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0.2% Chlorhexidine

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Volume 82 Number 1

0.2% Chlorhexidine Mouthwash With an Antidiscoloration System Versus 0.2% Chlorhexidine Mouthwash: A Prospective Clinical Comparative Study
Carols Sols,* Antonio Santos,* Jose Nart,* and Deborah Violant*
Background: The goal of this study is to evaluate the degree of staining and clinical efcacy of a chlorhexidine mouthwash with an antidiscoloration system (ADS) versus 0.2% chlorhexidine mouthwash (traditional). Secondary objectives are to evaluate the patient compliance factor according to patterns assigned by the clinician and to observe the side effects of the two mouthwashes. Methods: This comparative study is carried out on a sample of 15 non-smoking patients with chronic periodontitis at the Department of Periodontology, the International University of Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain. All patients used either 0.2% chlorhexidine mouthwash (control group = bottle B) or chlorhexidine with ADS (test group = bottle A) for 15 days. Each patient rst rinsed with a randomly assigned mouthwash for 15 days followed by a 15-day washout period. Subsequently, each patient used a second mouthwash. Before each cycle, a full dental prophylaxis was performed. The plaque, gingival, and Brecx staining indexes were used. Results: The results showed less tooth staining with the test group (P <0.01). No statistically signicant differences were observed in plaque (P = 0.1496) and gingival indexes (P = 0.1688). Eighty-eight percent of patients followed the instructions outlined in the protocol. In terms of other adverse effects, two patients reported a bad taste with both mouthwashes. Conclusions: The test group with ADS had less staining than the control group during a usage period of 15 days. However, the two mouthwashes seemed to be equally effective as antiplaque and antigingivitis agents. J Periodontol 2011;82: 80-85. KEY WORDS Chlorhexidine; chronic periodontitis; dental plaque; mouthwashes; oral hygiene; staining and labeling.
* Department of Periodontology, International University of Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain.

ental plaque is the primary etiologic factor of the two most prevalent oral diseases: dental caries and periodontal disease.1 Studies have clearly demonstrated that the ability to control the onset or progression of periodontal diseases is improved by regular plaque-control practices.2,3 Although data show that oral health can be improved through effective plaque control, mechanical means of cleaning are failing to deliver optimal levels of oral health because the techniques are not done consistently or thoroughly. Yet, these studies have also demonstrated that oral hygiene routines (daily toothbrushing and ossing) are neither practiced consistently nor are they done for an adequate amount of time to thoroughly remove plaque. These limitations on home oralcare practices suggest that other strategies are urgently required. As noted by De Paola et al.,4 mechanical oral hygiene methods of plaque removal require time, motivation, and manual dexterity. Therefore, chemotherapeutics agents can play a pivotal role as adjuncts of mechanical plaque-control methods. As others have suggested, the use of chemotherapeutic agents as adjuncts of mechanical at-home plaque control is recommended.5,6 In most cases, during phase I therapy, the clinician recommends the patient use an antimicrobial agent for reducing
doi: 10.1902/jop.2010.100289


J Periodontol January 2011

Sols, Santos, Nart, Violant

plaque and gingivitis, as an adjunctive therapy.7-9 These microbial agents include metal salts (tin uoride, zinc, or copper);10 essential oils;11 phenols (triclosan);12 uorides (sodium uoride or stannous uoride);13 bisbiguanides (chlorhexidine);14 quaternary ammonium compounds (chloride cetylpyridium);15 sanguinarine;16 and oxygenating agents17 among others.9,18 Clinical studies have shown that many of these antimicrobial agents have inhibitory effects on plaque and gingivitis compared to negative controls or placebos, in the absence of toothbrushing.9,18 However, when using these microbial agents in combination with toothbrushing, they do not all provide a signicant effect compared to a negative control in reduction of plaque and gingivitis.19 Chlorhexidine is considered the gold standard agent for its clinical efcacy in chemical plaque control.19-23 Chlorhexidine has broad antibacterial activity, with very low toxicity and strong afnity for epithelial tissue and mucous membranes.21 Besides its antiplaque effect, chlorhexidine is substantive, thus reducing levels of microorganisms in saliva up to 90% for several hours.19,21,24-26 The use of chlorhexidine is burdened by some side effects that could affect patient compliance.27 The most notable of these is the staining it produces.26,28 Other side effects associated with chlorhexidine include the alteration in taste and mucosal erosions,24,29 but these are less common. Studies have shown different methods to eradicate or minimize staining on enamel and cementum.26,30,31 These results show the effectiveness of a 0.2% chlorhexidine with antidiscoloration system (ADS) mouthwash compared to a 0.2% chlorhexidine mouthwash. The ADS system is composed of ascorbic acid and sodium metabilsulfate. This clinical study aimed to assess the degree of staining and clinical efcacy of a 0.2% chlorhexidine mouthwash with ADS compared to a 0.2% chlorhexidine mouthwash in patients with chronic periodontitis over a 15-day period. Other objectives of this clinical investigation were to determine patient compliance patterns assigned by the clinician, and the possible occurrence of other side effects, besides staining, after use of the mouthwash. MATERIALS AND METHODS Study Population A total of 17 patients (eight male and nine female, aged 35 to 69 years; mean age: 55.47 years) were initially included in the study. The mean number of teeth was 23.4 (third molars were excluded). Two patients were excluded because they did not follow the study protocol. The study was conducted at the Dental Clinic of the International University of Catalunya,

