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M.E. (Full Time) Construction Engineering and Management: Anna University Chennai-25. Syllabus For

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ANNA UNIVERSITY Chennai-25. Syllabus for M.E.

(Full Time) Construction Engineering and Management

CN131 Modern Construction Materials 1. CONCRETES 3 0 0 100 10

High strength and High performance concrete-Fiber Reinforced concrete




New Alloy steels-Aluminium and its products-Other alloys




Plastics-Reinforced polymers-FRP-Celular cores




Water proofing compounds-Non -weathering Materials-Flooring and Facade Materials .



Brief outline and uses Total No of periods: 45

Page 1

CN131 Modern Construction Materials References:


1. Shan Somayaji, " Civil Engineering Materials ", 2nd Edititon, Prentice Hall Inc., 2001. 2. Mamlouk, M.S. and Zaniewski, J.P., " Materials for Civil and Construction Engineers ", Prentice Hall Inc., 1999. 3.Derucher, K.Korfiatis. G. and Ezeldin, S., " Materials for Civil and Highway Engineers ", 4th Edition, Prentice Hall Inc., 1999. 4. Aitkens, " High Performance Concrete ", McGraw Hill,1999.

Page 2


100 10

Identification-Planning-Equipment management in projects -Maintenance management-Replacement-Cost control of equipment-Depreciation Analysis-Safety Mangement 2. EQUIPMENT OF EARTHQUAKE 10

Fundamentals of earthwork operations-Earth moving opertions-Types of Earthwork Equipmwnt-Tractors,Motor Graders,Scrapers,Front end waders,Earth Movers 3. OTHER CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT 10

Equipment for Dredging,Trenching,Tunneling,Drilling,Blasting-Equipment for compaction-Erection EquipmentTypes of pumps used in construction-Equipment for Dewatering and Grouting-Foundation and Pile Driving Equipment 4. MATERIALS HANDLING EQUIPMENT 5 Forklifts and Related Equipment-Portable Material Bins-Conveyors-Hauling Equipment




Crushers-Feeders-Screening Equipment-Handling Equipment-Batching and Mixing Equipment-Hauling,Pouring and Pumping Equipment-Transporters Total No of periods: 45

Page 3

CN132 Construction Equipment References:


1. Peurifoy, R.L., Ledbetter, W.B.and Schexnayder, C., " Construction Planning, Equipment and Methods ", 5th Edition, McGraw Hill, Singapore, 1995. 2. Sharma S.C. " Construction Equipment and Management ", Khanna Publishers New Delhi, 1988. 3. Deodhar, S.V. " Construction Equipment and Job Planning ", Khanna Publishers, New Delhi, 1988. 4. Dr. Mahesh Varma, " Construction Equipment and its Planning and Application ", Metro-politan Book Company, New Delhi-, 1983.

Page 4

CN133 Project Formulation and Appraisal 1. PROJECT FORMULATION

100 10

Generation and Screening of Project Ideas-Project identification-Preliminary Analysis,Market,Technical,Financial,Economic and Ecological-Pre-Feasibility Report and its Clearance,Project Estimates and Techno-Economic Feasibility Report,Detailed Project Report-Different Project Clearances required 2. PROJECT COSTING 10 Project cash flows-Time value of Money-Cost of Capital




NPV-BCR-IRR-ARR-Urgency-pay back period-Assessment of Various Methods-Indian Practice of Investment Appraiasal-International practice of Appraisal-Analysis of Risk-Different Methods-Selection of a Project and Risk Analysis in Practice 4. PROJECT FINANCING 5 Project Financing-Means of Finance-Financial Institutions-Special schemes-Key Financial Indicators



Private sector participation in Infrastructure Development Projects-BOT,BOLT,BOOT-Technology Transfer and Freign Collaboration-Scope of Technology Transfer Total No of periods: 45

Page 5

CN133 Project Formulation and Appraisal References:


1. Prasanna Chandra, " Pojects-Planning Analysis Selection Implementation & Review Fourth Edition ", Tata Mc Graw Hill Publishing Co., Ltd., New Delhi., 1995. 2. Joy.P.K.,, " Total Project Management - The Indian Context (Chapters 3- 7) ", New Delhi , Macmillan India Ltd., 1992. 3. United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO) " Manual for the preparation of Industrial Feasibility Studies ", (IDBI Reproduction) Bombay, 1987. 4. Barcus,S.W. and Wilkinson J.W., " HandBook of Mangement Consulting Services ", McGraw Hill, New York, 1986.

