International Marketing Environment
International Marketing Environment
International Marketing Environment
Introduction Components Trade barriers Objectives Of Trade barriers Tariff barriers Non-tariff barriers General Agreement on GATT
Trade barriers are the artificial restrictions imposed by the governments on free flow of goods and services between countries.
Tariffs, quotas, taxes, duties, foreign exchange restrictions, trade agreements and trading blocs are the techniques used for restricting free movement of goods from one country to the other Trade barriers are broadly classified into following two categories: Tariff barriers or Fiscal controls Non-tariff barriers or quantitative restrictions.
To Make Economy Self-reliant To Mobilize Public Revenue To Counteract Trade Barriers Imposed by Other Countries
Meaning Types Objectives Nature Effectivity Revenue Popularity
Meaning Types Objectives Nature Effectivity Revenue Popularity
The preamble of the GATT mentions the following as its important objectives: Raising the standard of living Ensuring full employment and a large and steadily growing volume of real income and effective demand. Better utilisation of the resources of the world. Expansion of production of goods and services and international trade.
The World Trade Organization deals with regulation of trade between participating countries; it provides a framework for negotiating and formalizing trade agreements, and a dispute resolution process aimed at enforcing participants' adherence to WTO agreements which are signed by representatives of member governments and ratified by their parliament.
POSITIVE IMPACT Growth in Merchandise Trade Growth in Export of Services Growth of Foreign Direct Investment [FDI] Textiles and Clothing Agricultural Sector Multilateral Rules and Disciplines
NEGATIVE IMPACT Adverse Impact of TRIPs on the Indian Economy Adverse Impact on Indian agricultural Hike in the Prices of Drugs Research in Bio-diversity and Micro Organisms Service Industry
It has provide a forum where the developing countries could discuss the problems relating to their economic development The primary objective of the UNCTAD is to formulate policies relating to all aspects of development including trade, aid, transport, finance and technology
Sabiha Moiyadi- 32 Sneha Parwal- 37 Siddhesh Raut- 42 Anshul Singh50 Farheen Valiulla- 57