Barcelona, Spain, by the Department of Periodontology from March to June 2009. The Ethics Committee of the University previously accepted the study. All patients signed written informed consent. Study Design This is a comparative, crossover, double-masked study between a mouthwash that contains 0.2% chlorhexidine and a mouthwash containing 0.2% chlorhexidine with ADS. Patients were comprised of non-smokers with chronic periodontitis, 20 teeth, and without systemic diseases, such as uncontrolled diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and infectious diseases. Patients who were pregnant, nursing, or using antibiotics or antiinammatory drugs were also excluded. Chronic periodontitis is dened as a plaque-induced periodontal infection ongoing with gingival inammation, bleeding on probing from the gingival pocket area, reduced resistance of the periodontal tissues to probing (periodontal pocketing), clinical attachment loss, and alveolar bone loss.30 Each patient had a 15-day cycle using an undiluted 10-ml dose of a rst mouthwash for 1 minute, twice daily (morning and evening). The mouthwash samples for study were previously labeled, assigning the letters A (0.2% chlorhexidine mouthwash plus ADS) and B (0.2% chlorhexidine mouthwash). The delivery of each mouthwash to patients was done randomly with the help of a dental assistant (Rebeca Manso, International University of Catalunya) masked to the researchers. Before each mouthwash cycle, patients were instructed not to drink coffee, wine, or tea 1 hour before or after using the mouthwash; a full supragingival prophylaxis was performed; and intraoral photographs were taken. At 7 and 15 days the plaque index (PI),32,33 gingival index (GI),31,33 and Brecx staining index (BI)34,35 were recorded. The three indexes were evaluated on all the teeth in the patients mouth, excluding third molars. The GI and PI were evaluated in the four gingival units of the same teeth (mesial, distal, vestibular, and palatal/lingual), and the BI was assessed only in two gingival units (buccal and palatal/lingual). All patients remained 15 days without using any rinse (washout period). Then they performed the second 15-day cycle with a second mouthwash, after which the same clinical parameters were assessed at the end of this second cycle. The brushing technique used during the study corresponded to the modied Bass technique36 along with interdental brushing. Toothpaste without sodium lauryl sulfate and with 0.05% uoride to prevent interaction with chlorhexidine, a regular toothbrush, interdental toothbrush, and dental oss were
Curasept Curaden Healthcare, Curaden International AG, Kriens, Switzerland.


