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Mesh CFD

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Some of the key takeaways from the document are that unstructured mesh CFD has matured due to advances in grid generation and solver technologies, allowing for complex geometry handling and adaptive meshing. However, areas like design methodologies, new discretizations, and higher-order refinement still need additional work.

Computational fluid dynamics initially used structured grids for relatively simple geometries, but then evolved to use more sophisticated multiblock and overlapping structured grids for complex shapes. As computing power increased, unstructured meshes were adopted from finite element methods and are now commonly used by commercial CFD software due to their ability to handle complex geometries.

Current areas of research discussed include adaptive mesh refinement, moving meshes, overlapping meshes, requirements for design methods, and implications of higher-order accurate discretizations. Specific topics mentioned are anisotropic grid generation, grid sensitivities, and combined h-p refinement.

Unstructured Mesh Related Issues In Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Based Analysis And Design

Dimitri J. Mavriplis ICASE NASA Langley Research Center Hampton, VA 23681 USA

11th International Meshing Roundtable September 15-18, 2002 Ithaca New York, USA

History and current state of unstructured grid technology of CFD
Influence of grid generation technology Influence of solver technology

Examples of unstructured mesh CFD capabilities Areas of current research

Adaptive mesh refinement Moving meshes Overlapping meshes Requirements for design methods Implications for higher-order accurate Discretizations

CFD Perspective on Meshing Technology

CFD initiated in structured grid context
Transfinite interpolation Elliptic grid generation Hyperbolic grid generation

Smooth, orthogonal structured grids Relatively simple geometries

11th International Meshing Roundtable September 15-18,2002 Ithaca New York, USA

CFD Perspective on Meshing Technology

Evolved to Sophisticated Multiblock and Overlapping Structured Grid Techniques for Complex Geometries

Overlapping grid system on space shuttle (Slotnick, Kandula and Buning 1994)

CFD Perspective on Meshing Technology

Unstructured meshes initially confined to FE community
CFD Discretizations based on directional splitting Line relaxation (ADI) solvers Structured Multigrid solvers

Sparse matrix methods not competitive

Memory limitations Non-linear nature of problems
11th International Meshing Roundtable September 15-18,2002 Ithaca New York, USA

Current State of Unstructured Mesh CFD Technology

Method of choice for many commercial CFD vendors
Fluent, StarCD, CFD++,

Complex geometries Adaptivity Parallelizability

Enabling factors
Maturing grid generation technology Better Discretizations and solvers
11th International Meshing Roundtable September 15-18,2002 Ithaca New York, USA

Maturing Unstructured Grid Generation Technology (1990-2000)

Isotropic tetrahedral grid generation
Delaunay point insertion algorithms Surface recovery Advancing front techniques Octree methods

Mature technology
Numerous available commercial packages Remaining issues
Grid quality Robustness Links to CAD
11th International Meshing Roundtable September 15-18,2002 Ithaca New York, USA

Maturing Unstructured Grid Generation Technology (1990-2000)

Anisotropic unstructured grid generation
External aerodynamics
Boundary layers, wakes: O(10**4)

Mapped Delaunay triangulations Min-max triangulations Hybrid methods

Advancing layers Mixed prismatic tetrahedral meshes

11th International Meshing Roundtable September 15-18,2002 Ithaca New York, USA

Anisotropic Unstructured Grid Generation

Hybrid methods
Semi-structured nature Less mature: issues
Concave regions Neighboring boundaries Conflicting resolution Conflicting Stretchings

VGRIDns Advancing Layers c/o S. Pirzadeh, NASA Langley

11th International Meshing Roundtable September 15-18,2002 Ithaca New York, USA

Enabling CFD Solver Developments (1990 2000)

Edge-based data structure
Building block for all element types Reduces memory requirements Minimizes indirect addressing / gather-scatter Graph of grid = Discretization stencil
Implications for solvers, Partitioners

11th International Meshing Roundtable September 15-18,2002 Ithaca New York, USA

Enabling CFD Solver Developments (1990 2000)

Multigrid solvers
Multigrid techniques enable optimal O(N) solution complexity Based on sequence of coarse and fine meshes Originally developed for structured grids

Enabling CFD Solver Developments (1990 2000)

Agglomeration Multigrid solvers for unstructured meshes
Coarse level meshes constructed by agglomerating fine grid cells/equations

