Extraocular Motility
Extraocular Motility
Extraocular Motility
Extraocular Muscles
Extraocular Muscles
Rectus muscles
Superior rectus muscle (SR) Inferior rectus muscle (IR) Medial rectus muscle (MR) Lateral rectus muscle (LR) Superior oblique muscle (SO) Inferior oblique muscle (IO)
Oblique muscles
Medial Rectus
Along the medial aspect of the eyeball, the medial rectus muscle inserts at a point 5.5mm of the limbus It is controlled by the oculomotor nerve (cranial nerve III) Contraction of this muscle causes adduction of the eye
Medial Rectus
Lateral Rectus
Along the lateral aspect of the eyeball, the lateral rectus muscle inserts at a point 7.0mm of the limbus It is controlled by the abducens nerve (cranial nerve VI) Contraction of this muscle causes abduction of the eye
Lateral Rectus
Inferior Rectus
Along the inferior aspect of the eyeball, the inferior rectus muscle inserts at a point 6.5mm of the limbus It is controlled by the oculomotor nerve (cranial nerve III)
Inferior Rectus
When the eyeball is positioned 23 degrees outward in the orbit with respect to primary gaze, contraction of this muscle causes depression of the eye When the eyeball is positioned 67 degrees inward in the orbit with respect to primary gaze, contraction of this muscle causes excycloduction of the eye
Inferior Rectus
When the eyeball is positioned straight ahead in the orbit with respect to primary gaze, contraction of this muscle causes adduction of the eye Contraction of this muscle causes depression, excycloduction, and adduction of the eye
Position of IR and SR
Primary Action of IR
Secondary Action of IR
Tertiary Action of IR
Superior Rectus
Along the superior aspect of the eyeball, the superior rectus muscle inserts at a point 7.5mm of the limbus It is controlled by the oculomotor nerve (cranial nerve III)
Superior Rectus
When the eyeball is positioned 23 degrees outward in the orbit with respect to primary gaze, contraction of this muscle causes elevation of the eye When the eyeball is positioned 67 degrees inward in the orbit with respect to primary gaze, contraction of this muscle causes incycloduction of the eye
Superior Rectus
When the eyeball is positioned straight ahead in the orbit with respect to the primary gaze, contraction of this muscle causes adduction of the eye Contraction of this muscle causes elevation, incycloduction, and adduction of the eye
Primary Action of SR
Secondary Action of SR
Tertiary Action of SR
Superior Oblique
The superior oblique muscle passes through the trochlea and its insertion on the eyeball below the superior rectus muscle is at 51 degrees with respect to primary gaze It is controlled by the trochlear nerve (cranial nerve IV)
Superior Oblique
When the eyeball is positioned 39 degrees outward in the orbit with respect to primary gaze, contraction of this muscle causes incycloduction of the eye When the eyeball is positioned 51 degrees inward in the orbit with respect to primary gaze, contraction of this muscle causes depression of the eye
Superior Oblique
When the eyeball is positioned straight ahead in the orbit with respect to the primary gaze, contraction of this muscle causes abduction Contraction of this muscle causes incycloduction, depression, and abduction of the eye
Position of SO and IO
Primary Action of SO
Secondary Action of SO
Tertiary Action of SO
Inferior Oblique
The insertion of the inferior oblique muscle is on the eyeball below the lateral rectus muscle at 51 degrees with respect to primary gaze It is controlled by the oculomotor nerve (cranial nerve III)
Inferior Oblique
When the eyeball is positioned 39 degrees outward in the orbit with respect to primary gaze, contraction of this muscle causes excycloduction of the eye When the eyeball is positioned 51 degrees inward in the orbit with respect to primary gaze, contraction of this muscle causes elevation of the eye
Inferior Oblique
When the eyeball is positioned straight ahead in the orbit with respect to the primary gaze, contraction of this muscle causes abduction Contraction of this muscle causes excycloduction, elevation, and abduction of the eye
Primary Action of IO
Secondary Action of IO
Tertiary Action of IO
Excyclo duction
Incyclo duction Excyclo duction
Incyclo duction
Depression Elevation
Abduction Abduction
Duction: describes movement of one eye
Abduction Adduction Supraduction or elevation Infraduction or depression Incycloduction or intorsion Excycloduction or extorsion
Version: describes movement of two eyes in the same direction
Vergence: describes movement of two eyes in opposite directions
Convergence Divergence
To investigate the integrity of the extraocular muscles and their nerves To assess the patients ability to perform version eye movements To determine if strabismus is comitant (i.e., deviation does not change with direction of gaze)
Broad H Test
A pursuit test done binocularly with penlight at a test distance of 30 to 40cm It tests 9 positions of action, starting with primary position
Broad H Test
Broad H Test
It tests fields of action of the 6 extraocular muscles Field of action = direction where a particular muscle has the greatest action
Broad H Test
Examples of fields of action
Right LR: field of action is the right-hand field Right MR: field of action is the left-hand field This is opposite for left LR and left MR
Position of SR and IR
Action of SR and IR
SR and IR lie in a muscle plane that makes a 23 degree angle with the straight ahead position When the eye turns out 23 degrees, SR acts as a pure elevator, and IR acts as a pure depressor
Position of SO and IO
Action of SO and IO
SO and IO lie in a muscle plane that makes a 51 degree angle with the straight ahead direction When the eye turns in 51 degrees, SO acts as a pure depressor, and IO acts as a pure elevator
Broad H Test
It is not necessary to direct the patients gaze exactly 23 degrees or 51 degrees during the broad H test 40 degrees to the right or left is enough to detect any limitation of movement
Broad H Test
Look for lags or overshoots at various diagnostic positions of gaze Look for smooth and accurate pursuit movements Look for any gaze restrictions or overactions of muscle in the 9 positions Look for comitancy
When deviation of the visual axes remains constant in all fields of gaze, there is comitancy When deviation of the visual axes changes with field of gaze, there is noncomitancy
Check for comitancy by moving the target to different positions of gaze, while keeping the patient steady In general, a patient with EOM paresis is incomitant
Gaze Restriction
Overaction of Muscle
Saccade Test
Test set-up is the same as for the broad H test Direct patient to look quickly from positions 8 to 2, and then back to 8 Repeat rapid shifts of gaze from positions 6 to 5, and then back to 6 Look for accuracy of movement (i.e., overshoots and undershoots)
Saccade Test
Expected Findings