Page 6

MA146 Applied Statistics and Queuing Theory 1. BASICC OCEPTS OF QUEUING THEORY

100 12

Probability-Random variables-Moments-Moment generating functions-standard distribution s-Functions of Random Variables-Two dimensional random variables-Two dimensional random variables-correlation and regression 2. ESTIMATION THEORY 8 Principles of Least squares-Multiple and partial Correlation-Regression -Estimation of parameters-Maximum likelihood estimates-Method of moments 3. TESTING OF HYPOTHESIS 9

Sampling of distributions-Test based on Normal ,t,chi-square and F distributions-Analysis of variance-one way and two way classifications 4. DESIGN OF EXPERIMENTS 9

Completely Randomised Design-Randomised Block Design-Latin square design-2 square Factorial design



Single and Multiple server Markovian Queuing Models-Customer impatience-M/G/1 Queuingb sytem-Queuing applications Total No of periods: 45

Page 7

MA146 Applied Statistics and Queuing Theory References:


1. Taha, H.A.., " Operations Research : An Introduction ", Prentice - Hall of India, 6th Edition, New Delhi, 1997. 2. Freund, J.E. and Miller, I.R., " Probability and Statistics for Engineers ", Prentice - Hall of India, 5th Edition, New Delhi, 1994. 3. Gupta, S.C. and Kapur, V.K., " Fundamentals of Mathematical Statistics ", Sultan Chand & Sons, New Delhi, 1999 4. Goel B.S.., and Mittal,S.K., " Operations Research ", Pragati Prakashan, Meerut, 2000.

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CN141 Advanced Construction Techniques 1. SUB STRUCTURE CONSTRUCTION

100 15

Box jacking -Pipe Jacking-Under Water Construction of diaphragm walls and basement-Tunneling techniquespiling techniques-driving well and caisson-sinking cofferdam-cable achoring and grouting-driving diaphragm walls,sheet piles-laying operations for built up offshore system-shoring for deep cutting-Large reservoir construction with membrances and Earth system-well points-Dewatering and stand by Plant equipment for underground open excavation 2. SUPER STRUCTURE CONSTRUCTION 20 Vacuum Dewatering of concrete flooring-Concrete paving technology-Techniques of construction for continuous concreting operation in Tall buildings of various shapes and Varying sections-Launching Techniques-Suspended from work-erection techniques of tall structures,Large span structures-Launching techniques for heavy decksinsitu prestressing in high rise structures,areial transporting handling erecting light weight components on tall structures-erection of latice toweras and rigging of transmission line structures-Costruction sequences in cooling towers,Silos Chimney,Sky scrapers,bow string bridges,cable stayed bridges-Launching and pushing of box decksAdvanced construction Techniques in Offshore construction practice-construction sequence and methods in domes and prestress domes-Support structure for heavy Equipment and conveyor and machinery in heavy industries-erection of articulated structures,braced domes and space decks 3. REPAIR CONSTRUCTION 10 Mud jacking grout through slab foundation-micropiling for strengthening floor and shallow profile-pipeline layingprotecting sheet piles,screw anchors-sub grade water proofing under pining advanced techniques and sequence in demolition and dismantling Total No of periods: 45

Page 9

CN141 Advanced Construction Techniques References:


1. Robertwade Brown, " Practical foundation engineering hand book ", McGraw Hill Publications, 1995. 2. Patrick Powers. J., " Construction Dewatering: New Methods and Applications ", John Wiley and Sons, 1992. 3. Jerry Irvine, " Advanced Construction Techniques ", CA Rocketr, 1984.

Page 10

CN142 Contract Laws and Regulations 1. CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS

100 10

Indian Contracts Act-Elements of Contracts-Types of contracts-Features-Suitability-Design of Contract Doccuments-International contract document-Standard contract Document-Law of Torts 2. TENDERS 10

Prequalification-Bidding-Accepting-Evaluation of Tender from Technical,Contractual and commercial points of view-contract formation and interpretation-Potential contractual problems-World Bank Procedures and Guidelines 3. ARBITRATION 5 Comparison of Actions and Laws-Agreements ,subject matter-Violations-Appointment of Arbitrators-Conditions of Arbitrations-Powers and duties of Arbitrator-Rules of Evidence-Enforcement of Award-costs 4. LEGAL REQUIREMENTS 10

Insurance and Bonding-Laws Governing Sale,Purchase and use of Urban and Rural land-Land Revenue codesTax Laws-Income Tax,Sales Tax,Excise and customs duties and their influence on construction costs-Legal requirements for planning-Property Law-Agency Law-Local Government Laws for Approval-Statuatory Regulations 5. LABOUR REGULATION 10 Social Security-Welfare Legislation-Laws relating to wages,Bonus and Industrial Disputes,Labour AdministrationInsurance and Safety Regulations-Workmen's Compensation Act-Other Labour laws Total No of periods: 45

Page 11

CN142 Contract Laws and Regulations References:


1. Gajaria G.T., " Laws Relating to Building and Engineering Contracts in India ", M.M.Tripathi Private Ltd., Bombay, 1982. 2. Tamilnadu PWD Code, 1986. 3. Jimmie Hinze, " Construction Contracts ", 2nd Edition, McGraw Hill, 2001. 4. Joseph T. Bockrath, " Contracts and the Legal Environment for Egineers and Architects ", 6th Edition, McGraw Hill, 2000.