11th International Meshing Roundtable September 15-18,2002 Ithaca New York, USA

Agglomeration Multigrid

Automated Graph-Based Coarsening Algorithm

Coarse Levels are Graphs Coarse Level Operator by Galerkin Projection Grid independent convergence rates (order of magnitude improvement)

Enabling CFD Solver Developments

Line solvers for Anisotropic problems
Lines constructed in mesh using weighted graph algorithm Strong connections assigned large graph weight (Block) Tridiagonal line solver similar to structured grids

Enabling CFD Solver Developments (1990 2000)

Graph-based Partitioners for parallel load balancing
Metis, Chaco, Jostle

Edge-data structure graph of grid Agglomeration Multigrid levels = graphs Excellent load balancing up to 1000s of processors
Homogeneous data-structures (Versus multi-block / overlapping structured grids)

11th International Meshing Roundtable September 15-18,2002 Ithaca New York, USA

Practical Examples
VGRIDns tetrahedral grid generator NSU3D Multigrid flow solver
Large scale massively parallel case Fast turnaround medium size problem

11th International Meshing Roundtable September 15-18,2002 Ithaca New York, USA

NASA Langley Energy Efficient Transport

Complex geometry
Wing-body, slat, double slotted flaps, cutouts

Experimental data from Langley 14x22ft wind tunnel

Mach = 0.2, Reynolds=1.6 million Range of incidences: -4 to 24 degrees

11th International Meshing Roundtable September 15-18,2002 Ithaca New York, USA

Initial Mesh Generation (VGRIDns)

S. Pirzadeh, NASA Langley
Combined advancing layers- advancing front
Advancing layers: thin elements at walls Advancing front: isotropic elements elsewhere

Automatic switching from AL to AF based on:

Cell aspect ratio Proximity of boundaries of other fronts Variable height for advancing layers

Background Cartesian grid for smooth spacing control Spanwise stretching

Factor of 3 reduction in grid size
11th International Meshing Roundtable September 15-18,2002 Ithaca New York, USA

VGRID Tetrahedral Mesh

3.1 million vertices, 18.2 million tets, 115,489 surface pts Normal spacing: 1.35E-06 chords, growth factor=1.3

Prism Merging Operation

Combine Tetrahedra triplets in advancing-layers region into prisms
Prisms entail lower complexity for solver

VGRIDns identifies originating boundary point for ALR vertices

Used to identify candidate elements Pyramids required as transitional elements

Prism Merging Operation

Initial mesh: 18.2M Tetrahedra Merged mesh: 3.9M prisms, 6.6M Tets, 47K pyramids
64% of Tetrahedra merged

11th International Meshing Roundtable September 15-18,2002 Ithaca New York, USA

Global Mesh Refinement

High-resolution meshes require large parallel machines Parallel mesh generation difficult
Complicated logic Access to commercial preprocessing, CAD tools

Current approach
Generate coarse (O(10**6) vertices on workstation Refine on supercomputer
11th International Meshing Roundtable September 15-18,2002 Ithaca New York, USA

Global Mesh Refinement

Refinement achieved by element subdivision Global refinement: 8:1 increase in resolution In-Situ approach obviates large file transfers Initial mesh: 3.1 million vertices
3.9M prisms, 6.6M Tets, 47K pyramids

Refined mesh: 24.7 million vertices

31M prisms, 53M Tets, 281K pyramids Refinement operation: 10 Gbytes, 30 minutes sequentially
11th International Meshing Roundtable September 15-18,2002 Ithaca New York, USA

NSU3D Unstructured Mesh Navier-Stokes Solver

Mixed element grids
Tetrahedra, prisms, pyramids, hexahedra

Edge data-structure Line solver in BL regions near walls Agglomeration Multigrid acceleration Newton Krylov (GMRES) acceleration option Spalart-Allmaras 1 equation turbulence model

11th International Meshing Roundtable September 15-18,2002 Ithaca New York, USA

Parallel Implementation
Domain decomposition with OpenMP/MPI communication
OpenMP on shared memory architectures MPI on distributed memory architectures Hybrid capability for clusters of SMPs

Weighted graph partitioning (Metis) (Chaco) Coarse and fine MG levels partitioned independently

