Application To Resume Australian Citizenship: Step 1 - Eligibility
Application To Resume Australian Citizenship: Step 1 - Eligibility
Application To Resume Australian Citizenship: Step 1 - Eligibility
This information is provided to help you complete the application form and guide you through the application process. Important Please read this information carefully before you complete your application. Once you have completed your application we strongly advise that you keep a copy for your records. There are 4 steps in the application process to resume your Australian citizenship. Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Eligibility determine if you are eligible Original documents gather your original documents Copy and certify your documents Complete and lodge your application form
Step 1 Eligibility
You may be eligible to become an Australian citizen again if you ceased being an Australian citizen: by acquiring the citizenship of another country before 4 April 2002, or by renouncing your Australian citizenship to retain or acquire another citizenship or avoid significant hardship, or by residing outside Australia for a continuous period of 7 years prior to 8 October 1958, or because as a child your parent or parents ceased to be Australian citizens. Australian citizenship commences on the date the application is approved. Note: If you have had your citizenship revoked you cannot apply to resume your citizenship. You may be eligible to apply for citizenship by conferral. You cannot apply to resume Australian citizenship if you were born in Papua and ceased to be an Australian citizen on PNG Independence Day (16 September 1975).
Need help?
The citizenship website provides more detailed information In Australia The Citizenship Information Line provides recorded information and access to information officers. Telephone 131 880 Monday to Friday 8.30am 4.30pm. Outside Australia The citizenship website provides the location, hours of operation and telephone numbers for offices of the Department of Immigration and Citizenship (the department) outside Australia.
Children under 16 years of age can be included on a responsible parents application form. Applications by children under 16 years of age must be made by a responsible parent. The Australian Citizenship Act 2007 defines responsible parent in relation to a child as: a parent, unless that parent does not have parental responsibility because of orders made by the Family Court of Australia, or any person having responsibility over the child because of an order made by the Family Court, or any person who has guardianship or custody of the child under an Australian law or a foreign law, whether because of adoption, operation of law, an order of a court or otherwise.
Integrity of application
The department is committed to maintaining the integrity of the visa and citizenship programs. Please be aware that if you provide us with fraudulent documents or claims, this may result in processing delays and possibly your application being refused.
Home page Citizenship Telephone 131 880 during business hours Information Line in Australia to speak to an operator (recorded
information available outside these hours). If you are outside Australia, please contact your nearest Australian mission.
You will also need to provide additional documents to validate your application. These are called supporting documents.
Certified copies of original documents must be attached to your application. These copies must be certified by a person with the appropriate authority. See Identity declarations list of professions on page 5 for people who may certify documents. If you are outside Australia when applying, contact the Australian diplomatic mission in the country who issued the documents for advice on acceptable translators, and who can certify your original documents.
Proof of identity
Applicants 16 years of age or over
You must provide documents to prove your identity and the identity of all children included in your application. For yourself, provide the following documents. 1. Three original documents that collectively show your: photograph signature current residential address date of birth, birth name and any changes of name. 2. Part F Identity declaration completed by a person with the appropriate authority. If you do not provide these documents, your application will not be accepted and will be returned to you.
If you are including children under 16 years of age in your application, or you are an applicant under 16 years of age, you must provide the following: 1. Proof of identity documents that show a: birth name and date of birth photograph and current name. 2. Part F Identity declaration completed by a person with the appropriate authority. The checklist below will help you identify suitable documents. If you have difficulty finding suitable documents please call the Citizenship Information Line or, if outside Australia call your nearest Australian diplomatic mission, before you complete and lodge your application.
The following documents are required for all children under 16 years of age A full birth certificate or family register containing parents details, Passport or travel document, if any Evidence of links between birth name and current name, if applicable One passport-sized photograph and identity declaration signed by an Australian citizen with the appropriate authority
Identity declaration
Applicants 16 years of age or over
As well as your proof of identity documents, you will need to provide an identity declaration and an endorsed passportsized photograph of yourself. The identity declaration must be completed and signed by an Australian citizen who: has known you for at least one year and belongs to a profession on the list on page 5, and is not related to you by birth, marriage or de facto relationship, and is easy to contact by telephone during normal working hours. The person who signs the declaration must also write on the back of your photograph the words: This is a true photograph of (your full name) and sign the back of the photograph using the same signature as on the declaration. The photograph should be carefully attached to the front of the application form without obscuring the image, or you can place the photograph in a plastic sleeve or envelope and staple it to the form. The photograph must be: no more than 6 months old a full-face view of your head and shoulders (untinted prescription glasses can be worn a photograph that shows facial features only is acceptable if you wear a head covering for religious reasons) of good quality, in colour, against a plain, light coloured background (laser copies are not acceptable). Note: If you are outside Australia when applying you can have the identity declaration completed by a citizen of your country of residence who has known you for at least one year and belongs to a profession on the list on page 5.