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CN143 Construction Planning, Scheduling and Control 1. CONSTRUCTION PLANNING

100 9

Basic concepts in the development of construction plans-choice of Technology and Construction methodDefining Work Tasks-Definition-Defining Precedence relationships Among activities-Estimating Activity Durations-Estimating Resource Requirements for work activities-coding systems 2. SCHEDULING PROCEDURES AND TECHNIQUES 9 Relevance of construction schedules-The critical path method-Calculations for critical path scheduling-Activity float and schedules-Presenting project schedules-Critical path scheduling for Activty-on-node and with leads,Lags and Windows-Calculations for scheduling with leads,lags and windows-Resource oriented scheduling-Scheduling with resource constraints and Precedences-Use of Advanced Scheduling Techniques-Scheduling with uncertain durations-Calculations for Monte Carlo Schedule simulations-crashing and time/cost trade offs-scheduling in poorly structured problems-Improving the Scheduling process 3. COST CONTROL MONITORING AND ACCOUNTING 9 The cost control problem-The project Budget-Forecasting for Activity cost control Financial accounting systems and cost accounts-Control of project cash flows-Schedule control-Schedule and Budget updates-Relating cost and schedule information 4. QUALITY CONTROL AND SAFETY DURING CONSTRUCTION 9 Quality and safety Concerns in Construction-Organizing for Quality and Safety-Work and Material Specifications-Total Quality control-Quality control by statistical methods -Statistical Quality control with sampling by Attributes-Statistical Quality control by Sampling and Variables-Safety. 5. ORGANIZATION AND USE OF PROJECT INFORMATION 9 Types of project information-Accuracy and Use of Information-Computerized organization and use of infornation-Organizing information in databases-relational model of Data bases-Other conceptual Models of Databases-Centralized databases Management systems-Databases and application programs-Information transfer and Flow Total No of periods: 45

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CN143 Construction Planning, Scheduling and Control References:


1. Chitkara, K.K. " Construction Project Management Planning ", Scheduling and Control, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co., New Delhi, 1998. 2. Calin M. Popescu, Chotchai Charoenngam, " Project planning, Scheduling and Control in Construction: An Encyclopedia of Terms and Applications ", Wiley, New York, 1995. 3. Chris Hendrickson and Tung Au, " Project Management for Construction - Fundamentals Concepts for Owners ", Engineers, Architects and Builders, Prentice Hall, Pitsburgh, 2000. 4. Moder.J., C.Phillips and Davis, " Project Management with CPM ", PERT and Precedence Diagramming, Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., Third Edition, 1983. 5. Willis., E.M., " Scheduling Construction projects ", John Wiley and Sons 1986. 6. Halpin,D.W., " Financial and cost concepts for construction Management ", John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1985.

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CN144 Computer Applications in Construction Engineering and Planning 1. INTRODUCTION


Introduction to System Hardware-Languages-Database Mangement-Spread Sheets-Applications




Linear,Dynamic and Integer Programming-Branch and Bound Techniques-Application to Production Sheduling,Equipment Replacement,Material Transportation and Work Assignment Problems-Software Development 3. INVENTORY PROBLEMS 10 Deterministic and Probabilistic Inventory Models-Software Development




PERT and CPM-Software Development - Use of PRIMAVERA



Decision Making-Bayes Theory-Simulation-Models Total No of periods: 45

Page 15

CN144 Computer Applications in Construction Engineering and Planning References:


1. Bily E. Gillet., " Introduction to Operation Research " - A Computer Oriented Algorithmic Approach, Tata McGraw Hill, 1990. 2. Paulson, B.R., " Computer Applications in Construction ", McGraw Hill, 1995. 3. Feigenbaum., L., " Construction Scheduling With Primevera Project Planner ", Prentice Hall Inc., 1999.

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CN031 Advanced Concrete Technology 1. CEMENT

100 8

Composition of OPC-Manufacture-Modified Portland cements-Hydration process of portland cements-Structure of Hydrated cement Pastes 2. ADMIXTURES 8

Mineral admixtures-Slags-Pozolanas and Fillers-Chemical Admixtures-Solutes Retarders-Air Entraining AgentsWater proofing compounds-Plasticizers and Super Plasticizers 3. AGGREGATES 5

Shape and Mechanical properties-Absorption and Physical durability-Chemical stability and packing charecteristics 4. FRESH CONCRETE 5

Workability-Mix proportioning-Mixes incorporating Fly -Ash -Mixes for High performance concrete



Interfacial Transition zone-Fracture strength-Mechanical properties-High strength concrete-Shrinkage-CreepOther properties 6. DURABILITY OF CONCRETE 5

Basic consideration-Stability of constituents-Chemical Attack-Corossion of Reinforcing steel



Manipulation of strength of concrete-Fiber reinforced concrete-Quality control. Total No of periods: 45

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CN031 Advanced Concrete Technology References:


1. Nevile, A.M., " Properties of concrete ", 4th edition, Longman, 1995. 2. Metha P.K. and Montreio P.J.M., " Concrete Structure Properties and Materials ", 2nd edition, Prentice Hall, 1998. 3. Mindaas and Young, " Concrete ", Prentice Hall, 1998.