Chlorhexidine Mouthwash With ADS and Chronic Periodontitis

Volume 82 Number 1

given to each patient at the beginning of study. The questionnaire completed by the clinician (CS) at 7 and 15 days when using mouthwashes A and B took into account the PI, SI, BI, and general data (name, age, sex, race, and so forth). In addition, the survey included questions related to the side effects (taste modication or injury to oral mucosa) of the mouthwash in the mouth experienced by patients during the study. After each cycle patients brought a lled questionnaire showing their compliance and the two empty mouthwash bottles. A single masked researcher (CS) performed clinical assessments and data collection. The data collection period was approximately 1.5 months per patient. Data Analysis The results were evaluated with factorial analysis of variance. The primary outcome variable was patient pigmentation. Other variables tested were plaque reduction, gingival inammation, and other side effects (food taste, mucosal irritation, and so forth). All the variables were tested between the two different mouthwashes within the same patient and over time, between weeks 1 and 2. Also considered was the interaction between treatment and time, exploring potential differences in the effect of the mouthwashes at Days 7 and 15. The interaction between the mouthwashes tested and patients was also considered, but if it was insignicant it was deleted from the model. RESULTS Two patients were excluded because they did not correctly follow the sequence of use of the mouthwashes. A total of 15 patients (eight male and seven female) completed the study. All patients were treated with a full supragingival prophylaxis before each mouthwash cycle and were reevaluated at days 7 and 15 when using each mouthwash. No patients reported any complication or unexpected complaints. Figure 1 shows PI32 over time, either at 7 or 15 days (P = 0.6161). The means and standard deviations of the PI for mouthwash A (0.2% chlorhexidine plus ADS) at 7 and 15 days were 0.077 0.085 and 0.087 0.129, respectively. For mouthwash B (0.2% chlorhexidine) the means and standard deviations of the PI at 7 and 15 days were 0.135 0.278 and 0.175 0.267, respectively. The two mouthwashes (test and control group) were equally effective in reducing plaque in the patient. No statistically signicant differences were observed in plaque reduction (P = 0.1243) between the two mouthwashes. Regarding the GI,31 no statistically signicant difference (P = 0.2253) was found in the GI over time, either at 7 or 15 days. The two mouthwashes presented a similar effectiveness on gingival inamma82

Figure 1.
Mean PI in test group (0.2% chlorhexidine with ADS) (A) and control group (0.2% chlorhexidine) (B) at 7 and 15 days. Condence interval 95%; P = 0.1243.

tion, with no statistically signicant difference (P = 0.1688). The means and standard deviations of the GI for mouthwash A (0.2% chlorhexidine plus ADS) at 7 and 15 days were 0.061 0.069 and 0.082 0.085, respectively. The means and standard deviations of the GI for mouthwash B (0.2% chlorhexidine) at 7 and 15 days were 0.210 0.363 and 0.072 0.072, respectively (Fig. 2). Figure 3 shows that the more days the patients use each mouthwash, the greater the staining. With mouthwash B, BI35 is much higher than with mouthwash A (Fig. 4). The values obtained are statistically significant (P 0.05). The means and standard deviations of the BI for mouthwash A (0.2% chlorhexidine plus ADS) at 7 and 15 days were 0.205 0.194 and 0.521 0.337, respectively. The means and standard deviations of the BI for mouthwash B (0.2% chlorhexidine) at 7 and 15 days were 0.441 0.344 and 0.953 0.484, respectively (Figs. 4 and 5). As for any other side effects reported after the use of the mouthwashes, the results suggest no signicant difference between the two groups (P = 1.0000). DISCUSSION After analyzing the results obtained during our clinical study comparing 0.2% chlorhexidine mouthwash containing ADS to the standard 0.2% chlorhexidine, we observed that the mouthwash plus ADS has the same antiplaque and antigingivitis effects as the classic mouthwash with 0.2% chlorhexidine. Furthermore, a marked decrease in staining was observed with the test mouthwash. In terms of other adverse effects, we found two patients reporting bad taste that may have resulted from the use of these mouthwashes (mucosal injury, burning mouth, or bad taste when eating), conrming previous studies.22,26,27,30

J Periodontol January 2011

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Figure 4. Figure 2.
Mean GI in the test group (0.2% chlorhexidine with ADS) (A) and the control group (0.2% chlorhexidine mouthwash) (B) at 7 and 15 days. Condence interval 95%; P = 0.1688. BI after using both mouthwashes: 0.2% chlorhexidine mouthwash with ADS (A) and a 0.2% chlorhexidine mouthwash (B). Condence interval 95%; P 0.05. SD for A and B: 0.363 0.314 and 0.697 0.488, respectively.

Figure 3.
BI at 7 and 15 days after the use of both mouthwashes. Condence interval 95%. SD at 7 and 15 days: 0.323 0.299 and 0.737 0.465, respectively.

Few studies have analyzed the staining produced after application of a mouthwash with ADS.22,26,27,30,35 In a study by Bernardi et al.,29 15 patients with oral health without gingivitis were given 0.2% ADS chlorhexidine mouthwash compared to a 0.2% chlorhexidine mouthwash for 15 consecutive days, with a 15-day intervening washout period between them. The authors evaluated the PI32 and GI,31 and assessed staining with a color measurement system (based on the visible light spectrophotometer principle). Bernardi et al.29 concluded that there was no signicant difference in relation to PI and GI between the two mouthwashes in healthy patients, but a statistically signicant difference was observed in the adverse effect of staining, demonstrating that the mouthwash with ADS prevented pigmentations. The authors29 recommended the need to conduct this study in patients with periodontitis or with recessions.