11th International Meshing Roundtable September 15-18,2002 Ithaca New York, USA

Computed Pressure Contours on Coarse Grid

Mach=0.2, Incidence=10 degrees, Re=1.6M

Computed Versus Experimental Results

Good drag prediction Discrepancies near stall

Multigrid Convergence History

Mesh independent property of Multigrid GMRES effective but requires extra memory

Parallel Scalability

Good overall Multigrid scalability

Increased communication due to coarse grid levels Single grid solution impractical (>100 times slower)

1 hour soution time on 1450 PEs

AIAA Drag Prediction Workshop (2001)

Transonic wing-body configuration Typical cases required for design study

Matrix of mach and CL values Grid resolution study

Follow on with engine effects (2003)

Cases Run
Baseline grid: 1.6 million points
Full drag polars for Mach=0.5,0.6,0.7,0.75,0.76,0.77,0.78,0.8 Total = 72 cases

Medium grid: 3 million points

Full drag polar for each mach number Total = 48 cases

Fine grid: 13 million points

Drag polar at mach=0.75 Total = 7 cases
11th International Meshing Roundtable September 15-18,2002 Ithaca New York, USA

Sample Solution (1.65M Pts)

Mach=0.75, CL=0.6, Re=3M 2.5 hours on 16 Pentium IV 1.7GHz

Drag Polar at Mach = 0.75

Grid resolution study Good comparison with experimental data

Cases Run on ICASE Cluster

120 Cases (excluding finest grid) About 1 week to compute all cases
11th International Meshing Roundtable September 15-18,2002 Ithaca New York, USA

Current and Future Issues

Adaptive mesh refinement Moving geometry and mesh motion Moving geometry and overlapping meshes Requirements for gradient-based design Implications for higher-order Discretizations
11th International Meshing Roundtable September 15-18,2002 Ithaca New York, USA

Adaptive Meshing
Potential for large savings through optimized mesh resolution
Well suited for problems with large range of scales Possibility of error estimation / control Requires tight CAD coupling (surface pts)

Mechanics of mesh adaptation Refinement criteria and error estimation

11th International Meshing Roundtable September 15-18,2002 Ithaca New York, USA

Mechanics of Adaptive Meshing

Various well know isotropic mesh methods
Mesh movement
Spring analogy Linear elasticity

Local Remeshing Delaunay point insertion/Retriangulation Edge-face swapping Element subdivision

Mixed elements (non-simplicial) Anisotropic subdivision required in transition regions
11th International Meshing Roundtable September 15-18,2002 Ithaca New York, USA

Subdivision Types for Tetrahedra

11th International Meshing Roundtable September 15-18,2002 Ithaca New York, USA

Subdivision Types for Prisms

11th International Meshing Roundtable September 15-18,2002 Ithaca New York, USA

Subdivision Types for Pyramids

11th International Meshing Roundtable September 15-18,2002 Ithaca New York, USA

Subdivision Types for Hexahedra

11th International Meshing Roundtable September 15-18,2002 Ithaca New York, USA

Adaptive Tetrahedral Mesh by Subdivision

11th International Meshing Roundtable September 15-18,2002 Ithaca New York, USA

Adaptive Hexahedral Mesh by Subdivision

11th International Meshing Roundtable September 15-18,2002 Ithaca New York, USA

Adaptive Hybrid Mesh by Subdivision

11th International Meshing Roundtable September 15-18,2002 Ithaca New York, USA

Anisotropic Adaptation Methods

Large potential savings for 1 or 2D features
Directional subdivision
Assumes element faces to line up with flow features Combine with mesh motion

Mapping techniques
Hessian based Grid quality

11th International Meshing Roundtable September 15-18,2002 Ithaca New York, USA

Refinement Criteria
Weakest link of adaptive meshing methods
Obvious for strong features Difficult for non-local (ie. Convective) features
eg. Wakes

Analysis assumes in asymptotic error convergence region

Gradient based criteria Empirical criteria

Effect of variable discretization error in design studies, parameter sweeps

11th International Meshing Roundtable September 15-18,2002 Ithaca New York, USA

Adjoint-based Error Prediction

Compute sensitivity of global cost function to local spatial grid resolution Key on important output, ignore other features
Error in engineering output, not discretization error
e.g. Lift, drag, or sonic boom

Captures non-local behavior of error

Global effect of local resolution

Requires solution of adjoint equations

Adjoint techniques used for design optimization
11th International Meshing Roundtable September 15-18,2002 Ithaca New York, USA

