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Frontal depressions
A frontal depression is a low pressure area formed at the boundary between two different air masses. Frontal depressions occur in middle or high latitudes. When a series of them follow one after another, they are referred to as a family of frontal depressions.

A line at the earth surface dividing two air masses.
Frontal surface(zone) The surface separating two air masses

Frontal surface


Warm and cold fronts

The effects of a cold front passing over any area or weather station are marked by strong storms followed by clearing and dissipation of their trademark conditions in a few days, with warming being the normal result unless another cold front behind the first moves in before the moderation. Warm fronts, on the other hand, develop when low pressure, warmer, moist air overtakes a Cold Front. Again, the warm air glides up and over the cold air mass. Precipitation is over a much broader area and thick nimbostratus and other stratified cloud types are characteristic.

The principal frontal zones in NH

1-The arctic front: In the Atlantic separating arctic air from maritime polar air of the NA 2-The polar front: In the Atlantic which either separates CP air of the N America from MT air of the N A or MP air of the NA from MT air of the NA. 3-Similar to (1&2) arctic and polar fronts in the pacific 4-The Mediterranean front: Separating the cold air over Europe in winter from the warm air over the N Africa 5-The ITCZ(Doldrum): Separating Equatorial air from air of higher latitude.


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Low Pressure

High Pressure

Buys Ballot's Law

In the Northern Hemisphere, if you stand with your back to the wind, the LOW PRESSURE area is to your left

The Movement of Air Masses

Warm and cold fronts


Is the formation of frontal depression or the deepening of one already existent. The warm air should be travelling faster than the cold air or they should be travelling in opposite direction


Leading edge of this cold air is called The Polar Front

Cold Air

Warm Air

Depression stage 1
Depressions form where a warm air mass eg Tropical Maritime meets a cold air mass eg Polar Maritime


Cold Front

Warm Front


Warm Sector


Depression stage 2 : maturity

Rain often occurs along the warm and cold fronts where air rises, expands, cools and condenses


Secondary Depression

Occluded Front






Depression stage 3 : occlusion

The cold front eventually catches up the slower moving warm front to form an occluded front.

warm front Cold fronts Stationary fronts Occluded fronts

A warm front is defined as the transition zone where a warm air mass is replacing a cold air mass. Warm fronts generally move from southwest to northeast and the air behind a warm front is warmer and more moist than the air ahead of it. When a warm front passes through, the air becomes noticeably warmer and more humid than it was before.

warm fronts

Precipitation Along a Warm Front

Warm front

Cold Front
A cold front is defined as the transition zone where a cold air mass is replacing a warmer air mass. Cold fronts generally move from northwest to southeast. The air behind a cold front is noticeably colder and drier than the air ahead of it. When a cold front passes through, temperatures can drop more than 15 degrees within the first hour.

Precipitation Along a Cold Front

Cold front


Cold Front

General Direction of Depression

Warm Front

Depression - cross section

Cirrus Cirro Stratus

Cumulonimbus Cumulus

Alto Stratus

Nimbo Stratus Strato Stratus Cumulus



Heavy Rain Showers





Occluded Front
A developing cyclone typically has a preceding warm front (the leading edge of a warm moist air mass) and a faster moving cold front (the leading edge of a colder drier air mass wrapping around the storm). North of the warm front is a mass of cooler air that was in place before the storm even entered the region.

Occluded front - cross-section

Stationary Front
When a warm or cold front stops moving, it becomes a stationary front. Once this boundary resumes its forward motion, it once again becomes a warm front or cold front. A stationary front is represented by alternating blue and red lines with blue triangles pointing towards the warmer air and red semicircles pointing towards the colder air.

Frontolysis: Is the weakening or destruction or decay of a frontal depression. Line squall: A cold front is often referred to as line squall because, just before it passes, the long line of low based Cb clouds may be seen which is accompanied by heavy rain or hail and thunder with lightning. Sudden fall of T and rise of pressure, veering of wind about 90. A line squall may last from 15-30 minutes. Occlusions: When the cold air in front of and behind the warm sector of a frontal depression, under cuts the warm air and lift it completely above sea level.

A cyclone is an area of low pressure around which the winds flow counterclockwise in the Northern Hemisphere and clockwise in the Southern Hemisphere. A developing cyclone is typically accompanied by a warm front pushing northward and a cold front pulling southward, marking the leading edges of air masses being wrapped around a center of low pressure, or the center of the cyclone. The counterclockwise winds associated with northern hemisphere mid-latitude cyclones play a significant role in the movement of air masses, transporting warm moist air northward ahead of a low while dragging colder, drier air southward behind it. Rising air in the vicinity of a low pressure center favors the development of clouds and precipitation, which is why cloudy weather (and likely precipitation) are commonly associated with an area of low pressure.