Page 18

CN032 Shoring, Scaffolding and Formwork 1. PLANNING

100 5

Overall planning-Detailed Planning-Standard units-Corner units - Schedule for column form work-Formwork Elements-Planning at tender stage-Development of basic system-Planning for maximum reuse-Economical form construction-Planning examples-crane size,effecting scheduling Estimate-Recheck plan details-Detailing the forms 10. SLIP FORMS AND SAFETY PRACTICES FOR SCAFFOLDS 4

Principles-Typeas-Advantages-Functions of Various components-Planning-Desirable Charecteristics of concretecommon problems faced-Safety in slip forms special structures built with slip form technique-Codal provisionsTypes of Scaffolds-Putlog and independent Scaffold-Single pole scaffolds-Fixing ties-Spacing of ties planBracing-Knots-Safety net-General safety requirwements-precxautions against particular hazards-Truss suspended-Gantry and system scaffolds 2. SITE EQUIPMENT AND PLANT 3 Crane arrngements-site layout plan-Transporting plant-Formwork beams-Formwork ties-Wales and ties-Scaffold frames from accessories-Vertical transport table from work 3. PRESSURES ON FORM WORK 5

Concrete density-Height of discharge-Temperature-Rates of placing-consistency of concrete-Live loads and wind pressure-Vibration hydrostatic pressure and pressure distribution-Examples-Vertical loads-Uplift on shoresAdjustment for non-standard conditions 4. MATERIALS,ACCESSORIES PROPRIETARY PRODUCTS 3 Lumber-Types-Finish-Sheating boards working stresses-Repetitive member stress-Plywood-Types and gradesTextured surfaces and strength-Reconstituted wood-Steel-aluminium form lining materials-Hardware and fasteners-Nails anin plywoods-Bolts lag screws and connectors-Bolt loads 5. FORM DESIGN 5 Basic simplification-Beam formulas-Allowable stress-Deflection bending-Lateral stability-Shear,Bearing-Examples in wall forms-Slab forms-Beam forms-Ties,Anchors and Hangers-Column forms-Examples in each 6. SHORES 5

Simple wood stresses-Slenderness ratio-Allowable load-Tubular steel shores patented shores-Site preparation,Size and spacing-Steel Tower Frames-Safety practices-Horizontal shores shoring for multistories-More concentrated shore loads T-heads-Tow Tier Wood shores-Ellis Shores-Dayton sure grip and baker Ross shores-Safway Symons shores-Beaver-advanced shores dead shore-Raking and Flying shores 7. BUILDING AND ERECTING THE FRAMEWORK 5 Location of job mill-storage-equipment-Footings-Wall footings slopped footing forms-slab on grade and paving work-Highway and airport paving-curb and gutter forms-Wall forms - External vibration-Prefabricated panel systems-Giant forms curved wall forms-Wall openings joints-Tolerance for walls-Erection practices-Column heads-Beam or girder forms-Beam pockets-Suspended forms-Suggested tolerances-Concrete joint constructionFlying system forms 8. FAILURES OF FORMWORK AND ACI PROVISIONS 5 Causes of failures-Inadequate shoring inadequate bracing of members-Improper vibration-Premature strippingErrors in design-Failure to follow codes-How formwork afects concrete quality-ACI-Case studies-planning for safety-Achieving econnomy-Finished of concrete design deficiencies-Safety factors-Reshore installationPrevention of rotation-Stripping sequence-Advantages of reshoring Material properties Total No of periods: Page 19

CN032 Shoring, Scaffolding and Formwork 9. DOMES FORMS AND TUNNEL FORMS

100 5

Hemispherical,Parabolic,Translational typical barrel vaults,Hyperbolic Folded plates-Shell form Design Consideration loads-Inserts,Anchors bolts-Building the form-Placing the concrete-Form removed-Strength requirements-Tunnel forming components-Curb forms invert forms-Arch forms-Concrete placement methodsCut annd cover construction-General design considerations influence of placing equipment-Tolerances-Form construction-Shafts 45 References: 1. Robert L.Peurifoy and Garold D.Oberiender, " Formwork For concrete Structures ", McGraw-Hill, 1996. 2. Hurd.M.K., " Formwork for concrete ", Special Publication No.4, Fifth Edition, American Concrete Institute, Detroit, 1983. 3. Michael P. Hurst, " Construction Press ", London & NewYork, 1983. 4. Austin, C.K., " Formwork for concrete ", Cleaver - Hume Press Ltd., London, 1986. 5. Tudor Dinescu and Constantin Radulescu, " Slip Form Techniques ", Abacus Press, Turn Bridge Wells, Kent, 1982. 6. Guide for concrete formwork, " American concrete institute ", Box No.19150, Detroit, Michigan, 48219. 7. Safety Requirements for Scaffolding, " American National Standards Institute ", 1430 Broadway, New York, 10018.

