plot.
Polar Plot, Nyquist plot and stability criterion, Introduction to control system design. Log load compensation, feed back compensation and pole - zero placement.
State variable approach and stat equations. Transfer function from state models. State Transition matrix and solution of state equations. Controllability and observability test through test model. 1. Modern Control Engineering By Ogata (PHI) 2. Control System Engineering by Nise (Willey) 3. Control Systems by Nagrath & Gopal (TMH) 4. Modern Control Systems by Dorf (Addision Wesley) 5. Digital Control and State Variable Methods Gopal (TMH)
5 POE 3 : THERMAL POWER STATION LAYOUT - COMMON AUXILIARIES AND SAFETY L-3, T-1 hrs. per week UNIT I COAL TO ELECTRICITY Overall process flow in Thermal Power Plant, Brief description of maintenance equipments and schemes of Thermal Power Plant. UNIT II SITE SELECTION & LAYOUT CONSIDERATIONS FOR THERMAL POWER PLANTS Site availability, availability of aw material, Fuel, Water, load center, Transport facilities, Pit-head station, Air pollution, Topography. General layout of power stations, Block diagram of various layouts, location of main equipments, layouts of Boiler, Turbine and Generator and their auxiliaries, merits and demerits. UNIT III COAL HANDLING PLANT & OIL HANDLING PLANT. Different modes of coal delivery, wagon tipplers, MGR system, Coal yard arrangement, Coal stocking including safety and fire prevention, Coal claiming, Crushers, Conveyors, Magnetic separators, Metal detectors, Samples and bunkers, Oil delivery methods, Decapitating, Storage tank considerations, Oil transfer pumps, Oil heaters, Steam tracing, Typical layout, Types of oils used of Boilers for firing. UNIT IV ASH HANDLING PLANT Bottom ash disposal system, Bottom ash hoppers arrangement design, Slag crushes, Jet pumps, ?Dry system, Slurry system. FLY ASH DISPOSAL SYSTEM Slurry and pneumatic as disposal system. Working principle, description of ash disposal, Ash slurry pumps, Slurry pipelines, Ash dykes, Ponds, Dry air silos. UNIT V WATER TREATMENT PLANT & CIRCULATION/COOLING WATER SYSTEM. Impurities in aw water, effects of contaminators water treatment methodologies, softening, demineralization, layout of water treatment plant. Circulating/Cooling Water System, Open loop, closed loop system, chlorinating and other chemical dozing, cleaning filters, air pumps, types and construction. CW pipelines including butterfly valves. UNIT VI POWER PLANT SAFETY Industrial Safety and hazards Industrial hazards, Protective clothing and equipment, Safe working practices in power plant, permit to work system, safety movements and storage of materials, house keeping, safety rules and regulations. Accidents Causes and factors, cost of accidents, accident prevention, accident investigating, reporting and records. Fire Fighting Fundamentals of Fire, different classification and types of fire, different types of fire extinguishers for different classes of fire, fire fighting systems in power plants. First Aid Basic of first aid, how injuries are caused in lifting, falls, fist aid in case of electrical shock, artificial respiration. REF. BOOKS NPTI PUBLICATIONS Power Plant Engg. - Dhomkundwar Power Plant Engg. - G. R. Nagpal Power Plant Engg. - H. S. Keswani Power Plant Engg. - Frederick and T. Merse BHEL Manuals.
5 POE 4-MACHINE DESIGN - I L-3, T-1, P-2 hrs. per week UNIT I CONCEPT OF STRESSES AND STAINS Types of stresses and strains, Uni-axial, Bi-axial and tri-axial loading in machine elements and their relationships. Hook's law, Poission's ratio thermal stresses and stains, change in dimensions and volume, modulus, stress-strain diagram for steel and other metals, Principal stresses, Mohrs circle, Strain energy, Effect of Impact and instantaneous loads. STRESSES IN BEAMS Types of Beams, Loading and support conditions, Shear force and bending moment diagrams for simply supported, cantilever and overhanging beams. Theory of simple and pure bending, bending stresses in solid, hollow and composite sections. Deflection of beams, Macaulay's methods and area-moment method. TORSION Theory of pure torsion, tensional moment of resistance, polar modules, tensional rigidity, power transmitted by shaft, torsion of circular, hollow and prismatic sections. BASIC DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS Nature of loading, theories of failures, design and working stresses, stress concentration, notch sensitivity, facto of safety, fatigue loading of simple machine elements. material selection, manufacturing considerations in design, assembly, safety reliability, aesthetics and standardization. DESIGN OF FOLLOWING MACHINE ELEMENTS Helical coil and leaf springs for gradual and sudden loading. Riveted joints, bolted joint and welded joints, Power screws, cotter and knuckle joints, Pressure vessels. Student shall perform the following experiments : 1) Study of Universal Testing Machine 2) Tension Tests 3) Compression Tests 4) Shear Tests 5) Impact Tests 6) Hardness Tests 7) Torsion Tests Each student shall submit design report along with the detailed working drawings for each machine elements from the syllabus. 1. Text Book of Machine Design : Sharma & Aggarwal 2. Strength of Materials : F. L. Singer 3. Mechanics of Materials : Shanay 4. Strength of Materials : S. Ramamurthan 5. Machine Design : Black 6. Machine Design : Spotts 7. Mechanical Engineering Design : Shigley 8. Machine Tool Design Handbook : CMTI 9. Design of Machine Elements : B. D. Shiwalkar 10. Design Data Book : B. D.. Shiwalkar 11. Design Data Book : PSG College of Technology.