Good character
If you are 18 years of age or over, you will need to show that you are of good character. You must tell the department about any convictions you may have had in Australia or overseas. A conviction is a criminal charge leading to a guilty verdict in a court of law resulting in imprisonment, a fine or good behaviour bond. A traffic infringement, such as an on-the-spot speeding or parking fine, is not considered a conviction.
Spent convictions
You must declare spent convictions in your application. The spent convictions law allows people with minor convictions to disregard those convictions after a certain period of time. A conviction may be considered spent if: it is 10 years since the date of the conviction (or 5 years for juvenile offenders), and the person was not sentenced to imprisonment for more than 30 months, and the person has not re-offended during the 10 years (or 5 years for juveniles) period, and a statutory or prescribed exclusion does not apply. The department is allowed to ask you for this information for the purpose of assessing your application.
An identity declaration and endorsed photograph are required if you are an applicant under 16 years of age, or for each child under 16 years of age you are including in your application. If you have more children than the space on the application form allows, please use form 1195 Identity declaration for each additional child. The declaration and photograph should be signed by an Australian citizen who has known your child for at least one year and belongs to a profession on the list on page 5. In the case of children under 6 years of age, if no Australian citizen has known them for one year, then the declaration can be signed by someone who has known them for less than one year and belongs to a profession on the list on page 5. The photograph of each child should be individually attached to the front of the application form without obscuring the image, or you can place the photographs in a plastic sleeve or envelope and staple it to the form.
Supporting documents
To support your claim to resume Australian citizenship you will also need to provide the following for yourself and any children included in your application: Evidence of your former Australian citizenship, for example: a full Australian birth certificate, or an Australian citizenship certificate Evidence that you acquired citizenship of another country, for example: a naturalisation certificate, or a statement from the authorities stating how and when you acquired citizenship A passport or other travel documents, if any If you were a child when you lost your Australian citizenship you will also need to provide: Evidence that you acquired another citizenship when your parent lost their Australian citizenship, for example: your parents naturalisation certificate showing your name Evidence that your parent ceased to be an Australian citizen, for example: a naturalisation certificate, or statement from the authorities of the other country stating how and when your parent acquired citizenship Documents relating to the responsible parent applying on behalf of a child under 16 years of age Proof of identification documents that collectively show a signature, photograph, and a current residential address, for example: a passport drivers licence credit card or utilities bill Any orders relating to the custody, guardianship or parental responsibility for this child, if applicable Evidence of adoption of your child, if your child was adopted overseas You may be required to provide additional documents to those listed.
Part D Your parents Part D requires you to provide the personal details of both your parents. Part E Proof of identity Part E requires you to list the documents you are providing to prove your identity. See page 2 for information about this part of the application. Part F Identity declaration Part F is not to be completed by the applicant. See page 3 for information about who should complete the Identity declaration and sign the back of the photograph. Part G Good character If you are 18 years of age or over, you will need to show that you are of good character. See page 3 for information about this part of the application. Part H Supporting documents Part H requires you to list
the supporting documents you are providing with your application. See Supporting documents on page 4 for information about this part of the application.
Part I Nomination of representative Part I allows you to nominate another person who can make enquiries about your application on your behalf. Make sure you sign the authorisation at Part I if you want this to happen. Part J Payment details To make a payment, please pay by credit card, debit card, bank cheque or money order made payable to the Department of Immigration and Citizenship. Debit card and credit card are the preferred methods of payment. Generally, fees are not refundable.
Outside Australia Credit card payments or Australian dollars (AUD) bank cheques are accepted. If you do not have access to a credit card or AUD bank cheque, contact your nearest Immigration Office outside Australia to find out about alternative forms of payment.
Service standard
The department endeavours to decide 80% of applications within 77 calendar days. If a complete application is submitted with all required documentation, the application can be decided well within this timeframe.
Pre-lodgement checklist
Completed application form Proof of identity documents One passport-sized photograph and identity declaration signed by an Australian citizen with the appropriate authority for yourself and each child included in your application Overseas penal clearance certificates, if applicable Supporting documents as required The application fee
If your application is approved you will be notified in writing. You will become an Australian citizen on the day your application is approved. You will also receive evidence of your Australian citizenship. You do not need to attend a citizenship ceremony.
