Eye, E.N.T. & Dental Anaesthesia
Eye, E.N.T. & Dental Anaesthesia
Eye, E.N.T. & Dental Anaesthesia
Peritonsillar abscess ML, DL , oesophagoscopy
General Considerations
- most are young / children - old pts ( tumours ) smokers / alcoholics Airway obstruction if present- consider difficult intubation & Tracheostomy under LA Shared airway - intubation (mostly with RAE tubes) and a throat pack is often required Cocaine spray / Moffetts solution to reduce bleeding Limited access to airway - monitoring with Et CO2 essential Place for hypotensive anaesthesia N.M. blockade is often avoided in parotid sx. N2O may be avoided in middle ear sx. Laser may be used.
Tonsilectomy / Adenoidectomy
Usually children Premedicate with atropine / glycopyrolate IV / Gas induction Intubation may be difficult ( large tonsil ) RAE tubes preferred ( reinforced oral ETT )
Bleeding Tonsil
Hidden blood loss (most swallowed).
Hypovolaemia may be severe. Risk of aspiration (swallowed blood). Airway management & intubation may be
? un diagnosed coagulation ds. Anxious parents
Quick assessment + resuscitation is mandatory IV fluids 20 ml/kg bolus + blood. NG aspirations - controversial. Induction - Gas / RSI Gas in left lat. position with O2 & Halothane. Adv: spont: respiration preserved Disadv: prolong induction Hal:% - BP RSI - TPS (smaller dose) & Sux Adv - rapidity of intubation (smaller size ) NG /OG aspiration before extubation Anti emetics
Nasal Surgeries
*Preparation - prior to induction with moffatts solution ( cocaine, Na Hco3, adrenaline ) *Oral reinforced ETT / RAE tube & throat pack *Avoid hypercarbia and halothane as dysrhythmias are common *Awake lateral extubation *Oro- pharyggeal air way if both nostrils are packed
Inhaled FB removal
Common in children. Stridor / Bronchospasm + oedema. Distal atelectasis / over inflation due to ball-valve effects. Rigid bronchoscopy requiring relaxation ( deep an: / sux ) Airway shaired by aneasthetist and the surgeon Pre-medication with atropine / glycopyrolate Inhalational induction with O2, Halothane /sevoflorane (N2O avoided - ? air trapping) IPPV - may blow the FB further down. - very gentle ( if needed ) Anaesthesia maintained with gases ( 100% O2 & Halothane ) via ventilating bronchoscope May intubate for recovery and extubate awake Post-op laryngo/broncho spasm common (Dexa: 0.1mg/kg) Humidified O2 via mask.
Haemophilus influenza type B. Children 2 3 years, adults. Present with - (i) fever (ii) upper airway obstruction (stridor) (iii) sitting position, open drooling mouth. Complete airway obstruction ( if pharyngeal examination, iv cannulation, ect) Clinical diagnosis no need of X-rays. Tracheal intubations is usually required. Experienced Anaesthetist and ENT Surgeon.
Epiglottitis cont..
Child in sitting position,on mothers lap Monitoring & iv cannulation only after deepening. Intubation - difficult, smaller tube. Urgent tracheostomy may be needed. ITU / HDU care. IV antibiotics, IV fluids Keep the tube for 24 48 hrs. Humidified O2, sedation. Extubation when clinically better, fever, leak around the tube.
Throat pack
DL / ML / Bronchoscopy
Common considerations
Sharing of airway.(mostly compromised ) Hypertensive response to laryngoscopy & dysrrhythmias Need muscle relaxation ( rigid scopes ) Maintanance of aneasthesia difficult Glycopyrrolate to minimize secretions Good preoxygenation Post op: laryngeal spasm
If no airway obstruction, induce with tps & sux Ventilate with 100% O2
Patients - smokers +/- RS and CVS problems Lung function test & chest physiotherapy Presence of stridor Gas induction Prolong surgery with considerable blood loss ETT is withdrown and a laryngectomy tube or
tracheostomy tube is inserted Sterile connectors should be kept ready Post op care ideally in ITU / HDU
minimise bleeding ( microscopic veiw ) Good premedication , head up position Normocarbia to avoid vasodilatation Rise in middle ear prs can dislodge the graft Avoid N2O or off 10 min before end Anti emetic therapy
cosmetic cancer
Gas Extraction
Principles are as for day case surgery. Anxious, unpremedicated children / mentally handicapped. Pre-op assessment + adequate fasting. Children with Heart disease prior to surgery. Gas induction with O2, N2O halothane. Arrhythmias common Ett.+ a throat pack if - impacted tooth / multiple teeth - bleeding disorders
Place for LMA ? Close co-operation between Anaesthetist & Surgeon.
Analgesics - Diclofenac sodium PR (prior to induction ) IV opioids ? IV antibiotics - Heart disease Recovery in lateral position with slight head down. Post-op laryngeal spasm
Faciomaxillary Surgery