INTRODUCTION Identification of pollutants, classification of various pollutants, Pollution due to different power plants viz. Thermal, Nuclear, Hydro, Gas based pollution due to various industries.
AIR POLLUTION & WATER POLLUTION Sources, air pollution sampling and measurement, analysis of pollutant, air pollution control methods and equipments, issues in air pollution control, acid rain. Sources and classification of water pollutants, characteristics, waste water sampling and analysis, waste water treatment, utilization and disposal of sludge.
OTHER TYPES OF POLLUTION Noise pollution and its impact, oil pollution, pesticides, radio activity pollution, prevention and control, standards. Pollution from Thermal Power Plant and control methods, Instrumentation for pollution control.
ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT STUDIES. Assessment of impact of water, soil, ground water, socio economic environment.
LEGAL ASPECTS OF POLLUTION Legal aspects, legislation, Laws of Pollution Control Board (State, Central) Air quality standards, Water quality standards.
REFERENCE BOOKS Environmental Engg. - S. K. Gar Environmental Pollution Control Engg. - C. S. Rao Air Pollution - Rao M. N. & Rao H.M.N. Waste Water Engg. Teatment, Disposal and R-use- Matcalf and Water Sanitation Engg. - Birdie G. S. Environmental Chemistry - S. S. Dara Water Sanitation Engg. - S. K. Garg Air Pollution - Vol. I to IX - Stern A. C. Environmental Management in Power Sector - NPTI Publication
6 POE 1-ENERGY CONVERSION-I L-3, T-1 hrs. per week UNIT I Principles of steam generation, Classification of steam generators, Fire tube and water tube steam generators, high pressure steam generators. Boiler mountings and accessories.
Draught and its classification, chimney height, chimney diameter, efficiency, condition for maximum discharge. Performance of steam generators, Evaporation capacity, Equivalent evaporation, Boiler efficiency.
Fluidized Bed Boilers : Bubbling fluidized bed boilers, Circulating fluidized bed Boilers (Elementary treatment expected). Fuels for steam generators, Gradation and Analysis of coal, Coal Handling systems, Ash collection and handling systems, Flue gas analysis, Feed water supply systems.
Steam nozzles : Adiabatic expansion in nozzles, maximum discharge, critical pressure ratio and effects of friction, calculation of throat and exit areas, supersaturated flow, Wilson line. Steam turbines : Principles of working of steam turbines, classification of steam turbines, comparison of impulse and reaction turbines, compounding of steam turbines.
Energy losses in steam turbines, Flow of steam through turbine blades, ideal and actual reheat factors, velocity diagrams, graphical and analytical methods, work done, thrust and power, dimensions and proportioning of the blades, steam turbine efficiencies condition for maximum efficiencies, heat and regenerative cycles, governing of steam turbines.
Introduction to Steam Engine. Steam Condensers : Types of condensers, classification of condensers, quantity of cooling water required, design calculations for surface condenser, Daltons law of pressures Sources of air leakages and air removal, air ejectors. Cooling towers : Wet cooling towers, dry cooling towers. Cooling ponds.
1. Thermal Engineering by P. L. Ballaney 2. Thermal Engineering by Mathur & Mehta 3. Thermal Engineering by Vasaudani and Kumar 4. Power Plant Engineering by V. M. Domkundwar
Demand Utility and Indifference curves, Approaches to analysis of demand, Elasticity of demand, Measures of demand elasticity, Factors of production. Advertising elasticity, Marginalism.
Laws of returns and costs, Price and output determination under perfect competition, Monopoly, Monopolistic competition, oligopoly, Depreciation and methods for its determination.
Functions of central and commercial banks Inflation, Deflation, Stagflation, Direct and Indirect taxes Monetary and fiscal policy of the government, meaning and phases of business cycles, new economic policy, liberalization, globalization, privatization, market friendly state.