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CN033 System Integration in Construction 1. STRUCTURAL

100 9

Structural sytem,Systems for enclosing buildings,Functional aesthetic system,Materials selection and Specification 2. ENVIRONMENTAL 9

Qualities of enclosure necessary to maintain a specified level of interior envioronmental quality-Weather resistance-Thermal infiltration-Acoustic control-Transmission reduction-Air quality-Illumionation-Relevant systems integration with structural systems 3. SERVICES 9 Plumbing-Electricity-Vertical circulation and their interaction



Component Longevity in terms of operation performance and resistance to deleterious forces-Planning systems for least maintenance-Feasibility for replacement of damaged components equal life elemental designMaintenance free exposed and finished surfaces. 5. SAFETY 9 Ability of systems to protect fire-Preventive systems-Fire escape system design-Planning for pollution free construction environmental-Hazard free Construction execution. Total No of periods: 45

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CN033 System Integration in Construction References:


1. E.C.Butcher and A.C.Parnell, " Designing for fire safety ", John wiley and Sons, 1993. 2. William T.Mayer, " Energy Economics and Build Design ", McGraw Hill Book Co., 1983. 3. Peter R.Smith and Warren G.Jullian, " Building services ", Applied Science Publishers Ltd., London. 4. A.J.Elder and Martiz Vinden Barg, " Handbook of Buildings and Enclosure ", Mc Graw-Hill Book Co., 1983. 5. Jane taylor and Gordin Cooke, " The Fire Precautions Act in Practices ", 1987.

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CN034 Energy Conservation Techniques in Building Construction 1. INTRODUCTION

100 6

Fundamentals of Energy-Energy production systems-Heating,Ventillating and Air conditioning-Solar Energy and conservation-Energy Economic Analysis-Energy conservation and audits-Domestic energy consumption-SavingsChallenges-Primary energy use in buildings-Residential-commercial-Institutional and public buildings 2. ENVIRONMENTAL 7 Energy and resource conservation-Design of green buildings-Evaluation tools for building energy-Embodied and operating energy-Peak demand-Comfort and indoor air quality-Visual and accoustical quality-Land, water and materials-Airborne emissions and Waste management 3. DESIGN 8 Natural building design consideration-Energy efficient design strategies-Contextual factors-Longevity and process assessment-Renewable energy sources and design-Advanced building technologies-Smart buildings-Economies and cost analysis 4. SERVICES 12 Energy in building design-Energy efficient and environmental friendly building-Thermal phenomena-Thermal comfort-Indoor air quality-Climate,Sun and solar radiation-Psychometrics-Passive heating and cooling systemsEnergy analysis -Active HVAC systems-Preliminary investigations-Goals and policies-Energy audit-Types of Energy audit-Analysis of results-Energy flow diagram-Energy consumption/Unit production-Identification of wastage-Priority of conservative measures-Maintenance of energy management programme 5. ENERGY MANAGEMENT 12 Energy management of electrical equipment-Improvement of power factor-Management of maximum demandEnergy savings in pumps-Fans-Compressed air systems-Energy savings in lighting systems-Air conditioning systems-Applications-Facility operation and maintenance-Facility modifications-Energy recovery dehumidifierWaster heat recovery-Steam plants and distribution systems-Improvement of boiler efficiency-Frequency of blow down-Steamleakage-Steam flash and condense return Total No of periods: 45

Page 23

CN034 Energy Conservation Techniques in Building Construction References: 1. MooreF., " Environmental control systems ", McGraw Hill, Inc., 1994. 2. Brown, G.Z, Sun, " Wind and Light: Architectural design Strategies ", John Wiley & Sons., 1985. 3. Cook, J, " Award - Winning Passive Solar Design ", McGraw Hill, 1984.


Page 24

CN041 Construction Project Management 1. THE OWNER'S PERSPECTIVE

100 5

Introduction-The project life cycle-Major Types of Construction-Selection of Professional Services-Construction contractors-Financing of constructed facilities-Legal and regulatory Requirements-The changing Environment of the construction Industry-The Role Project Managers 2. ORGANIZING FOR PROJECT MANAGEMENT 9 What is project management?-Trends in Modern Management-Strategic planning and project programmingEffects of project risks on organization-Organization of Project Participants-Traditional designer-Constructor sequence-Professional construction management-Owner-Builder-Operation-Turnkey operation-Leadership and Motivation for the Project team-Interpersonal behaviour in project organization-perceptions of Owners and Contractors 3. THE DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION PROCESS 9 Design and construction as an intergrated system-Innovation and technological Feasibility-Innovation and technological feasibility-Design Methodology-Functional Design-Physical Structures-Geo-Technical Engineering Investigation-Construction Site Environment-Value engineering-Construction Planning-Industrialized Construction and Prefabrication-Computer -Aided Enginering 4. LABOUR,MATERIAL AND EQUIPMENT UTILIZATION 9 Historical Perspective-Labour Productivity-Factors Affecting Job-Site Productivity-Labor Relations in construction-Problems in collective bargaining-Materials Management-Materials Procurement and DeliveryInventory control-Tradeoffs of cost in Material Management-Construction Equipment-Choice of Equipment and Standard production Rates-Construction Processes Queues and Resource Bottlenecks 5. COST ESTIMATION 9 Costs Associated with Construction Facilities-Approaches to cost estimation-Type of construction cost estimatesEffects of scale on construction cost-Unit cost-Method of estimation-Methods for allocation of joint costsHistorical cost data-Cost indices-Applications of cost Indices to Estimating-Estimate based on Engineers List of Quantities-Allocation of Construction costs over time-Computer Aided cost Estimation-Estimation of operating costs Total No of periods: 41

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CN041 Construction Project Management References:


1. Chris Hendrickson and Tung Au, " Project mangement for Construction - Fundamental Concepts for owners ", Engineers, Architects and Builders, Prentice Hall, Pitsburgh, 2000. 2. Chitkara, K.K. " Construction Project Management Planning ", Scheduling and Control, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co., New Delhi, 1998. 3. Frederick E.Gould, " Construction Project Management ", Wentworth Institute of Technology, Vary E.Joyce, Massachususetts Institute of Technology, 2000. 4. Choudhury, S., " Project Management ", Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co., New Delhi, 1988. 5. Ernest E. Ludwig, " Applied project Engineering and Management ", Gulf Publishing Co., Houstan, Texas, 1988. 6. Harold Kerzner, " Project Mangement - A systems Approach to Planning ", Scheduling and Controlling, CBS Publishers & Distributors, Delhi, 1988. 7. Joy P.K., " Total Project Management ", The Indian Context, Macmillan, India Ltd., New Delhi, 1992.

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CN042 Quantitative Techniques in Management 1. OPERATIONS RESEARCH

100 9

Introduction to Operations research-Linear programming-Graphical and Simplex Methods,Duality and PostOptimality Analysis-Transportation and Assignment Problems 2. PRODUCTION MANAGEMENT 9

Inventory control,EOQ,Quantity Discounts,Safety Stock-Replacement Theory-PERT and CPM-Simulation Models-Quality Control 3. FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT 9

Working Capital Management-Compound Interest and Present Value methods-Discounted Cash Flow Techniques-Capital Budgeting 4. DECISION THEORY 9

Decision Theory-Decision Rules-Decision making under conditions of certainity,risk and uncertainity-Decision trees-Utility Theory 5. MANAGERIAL ECONOMICS 9

Cost concepts-Break-even -Analysis-Pricing techniques-Game Theory applications Total No of periods: 45

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CN042 Quantitative Techniques in Management References:


1. Vohra, N.D. " Quantitative Techniques in Management ", Tata McGraw Hill Co., Ltd , New Delhi, 1990. 2. Seehroeder, R.G., " Operations Management ", McGraw Hill, USA, 1982. 3. Levin, R.I, Rubin, D.S., and Stinsonm J., " Quantitative Approaches to Management ", McGraw Hill Book Co., 1988. 4. Frank Harrison, E., " The Managerial Decision Making Process ", Houghton Miffin Co. Boston, 1975. 5. Varshney, R.L. and Maheswari, K.L., " Managerial Economics ", Sultan Chand, 1975.

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CN043 Construction Personnel Management 1. MANPOWER PLANNING

100 9

Manpower Planning,Organising,Staffing,directing and Controlling-Personnel Principles.




Organisation-Span of control-Organisation charts-Staffing plan-Development and Operation of Human resourcesManagerial Staffing-Recruitment-Selection-Placement,Training and Development 3. HUMAN BEHAVIOUR 12

Introduction to the field of management-basic individual psychology-motivation-job design and performance management-Managing groups at work-self managing work teams-Inter group behaviour and conflict in organisations-Leadership-Behavioural aspects of decision-making; and communication for people management 4. MANAGEMENT AND DEVELOPMENT METHODS 12

Compensation-Wages and Salary,Employee Benmefits,employee apraisal and assessment-Employe servicesSafety and Heakth-Discipline and Discharge-Special human resource problems,Performance appraisal-Employee hand book and personnel manual-Job descriptions and organization structure and Human relations-Productivity of Human resources Total No of periods: 45 References: 1. Carleton Counter II and Jill Justice Coulter, " The Complete Standard Hand Book of Construction Personnel Management ", Prentice Hall, Inc., New Jersey, 1989. 2. Memoria, C.B., " Personnel Management ", Himalaya Publishing Co., 1992. 3. Josy.J Familaro, " Handbook of Human Resources Admionistration ", McGraw Hill International Edition, 1987. 4. Pringle Charles, " Management Longnecker " Emerricle Publishing Co., 1981. 5. R.S.Dwivedi, " Human Relations and Organisational Behaviour ", BH - 1987.

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CN044 Business Economics and Finance Management 1. ECONOMICS

100 10

Role of Civil Engineering in Industrial Development-Advances in Civil Engineering and engineering economicsSupport matters of Economy as related top Engineering-Market demand and supply-Choice of technologyQuality control and Quality Production-Audit in economic law of returns governing production 2. CONSTRUCTION ECONOMICS 10 Construction development in housing,Transport and other infrastructures-Economics of Ecology,environment,energy resources-Local material selection-Form and Functional designs-Construction workers-Urban problems-Poverty-Migration-Unemployment-pollution. 3. FINANCING 18 The need for financial management-Types of finanacing-Short term borrowing-Long term borrowing-Leasing Equity financing-Internal generation of funds-External commercial borrowings-Assistance from Government Budgeting support and International finance corporations-Analysis of financial statements-Balance sheet-Profit and loss account-Cash flow and fund flow analysis-Ratio anlysis-Investment and financing decision-Financial control-Job control and Centralized management 4. ACCOUNTING METHOD 5 General Overview-Cash basis of a accounting-Accrual basis of accounting-Percentage completion methodCompleted contract method-Accounting for Tax reporting purposes and Financial reporting purposes 5. LENDING TO CONTRACTORS 2

