Carbohydrates: PH 105 Pharmacognosy-I
Carbohydrates: PH 105 Pharmacognosy-I
Carbohydrates: PH 105 Pharmacognosy-I
Carbohydrates are polyhydroxy aldehydes or ketones, or substances that yield such compounds on hydrolysis
Biological importance
they provide energy through oxidation they supply carbon for the synthesis of cell components
Carbohydrates Simple Sugar (Saccharide) Polysaccharide
Monosaccharid e
Tetrasaccharid e
Simple Sugar
characterized presence
by of
The number of carbon atoms most often five or six. These are simplest sugar molecules and hence cannot be hydrolyzed into simpler form.
Sub-classified on the basis of no. of carbon atoms present. a. Bioses 2 carbon atom, not occur free in nature. a. Trioses 3 carbon atom e.g. glyceraldehydes b. Tetroses 4 carbon atom e.g. threose, erythrose c. Pentoses 5 carbon atom e.g. xylose, arabinose, rhamnose, ribose and ribulose. d. Hexoses 6 carbon atom e.g. glucose, fructose, mannoseand galactose.
Trioses: Tetrose:
On the basis of presence of carbonyl group: 1. Aldoses- (containing aldehydic group) e.g. glucose, arabinose and galactose
Carbohydrates are found in plants in more than one isomeric form i.e. D or L Most of the natural monosachharides belongs to D series (except L-rhamnose, Larabinose and L-fucose). Monosachharides can exist in both cyclic structures i.e. either pyrano (six membered ring) or furano (five membered ring) depending on nature of bridge (1-4 or1-5).
generally occurs
forms in
pyranose pyranose
furanose configuration
The carbon atoms in ring are of sp3 hybridization and may not be in the planner form; hence it adopts various conformations
Preffered pyranose
conformation is always
Sucrose is commonly obtained from sugar cane and hence known as cane sugar. It yields glucose and fructose on hydrolysis.
Maltose is obtained by hydrolysis of starch during germination of grains, it yields two molecules of glucose on hydrolysis.
On the basis of type of glycosidic linkage present the disaccharides are of two types: 1. Non reducing disaccharides (linkage
Gentiano se
Glucose + Fructose + galactose (Beet and sugarcane) Glucose + Glucose + Fructose (Gentian root)
Polysacchrides (Glycans)
These are high molecular weight polymers of larger number of monosaccharide molecules.
These serve as skeletal material (cellulose) or reserve food material (starch, glycogen and inulin).
Glycans i.
condensation of larger number of same sugar molecules, e.g. starch, cellulose, glycogen etc. ii. Heteroglycans (heterogeneous
Starch from
reserve It
source, of two
a. Amylose (20-30%) is a water soluble, linear chain molecule, composed of 250- 300 -D glucose having 1-4 linkage. It forms blue color with iodine.
b. Amylopectin (70-90%), it is insoluble in cold-water, branched chain molecule, composed of about 1000 -D glucose with
Cellulose is the most universal biological polymer. It is fibrous substance of cell wall and responsible for structural rigidity of plants in combination with lignin. Cellulose is a linear polymer made up of (1-4) linked D-glucose units, its molecular weight ranges from 50,000 25,00,000. Cotton fibers are the purest form of cellulose (98%), whereas oxidized cellulose and methylcellulose are cellulose derivatives used in pharmacy.
Gums are complex heterogeneous, branched and uronic acid containing polysaccharide macromolecules. These are translucent, amorphous substances, exudates of plants and produced as the result of trauma. Gums are insoluble in organic solvents but most of them are soluble in water and forms colloidal viscous solutions.
solutions (<1%) precipitates upon addition of ethanol or lead sub acetate. Gums on
galactose, glucose, mannose and xylose) with sugar acids (glucoronic acid and galacto-uronic acid).