Definition, nature and scope of management, functions of management planning, organizing, directing, controlling communicating.
Meaning of marketing management, concepts of marketing. marketing mix, administrative and cost plus pricing, channels of distribution, advertising and sales promotion.
Meaning, nature and scope of financial management, Brief outline of profit and loss account, Balance sheet, Budgets and their importance, Ratio analysis, Principles of costing. 1. Modern Economics By H. L. Ahuja 2. Modern Economics Theory by K. K. Dewett 3. Monetary Economics by M. L. Seth 4. Industrial Management by I. K. Chopde, A. M. Sheikh 5. Business Organisation and Management by S. A. Sherlekar 6. Managerial Economics by Joel Dan 7. Managerial Economics by Pylee 8. Economics by Samuelson
6 POE 3-THERMAL POWER PLANT CONTROL & INSTRUMENTATION L-3, T-1, P-2 hrs. per week UNIT I Qualities & Basic Principals of Measurements Characteristic (static/dynamic/performance), Error (types/sources), standards.
i) Electrical, Resistive, Stain Gauge, Resistance thermometer, thermostat, Inductive transducer, Differential o/p transducers, LVDT, pressure Inductive transducers, Capacitive transducers, Load cell, piezoelectric, Photo-electric, Thermo- electric, Frequency generating, reluctance pick-up. ii) Measuring Instruments Electrical, Pneumatic, Fibre, Flame Scanners, Pyrometer.
i) Torque, Speed, Vibration, Acceleration, Pressure, Flow, Level. ii) Temperature, Density, Viscosity, Conductivity, Humidity, Mass, Volume, Area, eight, Force.
Signal Conditioning, transmission and presentation Amplifiers, Filters, A/D & D/A conversion, signal transmission methods, PMMC, CRO, CRT, TUM, LED, LCD, DVM, Recorders.
Introduction to auto control, auto control loops used in Thermal Power Stations.
PRACTICALS 1. As per the above syllabus REF. BOOKS 1. A Course in Mechanical Measurement & Instruments - A. K. Sahney, Puneet Sawhney - Dhanpat Rai & Co. - 12th Edition. 2. Mechanical Measurements - Backith, Managoni, Lienhard - Perason Education Asia 1st Edition. 3. Applied Electronics & Instrumentation - S. M. Dhia - Tata Mcgrawhill - 1 st Edition 4. Electronics & Instrumentation - B. R. Gupta - Wheeler Publishing - 2nd Edition. 5. A Course in Electronic Measurement & Instrumentation - A. K. Sahney - Dhanpat Rai & Rai & Co. - 17th Edition , 2001 reprint. 6. 2. A Course in Mechanical Measurement & Instruments. A. K. Sahney, Puneet Sahney - Dhanpat Rai & co. - 12 th Edition.
6 POE 4 - POWER GENERATION TECHNOLOGY L-3,T-1 hrs per week Unit I Gas Turbine and Combined Cycles Power Generation Equipments like Compressors, Gas Turbine, Combustion Chambers, Open Cycle and Close Cycle Gas Turbine Plants, Waste Heat Recovery Boilers.
Unit II
Hydro Electric Power Generation, various types of Hydro Turbines, principles of operation and selection, Pump Storage Power Plants.
Unit III
Nuclear Power Generation, Various types of nuclear reactors, arrangements layout and auxiliaries used, Introduction to nuclear Engg. Radio activities, Binding Energy, Nuclear Energy released from Nuclear reactor, fission change reaction, various types of nuclear fuels used.
Unit IV
Unit V
Gas Turbine Theory by Cohen & Rogers Gas Turbine & Jet Propulsion by Khajuria & Dubey Thermal Engineering by R. Yadav Power Plant Engineering by P. K. Nag. Hydraulic Machine Theory and Design by VP Vasandhni Hydraulic machines by Jagdish Lall Nuclear Reactor Theory by Glass Stone. Power Plant Engineering by M Varma, Frederick & Morse Thermal Engineering by P. A. Balaney NPTI Publications.