Loans to Contractors-Interim construction financing-Security and risk aspects Total No of periods: 45

Page 30

CN044 Business Economics and Finance Management


References: 1. Warneer Z Hirsch, " Urban Economics ", Macmillan, NewYork, 1993. 2. Prasanna Chandra, " Projects - Planning Analysis Selection Implementation & Review ", Fourth Edition, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co., Ltd, New Delhi, 1995. 3. Kwaku A., Tenah and Jose M. Guevera, " Fundamental of Construction Management and Organization ", Prentice Hall of India, 1995 . 4. Halpin, D.W., " Financial and cost concepts for construction Management ", John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1985. 5. Madura J. and Veit, E.T., " Introduction to Financial Management ", West Publishing Co., St.Paul, 1988.

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CN045 Quality Control and Assurance in Construction 1. CONSTRUCTION ORGANIZATION

100 10

Types of Organization-Inspection,Control and enforcement-Quality Mangement Systems and MethodResponsibilities and authorities in Quality assurance and Quality control-Architects, Engineers,Contractors,and Consultants,Quality circle 2. QUALITY PLANNING 15 Qualitry policy,Objectives and methods in construction industry-Consumer satisfaction-Ergonomics-Time of Completion-Statistical Tolerance-Taguchi's concept of quality-Codes and standards-Documents-Contract and construction programing-Inspection procedures-Processes and products-Total QA / QC Programme and cost implication 3. QUALITY ASSURANCE AND CONTROL 20 Objectives-Regularity agent-Owner,design,contract and construction oriented objectives,methods-Techniques and needs of QA/QC-Different aspects of quality-Appraisals,Factors influencing construction quality-Critical,major failure aspects and failure mode analysis,-Stability methods and tools,Optimum design-Reliability testing,reliability coefficient and reliability prediction-Selection of new materials-Influence of drawings,detailing,specification,Standardization-Bid preparation-Construction activity,Environmental safety,Social and environmental factors-Natural causes and speed of construction-Life cycle costing Value Engineering and value analysis Total No of periods: 45 References: 1. James, J.O Brian, " Construction Inspection Handbook - Quality Assurance and Quality Control ", Van Nostrand, New York, 1989. 2. Kwaku A., Tenah and Jose M.Guevera, " Fundamental of Construction Management and Organization ", Prentice Hall of India, 1995. 3. Juran Frank, J.M. and Gryna, F.M. " Quality planning and Analysis ", Tata McGraw Hill, 1982. 4. Hutchins. G., " ISO 9000 ", Viva Books, NewDelhi, 1993. 5. Clarkson H. Oglesby, " Productivity Improvement in Construction ", McGraw Hill 1989. 6. John L.Ashford, " The Management of Quality in Construction ", E & F.N Spon, New York, 1989. 7. Steven McCabe, " Quality Improvement Techniques in Construction ", Addisson Wesley Longman Ltd., England, 1998.

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CN046 Resource Management and Control in Construction 1. RESOURSE PLANNING

100 10

Resource Planning, Procurement, Identification, Personal, Planning for material, Labour, time schedule and cost control, Types of resourses, manpower, Equipment Material, Money, Time. 2. RESOURCES 15

Systems approach in resource management, Characteristics of resources, Resources, Utilization, measurement of actual resources required, Tools for measurement of resources, Labour, Classes of Labour, Cost of Labour, Labour schedule ,Optimum use Labour. Material: Time of purhase, quantity of material, sources, Transportation, Delivery and Distribution. Equipment : Planning and selecting by optimistic choice with respect to cost, Time Source and Handling. 3. TIME 10 Personal time, Management and planning, Managing time on the project, forecasting the future , Critical path measuring the changes and their effects. Cost control : Cash flow and cost control, objectives of cost, Time and quality. 4. RESOURCE ALLOCATION AND LEVELLING Time-cost trade of, Computer application in resource levelling examples, resources list, resource allocation graph , Resource loading, Cumulative cost ETC-Value Management. Total No of periods: 35

Page 33

CN046 Resource Management and Control in Construction References:


1. Andrew, Szilagg, " Hand Book of Engineering Management ", 1982. 2. Glenn, A Sea's and Reichard J Clough, " Construction Project Management ", John Wiley and Sons, Inc.1979. 3. Harvey, A.Levline, " Project Management using Micro Computers ", Obsome - McGraw Hill C.A. Publishing Co., Inc. 1988. 4. James A., Adrain, " Quantitative Methods in Construction Management ", American Elsevier Publishing Co., Inc., 1973. 5. Oxley Rand Poslcit, " Management Techniques applied to the Construction Industry ", Granda Publishing Ltd., 1980.