Mucilages are normal cell constituents of high molecular weight compounds, composed mainly of sulphuric acid esters of sugar. These neither dissolves in water to form clear colloidal solutions but swells nor precipitates by addition of alcohol. Mucilages on hydrolysis yields sugar (galactose and arabinose) and sugar acids (uronic acids). Seaweed agar and carrageenan contains mucilage composed of salts of sulphate esters of polysaccharides
Pectins are defined as the group of polymers made-up of partially methylated 1-4 linked galacturonic acid residues associated with arabinan and galactan units. These are localized in middle lamella of vegetable cell wall but for industrial purpose it is obtained from inner
Mono-saccharides are the building blocks of carbohydrates. Di, oligo and polysaccharides on hydrolysis in presence of mineral acid yield monosaccharide units. Monosaccharides are soluble in water and practically insoluble in organic solvents like chloroform, ether and in absolute alcohols. These are optically active compounds and respond to various color reactions and identification tests.
i. Charring test ii. Molish test iii. Iodine test iv. Barford test v. Seliwanoffs test vi. Fehling solution test vii. Benedict test viii. Tollens test ix. Bials test x. Osazone test
1. Charring test: Carbohydrates on heating in testube or in presence of Conc. H2SO4, produces charring with smell like burning sugar. 2. Molish test: Aqueous solution of drug/carbohydrate mixed with few drops of Molish reagent (alpha naphthol) and Conc. H2SO4 was added from sidewall of testube. Formation of purple coloured ring at junction indicates presence of
3. Iodine test: It is specific for polysacchrides. Few drops of Iodine solution was added to aqueous solution of drug/polysaccharide.
4. Barford test: This test is used to distinguish between monosacchride and disacchrides. Two ml of Barford reagent (Cupric acetate,
5. Seliwanoffs test: This test is used for identification of keto-hexoses or to distinguish between ketoses and aldoses. To 1 ml aqueous solution of drug, 5 ml of Seliwanoffs reagent (resorcinol in 6M HCl) was added and boiled. Formation of cherry red colour in presence of ketose (Fructose) due to formation of hydroxyl methyl furfural, which condensed with resorcinol to produce cherry red colour.
6. Fehling solution test: It is generally used for reducing sugars and composed of two solutions, which are mixed in situ. Fehling solution A composed of 0.5% of copper sulphate whereas Fehling solution B composed of Sodium Potassium Tartarate.
reducing sugars can be tested by first boiling in dilute acid solution followed by neutralization with ammonia. This neutralized aqueous is used for testing.
7. Benedicts test: It is used for reducing sugars and composed of mainly Copper sulphate and sodium hydroxide. To the 4 ml
8. Tollens test: Tollens reagent (Silver Nitrate, NaOH and Ammonia) is Ammonical Silver Nitrate (diaminesilver (I) complex), an oxidizing agent, which is itself reduced to silver metal in a clean glass reaction vessel and forms a "silver mirror", when raects with aldehydes to form carboxylic acids. Add few drops of freshly prepared Tollens reagent to 2 ml of aqueous solution of drug in clean testube and heat gently. Formation of black mirror on the sidewall of testube indicates the presence of
9. Bials test: It is used to distinguish between pentoses and hexoses. Pentoses reacts with Bials reagent (Orcinol in Conc. HCl and
10. Osazone test: The osazone test was developed by Emil Fischer to identify aldose sugars differing in configuration only at the alpha-carbon. These sugars react with 2, 4dinitro-phenyl hydrazine effecting only alpha-carbon with formation of pink-red coloured bis-phenylhydrazone, known as an osazone. Application of the osazone reaction to D-glucose and D-mannose demonstrates that these compounds differ
Chemical test for Starch: It is soluble in hot water, gives positive test for Molish reagent and some specific tests like Jelly test and
Jelly test: To 0.5 gm of starch in a testube add 5 ml of distilled water and boil on water bath. Formation of translucent jelly indicates
presence of starch.
Lugol's iodine test: It is also known as iodine KI reagent and composed of aqueous Iodine solution in presence of KI. Few drops of iodine KI reagent was added to the aqueous solution of starch, which produces deep blue to bluish black colour due to presence of amylase. The colour developed disappears on warming and reappears on cooling. Starch amylopectin, disacchrides and cellulose do not produce
Bengal isinglass Ceylon isinglass Layor carang Vegetable gelatin.