6 POE 5-STEAM GENERATORS & ITS AUXILIARIES L-3, T-1, P-2 hrs per week i) BOILER DEVELOPMENT, TYPES & PRESSURE PARTS. Historical development of Boilers and types, General arrangement of Power Plant Boilers, single pass, Industrial Boilers, CFBC and heat recovery Boilers. ii) BOILER PRESSURE PARTS - Circulation Theory Boiling phenomenon, Nucleate/Film boiling/DNB, Natural, Forced Circulation, circulation ratio, factors affecting circulation. - Economizer Need, arrangement, material used for tubes, types, causes of Failure, support of tubes. - Water Wall System Arrangement of water walls, circulation types and once Through Boilers, Heat flux distribution, material, provision of free expansion and Supports of various tubes and headers, sealing arrangement, Bukstays, types of water walls merits and demerits. - Boiler drum and internals, mounting. Need of separation, types of separators used, drum Construction and arrangement, various drum internals and their function, blow down, chemical dozing, various drum connections, need and arrangement, boiler mountings. - Super Heaters & Reheaters Requirement of superheating and re-heating, types of Superheaters and their temperature characteristics, chainable & non-chainable superheaters, other types of superheaters, tube material selection, various arrangement of superhetaers and reheaters used in Boiler designs; factors affecting steam temperature, control, supports of tubes and headers. COMBUSTION OF FUELS WITH REF. TO UTILITY BOILERS. - Combustion : Definition, requirements, factors influencing combustion efficiency. - Fuel : Types, constituents. - Coal : formation, ranking, characteristics of Indian coal. - Proximate & Ultimate analysis and their requirements in boiler design. - Heating value, Gross and net. - Fuel oils, Distillates and Residual oils properties of fuel oils such as pour Point, fire point, viscosity etc. - Stoichiometric air and excess air. - Theory of excess air determination through flue gas analysis. DRAUGHT SYSTEM INCLUDING AIR HEATERS Theory of Natural and Mechanical (forced, Induced & Balanced) draft and their application in different conditions, draft loss, stack effect, units of draft measurement. - Fans : working principle, types, radial (Flat, Forward, Backward curved bladed) Axial (impulse, reaction), fans, comparison, construction details of different types, fan characteristics, system resistance. - Fan control, requirement, different methods, damper control, IGV, Blade pitch, variable speed, arrangements, comparisons. - Application of fans in Boilers, FD ID, PA, Seal Air, Scanner Air, Ignitor Air, Gas recirculation, mill exhaust fans their function, consideration/selection of a fan type for a particular application. - Layout of Fans in a typical Power boilers.
AIR HEATERS : - Requirement in Boilers, types, recuperative and regenerative (Ljungstrom, bi & tri sectors, Davidson) comparison, Construction details of different types, sealing system in rotary air heaters, cold end corrosion in air heaters, SCAPH, Need and arrangement. i) PULVERISER PLANT Need for coal pulverization, requirements for pulverized fuel firing system. Raw coal feeders, types (volumetric and Gravimetric) working principle and construction details of different raw coal feeders. Pulverisers, Classifications (slow, medium, high speed). Different types of pulverisers (Ball, Bowl, Ball & Race & Beater mill and their construction details, considerations for selection of a particular type. Classifier, requirement & management. Factors affecting capacity of a pulverisers, grindability index, fineness, moisture, etc. Coal drying, considerations for choosing hot air or flue gas. Different PF systems such as direct/indirect, pressure/suction. FG/hot air drying etc. and common systems adopted in Indian Power Stations. Raw coal feeds for pulverisers, types. ii) FUEL FIRING SYSTEM Ideal requirements for a fuel firing system in Boiler. Effects of fuel characteristics on furnace and burner design. Ignition energy requirements in boiler, auxiliary & inherent ignition energy, concept of initiation and maintenance during boiler operation. Ignitor, types, eddy plate including IFM and HEA ignitors, working principles, construction. Oil atomization, need, mechanism of atomization, mechanical, twin fluid atomizers, oil guns, retractable. Coal nozzles, construction, different types. Wind box for corner firing/front wall firing, secondary air dampers/air registers. Furnace, types furnace ratings, EPRS, Plan area, volumetric. SOOT BLOWERS Slagging phenomena, effect of soot deposits, soot blower, types, working principle, construction, selection of blowing medium, water, steam, compressed air, operation of soot blowers, precautions. ASH EXTRACTION SYSTEM Electrostatic precipitators and mech. Precipitators, bag filters. Need, working principle, design features, construction affecting performance. Study of steam generators Study of Boiler mounting & accessories Determination of dryness fraction of steam using cubic meter Design of Boiler study Study of various types of fans Study of Coal handling plant Study of Oil handling plant Study of Coals & Analysis. PPF Vol. 2 NPTI Publication boiler Manuals BHEL Thermal Engineering P. L. Ballanery Thermal Engineering Vol. I.M.L.Mathur & Vol. II F. S. Mehta (Jain Bros.) Power Plant Engineering F. T. Morse
7POE1 - STEAM TURBINE AND ITS AUXILIARIES Paper Lectures per week Unit I : 80 marks : 3 Hrs. College Assessment : 20 marks Tutorial per week : 1 Hrs.
Steam Turbines : Type and working principles, Classification of turbine, Turbine components. Cylinders and exhaust arrangement. Bearing, Pedestals and Turing gear. Control and Stop Valves.
