Middle Ear Cleft
Middle Ear Cleft
Middle Ear Cleft
Middle ear together with Eustachian tube, Aditus, Antrum, Mastoid air cells middle ear cleft. Development Eustachian tube, tympanic cavity, attic, aditus, antrum and mastoid air cells develop from endoderm of tubo tympanic recess. Malleus and incus mesoderm of first pharyngeal arch. Stapes second arch Foot plate otic capsule.
Middle ear Mesotympanum ( opposite pars tensa) Epitympanum (medial to shrapnells membrane) Hypotympanum (below pars tensa) Protympanum ( near tympanic orifice of eustachian tube)
Middle ear six sided box Roof Floor Anterior wall Posterior wall Medial wall Lateral wall
Roof Thin plate of boneTegmen tympani. Separates tympanic cavity from middle cranial fossa. Floor Thin plate of bone separates from jugular bulb.
Anterior wall Separated form internal carotid artery , with opening of Eustachian tube, and canal for tensor tympani. Posterior wall Close to mastoid air cells Bony projection pyramid ,with tendon of stapedius.
Aditus Opening through which Attic communicates with Antrum & lies above the pyramid.
Facial recess Depression in posterior wall lateral to pyramid. Medially vertical part of 7th nerve Laterally chorda tympani Above fossa incudis
Medial wall Formed by labriynth A Bulge promontory due to basal coil of cochlea. Oval window fixed with foot plate of stapes. Round window or Fenestra cochlea covered by secondary tympanic membrane. Canal for facial nerve above the oval window.
Above the canal for facial nerve prominence of lateral semi circular canal. Anterior to oval window hook like projection processus cochleariformis. Marks the level of genu of facial nerve.
Lateral wall By tympanic membrane & Bony outer attic wall scutum.
Mastoid antrum Large air containing space in the upper part mastoid & communicates with the attic through the aditus. Roof- tegmen antri Marked externally Mac Ewens triangle.
Aditus-ad-Antrum : Opening through which attic communicates with the antrum. Bony prominence of horizontal canal medially. Fossa incudis laterally Facial nerve courses just below the aditus.
Mastoid air cell system - Bony cortex with honey comb of air cells .
Types of mastoid air cells : Well pneumatised / cellular (well developed air cells) Diploetic ( few air cells) Sclerotic ( no air cells)
Depending on the location ( mastoid air cells) Zygomatic cells ( root of zygoma) Tegmen cells( tegmen tympani) Perisinus cells (over the sinus plate) Retrofacial cells ( around the facial nerve) Perilabryinthine cells ( above , below, behind the labryinth) Peritubal cells ( around eustachian tube)
Blood supply of middle ear Supplied by six arteries of which : Anterior tympanic branch of maxillary artery to the tympanic membrane. Stylomastoid branch of posterior auricular artery middle ear and mastoid air cells.