Unang Yakap
Unang Yakap
Unang Yakap
Reduce Under 5-mortality rate from 80.0 to 26.7 (per 1,000 LB) Reduce Infant mortality rate from 57.0 to 19.0 (per 1,000 LB)
Equipment must be checked daily and well before a delivery takes place. Resuscitation equipment should always be close to the delivery area Health workers must know how to use the equipment.
Phil. ENCC 11
Always remember the importance of observing precautions to help protect the mother and baby and ourselves from infections with bacteria, viruses including HIV
Phil. ENCC
Skin-to-Skin Contact
Provides warmth Improves bonding Provides protection from infection by exposure of the baby to good bacteria of the mother Increases the blood sugar of the baby Contributes to the overall success of breastfeeding
Skin-to-Skin Contact
Effect on Immunoprotection Colonization with maternal skin flora Stimulation of the mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue system. Ingestion of colostrum
Risks of Hypothermia
Hypothermia can lead to : Infection Coagulation defects Acidosis Delayed fetal to newborn circulatory adjustment Hyaline membrane disease Brain hemorrhage.
[i] Tunell R. Hypothermia: epidemiology and prevention, in Improving Newborn Health in Developing Countries, A. Costello and D. Manandhar, Editors. 2000, Imperial College Press: London, UK. p. 207-220.
the cord at 2 cm & 5 cm from the abdomen. -Cut between ties with sterile instrument. -Observe for oozing blood. Do not apply any substance to the stump Do not bind or bandage the stump Leave the stump uncovered
[i] Tollin M, Bergsson G, Kai-Larsen Y, Lengqvist J, Sjovall J, Griffiths W, Skulavottir G, Haraldsson A, et al. Vernix Caseosa as a multicomponent defense system based on polypeptides, lipids and their interactions. Cell Mol Life Sci 2005; 62:2390-2399 [ii] Righard L, Alade M. Effect of delivery room routines on success of first breastfeed. Lancet 1990; 336: 1105-07
Monitor the mother and baby during the first hour after complete delivery of the placenta
Never leave the woman and newborn alone Keep the mother and baby in the delivery room Record findings, treatments and procedures in the labor record Monitor every 15 minutes: Baby Breathing warmth
newborn shows feeding cues (e.g. opening of mouth, tonguing, licking, rooting), make
verbal suggestions to the mother to encourage her newborn to move toward the breast e.g. nudging.
Initiation of breastfeeding
Health workers should not touch the newborn unless there is a medical indication. Do not give sugar water, formula or other prelacteals. Do not give bottles or pacifiers. Do not throw away colostrum. If the mother is HIV-positive, counsel the mother on breastfeeding
Unneccesary Procedures
Not routinely recommended for all neonates
1. 2. 3. 4. Routine suctioning Early bathing/washing Foot printing Giving sugar water, formula or other prelacteals and use of bottles and pacifiers 5. Application of alcohol, medicines and other susbstances on the cord stump and bandaging the cord stump or abdomen
Remove first set of gloves. Clamp and cut the cord when pulsations have stopped ( 1-3 minutes) Place the newborn on the mothers chest in skin-to-skin contact Cover the babys head with a hat. Cover the mother and baby with a warm cloth. Initiate breastfeeding while maintaining skin-to-skin contact. Place identification band on ankle. Do eye care
Phil. ENCC
Pocket guide to the PCPNC Manual (WHO 2006) DOH issued Administrative Order 2009-0025on Dec. 1,2009 : Adopting New Policies and Protocol On ENC