Unit II
Gland Sealing System and Turbine Expansions Gland arrangement and sealing, Fixing of Turbine casing and rotor with pedestal and their expansion. C. W. System (Condensate System) Condensers. Types of condensers, condensate pump. Air ejection system. Turbine lubrication system, Lub oil characteristics, Lub oil pumps, coolers, injectors. Boiler Feed Pump BFP Description. Pump drive, booster pump, hydraulic coupling, lub oil system, booster pump, turbo driven BFP. Regenerative Feed Heating System High pressure and low pressure heaters, gland steam cooler, drain cooler, deaerator and its connections. HP/ LP Bypass System Advantage of HP/LP bypass system, bypass valves and system description.
Unit III
Unit IV
Unit V
Unit VI
Turbine governing system Principles and types Of governing, Governing characteristics, Mechanical, Hydraulic and Electro- hydraulic governing systems
Books Recommended 1. Steam Turbines and Gas Turbines by R. Yadav 2. BEI Publication
7POE- 2 MACHINE DESIGN - II Paper Practical Lectures per week Practicals per week : 80 Marks : 25 Marks : 3 Hrs. : 2 Hrs. College Assessment : 20 marks College Assessment : 25 Marks Tutorial per week : 1 Hr.
Design and Preparation of detail drawings of parts and machines : Unit I Drives : Belts Chains Gear
: Flat and V : Roller & Silent : Spur, Helical, Bevel and Worm and Worm wheel
Unit II
Clutches Friction and Jaw Clutches Brakes: Blocks, Band and Disc Brakes
Unit III
Bearings : Sliding elements for radial and thrust loads. Rolling elements bearing for radial and thrust loads. Bearing mountings and seals. Rotating Bodies a) Shafts, Journals, Keys and Splines b) Coupling and flywheel
Practical Work Each student shall submit complete design report with detailed drawings (Assembly, product drawing with tolerance of at least two sub- assemblies from machines, machine tools etc.) Recommended Books : 1. Design of Machine Elements : Spotts 2. Mechanical Engineering Design : Shigley 3. Machine design : Black and Adams 4. Machine Design : Malieve and Hartman 5. Gear design hand book : Dudley 6. Machine tool design handbook : CMTI 7. Machine Design : Sharma and Agrawal 8. Machine Design : R S Khurmi/ J K Gupta 9. Machine Design : B. D. Shiwalkar
7POE-3 THERMAL POWER PLANT COMMISSIONING L-3,T-1 Hrs per week Unit I Unit II Various schemes of Thermal Power Plant Boiler Commissioning Chemical cleaning of Boiler, Air and Flue gas tightness Test, Thermal flow test of water walls and economizers, steam blowing, commissioning of Boiler auxiliaries. Commissioning of Turbine & its Auxiliaries. Alkaline flushing and commissioning of Regenerative feed heating system. Acid cleaning of oil pipe lines, oil flushing procedures of lub oil, Governing Systems. Turbine lub oil flow testing, steam blowing, Reheater safety valve setting, vacuum tightness test. Commissioning of Generator & its Auxiliaries Generator testing, Rotor and Stator Cooling system, Excitation system Commissioning of Electrical Systems Transformers, Circuit Breakers, Isolators, CTs, PTs, Rectifiers and D.C. Systems. Commissioning of C & I Systems Commissioning of Control Valves and Actuators, Tuning of controllers.
Unit III
Unit IV
Unit V
Unit VI
7POE- 4 ENERGY CONVERSION- II Paper Practical Lectures per week Practicals per week : 80 marks : 25 Marks : 3 Hrs. : 2 Hrs. College Assessment : 20 marks College Assessment : 25 marks Tutorial per week : 1Hr.
Unit I
Positive displacement Compressors Reciprocating compressors Parts, Operators, Work done during isothermal polytrophic and adiabatic compression process. Pv diagram, isothermal efficiency, mechanical efficiency, multistage compressor, condition for minimum work input, capacity control, Actual indicator diagram. Rotary CompressorsRotary and vanes blower and screw compressorPrinciple, operation, parts, indicator diagram, work done, Rodts efficiency, (No analytical treatment expected) Centrifugal CompressorPrinciple, Operation, parts, velocity diagram, static and total head quantities, work done by impeller, isentropic efficiency of compressor, slip factor, pressure coefficient, power input factor. Axial flow compressorPrinciple, operation, parts, velocity diagram, work done, Degree of reaction stage efficiency compressor characteristics, surging and chocking. Polytrophic efficiency. I.C. Engines : Air standard and fuel air cycles, part of I .C. Engines, working of I. C. Engines, two stroke and four stroke I. C. engines, Introduction to combustion in SI & CI engines, carburetor & fuel injection. (Analytical treatment not expected). I.C. Engine Testing: Measurement of power : Indicated friction and brake power, measurement of speed, fuel and air consumption, calculation of indicated and brake thermal efficiency, volumetric efficiency, mechanical efficiency, percentage of excess air, heat balance sheet, performance characteristics and factors influencing the performance of I. C. Engines. Gas Turbines Ideal cycles isentropic and small stage efficiency, application of gas turbine pressure losses, effect of intercooling, reheat and regeneration, fuel- air ratio, combustion efficiency performance calculation, open cycle and closed cycle gas turbine plants co- generations and combined power cycles. JET Propulsion Principles and working of turbojet, Ramjet & Pulse jet simple turbojet cycle, Thrust Power, Propulsive power, Thermal efficiency propulsive efficiency overall efficiency.