The term usually refers only to tropical cyclones which are limited to defined regions in many of which they are given local names. Cyclone of temperate latitudes are called depressions


cyclonic development stage 1

The beginning of a large-scale cyclonic development occurs as a northern cold air mass moves south (and often with an eastern component) against an air mass that is cooler, or even describable as warm; each air mass is moving. At this first stage, the boundary between air masses becomes stationary and air above it is in a pressure trough as air diverges horizontally. Air from the surface replaces the upper air and this leads to a pressure drop or a low along the front. At the surface, winds move towards to lower pressure centers and begin to circulate as a counterclockwise inspiral. The process is aided by imbalances in the jet stream where air is forced into uplift. The two fronts cold and warm - are connected by an extra-tropical cyclone. This strengthens aloft and the process of cyclogenesis begins to produce stormy conditions.

cyclonic development stage 2

With continued pressure drop, the cold front advances into the warm sector and the angle between air masses lessens. During this mature stage, prominent wave shapes are developed in each front (wave cyclones). If the storm tracks to the north of an observation point, that area will receive much rain if temperatures are warm or snow if the near surface conditions are cold. The faster moving cold front eventually overtakes the warm front, developing an occluded state, driving the warm air overhead. In time, the cyclone weakens as the storm moves more to the east. The horizontal pressure gradient diminishes, dissipating the front (frontolysis) and the dissolving stage is reached. After the passage of a mid-latitude low, a high usually follows: If the pressure gradient between air masses is high (steep) a period of strong winds usually results.

For the North American continent, the steering of this cold frontal system is controlled by the Westerlies (winds from the West) and storms in its path come usually from the Canadian West. Maritime polar air masses in the northwest Atlantic can produce east and northeast winds (along the northwest sector of a Low) causing severe storm conditions known as a "Noreaster"

Cold & warm occlusion

Cold occlusion or cold front

Warm occlusion or warm front

A depression originates as a disturbance on the polar front and dies after its warm sector has been occluded and the center has become remote from the main polar front.The conditions which favored the development of the original depression tend to be reproduced on the relatively slow moving part of the cold front which lies well to the south and west of the position reached by parent depression. This process may be repeated several times and producing families of depression

Families of depressions

Secondary depression
A depression embedded in the circulation of a larger or more vigorous depression, known as the primary. In general the secondary moves around the primary in a cyclonic direction. When the primary is weak and secondary strong, it may be absorbed in the circulation of the secondary or the two depression may rotate around each other.

Non-frontal depressions
These depressions are not connected with frontal zones and include: 1- Thermal depressions: Is due to unequal heating of adjacent surface areas, and sea and land distribution plays a big part in determining their location. (e,g Arabian sea monsoon)

2- Depression due to vertical instability: Thermal instability in the vertical column of air, especially if the air become saturated. (e g formation of TRS) 3-Depression due to topography(lee depression) : If the wind blows across a mountain range which is sufficiently high and continuous to act as a barrier, the resulting distorsion of the wind flow leads to the formation of a depression in the lee of the mountain range.

symbols used in making weather maps

Some of the symbols used in making weather maps have been introduced in these illustrations. These are the main symbols for Surface Fronts and related features: These symbols are identified as follows: 1) Cold Front; 2) Warm Front; 3) Stationary Front; 4) Occluded Front; 5) Trough; 6) Squall Line; 7) Dry Line; 8) Tropical Wave

Anticyclone or high
Is an area of high pressure surrounded by areas of low pressure. the isobars form closed shapes. The winds blow spirally outwards, clockwise in NH

Warm and cold anticyclone

If the descending air originally came from a very cold source, it would be colder than the surrounding air at all equal level and called cold anticyclone. If the descending air originally came from a warm source, it would be warmer than surrounding air at all equal level and called warm anticyclone.



Is an area between two lows and two highs situated alternately. Light variable winds are experienced for short period. R.H is fairly high and lightning may be seen. A COL may be situated between a primary and secondary lows or between the boundary of two different air masses. No definite pattern of weather is associated with a COL.

Ridge(of high pressure)

an elongated area of relatively high atmospheric pressure, almost always associated with and most clearly identified as an area of maximum anticyclonic curvature of wind flow. See note on page 56

Is an area of low pressure jutting in to areas of high pressure. The isobars are curved with low pressure inside but they do not form necessarily closed shape. The pressure gradient is fairly high resulting in strong winds. Bad weather is associated with trough. There are two forms of trough

Non frontal trough

The isobars curve gently. When it passes over an observer the wind veers gradually in the N.H and backs in S.H. The U of the non frontal trough always points towards the equator.

Frontal trough
It exists at the boundary between two different air masses. On crossing it, the isobars change direction suddenly (~90). The V formed the isobars always point towards the equator. When it passes over an observer the wind veers(back in S.H) by about 90 . Squalls may be experienced with lightning and heavy shower. Since one air mass is replaced by another, a sudden change of T experienced on its passage

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