Our study, performed in patients with periodontitis and recessions, corroborates the ndings of Bernardi et al.29 Another paper by Basso et al., with a similar study design to Bernardi et al.,29 conrmed both their results and ours, showing less staining with a 0.2% chlorhexidine with ADS (unpublished data, 2006). Bellia et al. compared the 0.2% chlorhexidine mouthwash with ADS and 0.2% chlorhexidine toothpaste with ADS to the classic 0.2% chlorhexidine mouthwash and the 0.2% chlorhexidine toothpaste with ADS in 20 orthodontic patients who followed a nonsurgical periodontal therapy (unpublished data, 2006). This double-masked study showed that better results were achieved clinically and statistically in the control of plaque, gingival status, and staining in patients using the mouthwash with ADS (unpublished data, 2006). In contrast, the in vitro research conducted by Addy et al.19 claimed that they did not nd statistically signicant differences in terms of decreased staining with the ADS system incorporated in the 0.12% and the 0.2% chlorhexidine mouthwashes versus 0.2% chlorhexidine (positive control) and water (negative control). In addition, Arweiler et al.24 compared a 0.2% chlorhexidine mouthwash without alcohol to ADS versus 0.2% chlorhexidine mouthwash with 7% ethanoli to a placebo solution containing sorbitol, concentrated pepper, and alcohol at 14%, in 21 patients. They concluded that besides reducing staining, the ADS system also decreased the effectiveness of chlorhexidine on dental plaque, which contradicts the results of our study and those of others,22,26,27,30,35 which found that chlorhexidine is effective in decreasing dental
CIELab, ETS Laboratories, St. Helena, CA. Corsodyl, GlaxoSmithKline, Oral Healthcare, Weybridge, UK. i GlaxoSmithKline.


Chlorhexidine Mouthwash With ADS and Chronic Periodontitis

Volume 82 Number 1

CONCLUSIONS The ADS mouthwash produces less dental staining in patients with chronic periodontitis, and it is equally effective as an antiplaque and antigingivitis agent compared to 0.2% chlorhexidine mouthwash during a 15-day period of use. According to the questionnaire, 88% of patients followed the guidelines assigned by the clinician. The clinical manifestations and other possible adverse effects were minimal when using either mouthwash for a 15-day period. More controlled, randomized clinical studies with a larger sample size are needed. Figure 5.
Mean BI in the test group (0.2% chlorhexidine with ADS) (A) and the control group (0.2% chlorhexidine mouthwash) (B) at 7 and 15 days. Condence interval 95%; P 0.05.

plaque. This article24 assesses the effectiveness through bacteria that survived at 24 and 96 hours after using the mouthwash two times a day. The most recently published study37 using 0.2% chlorhexidine with ADS system compared it with a 0.2% chlorhexidine mouthwash for 1 week after periodontal surgery in 48 consecutive patients in treatment. The authors did not allow dental or interdental brushing over the area that underwent surgery. One week later, at suture removal, a full professional prophylaxis was performed and the second mouthwash was given with the same indications of use as the rst mouthwash. The results were consistent with those obtained in our study: less staining was observed when using the 0.2% chlorhexidine mouthwash with ADS and similar effectiveness between the two mouthwashes in reducing gingival inammation after surgery. The authors37 stressed that after the use of the 0.2% chlorhexidine with ADS there were fewer adverse effects and a more pleasant taste sensation compared to the classic mouthwash (0.2% chlorhexidine). In our study, we also observed less staining with the 0.2% chlorhexidine with ADS, but we did not observe any other differences in side effects between the two mouthwashes. The compliance factor has not been mentioned in previous comparative clinical studies reviewed. It is important to note that according to our questionnaire, 88% of patients followed the instructions outlined in the protocol. Some limitations have to be taken into account in our study. The sample is small, and the evaluation of the staining used is subjective. Other more objective methods, such as spectrophotometry, to measure staining are available, and the results might have been different.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors are grateful to Curaden International AG, Kriens, Switzerland, for providing the mouthwash, toothpaste, toothbrush, interdental toothbrush, and the dental oss for the study, and for their attention and availability provided throughout the research. The authors report no conicts of interest related to this study. REFERENCES
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