Unit II
Unit III
Unit IV
Unit V
Unit VI
Text Books 1) Thermal Engineering : By P. L. Ballancy 2) Thermal Engineering : By R. Yadav 3) Heat Power Engg. : By Kumar & Vasandani 4) I C Engine by : V. Gansehan 5) Gas Turbine & jet Propulsion : Khajuria & Dubey Reference 1) Gas Turbine Theory By Cohen & Rogers 2) Internal Combustion Engines By E. O. Obert Practical Minimum Eight practical to be conducted 1) Trial on Steam Turbine Plant 2) Technical Report on visit to Thermal Power Plant 3) Trial on Reciprocating Compressor 4) Trial on Rotary Compressor 5) Study on Rotary Compressor 6) Study of Internal Combustion Engines 7) Performance testing of Single Cylinder I. C. Engine 8) Study of Engine Cooling and Lubrication Systems 9) Trial on Multicylinder Petrol Engine with Energy balance sheet. 10) Heat balance on Multicylinder Diesel Engie 11) Morse Test on Multicylinder I. C. Engine 12) Study of gas turbines 13) Study of Carburetors such as Zenith, Carter, Soles, S. U. etc. 14) Study of cogeneration GT Plant and jet propulsion systems 15) Trial on variable compression ratio I. C. Engine
7POE- 5 TURBO GENERATOR AND ITS AUXILIARIES. L-3,T-1 Hrs per week Unit I Turbo Generator Development - Theory- Working Principle- Characteristics - Different parts of a turbo - generator- Stator- Rotor and Supports. Generator Cooling and Sealing System Need for cooling and sealing- Different coolants- properties- Schemes and components of cooling and sealing arrangements. Excitation System Excitation- Characteristics - Development- Different types of excitation systems - Automatic Voltage Regulator (AVR) Auxiliary Power Supply system Electrical Power Supply arrangements in a Thermal Power StationComponents - UPS - Emergency Supply arrangement. Switchyard Equipments Description and layout of a Switchyard of a Thermal Power StationComponents - Arrangements (CT, PT, CVT, Bus bars, Reactors etc.) Electrical Equipments Maintenances of electrical equipments, Generators, Switchgears, Transformers and Motors.
Unit II
Unit III
Unit IV
Unit V
Unit VI
7POE- 6 PROJECT SEMINAR Lectures per week : 3 Hrs. College Assessment : 50 marks
It is expected to select project topic as per the guidelines of the project to be undertaken in the 8th Semester. Also it is expected to carry out the Literature survey for their project work and finalize the methodology and schedule of the project. Each student of the concerned project batch shall present a seminar using audio- visual aids of about 15 minutes duration on their project methodology and schedule of completion. Seminar delivery will be followed by question- answer session. The students shall also be required to submit in advance a detailed type written report on his work. A committee of staff members called Seminar Evaluation Committee shall be constituted for the purpose of evaluating the Seminar.
8POE- 1 SWITCHGEAR AND PROTECTION Unit I Unit II General philosophy of Protective Relaying : Protective zones, primary protection, back up protection, remote and local back up, selectivity. Medium voltage Line Protection: Over current relaying, directional over current relays. High Voltage Line Protection, Distance Relays, carrier distance schemes, Unit carrier schemes. Equipment Protection: Principles of differential relaying, protection of generator, transformers and bus by differential relaying and other relays, Protection of Induction Motors against overloads, short circuits, thermal relays, miniature circuit breakers, Introduction to static relays: Comparison of static and electro mechanical relays, two input amplitude the phase comparators and their duality. Generation of various distance relay characteristics using above comparators. Switchgear: Circuit breakers, Arc interruption theory, recovery and Restricting voltages, RRRV, breaking of inductive and capacitive currents, C. B. ratings, different media of arc interruption, overview of oil circuit breakers, construction and operation of Air blast, SF6 and vacuum breakers.
