ITC's E-Choupal Transforming Lives of Farmers: Pooja Choudhary Priyanka Kejriwal
ITC's E-Choupal Transforming Lives of Farmers: Pooja Choudhary Priyanka Kejriwal
ITC's E-Choupal Transforming Lives of Farmers: Pooja Choudhary Priyanka Kejriwal
Mandi System
Mandi Distribution System Mandi Operation Process Limitations of Mandi System
E-Choupal System Benefit for ITC and farmers Technology Characteristics E-Choupal Services
Producer Co-ops
Cooperative Mill
Inbound Logistics
Outbound logistics
Bear the cost of transportation ,stay, bagging and weighing Loss of 1-2 kgs per quintal as weighers under-weigh Never receive the full purchase price Farmer has to make several return trips to receive entire amount costing them time and money
Agents control of market leads to distortions of price and quality Agents inflate prices to trading companies Agents mix superior and inferior quality produce together Agents are aware of intra-day prices and take advantage of that Officially agents margin : 1% , ITC estimates it to be upto 3%
ITC e-Choupal
Started in 2000 Target: 6500 kiosks, 10 states,40000 villages Designed to address issues like Fragmented farms Weak institutions Involvement of intermediaries Information asymmetry
e-Choupal System
Weighing and Payment
Sample is taken for laboratory tests Bonus Points in case of better quality
Previous days Mandi Closing Price Price Communicated through Sanchalak Commission agents at mandi enter daily mandi prices
Hub Logistics
Farmer collects payment and get reimbursed for transport Samyojaks handle hub logistics, transport, bagging etc, 0.5% commission
e-Choupal Services
Relevant & Real-time Information
Commodity prices, Local Weather, News
Customised Knowledge
Farm Management, Risk Management
Basic training to Sanchalaks
Financial services
Life, General, Health & Crop Insurance Easy to capture credit history, lower transaction costs
Sustainable solutions
What are the solutions?
Knowledge transfer Co-operative application of technology Mobilization and optimization of local resources
Intelligent first mile Avenue to see farmers ideas Farmers suggesting products and services
Bi-directional demand and supply of goods and services Build a close relationship with farmers Data mining and data warehousing: consumer behavior
Growth of e-Choupal
Future Strategy
Strategy Wave 2 (Post- Pilot) Wave 3 (Post Pilot) Value proposition Identity preservation ITCs intervention Food type Grade of grain determines its end use Perishable food products Food safety Example Procurement Wheat (UP)
Production level
Wave 4 (Pilot)
Creating institutions
Market place for multiple buyers and sellers Knowledge of business, customer and prior experience
Markets have reached high degree Coffee of efficiency Value added products to rural India
Wave 5 (Conceptual)
Wave 6 (Conceptual)
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