Strategic Architecture
Strategic Architecture
Strategic Architecture
A summary formal description of the enterprise, providing an organizing framework for operational and change activity, and an executive-level, long-term view for direction setting.
Investigate problems/shortcomings in a preexisting situation Express the future direction of an enterprise Identify key problems, challenges, issues, etc. as well as make well-motivated design decisions that enable a move from the existing situation into a desired strategic direction Provide boundaries and identify problems for the transformation of the enterprise towards the articulated strategic direction
Give a clear context and direction for a portfolio of projects working toward the realization of the next goal Select one or more standard solutions and/or packages that are to become part of the solution Create the high level design of an actual step in the enterprise transformation as it will be realized in the context of a specific project Strategic architecture helps define the vision, principles, standards and roadmap that guide the selection, deployment, operation, and refreshment of technologies within an organisation
Information perspective
Technology perspective
It includes processes and standards by which the business operates on a day-to-day basis Ex. One man draws out the wire, another straights it, a third cuts it, a fourth points it, a fifth grinds it at the top for receiving the head: to make the head requires two or three distinct operations: to put it on is a particular business, to whiten the pins is another ... and the important business of making a pin is, in this manner, divided into about eighteen distinct operations. By Adam Smith
The interactions among the processes and standards used by the organization. Ex. Human resource define how an employee will get promotion. Criteria for promotion is standards set by HR and to motivate employee to achieve the criteria is a process.
It classifies the raw data that the organization requires in order to efficiently operate Ex. Document files Databases Presentations given in an organization is also an example of information perspective
Technology perspective defines the hardware, operating systems, programming, and networking solutions used by the organization. Ex. Cloud service used by any organization now a days is example of technology perspective.
Strategic architect can minimize one of the costliest business elements, employee turnover. Training a new employee costs a company time and productivity, and money. A new employee may not be able to produce at full capacity for several months, maybe longer. However, an strategic architect can look at job performance dynamics and recommend improvements. It can improve employee productivity and increase retention rates.
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