Unit V
Unit VI
Books: 1) Art and science of Protective Relaying by Mason. 2) Protective Relaying, Vol, I & II by Warrington. 3) Switchgear and Protection by Sunil S. Rao 4) Switchgear and Protection by Ravindranath and Chander 5) Power System Protection and Switchgear by B. Ram by TMG.
8POE- 2 THERMAL POWER PLANT OPERATION & PERFORMANCE Unit I Unit II General Principles of Power Plant Operation. Operation of Boiler and its auxiliaries. Air Preheated, ID, FD, PA Fan, Mill Operation, Start- up and shut down, Interlocks and protections, Boiler operation. Purging and light up, Burner Management system, Boiler loading, Boiler shutdown, Auxiliary Steam System, Routine cheeks, Emergency operation. Operation of turbine and auxiliaries, lubricating oil system, governing system, condensate and feed water system, HP/LP bypass operation, protections and interlocks, turbine rolling, cold, warm, hot start, planned shutdown, routine checks, emergency operation. Generator and its auxiliaries operation, generator cooling and sealing system, generator synchronisation, routine operation and periodic checks, operational limits of generator and capability curve. Outdoor plant operation, oil handling plant, coal handling plant and ash handling plant. Boiler performance, turbine performance, milling plant performance, condenser performance, feed water heater performance, ESP performance, pump performance, generator performance
Unit III
Unit IV
Unit V Unit VI
Books Recommended: 1. O & M Manuals of BHEL 2. O & M Manuals of NTPC 3. BEI Publication 4. Power Plant Engg. - P.K. Nag 5. Power Plant Engg. - Domkundwar
8POE-3 POWER PLANT MAINTENANCE PRACTICES Unit I Different types of valves in thermal power plant, their construction and applications. replacement of worn out o damaged parts of valves, valve lapping, blue matching, use of correct lapping discs, overhaul and maintenance of valves. Power station pumps : Maintenance and trouble shooting of BFP, CWP, CEP, GS and positive displacement pumps, gland packing fitting, bearing removal and inspection, clearance and renovation of wear rings and impellers. Theory of alignment, prior checks and shim thickness calculation, shaft alignment using dial gauges. Unit III Introduction to bearings, classification, application and selection of bearings, ,. Plain bearing and antifriction bearing maintenance. Bearing gap adjustments of sleeve bearing/journal. Grooving on plain bearings, scrapping of journal bearings, bearing designations. Maintenance of turbine and its auxiliaries. Maintenance of Main Boiler, fans and coal mills Maintenance Planning and cost control - Planning of routine and preventive maintenance, planning techniques, purchasing and stores control, cost control. RCM, condition monitoring, introduction to computerized inventory and maintenance planning.
Unit II
Books Recommended: 1. O & M Manuals of BHEL 2. O & M Manuals of NTPC 3. Maintenance planning and cost control by Kelly (East West Publisher).
8PO 4 POWER PLANT OPERATION PRACTICES Unit I Identification of Boiler, Turbine and Generator auxiliaries and related equipments. Identification of various equipments in Power Plant, Tracing of equipments and pipe lines, connections, mountings, fittings in Thermal Power Plant. On-job training on Operation of Boiler and its auxiliaries, starting and Stopping of ID, FD PA Fans, Pulverizes. Tracing of schemes of Boiler Air and flue gas, steam & water system, inter-locks and protections of boiler. Operation of Turbine and its auxiliaries, Lubricating Oil System, Governing, Condensate Feed Water System, HP/LP by-pass System, Gland sealing system, Protections. Generator and its auxiliaries operation, Generator Cooling and sealing System, Excitation System, Generator Synchronization. On-job training at out-door plants, Oil handling plant, Coal handling Plant, Ash handling plant, Water treatment plant, Hydrogen generating Plant and CW System. General features of Thermal Power Plant training Simulator- Actual Hands on practice on Simulator to learn thermal power plant Operation procedures like cold start-up, Planned shut down and hot re-start and starting and stopping of power plant auxiliaries and few emergencies.
