Water Supply Network in Urban Area
Water Supply Network in Urban Area
Water Supply Network in Urban Area
Urban Infrastructure Planning and Management (CE-634) Prepared by: ANKITKUMAR MEHTA M. Tech Urban Planning 2nd Sem Faculty Advisor: Dr. K. A. Chauhan
Water supply system in urban area should be developed in a proper way to meet the demand and at the same time, quality of water should also be maintained with in standard prescribed limits.
Thus the quality of water and the distributions are the important issues for urban water supply system.
Provision of an adequate quantity of water has been a matter of concern since the beginning of civilization. Even in ancient cities, local supplies were often inadequate and aqueducts were built to convey water from distant sources. The primary objective of water supply system is to take water from the best available source and to subject it to processing which will ensure water of good quality, free from unpleasant taste or odour and containing nothing which might be determined to health, and to distribute it top meet the requirement of the town or the city.
Any public water supply scheme should meet the following requirements: Ensured quality of water supply for its intended use like drinking or industrial use. Ensured sufficient quantity of supply. Ensured convenient and easy accessibility of water supply distribution. Ensured economic and financial viability of water supply product such that the capital and recurring cost falls within the affordable limits of the consumers of the system.
Surface Source:
Surface water is water in a river, lake or fresh water wetland. Surface water is naturally replenished by precipitation and naturally lost through discharge to the oceans, evaporation and sub-surface seepage.
Ground Water Source: Sub-Surface water, or groundwater, is fresh water located in the pore space of soil and rocks. It is also water that is flowing within aquifers below the water table. Sometimes it is useful to make a distinction between subsurface water that is closely associated with surface water and deep sub-surface water in an aquifer.
Surface Sources:
Storage Reservoir
Investigation for Reservoir Planning
Engineering Surveys Geological Investigations Hydrological Investigation Calculation of reservoir capacity for a specified yield from the inflow.
River Intakes
Types of Aquifers:
1. Unconfined Aquifer 2. Confined Aquifer (Artesian Aquifer)
Infiltration Gallery
Design period:
For water supply projects, a 30 years design period is assumed. Population forecast for this period take into consideration the potential of various sectors of urban economy and regional physical and economic linkages.
Per capita rate of water supply: The following per capita rates have been recommended as the minimum requirement for the design of public water supply in India:
For design population up to 5,000 90 lpcd per person
For design population up to 5,000 to 20,000 110 lpcd per person For design population up to 20,000 to 50,000 125 lpcd per person For design population above 50,000 to 2, 00,000 200 lpcd per person.
Rate of water supply: The consumption of water during the year is not always at a constant rate. There will be seasonal, monthly, daily, and hourly variation.
Temperature: the drinking water should be cool. Desirable is bet. 10c to 15.6 c. Turbidity: turbidity is on account of suspended and colloidal inorganic matter such as silt, clay and mud particle. It should be between 2.5 -10 ppm. Odour and Taste: substance that produce and odour will almost invariably impart a taste as well as odour in drinking water may be due to the presence of microscopic organic matter or inorganic substance such as iron, sodium carbonates and sulphates.
Colour: for drinking purpose the colour of water should be preferably be less than 10ppm.
Alkalinity: alkalinity is mainly because of carbonates, bicarbonates and hydroxides. It helps in the process of coagulation while purifying the water.
Hardness: hardness of water is due to the presence of bicarbonates sulphates and chlorides of calcium carbonate.hardness of water should be between 75-115 ppm for domestic purpose.
pH value: pH value is a symbol of presence of positive hydrogen iron concentration in a sample of water. Water containing alkali will have OH ions, while water containing an acid will have more H+ ions. The ph value of water for domestic use shall be from 6.5 to 8.
Distribution of water is very much important in any water supply network. Water supply distribution is designed to satisfy the demand placed by different land use densities and fire-fighting requirements all the time. Piping systems, pumping stations, storage facilities fire hydrants, house connections, water meters constitute the entire distribution system. The distribution system normally costs 60 to 70% of the total cost.
Distribution works
4. Radial System:-
Disinfections Miscellaneous Processes
6 7
590 127
36 54
78 227
For monthly consumption For monthly consumption up to 30000 liters greater than 30000 liters
1 2 3 4
Properties like Dispensary, Hospital, Nursing Home, Maternity Home, Dispensary Chemist etc related with medical services,
Photo studios Dhobi Ghat Private swimming pools
7 8 9 10
20.00 25.00 20.00 27.00
Sr. No. 1 2 3
PURPOSE OF USAGE Soft Drinks/Soda manufacturing organizations. Ice Cream /Ice manufacturing organization. Cold storage Plant
4 5
6 7
27.00 27.00
27.00 27.00
27.00 27.00 27.00 35.00 27.00 12.00 8.00 15.00 30.00 36.00
Minimum user charges applicable for different purpose & size (above 0.5" size) shall be as follows.
Monthly Minimum User Charges (in Rs.) S.No. Connectio n Size (in inch) For area inside city For Residential & Religious purpose 120 180 450 900 1395 2250 3420 For area outside city
For Non-resi./ For Non-resi./ For Residential & comm. / industrial comm. / industrial Religious purpose purpose purpose 240 360 900 1800 2790 4500 6840 420 765 1680 3000 4560 6600 11400 840 1530 3360 6000 9120 13200 22800
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
9 10 11 12 13
6" 8" 9" 10" 12"
11250 18300 25200 33750 56250
22500 36600 50400 67500 112500
54000 87000 120000 150000 225000
108000 174000 240000 300000 450000
Punamia B.C. and Jain Ashok K., Water Supply Engineering, (1999), Laxmi Publications PVT.LTD, New Delhi.
B.S. Raju ,Water supply and Waste water engineering, (2001),Tata Macgraw-Hill Publishing CO. LTD, New Delhi.
Deswal S.S. and Deswal S., Environmental Engineering, (2001), Dhanpatrai And CO. PVT. LTD., Delhi. Surat City Development Plan
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