Python Programming (Lists, Dictionaries & OOP) : Enterprise Software Engineering
Python Programming (Lists, Dictionaries & OOP) : Enterprise Software Engineering
Python Programming (Lists, Dictionaries & OOP) : Enterprise Software Engineering
PG 1
Along-with dictionaries, lists are one of the two most important data structures in python. Many python functions use and return lists.
But these are smart arrays, as these can grow and each element of an array can be of different type including objects and other lists etc.
Elements of a list can be accessed the same way as other languages using square brakets
#prints 1
PG 2
Lists - Slicing
You can get slices/sub-lists from a list by specifying a range within a list
my_list = [1, 3, 5, 'A', 'B', ['another', 'list'] ] new_list = my_list[0:3] #new list is [1,3,5] print(my_list[:5]) print(my_list[3:]) # prints [1, 3, 5, 'A', 'B'] # prints ['A', 'B', ['another', 'list']]
sublist = my_list[-1] # sublist contains ['another', 'list'] To add elements to a list, use the append method Example: my_list.append('another item') Strings also behave like lists so list slicing works with strings too Example: "Hello World"[3:8] #prints 'lo Wo'
PG 3
Lists - Iteration
To iterate all the elements in a list, use the for loop Example: mylist = ['a', 1, 2, 3, 'b'] for item in mylist: print(item)
For iterating thorough nested lists, use nested for loops Example: my_2D_list = [ [ 'Person A', 99, 'Student'], [ 'Person B', 19, 'Professor'], [ 'Person C', 30, 'Lecturer'], [ 'Person D', 50, 'Guard'] ] for row in my_2D_list: for col in row: print col, print
PG 4
Dictionaries Dictionaries are collections of data stored as key-value pairs Data items are accessed or added using their key names given in square brackets If a key does not exist and is accessed KeyError is raised
Use a dictionary object's has_key() method or the in operator to check if a key exists.
OR my_dict2 = dict(name='anonymous', age=99) print my_dict['name'] print my_dict2['age'] # prints Anonymous # prints 99 #adding another item to the dictionary
Lists - Iteration
There are two common methods used to iterate/traverse through all the items in a dictionary.
PG 6
records = [ {'name': 'ABC', 'reg_no': 1000, 'attendance': 20}, {'name': 'XYZ', 'reg_no': 1001, 'attendance': 26}, {'name': 'KDF', 'reg_no': 1002, 'attendance': 30} ]
print("Name\tReg. No\tAttendance") for record in records: print ( "%s\t%i\t%s" % \ (record['name'], record['reg_no'], record['attendance']) )
PG 7
PG 8
PG 9
Python provides excellent OOP facilities to developers. To create a class use the syntax:
class class_name[(parent_class_name)]: #class properties my_prop = value
def __del__(self): #destructor code
If a class has no parent class it can inherit from the object class
Providing a constructor or a destructor is not required, define these if you need them
self is a special keyword referring to the current object, all class methods including constructors and destructors should use self as the first argument.
Within the class code refer to all class properties using the self keyword.
Another great thing in python is that objects can have additional methods and properties than just those defined in their class.
Python supports multiple inheritance, that is, a class can have multiple parent classes unlike Java.
PG 11
Demonstrates the use of classes Demonstrates inheritance and multiple inheritance Demonstrates usage of object attributes by adding an extra property to the bush object
PG 12
Polymorphism (meaning "having multiple forms") in OOP is referred to the methodology to use the same calling mechanism (for example same function name) and getting different processing based on the data type of parameters passed or the type of object for which the function/method was called.
In python, there is no need to overload functions/methods for working with various data types as python is dynamically typed so no such use of polymorphism is required
Refer to the attached file to see example of class method polymorphism
PG 13
PG 14