Pharmacist (licensed or registered) Physiotherapist (licensed or registered) Police officer Psychologist (licensed or registered) Registrar, or Deputy Registrar, of a court Sheriff Teacher employed on a full-time basis at a school or tertiary education institution 38. Veterinary surgeon (licensed or registered).
for the purpose of administering or managing the storage of identifying information, or for the purpose of making the identifying information in question available to you, or to an agency of the Commonwealth, a state or a territory in order to verify that you are an Australian citizen, or under an arrangement entered into with an agency of the Commonwealth, or with a state or territory or an agency of a state or territory, for the exchange of identifying information, or when reasonably necessary for the enforcement of the criminal law of the Commonwealth, a state or a territory, or when required by an Australian law, or for the purpose of a proceeding before a court or tribunal relating to you, or for the purpose of an investigation by the Privacy Commissioner or the Ombudsman relating to action taken by the department, or if the disclosure takes place with your written consent. Your personal identifiers can also be disclosed if a person believes on reasonable grounds, that the disclosure is necessary to prevent or lessen a serious and imminent threat to the life or health of you or of any other person.
Telephone 131 880 during business hours in Australia to speak to an operator (recorded information available outside these hours). If you are outside Australia, please contact your nearest Australian mission.
Box File Number ICSE Client ID
To be completed by an applicant aged 16 years or over or by a responsible parent on behalf of an applicant under 16 years of age. Please read the information pages before completing this application. Please use a pen, and write neatly in English using BLOCK LETTERS. Tick where applicable
You must attach the endorsed photograph of yourself AND all children included in your application to this page. Photographs must be attached individually without obscuring the image, or can be placed in a plastic sleeve and stapled to this page.
Your full name (this will appear on your evidence of citizenship) Family name Given names (including all middle names)
Your name when Australian citizenship was originally acquired (if same as your present name, write AS ABOVE) Family name Given names
Current residential address Note: You must tell the department if your address changes after you lodge this form.
Have you been known by any other names? (including name at birth, previous married names, aliases, alternative spellings or full spelling of all names) No Yes Give details
Current postal address (If the same as your residential address, write AS ABOVE) Note: You must tell the department if your address changes after you lodge this form.
Family name Given names Reason for change of name If you have been known by more than one other name, attach additional details on a separate sheet.
10 Telephone numbers
Work Home Mobile/cell
Date of birth
Give details
Date of issue Date of expiry Issuing authority/ Place of issue as shown in passport Yes
If you are including more than 5 children, attach their details on a separate sheet Child 1 Family name Given names Sex Date of birth Place of birth Town/city Country Citizenship Child 2 Family name Male
Date acquired Place acquired Note: Please attach a statement from a relevant authority as evidence of your foreign citizenship
Date of birth Place of birth Town/city Country Citizenship Child 3 Family name Given names Sex Date of birth Place of birth Town/city Country Citizenship Male
Child 4 Family name Given names Sex Date of birth Place of birth Town/city Country Citizenship Male
18 Parent
Sex Male Female
Date of birth Child 5 Family name Given names Sex Date of birth Place of birth Town/city Country Citizenship
Was this parent ever an Australian citizen? No Yes Go to Question 19 How did this parent acquire their Australian citizenship? Birth Conferral/grant Naturalisation Descent
Date acquired Place acquired Has this parent ever lost their Australian citizenship? No Yes How did this occur?
19 Parent
Sex Male Female
You must also provide a completed Part F Identity declaration. If you do not provide these documents your application will not be accepted and will be returned to you. Do not post original documents to the department. If you are posting your application attach certified copies. Please list the documents you are providing as proof of your identity (see Step 2 Original documents on page 1)
Date of birth Place of birth Town/city Country Was this parent ever an Australian citizen? No Yes Go to Question 20 How did this parent acquire their Australian citizenship? Birth Conferral/grant Naturalisation Descent
Evidence of your date of birth, birth name and any changes of name
Date acquired Place acquired Has this parent ever lost their Australian citizenship? No Yes How did this occur? Evidence of your identity in the community Part F Identity declaration
Evidence of the childs date of birth and birth name
Child 1 (if applicable) If more than 5 children are included in this application, please attach form 1195 Identity declaration for each additional child. I declare that I have known (full name of Child 1) Family name Given names for year(s) and vouch for his/her identity.