Unit II
Unit III
Unit IV
Unit V
Unit VI
8POE-5 ELECTIVE - II: MATERIAL HANDLING SYSTEM Unit I Types of interplant transporting facility, principal groups of material handling equipments, choice of material handling equipment, hoisting equipment, screw type, hydraulic and pneumatic conveyors, general characteristics of hoisting machines, surface and overhead equipments, general characteristics of surface and overhead equipments and their applications. Introduction to control of hoisting equipments. Flexible hoisting appliances like ropes and chains, welded load chains, roller chains, selection of chains, hemp rope and steel wire rope, selection of ropes, fastening of chains and ropes, different types of load suspension appliances, fixed and movable pulleys, different types of pulley systems, multiple pulley systems. Chain and rope sheaves and sprockets. Load handling attachments, standard forged hook, hook weights, hook bearings, cross piece and casing of hook, crane grab for unit and piece loads, carrier beams and clamps, load platforms and side dump buckets, electric lifting magnets, grabbing attachments for loose materials, crane attachments for handling liquid materials. Arresting gear, ratchet type arresting gear, roller ratchet, shoe brakes and its different types like electromagnetic, double shoe type, thruster operated, controlled brakes, shoe brakes, thermal calculations of shoe brakes and life of linings, safety handles, load operated constant force and variable force brakes, general theory of band brakes, its types and construction. Different drives of hoisting gears like individual and common motor drive for several mechanisms, travelling gear, travelling mechanisms for moving trolleys and cranes on runway rail , mechanisms for trackless, rubber-tyred and crawler cranes motor propelled trolley hoists and trolleys, rails and travelling wheels, slewing, jib and lulling gears. Operation of hoisting gear during transient motion, selecting the motor rating and determining braking torque for hoisting mechanisms, drive efficiency calculations, selecting the motor rating and determining braking torque for travelling mechanisms, slewing mechanisms, jib and huffing mechanisms. (Elementary treatment is expected). Cranes with rotary pillar, cranes with a fixed post, jib cranes with trolley, cranes with huffing boom, cantilever cranes, cage elevators, safety devices of elevators, belt and chain conveyors and their power calculations, vibrating and oscillating conveyors, pneumatic and hydraulic conveyors, screw conveyors, hoppers, gates and feeders. Introduction to AGV's as a new material handling device, use of robot for material handling.
Unit II
Unit III
Unit IV
Unit V
Unit VI
Text Book 1. Materials Handling Equipment - N. Rudcnko, Envee Publishers, New Delhi. 2. Materials Handling Equipment - M.P. Alexandrov, Mir Publications, Maskow. Practical: Practical Training on 210 MW Simulator. Books Recommended. l. O&M Manual of BHEL 2. O&M Manual of NTPC 3. BEI Publication 4. Power Plant Engg. - P K Nag 5. Power Plant Engg. - Domkundwar
Introduction to various types of non-conventional energy sources. Solar Energy -introduction to theory of solar radiation. Solar constant, spectral distribution of solar radiation, beam and diffused radiator, various reflectors and collectors.
Unit II
Unit III
Wind Energy - basic principle of wind energy conversion, site selection wind data and energy estimation. Basic components of wind power system.
Unit IV
Unit V
Bio-gas and bio-mass - various types of bio-gas plants, properties of biogases. Methods of obtaining energy from bio-mass - incineration, thermal gasification etc.
Unit VI
Books Recommended : 1. Solar Energy - S P Sukhatme 2. Non-conventional energy sources -GD Rai 3. Solar Energy - Duffle & Beckman 4. Solar Energy Engineering - Jui-Sheng Hsich 5. Energy Technology - Parulkar & Rao
8POE-5 - ELECTIVE II : IT AND ITS APPLICATION IN POWER ENGINEERING Unit I Direct Digital Control System a) Basic control loop, PID controls b) Elements of DDC, Software, Architecture, Controller, Communication c) Protocol, communication standards d) Large system architecture e) HMI, Operator interface Input Output System a) Analog input, analog output, digital input, b) Special IOs c) Digital input devices, installation d) Analog device, installation output Programmable Logic Controller a) PLC internals b) PLC Operation and timing concerns c) I/O concepts d) RS 232 Communication Hardware and Software e) PLC instructions f) Ladder logic programming Data Networks a) Topologies b) LAN c) System Bus concepts Human - Machine Interface a) Basics of IIMI b) Hardware, addressing and communication c) Screen development d) Programming Data Acquisition System a) Sensors b) Signal conditioning and hardware c) Data acquisition and processing d) Display techniques
Unit II
Unit III
Unit IV
Unit V
Unit VI
8POE-6 PROJECT WORK University Assessment College Assessment Practical per week : 75 marks :75 marks : 6 Hrs.
The project work may conform to anyone of the below stated types of broad based work. 3. 4. 5. Detailed design of some mechanical system. This may comprise of machines, Thermal, Hydraulic/Pneumatic system and design of some small Industry and like. Detailed experimental/Practical verification of some thermal Engineering systems. Detailed study of some industry manufacturing some product. This study may be comprising of various aspects such as plant layout, mechanical handling system, assembly shop, quality control system, maintenance system, various service systems, design, development and planning functions, techno-economic studies etc. Feasibility of small scale industry. Study may also comprise of indepth and exhaustive analysis of any one of the above mentioned systems in the context of 2/3 factors belonging to the industry. Detailed study of the literature on a normal topic alongwith the comparative study of various approaches studied under literature.