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Effective Public Relations (8th Edition) Scott M. Cutlip, Allen H. Center, Glen M. Broom Complete guide to Successful Event Planning Shannon kilkenny
Public Relations?
Public relations is the attempt, by information, persuasion, and adjustment, to engineer public support for an activity, cause, movement or institution.
The deliberate, planned and sustained effort to establish and maintain mutual understanding between an organization and its publics.
Public Relation
Public relations is the management function that identifies, establishes and maintains mutually beneficial relationships between an organization and the various publics on whom its success or failure depends.
Cutlip, Center, and Broom. Effective Public Relations. 1986 (6th edition) p. 4.
In public relations and communication science, publics are groups of individual people, and the public (a.k.a. the general public) is the totality of such groupings.
PR Agency?
PR Agency
The PR organization intelligently evaluates public attitudes, identifies the policies and procedures of an individual or organization with the public interest, and plans and executes a program of action to earn public understanding and acceptance.
Public relations is tied to long-term strategic organizational goals versus short term attention.
wants, provides "products" to satisfy those needs and wants, and causes transactions i.e., sales that deliver products and services in exchange for something of value to the provider)
Public information: press releases, brochures, even static Web content, are tools
used by these information dispensers who hope someone is paying attention.
Public relations in the role of mediator versus persuader. Listening to the concerns of both clients and key publics and helping them adapt to one another. Working with management to take a long-term view of developing sustainable, symbiotic relations To be successful, ALL parties must benefit, not just customers and investors.
Used in all areas of society to develop mutually beneficial relationships Skills are transferable to virtually all industries, at all levels Pays well Ability to specialize in numerous areas Allows for creativity
Constantly evolving
Public Relations Society of America definition (adapted): Public relations helps society reach decisions and function more effectively
employee/management communication Public Affairs: influence on public policy via governmental and community stakeholders Lobbying: focus on government entities to affect legislation and regulation Issues Management: proactive process to anticipate, identify, evaluate and respond to pertinent public policy issues Investor Relations: relations with corporate shareholders and financial community
Development nonprofit efforts to build and maintain
Corporations Non-profit organizations Government Politics Social Movements Entertainment Media Organizations And virtually all situations in which a person, organization or group needs to engage with people in order to operate and prosper
Community relations
Social Responsibility Crisis management and Communication
To establish, maintain and enhance mutually beneficial relations with key publics
Advertising is the wind, PR is the sun Advertising is spatial, PR is linear Advertising uses the big bang, PR uses the slow buildup Advertising is visual, PR is verbal Advertising reaches everybody, PR Reaches somebody Advertising is self-directed, PR is other-directed Advertising dies, PR lives
Source: The Fall of Advertising and The Rise of PR, Al Ries & Laura Ries
Advertising is expensive, PR is inexpensive Advertising favors line extensions, PR favors new brands Advertising likes old names, PR likes new names
Functions of PR?
Conducts a planned and sustained program as part of an organizations management. Deals with the relationships between an organization and its publics.
Monitors awareness, opinions, attitudes and behavior inside and outside the organization.
Analyzes the impact of policies, procedures and actions on publics. Adjusts those policies, procedures, and actions found to be in conflict with the public interest and organizational survival.
Counsels management on establishing new policies, procedures, and actions that are mutually beneficial to the organization and its publics.
up messes once they are made, but seeks to avoid such dilemmas.
A proactive approach anticipates and acts upon
potential problems before they become actual crises for the organization.
Of most importance is issues management: the
identification of key issues confronting organizations and the management of responses to them.
Most companies, nonprofits, institutions and government agencies have public relations departments Other department titles include: Public Information, Public Affairs, Corporate Communication, Internal or External Relations, Media Relations Often public relations is a separate department but it may be housed in marketing, human resources, or in a foundation
In 1968, 10% of PR practitioners were women. Today, nearly 70% are women. 90% have a college degree and 60% have some graduate training. 28% have a masters; 2% have a PhD Public relations spending is expected to increase 17% by 2016, compared with a 6% increase in advertising spending by 2016 Salaries: Starting = $28,000 Median = $82,400
community relations, consumer affairs/public affairs, employee relations, financial communications/investor relations, government relations, institutional/corporate advertising, lobbying, marketing communications, media relations, public relations counseling, public relations management and administration, public relations teaching, publicity, research and special events.
The future of public relations is limitless. This is the very reason most people do not understand exactly what it is now. A continuing issue is the need to continue to precisely define the role of PR in terms of providing counsel, building relationships with constituents, and helping to shape strategy, rather than being seen only as communicators or publicists. Yes, media relations and shaping/delivering information are part of what we do -- but they're only one part, they're the tactical part, and they're the last stage of a PR program." Kathleen Lewton, Former PRSA President