Page 34

CN047 Project Safety Management 1. CONSTRUCTION ACCIDENTS

100 10

Accidents and their causes-Human factors in constuction safety-cost of construction injuries-Occupational and Safety hazard assessment-Legal implications 2. SAFETY PROGRAMMES 10

Problem areas in construction safety-Elements of an Effective an safety progrmme-Job site Safety assessmentsafety meeetings-safety incentives 3. CONTRACTUAL OBLIGATIONS 5

Safety in construction contracts-Substance Abuse-Safety record keeping




Safety culture-Safe workers-Safety and first line supervisors-Safety and Middle Managers-Top Management Practices,Company Activities and Safety-Safety Personnel-Subcontractual obligation=Project Cordination and Safety Procedures-Workers Compensation 5. OWNERS AND DESIGNERS OUTLOOK 5

Total No of periods:


Page 35

CN047 Project Safety Management References:


1. Jimmy W.Hinze, " Construction Safety ", Prentice Hall Inc., 1997. 2. Richard J. Coble , Jimmie Hinze and Theo C. Haupt, " Construction Safety and Health Management ", Prentice Hall Inc., 2001. 3. Tamilnadu Factory Act.

Page 36

CN051 Management Information Systems 1. INTODUCTION

100 7

Information systems-Establishing the frame work-Business Models-Information System Architecture-Evolution of Information Systems 2. SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT 8

Modern Information system-System Development Life cycle-Structured Methodologies-Designing computer based Methods,Procedures,Control-Designing structured programs 3. INFORMATION SYSTEMS 10

Intergrated construction Management Information System-Project Management Information System-Functional Areas,Finance,Marketing,Production,Personnel-Levels,DSS,EIS,ES-Comparison,Concepts and Knowledge Representation-Managing International Information System 4. IMPLEMENTATION AND CONTROL 10 Control-Testing security-coding Techniques-Defection of error-Validating-Cost Benefit Analysis-Assesing the value and risk of Information System 5. SYSTEM AUDIT 10

Software Engineering Qualities-Design-Production,Service,Software Specification,Software metrics,Software Quality assurance-Systems Methodology-Objectives-Time and Logic,Knowledge and Human DimensionSoftware life cycle models-Verification and Validation Total No of periods: 45

Page 37

CN051 Management Information Systems References:


1. Kenneth C Laudon and Jane Price Laudon, " Management Information Systems - Organization and Technology ", Prentice Hall, 1996. 2. Gordon B. Davis, " Management Information System: Conceptual Foundations ", Structure and Development, McGraw Hill, 1974. 3. Joyce J Elam, " Case Series for Management Information Systems ", Simon and Schuster, Custom Publishing, 1996. 4. Ralph H Sprague and Huge J Watson, " Decision Support for managers ", Prentice Hall, 1996. 5. Michael W Evans and John J Marciniah, " Software Quality assurance and Mangement ", John Wiley and Sons , 1987 6. Card and Glass, " Measuring Softyware Design Quality ", Prentice Hall, 1990.

Page 38

ST043 Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Structures 1. GENERAL

100 5

Quality assurance for concrete construction as built concrete properties strength, permeability, thermal properties and cracking. 2. INFLUENCE ON SERVICEBILITY AND DURABILITY 8

Effects due to climate, temperature, chemicals, wear and erosion, Design and construction errors, corrosion mechanism, Effects of cover thickness and cracking, methods of corrosion protection, corrosion inhibitors, corrosion resistant steels, coatings, cathodic protection. 3. MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR STRATEGIES 8 Definitions : Maintenance, repair and rehabilitation, Facets of Maintenance importance of Maintenance Preventive measures on various aspects Inspection, Assessment procedure for evaluating a damaged structure causes of deterioration - testing techniques. 4. MATERIALS FOR REPAIR 8 Special concretes and mortar, concrete chemicals, special elements for accelerated strength gain, Expansive cement, polymer concrete, sulphur infiltrated concrete, ferro cement, Fibre reinforced concrete. 5. TECHNIQUES FOR REPAIR 7

Rust eliminators and polymers coating for rebars during repair foamed concrete, mortar and dry pack, vacuum concrete, Gunite and Shotcrete Epoxy injection, Mortar repair for cracks, shoring and underpinning. 6. EXAMPLES OF REPAIR TO STRUCTURES 7

Repairs to overcome low member strength, Deflection, Cracking, Chemical disruption, weathering wear, fire, leakage, marine exposure. 7. Engineered demolition techniques for Dilapilated structures - case studies Total No of periods: 45 2

Page 39

ST043 Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Structures Text Books:


1. Denison Campbell, Allen and Harold Roper, " Concrete Structures ", Materials, Maintenance and Repair, Longman Scientific and Technical UK, 1991. 2. R.T.Allen and S.C.Edwards, " Repair of Concrete Structures ", Blakie and Sons, UK, 1987. References: 1. M.S.Shetty, " Concrete Technology - Theory and Practice ", S.Chand and Company, New Delhi, 1992. 2. Santhakumar, A.R., " Training Course notes on Damage Assessment and repair in Low Cost Housing ", " RHDC-NBO " Anna University, July, 1992. 3. Raikar, R.N., " Learning from failures - Deficiencies in Design ", Construction and Service - R & D Centre (SDCPL), Raikar Bhavan, Bombay, 1987. 4. N.Palaniappan, " Estate Management, Anna Institute of Management ", Chennai, 1992. 5. Lakshmipathy, Metal Lecture notes of Workshop on " Repairs and Rehabilitation of Structures ", 29 - 30th October 1999.

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