Biological Source
Agar is the dried hydrophilic colloidal polysaccharide complex obtained as the dried gelatinous substance from Gelidium
Family: Gelidaceae
It is an usual practice in Japan where the red-algae is cultivated by placing poles or bamboos spread in the ocean which will
During the months of May and October the poles are removed and the algae are
The fresh seaweed thus collected is washed thoroughly extracted in in water and subsequently hot digestors containing
The mucilagenous extract is filtered through linen while hot and collected in large wooden troughs to cool down to ambient
The gel is mechanically cut into bars and passed through a wire netting to form strips. The moisture from the strips is removed by
Colour : Yellowish white or Yellowish grey Odour : Odourless Taste : Bland and mucilaginous Shape : It is available in different shapes, such as: bands, strips, flakes, sheets and coarse powder
Size :
It is insoluble in cold water in organic solvents. It readily dissolves in hot solutions and it
Chemical Constituents
fraction. The agarose is responsible for the gelstrength of agar and consists of (+) galactose and 3,6-anhydro-()-galactose
Agaropectin is responsible for the viscosity of agar solutions and comprises of sulphonated polysaccharide wherein both
Chemical Tests
1. It gives a pink colouration with Ruthenium Red solution.
3. Prepare a 0.5%(w/v) solution of agar and add to 5 ml of it 0.5 ml of HCl, boil gently for 30 minutes and divide into two equal
(a) To one portion add BaCl2 solution and observe a slight whitish precipitate due to the formation of BaS04 (distinction from Tragacanth),
(b) To the other portion add dilute KOH solution for neutralization, add 2 ml of Fehlings solution and heat on a water bath.
used in making photographic emulsions, employed as a bulk laxative, used in preparing gels in cosmetics. It is widely used as thickening agent in confectionaries and dairy products. used in the production of ointments and medicinal encapsulations. In microbiology, it is employed in the preparation of bacteriological culture media. Used in the dyeing and printing of fabrics and textiles. Used as dental impression mould base.
Pectin is a group of polysaccharides found in nature in the primary cell walls of all seed bearing plants and are invariably located in the middle lamella.
Pectin is naturally found in a number of plants namely: lemon peel, orange peel, apple pomace, carrots, sunflower-heads,
Biological Source
family Rutaceae
lemon/orange rind or apple pomace; besides the attempt to prepare either low methoxy group or high methoxy group pectins.
Preserved or freshly obtained lemon peels are gently boiled with approximately 20 times its weight of fresh water maintained
The effective pH (3.5 to 4.0) must be maintained with food grade lactic acid/citric acid/tartaric extraction. acid to achieve maximum
resulting solution both proteins and starch contents are suitably removed by enzymatic hydrolysis. The remaining solution is warmed to deactivate the added enzymes. The slightly coloured solution is effectively decolourized with activated carbon or bone charcoal. The pectin in its purest form is obtained by precipitation with water-miscible organic solvents (e.g., methanol, ethanol, acetone), washed with small quantities of solvent and dried in a vaccum
Appearance : Coarse or fine- powder Colour : Yellowish white Odour : Practically odourless Taste : Mucilaginous taste Solubility : 1. Completely soluble in 20 parts of water forming a solution containing negatively charged and very much hydrated particles. 2. Dissolves more swiftly in water, if previously moistened with sugar syrup, alcohol, glycerol or if first mixed with 3 or more parts of sucrose.
Chemical Constituents
Pectin occurs naturally as the partial methyl ester of a (14) linked (+) polygalacturonate sequences interrupted
The neutral sugars that essentially form the side chains on the pectin molecules are namely: (+) galactose, () arabinose, (+) xylose, and () fructose.
Chemical Tests
1. A 10% (w/v) solution gives rise to a solid gel on cooling. 2. A transparent gel or semigel results by the interaction of 5 ml of 1% solution of pectin with 1 ml of 2% solution of KOH and subsequently setting aside the mixture at an ambient temperature for 15 minutes. The resulting gel on acidification with dilute HCl and brisk shaking yields a voluminous and gelatinous colourless
It is employed mostly as an intestinal demulscent. It is believed that the unchanged molecules of polygalacturonic
As a pharmaceutical aid pectin is used frequently as an emulsifying agent and also as a gelling agent preferably in an acidic
It is employed extensively in the preparation of jellies and similar food products e.g., jams, sauces, ketchups.
Poectin in the form of pastes exerts a bacteriostatic activity and hence, is used frequently in the treatment of indolent ulcers
A combination of pectin and gelatin find its application as an encapsulating agent in various pharmaceutical formulations to afford sustained-release characteristics.