Cont ..
FFT are special algorithms for speedier implementation of DFT. FFT requires a smaller number of arithmetic operations such as multiplications and additions than DFT.
Decimation-in-Time Algorithms: sequence s(n) will be broken up into odd numbered and even numbered subsequences. This algorithm was first proposed by Cooley and Tukey in 1965. Decimation-in-Frequency Algorithms. the sequence s(n) will be. Broken up into two equal halves. This algorithm was first proposed by Gentlemen and Sande in 1966. Computation reduction factor of FFT algorithms . Number of computations required for direct DFT / Number of computations required for FFT algorithm = N2 / N / 2 log2 (N)
1. Data shuffling is not required but whole sequence is divided in two parts: first half and second half. From these we calculate g(n) and h(n) as follows:
and where g(n) = s(n) +s(n+N/2 ) h(n) = s(n)-s(n+N/2 ) n = 0, 1, ..., N/2 -1
Number of complex multiplications required in decimation-m-. FFT algorithm are the same as that required in decimation-intime FFT algorithm. Number of complex multiplication required in these DFT algorithms are N/2 log2iV, where N= 2r, r>0 and N is the total number of points (or samples) in a discrete-time sequence. Thus the total computations (number of multiplication and addition operations) are the same in both FFT algorithms. Now we will compare the computational complexity for the direct computation of the DFT and FFT algorithm. This comparison is given in Table
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Example Part1
Example Part1
Stage I : A0 = s(0) + s(4) = 1 + 1 = 2 A1 = s(l) + s(5) = -1 + 1 =0 A2 = s(2) + s(6) = -1 + 1 = 0 A3 = s(3) + s(7) = -1 - 1 = -2 A4 = [s(0)+(-1) s(4)] W80 = [1 + (-1) (1)] x 1 =0 A5 = [s(1) + (-1) s(5)]W81 = [-1 + (-1)(1)]((1-j) /2= - 2(l - j) A6 = [s(2) + (-1) s(6)]W82 = [-1 + (-1) x 1] (- j) =2j A7 = [s(3) + (-1) s(7)]W83 = [-1 + (-1)(-1)]{(-(1-j) /2} = 0
S(K) = {S(0), S(l), S(2), S(3), S(4), S(5), S(6), S(6), S(7)} Or S(X) = {0-2+(2 + 2 )j, 2 -2j 2+(-2 + 2)j,4, 2+ (2 - 2 )j,2 + 2j,- 2 -(2 + 2)7}
Radix 22, 24 Structure uses less adders and multipliers but still has good efficiency processing DIF DFT
Common Factor Algorithm and Butterfly Structure enable this architecture to reuse its modules numerous times
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