Valuation Ratios
Valuation Ratios
Valuation Ratios
Valuation ratios help you evaluate what youre paying . They work very much like the signs at the supermarket that tell you how much youre paying for every ounce of a product.
Valuation ratios calculate how much youre paying for every rupee of sales. They also calculate how much youre paying for every rupee of earnings, cash flow, and book value.
P/B ratio is very much dependent on Industry Type. For a Capital Intensive Industry,
Maruti Suzuki India has a P/B ratio of 2.65 which is greater than 1 which means that the stock is overvalued,hence the return on assets of Maruti is more.
Non capital intensive industry:
HCL technologies has a P/B ratio of 4.98 which is also greater than 1. Being a technology industry , there is not much requirement of capital other than human capital,hence it has a P/B ratio of more than 1.
Banks also require a lot of capital such as deposits , bonds etc. therefore they also have a low P/B ratio.
The PEG is the price of growth that an investor is willing to pay, but it can only be used for companies in similar industries with relatively high levels of growth
So while the P/E ratio for Company A is actually higher, on a growth basis Company B is actually more expensive with a higher PEG ratio.
But PEG ratio is only a comparative ratio,i.e. to be used only for similar companies.