Adjoint-based Mesh Adaptation Criteria

Reproduced from Venditti and Darmofal (MIT, 2002)

Adjoint-based Mesh Adaptation Criteria

Reproduced from Venditti and Darmofal (MIT, 2002)

Adjoint-based Mesh Adaptation Criteria

Reproduced from Venditti and Darmofal (MIT, 2002)

Overlapping Unstructured Meshes

Alternative to moving mesh for large scale relative geometry motion Multiple overlapping meshes treated as single data-structure
Dynamic determination of active/inactive/ghost cells

Advantages for parallel computing

Obviates dynamic load rebalancing required with mesh motion techniques Intergrid communication must be dynamically recomputed and rebalanced
Concept of Rendez-vous grid (Plimpton and Hendrickson)
11th International Meshing Roundtable September 15-18,2002 Ithaca New York, USA

Overlapping Unstructured Meshes

Simple 2D transient example

11th International Meshing Roundtable September 15-18,2002 Ithaca New York, USA

Gradient-based Design Optimization

Minimize Cost Function F with respect to design variables v, subject to constraint R(w) = 0
F = drag, weight, cost v = shape parameters w = Flow variables R(w) = 0 Governing Flow Equations

Gradient Based Methods approach minimum along direction : F

11th International Meshing Roundtable September 15-18,2002 Ithaca New York, USA

Grid Related Issues for Gradient-based Design

Parametrization of CAD surfaces Consistency across disciplines
eg. CFD, structures,

Surface grid motion Interior grid motion Grid sensitivities Automation / Parallelization
11th International Meshing Roundtable September 15-18,2002 Ithaca New York, USA

Preliminary Design Geometry

X34 CAD Model

23,555 curves and surfaces

c/o J. Samareh, NASA Langley

Launch Vehicle Shape Parameterization

c/o J. Samareh, NASA Langley

Sensitivity Analysis
objective function (e.g., Stress, CD)

v design variables (e.g., span, camber)

Grid f Grid s F F Geometry x x x v Grid f Grid s Geometry v

geometry modeler (CAD) analysis code field grid generator surface grid generator

Manual differentiation Automatic differentiation tools (e.g., ADIFOR and ADIC) Complex variables Finite-difference approximations

c/o J. Samareh, NASA Langley

Finite-Difference Approximation Error for Sensitivity Derivatives

Parameterized HSCT Model

c/o J. Samareh, NASA Langley

Grid Sensitivities
Grid v

Grid Grid

f s

Grid s Geometry x Geometry v

Ideally should be available from grid/cad software

Analytical formulation most desirable Burden on grid / CAD software Discontinous operations present extra challenges
Face-edge swapping Point addition / removal Mesh regeneration

11th International Meshing Roundtable September 15-18,2002 Ithaca New York, USA

High-Order Accurate Discretizations

Uniform X2 refinement of 3D mesh: Work increase = factor of 8 2nd order accurate method: accuracy increase = 4 4th order accurate method: accuracy increase = 16
For smooth solutions

Potential for large efficiency gains Spectral element methods Discontinuous Galerkin (DG) Streamwise Upwind Petrov Galerkin (SUPG)

Higher-Order Accurate Discretizations

Transfers burden from grid generation to Discretization

11th International Meshing Roundtable September 15-18,2002 Ithaca New York, USA

Spectral Element Solution of Maxwells Equations

J. Hesthaven and T. Warburton (Brown University)

High-Order Discretizations
Require more complete surface definition Curved surface elements
Additional element points Surface definition (for high p)

Combined H-P Refinement

Adaptive meshing (h-ref) yields constant factor improvement
After error equidistribution, no further benefit

Order refinement (p-ref) yields asymptotic improvement

Only for smooth functions Ineffective for inadequate h-resolution of feature Cannot treat shocks

H-P refinement optimal (exponential convergence)

Requires accurate CAD surface representation
11th International Meshing Roundtable September 15-18,2002 Ithaca New York, USA

Unstructured mesh CFD has come of age
Combined advances in grid and solver technology Inviscid flow analysis (isotropic grids) mature Viscous flow analysis competitive

Complex geometry handling facilitated Adaptive meshing potential not fully exploited Additional considerations in future
Design methodologies New discretizations New solution techniques H-P Refinement
11th International Meshing Roundtable September 15-18,2002 Ithaca New York, USA

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