Entamoeba Histoytica
Entamoeba Histoytica
Entamoeba Histoytica
Entamoeba histolytica Classification :Phylum :- Sarcomastigopdora Subphylum :- Sarcodina Superclass:-Rhizopoda Class:- Lobosea Orders:- Euamoebida Genus:- Entamoeba Species:-histolytica
Entamoeba histolytica was first described by Losch in 1875 after being isolated in Russia from a patient with dysentric stool Geographical distribution:-
World wide
Large intestine of man : Trophozite Forms : Mucous and submucous layer
The parasite exists in three morphological forms: Tropozoite Precyst Cyst
Endoplasm granular Food vacuoles: RBCs, leucocytes and tissue debris Motile Blunt single Pseudopodia Single Large nucleus Only Trophozite present in the tissues
Smaller in size
10-20m in diameter Oval with a blunt pseudopodium Food vacuoles disappear Characteristics nucleus
Spherical, 1-15 m in diameter Surrounded by a thick chitinous wall Uni nucleated Bi nucleated tetra nucleated Cyst are present only in the lumen of the colon and in
formed faeces
Life cycle:
Intestinal amoebiasis : Intestinal amoebiasis indicate that organism are confined to gastrointestinal tract. Incubation period :1-4 weeks The amoebae invade the colonic mucosa , producing characteristic ulcerative flask shaped lesions and a profuse bloody diarrhea ( amoebic dysentery).
Extra intestinal amoebiasis:About 5% individuals 1. Hepatic amoebasis: Acute Liver Abscess: Develop after 1-3 Months Transmit through portal veins from intestine to Liver Pus of liver abscess: Anchovy Sauce
appearance: Contain few Pus cells
Patient with amoebiasis liver abscess, with perforation of abscess through abdominal skin.
3. Cerebral Amoebiasis: Transmitted from Liver to heart then Brain and develop cerebral lesion
Laboratory diagnosis
Intestinal amoebiasis
Stool examination :-In acute amoebiasis, stool or colonic scraping from ulcerated areas are examined by macroscopic and microscopic
haemagglutination(IHA), indirect
Hepatic amoebiasis Diagnostic aspiration :- Trophozoites of E. histolytica may be demonstrated by microscopy of the pus aspirated by puncture of amoebic liver abscess in less than 15% cases Liver biopsy :-Trophozite of E.histolytica can be demonstrated in the specimens of liver biopsy from the cases of amoebic hepatitis or the wall of the liver abscess
Blood examination:It shows leucocytosis with total leukocyte count of 15,000- 30,000l of which 70-75% are polymorphonuclear leucocytes. Stool examination:In less than 15% cases of amoebic hepatitis , cysts of E.histolytica can be demonstrated in the stool . This indicates persistence of intestinal infection.
coagglutination test. Molecular methods :- DNA probes and PCR are the recent molecular methods of promise for the dectection of E.histolytica in stool and liver aspirates.
Treatment of amoebiasis is based on the use of amoebicides drugs Amoebicides with luminal action Di-iodohydroxyquin Diloxanide furoate Paromomycin Amoebicides effective in the liver, intestinal wall and other tissues Emetine Dehydroemetine
Amoebicides effective only in the liver chloroquine Amoebicides effective in both tissues and the intestinal lumen Metronidazole Nitroimidazole
can be prevented by
The amount of chlorine normally used to purify water is insufficient to kill cysts , higher levels of chlorine are effective but the water thus treated must be dechlorinated before use. Vegetables that are usually eaten raw should be cleaned with