I have endorsed the back of his/her photograph Signature of person making this declaration
I have endorsed the back of his/her photograph Signature of person making this declaration
Date Details of person making this declaration Family name Given names Telephone numbers Work
Date Details of person making this declaration Family name Given names Telephone numbers Work Home Mobile/cell Profession or occupation group number from page 5
Home Mobile/cell
The photograph IS NOT TO BE SIGNED BY THE APPLICANT The person who has completed the Identity declaration above should also endorse the photograph.
I declare that I have known (full name of Child 2) Family name Given names for year(s) and vouch for his/her identity.
I have endorsed the back of his/her photograph Signature of person making this declaration
(full name of applicant)
Date Details of person making this declaration Family name Given names Telephone numbers Work Home Mobile/cell Profession or occupation group number from page 5
Child 3 (if applicable) I declare that I have known (full name of Child 3) Family name Given names for year(s) and vouch for his/her identity.
Child 5 (if applicable) I declare that I have known (full name of Child 5) Family name Given names for year(s) and vouch for his/her identity.
I have endorsed the back of his/her photograph Signature of person making this declaration
I have endorsed the back of his/her photograph Signature of person making this declaration
Date Details of person making this declaration Family name Given names Telephone numbers Work Home Mobile/cell Profession or occupation group number from page 5 Child 4 (if applicable) I declare that I have known (full name of Child 4) Family name Given names for year(s) and vouch for his/her identity.
Date Details of person making this declaration Family name Given names Telephone numbers Work Home Mobile/cell Profession or occupation group number from page 5
I have endorsed the back of his/her photograph Signature of person making this declaration
Date Details of person making this declaration Family name Given names Telephone numbers Work Home Mobile/cell Profession or occupation group number from page 5
If you answered Yes to any of the questions at Question 23, you must state who it applies to and give ALL relevant details. If the matter relates to a criminal conviction, please give the nature of the offence, full details of sentence and dates of any period of imprisonment or other detention.
23 Please answer the following questions for yourself and any children
included in your application: (a) Have you been convicted of, or found guilty of, ANY offences overseas or in Australia (include all traffic offences which went to court, including offences declared in your permanent residence application, and any spent convictions)? (b) Have you been confined in a prison or in a psychiatric institution by order of a court made in connection with criminal proceedings overseas or in Australia? (c) Have you committed, or been involved in the commission of war crimes or crimes against humanity or human rights overseas or in Australia? (d) Are you presently under a probation order, good behaviour bond, on parole, released on licence or subject to periodic detention overseas or in Australia? (e) Are you aware of any proceedings pending against you overseas or in Australia for an offence, including proceedings by way of appeal or review? (f) Have you ever been involved in any activity, or been convicted of any offence, relating to the illegal movement of people to any country (including Australia)? (g) Have you ever been charged with any offence overseas or in Australia that is currently awaiting legal action? (h) Have you ever been associated with terrorist organisations or involved in acts of terrorism overseas or in Australia? (i) (j) Have you ever been removed or deported from any country (including Australia)? Have you ever been involved in activities that would represent a risk to Australian national security?
No No
Yes Yes
Date of birth Relationship to main applicant Telephone numbers Work Home Mobile/cell Authority to disclose information I hereby authorise the Department of Immigration and Citizenship to release information about my application to the person named above. I understand that the authority will remain effective until my application is finalised and should I wish to cancel or change this authorisation I may do so by advising the department in writing. Signature of applicant
Signature of cardholder
Credit card information will be used for fee paying purposes only.
Part K Declaration
WARNING: It is an offence under section 50 of the Australian Citizenship Act 2007 to deliberately make, or cause to make, a false or misleading statement, or conceal circumstances in relation to an application. Children The responsible parent is to complete the following declaration if the main applicant is under 16 years of age. I declare that I am the responsible parent of the applicant. I declare that the information I have supplied in this form is complete, truthful and correct in every detail. I consent to the resumption of Australian citizenship for my child with my full acceptance of the consequences resulting from that citizenship resumption status under law. I authorise the Department of Immigration and Citizenship to make any enquiries necessary and to disclose relevant information necessary to determine the eligibility of the applicant to resume Australian citizenship. (See About the information you give on page 6) I understand that the Department of Immigration and Citizenship may disclose personal information and personal identifiers to other agencies as outlined in this form. (See About the information you give on page 6) I acknowledge that this application constitutes an application for evidence of Australian citizenship. Signature of responsible parent
Telephone numbers
( (
We strongly advise that you keep a copy of your application and all attachments for your records.
Date Approved
Not approved
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